THE EVENING TELEGRAM "ROCKY MOUNi LEADS THE WAY I M , EVERY DAY" A (VOL. XI,V;. NO. 349. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. TUESDAY AFTERNOON , AUGUST 17, JU20 PRICE 5 CENTS - THE WEATHEB Partly Cloudy; thu-nderghow-era today and tomorrow SHRRING SCENES ENACTED AS LEGISLATURE TAKES UP SUFFRAGEQUESTION TODAY Senator Carr Risks Politi I cal Death to Support )f Ratification DIFFICULT PROBLEM HV MAIVTjti nnrmn Opponents 0f - Ratification , Voice Their Views in V Speech of Senator YY ar 12 .re:: Republican Senator .' Breaks Into Debate Raleigh, " Aiiff.i 17.---Ainul sctin" which tee state house; has never wit nessed since tln dnvs of tho civil war. . Horth Carn.liiiii legislature booun con--' sideration of federal -.'woman's, -uU'ruge amendment. The Hag' bedecked gab )ry set aside for the sulTraist - broke into prolonged cheering when. 1 lit sen ( clerk 'hcgtih reading t lie rat ififatioti resolution, Jt was rciiovxcd when Sen .-tor .Carr'-was recognized ami nw .. speak. Carr said he had been t-dd it meant Ills political tlna'tk' . . '"support xatitication and then so-finding'the i-all " to democrats, he continued, . -. . "But 1 shall ;'vot'e fur it. 1 lliink'if all of us who Savor.' t his .ir.ivi..pi; : stand by our. convictions to the: point, where were, arc: willing to- lay ; down Vr political lives for .it, we .will :i"t Vast have done our duty by our party, Mate and nut ion. We have vet tin . faith tii fiice our Alirt i an .' vvoineii. ' ' iSntTrngo opponents stated their iaso Through Senator .Warn it 'their il.ior leader. He declared that .f the Wo men of, ..North Carolina . Xau:o,l sail'-, f rngc "and I do,i lit -'i f , i hey ; tin ' '-he believed it should lie given thein by "Ihr -white men of N oft h I 'a roliua. I Km here to vote nufuiiM thi- reolation jrt'Kflrdles.i' of .coercion fear or .threats and regardless, of ithe stato ' plat forae of the deiiiociatic party" Warreii de clared. . . . ' .. - ' Vou of the suffrage side say. .our I platform pledge?, ratili-'u tadi and. I .'a.u- -J awor that that platform plahk h.-i - In . n ' repudiated by all ("lint,; -in xx h i-.h ! lit people hiiye htnl an upper uii.ty to-vot, on. it;- I say t li.u t t lie people have' spoken ..through their ballot and. that -'.voici' should be lira 1. 1. Senator Warren 1 1 a ' 1 not (one. fur be fore a lively . e.teha n;e Carr took place. '' 'Ike i the question of " polit ii a I njitor over i pa r' o.i was fillet w it li . cnlLiiipiia li vu in the galleries' a chame -i nppiaii 1 Warreu.'s statciiu nt that- 1 1 1 . pi s-'Hiit: sec tp, lis of the . sj:, !v hail 'fcgaii'st snf fin L'e Hioilcm. f-enator .ssi -k. t l,o fir t lie Mild B( eak. -...'"'t Was it the ' .people'' : xx ho '-'-j was it a . polit ical bos-?:". Sl-k k,v oi ask,-.) . t Mao' ''JAiseuS'd.iig reason- ' by should be. ratified,. ! It-., said . Ui Imueiils argue. i it '(jho'.uhl be dnii state auieiHluient rallit-r t.han uati ' : "I want to know .uhal ' ! !ri; l.i eiter is. "-ho.' said. " I - "' r ', anieiiiliiient im i ;'fnijl .'' ' ' J.l ; -J 'wast interrupt ,d by a roai: t,f.tX,i. and hisses from t he ant i ts:i 'I o ry .. 1. Gtivernor f Jar i ni-r rappi-d .1 1 r ;,i d'-r warned Haiu-t, a r pet it .-nr -of tleinonst rat ioli alter- which bk ti to . the aisle where he eoiild ' ' -.ey anti nuffrai;ists a tui - emit ; lined. null. pp,-l. Vou ni til ore a i e .' vpic.-i I. 1 re nut air ibotil ilil ,jf I hp', w oll.ei North f'arolina xvho actiiall itiffraue and vou don.'l kiimx y --opp, 'w.hv.' The srvcrest alttick on t'ln ranks of the antin came from' Sena I or (ilidxxoll. who threw . down . the, bars . and r hal: lRHKi'd tin" reaetionnrv eleiiient to de feat the resoltit ion. " The speaker prodded the. opposition lead.r. Warren', for presuming th "spit upon the ilenio eratif party's (iledue to rfikit'y,";' Siui Btor Olidxvell asserted he xxoubl suppoil the resolution "if every inaii,. xxoinaii and child in niv count v xvere ae.iiusi me." -.- . His statement brought Warren, to his seat to accuse Olidwoll of- htdng.. an " eiiibe.zler of poxver. Warren said Glidwidl was not representat i e.. ""But I ant not a county senator-," Oliilwcll reoinei. ' am spre Sen ator and in v ueople cannot a nTt w ill not control me when a tpieslion is belore me that Involves not .: only any eoiitity but mv state, as a whole and mv na titin. . f'lf I am an enibe..h'r of poxxer. then Senator Warren is u read bnniry Btandiiatter; lie i.s not responsive, to proifressive t iiimu lit and action. ' The ratilication til,. ineinliiieiit e.une tin in the sen a If this niorniii"; in. nccorilauco' xx itli the atitec nient made last uiL'ht. to sot the ra i tication resolution as a si.enal . nrder for this inorninjj at llteU o'clo.-k. 'I'his mntitin xvns" made by Senator I.iinls.iy -.'W'arren,'. leader of the nittis it) 'l.i' : -senate,, and was secoiieed 'bv Senator fteales, who nit roduced the suftiaL'c resolution. - T lit ineasure came lu torc " the sfcnate on it , 7",AjO n; hit? eotnuntlee I report. v The rules of the sfitate prevent ni. the presence of visitors in the lobbies and hnllwavs of the chamber was na ldlv enforced bv the sergeant. at arms, who had been notified hv Senator Warren that he woubt im-ist that this rule be enforced during-. tfiv suffrage I debate. One half of the small gallon apace of the senate xvas uiveii over to those who favored surTrage ami the remainder was turned over to those who opposed votes for women. Both 'laPlt'B were pneked ' and lammed bv People wiu' wanted ,to hear the debate: -fhey gathered lon before the senate ' opened its regular session at 11 o'clock in order to get the preferred .places in the galleries. As the. tune drew near for the debate standing room was all taken and there were a number of CITY SIZZLING IN HOTTEST WEATHER Mercury Column of Ther mometer Mounts to 110 Dcgiee-j rJhi& Moining .Accordiiijr to . st at einent s bv 'many .jut l.ens of t he eit v, backed lip bv" Hie: innte -Jestliiii.ny"' of the . Uiorinniiie'toiV tins inornnio, tne past three days liavp been the hiiltcst of the eiil ire suinoo r. One '-.-.tlleniiometer.v "at '. t he eorniv of Wiisltiiiton. and Tarobor si reets direct- Iv in the oath of t he sun's ra s. , -'is. ;:;d II" d u r" s while another at the taridari! I'rug. ('.oiiipaiiy .--ortie: -. win H' was aKirt'jv protected from, t he sun, -ut ao-r.-iii-y Cololoil up to I'l.t .1,.. Win" I,- the-: so . w a i'in a s-, iher- auo. -li w eather tuny: nut be ' ex: e.riend-,1 .sevei-a ( sillM- en- .some citiyen" stal'' that t.lio t heraetno'! (in 'oiie occasion reach iele, it has never'hele-- . -i 17 d. -.;i,-.- here, it has bi.'li, llnl rliollh -for t 1.1 f,-w d.-v., ibnl'lv-Vlle hoi vaiik - oil' hi- oi vvnieii sintoiny rt as pi-ol test, 'to noiko frl'fow i-'oaf a'Ml i-o-I'lar aarv'l- pari, tor lin-l'-r l 'i,-. I mi, nil ' v - i rb--. f iii -t,f li!i' j;aii iiiytlui o. vnviniiuii'i. A s ',,r ork .a ie,i - - jieiy; -xvis"if!.fr" a; pr;,r to !:ino -kill ft'-'h- l'.-!!oW, 1) 'P ii-'o the: . lot li -He, hole. I'd .'it Vi b.-:icb :i-t ho . lir-l, ti iitid tv b- ,,;t, tho mountain--, he- c--,u- b- sleep, it' lie! puU (lll.ail i"i;;e;'l .Irt'a'm iiboai - ff,,.;' -noil h j bio, ivi-'t.-r. A - work, tl.-it inip,.--ib(r ,,.1!,) of .-,jur-i-; it ' t" Ket; a'i'ri'-ti;. '.let ' -loefiody vou, or- sut'er fi-niii-'.-niv 'at'll ,-.-pt' spring rV.-. r. An, I .'th.-r. b.oi' I hi- v,-:;t i, or ,l,av pre, I t ,r- t tihia,r , ,,; 'toliMO-r,.!'-.. ,-i ; h- : loo -t . he t'llil. tbe t rill li run o -t inn' x mi e- ,-d I'-ab hel-e r o.ncr NATIONALISTS TRY TO BOYCOTT GREECE Spread Propaganda for Uouott b Wntmg on h ive-Piastre Notes !l! st a lit illople N i '.opaiia'ui irei 'ks .1 i'l'e cot' -aa t hi,- li i . lT : Turk' r no'iv! the at1 Ar, -bllV. f rpio. It-le T.;i ainiot 14, A M-i- .:! I 'a J -efet ".' I'l- .t'a'-t-.' I t. t '(' r- il - I hi : ' h ; Ilk, V Hri Tiii- ' the I ry lie "IV-l ,11 I Jia x e jln ri bill 1 1 l.i -s i oii- i-e - : n ;'! ' isuppro-e,'l t li ro wife; 'e . ' niiist ax ui-.-d' .'ifJ The .oxvel'- I hut at foe it i. s ; if II ('!,. k ,-r-ai IIS fie-kt!' . . - . " i -- '..:; : , "fC pi'fi'o-l 'of t 1"; ill I lie linli-t !. ; ifl'i r x .'jir snii-.. - r'i rs ti.- i-ei mi! . t .,- ( he hailsiiiash the eneiiiy 'bx i tor frophi t. " -.'; '.' .si'ry. ,. ,e We id. of Adx i: arm v. Hureau of Immigration ill He Hc-Organied!, 'tin :i trcn if I:; Tin I' tin1 hiirr:iu ut' . intinigr' iuti ,h;i nvorv i.y 'As-Mistajit Srcnt :i rv i.,-,r pnvt, ,":."'.-'."' Hi' l ,w:h t u k1!! . ff fir i a Is of Hie 'lft;nt TiM' n t -:iifl. tnclny, n-r:iiiM' nf n lit nn i tuiiral ing1 ' 1 n 1 1 it d i-'s'r!:i n tiuir' . of' ihi' ' tinrt'nH In .t )i .In it. . aii'l its t'ii-f.l si-fv it-tv - ' . people xx tin into the al - While . the :i Hi rina 1 1 e , had b, -ry at - , senate bio of unable to a K in up oiii-st ion. the I'l, ibl. this lower brani-li of the o'eiieral .-out iuiies t(. xvork "n t lie ii'iT'it ix e side of -the ipiestion. ,'riie lions,.', has the rtitif.ii at ioii v bi.titMi'' of ,M iii"ritx- l.faib r Will ams 'safely, pieeouholed. aii. I is ..nxailiiie the result of the coli tesl in the senate, xv hi eh pro i-ied :i lix-elii'i- fioht ex e,j t li:in did the iiiiini. i J in I .suffrage' bill xxhii-h p;)"e,l the upper lioii.-e iit I he. reenpi y.-'mii i. iily to be killed by the joxver house, o TIP' house' xv ill fiaVe "the opport 1111 it y of vol i'ns it Iter on tho resolution 'hat comes from the muuiIo or of voting nt) the rcjeetion resolution xxhirh was in 'roduced by II.-i i ry (frier of Iredell V the niyht nieeting' onMond.-iy. This rejection, resolution Calls on the lejjis lat ure tos reject the Susan H. Anthony a meiidtiif nt because it dori nfd repri -sent, the will of. the majority of '..the pen)Ie (it' .the state, TtTe" f I rier resolu tion says that the suffrage aineiidiiient is - incomplete xvith the constitution of the state and is contrary .to the 4111 1 lis of office taken by 'members' of the legislature. 1 lus resolution is jti the h.iiuls of the committee tin t-i -it it ti tiolial amendini'iita. no cointnenf, beini made us it was introduced. Tliri'ino rial from the state of Marvlnnd if in the hands of the couinuttJ'ton coustuutioual amendments, CONSIDER CUTTING OF KENTUCKY CROP Meeting Called At Lexjng . ton May Have Great Ef fect in North Carolina PRICES ARE BLAMED Strone Movement On J'oot In Kptitnelv T' C"t n,1t Burlev Crop Next " ear In Oidci That Plantei, Ma Sell Former Cro) l-'rbm. t hi':' jii'eseiit' -itiiat joiv .in Ken,' tuckv where a spei-ial inei't iu of. bur- . tolufco oi'ofVs of- three .-ta'es has been c.ilhd disi-u.-s the prob ability of cutting., nut the crop n I'.tL'l hocaiise of a ivei se sah'S coiol it ions, if aipiars that Hie outcome of the edii fereiice iilay'- ha e,-reat effect in tins -.late and that .North arolina. tobiir'.-o ui;i-: In' ejii li'il upon to. furnish pVaeticaliy .all the' leatT-'.The fuloxvi iut,' n.'ws .s'or',- from I.exiiinton, K.V.. eien plot ely explains' t he Kent iicky sit -uat ioir: . ; ; I to-leyates rcpn-seu! iili; iiiirlev .tobac-l-ii growers id' thri;e stutrs will nieet ill . Lexiliyttill next.- de cide-. w het lli.'i: - "il.l'b!! bur lev yrnvel's, prtfliifUia; an r ,;-u era';p - y,f :inii,iiiio,ii(iii ,iii) Is., of : fb: auiiiuiil.Vj vi!l cut in l":.'l. i-iltis to ti "iivetit ion. will be. onx-eii'jfins to-. b'e. liuri; -district aif b'urb-y pro,lii.'-iir 1 udianii.- ,.t' tiitouh lllllt t 1 1 1 Keutiic ky - a in! in t In I ()!ii0 ;,?, " "At. m, in t he Jes.Jin'S builey -x ii'io '.on . A ilLiUst .'-. t, 1 went v e'ihi KeiiV U rowers ."'lip ; f'n ct tackv, 6 ..0 f ,.-.,r, riil l int; ' ;ii-'t ion - v ,- 11-.. due Indiana nut ; t - ' li' Va vor ' of year..;' This . t'tiiab . ' ltd. w, oiaiiv loirii HI. !h.. Ct'O'I vtah I. , ; in oi ;, i- 1 he' I'oi'iv.-nl ee i-i',;u vx.a -,'' ' end h ,:! vler .1.1 Ut 1 Wi'rs -ol the a ,c an nee to a-'l -' Allal ifil ,i be-; ; Vi lli-' . hltrie lll'e' since t hi r;!e- , .',,----nie I., -!, (it t,er i fill of ! In v ;1 'nii T 'pi'ef I " ei-. : tied the - ir t-r-l.' .'o;f:s; i .b'-en . I -rev l:,:t wiii tot'. I . in'- j e' l!li crop x fl-,c lire lio- is'ell't' -'i-pO', i . ifiian:td!V., a - t2r" u no f;i nii alt lo.nh ;xv ill' fait Jin VI . n x '. ,r, t'ar la-'e'xv last year s cr T'.b.-u-i-o ' uialiiil'MctiiTer- ' try viii.0 duiy pi-a,i t-ii-a.iiy; lex ' croy raised iir tlyx ,,-i-dv ox ertoc ked -fii .-' I,.iv i-o, up. ux ors -:n '-, mid oi-i-liiie; tui'-i's t,v' fall ;'"iii-it- xvlu're . unifi.t is ' in. op iii .pi.-fli'y. of- the ci'im ill of the''l.-.iofi ' ai-..-; al nil.l e;raib':-'t-"-t !o y at'e f X; - winter.-. I " a Ipiiaer po'sM' :,!'-, v vei'-i'-t.'-t i) ".faruier xx it h iioih iiit; v-ee l '.' V sel'.' . " '.- .. nf K- f'i ii' kv fainiers .-li f . iu ;v. i u ; I'-1;'! not t-iie . niaiiiit'ai-'l iiri'rs a. e"' of- 'the'r exce-s . of hut xviiiild "n Isir put ill tn ti.-Si I ;t!i'r e'JV c rops - of l ui rlc v. -.; . upos'-t joit .' to (he f it t - t o in ra 1 ,(h:i'' ' a '. crop . V v Ml, I'd . 'J't vi , - ,'Ps.p,., '1 ,' xxrrit'. (lib i.-co land ,r fit' u ri of Jhiy o v i ' i I tTi, ,.- ,-l in, t i oui- r.hlc 1. x il,; .1.1 I s bur Saip -i CHAPMAN DIES AS RESULT OF INJURY Cleveland ShoitsToif Ki"c(l Bv One of Tail Mas Fast I 'alls w York, Aii, V7v.-.l!a-X'riioiiil I'hiip "f till- t ".. x . '..n. I ba- eball teaiii, was strit -k oil thi' head by a bail ivk 1 thrown t'er-lay ' 1 by .riti-her p ar! Mays, in yes, j.'.'iine ' x i'h ' t he-'-, Ni'xv -York us died -earlv PoPn-, ." - ()xx ', ii;:et-i. the death of 'ha piiia 111 u. t o -'.' yra me Voil; . ,!.-,' b'el xvei'ii f 'ti'X'yland- titiik l ip Amerii-ans lui s ' been' : po-t Hell' Longshoremen ote To Return To Work New : York, A :e. 17, shi.renieu. uieiubers id boni'shori'iiieii ' - as- .1 be, 11 011 -trikke -i II ft ,- t 'ifistwi-e, lone t hi'' i nterna.t iona l iatioit, xxhii haxe . la-1 April,- hax e 'iili'il to return to xvork : a 11 nnfl n,.-f .1 heve- t o.h'i V b once, it xx a ( apt. T. ' O 'f -oiiiicr j, resilient of. t ile assiit-'iti.t 1011. Chiirchman Arrested on Smuggling Charge Berlin, -An 5.' l7. tl.abrirl, of st:, BnU'fnee in on a -1 ery , h a - In in nr' re'lftl- --at. -iitiiiiifh - cliarei'it with -iiiii- '.din" h'rt ' ob:ie.'ts:and seeiiritie.s xvo.rt h 1 'iianvi iniliions Nius bolder, a Ze'it ' 1 1 H fjf 's llllich ' Tlie miiiiaster' f mark- across the nr, I in -r -1 " t iie Taee ,'.HTf spun b'tit . -xv)ts to be trausf, rrihl to Switzerland and it is alleeid (b-ibriel arrant'1-"! vxith txvo Munic that art dealers to include several boxe- of pn'ihtinifs anil art iili.ji'i'fs for shipment, xvith the iiiiiiiasterv fn.rnit.iit'e." ;, -Thin xx as not detected - untjr-.'irrival at. I,iu da'f where boxes of .ai'it.inj; 'val ie.r at ii,iillO,inhi marks were ilisrovettu-wlrilo securities valned at spii.tmil marks, were found sewri up' in tnuttreses. It is char)ed that the Abbot xvas to retrieve pecuniary . losses -ulTered in i iii'idin another relijiious cstablidinieiit. A hi'rli Behliu oflicial is said to be im plicated in the matter and art dealers have also been arrested. Visitor to Greenville Mr. Robert (Tatton. of this eitv, left vesterdav for Oreenville, where he will spend a few days. ".' SUFFRAGE BATIU'EIGHI TIB FIERCELY III SENATE TODAY Debate Among Fiercest Ever Heard in Legisla- tive Falls of State VOTE L VTE MAY BE TAKEN I AFTERNOON Dozen 'Speakers- Had Been . Recognized Up rlo rlwo O'clock Anti find horces Both Appeal fident oi Victory Pro (on- Kalei-h ,-Aiijs; 1 at ilieut ion of t he t raiie Uliifliil incut, setiii;,. of ;'t lie' ,i 1 1. 1 1 . 1 1 V:s ;i . l-;e;:.-d debale-a.-.i. t'.'inili nia n ha Ve v. I'e- part i zaiis 7 cha lices.' t liriiu,i..ii iji'i-tions pnppi d force adioissioii ;i n N early a doz, n 1 7.-Tlie. liyht over .federal wniiiauS silt rue-eil foibiy in the rlli, (Icrolina l.-nisla,-. of heated a'i,: ..a - the 11 at i Xerth M'hloui sei-n. riit-re xv c! I as 'fite'l 'oa',t ex ; '.t he' day aii ; hn al up . cout in iivili dy to id. briu id t(ii . -;: i-.ifi. speaki-r- .-had -ln-on li..- "it I., .a nil epro-' 'i'-ii rn late in the , lav tite support if- ti i re - by "' vot"s, : while I ral ilical ioii would i.'i.'ri.ii t'if. t xx'o' ballots. roiiienized iects for a xv eri- s li in . elaiiniii a oprieiients- lie f i.ri Viite i Surl'i i.'tiil ill '-isle i'rr.oxv i lose bv. i li INTEREST CENTERS IN SUFFRAGE FIGHT Eves of Anti and Pro -I orces m rl wo Counties I urned Towards Raleigh but i o;,r, : I, i- la "i lei, i.s. j--' -bv nd-oppo',, meii t :i x lettl-e-l.., II lie fell 'XUlicfif, Of t!i'e" e .le'i'li,., eit in r inn I'.v' -1 In- ;i t ( i-I'i in- s . ..' Whin r(! lint ij-i xy-i.l :i.i, pi "i unity :iaiiiM.- i, lie -Si, . .-:irif Hid tin , and -' n tlo' I,..:,,,, con :.'tlt elll,-IHaleli:i, V sup' -OSi'd t i. be .!lle. there tipiji v a ;i.-1. r -Sl poi't-erso lit i-ai i.liral ion in -, the tw o -.'Tl.e. Ii;aj"l':ty of . li,.. Wou.cii the cily haVi' In', it inactive in th '-et,- l-ut niaiiy luxe chauipiencd tlo' lilLti'.' i;;ili-c - lup-t - i.tifk'iisiiist icallv. of xviii kiiie in V-on ninci lo-i xx;. -...-ta'tr .r'er.. i io, -,i ,n IH'f llioll- it hi- en ' 'I'lii .' !.i-.: -,itVr;ie,: Tai-bor, I'eWriUf sp of the -.most 1 "nTjtv a ml , he : rnii; d, . l,i if ut ci' i,- I th, t i'l. iii all tioll- .tilhe at b: I i:il. suiri.ii -t ,'i nti 'id,, r of '!,vi,'e.l, , rvt - lnriH , t -t',. , it i, X'lireil ! v si 11 1 i'neiit e't lo'l -,..' I, for. i.ward.s I'; e a-, -t-'nui " i-.,4i :alid ,,'a-sh a! deei'ie :l!le .if rl 1 h, ill-. ML OLIVE CENSUS SHOWS BIG GAINS ane Cmnt Town Has More Than Doubled Pop--- illation in 1U Years Wii'sliiiio.f.ui,.' Aii"-. I rt It I 'Mroiina tov, n has 1 ii-e which iiii finer th,,- 1 . A mi t her . n ad. led. to -t ten years liax e I iiin. inure -than d.oulih-il ,t hid r popup! Census statist io- ';i utieu need t n oav. . -him - A! Wayne county. utit. had 1 1: . , :.. in '.ase of 1 1 1,1 ill a popala .l'7n in IPL'u. s. announced 1.1'is- IV,- 111 1)0-1' I i r, jo iit,-' l.a pine a! iuti of l.p.71 in Hll.,'1- lu n-.,-- ootie t i'" ).! 1 It .1 ... '1 .siis -fi'iui . . c included W: tllOllt, .I":!!, ' American Oets I irst Place in High Jump I Hviiipi,-'. --. 1;. W. I.- .. xVoli 'lb. i'h'c ;f Hx nip; so ib.ine i S;i.'iilitii- A ll! Verp, II.b-l,;"of till' Vexv , linn !)! ,tli lijjjh -.'.'0:1 no's here to, la ; stalili-'h.'d ,;iv ' Au"-. '17. York A. jump of . and in Olviiip.ii- 'l'l'c-ord. I.a'u, 'i u jii;ii.p ."was l.'.i t' met 1 .Japan Is Visited by Chinese New spaper Men Tokio, the inM 11. .' --ap, Aii-. 17, A i s-1 o l -r llieji s: -.1 a pull' pa i t y is rf 1 -1 ' 1 a I i tie,-! . t'ei'liiie lie) Wi'rtl , came,,1 -si fa in, , I. a 1 1 t lie . meiii Iii is hi lin n. Japan' iii till - is ; ,sti;;e I i!y : a.s the lf'- f'Vr paity . contains prominent iit t In in .ef 'h ina and if- a -ion of ;,1 t hi. rida! iotis be- I XVI. Iiat'.o.l 1 e i 1 1 1 lltv Caul I xvi ' It '" t eroxviue . with '(.'aiii.oii .)apatie-e o(mN. Tii a journalist w Io. xxa ant i dn'pa iu-e ,boye,, the. vi-it t,- wa li-iiiiie', b-eed aaii-liiirat ioii. iii I ween t he t wo count rie eoyAl academician prefers jail- to paying new taxes I.ondo.ii, Afici. 17.- Si,- W. B. . liieh iiioti.l. ioy;iLv'.'ic,'iib'iiiician, ' w ill j .. to jail- rat her . t latt pay the. inure ascl taxes now beini; ehttrifed by the laui mersmitli Boroii'tii council. , Jle writes to the local press '0 have relusetl In comply-with this Bolshevist demand of -!!' Hounds (innuallv on tny house and grounds.', lust, under two acre. I would rather, at the age of 70 years, go fo prison than be a party to such injustice and robbery." FOUGH HEELS 11 PARTY Party Sent Out By Southern Baptist Church Leaves W Vancouver Today TAR IIBELS TO CHINA Mission Party Includes sons Well . Qualified To ( arrv On ( liurch Pro gram V ill Spread Over Largo I lold v.- ,J II ox. r, H unary III - -sinri - A ;e. 17 -,i k. rs ent out Xearlx bv tlf f oi-eie'n in Ha pi ist .. - i eiiai'd iif t ila line,) f 7.1 uiiUlon board' of (.1 ! a. n . as' th Sollt he. il inlx'.-in ce O1 i-X ! eliou (if fureiou XXol k u .iia ler 1 he, recent Hapl isf i-ainpaieii in the' south sail loj- the Orient I... lax sI'iiiin-.Kiii'press of J: po-st s ;n .1 aitafi,-- I .'hi 11 the t 'ana, Han pan.. J to y go to Aft ie'a. '". .Metlibrr of t he o:'. i-!y ' today add w hicU con -! it ute .--,' tiii-.sbiiiaiy pilrimae.. bx' - a . iliele ilellollilU'ifliMl. eii i-It sail '.the -lare-r sent 0111 t Vis : s.a ;d, all -ei.lile t!l'ollj .till- tell oiltll0 sOat llXV.-'ste I'll Miito-i in, -lulled ill 11 1 th- 0T11 1 oii enl i,,n ti-rritorv. Anions thein; in' ad, lit ion to the exaiiitclists are 01-tois, .'ii.ii.rsi y, tbai-hers, won'ien- work ers :ue one scienlitic farmer. Tliosi' aboard the ship from North 'ariilni:i are, tiord.111 K.. Middle'oti. W arsaw.' ijii'l M'rs.-Celia lli'irinj; Mid 1 Maui, Tii.r key Liu-ins; IS. Olivt' , Atii'x; Mrs, Neil l'ler ''O. William (liffue t i . cue, t'a.ry ; I Iflb '1'iirki-y, a nd M rs. Ktaiiips,' -M ii litre f , ... china (llixr.v .Ml Mi-- !"'?' . N -I'ilizalict Hamlet Va loritt ilerrin', h lb il all assiyned U Prohibition Inspector In Citv On Business 111 S. t 'uiniijieh.'ini, of. Itiir i'ol prohibit -on ' ju.-pi'i't or, ; i - dfoik-X'" Moiiut "da V 11'ii olliciai -biisi u - x it h t 'lie enfori-e hi In- ion law.' It is eoriiiii,;. I ii t 'ol, fun f t. lint v .'ni.d ' eit -' idli -"liliecl 1 Ih.e pr ',rl a ut a d'er ''the imp ;i i;l : le , i II en foi'ilile-: tin-. : : 1 rati- xvith the idlierr.-- in ,! on; t he - i-olirt-. 111. ;)l .. ho villi- ' iii,- rl! , whisk, , v.. i',:,l. t '1:11 11 , lie-!,, ri in, xvlio is-:ll'a-.'e -iippoi-fer niiip hope ualde ai-.tioii 'bv .'ofh the- Ill - fo Toiiii f.i tie , "'!.!( t 'ar.'i jiitii- le;is.!;it urr '. ' i! 'ave thi-; e on ; pe . I', r ;T.jrbi,'ri,i 'xx lier- h;i- :t)-.o l.ei-n ru':!,-,!' on- olli.-iab bu ' STOCK MARKET Vo) k. Any;. 17; shorfs .: were ie-sie .at- 1 he of Pttitle i.f to- "ck 'market,' trrjitgbt. adx iceV foail inak i fl' t hat elenii'iit uiorl-.- - ' l.'ri,ti,,Uji,- el nriinie.-s '. 'X:.l hc'.'.iii"; b';ii 11 ! in I '-'1 eels atul -..-int'ioii-,. .!i,',wii !, --.:! e,-', il.lfe t0. '-'ai ore 1 r.i I re e tu t rooi.i, ; -, -nd -inn 1 of t!i,. i-heiiitc.iK, text-lie and 'ni'o-v -. wete. h'f hi'r i-y dares' I'm 1 j v, int. -. Am ine 1 1 1 v . rails tii.- ' 1 '. I . iii':- a-ll'l ;olllil - Wi'!.- rr. i!." vbi-h ;,aitiv 1 1 Ib.S . MUTINY ON BOARD AMERICAN VESSEL Armed Aid Sent Steamer i frxxie-1 ronTCbpeTihirgeTv" According to Report I.nadoii, All". ' 1 ix'ed a xxirelcs. I't'ii'an -I e.'iii.ii r M dr.11 yrt.eid.-iA-l-l dp bocall'o of a Copi'iihagen di 1; BanHh police re- Hie s-ai' from the Am'1, oxie eiiroute f ruin I.on-. iiskini.' for iniini'dia1 e iiiiitinx' o'n board, -ays sjiii't eh I o the li.xchii (i''e Tel. -era 111 t onipauy , M ofor hilars xvi! h ariiie I niiui xxTre instantly uent out, but 110 tirt'-e of dhe e-se1s hll.s yet Jiren foil nd, it -is' said. The Ik, a.nier I l ux ,. duly coinin.'ind p sailed from N'or: for t 'rtjieilini'en. of ' Captain Bolton. Lord Mavor oi Cork Deported To England fork, Ireland, Ailil. , I ". .Terreine M.i-Sw rni'v, , lord mayor of ( 'ork, was deported t" Kiij-land this niiiriiiti" aboard a (lestroyir after iinviiit; been fiiiind' .sedition bv coiirt ..mar ital v. -'erday. 'McSwcney still -'refuse hi I'iil,;'"'. : Anti Forces Resent Visit From Daniels .Kab'ieh, ;'. lljr. l-esenf the isit Navy ' .lo-ephus. S; nid v In the t'ra 'Jf ' ' cause,' ' Hi. Anti suffragists of Secretary of . the, Daniels to Haieii;h interest of the uf Whilc the secretary sta.l ml . ill ..his paper vest crda,-, t hat li xisit was purely personal, the nut is re call the iin.)t i-.l statement of the navy's head from Washington several days njjir txlieli they dccl.'i re he said he woulij 1 nine to I'aleteh find use -his intlttetici' for ral ilicat ion. . ADVANCING RUSSIANS ARE PUSHED BACK BY POLES Warsaw. A up. 17. CI a. 111.. Bv the As-ooi.-itcd I ress. 1 1 hit ltii-suin pres sure ' Upon' Warsaw- has been relieved, acenrdinj" to the odicial I'oliil) coininuii Uiie just issued. 1 he,statenient report ed thill Ocneral IMstid-ki directed the counter attack that deflected this re lief. ',': In the Thirteenth Century, wapes and prices in England were tiled by royal decree. MSSION FATE OF SUFFRAGEOTHER BILLS ARE BEFORE TENNESSEE FOR ACTION TODAY Standing Room At a Pre mium As Ratification Is sue is Before House I KNOTIIV DEIJATK IS RETARDING THE VOTE Motion Introduced Provid ing That House Concur With Senate in Ratifying Amendment Debate- Is Precipitated : Nashville, Teiin., Ail"-. 17. Standing riioui xxtu -It -a pretiiiuiu tn-the Tennes see tioilse of re.pre.-en.f at ixes when that body met thi- illumine; in act on rut i fi,;i!.ie:i of the federal siill'raji' amend Ilieut . - . , . - , ' ., A in nt inn Unit, the lioiise eoni'ur in the action of the-sriiate in adopt in;; tin' rat ificat iou resolut ion xvas offered im mediately after the. fax orable report of t he 00 in iu itt ce on ci.n it it ut ional eou- eht ii.ii s - and . n ini'iiiiinetit tippi'iiviiio .-ncli actio and debate began' nt once. Chairman Hiddickk of the committee. i-ide'i' i," ' he Mill raee forces, was thu first speaker, '. N. Y. !LbS10N WILL AID COX CAMPAIGN Republicans Placed in Di lema bv Expected . Re Lloction of Socialists New ha m es have In -peciai: Yi I., A ,e. 1 7f .( i-ivenior .-('ox 's -oi' cai-ryini; Nov. York slate i'ii inci i-a i'i' by i he i-'i 11 for n sesMon of the New York Mate is la t m e i-fued by llovernor . Nmit h i'or Sept. 'Ji '. '' ' , , . lb' .1 , Cox . Smit h tui - alsi laamt bins ftu- -pi-i-ia.i t 1 ii in t lie district , of, Lt a-si'iii bj xnieii tii'st 1 issued rai-, If it itm on .Sept. the tivc. Sim iii l d . iast-. xxfniTer. i'f w i?li1 ii iaus doubt that-. the five llien XX ill be re elected.. ..." .lust; xx ha! is Speaker Sweet ooiiij; fi) do xviien this.' five ousted asseinlily men return to tlif ir places in . t he. Netx x. .;!.' ot All -in v .' . If lie is' to ai l'e.'ir i-oiisisletit he tiiu-st aefiili . tirdi-r. t he se' eeatit at arms ttt brine the Sti.ids.1i -If bi' fore him, a nd a e;i in t-oii.ina. id t he" live, tAvii-e ! if they Xx iu. a ..' ; I ' i - 'di e ell by tin' people to leavi, the hall.'. I !' S; i-nkei' t-'.-iet dot's not do this t'e x i i-:-b, ei,tif"-siiu.r his iiwn. bluh'ler, I'ei ll.ei (hi,,, it inel; no . jtl'I'e:, lice v he! her ; !i t ix.e SoeialisV asseuil.l x'H',t;ii .ire ' tiriii , or xx iii't h.'r oil ,' (Hie; is re I , '-1 -' f i -, i . .'t'lo," dileiinii.i iviil be -1 her '. to I ' " ! a'-vd a nd Sweet lllis( face if ill her.' euc. "''..'. Out in t'lii'i-;. ;;o ' the Ib'pub'T. a:i I hone lit t In-y had r.-mnx ed the. t a il.t of M-i!:-!ii b their ,l;lt t'ol'lll repllllia 'ii.-n (it I i:'e -.-penker. And tiovv the isuo ii-es ai;aiii to eiiefdiiiid tlo'iu. . . No mat f il is .faced, the f'lnb.'ir -tfsni o' 11 .u 1 iou see ins c erta in to cost the ',, (). I'. IhoiiMinds of votes 'next fall- .'; . ' - BIG INCREASE IN OUTPUT OF MINT rol,000,000 Coins Turned Out by Philadelphia Mini Last Year I'hiladolpl Ait" 17 -The 1'hilll Tilll dllllllli'll .dclii!iia."1iiTii! . turned'. 'out coins in ! he last fiscal year. liaytio.iid T. Baker, director of the I.' 11 it etl. States mint, jnve nut the fig ures' a I f i r inspect in o f he . Inst it 11 1 ion. New ii if 'en ' t in;': nineh ines, electric fiiriiacfs -and carTyin' dexices haxe iieoii in st.'il led within the last year aii'i. efficiency methods have been adopted xxhi. h greatly increase the old put. of the n.iiil. -' -. .The iui. i-ea'se last year xvas about L'.i per coin oxer l!'l!b In 1!I a little over 11 inillion coins were produced. Mr. Baker: recently -returned fro if San l'fancisen mint' where lie is pre paring to. install improved machinery simiJiiT -tn -that. in the l'liiladelpliia mint. . - ' ' ' -: - ' ..'.' With; the recent aibiitions," said Mr Baker, '-'lie Philadelphia -mint Is ii,.v. . not -only the largest mint in this country, buf nianufact'ure a larger num. her of coins than any. other iiiint in the world. ' ' COTTON MAEKET . . N'exv York, Au(. 17. Cotton' futures opened steady. .October, 1U)0; Beceui-ber- JS.otl: .lunuurv, -JS.!!!)-. March, J7. "'2: M.-iv, 27.."b. .. , ', , " Yi'stenlav s evere breaks .-were fol lowed by itui'lerate "rallies in the cot ton market, durinj; todav s early trad nit' . J he opening xvas steady at a de cline of 7 jioints to an advance of id points near nnntlis t'tiirr relntivclv iuvv iniilaT' overnioht selinig orders with -October selling at EtbOn and De cember at L's.iW. Thc:e offerings were soon absorbed however and the mnrtet tiirnml lirmer on covering which was promoted bv a somewhat more cheerful view of Kuropenn conditions and con tinued unfavorable" weather in the Houth. October sold np to 29.U2 and December to 28. OS or about 25 to 30 points net higher. OFFERED BY CRISP TO SWELL SALARY Clerical Help of State to Benefit if Measure is Passed MAY REFER - PRIMARY BILLS TO COUNTIES Mecklenburg Representa tive Urged Investigation Into Pension Money of North Carolina Offers New Bill Mtiili-ijrfi, Aiif. 17- Representative t nsji ot I'nre has introduced additional salary lulls. This tune heurOyides for approximately.;;.'; per cent iucreaaes in the saluiioK 1 MP tin' clerlcnl help of the viinous eiieuutive departments of thu state, ,11ml also increases the salary of I he ad.pirant fcncrnl of the state. The Bare roiiiilv inaii now has bills pend ing with committees which will raise the pav of practically all of the execu tixe olticers and workers of thf state. .None if these. SH-lary Willis have come up fnun the committee roonn so far, but there is considerable sentiment la both houses for some increases la the salaries of the executive officers. U-epresetitative .VTntthews of Meek leiibiirn xvoiild - investigate the pension iiionev nf .North Carolina. He hns of fered a bill which raises a question II bout t In-, pension money, claiming that it lies jit.' the . state treasurer when it inieht mid should be paid out to the old soldiers. ... I he latest Hi(;":csUon on the repeal ol the primary bills provides that the counties themselves may be given the opportiinitv to vote oil the repeal of the primary law at the November elec tion. I he sentiment in both houses seems to be prettv strongly in favor of the repeal or the-elimination of some otlicers tioiii the primary, but. some of the representatives and senators also believe that the people of the state . are not entirely ready to give up the piimarv ns a system of "nominating of fo ers. the three primary bills are now -la committee ami have not been acted 011. lhev will, in all probability, reaoh, the floors of both houses sometime dur ing the coining week. LUXURY BUYING IS ' RIFE IN GERMANY Imports of Luxuries Great While Poor Are Clamor , ing for Food Berlin, Aiig. 17.' Hiace the raising ot the lilocka ie, t'crintiiiy has iniort-i-.j IP t)ii(i,iiiiii.,(Hi() marks' worth of -ilks. perfumes, chocolates, oranges, cigarettes and other luxuries from aluond. ,,iid the jrfior are clamoring, for ..atiiit-ul and en 10 ie used milk, accord ing to Kei'iuaii advocates of "the sim ple life." A new 'movement, known as.thq l.eiigiie- tor the Kcyi'iieriit ion of tier-, n anv. which preaches plain living end hiuh tTniikino, u return, to oldtime iinplicitx couple atet- intellectuality 11s opposed to the Crass materialism- of the present day, has I ecu started here. It deprecates the e-ilv issuance ' of 2,000,000 marks in paper currency by the government. An appeal is made to the people to confine incinsclves to the essential of lite no more foreign-made clothes or bixurv foods. 110 more expensive pleas- . nre trips abroad: no more costly pres ents. - The nromoters. among whom arc for mer Finance Minister Count Roedern; the economic expert Walter Bathenan ami a dozen well-known professors nd social welfare workers, emphasize that thev nre not ascetics nor prohibition ists but that thev 'make a plain appeal tii the ciiinmon sense of the people to restrict their general expenditure for th" sake of the ntherlund. . It is claimed for tho movement that it is entirely non partisan and that it has the official endorsement of the ipivcrnmrnt; , 26 Reported Killed In Railway Accident Chii-ugn, Aug. 17. Railroad office here have a report that a Chicago, Onry and South Bend interurban car jumped the track at Portage crossing, four miles west of Mouth Bend, killing j(i passenger. . Japanese Sun Goddess Is Informed of Peace Tokio, Aug. 17i Conclurion of the peace is being reported to Amaterasu, the Sun-Oriddess and Grand Ancestress of the r.mperor by Prince Fushimi, who ns Imperial proxy is visiting he Isle Shrines, as well as the mausoleum of Jinimu Tenno, the 6rst emperor of .Japan and that of Emperor .Meiji. : Whenever any event of national im portance occurs in Japan a messenger is sent bv tho emperor to make a re port to the Sun Ooddess. After the war with Russia Admiral .Togo return ed thanks before the national ' shrine which was founded 1,900 years ago and . which contains the Sacred Mirror, -bleru of the goddese. . , Eeturns from Beaxh---M rs. R. D. Fleming and children returned yester day from Ocean View where they gpeut aoveral davs. t t