T H E E V E M i IN li i E L E G li a iu TAR HEELS LOSE PAGE TVvO 1 II I iirTBIWMMM""""M""""'MMWMMWM. l ill I III I ! - i - 1 I jfCi ta f AVRf CM h I . . . - : : . ;, . k m . 11 I If II I A III IV U I I i I I Spencer's Misjudge, of Ter ; hune's 1 1 it (Jives Ports-.. 1 mouth . 1-3 Victory v in Ninth i" PortsminitJi.. V.'' M:iv :'!-.--In fi. -- end ha.rii--fmipht7rnnin i.i.-ii 1 I, ) Terhiine -nhd. . i tim'ui i i.-' hi-l IVi'flv.j Portsmouth iiD 'i ii jn r 1. It v Minium, ,' : vest, rdny ufte'niyo.n l.v ' .-oi--ni'J 4 to 3.." : I Center Fielder t-r.T..-iT lo.t the. na""' -." for the vi.Htlij.ia in tin niiiili ivli.'ii run. rung uj ten or tvM'!c I 'l i I'1 hunoy line dm e, In1 I : ) it IA I. in li'8,-ftl !o y i 1 1 u n f rim '.i:'k'k-.fT; ami n bne rmmiu-r m " i'-ueh t liinh j where lie wns biuiiKlit: li'fiiie n ii h . .J rini-e II v. I -'. III till- llillt ll I !. . ilx'P!- ill l,-lr,l''i.lj to Mage a i.iily :,! Uy i :r- ( South.nw Ti'ilnin.-, tlir. til -1 t"(i iiii iij 1 up hitting -ai- Jiii't V.MiiuiiKar. ' 1 yanked t li t hui-l,'f ;i)i,l . "uI.m( itul. .) . M j , QloughliiK wlit. '.ri'5iiti',( tlwinufly. ''".,." The. seore Pocky Moil lit - A li. If. II, I'ii. A. I.. Moruiij 3b . . ... Chuiiijdin, 3 . . Spencer, i'f . . Currv, i-'li . . . Kelhhcr, lb ... Winston, rf . hainpitfne If. Meinbiich, c Yarrkon, p . . i . :! . !.' '. 4 : H 3 11 1 1 :! I 2 " ll tr . ;i - t 1 -i' :t ii n i v 4 4 u ii ' I ii ii '. M ll ; ,li J 1 , I I II ,1 1 II 1 ' II 4 1 -; 1 ," " fTttal . . 7 '7 II . Portsmouth Ati. It. II. I'o.. A. 1. BinBi. ct .. . 1 11 " 11 1 Gounetrrv, 3lj . .5 1,4 n Viox, rf . .,..'3 Oloekfton. lb . 4 0 '' ;t t A' II 1 1J :f. 11 Maloneiv If ... .1 0 Wood, fls ..... .4 II . 0. ii U Kellermnn, l!b 1 ii . n 1 ii MoOiiitin. c .. : .'( 1 " Terhunc, p . . " JlIcG lough ii. p i , 11 1 ; ii " I n ii ii . i Tottnls .... I fforo liv iiminii" Bocky Mount ....... Portmimuth 11 (mio tut r i"i :i jaj (iiiii. oo:.'r i Hummnry: fulfil Ihihi'v- - " " Curry, Kdlorinnn. ; Sarriiiii' hiU --. ''' OlOi'kson. . XianipHir; K. ii.'i :i.:ir, fliieiT, Ciirrv, l;iint Two law hit Sti'inba'r'k; Tcibtini', . Ut-fryiy. Iiai Rocky M.iiinl I'.-'' ii' li i". I'"1' bl'. play Ti-rh.iii I" Woo.h 1.. t.U-K on. liuMt mi t: 1 Y";u:i m, r 'Yi't hune 4. Kink.' mil.--. n n i-on I; l'i huno 1. Hit !:!. ':i.'i:i ' "" 1 '. (Malonoc). Hit -'If l'r Vmni' syin 8 1-3 in n i i W iniiiiu; piti'liuf - I'it liun. Umpni'D-- W an' anil Iub-.. " WHKRE THEY T'l.AY Pled'itont Leatjue. Burham at Ralolt;h. Danville at tlrenn-boro. High Point at WiliHtcii Snlom. Vlralnia Loaffuo. Norfolk at VUon. ' Newport Jews at rortsniontli Suffolk at peterslmrR. Bocky Mount at Richmond. National League. New York at Boston. Clnrinrnati at PiUnlmru.--Brooklyn t Philadelphia. Only thtoVj r.cheduloil. . , lAllioriran LeaciK' Chicago aT Detroit. Cleveland at St. I.ouhi. Only two schodiilcd. STANDING Or CI.UHS Plednicnt Loaiiift. Clubn: W. L Tt Ealelgh .......... i r. 8 .Ufa. DanvUle . . ....... .11 1" ..'l Greensboro .11 ,. H . ...r.L'.4 - Durham . . ..... .1'.; 11 ' High Point ! 11 -I'iH Winston Salem . . .7 15 .818 Virginia Leapuo. Clubs": W. Ii. r.t. Po-tsirouth .... y.lO 10 .(.l.'i Bichinond:. .. ...13 0 -Ji-n Rocky Mount ,111? r Wilson"' .... ."ll 1:1 f'10 Suffolk .-.i:i i:l ) i Petersburg , 12 13 .?' I Newport New 15", 3?r. 1 Norfolk v ' 9 it; :::o YESTERDAL'S RESULTS. Piedmont Lrauuo. Raleigh 0 ;i; Durham 8 2. Greensboro 4; Danvilla 1. High Point-Winston Salem rain. "-.Virginia League . Portsmouth 4; Rocky Mount 3. Petersburg 4; Newport Neijra 1. Wilton 4 1; Suffolk 3-1. ' Richmond Norfolk, rain. National League. All games, rain. , i American League. Chicago! 5; Washington 10, Bt. Louli 7; Now Yo-k 6. ClevelaiW 3; Boston 2. Detroit p; PhUadelpliia 5. Local Citizens Attend Celebration at Kinston Severn! loctil iihen t nlteudfJ the annual birthdav .linnrr jjitimi l Thjjj Harver at Kjnsl-Onvotitcrdiiv. ami re port the usual .ujOvabl,. oei-nsiou Willi plenty of barbecue. Iirunswii-k sten, fish, stew and all aocomVatuuienN that yo to make audi an affair a gleriniib ; success. Over a tbousand leople atten ded th' dinner and speeches 'we re made by several speakers of r atate-wide prominence. Thoe viho attended from Ihla city included R. T. K.lw'arda, R. P. Holt, F. T. Dnnru W. K Massenburg, T, L. T'.land and.' J.' 8. Pozier, ... '. ' ""JUG WDctys of Bargains all Bargains Selected by Employees lO Days - THURSDAY, 26th - l O Days - WE BEGIN' AN EMPLOYEES TEAM SALE A sale run strictly by the Belk-Huclson Co. employees. Each team will put forth every effort to outsell the other. At the end of this 1 0 days Sale the team selling the most merchandise will be served Refrefhments by the management while the losing team will be served Ice Water. We invite our customers to trade with their favorite salespeople during this sale. -SALE LASTS TEN DAYS Ten.ni No. One KiAJom: , ' MRS. SADLKR MR. HAKPKK ' MISS R. JOVNKR MISS C. TAVmii MISS 11 INKS MISS ROIiHINS Millinen Ban;nns One: Lot Trimmed H.'itsA'alues up l ?1.HS Salt' Priee only 1.."0 One Table h Vali''s up to Sale Prici only S.'J. S leauliful Trimmed Hals Values -up. to $7.1)."), Sale price' only . $l.t)S Reaih -lo-'e;ir l);nains For 10 I)as - One Lot $:!.()() l'ono.' waists Sal.' , Price - $1.S One Lot- P.eaut iful I-'oulartb Oi t'sscs Sale price ,c;l !.!.") One '1 able Ladies' Muslin Underwear Values up to $?,). Sale Price . SI. IS One Lot :f I.r0 Value Tub Silk Wai.l Sale Price . S2.(il) One Lot; Ladies' Skirts $.").()() A'alue.v Sale Price only . , ;. S;5,S Men's Denarnr.ent Where ! .-. l' ' ' .'...:'' iKirjains are Plentiful Carbartt Sweet Orr and. Ueallii';bt Overalls. Special -Thursday, limit ,eil 2 Suits to customer, only . $ 1 .."( Iiarain Day in iMen's Divss Shirt Department .. !)Sc to ::;..",!) Men's Pest rade Work Shirts (.c Men's $l.r,0 Value K. V. I). Stle Union Suits, 'Special- ;. . . S!)c Poys Best Quality Union Suits only :vjc Men's f)0c Neckwear .... l,"c Men's 25c Collars :.. ELK - BELX-HUDSON CO. Notion and Toilet (ioods Dt.'pai hnent Afford Won-, deiiul allies lf 1'ii'i i' ra! s Oetae.nn Vw -bin", Pov.err . SI. 00 (Limited 1") Cakes to Customer) v.f) Value Hand Lacs and Puire-f !)Xc AVooiHuiry's l-Vicial Snap, spei'ial l'9c (Limited 'I to cu.'.lenit'r ) b'n.'e Olyceriile Soap I'.Oc 'uble one pound cake -0c -Sjiecial Lot Snaji at only . . . - 1c A.'urea I-'ace Powder . . . Nile Melba l-'ai-e Pew tier Mam's Talcum 2.'5c Sllel)les , ..10C Special Let Siinliriyht : ( 'le;inser St : Alhies only . .. ,'c Pedsudt nt Tut. tli 1'aste only . .. !; Pebeco To, ilh PaMC - 7 3.'Ic Ueie.vUes Sm. ill Si..e i'ane only Sc Pro Pby Lactic Tooth I'.rashes . :." Ctttex'Sets Toe -value' at only-....... .Tk'. I Iosier Specials One 1-i.t all Sill. Hn.e, ';tble; lip It ) :!(..) niily . SI. IS Special Lot While- Hose extra lii;o Li-de . . :l)c Plloelii Ho e !Sc Children's Itibbcd Hose -lfic -.value only . :. . . . . Hie each -Childrens' Sox all -Colors only,;. Pic Ladies' c Hose all colors atouly 10c pair Rihhon Specials oOc Value extr;r wide Pibbons only , . . :'Sf yard C. M. C.. Crochet Colin, i-pecial . . Sc Ladies' Crepe Dc.eliine Handkerchiefs : at only . ... . .. l.")C 10c Value Embroidery Siils, only ... ."c HUDSON COMPANY Men's Clolh.injr AT REAL P.ARCALVS Mi-it'.; Wor:-ted Suit s 5.00 value-rat : only . -r- S!).!).') One' I.iit V.len';; Extra. Line Suit.:; at SI 1.'.).") Men's and A ouiiiC -Men's-, extra - line' .: Suoiiii' r and .Sprtne; Suits .Spec-. i;,l S;i,!'e p;iee : C-U --" Poys;' llieb (iratle Co'llev'e .Clothine; .Ydo.no Value:-; Special . ......SHill; Sl.'i'.dO Suits 2 prs pants, Special S!..)0 Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! W'aich This Department Each Dav o --. - . "-' Oi'.Loi T.m 0fni'd.; Ladi.-.' and M. 'c;Sa!i' 1 la rjjain. , .Vil.TiO 'ahic-- '- S.'eciai: S'i.7") One:: !...; l.a.'ir.-.' Ki,l 0l',.rd . ''T.-'.il v;jhics. .' Special S..")0 One Lot So.tHi Value Pi:ick Kid Ox ford:;. Special s.'i.i: One Lot ;::'M.(m JJlacic Satin I'umps w - : Si-,: ( bit' Lei jlelk ('otiilVir Is. Special S 1.7A) 'Misi'-c-s W'li it 5 Mary Jane . Oxfords . Sl.O!) Mis ,(;'.' White Oxford.; and Pumps;: . . Sl.!S Mi-n-:' and Hoys Oxfords on P. iraam ('oiii'ter Sl.!)S and P.oy.-' and Cirls Siindal;-, and Play Oxv fords ... .. . i'Sc to S1.!S Tennis Oxfords ..... JSc lo .S LIS Our Shoe Uara in Counters Alford .Wonderful .Values. Extra Special ..Men's Extra Pine Overalls special 79c M. n's :?.j.O0 Pelt Hats K2.DS to S:i. IS Men's Extra Cond Hose 19c Service and Values to Oar Customers Is Again Our Aim Team No. Two MISS Dl'NN MISS A. JOVNKR .MR. KEENE MR. ANDERSON MISS ROVD MI. SASSKK MR. IT WHKRLAEK Special 33 in. Silk Pongee While it La -is !)9c ard Spe i: tl '.'.'Jr alue Devonshire 19c yd- I a'! l-i bine ' .. . 1 ")C one hain- Sji. cl.d ;.;' 10c I'htra Line L-.id L.e-.-de Cloth I'V Value . . Lie 72 X !''! ,v;he,-t.; I iimiiei! lo cUs'lulil- er) fide .".He I'illow Ca-.e.Secoiids at P0 : (iuest. Towels 15c Value. Special ." for 25c 'a.-h Cloths .'.rc Special Lot Pa,';- Ruj-s. Sale Price S1.25 to SI. 95 Extra Line Quality Orrandic 50c 'alue ' . .'We $1.00 Quality OreMndi" . 79c -Ext ra Lari-;e 75c value Turkish Tow els . . 15c Special Extra Fine. Turkish Towels 35c Special .,; iiiclfTafl'eta at only ... 9Sc IK) inch Crepe Deehine 1.18 One Lot Extra bine Cretonnes . .29c Special Erida Morning 10 to 10 30 o'clock. Limited 10 yards to Customer. 10c (iiiihams and Sheeting at only 5c yard. 'IlllllllHii 1