1 "Jl'JHlE EVENMG TELE "ROCKY 2!Oi: LEADS IIIE 7 EVERY DA- Shower Today and Sunday , VOL. XV. NO. 252. ROCKY MOUNT. N. C. -iSATURDAY.tAFTERNOO N, APRIL 10, 1921 PRICE 6 CEI . Over Two Score Lives Taken by Tornado in the Southeastern States Two Counties in Arkansas Are Hardest Hit by -Terrific Wind Storm 1 SWEPT BY STORM MEAGRE INFORMATION , 1.. ;ACiiESjjrr ; - - - ' .(!- 1 1 1 1 1 --i and . 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 . on 'liftei-u famis tierce Storms Also Report- -ami m. .iimm?.- estimated, at oA in Hmv Done Consul- " 1"lh"" "i"t..l IU IO lldYt IM)llt VUI1MU TKNNES.SGK TOWN IS erable Damage in Sections visited by cyclone. "of Alabama Mississippi ts'1;1'' !',"", ,N , r i'i ''1im., i ;i l.lc lo-ico did. heavy ..am and .Texas - , "": v"'.- Vwiiiiiv :' ;., ,! ' I e-voral buiidiiiys uk.iv or 1m - Little Hook, Ark, A'pril H'.. A ra iiiJ j ' l-i it r I :j t , . t hi,.-.- aiit..uiol,i),., do Iv mounting death list 'tlia'l may ex- stio.ve..1, Hie t.li-i-ti'ic liijht, plaV liani iced .511., dozens of j ii' 1 soiis. injured and t ai'i-I ami the 1 iy, ji t ,. telegraph -and tele, im) erty diiii.:i;'e . a- yet it u . 1 :i . : -. I ; -1 1. wires w . i - i;.i I low.. 1 1 j , are . results of a tornado which i-nt u j sidci.-d nniai'iilou- thai 'tin-re veiy no w nt" :.t!i ;i.-ru- -, J .;i i t -4 of M i lh-r ;i in 1 ; fi.j m :i n 3 1 " in 1 ( t-M t counties. . Ark . , I faiMOBE THAN ' P1KTY , : lo.i.e.ly!, Texas. , Reports coinii.g. into REPORTED KILLED , . . . , ' Lit c It. !;(. k . f I oiii the storm -aii-a. inir, '! Lit tic. Hock,' April'. 1 li. -T'if ty. kyovvii iiii Htt ii ia,t li.i-r 1 ha a iliiiiiin-ilit-il t hi- -x dead and: mure than lmi in pii v I : hav i tent, of the .damage, aou! lueaii-c n ! tin h . i ) u . 1 1 1-. in . 1 i - j .;i ) .-'ies receive,! j.) i .'i.ivrii. wire ronuiniiiii-at iiiii iifi-.r ie I , In 1 1 1. in :! t inn-, ,f- ' -ani'l hca-1 oi u wiil o of I hi: t.piiiiun ' hut . V' v"t-'i I da;. . A i-kansas ' sw opt . by - a. t uriia lo f hat 'might "iaji'-i-' before tin.'' full, ".leii.; i t- i nivht. ,' tin ,i , i- kiunvii.- TERKiriC .STORM IN A i -iii ntlv II,,' In :ivi"-t -lo-.-i ot lit" IN ALABAMA CITY -and . jii-opiiity O'-i-ui'n-'l iti tin' two Ar. v - .H i i 'in i n j li :i iti., . Afiil- 1 ). K.'nn : -, f ii- - kmisas; itt-i . 1 n t In" fiifal - i-ctinji ; ti'-iitiff .'.nito Hiiiiiiinphani. uvf ' '. I'lad' y- '.JOf nin!(-';li'lif e'lii'l' Vi ' in-ar 'l'ai i 1-i i . i ,!-.( hm-n 'of . ,-. ..i.ti nui n i..- it inn' ,ii.li- ' kana, i li'Vtn jii rvojiH are kmuva tu j that In- t,,n ii i f Kalj.lr -iii Ti"i-'; liHVc. lii'i-ii killed ami- a lai'nr iiiiinlii r in , i,,,,-n coivi!V waii a linn it . i .:-jii.'vl ''ly ;jured; Var. Ilu.i-. .n ll.-in-!. a-l - I'-cmii -ipod ; - nitt :: by". a -i-;r:v.-Miier' at : .:i'ij:ltt ty, I'fi'S'i lUsl'ati'hei :tat.-.l that, fioni ,ri,)i-k fhivv-nnVViiini;'; and i t ' Shllt l." to n-i-.'i.- killed and scores jiiiit, Lamar .von nty , .. -iitl . n-l .a like injiiied,' the. ft i.rio wl. iell "f't t he ; I'll i ,.,t,. - . til length of the. ruiiiity. Tlie s! m a, .' ) I,,' ' early " )ij . .r! - . h ii ii. . iaV li n;.iri.aih' 'I within : a few .miles' of t ll" ( ,-,,1i'i'iii(;, j : 1 1n-., .nnnrtiej' . ,f in ju i I town, ..iiei'iirdiny to fhe lei'iirN liefe-, j riS -jllln Hi'i.''-.'.v-.o6'1-''---'-;''Hvi-tV!'.i'N'V.';i-'-'Mi-: J'lese.itt, . a Out he I- t'.H 11 1 II 1 1 e III st en , I ,j , , ,. , ,if f,;,, , r.-j-iM'. I to lu'lil'.' eininty that may have. leen -t 'rm-k l..y j ),,.;,, (,j nailers -1 hat - -t" houses ei nil file Ktolin.- A In ief no -:il!'' reeeh e.l i-l-t1, tv ,,, lha:!ini!; Hininn Inst. -iiiKht -'.'! -I - then- : were s, v j-rat h . .it: 'jn (, Vli.i-k.: tlin in. .rarity.-. --.'I'lii' In.'Li - there Lit! it wa-V not kiuirtii ;;,;, i jf;. ,-,, si,,. ,,f the . .tv';,. -.He.f wln-re the ilaniaLe . Jieriii re. 1.1 hen,. In i,.. .i,,. li,,,,,,. w,,w n,,, Texas eoiiiity, at. Han. I. a thn kly settled luriiihiu ioniiiinhit. wel id Atlanta the dist.atel.e I'eJ.nrtvil annii known- nnn. In r of r-run-, kilted and in.iiire.i. lM.-veii i.od i,:..i j., . i, i liroiiht info. Te.varkana early today. : ; SCOTTISH RITES ! TO MEET MONDAY a . ' ' ' rule.-- a nd vvm kill"; Mi'i'ivine-tit'-; fi-i ' Vi.n-f'-i lkf..no in Tl. Prnm.'' ffr.'iiet'V..'il'r. rail:iy . il,aiia"eineii.ts l.Ulltl ITia.t?!! Ill llint: t vi.i inent Part in I'tiltinu: on llril IhMM-JM'S Dltldl lk" . Lot'al Si'idtisli Hit" liiti.-i.ii - :i rt-' ik. iui; forward-with keen inteie-d. t.i. the 1I-HIH..II I LLtU- V i 111 y iit.'l.lll-lWt.-T'e'trVlinli , ; r, will be held at vKnlietd - M..u':av "after ni on and exi-uiii and in vh'nli k.'.-k v .Mi.illit -degfee ' team- )&djj ta'ki- a pi.. in lin I.t . part. ,-.- .: ." The af'-eiiin.-n "se'ssio.'n" of tins r. oi.'" will itatt at one i.'eli. k uh. ii .1. i;ie. : troir the -l!h' to the H'h ilndll-i " w 1,1 1,1. p.l! ell. The so.-vsiioi Will Md.p.il I li : - lit Jl :m - for an .elalioiat'! ''' I'au.piel -: which the Indies, i, f' Knlield ' w il'--erve. The evening nessioii -will-' l.ein at eiplit .o'ciiii-k ani-liefoie I lie 1 liioel nil! udjoiirtis. the L"ith t.. i -t li deurei s w ill lie' put on;;::Tlie filth deoiee; wl'l Ue put mi by a . Ho. ky Moiiiii; team .-..ni p, sed of P. li. Tucker. I'. .1. I hoinas K. It. .loins and I'. If. Sh'iler. A;:ur, . in t he puttini; oi; "C t he i ili.teeiilli dl: ., iree: local MaHiiiii will have i-hare" as- this degree team is compo-scd of f' I Tucker, I'. J. Thotiias,- w , i": via n "ii ni H.'-H,. I'ori'.v, K. F. l'ni.-toraiiil W. ! -fade - ' "' . : : '- ;'.' Oilier ili'ui'ees Will be p)it "ll lyV Kn-j tielii Masons, special - at ! cut ion beina calelil li; the fourteenth which will be in -'chiirgi.'- nf ll,'' 1'i.inn adrd de gree. It ii expectcil flint - there w ill by a class-of. ciiiiilidates w Im-li w ill" iiuiii her bet wi i u t'i an 1 while - the at . 1en..l.-iiiee from this city will also :.rangi-". aroiiinl the half . liuil'lreil inai k., L.ieal ottish Hite iikisoiis wlio. cxpi'Ct in! attend the reunion . ai e reipicst e.l tn Dill 111 11 II iell t with Jaioe- -M . l-'oX who J has charge-tif tr!ius'.nrt,'i!'.. e. arianvie . mi'tits.' It is planned for local Mas.ie.s 1 to ' make the trip in cars which , w if leave here about noon .Monday; . Following closely, upon the ri'iniioii j at -l-inlield. tin.' reunion for I'i.' 'a'li ' of "New-' Hern will take pinee in the I .nveii c.uintv metropolis April I I "I 1 when degrees from-! Itc-Touri ! i thirty-aecmni. will he out on. .it is '-x . . .. . r. . .in I I 1 .i uilii i wit pecteil tn.-ii .i'i in t" i'".'i attehil this reunion as. auv whn lake up tp the eighteenth degree at .iiiicld , will mi on to .New Hern and I tike Hie j higher degrees. L.n'al teilins will ; have, eharge of. l.lin.-' sixth,, seventh and eighth degrees at this . reunion, I', h Tucker being in eh.-Nge of the sixth H t'orev the seventh and M. R. Bobbins the eighth. British Labor Forces Threatened by Break J mill it', April H'..-Labor .inr.ces.-t t,o I'niteil Kingdom are apan-nlly broken into sections as the resul(, o( mo riling. 1 hese two cases were as lul the refusal of the national union ollows: .nilrov men and the na-tioiial fedora- ; John Little,. 'i)J llnli-y, Cooi'i'e Wal trtimoinrt workers yesterday to., continue their- support of the Mrike culled bv the iiikkts 1 tederation ol nf Britain on April 1st.' Opinion ' prevails in some quarters (hat . the acA tion of the railway workeis ami trie transport men melius the death war rant of the triple alliance, llns view is hot held universally but withotit-a doubt the split which occurred yester dav will have a serious effect on the iiosition and relations of labor. ,r" " ;l"V,"r,",,IMr"'1 '',"'" plat't'd tlir iiuni la r ul' -th inj M lijipi u iiii;iti'l v ;''.. i OKLAHOMA VILLAGE et mil - lii in nil r. ed. '. 1 f ,. '..II, l ;-' IjlUOH Heads A 1 C l ulled t0 Conference Tomorrow ; :..-.,'v.i; , TIjH-ai,;. ' Aiu'mI ; Hi. I'll i.jtl -: heads . of L'l ra i l way' i-in jiri.yes ' orali.i at iiins' t o (ay were. ? iiniinotied into eonfer'-ii.e". t". .'1...I.I . . It h H.M . .1 i'Ui-11, lif t he. i ll : I v.av -iMij.li.y. ilel'a rt nieiit of the Amer -re Mil ' fejeia I ioll i '.'. 1' La mr,- ' t o. out I'i 111' oi-l 1 1,. COOLIR WLA'IHLR I OR VEXT WEEK IS PREDICTION W'a-.hinli.ii, l-ril; 1 1 ". r V Veafh.;r "pri- .lietinii lor iiivt' le a' i ii n i lie M 'in.la in elinli .1 :' .Mil. h !e :,- h .1 ro t . ii . i'- 1 1..- it.-. tir.-1". of iti!i t il l he i ii (ini i i.ijis. tln li--ifter wit h ,,i n.a! t.-iii j . i a! 11 r it.au w.-.illiel.. THREE ARRESTED IN PROHIBITION RAID Local Olticers Confiscate 2 Stills and Destroy Roo.e in Edgecomlk' County . Th.i'e .tiejj-ri.es weie airesti-.l, :S I L' alh.iii of I'lirli hi.sl'ey si'ie'l,. two d il :s . deit riive'l ..fi inl a pirox iniat eiyv 1 ml gallons oi iio.-r poiire.i nut liy local i llici i s' wiu n t In v si aeii a pr..h ild.' i.-n ' ianl a limit tour miles trmii tire city. in j ,K ; .-.-i, in! ..o "..miily fast night, I .' 'flic .iiegrm-ir- arretted We-re- Howard I'ittm'an, .lason H.'i'ttle and Lawrcni'e :. Iiickens w ho vere b'riiuht to this city and loilyed iu .jail. They wili I.,. givi'-iv J. heariiifi I his a 1 1 eriiooii .-il (wu ojdoejj, i before !-i.piiie. ( leiivge . : l!'"Vodpei' on iChaiKes i.f having iolal ed . f he dry law.- - I lilieers tijiuiiii in the laid were : i'apt.-iiu 'I', l.. Lanc.'ister an ;' t i:li. i-i - -rank I h s ami Mevousnii uf t in ,.., - ,uln-c fnr.-e. tine of the , till-, w I, n-i I he i,i id. Is leied atld ilesl rove'd wa- ..f I' gnlhnis ca pay it y '..while lin ,, ht'r- had i':ip:n'ily of 'Jll . ya.l.ioiH The nlin-ors found '. npproxiina'tely',' lHsi e.-illoiis of l.eer stored iiea r ' tin' -M ill- ,.,,, j r,.eee.o-. to p.. or i.ul the iiy null i ..--:.: '-.:..,.... ROCKY MOUNTAIN REtilON RECOVERING FROM STORM : Denver, Col... A pril 111. - . The Hooky Mouiilaiii i'i-.gmii today . w.as slowly ie oVerill" fl'otil the cljeets of the Worst , oi-m of I lie winter which yesterday , ovvfled t he area w it Ii snow' from elev, vji fourtei.ii im-he.s . in depth, lilo.-k .1 iaiiiii.ni.- iiii'.i I'.i.i ... i. .i .i i ..- ..iiii- Kinicat ions iii e ery direction from Two Cases Are Tried in Police Court Today Two case-, one involving !i defend nuts, eoiiipOM'd the docket which faced Heeoriler Lain-tister .f.r disposal at'' regular session of uiiinicipal court this ters,. Lil-.ii Harris and tiii """"ii.iiiis, all colored, wcroi arraigned nil churi;es of gmiilihntr. - Williams also taced a i;linrije"'.if." yagr.-irii'v." The " first, four defemla.it '.- xyrre.' taxed 7. Vl each while the fifth was iu'nt to the rnaila. for t li i rt v days T . D. Driver was eharirea. wnh giv ing--tt.yuxnHesi cccjsL nur jinigiueni ,trll,.k washout and went into a ditch was suspenlcd upon payment of the $5,, fcw miles north of here this morn costs in the case and the amount' 'H'ling. The accident is attributed to the volved in the check. .' recent heavy rains. HARDING FILLS VACANCIE3 ON RAILWAY LABOR. BOARD WasHlngton, A nil Its. The three ' vauancics oi the "-'Tarlwajr lubur litf'trt "Vere 1 tiled today by Presi dent Harding with the iioiiiin.iLoiiH of Walter L. McNeniiimen. of MassaclmsMts, deputy prexident of the brotherhood ot railway train men. representing the labor niouj; ; haimiet Hikkuis. of New York for liiBr eoneral muiiafjcr ot the Now YurK. New Haven and Harttord railway, representim; Jhe r.-iilioiuls; and Ben W. Hooper, former gov ernor ol TennJtsee, reireseiitnuj; the government.-: DEDICATE TABLET TO ni.D PLAYHOUSE t I Agreement Is '-Reached by Maiden Lane -Historical 'So-!' . Which State Opens and ciety Dedicates Memorial j Closes Argument De to Old Theater ' (entw Ruts lip Strong - - I-'ixhl for Clayfon , .New i,ik, April Hi. A liroite; tali '..-. ..'.." - let ile'lll.tlhe- thi' sit" of the old .1 . S. II '.,VI tt.'Viiie. A,.,.. 1.'. ili.L lit Stfc.rt.lfieatre, one i.f the. 1 1 rst e,iv on,,,,,.,,,! a nt test i inoi.v iva- gri-.-n hotisen ,n New oik,, nil.',, fre.(llell!e. , -: ( :1 .. o i, ifial tod iv, and ar liy . (it-oife.: alin.(lii and other K-Utl,t ,,j , .l.v.-.t'ue- lawveis were Ihihiii. ' I. ! . ilia i in.tai.h-, was de-iieate i.. i - - :, made that the slate today !,y the Maiden Lane 11;-! -, a! ' -11. ,;,.i, a.nl i'lir'tli,- .no. lit-., ..n.-iety. ; thl.e . lawyers. se(kiii I'm the nose; The ile.lieatii.n i'e re nn, ii ies ti.i.k i.i:M-. ,-ntn.ir and "inn for the defi iiie. The at a -liiliehiMHi lit tin- Haulers i 'lul. i-tid , t:,te ,l, as ; I, re ..to aiee,ii.v onlv -two: w.-r.' iitt.i.l.'i.l .l.y :lea.i.ers in- the tln-a- tri.-al- iiofes-ii)ir ail 1 (.inn. inent lul L"! IM'SH llli-li. -.J.lllH Drew, David Hela-.'i. i lid l;:u... ! T'r.di ina n were the , hief ;'".i'k'erH ' ; - - '.-,. ' J lie. ol.i iiiayiionse M no-e name is .i i "I ii.it .-.1 by tin; taliiet was .n-.-. - . .I.- t hr.iut.i an all. y b -ii.'Ii ha- Mig lliee lieen .1 1 in I led oil t by s Ii s I ;i .e 1- ! hiit in. vy to. vol over when' early nelors vsitlt n.iwdeie.l. w ii'-., a, tiiiv .v. I In- -liyh.t i; a ealnl ii--, eat el l a ilii'd t ho eit V llo-atr. jo.-is " .-: . ' . .. lJi! J'iii4i fny; Lrit f -1 -e -neinett n.ii - "f New Vork t'ify ,' the itis-erio; inn' li I'oi'.i'.''. - li... :(lilll-e W.-ls e.'lele.l Til e . ilie.'l I I e, .1 I in 1- ill It t he Hrit i-h ollieels ::'-.. ill t. 1 1 a iliitn nl". The die, the ,i a nnili , : v' I'll K n fi I i s Ii in l II Mi :il-.o, . l a p. An. nd' .it li.i : la i.l - j in :..i'r'.IA's I Itey--j tt riit '. ' ' : till" ill- -lIMender of f '. I'll W 1 1 lis. !l. t hi- e a.'Uat mil nt N.-'..: oi k, t i..- jion-" oliei-- nn'.ie J'e.l'! ..M inler .Allieijea a iiia i.a).'..'' inent,: '.'iii,- en: -Si-pt.-iil.-er' l'o, -ITs'",- a :o. in. . I ' ' I'.o i in.-. the lii -t dra . in a i ie p. ii . ru rain: -- i en in . vv "i k ifl,!,! i he' l!ev:-lii. i.m. - in v ' !'. t lin I "l.v (..'.'"'roe Washingt on ' in" . ii jrir-iT iv.ii' 1 Ii,. new i y ; ei-vi-ed , -I'ii'il ed : t'lt.s r.-at of aim-. When Hi" h.illil vv'is tine' hioiort .1. Thonia- Wii'iieil, I h. I. hff"i' "iTTfiiT:" lilaelv;- niun h'nr'' e.iii'l-iiira'H'lv pow lel-ed 1 i, tht. f.i.liion of the tune, and: 1 1 . 1 1 1 ti'ur ' t a . .ivk ,,-alldle: in silver Vnn.lesti. k .! a .- a..-iisl"iiie., t reeeue tin- Ci. - .1. i.t at the i.v .1... r and do.-: hi'.i '-ill I h-i , pail V'"t-i.- their ..-.-( t -ti - -: j :i..s.-i h-delV,-, '.in, "laodi'ri'ther of 't lie ' .io-eplj .1,-. v,'l, iiianv. y ear- : ..l.n.ie.l i!i,.:i( in all. 111 ... . : ........ .... . n.iad hi;i til -s t a jipea ra iiee ,-it t his Inoi I'eliruan Li. ITtni, jis. .JRieiiai'.d- in- V'T I l. k. Iu-I..iinl, Miss Cladys Cooley Is Bride ot Mr. Percy Page-, ..- ..i !....-.-4 '.. .. - Mi- I'en-v- t'a;..' . l,n is eniineeted ; witl,:"tln - A'tiaiit.-ci',.a-r Line Ka il wa v ! ia-fdrc. ,-itv, and iss ' l . l:i .1 v s t '. .('.in i e.v. w -I tl..' !,...,." nt 1 I" ! luid.s- loot h.-.r. -Mis. J .:,- I-'. I -..dev.; ; ,. v -. : . 1 . , 1 I , . n . i , IV ' I I, i ,n , i i-i. I ii u the " ' , -," ' .- - . i- I erellloiiy-ylieilli; .perfnriiied. hy-Ii'V. '.. (', l-'l-W, pa-dor of the s null villi' M.'.tll, odiit .crini-eh. Inn liately a Tier' life' weo.iiiiK .nr. inn ...iirv . si'i; o'.. a o. , exlensivy tiridal t rip. , f.y i.ort herii;! , ihk ..M,,-,,, , ,,; ,;I Hsmin dicuins pillllts, .-..". .-. .' 'Jl.illlel-S ail' llse.V tii sllltV' Sllelt tillllJS .Mr., Page- is w.-ll kiiowu here, and,' ., . ,,,,.,,-: e . npholslerv, and: m ii n tubers a' large, h.nt t ; I r '.m , , ,-. - i:,mifai-;ur.- ..,'f explosives, pa'i the : cniiiiiiliiiity , Mrs. ',, -. -.. ,,,-a I: .o ,j ,;. .,, , p,-, d r , die varus... The'seeds vyell- known- iiy the .'ity,' lienl" the sis t.,,. -,.,.jsii;, :, ..,!,-: rr l-l.ie: .iil wliicli ier-nf .-Mrs. d. , (irissoin.. ; j i-i)f7l'iMj;,,,-4:(ll1.i. .)i li eeoiu.iiiicalfy a n.l " I ea 110111.111 ic:i!l v. frition nil liiav b! INDIANAPOLIS MAN NAMED , co..,e a ,, i..,!.i I a nt eoii.t ,1 ueut of 'short J'0K PLACE ON COMMISSION en'tltf, iir of salad diessin or be canuiii.- - - -.: i ilag. .1 as nu!!er. -It is - a Isi. " iised jn Washington; ; April Iti. - I''. I- 1 .evvis, v manufact ni l ii sua p, caiulles, l ooling of I n.liaiiapolis, , chairman of the In i ,.tr .( ; ,aiiv nt her lhiii"t. , . "liana .-h'l li" S"H ' . ' '":-1,1 i"1'., 's n: 'i .. Tin': ca k aiid un al -wliich reiuains af itrstn . lo hav,, ne, ii -vit-.tri' 1 y 1,'ies- :. d''Hl llar.illn.sj f..r one ''.'. : li a. aern-sj kin -t-h-r- .luli'i-t.il '( OllitlO'll'l n ii COTTON MARKET New- Voili, -April Iti. -'olloii futures poned st.-a.lv,. May L.' .'io; .Inly, jiV.; ( Ictuber Ji'.-L'it;. De.-i'iiilii'r, Lf i'i.".; ,lan- jiarv.. 11 s::. ;" - Tiie.' more favorable ''labor- news and ...... f i ii. ... :,. li' nil n ul ii.-iii i i.ii .-I'll'.. i ....! in ,.' ,. .'. , . - li i- '.."'' , ,. . , , , '. openn,K advance ot III t o, 1 l; -po.irts ,n Hie: .,.,,4 ton market 1' n .m..,,.,,- ".' ''' was consideralde Walt -streer buv-ini and more or less local deiiiand, but 'the sunt h was a -eller and t li -re wa s scat fere.! realizing;' and -lifter selling to iL'.iiii Toi" May', an.) . 1l7i! f or .1 u.ly the iiia.rket liel.l w it h I a . a ra noe. i.f ti points. New Registrar Replaces Ei C. Smith in the First Ward e ,; ti. im ,,( reoistia,-! On?' chan api.uinted for t he luuniciiial .. elect i ,n Ii.'ih lieen made, ai-ciiiding to announce ment from tlie city clerk this morning: K. ('. Muiilh, v ho was named to'servo in the liis ward lias ro-siuned, and ,1. A; .M ai'Shliouf n has been appointed , to replace hini.. Mr. Maisliboiini now has the lionks upon at the store nf (iriffin and .Meltmi on Suns, '! avenue. The books 0ieied -vi'sterday inorning at II o'clock and -will remain!" open until it o'clock Saturday night, April I'.'i. SEVERAL ARE INJURED IN SOUTHERN WRECK Ilattiesburg, Miss., -.April.. irt.-Hj.v. -eraf-jii-rsnTns-'wrT-rrinTTit'.nnTni Iv, when the I inciiinat i-.Nevv Orlcin -- Iii. iit... I nn ft.u :: si, . lit 1, Or., ,..il E lM GO TO JURY V ery Ul tie Testimony Taken in Fayetteville Murder Trial Today LA W Y E RS' A R( i I J M K N TS ARE NOW RE1N(; HEARD ' hour.- alf o'yet h.T, -s lale' the defense w.,s not limited. , . U. , Nt'linelieill ol.elled foe the .-late '" - a -tin.,. sieei'h, ,.u mi: wlin'h. In- -!:... .1 that- t !i. i ..-.ii ion o! t he' state wipHii ne.-ine eon vn-t ion of maid, i in the lirsl '..Mie.. If" was j ,-j.eeialiv severe on ' . i - s Lind.-ey, I 1 : ., ,, ' s tiaili'ee II lid 1 it lie vs. dliiuean Slia w foilo"il .for t he de lese. with an ilti.i hi-1. 1 - mid iilde. idea I oi his. ,- lienl . '-: S - ' j -,f U. I'miie tollinvinl for. the. state. Hi nyrt nnrjr " '."T"-"j-i. r; :-Dti Voih't ad ; ioiii iied for din nor,'' while he wa-. sie':'i I; . , .1. I i I .,,.!. v as ! he I:!, a I speaker i tor I hi' ilel'ei.-e. A f! i-.i- 1 he en lo-hid. II t' ,'.,'i inn. n: I'm- I h.- -tat. . the ease i- es- 'j.ri;t'"1 , ! o.: i to tloj, pii'v ..l.i.fKi-eir -1 a lid .'l (I 'iloi-k . thi . aI'Ii-:i'iiooii.: DEVISE NEW USES FOR COTTON SEED Experts of Department of Agriculture Point Out Ways to Use Seed ...:':., --.::. ,,: -- ---v:-; '. .. 'Wa '.li-iiifit.iil, ll-'. t.V, April 'lii.-Hol-.ii vl ' :i hay. donned met hods f..r us ""A '--'" '"' loll nf enttnli, ' '' l'; 1 "! l'nn.of dust ninl-iLrt, :i" 1 A nla t ile sni.si aiM-i's that a i e t hm W n .'iw ay - oi- ; iinisli into thin air tlu-iiiio the I 1 '''"'' .' I' Ilia il H f aid II 1 1-; dspee ia I isl s of l"ireaii ,.f: mJrke'ls;. l ii.ted State; '' "t " '.'".-. ' I ai: l i. ul l mi-, ha.vi-iest i d t hat I lie ae! ua'l col I on in !i ton i.t' li'tlLMlllli'd jiriidll.-t W eil;tis' oil v- - ,UllTo" V.'i'i pound-. .. j n . I'e uia in in 1 y'.'ili .to 1. inii pounds I.". nil -eeds.' Duruii; the ' -cot I. .11' .V ear ' ' einfilln .Lliv -'.l , I H'.'H. I hi-. -i ei..i;.i' V iel.J.. fur t'lif I'll it. . I Ntates i t'("i..ii, ion ,.f i-'..,t t i. n i-...l " um :-Vi; pimmi. of inner-. pud i. ,.r .,ii. n "'. p. .and- . f . ai.. anl-li. i and o?" P"ii.d , -i-l" viifls. in a-ldit-on In the Mil l""""l- '"" ''". ' ''L-f a nd :yoia trie . -"Vl''";--: !'!"' !"'L ' -' 1 ' '""'. r "" -' :' f' ,-..,,,. , fr ,-;v ;,.f little . ; - . . 'oi.iun'Tcia I -value luit t lien-, a re imw .:.,.,,: r,,".i .j,U,.'N '.j, ,', .-.,;re,! Slates -v' hri:iv'.il':"s jiianafaei ored. Kv 'a aft. r winninn a short fiii..i-liiiiis to the in-eds. .... .0. - j - ,..,,,1 ; ,,t,..s and is re i,-.,. ci-usliing ar.e - u-ed fur. eat t i". and i.oulny fei',1, fertili.-rs, .1 Most nil's, anil mall iiiiatit it ii-s" for Hour., l.yeu t Ii hiilli ai" useful f..r fert ,li .r,s-fltiH f.-i'.f lour idiold . utensils, : for. '-VnhMg laper sfoel,, a l-.i-.is fur (-xiloiiv .iioj iil-u) 'I i i-i iii,!liiii; horse collars STOCK MARKET v.... -...-i, ....i' ii: . s,,,.,.!. ,,,,, . -.. .-,.,-,. ,,.. or k,'- A pi I.., , la.tive and .. -I l unu at. tl a nd . - t l o nu at. t he. open llllj ot ! he w-. k . ml - es-.'i.n. short vi riiii; .. , , ., the fr,her ad . ,,,,, oiV; .1, el-, and mntors Wefe . ... , ,i ,-'..,,, ,.i , . i ., onlv - sioill . i; : i i m .. U it hill the -'lirsl half ' lo i 1 adv anei s of . 1 to - points .'lei'iilil pa li ie'l ! hi- plilehases of MexieMll I'el rolijum, (ii-ni-ral Asphalt, t'fui-ible and " Van a. I in iii -t'-'i . I inpinil inii cop per rand l iiited 1'rmt. ' Lxchaniie on I Loluloii eoutilllle to r. 'licet illiplove inent in -I In-. Hi'if,l.:h laluir' situation. Revival Services at the .. North Rocky Mount Church After '.'special preliminary sermons by the pnstoi. b'. v . . Koss Vekli-y, to iniirruvy luorllinij and evening, revival ye r v li es w ill get under . wu v at' the North Kiiekv Mount ' Baptist chiitch Moil. lav iiio'ht. I.'ov, K. I-i, White, of N'a-liville, v. Ji'i- will I'lin it lie t the series of services, is ex'i-i led to arrive in the city Monday morning hiol ibe em' hand 'o ib'li'ver the sci'innii .at the eveniiig hour . L llev. , MV. Wiiit' i-. known, tii' be a. pTi'wi' i t'll I n il .in.- pirino speaker and .t lie iiii'inbors; -'of the NottV.- Rocky., Mount imimyrttitv-ae h-toklntj fnr-wiri with Ureal interi'st to the revival. . The serv ices for the present w ill,, be heM. every eviininij :if 7:.'Kl, lilthoiigli it is iossiible that aflerlioon services will be"iiisti tilted' after tin" meeting gets under way. More complete announcement will be made later. ' GLAYTON S W LL DURING F F ION Manning Rules no Penalty Can be Collected on Delayed Payment o 1920 Taxes; Gov. Back Monday Attorney Ceneral Interprets itecent Act of Legislature For Stale Auditor EXPECT.' CAS DECISION Coventor Morrison and State Treasurer Lacy to Return From New York and Report on Sale of State Rond Issui's Ita April Hi. - Alloiui U a n n i 111; i n I . l j.l el i 1 jn-IO-l al a -selilll. wlia te v:ev can to, ayed paymi'iit of y ieni rs lli a n lie i oii-s tha i-nlUo-te !.H:!D stnt of t ho iti:' 110 .eliait nil the. , ile lavi -Ti t il nev f ti. niiiiinev oeii is inady the stati in ') of Ma lor Hantet Diirluiin e .iiiditiir, who. lia.i liei'ii i.V the shelltlY In know jiell.'llt ies -for I !li 1 1 taxes, .-ailed npi.1 u hot her th litter May 1, -l'tu'1, should I.e. , 'L'i.oi; I lin fja lit -.is iiou . a I vi:- !, should lie ll-ises-ed. " ' m i ins aiur t i x I'oiieetoi s that no I .'uns ina,. he added In the eollert mil .f lad year's taxes. : Senator L. I;. Vnrser, of ..lioliesoti. a h-i a.! i. d o'" I t he lull hail in a. in. I the delay . t he iiayineiil of iienaltieM . nloiif! with. the taxes lather than the eliniiiia ti.. n of the penalties a 1 1 o;'ot her. 'I'll ia was. the intention uf t ho ant hor of t he liill but: Tex i-i liit i e. ehanni-s w'fnnVkt an alfiii'etlier iliHi'rent iiieaiiiin.;. The I'.C'ii la ves. IheiefoK., w il lie eiilleetml in-! without n eotit aij'lith.nal for i!iy ots' who am .... fovi, . --'-.-- --- -- y- T " We think (here is no penalty lit ail provided for this dela:-ed payini'iit iif (axe of l!e:n,'' Li,- attorney general !.iii'.-,. " for I he fulloHiiii; feasonii: Isei-tiiin il (if eiiapter T2", I'nlilie Laws, extra -session ' of Itln, provided n.--sli-eoiiiit (..f one ' per cent upon all taves paid in the loonfhs of letolier and N'n: veinl.er, while in the in out lis - of . I'e- t'.i'lirlM'i- . i-ll.'ir-rd 'ii.i'iii'iiiji" liiniil lis ,'irnl ..I anna i-y : tin- m-l .'iinoiinl was tu he paid, iind then eoili ill Koi linary v it h one per etiit .'idded, fur . ! he . slleeeed ill in-iidil it ional on'" per (-lint per incut !r C olu' Ided until tlif taxes.! were paid. Til is ilia n it" 'i-t ly. .would reniiiie a I. 'A ol t oiii- per cent add it i.-hal ' if "f he l!i:'n i,..-H wen- paid ti Mm , 1HJ1 ' ' f i 5 iiinfin t he MKl I :.el the, at tor liey jji-iii-i .'il say s:. " The law as filially eiia.-te.l differed very "luaterinliv from tin1 lii'l ivhielt v'aa first introdueeii. In I I, pi..;-r. s of tlmf bill t hniiiKh the lioiisi i, a i.ulist il ii '.e win offered for it -iinl t ha t siiliist it nte , was iidiipteil anil . lir-i-.-imv Ho-: law . a IniA'O set, out. . The tfecf v.f tins law, in our uiiiul, is-lo do !' tins la u t i rel v : '. h .'enall ies f , . r not nipt !y .so . f ai-. a-i t he pavotlyr . taxiLsf I'.i'Jii taxes are enticeriied, , ' .The Sunt lie ru. I'myi'r. I 'ompany 's M't i tii.il f'l.ir .-in Tio-rease in its hvdri electric I... n er i -pt.is tn, , ort Ie 'iii olina con oTi eis.li. it inw beeli ill ...-". of the. stale eor'piiiat ir.n I'onini is-i,in W ill iliirin the eaiiy i-ail of. next wue.lt hand down a dm i.-utii .in t-he ca.ie of the various gas iiiiii a n ins pot it loiiUljr that the prei'iit ;-!as i ;i 1 1 -t 1"' ina.iulnined,. , .The. ia I es in I'D'eit in seyenteen cities are leiiipi.T.'i! .;, Iiaviliii;. bet a tixe.l '.by the ci. to mission pending ail invest iga I ion int o t he, act ual , cost of producing PERFECT PLAN FOR CLEAN UP CAMPAIGN Week of Intense Publicity Will Re Launched With Sermons Tomorrow 'Npe, 'hutch at "..'sermons i tomorrow . at all . the luea! will usher in the which is beiiig eon can up eampaigti liu-ted bv the Woiiiau s' cliili which is l-i-i'eiv utg.'.-l he heal ty i'ii operat ion .,:f sevydiil 'other ' .local orgn hi.at ions, . 'par to-iilai ly t lie chaiuber : coiiniierce anil tiie' VI eichaiit-' -tu'isociat ion. The .cliib has. re.pl. --te. I the ministers-of flu; cjt.ly to "preach upon .' v'l'h ' Tint ies of the til .Liy tdiial ' 'it izi'ii to, the: t 'ity,'v ' ' With, this lieyiniiiiig tit the nioriiing serv .cos tnuoii iow iiiiirn nig, the, cam ('til-nn will, be: given wide - publicity tliioiiehout the -entire- week. Various plans', have ilieeii worked out by which if is -hoped to armour t he .-o upei atioii nt t ly' etit ire citizenship and'-Miake them h ali.e . just what ji clean up wa-ek means to I h ! Ilea It li aiiil beauty of t lie i-i..v-; -Afti-r the wt'k lias ".been' spent in '.ie'arillg the el for the cuip:iiK'. the i-ii-an up drive irupi'r will start Mi.iiiila;., April 'i'i,. and. c.iTitiiiii" liiiiiiigh tlu- w-'ek until Saturday . ; 1'he eilv lu-alt h .nil hoi it ies are now' inisilv i tmifged ill drafting, a schedule who h the waijoiis v til. follow ill palling for ia.- t rash and rubbish ' Which has In eii i i, l icet ed. It is "X pei't.:-.l thiil t his s, heiluie will lie completed ismhe time .l.iiiiu. the aiii.roa.hiiii week and that it will theiini.l iifity l,..inaile public hi'.i.)i:i tl." j'.'.p"!-' bul---n'ifl be printed upi n handWIW-WTTrch will, be ..list i unit I I li t-r.ii.. limit the citv. the plan m gi io-ial will be siinilaf. to the .(.'ne fol lo.'.ed in the. campaign .which was stax ed la-t Hpriiig. Th", .ol.ii-e .d('s'irt inent w III also i'o operate. .i'n the drive and will see tha' a ileo ways and vacant lots are cleared (if all trash and Underbrush. In common! im; upon the .campaign, the city: health officer ' points ut the iiocos.sit V of doing away with pools nt' : t m'nniit Water or -empty cans ot re a. p. iii'ies iiL.B.Iii.elL rain, water mav jcoL. le.-t ami serve as a breeding place for lini--iiiitii:-s and othec . germ bearers. Such a campaign, if is. explauied, is itisiilntevv nei'i'isarv to the good health of: the city during the summer months, iiuil fur reason's of safety and precau tion to' say nothing of the beauty and appearance of th i city, every resident is nr-'ed to co-operate to the fullest extent, AMPe ;:is and other expeli-es t'olillei'ti'ii with he ..; . l it ...ii of .1 lie plant i. This was li in' liy the cities wlio.are resiitiiiK the !L:ijj:'jUj4iiiptlj-fuiiiJiidcmM atitl ual ariiiiioi-nts,- v ere heard by the.com- o: e l. Il.anv Weeks ao. Tl," in ny i.,o in i Vviieviiii- IV.wer a nd l.ijjlit. I'om i :i x i n l' Served not iey, it Ii the ion thai it desired Hi increase t ear tales ill tltn citV of AhIih- t - --tu :Witl In- K'iinitt"d t..i supp.-rts its - a w i, i i id- u.-e on May, :t, .The at tint present time is. six cents the iiiiway .oiiipanv would make it ht whieh. it dunks, is nearer in it h fa res. .-hailed 'in ol her North ! l n:i , it i-O ; ' - . el nor Mornsiin,:. who with Treas H. I. li ill New oik ( "It V i "' " J'-'it . if tmy ( Ii iii(!, can. be. ae 'iiiiipliied t.w.'inl sellinn several lllil- n'l dolliirs in state IiihiiIh, will return I", the capital M..nd;n, according to nfoi ination received at the executive iiftiees; The governor ha not ('oiiiiriiiiiicatPij with anyone heie regarding his mis sum ami no nieinlier ot the iVniiicil f s.t!iti'. is .in. position to anticipate vliether he has lieen suecess-f ul or not. "'p.'i's elieiiliiteil uh.rtlt the eapital early . in . the. e'k . to (he efi'eet that the (,'oveinor ami treasurer were liavinjr trouliie and tha' IXlorth f'nrolina bonds eoiil.l nof be f.l.l are biainled by fii.Piiin of the ailiiiinistration as unfair to the governor.'. It is alloetlier proball.le the bonds iviHnot I e k id at this time for live per cent lull no intimation has been re, eeive.l in kali'ikjli or any n'hri elsf an to vhal luck the goveniur 1b having. FORMER STUDENTS WILL HAVE SERVICE Rev. Cannon to Deliver Ser mon to Former Students of Methodist Schools Speak.ii.x iipun "The Present Oppor liinitv ami 'Obligation' of Methodist Alumni, hev. James 'Cannon, III, vv I i 1 il.'l i v ,t: ii special sermon to former students, of Motliodi-:f institutions at the I-nst Methodist chinch tomorrow eve nin g j, t. 7:M0, t li ri'g n I urhour of si rv u e, . riiisspeciar service is being held in-connection with the. Educational ampnitiii which the Southern Metbo did chin, h will soon inaugurate. A :ipeeial appeal n 'being made bv Hev.- M r. ( a n in i ii and those in charge o) (lie service for all foiiucr student,) i)f .ielhido.l Illinois and colleges tu be present. ..W hile those : -.!in atlendcd any ..Methodist -.school in (he south are e.x poet i-il (o bo oil hand, especially ira toriner students of Irinitv, tlreens born l ologe for Women and Louisbiirg i ollee urirvi to be present. Personal "" d at s a li' b( inii' )' Mi'iidiiil III l.-it ions are .homy tuli iidiiil In HieMC -'old bo.ys ' a ml '-old girls, and 1 hev an- .expected to renpnuil in such Hum bert that tiers ol seats will be reserved tor them. Lverv toriner student is ex- pi cli'il to wear the colors of the school wh ich.- she or he a I ten. led. I.he service is cal.-iilaled to foster a snirit ot i ii oiier'.t ..... .nui t,. ui-.. ..(... I cut husiasni and interest among the .Mel Iiim.IiiI alumni and alumnae- so that lliev mav be keenly alive to what, the aliliroacllllnr en in on nrn meHits In a.tsl Hioti to Kn. Mr. I'aiinon's special! r.noii, it is expefted that Mr W- i'i . SI i, d of l ai on ill.. i -t n... head of Trinity al ni in this ili-i- -ii':' , .... ,. diet, will also be present Sunila v night i ..ll . .. i . i i -.. i. i ii ii . i in ii ii pi una in iii v ma id' ; nriel I tal 1 II nut,,. ,1 I'n,w.., v.,l i : -. : ' "i i, ; ,, in., fr,..., i.,,,i... -. I inghl n n. I will remain here until April. ..:. t ruin -April -o to .May IV Kev. Mt. ( 'aiition states that it will . nece.,.rv for Iiiiii to rem a in Durham and look ' fter Ins class room work save for thei wi ek end trips-10 The citv. After May in. iioweve, ne win ooine tiei per- inaii 'tiltv except to return to' Trinity to ive his ex am in, -it ions ami to spend two davs during commencement. Canvassing Committee Is -Working 6th Ward Today - ( 'niititruiiig fl, drive for funds for the Memorial swimming pool, W. S. ( Wilkinson ninl .Norman . ( Iiaiiibliss art' tinlav canvasiiiiij the sixth ward is it was impossible lor the committee to work I Ins ward . Insi. I uesdav winch as f he,.li'i4)iiolLodzda v for (h drive. . lii'l.iled ii'porls nf funds collected are still enmjng into campaign headquar ters ai I no" eh a in be r ol commerce, and it is oxpoelcd t fut t. the total as first a n noiini'eil wilt be perceptibly increased when all I In' report s a n turnod in and 'atiiilatitl. It is iM'liexe.i that the graml ',uta,l tnay be ib-tipiteh- announced i.Mon lay ,alt hoiigii. it is probable that: the completed-report will . be ready until the regular mee'ling of the Kiwanis club Thursday ni)it when the results it the cauipaijii are to be reported. Philathea Class Has Elected New Officers f i I'll i In t In church bourne, (icienllv pe. nil business meeting of the a class of tin vesterday Mrs nrst. B'M'tist I. -. .Vlarsn-.;, who has been serving most ef as president ot the class, ten dered her resignation as she will be out of the -citv. (luring the summer months. -Mrs. Y . U. Parmer was then e loct ed president id her stead. M rs II. L. Knowles was nanie.1 vice presi- dent. Miss Howe secretary and Mrs. Mi-t ulh-ii treasurer. The various chairmen all brought in niosl excellent rcjiorts of personal ser vice work. The local Pliilntheas are looking' forward with great interest to the approaching conventin at Hender son and-a large number will probably in Bttdance from the elty. THOISILE CI nop pniicf iq q Ul I ULIUL IU U Bf J. I PEftCOl Prominent Physician Al!c, ed to Have Done Shootirr on Principal Street ILL FEELING AS CAUSE OF cm: AFFA1 Dr. Peacock's Friends Thin' He Relieved Taylor Ut sponsible for Fire Lc Night Rystander Is Seri ously Injured Hih Point, April -18. Ch'mt ot To lne J,. K. Taylor, of Thomaiv-iile, llvt miles west oi here, was hAt tl .1 in Mantly killed I hit niQinlog at 9:80 bv reacoek, prominent phyii Man of IhoiiiHHVille. The ahootinir v curred on the principal street of Thorn iwnry Shaver wu Mrinimlv injured when he was struck by a atrav -i ... 1 1 .. - ii ... . . j ..i.i.i. lie na.i Drought to locai-ttou pital for treatment. . v , The affair is believed to hay come us a climax to alleged ill-feeling ex-ntinjf- between the physician and the olhter. Dr. Peacock's garage and two automobiles were destroyed hv fr last night and Ins friend think that Ur. Peacock believed Taylor reapon sink tor the lire. Chief Taylor was standing -on the trcet when lr. Peacock fired, three "hots from hi, office in a Thomaavilie building. Witnesses say that the phy sician then y'ame down stairs and fiTed threp more shots, one of which took effect. - 'laylor lwid been chief, of police for more than a year and bad recently been reinstated after having been aus pcinled for a-few-days because of a list ie encounter with a. Tnomasville lawyer. Dr. Peacock is aaid to hve resigned recently as a member of the city counol when it refused to demand the resignation of Taylor. " . --., ' ' , Mr Peacock was arrested immediate ly after the shooting anxl taken to Lexington, the county seat. , The-town of Thoniasvule is reported to b in-teJiBel.V-aroused ii --t h;ihootitg.-? f .Shaver was shot through the abdo men, but physicians believe .tht , he will recover. . - - ' Represent Nash in Contest , , ,i .' . Miss Helm Batchelor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Baldy Batchelor, of Nashville, won out in the contest held at the Nashville high school auditor ium last night and will represent Nash county in the state musical eon- nsr w me ii wii) ue iteni at ureensboro next month. Hie contest was largely attended and proved a most enjoyable one in every respect. Rocky Mount was not represented, the school! competing be lied Oak, Spring Hope, Nashville, Caa talis, Oak Level and Bailey. T, P A. Head Declares Business Is Improving -Milwaukee, April 16, Business throughout the country is experiencing -i iiniilunl but wholcdome revival .- .,, , . 1 '""""IT - to vv iiiiam J. vv;nrte', Mif . v" :""V presnieni or the Traveller ll ritl'. live 9 quill, l'l t inn tAuu AM . - " mm- 1-nn 1 convention of the Wisconsin dl- vision, Mr. White said he baaed his - - "" upon reportl received weekly troin nresiilents of 36 stat hrnch I "Ail eluKes of business are now on ,no "PKraue, - ne saia. "Tle lttiprove- ",,.'", Klual b'ir oun4 and if eer- iiiiii .u coniinue. . ; J. Henry Harper Hurt When Truck Overturns - J. Henry Harper, who reside on ( 0.UU1..IU avenue, was painfully if not serious irtior.,il ,hnnt 1 aI. nnl, IVIa . ... , U.,VH, w (luift tuiq !ittl.t-.i.t,.n u-ll,.n ,K). f,.AU M.l.l.i. L I-' I. HI, ..U.R illlllll U was driving overturned on the em 'bankment just beyond the river on luirch street extension. No detail of the accident could be learned be fore the paiier went to press. - Mr. Harper was rushed to ft local hospital for medical attention, and it waa stated by attending phys(ciana" that in all probability the bones of jlns face were fractured. They had not 1 had time, however, in which to make a thorough examination, PEACE REIQN8 IN ALL MEXICO NOW Mexico City, April 15. Authority of President Obregon has been drmly esit'blished in all pans of the ri.mb lic, and there are no threatening in lluences at woik, declartj E. Flutar co ( alles, secretary of the interior, last nig'it. He reitprat. r.s?i rtn-H- land some time ago that political condition in Mexico are more satisfactory thaa thev have been for many years. This statement followed a recent in- tprvifiiv Kv A,llfrt T1 T II . retary 0f the treasury, who declared 1ra .,-annHl kaK ,1.. .11 , a ...j (n..i..,i uc.ici mat mem bers of the cabinet should keep ut of politics and place themselves complete ly in accord with the president' poli tics.) , -. There havev been rumors that these. Two-inembers of the govsrnment were estranged from President Obregon and their-statements in praise of his ad ministration aroused" considerable in terest in this city. Elizabeth Female College, establish ed at .Washington, Miss, in 1819, is aaid to have been the first institution in the world to grant degrees to wo men, " .:",," , ,

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