'Villi EVENING TEIiKCn'AlI PAGE Til i BRINGING UPHFATHER -' : Btflitsred U. 8. Ptnt Offlc 21 BY GEORGE McMANUS ilWdli' I THINK TyJ!S COMIN' I KNOW IT IV tF ME SEEC? ME ILL f '.mS jr-ftij I V. I - rtURR-f AN Hiutr: rM ..oirs' TO DO MC A, I'WOK -jJtmk-y ... turn "lME""wAXEJ- OH IN THI'i tuUNTiMN rw $r m p i ewaxej oh i - - -i WITH WATER THAM VJlTH Ml, A. CLOfi! TOUR if ( l LAW an i! All 7 Uv I. V it i-" J V 1 I (Hi Hi 1921 v Intl FlATum Sinvicr. Inc., ... :l How About j I ; Repainting That old car anil put- ting on a now top?i The very highest class work guaranteed. Rose Garage Tin boro Street Phone 108 FIRST PHOTO OF KARL'S RETURN TO HUNGARY. uf K.'unstadt ami the leader 'of tin- ip Z - ,t,' . . f$ . nun rv amdi ec ai? Ul V C LAiiUr L 0 UF h " V.-l tl.p Fu.hi.l. autriaritit-s- arv. v 'A..ri vxan.m. .min "rr'H . thWr prpsomx ,., MIVIH I IIINl IKI INh t :'.'n't...-,n Kr..nxla.H .., .win).. 01 I llil Uljjll Llllli u.i(jii'i. to th. ( 'oiiiiiiiniisls, air a lit ' tun uilli'.Tl in iluiir vicv tit stiir Hit" IAI'- L..,:i !.... ..,. ii:-. : I'initish ant Imrit h-s wlm have Ii I h Ilolshevik Refugee iii iin-si - lltlrtl ,,, , ,,. ,, i4 ImiwI I rv lit Iv ill M:m n1 Who Stole Food This, nnd 1li cur 'that tin' AiiK'iican Ki''l t'rnH eniiiint c.iiiil iiiin' t tVcil tlini . ! iiiilt'liiiiit'lv, has .cii iisi'il Kinlninl ui fun Tt'riii jki',. Kmlanil, .April '.l '.r-(The Wider :irmiis ini'ii iih i.f . yctt ill),; . ri.l of A'-'MrinWit 1'ii'ss,) Tin1' VIihV I'C't'uui'f's i 'tiii',i' s.iiiiii ami thu LTi,! KM I other Kiln I ruin" the reeent K ihmi ml! rev'nli.it inll ' hi a jit'ui;ee wild' are in the country. ,ni H usi:i wliu inc. (i.iarii iv,.l in ,p'i n n isii. ! 'I'lii- e.iveiiiiiieiit vvi.iilj like to have the riiiiiiiiti.'iliiiii eaMi)ps her.- viii.k :i!. 1 111 , W:i)i ii e n f mite. 111 t a k e - t hein .ff its lime jnt jjiveir a si i ik in .exani .'pie ut I hamts. I.:..Kh.;v ik ilisrii!iin.'i ' . . . When the Kmnsiajt jiarrisim iji'rivp.l at. Teriiiki Hie men were hal lartei!. I In' it f iiiM'es a i'' licillir I i'il I ' Allien f 'i',. .Lieu ,,f 4,,,,,..:....,, ' .i,..i ..!! Ii. .1 C , i.f licers. The i.l her .lav, i haiie;e.l their k .peara nre. wonilerfiillv -. V.x. Kiniierei' Ka rl a a. I thto.'. .1 - r.f !, i; ; (.; ;..! i;a ii i -. i V iii'l he i a ii:ioa-! y;i r Is- :il Si .iniea a yet,' I lun;a ':y, ,' fiiriner ruler i.' lliii::.i';v vri' w a R. i f iLi t h ; . li:i ;a I :i .-I n i ii f... i-x ile in S y' an. I ,-il I "i iiis"a!in' alf'Mii.t I i. r-'L'ai thruiie el II iiii'.ra ';: 'II.- '.-',;. .-.I. at S: el,,. nan "V: .la.. . ;iy -,-1 . n s it 1 1 ; lit- v. il h l.i-'. ii.i v,y-r : Vj.dr.- lie liiialjy v.,'iv.'iil ret nr a lo Switer'ainl. ' ; ;- . ' . ; ' .'.' : CENTER -FIELDER MAKES HISTORY W1TK Tlill'LEFLAY. -'I. a-'::aaa- .M'Hl.hl v h H ' he ' ni a . I e a '.-: te.'l ! ! i;.!,- )',':; v' iiuai'i-' I'.'iii'i 'Kn..x U.e,'' Temi:. A;iKJ : ( l.a.r." V ': h a- ...a ii .m jir :-; ain!--erun l', a ilr' Sllllley, eelij .-r lie'-:!..-r u'V i ae .1:'! ..Ii.;; l ' .La- I f'iie ,.-aV le a r U m r a -lil -' 1 "t a ' Know 'lie ' lea ni -' i ii . l-lV. ' A r-lial:....' i. i.a :l e. .1-, .i:. i.M.l. Sm ;!.-y '-a i;'-- ill la ' ;.l.(:HHiii.Uj'ajTeTi; a i.ia' . i.a . ! m n i i '- . a a : I he ' ,( i i v 'e .j .r,t ... .i.i.ri . e.a. n ,i ,' ' f Mi . tiel'a'M ..' i nailer' I i ..a. 1. 1 . r,.;iu te. t i.e. (i i -.!av . vi'r mail-..' I e 1 ii'e n I he .al ta This f II tl vv an- ...lie i.f thehi .vas eaueht hy, his fellow j .,,,, I si.ii.e of -fheui iimtnrl n. whit'.. ... t he net viealniK a !ai.;. , Khar.-. ..t ,l.,r,.u, ,,et -oiitainiti a larKe turn than was: line: to l.iai. .: . , ,,ri ion of fats, fun,l H so ri.'li that I he i,',l,er l..rii,i',J a e.uiai.n le.', tr.e.l ,.v er.. ill ini4 their diet had 1o he I t niati. ioitn.l liini ,j;iiltv 'nf ste.-ilinj; r.al'u.ei'd, a : !!. ajid thi'Il a..eaie,. lVfule : lie.l '; .':' - '- '''"''.';'- ('rus. i.l'lieer: ' ' ' '"". "I'lease eaye' n-i en-. ie, jj ';,(. i . ; MORTGAGE SALE " ' t'lrn. a lit ill.;. s.ii:i,l, ' i hey r.,iiesle.r. By virtue of the jm. wit of con ! " W .' I'oiin.l a mall sletiiia:) I'Ouil iin.l i rained in the d(d of trust exeeiited t.i j will ee..iile him iiiiiiK'iliatel;.-. " i tin- .ui the 7th day of Mari'li, .19l!t, by j lal'oiini.'.l llial thia. was l-'inlaiid, a nil J no. . Krati'her and Mnir 'lirali'lier, - m..l Uni-hevii; the emu mil fee 'his wife, sneli deetl a.l' I rust lioin re- j'lvas. inoiiieii'tarily- ihs,a j'.'"iii'lei. : yord.'d in Him'k 17."i at pti(.' itl I. in the i " Hat he mitt I"' piui ished, '' t lioy ; o f'tiee of t ho Kegi -I cr of Deeds uf Kdye : ill,i.ilia'l....;,,.......,...,,.. . . . . , j in.ml.e .('ollnty J w ill ut Wedlll'sda.u, ' "All ri.;ht,'' said t he '..I'lieer, " lint May ath, HiL'l, At twelve oVlnrkiiii.ni, no shout iiijif i;ies .. here. 7 , : . .I in front i.f 1 he post uf lictr dour . in the .. The enmiii il lee 1 iien . iiiad ' .1 he lliief idly of liOeky '. Mount, Kdyii-oinlie , s.l ia., . a it holiLfh Ihe witiiiier was hit ; ei.n lit y , . N nil h I andilla, sell t puhlie I ,,'l',' '""id, farmed, a loiiif -line In . The I niiel ion fur easli the tfullowiny descrih- ,"o.--, inehidiiii; ,ahniii 17n inen, tiii.l ed la mis.;' ; j aiti.le -thi'- guilty mtui ; all nake.l Hill : Tu ri'vi a i n '.lots of lah.'l l.yinjr in tiiiii-s fi on, one end i.f -); ' liiie to t ii e ; Ivl j;f'emiihe Couiity, North Caruiina, Je-' : idlirr, 'siioitiou;:M 'nrafTlMeTT' ' .. j scribed as ' follows:- .;' . ' Hi..ripi;np in ih (- riT'neee famj.s hasi'leeil ri-i'oiiie.J in liook I til I, pfign Tn, ''I'M 'excellenti-, ma inl alnj..!, Ilironiii', KJjfi'eoiiibi1 Kegisti'ry, to which deed ;T he ur.lers of Stephen, l'el riehenko, tho referenco is. ma.le for a heller di'scrip j L'H year old .sailor . w hu as.: trc jOlcm !. "( I ) 'l...t .' .1.2,. niirk i.jd' the Shore ti 11 j llnftilies-iuirvey, fronting all ft on the west side of Myrtle Ala'.. Iin.l run nin hack halt f.-et, and the nmo h.l .'0Ilvea4.' hv T. A. tamper &11.I l!.-!l 1. (iopir, his -wife, to .Int.. Urate her, by t ion. . '"::. ( :.' I Lot situate on east ..Hide of Mid die SI. siivh lot fronfinn "" t.i. Middle St. .'.il ft. and riiiitiiii .luick loii'l't. and is lot. Nn. .'Ill of the Hh.irn and tinf oil sui'vev described ' in ilecl lfy. Nit. Insurance and Hey Ity, ( 'uinpanv to A. T'. Spicer in Hook I7J, p.i(0 .11.1, I'.dye coin be- County IKt'uisI ry n ml is t he a lue land conveyed by K.hvard . Iveyi and. l.ula. his wife, ii ml J (', Hrasel, Trustee, . to .lohli l-tniteher, l.v deed dated March lllli, l'.HM, to both of which deeds reference m made for a better descripl ion. This April 2;!nl, llUl. T, T. THORN K, Truntee, llturne 4 Tlioine , A 1 1 'iriievn. ... - -.. ...v,,.., . MID -WEHT PTONF.EE HONORED BT l'OPK AND FRANCE Time to Face the Facts It, - h a y7t.- ' -ry r - . WW ' ' ' So niuch has been sni.l ana.insi. th use of patent, medicines that 1 have hud a. stroiie; prejiidic alter f our years . diU'erent ductoi-s, acule. indigestion,. tioll, a.pelltil.ic'it is I Week against them. . Hut title t . 1 1' I llr W'll h 1 si X wit hunt results, for gastrins, eonstipa and oilier iiiluierits, I wn$ SHid to passess, I. was encotirayed to trv Mavr's Wonderful lieun'tlv, see injj ivhat il had iloile for a frienij Him-ilarln- afflicled. I tiKo was entirely relieveil of my tiaiuble, tin,.! am sure, this niedt.'ilio will do: all and more than .is claimed for It." 1 1 is a simple harm less preparation that removes the ca tarrhal mucus- from' .Ihe intestinal tract and allays t he . iiitlamiitul hni w hich causes, practically all Htoniaeh, liver aud intestinal ailments, iliclu.liiie; ap jiendicills. One dose -will .-onviiiee or money refunded.'. . M it (lorliain and (1 ru (?i; ml n every where. . r i '. -si ICS. William ,it; .-"'- :' - ;: ; ' ' "" ' V1' a , . Ur- ... J SM,: '! ' ;: is'o r 5N- V V William P. Dawver, of Minnonnnliu, tuprerne director of the nil? lit it of Coliimhin and pioneer organizer of ttifl K. of C, In the Miildle nniLN"ort.hwf st, has been made a Kniitht. of ft. (ire (orv bv Tope Ib nedict nml nwnrdetl the ("obi piilins of the ren.'ti republirt in recognitiiin of tit K'. of '., waf work.- ililllilil! iiiiili End Sp ecials 1 -T' ' I ' j ' '- tl' illi'iifs li.e i.l' 1 ifit. .).. I lie l.i'U I ;. t nil .1 1 a i - I r,iiv-hni;,.ii Just I JPer Yard Received , I for Saturday ) OffKlA fi I) B t I .:'--- '... and Monday's L. it lie's' lirr-ii a :i, Sill; I i r: I'.i.p.mi. lil.iek an.) s . V. hi:.-, in '.lain tuiii 1. i..- w . . ! K .-. i ,!. ions A .'.'iihir l.:'.H s.-i!. r, s.-. ::,l W,. kV.ll.l Sale I'-!,',' - (t?c rer iara s . : I'si. h en "-. i,,.. i . ,ji i i t v ; riit"ni- I.isl,. 'I'ln eaVI s...'l;. : SS in- Winter ;i!l! I. 1. 1 1 i. I .!;. it s;, .l:iitr alitl I'an.'V tiis. hull' ;ilnl Es lii'i''l-tii;ii 'l.fiv l.'itt'l Irs - Hi.'erv piii.i; I'llui ;i 1 1 !. 1 , ;U " 39c Pair , Men's- I ('. tii:iliiy Viuilcx . Alhli-lit' riiinn Snils, t F 'S -..72xSil. I'ltjitfti.-l- - 'Heels, t-l;lst it- li.ielt, full rill,: ill) siiN. Jl't-ov ss iila:- 1 "i'l it 1 1 1 I $1.25 Per Pair A STRAW HAT SALE AT THE RIGHT TIME. V . Imlnsli'ii-iiililt' I'aii.'iiiia atiti; Straw Hats, in Men's ainl -Xiiunjf Men 's ' :,)ia's. ' ; All iii'iV : styles and sli:iit's. .. lictcii liir i. t"i an. I i-1. tin i fail ts. til t lie. very.: s'ltvial iee of - - $1.95 3 a.'--- Glen's Otis liliie I'liiclmeek Work I'ants. last ciiliii', a full cut, all sizes. Ki'irnlar tli.llil value uf 95c Per Suit a New Lot of Boys' Knicker bockers Pants All 1 Sizes At Very Low Prices OfTenng an unusual opportunity to luircliarso be?t quality.- mercliandiso at great .savings. Below we mention only -rrf rr-n$rt hr-mtxi ty-4 1 i ns-wU i:mipjt. fin -our Special Week-Lnd Sale 1 nun y.if.l -: pt.i.il (ii.ility yiifil iile ("libit iielteil I l.i ini'Slie,, hi'-avv fiii int., ex ft; I kiit tiiiisli.. lU'gul.ir .15'. (juality, ial W tv k - I'll i d Sale lru-e 8c Per Yard I'" - t iiialily A 1 1 riii i I iin-liaiiis,. 27, indies. vyiiU',. I'st en iiiis, all e ...ii , tiniL all sizes, checks. Heyulat- ;'J')t value,' at Hie sii't'ial in it'ti of , .. 12l2c Per Yard . .. lii'st' (in,lity .Ma l'air, Wny.eii. II t-tts, in all I I'C M'e( ty neat si iiH'i) iiittei;iis, ;ilisiiluiely fast tiiliirsv-siiitjiliM ('.'t: tiieii rs sh i i t s, ladies' waists, etc. .'.lfcyular Jac ri'iaili'!', ut 59c Per Yard Imported transput-.' nl Swiss Orianilies, ri.-li luslrums finisli. will not l.e;,, its "loss itl'ter .washing 4.V inelies wide ; in cv.'i v desii alile color and slunle. Very specially priffd ni -- -..---....- ;, .' 95c Per Yard All OuT Sheets Pillow Cases Towels Table Linens J Etc. at Reduced Prices Mch'k Dri'si Shirts of koo1 tjuahty poi cule.s. All tl. newest piitlerns. in tieut xtripes; all sius. Jit'Kular $1.50 value aL our spceial jirift of 95c Each Yard wide, hest rnialilv Linen Suilintrs, in Copen- liaRfii, li(jlit. hlue, rose, pink, lavender, etc. Just the thing for .stiiiiiner 1 rocks. Keyular 75 value, 'at 39c Per Yard One lot of Men' licst ipiality IC'tle Sliirls in neat tili ipi tl patterns : absolutely fast color, woven madras. Al m V lute l'otiKi'f ShirtsTTvit h collar attached, up to $4.00 .Men's (fod quality Hal.ifruuxiu Shirts and Drawers, full size garments. Regular 75c value, special at 45c Per Garment Hest quality 220 White liack Denim, Uluo Ridge Over, alls, I'nion Made, high hack, coats to match, extra fall cut. Regular .2.25 value, our special Week-End price $1.35 a Garment v Buy Your Supply Now. El Men's Liberty I Slue -liest quality Chaiiihray Work Shirts, fast colors, all sizes. ReguLar il.OU value, our spe cial price IS"'--:--: ,- 55cEach ROSENBLOOM- . . ... j . -. LET US SHOW YOU! evy company: !!!!! I'fllM! iiiiin Mifllillflltltltfttittlittiirfmff.Mt IllllliillliliUl. 111. ill. .ixiii... .. Ititr.ft,i,,r.'

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