, .. ' - v ' . Tuesday, May 31, 1921 1'; ; J The Evening Telegram PAGE SIX BiafanctBtBiaiBiiM esnoEJ31H3J3JEJEJBrMSJS WANT AO. 1 I DH. JOHN lu LANB Medical and -Surgical -TrotBiDfttpf Eye, Ear, Note nl Ttnoat and Fitting Glasses National Bank Bulling Houri 0 to 13 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. m. Dr. E. G. Hornbeck OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Spinal Adjuntiuenta lAborato-T Diagnosis' and XRay Ear, Nom and Throat aUoms: S0ft-08 10-12 14-16 National Bank Building DK. OLYDB B. M1NUB - Dentist -418 -414 418 National Bank of Bocky ifdimt building pbunet: Offloa 373 Residence 1018 Dr. E. B. Quillen Dr. J. J. W. Laoney Diseases of Eya, Bar, Neat nit Throat, and Fitting of Glasses I. w BOOB BVILDINU Boars: to II a. .i 1 M P ' Rocky Mount Wet Wash Laundry Phono 1270 Let ua do your family wanning. Each family's wnsning clone ieparately. 'No mixing of clothes. Price: 75c, $1.00 and ?1.25 Phone 1270 DR. OH AS. B. PRATT Dentist Otflee over First National Bank Phones: OJBee 40S Km. 858 W. Gas Administered Dr. R. H. Prindle OBTKOPATH Spinal Adjustments fourth Floor Bank of Hocky Mount BlilUlUg Office I'kuun ia53 Progress Pressing Club CLEAN IN (1, PRESSING AND KfcPAlBINtl OOK.KF.CTLY DONK. PHONE ttOM There ii no health guard eo.ual to A BATH A DAY" The Convenience and luxury of Modern Plumbing Fixtures are re sponsible for the daily bath becom Ing national habit. H. C. DIXON SHOW BOOMS 143 South Washington Street Phone 76 The Man " who , wears a Palm Beach Suit is Cool and Self-Possessed. - for he knows that he has found the Golden Key to Complete Comfort. Efirds Sell them in Dark Shades as well as Light. Lumber Framing, Roofers," Flooring, Ceiling and Siding. J. B. GOODE - Villa and Chester Street Phone 67U-J. ' Why not sav a dollar and have your " Shoes Repaired . , . ,: - : ; -.-- JJy the flood Year Welt Sys tem, it pays. Also any shoe shine only 5c. Panamas Clean ed and Hlocked while you wait. 118 E. Thomas St.- Phoue 487 Rubber lJeels a Specialty. Free Delivery J. R. BLACK Proprietor The Shoe Htpairing King The Rocky Mount Candy Kitchen 149 Bo. Main Bt. rhone 107 We have just started handling vt'Ketubles and (fieen goods and ymi will always find us right'. in quality and prices. Ice ereain served in every form Also furnished for dinner par ties, receptions, etc. . Call Phone 1067 CHEVROLET'S $645.00 f . o. b. Free Air and Water at Curb Nash and Chevrolet Cars Gasoline :-: Oils ; Phone :if5 Bulluck Auto Sales Company Don.-Bnlliick and li. A. Cox l'lopriBtor.i. Dranghan Building Rocky Mount :-! N. C. Watch This Space Every Day Bargains Today I0x3j U. 8., N. B. Tires .... 11.00 32x3j per pi. Tires .... 16.00 30x3 Inner Tubes LI50. 30x3 V, Inner Tubes ........ 2.00 All New Stock Pierce Arrow Roadster, Perfect con dition 1650.00 T ord Sedan, Wire wheels, aU -traa, practically new . ... $000.00 National "4" Racer 1100.00 Allen Touring ............ $85.00 A CAB- AT YOUB RICB COME AND SEE THEM RAWLS AUTO WRECKING CO. Phone 675 028 8o. Wasli,u(;t0tt. ... FORD PRODUCING 4,000 CARS A DAY Present Production Greater Than For Same Period r Last Year. " " Ford la building cars at full speed. And according to an official statement from the factory at De troit, tbe demand for Ford cars and trucks" mill ex ceeds the output, despite the fact that a new high level of production has been reached. . By the first of May the figures representing daily production were in the neighborhood of 4,000 a day, no the May schedule was set at-101,125 cars and trucks, not including the output of the Ford Cana dlan plant or any of the foreign assembling plants. The output mounted daily: May 12th brought forth 4092, the greatest number thai have been produced In one day so far this-year." Since the month has 25 working days, present Indications point to a new high record. ... A comparison of Ford production figures for 1920 and 1921 discloses the... fact that for April 1921 the output was greater by 3-1,514 than for the corresponding month of a year ago. The output for May 1921 1 will probably overshadow May 1920 by between fli teen and twenty thousand cars and trucks. Approximately 43,000 men are at work in the Detroit plant of the Ford Motor Company. The factory is operatln gon full time, six days a week and three shifts a day. "We were never lu better condition than we are right now,' said Henry Ford recently. GEORGE T. BURNETTE Director the Fordson Family, ; Rose Street ". Five Points 'ISlBffiiBIBlBI8JDllBia I' NO MATTER WHAT TREAD your tire may have we can finish it in our vulcan izing plant so you won't know the-difference be tween new and old. We can give it any tread finish, and our vulcanized tires will stand up un der any service. I I iri,'- i 16X1 Edwards-Cutchin Motor Citizens Building and Loan Co. Thirty-Fifth Series 4 1 t" K1 ! fi OS B .Subscriptions will be taken to the Thirty-Fifth Series of the Citizens Building & Loan Company at any time during the month of May. : The safest combination of Savings & Invest ments. Ruild houses with Building & Loan money. All-classes of men, from the richest to ) the poorest, have found Building & Loan the best ' form of investment. - We will be glad to explain to you the Building & Loan plan and its advantages. Office with Wilkinson-Bulluck & Company, Planters Nation al Bank Building; corner Sunset Avenue & How ard Street, Phoned 81 & 83. i ! k 'I I 4 4: pi W. 'S. Wilkinson,-'7--A.; 'Secretary WHO WANTS MY FORD? New rear end. New lighting system. Nicely upholstered. Steam carburetor. Two tires almost new. $350. CASH Buys Jt . p. i,r "TiTrrrntrft ,v. ' riTimmnn Phone 362 OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT J. C. Braswell, 1 President Rock"y Mount, N. C. ' Phone 152 -ttt Company THOMAS CAFE 140 "Washington St., Koeky Mount, N. C. The Best Place To Eat (thicken Brunswick Stew 'IOe (Thicken I'ot Pie 50c Bgg Sandwich .10c lint. Cake9 with Mapla Syrup 15c Hani and Eggs 40c Small Steak ....r.i 45e Good Eats at Reasonabl Prices , CITY FRUIT MARKET CORNER Wafahington and Tarboro Streets Carrying a complete line of fresh fruits and vegetables. We keep up with the mar kets and have everything it j affords. v . j 'PHONE 1259 j CONSULT US I About the Heatng for that Home ! we are prepared to oiler suggestons and a service that will save you many 1 regrets later. (.' - " Vickers Heating Co. ! Engineers and Contractors ; Howard Street Phone 1101 ROCKY MOUNT, N. O. NOTICE JUST 6 DAYS REMAIN In which to list property and Polls In city for taxes. The listing period expires May 31, and .delinquents are W""lilli.ll . TEN CFWT PBP T.TWT. GASH WITH ORDER UBMia yoa are con tracted advertiser u lag ene hundred or more Inches display .':.-. advertising annually. Ho Diversion From This Bute NOTICE, .LOOK LONG DISTANCE moving. I haul anything, anywhere, anytime. Phone Mo. 70S-J. G. W. Bartholomew. 10 tf USED CAES BUICK BIX, DODGS touring, Elgin. Mix touring, Haxuu Six touring. Home of these cars have been repoiutej and are in ex cellent. nlit.pt?- Ruse Oaratfe, T.irboro street. i.holie 108. 4 27 tf FANS! FANS! KEEP COOL with an Electric Fan. Wa have a big stock, ventilating, ex haust, ceiling, desk and bracket Phone 1134, The Motor Com pany. 4 30 tf ROOM FOR RENT CONNECTING bftth. t'ouple pri-terred I'lioin 452 W 5 14 tl OLD BAOa WANTED MUST BE clean. Bring them to the Evening Telegram Otlice. FOR SALE-3 OR ANY ONE OF 3 building lots at a sacrifice. Call this otti.e. 4 Hi tt NOTICE POLIOS AND ALL CLASS . es of property are required to be .Ust.etf- diiring'thp. moiitli of May . and I am iiuw . listing for T?ilg.ej:.o;nte. ('(iiiiity at the office' -Niii. .221 -Tal i. oni ft reet'. T, H. Lancaster. 5 19 it . PAPERS PAPERS PAPERS - OLD papers for sale at the Kveuing 'I !. grain ollioe. & 19 1 1 WHO WANTS OLD PAPERS? FOR sale at The Kveuing Telegrain of tice. ' 5 19 tf FOR TIN ROOFINO, SEE L M. . Barnes. Phone fi.V.' -W. T,-'l 1 nio. WANTED , SHORTHAND PUPILS Public, steuograilirc work. ('. K Haiiis: I'lione 741 ' V. S.' 1.,.-. I n 1 e. BASEBALL UNIFORMS FORMER- lv sold for JIH on w cU-m. out at : JT.50. AH ' iric"e";'oTl gloves'. 1111.I uiitls greatlv reduced. Otlicial I). & M. League baseballs now snhl at .fj.00 each. 1. J. Kdwards & Co.. 109 Tarboro St. S 2.1 tf. - WILL TAKE ORDERS .... FOR Nl trate soda at ?''.." lai ton cash, t'ot ton .-eel meal if'Ci. "nl ton cash.. To I.,, cli'liveri'd 'arrival of cars, iloo.l ll:iv f.'.i"i ton cash, rcailv for de liverv. I'lh.iie 4o. .I..h H, rompanv. ; '. lT r.t. l'.'ier A" FOR RENT. 2 UNFURNISHED j rooius. and iiall iiptair--cal 7'o3- - V. .' :- . ., r. ::--.",t. "'i- - WANTHO TWO OR THREE ROOM ! apartment at once. Call Evening i Telegram office. 17 tf EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE 8TA tioiC Movant i Waller. Phone III ' Jri tf. - '. " MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. V.',. guarantee to save vou uiouev. on your fu nut lire , purcha I ".rner Washington and -.Mangold streetn, A. F. Moore, Manager, llalionrii Furiu- ture Co. -. . ' S IH lino SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR! furniture. We have special bargains I at tin slime. Cash branch llaboiirnj Furniture Co., Washington and Mar j loohl Streets .A. t. .Moure, .Manager 1 IS 1 mo. THE RESULTS OF A SATURDAY night in'Snnw Hank" a blackface comcdv will be presented ut I o it -dies Kridav evening, Juiii !lrd, at , 8:,'i0 o 'clock. '; Admission 20, iiiid .-."Vll cents. ', ;:. . -1 :tl -It. C4N YOU BEAT THESE? 1 COLUM- bin (Jrafonola cost ifM.tHI for .flU. TjO. One Kdison (irnfonol.'i cost ri. 110 for if l.'i.fUI. One cl Jewell Wal " thain railroad Watch, cost ftio.oo, for $.'15.1111. Trajdi'ling goods, at .your own price. I. J. Kdwanls & Co. .1 .11- 4f. WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR NI- .. :t rate soda nt $(1,".00 .ton cash. To be delivered arrival of cars. Oood Hav $.12.00 ton cash, reaTly for de livery. Phone 491.. John S. Dozier & Company. 5-27 (it. FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for light hoiisekeepinit. Phone 90 or applv 124 Ho Pearl St. , ' 5-31 It. WANTED TO RENT THREE OR four room apartment. Down stairs. Reply P. O. Box 715. 5-31 6t. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT JOE Battle and Mrs. (V A. Toney were married March 30th, 1921." C. V. Richardson, 5.15 Atlantic Ave. 5-31-2t. FOR SALE SINGER AND OTHER makes of sewing ma'ehines at bar gains. Phone 11SS, 212 Marigold at. 5 311t. i TWO FURNISHED BOOMS TOR rent. Phone 850-W. ,5 31-3t. HAVE THAT" OLD FLAT TUP Pi ano' made into it Library table. We also do anything in furniture re - finishing 'mid nphnlstcTingr-The-lr'-holstery Hhop. I'lione 1102. 6-30 4t. FOB 8 ALE LOT ON BEDOATB"' Ave. near Cokey Rd. Will sacrifice'- for $290.00. Phone 1002. 5-30-6t. FORDS HAVE JUST UNLOADED a car load of Tourings, Runabouts, and Coupes, if you desire a off on short notice it will pay you to., see me at once. Geo. T. Burnetle. 5tt2t. SWEET PEAS FOB SALE. MRS. H. . L, Daughtry. i'lione bS!) J. 5 21 ?t. France Does Honor - - To American Dead J'uris, -Mav 30. ileniona? exer iaes were held today m every Anvericao ceiiii'teiv in France, and oven on tlie isolated uiaves of Aniencuus wh died in tins country during the war; (lie war wi cut lis were ' placed. The Kieneli government, exerted every .ef fort to make sure that not a single Ainerieaii hero was forgotten. At . the suggestion of the govern ment there were guards of honor at the . principle-' cemeteries. Whenever Americans were unable to send dele pations to condiiot services,: the Trench offered to lead the exercises as uell as to participate lu the pro-ej-aiii. KITTY COTTAGE. I Thv Kiitv cottage, Wrightsv fit I !!:(.' l. is readv for. the 1921 season, i The cottage has been thoroughly ren L'iiA ;i ted : Uniji'i'. the direction of the Aes- see, M rs. .lohn A. Snyder, and verfat ; li active rates are ..announced for the i summer. ' '.' . - Mrs. snviler liail made an extra con cession tor tlie ileleeaies wnu Hiienu the n. ci ting nf the Htate Kederatiijn of Women s clubs, the rate being vei v low. I lie Kitty cottage is the nearest one to the Oceanic hotel, con vention hcjolijiiartci.4. adv. It. ' It Started Something "I have not said unvthing to you, hut have J.eeii saving to others and have' induced maiiv to take your medl cine atol be loiivuiced. Mavr's Won ; d erf-irl Kemcilv is correctly n a inert. It i '.removed stuff from nie I never thoiiclit could be in a human being and I feel like a different person. The i paur in iny right aide disappeared at once, which tour doctors said would re.jiiiie an operation;- ulsof the bloat ing and indigestion." It is . a simple haruiless ueparation that removes the . catanhal uiiii us from the intestinal tract and nllavs - the inf lamination ' which causes practically all stomach liver, and intestinal ailments, ntdiift "in appcndn-itis. UiV ) "e will con--j vmce itr money . refiiuded.' ' I May and ( lorhani, and . druggists ev- ci vw-.Iie.re. '-: '" -' '.. .. ' '- " ' ' : (Ireat Britain Urges Meeting of Council I' u is, f. ; M - a fpii , fiimi lireat Hiitain r i c Veil t' lav 111 replv to I'lemier Hiiand's teceut coniiiHinicfl tior. wjth regard to the nieotiiig of the allied supreme council insists up on the desu aliililv of that : bodw meet inn tins week, (ireat Britain accepts the principle laid down In' France for an examine-' t ion of the Hilesian question by a special : omm is'siou - of exports but holds that the council should fust and not delav its session until after the experts had reported as France sug gested. . , . - SMALL COST NOW Wonderul Value in Years to Come . .. A (JOOI) PHOTOGPH 'i''i f i HARRELLS STUl)IO ' On Sunset Avenue OpposljLa Planter! Bank "BE PHOTOGRAPHED THIS TEAM ON YOUR BIRTHDAY" ' 'FOR THE WELL DRESSED LADY' Black Satin one and two straps witlu full Louis heel. V; Brown Satin with one strap, with, full Louis heel. . ; Black and Brown Satin, in Baby Louis heel, with one strap. Roscoe Griffin