i 11 ij u v Li l in u l li iilii. The , EveaB? Tefegram jPnilisW Every Afternoon Except firinday by the Rocky Mount i'ub llthing Co., 104 106 North Main 8t.r Telegrfcm Bldg., Rocky Mount, N. C. lumber oi tie N. C, Asioo. Dailies. B. N. IV A. Bureau Adv. A. N. P. A, N. C. PreM Assoc. Member of Associated Press The Associated Pren U exclusively ntltled to the me for publication of all newi credited to it or not Otherwise credited in this paper and 10 tbe local news printed herein. AU right! of republication of special dispatches Herein are alio reserved SSBBMANY TELL OF QUICK REL1EF OK LONG STANDING TROUBLES Dinner For- Confederate Veterans at "Y " 1 and Kxercises "At The Monument Foreign Bepresentatlves frost, Landis and Kohn , 223 Fith Aa., New York Advprtuiug Uldg., Chicago Chandler Bhig., Atlanta. Phones: Basinets Manager ....... ....-.71-W Circolatlon Manager ......... 71-J Editorial Booms 800 fey Oarrtar By Mall 1 Tear fl.50 1 Yar ...... 6.01 I Months . .3.25 8 Months . .3..10 1 Week ....12V4e 3 Months ..1.75 Entereit as Sd claw matter, Oct. 7, It'll, at Poitoffice at Rocky Mount, N. 0., under Act of March I, 1897. Mejiidrial exercises, , t he. prnnratn f'..r nliieli I,:k !; n .lir'ririijri'il.- l,y. (In1 H . t li I II i'I'im'H.. ,liuiLt'X..-..J-iiiii:jl-:,l Jaii).lifc-r-----of th ('iiiifeilci m-v, will U- ln'14 ionium. n iiflernunn hi :i::!u ( the .1 7ni I ctl ."'rate ! in mi nine nt near t he ; en f r.i m Hilll- I'll! li. These cvl-rcist jil.ii .' al'tor I In' I :i iic.lt'. in have servcl llicir minimi ' I i i ii , r I f, t li I 'it t'-.l.-r;i t veterans, nf the V. ...M. (', A., the huur j fur till .lillller havilic, been -tet ;:I ,,!, o 'cluck. . V j el . tin l,v ivill lb.- herncs uf the.CHil j war, .!.,- 1.., in, red i.'.ii in,. : ijc; r, iv.h... - llllf the Ifllekv Ml.llllf ' lllld lsl (1,1111 j I v Vt'rviKei''1 ineii'''i liUrU;'''1 I fi';iiv 1 ;liV"' ( i' lit In' rVfeitt Wii.i i.f Wiir ' w i ll I ilr'-u i i V lii-. (jivi'ii I heir vli :, i . of . homage; Tree' I Inn i': Ihm'ii j i I :i ii t I :i i , , u ii I .1 1, niV.r, :i I llll'tll III I ll,. IlllIIHII'V of lUll'll ;i,Ki sl :i i i iii;mi,- mill "tlni..- will. In, t' 'ri i in 1 1 v I . f j j icaled by ffev. V. l(,.- s nkci. . ,:hM, i,f llii, V.irth l.'ockv , Muunt Hitpl f. j ''llllh'll, Mllil ..'I chaplain iluiiity tile' Will' Realower o Hospital's Home Treatment Shown By Resultrtr . - ... Chronic Disorders of Stomach Liver and Kidneys THREE CAKES TYPICAL OF SCOKES OF OTHERS REPORTED AT UOH In KiM , I PITAL POINTS WHERE SANUX I S NOW BEING DISTRIBUTED Hill III I . I 'rli.iifti. i in; in..;- -fi'iktii"; - i ! n ! -"ii .) bottle' -m I i 1 . T , ri . rt(.n I' the lemalhal.!.- .n v i t. I tile . r ' . i '!' l-."",I. : .",,;.,(';. j l 1 ,rv I i ! " J"''"I-. Jtl-a'lt'll I :iin ri'l ii'veil t.il iiin'iV nf const ii:i I liiil ll'Mll'.ir.S.UjJl h:is liimlylit W,., ijllii'li ll!:t I- f lilll I Mill IHHV till Till1 Tilllil 1 : :.-hi,iv vu.loiM. ':ri,l ii.li iiii-a' !tli,ii n ;i'. S:inn, Hi, w:ii iisi',1 :il lln- . I nili , 'Mi..ti; I'linni l'..il(il"' I'T i!l.)T7"Tii7,". .1 ,i'J,i-,;i, t-iilisl ii'-li; lurjiiil li't r :i .li : ;ni in,l i ruiilil. ,! ; t I,, , iri''. I n!-'.. .i,.-'-j;. I s' .. ii,i li;n , niiirr : ;:,., ; 'I j I I 1. 11 I,!r4 .y. it li'.. i- li -I. I,. i ', Mi iiiiiMi i IMl! ;:ir Vlill'l.!,',; 11 ' .i: im.ii I'nilM .tlllll 1,'l'iM :tlli i;,!;.ri ; S:I1I :.lr)i, H u 1 1 , 1.' k i . 1 if V I in ii 1 1 1 11 1 , 'ii I'urMlll j . 1 1 : i 1 1 If ii , I li i in..: .! In :'! in i l-,-'.-v Vh.. II, 11 f ir. .ill ..u Un-ii .ttii l'ull ic... Li'ti'i'1! , J.ili' '; t'. ',' .;i."j;, l'i,,llir Mllllilin ,ii:-,,i,M'N ri-li,,ll,l 111 llll- j l'llil'il. fu, I ;;i '';'",' I ; ji t i'i;;i I inl'ii ! . ' ' ' I 'i ; I 1 ! i r- r i. wlii- V ' j A lin'.'ti 111:1 ii v- of ii tti't u lut -tci civ- J- --. ' - "- -I tin- iVo.-.tnicnl -ii !!ic lii,-n!:il ,1-rr I Mrs. Robertson Says She . "!").'-"'' I'"'' - i-'i w i, . ,!' I Siitlered For .Seven Yti Monday, May V, 1921. flermanv'B attniili- iiiiIh-hIih Unit tin tilled douini'iit will Iiiivii tu In' rim Vtrted into an ultimatum. V s "With U it h niotlifiilii I riiulili's. lti)ii;i dOBi not hnvi' t iH'imli'iiil with ...linui leggprg. 'I'hc fnivictn punt ivclv. ; will not stand for 'npil:ilil. These Jn.ili iMinlcn'nci'H rciiiiinl nm of negro cnnip meollngM whirr icl one goe9 with n razor in hi" slmc. When a fellow sturls lor Ins. hip pocket these iliim, vmi emi t idi whether he'ii going to pull u kuh in ;i iottle. - Not, content, wit -lituxing . evervi lung le, the iegiNhitiire lnnl to. Imngle things so Imillv with tin? iniiiuripiil llnanco net. Unit now evni the iitit'iicc . of th ecitles is being tnxeil. The supreme cuiirt s decision merely mpliaiws the fact Unit it s :i for tilnate crnninnl who is voung enough to be trlml in the iiveinlr eiunt. . :.i At last ITih weather nuin: nppenrs- tu bD having a heart, mill liuiy be niter ill thoa new -airjngs. luuiiicts mnl Itowns Imiight for Knster iiiav be worn lor the Foil rlli of Julv . eelt-brut ion. SPECIAL SERVICES ATLOCAL CHURCHES Large Attendance At All Services Indicates Fit- tinjf Observance of r"t Mothers' Day riie . iiu'iuori:!! :i'liln"i will be ilflivi-r ,l ' I..- I.'... 1 1 ,..,. - --I..I' ,HM,,r of I lie" I'ris! l, Miiel'.i! , l.ur wild,, 'i Un. s'ei-v eil ii: i .cli;i ,t:i in ,u rilij; . t !ie hi le'. w ii r. I iinij;liiers iiic :iir.giiig tin- .-ge.irVrat j HI 111 i.- 1 i iltlriiil the l-Mercili's jo 1, 1 . 1 1 I li,- American i.enui nu-niiiei'i mnl t lo eliior I'.liililrcn liii c a Is,. . Im cii ;i ke.i to part icijiale ' 'I ,i ,,i .uii yi'l .n,eii witti 1 lii'. lineiiiji of . ''Star. San!i,l Htiiincr" liv .ilie , roivil, alter which the inyocal iiin w ill be i tl'.-i, , l.v II, , . Wil In r. I l.'.ojiyer, -jilt st. 1. 1- of the fir 4 I'tis i bylei'ian ciiiii-i'li.. ' Then w ill . f ollow Ilie f'i)il:icri(iui'f :i(, Hie ; tree' l. !,'e . l, YuMy anil . tl.ie .iic)tiinia), aililics-i b In . Mr. i'aiinou. Tin- cvcrciscs iih wilt l,c ciiticliule,! . w ith a . noujrt Mlo, Save 'l!l"Ni Tr ." Which Will lie leil l.v til. Hthci Heroes' tluniiir ntol . t he - schooi hihlren. . ' - REPORT SATISFACTOR PROGRESS IN SMYRNA Alliens, May Mi.itav cu iti,,n iii . Sin.y rn a it ist ricf of .Aii;i M i tiot; ;'i i t highly sai tsfaclory aihl tlie tui'irals ol t he (Irceli Ml'luy' i hete in ootl, . I'la-iui,,) t lennrai 4 . 1 oli K i ii J ('oil -I ant ine ;i ii, i the. cabinet vesterilav. HEADACHED EVERY DAY FOR 2 YEARS I'Vedericksburg Lady Suflcr ed From (laslntis, Cons tipation, Torpid Liver and Stomach Disorders. Dre- co Hrouyht- Prompt lic licf. ' "'Mis SI oiiuicli; j;a ye so im'leji t i''o.u bit;', I; -jil'raiil' In i':i t , f.;,r ineiy tiling tltllit'il lit e;,s in . vnon IIH. if : l'i'lic'lli',1 IIIV -ttoltiill'h e.'llisilljj jity clot lies In f.'cl tijijil ii ml jjivuik hiiai'i' . jiaius." .sai, I M r ., Ma ry, i '. 'Silyef, ulm ii cs on Si :ir IJllllt.e, Fl eilel icU st II I y , 'll. ' ' M.V I U c I was inactixf ami I. :,iften lia'l -ili'.i -jiells, n lint, bitter liiljl,l woulil coiiii- 1 1 in inv tin oat an 1 I imii u ilull heatl ache i','l'v inorniny. 'i'lie fllii, pacbeil ill inv bow el", refusing-, to .puss i.ff .and I hail, to fake cat liart.i.cs every niglit. which ,a e, .b'iy."ia.i't j.i..ki'i'pi,IJ inv 1 1) ill ;i fli u j -) 1 . ':." ' ' I. t h jlik i) is . simply VmiU'IcI fill,; t lie way Kre.'o ' e'orrecle'il' ': t lie--.,' .1 roirliles, w hv I hinlll 'I been tak.n,; it more than t el , im t i tun -f ,., e. t ritiiltlv-, in, J ,: t w : tiiiraeulniis n-'! el i tilese IMS w 1,1,. I, . -,, .. ','n ;i: a", '! ' l.' ia imi i .tlte . si'l'lllilielv j V'eal - I lia : . ill ' ma li v - of j a 11,1 i it lie i-.ri;:.i1 i'iI so niiii'h . fa III' . ; l..'i ciiiiiiiu'iit. ;.an, ca iisnl .-l.il" llieil.ifilie .In, Iteciiiiie' will .', .'I'll ii j . it ... was t haV I'll the pneiccjii i ,i. bec-inii' -it oroal tji.'it 't ae ifj fee! i, r of; T in- In ,'s, . i ; ,, I . ili-cnje I fo offer it I,, the "pirl, lie ; In,,,- hmui: t i a ' no'iit. . 'ill". I'oiloW'illij staleliiellfs ubiell have l.-celtt :y Iteen lepni te.l. to tbi' hospital ilie I V pieii! nf .sexr.-S nf" f;S,'S in u llidl Sa It 'I V' has l ninpt ! v - relie e, tr,si,! ib- s nf litii -tainlin', in. niaiiv rnvs after ail "it her. means: :hail faile.l; .-iiii- : of 1 In-' rieyvr. a b4e i rV-w.lV f .. "...V V ,'liiil!l,l f ill' sr.,-I'ui-' ti.r pa-! -illfeil'ij; W'iJlt -.... I - f i i'lli, atlll iin;' "lull i'.tVi'U ' iin- ;relici,, I; w it yeiy,!!-,' by- a .V I In 'a Us , 'yf ;-ilii-ggiA ! firm isM R. R, Man Iri Rolicved ; After Long Suffering iiil.'.n, Va., '-" I .Mil'l.-ii-il yea W-l It. elil-oliiiv ''illiliiiest in a. ' ' s: ' ; M f7-'i I.'. S.-tt !.',. a. weli kiinwn .,;!, i, t,! man j United Medico. Cliemi Hospital." loth h ' I ha, Jieailecl,, s a1! I1!..- '','Clay Sts.. -Ricbmond. Va.."" .Vilis N. C. laiiner Relieved of Three Years' Siitleiing 'J VtitaJti;': "- .Mr. ',li,. if Motlv: , ;V. ...well k iii. A iv- fa nu'ei;.lii-iug mi. ri lit e -..-Ileal', i lli'.s Jilaee,: ita Iteetl t i'l-e ' ic.l i ll t,'l' a ' ere. case' of-j irnlifi'e-l n.ii for 1 ii i ce '. vi'a i atnl what ' S;niu :n Hi. , :i-i.,' i 'li It -'case' !,-! ,!i I,, tin' re n al kabie power uf t!ii- ereat llospi .efU -.,., ii,,,,,,- 'i'leatltn-Ilt. In i, :,ee ii-nri pa t .nil ; , , . . i, j' ; .t.:i;,li ic Jl;i ; il t ... ; le f .'..;. . j,,, Mityere.i finiii iiiiiinest inn i'or three y,eafs.'' says;. M r. . .luiies, iyhi-ti .1. Iieiii'il nf Wlt,'i1 Satiiivr was ibt '. ;il e'- fnr ii I lle'l'S s I ' lec i ill'-1'. t . . wive', il I ' ,l rial'...' ' .. i, 'ha e fa ketl V fl, ret-'' I nil I les" ,f '"T !-.';; mi . I i -i f u: an,r.;.t has .lime 'ine. nil nf eniiif- , l ilnli'est inli' luis I.een ".:'. ii-, i'l - ati.f. f feel -I ''miner anil lil'l'-. r iii e'v-.-i :y ' v ay. 1 ntmlly r. ..'i.iii ; ... Ill s-ai: as a line t ,,'n i'c. " . Sanux a VI" ili-estinh, yni f i as .'a ti.ilil ixat , .gi'.irt;!V eli!ittii..;i4.ie - -yslem I . iill'l ''M .;' i,s, ::! i III II la t (,'s. "' ;. . II lift! la. I,' a.ifhv ':;a'iiii'ti(i-'i ami' biiiliU .up; fiiiil 'I'liiil'liens the' whole sv-.fciii.-. '.". I'l t . - ii.n-i or tin-' I in this se t ii.n. iu e.iuht .! ' I like .1 lt.it ! (V- ' nr tw it t o la v: a ii. I ciiiiiii-tic 30 Barney 30 "Off ldfield Off- AnnouiKosn 20pnc nt eduction m the price of tires and lubes m addition to this vc oiler for one week onlv, an additional 10-percent. We have a complete stock of Cord and Fabric Tire from M()x;5 to :55x5 Iabrics, carry a (5,000 mile guarantee, 'While the Cords aiv guaranteed foi 10,000 All clump- and adjustments aie made satisfactory riiht hei'e m Rockv Mount. Come in aiubduok our slock over. A look means a buy at these prices. Remember this oiler will close .Saturday nieht HI". , - 'I lJ & .1 i.Jt Robertson Auto Supply Company . Smuix is , iiie ' ill'J.'eni.l -.4ai.'',:.i'.,(,;!'t-le.. hl' l.i.-' w i'-ii ' t int.- - v as her v nil ;. ri "t. s'eep nr a,;.!,l.. Knnih -t.ih.ach mill .i.'i 't ,.,.f, I'lllel a ii.l I 'ht II, .sl, mi laible 1 1 til ,'b.n 'ii .' i ii., 1 1 1 ! i,,ii ll:l',-ic ill!'"!, .but. ' lint In j ir 'ee . any ' guiiVf,.' ; , ' ' Then : I '.iiein',1 ' alio' bi'ealr''' IillkniLr" i.l'V "1 :r on I . hanliy ' ib-.-la r.'.t Mr-. 1'. T. .-. !-." : t -, ,n , , . f' 171" i:,V ,;... .,. -,l i p. . el - i X , , 1 1 ' I k (tVfinii', t h i s . ci 1 y:. - . i.ieii' ' '" on i ,, ,,; i -e ,'cy ; V ." 'Mv .iniljer'-t inn- w'a's. '-ii'. bail w ln-ti . -t; ! :i: e, ;m : Sn .n;,f iu a "tei-- U .''lay '.iown'"-. ttiy'h.K' I itniiM a ija,,-tV ' ,,,n;i;." . ,1 4 1 i -1 in -i il - i -1 ii is t her, bill' in.liiy'i 'iir rnnhtiiii iiyiter'; ft -ll'tiu v i i 1 1 1 - -!- ;i . i. : . i. i (tav I- .a . it,,l' culer. '.: n.:y .' ii i - f- 1 j- i - j i: hi i--.! m k, ' . ." il.li iavv In e,. Iiii'll ' sleep' li.ll.e, reSt'i ll be'!. .' :i',ii il ir eet i .1 :N i tin - :' aiyf t er' I lia u itt 'ma n v- "a-n rs. v 'flu -ai'.,' i l,;i ' nil ',1 .: efjll'' spi-'ils li ,'l ; 1-'.ce;i i',. .-illilelvv ::il ' ' Mi" e. ' 'I t,. tt'-t a i ll; tal linui - Treat .accept ., sab i.tftre.l a-' ",1'lst -t in . y;i,ii r e if'- lins;,i!af' Vvi :l'u!: Si'i ;:,': l,rr,- ' l.y Stain'la i'," iM'i 'i, I II', I. !! . ks iini'i ,-'(''. '''' ' .1 I, liuivls liiov-' ilaily is not hitin sllort of tu kci 'll.nf ' hi icf i e; Ilia) !ii''- ;U i'l neys , ,l.ii. 'ic- .b in n'f.:etl ; - that t'hi'' ii.'el. i-f't-eat in'tl's tu t he ;f loll. "mil l' be pif f , ' I i .', ". tin'" n.-lt.'.i r.i !- lu'i-lt niei'l i ll'.' , .-let s: .,.'( t iii -e it a i' nl l.':i its l in'i.ilie t in ai ill . -n t Iii", pel 1 1 1 nil l i e if ilut i Nat ill',- ill ten, b M tv ami linl'l tu i .,,:,!;: ' '-' ,t Ik, in I. mil. ill t r.nllle.'.' k v" M oiiiit Lirgo nlteinliiiii'e ami special i.-rvi rel in- keeping with the spirit nt th Atjr marked the observ inn I Mnln ftii' Day at the lu.-;il hlirches yesler.l.-iv Every ehiireh in the eilv was ,acki" i ttl Overflowing lit. both the iiiiinniif mi, eveninf services' tiiui in several, tiitlnii - ViSting spnkers, ftliii hii btvn iirinignT here espeeiullv lor the dav. cnmlucle i th aerviees. At the Church of the OnoiV 'Shepherd V.K.I...L 1. III. ,1.1 .-I.- . , -..,.' , ,..' , , ... II veek . w heit I nut iced .1 he lite. or the kw'til Kin ii'upiil church, ulm lelti. . . .. . ... , . 1 1 , . ., cllltnue. l v h laches hint' left In iiere some nine iiuo lit i.-iKe up siiiiiiari , . r. -,. . . . '"Iv appetite Work at F.'irnivtlle, :i., ciiiuluc'i'.l In. l , .- , ' . . , , , , ., . and I think J i iiioriillllf Neri iee anil w .-is iiearti i , - u u ,, , .. ., ' -., - W tllltlt 1 1 ii,. ,-..', .. .. linusu-nllv Inrire eunereijiit ion. Ilie nth t , , ; , . ' , '. - ,, - tt . hlsrnlv mi pn r I. a it V r tin rr visiting renener. in me i-it v. iii'i .: : HVM. Morlll Ciluciit ion.'il seeretarv oi l tt., Vn.,1, f . ..v..r. .... ...,4'.. ,,i.l . ,,V .1 I'l , II II I I. I 1 I!.. I 1,11 ( ... l.v , 1, I, 7. ; i , . , . . t .',' i supplies I he. T, .. (0 greeted .hv n birge ronuregiitioii m 11 ... 1 . . ., r' ... '. ,. . ... . i,t itma c.h, ,'ti I ha t . ine irsr Aii'tiHiitist . i iiurcH, Overflow crowds were aN.i present at the Flrt Haptist ehnr. h. I nst I r.-sl liytprian mid l- ii-st lurstuui chur.-he where Rev. .1. h in. h.-bu . . -Wit lard Conger, mid Uev. (. ti. (iilb.n ' Jestieetivelv. del-n-treil' nispiriiiLi .s.-rm ons in kepnig w ith Mnther c l iv. And what was prolmblv the larnest cmgre gat ion Of the dav turned nut at tin . First fin pt ist chnreh iiisf nitrld f.o Ilea r Rev. .Mr. Kinclielne liud Ilie nrph.-itis from the Odd 1'ellmvs orplimiade at the 'ity of (olilsliorn . mg. I he - mngregii ' lion was greutlv iiiigtiientt" I hv the at tendance of the Ineal Odd I elhtw i win, marched to the t'liurca hi a bu.lv. 8peeial services were ulso tl r l.-i of the dav at the Arlington street liap. tlt Church, C'birk (Street Methodist an South POeky Mntiiii. Metlindist churcii ! eS . Where in each iiiistunc," th,. pnst.n ' delivered stirring sermon nn Mothers 'i , day, touching upon' its significmicp. a'n,l ' what tshmild stiitui tor. At ...nli Hockv Mount the (lav s avlivittes een -t tered ntiout the NorMi l.'ockv M unitl Methortist churcii where a Tcvval enn ducted hv Rev. J. A. luissell wn in ull swing. Services at the Itaptist ,1, : Jtirch were dispensed with en m'.-ount I of the revival, and the cniignega-urn I that turned out to hear the evanelist j wan one of the largest that has even tried to pack il wnv into the. North Bocky Mount, church. i i Throughout the eilv the dav wa-I tnost Dprroprmf elv observed, the ii.l j dress of Rev 11.. M, N'lrth to a m:i'i meeting Of men at the V. M. . A. ves ! terdnv afternoon being, an espei-inllv fc'gllineant feature. Tlw visiiiii pn-acii er Toke to a large gathering of men noon "Mothers' Hay What it Means." The engeral atrrtdspliere in the city ami i irge church aftehdanee liidicnted -Hint the campaign waged hy the 'cliiinMies ' furday to got extty tesidenf of the "' v to attend services anrl pay homage - mother Wa sa great euceess.- fc'.SKS .:5d'y . f )J!' f - .'is, NOTICE OF SALE ! I'.y viitMle nf the .iower ef sule eon- j lilled ,1, ' .., litortaue' deed : .'xei-yted j t ' the.illulersinf,,.,! ,,nrt";teee l.v .1. If ' If) ;wv,' I-!'. ; I ! I .rrr. ' I theil J I.. Vj He, fa a H I lire III I if ' '. ell ii,,l ,1'i'l Vine' the W it set! -a "I III "f ' Jjlj f t . V i 'ill' 11, ink :'l!l. I'; lc:. !e-isl,y ;,,f ';Xil-; ,:r(," i (t e :.l iceti i n ii d,-., if f lit- .j ii. I .-i if. I'.biiV'.s-, ; t.l t'ei itl ! lie eliTiiav ;M, llid,''r-;nne,l' i'li' II-.let inn;, tu Iii.' 'h i-t- I w.-ly,:.--- t,;i the' Oil, ',1a V , f Vl uiirt In.ti -.-' ,, iin- 'in N llee.l "ll i fnr sa ilnsst. Itjiblv CHICHESTER S PILLS r Til HI 11IAMO.NU KB AND A 7l. I..ll.-l A.k roor llruijl.i f, . ins iu nra ami tuld itmaiik Vfisk no other. Hut of roup Uriiri'lRt. A'kf ii Ill-'JirV-H-TKH A diaMonu hha nu fiLis. rof u weitt k n wn as Ht, Saft. Alwtvt Rel!iota SOLD BY DRtlMilSIS VFJiYlVVFRf FLORIDA NEGRO IS TAKEN FROM JAIL AND LYNCHED -a lit. lb. I:'-!.- b, !,;, r, lieu "Irn'.l. kl. I I ilf I'f.'ti'n j; r 1 i Vd' I i'l'in ' ' I ', allii.i'l ll nil j. : ..iriM,.-ly..i,wiinr bv.J ; - kll' Vil lis iin .li'dill S,- 'I i'l v, as -u ri, I at.ul j, I ii.,.w tl. beilfj ifarats "n.i a in f 'i tit -. - . , i.i p!a ' ...i . i r lial Vii I'iat I.,,k I, the' I'lib!'!.' ' If- '-y of I-'. I I III ,,. I cut. in ilie ,,. . ' -t, uia in iii- I T I '.' . li .. , n t it i ii :llV .!'' J a, .ie i r i i-.-.l real : 'nun I -. -.'' Hia'tl'md , '. t'a.'t ,;f iaitil '- hi : ;t,;.lay .Nasa -imutv:, ilea if t . t,,y a In! i, t' -fi ; h-ti't'v; 'I'lliiil'ipSi., 11 ;U,'I iiUlepsnli J.t-.ip iff H. 1 1, li , ? e.y ' h - ir,: . mil tn'ar !ier.e I'lilietl fie :ak, i, !;, Stop Look Lislen Don't buy Coal until alter Jul v I'dli., as we can sell it to you under S10.00 a ton and will have 100 can riRLsiDi: rvr.L compwy Phone .1")4 ? -'Ji- i a. r. and i il til 2- y Vrt o i"!atk V .:t . h,i bled Vifii'' a i ft i t'.-ii n e a . This ::Hli" ilay :uf Apiily .ln:M,' " ". '-'.'' .r.:' -.a: Miiss,, M,vn !'' If. ' SERVICE STATION SPRINGS FOR ALL CARS Ht'll V 11 V Temme Spring Corporation CHICAGO. ILL. When it conies to auto springs and oxyacety line welding ol" all metals I will be there with my hair in a braid. J. K. BURNS REPAIR SHOP Rocky Mount, N. Hvmmt OAAxiTy Springs Heat Your Bungalow, J cottage, or r lac wiui Hot Water Cellar not neces saryput in any amall house with out disturbing present heating arrangements, un til ready to with the WW. ICKAL-Arcola Rarrls. tor - BaUm far nnaO tiouaea without cellar. Hot -water beating aa al tuple and eaiy as tuo ntos a arove oua iva beats afl rooma. inr if - a 1 The Arcolalsplacrtlntrv- 1 1 Jr.rt I , rCOia ins room. parlor. ot kitchen m aiul hrrd as stove. It l Ani9rri1aKnilr heatj the room and also ivaoiaioruuuer ,,d.,t, tbyhor water ayatem to American Ftndiaturti in aiiiuming room. Thr ( aimnleat, saoat durable, moat ciionmnical iiranns plunt evei 4ewaiMx amaU bamidiiaD. Uon't delay tu bud out ail about it. Elhridge-Lanhan Co. 147 So. Washington St. Phone 1218 :-: Rocky Mount, N. C. I 1 1 I 1 Show in:t'RKM ORDERS DLL1 LRLD We make a specialtv of taking orders for par-, lies, recejitions, antl everv social event yV deliver it roydv to he seryed anvwhere m town. h"v Our NeW'iSlrau berry Ice Cream, niad from the fresh fro it and 'cry delicious. It de Ji'.dits the children espociallv. Cones and served on tables. .... .... The Home ot '(he IJanana Split ; MPalact oT Sweets" The Palace of Sweets i "The Piettie i l'lace in Town." Rocky Mount North Carolina Eastern.. Carolina Automobile Fenners Warehouse A SOLID WEEK May 9th to 14th' I 1 1 n M GORGEOUS s 1 1 I I E 1 1 !l 1 1 I 1 1 s a 1 i DECORATIONS EXCELLENT VAUDEVILLE Dancing Every Night lO to 12 Music by the Famous Columbia - - Saxaphone Sextette Orchestra A WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES frjjrrrJf ii a ii tnl a J 1 a ii 1 a a rui i I Iii a a a a a a a a a

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