.PAGE, FOUR ' -THE E VENIN G TELEGRAM Wednesday, June 8,1921. I 11 ii I 1 V. n 1LH EVENING TELEGRAM IubUsb9d avery" atamoon uu?t Sun. AtJ by the Bocky Mount Publishing Copy, KH-JOfi jforth Main Street, Talegram Building, Bocky Mount, N. C. Member of tho North Ournliiia A.imo eiaterl DsllicR-N. lr."X7TtTrT'aiiAilv, A. ,Jf. J A., Jf. C. Press Axwiriatittn. Member of the Aawxruited I'ri'ss. 4"fc4 Associated Pti'ks in ex el naively en tfflpd to tlm lino for piiblii'ulinn of ull ercdiliyl to it or not otherwise oroiiitr in tins piipi-r . nml also the Un-ri I MVH pruitrd herein. A II right of re tubljf gtitin ol special d mimic lies Imtc ( ff also reserved. Foreign Representatives , 4tMt, I.si.rii & Kotwi, BS.1) Fifth Ave., New Tork; A.lverHsiii"; Huildiiitf, !h.t cago; Chandler JliiiliriiiK.fAtluiitii. RESOLUTIONS Or RESPECT Wl -tloil wlin 'dnt'Mt nil tiling: wi ll iiinl i uiihi I h nil tunics I" uiirk In get her f or" irndfrf t tlu'Jj) tliyj love lliin, (ins sivii fit in fffU iiifi'itite wrwtonr 8 II ft - lllVe t.ir llll,Ve t'riMII illl-l" -SUlTliW iiiK i ii i 1 1 I His i I IiI iiI si-i v i :i n t . imr tel n fittieer ;illi tnellil. .trr-4i-Jie:it I ertow-t iUuJiielii t;i ill 01 IH'.'u-iiiu of Hlie hist l'ielivti riiiii clnireh n Idir-r- Mmnit,. North ( 'rnliiui,- nf which Mi VVentliert'orif uis . tuitht'iil ineinlie iinil.ciiii.scjcnlii.iis nt'liccr.. ili'ii'ili ti A RRINGTON' r LYRIC -77- -TODAY 10c and 20c HS - . - - .. te. express our lovmi a-)iire Iirfftrtjll -service;" llll hen first, I'lmt we (hunk )in l liioli); us. fur h i ckiiiki ishncss ;iiii h;it lie w:is I'lniii'li . ii iiil st'iite. tor so .Veeninl! 'J'h.-it the chinch i-iiition of; his In- re Ull A. i' il for his life le II Mi'l llii'ii'll' I spMieil to ilisj lnli' ;i t i lm-. llnl ciilnllirilli I THONxa BuilnCM Mnnnper 71w Clraulation.MamiKiT , 71J Editorial Kooms ; 8(10 By Carrier 0 Tw . ta.Vi i Mouth tC't.aS , pBtWeek IS'sic :. By Mail ' On Yt& ail.uii iia 4unth , filii Thfe 'JfcinUis $1.75 sirred aa eecum class . waiter, (let. $7, 1911, at Poatoflict, at Kooky Mount, U. C, under" Aet of March l, lH'Jl. I...4S .11 int ' ''' ' ': lil l e;i -tol V input II V j t y hiis. snstfiiiii'il ;m irrrpllntlil our hearts lire iloeplv urieveil. 1 hinl: That ie exteml to the wite anil lainilv our deepest lit this, th, or hour ol tri:il :nol ut- pra;" OiiTl ""rie'liesT"" titiisTJi ri:i"aliir with a lot i-oio t ort t hem. Fon r t'h : Thai a eo'p'y .of Ue.se;. resoln titlls lie selit to theVwjto anil t'Hlliilv of . the ii ei :i-i it, 'I'l.e . l'le,livtlM'illli Htanilard and The Kreniii T' I I'liuii. tfltil.e.I, . II. II. I.iltrell. T. I Marshiill, .. W. (i.Weehs, "" ' Vuillut ti e, WOULD ILK THE KT7Hi ROLAND "A enin Arrow' Ami a I'atlu' Special. Production and ROMANCE" THURSDAY and .FRIDAY Mary -Miles -Mintcr IN "Don't Call Me Little (JirF is i''i I f" .. .. ;5Ve4nesday, June 8, 1921. of i pay wn CITY TAXES AND AN AVSWBB TO THE WAII.ER. ' Have you ever lipnrd the argument dyanfie(l tbat OMr "taxes are too Uiyh aow as the reason whv n n 'eded 1111 frovenivaf, or a proposed Uoud issue liuld be aided and furgotlen. Ot . cpurse thin arftumcal more often eome. horn fellow (hat is going to feel the increase jn laxoa if jt i made, but likewise tlmt aamo fellow eiieounti.rs fiiany fold greater tieiiefiis lieea.il-:, thi ownership on . Wlih-lh he is to taxes, than does the mini who BOthing on which to pav taxes. And al thi Vjry point when the aldermen are i. A I . . . fwn-ty .iiwii m III' iisKert to iiii-reiis(. the tat rate for our schools it is inter bating to eouipiire just what we'pav im compared with the eities of dlher tate n, in u(Ur bcNio-iin of the Wl tion. Aceording to T. It. Iluehaiiau of BtauntoB, Vn., in a report to the orlh Carolina etub of the state l uiversitv who has this year been -making r in and indiistniil slu.lv of (he State ".th average expeiidilure of the eitiesl of At .United Stales p.r capita is if lil 89 While our orlh Caroli'iia cities av erae only $11 u:i. 1 "Oonaidored from the viewpoint ' of iht i average city in (he Vnited Stales . Jie nli, "it will lie seen thill ..North Carolina compares favorably onlv in inatters qf ediienUon. protection,, health hJ highways, with the per capita even in fhts being lower except in health Especially are Xorl'li farolina cities de fieient in hnndling the jiroblem of re creation. Other cities sp,iid .l.."i per . cent of their income on recreation 'North Carolina cities spend onlv (1 2 per eeut.' ' .-"; tnore definite instnitees-hn I' ite.T th fact thnt 1 4 it -Atueriean cities Ii tween 30,00n and rill.iiim iii iopnlation apefid -$.34,00. per capit.i aniiuallv for ity goveriimcnt as against i!.!H pet , capita by -.Wilmington, fi's.M bv V,u tomSalepi, and 1S.7 bv Cliiirlolte. 0 HOURS ynchburjr Woman So Ner vous Couldn't Sleep Tan- lac Restores Health Com pletely. "There are some Hotidei fill things in tins Hinl.l, uud shut 1 n ii I li his! done . for uie is (me of v .1 lieu., '..Said Mrs. II. T. Holt, of HUT Hlni' Street. 1, v lie b burg, V a., wife of a well, know u ! railroad, man.. .. j " f wa seertainly In. 'li.-id. eoiidit ion before. I began taking. T": n l;u' . : I suf fere. I so from indigestion that I had to Jive oii a very light diet, aiid at times. I lie.-iiii.i' so nauseate, I I eouhl Hi'iireelv retain j' thing tin I'ny stonoich. 1 was' so iiervtiis--aiil re.t U;ssr4,h;i..t. sleejiw7Ts almost tint-"of the, ipieMtinii, and inaiiy ; ui;;hts I had to ,;ilk the tloor ,so i lie ll l il i.l n 't . II tol l ess, ..lull lay down across the lied. 1 hail teiide spells of lieadiiches aiid ili.iiiess, and 1 became so weak that I had to give, up niy lio.usework altogether. ;' ;: "." "I'lu-re wouldn't be near so inin-.h siigeriiig in- tlliK woi'hl if e el-yliod: kjiiew a limit Tanlac. lor t believe it -wolild help others like it has me. Whv. the iiiedii'ilie has 'given ,ine a splendid uppet it'e; -' anil 1. eat ' an vt liiiig il ca lls for .'without feeling , a sign of indigos- j tion. My housework i.s ensv for me now, and I iist tei-J hue all the time. -I want lo help e er bodv I c:.n l'o is siilTering like I did, and I belitve the best w ay 1 can do is h.v ielliiig I hem iif i I'aulac. " I WE FOOL THE SUN 7 g j U S f::pt"jp III orderini Windiiw Awninrs, tlio ineasiire shinild lie taken on th l-'ranies. f riiin . ceiil er til 'Center of wood casing, l or a frame building they can' be fasle!'.ed a:: 7 where on llo'-wood easing. (ic distance be tweui 1 and -', ' and .1. 1 and I. AWNINGS we liavo made same people ;; for The f.n-t that awnings for tliii L.i. years is your assurance of s.itiii- faction. . ' : -! ,'-:'. , .f. -. E. Hogshire, Son & Comp'y Incorporatod Awning Makers & Ship Chandlcra 133 W .Mam St. ' Norfolk, Va. PHONE 2177U 2UU81 If It's Mado of Canvas Wo Make It Represented By II. C. DIXON, Rocky Mount, N. C. HAMPTON LADY BELIEVED . REST OF LIFE DOOMED FOR And no doiiht it was tiinighlv in us to think any such thing but when w. heard about the Hichiiioiid i.oi.tul .lis trlct JurelltHsIng r.o inanv inure stamj than th rest ol the nation right now ; we wondered it it pist .wasn't n cast ; that W 'Were sendrng out more bills hd bills more promptly. '''';6llf -attention has been called to tin a ... . fact mat we "have $:.Tl.tMKl worth of property .belonging lo the achiiols of th Idty evjij (hough we haven't but : $50,000Tond issue against them. All of Which we are ready to coucede . but "What de it matter to the ediicatinii of the children if the liiiilding is ajiprais ed at SO.OOO or ll.lO.mmt . 1 you are one of those Who are skep (iral about a cotton storage warehoutn being needed bv' Rocky Mpnut, talk to tome bt the fellows who have list hIiii ped their cotton aitvr it has lam nude a ihelter all winter and vou find that they areTicutting off a liiiu'li as i. him flred bounds of damaged cotton to tin bale thyat! days at some of tin; cut! preie and storage plants. - The iaterrlec1aration by the Imo tratle congressmen that they are going to help "put over" either the Hor.ili Or the Payne pence resolution nooul Friday seems to indicate flint tlun ure faiaintaining a position of "let's see What Mri Harding can do in the wav of getting peace." The average American J8t't wprried bv that just so w get the peace through somebodv s rcsol.i tion. 'If you really think that I!ock J.fount is worth -1: wegin aud at the ame time that it is n-rrth boosting , might eall your a'tentloir to tha fact tl.sriherp are some vn-anetes fc meie rcrsr'p in tho Chamt-er of ('ouiiiicree and t'.at iindoubtedlv your ns-neVan be ac.MMumodated on th) r roster. Thiuk it over. , '.-'.' , Everyl)Ody has a right to hisor her ojiiuion and there are some that have nly expressed themselves as against ioat pi-oiiosition in baseball that if can. r t win we want Wilson to win. But at - t ' that fellow cannot hut. help t such a f ,'; n. is best er Seven Years ol' Sull'e rm. Finds Relief in Hospi tal Home Treatment. (Jains Kijj'hl l'ounds. IIAMI'TOV, Vn., .' I am takiiig vour g.reat medicine Saiiux, ninl I pist can t help, telling vou what it has done lor mo.:1 snvs Mrs. A. It il ,! In liaius, of -i.'l Armistcad Avenue. Hampton, A a. "tor seven long years 1 Hiillere.l from nervous indigestion. 1 took till kinds of medicine but nothing seemed to do me aiiv good, and liuallv I got so run down I had to give up Irving to do hiiv kind of work. I lost llesh an. I looked hu Ji.-idlv in v family was uneasy about lue, nnd we all believed I was doomed to sufTer the rest of inv lite. .lv: himliaud read about S.-.nuv. .lie but me a bottle and fold me to take it. Well, I'm now on inv third- liottle. Todav r.cau eat anything and it does not hurt me. Mv appetite is good all the liuie, I've gained eight poiinus and I feel pist Hue. What a wonder fill thing this iiiedicino is only those Who have suffered as 1 did will under stand. It has mede me see the ', bright, happv side of lite when everything looked dark and hopeless. Is it any wonder I teel like I can't praise it too highly? I (list wish everybody suiter ing with stomach trouble could know what Saiiiix has done forme." Sanux has been used for vears at the I'lllteil Medico ( liciiu Hospital where it has been prescribed tor hull dreds of sufferers from various forms of stomach, liver and kiducv 1 roubles In practically even' ease where the medicine has been used, except where complicated conditions of oilier organs existed, the patient was promptly an permanently relieved. So gloat was the success- of tin nie.liciiie an.l so- insistent the diMiiaii'l for it. by those Who could not visit liosiiihil that jf vvas decided,' le Coffer I Inc piescllpt ion to tile public fol ! Iioiiio t reat lu'i't.it, i l is,; noy prepaid mi a large scale in the hnspil al 's pri j vate . I.-, Inn aim n s. just . as i ! was for i 111 ei l.v coiiipouii.le.l. for in.li v id tin I pa t ient s. ;' Sanux aids digestion, acts as a mil. I j laxative, gently cleansing the .system' I of ilo or ill i.s s I 1 1 1 il I .'i I i d. ,' ..I ,i I Uealthy appetite and builds up . and strengthens the whole system. So eouliileiit are the directors . of the hospitals I hat Sanux w ill do every thine; claimed for it; that, to airy one who is not completely . relic veil aft ei taking the 'treatment' as .directed, thev 'offer - the entire facilities of the iiisfi tution in mak ing ; Uuitii examination and diagnosis and will fully ml v ise. t hi patient without charge or obligation. Srnux is sold by mosl t,f the l.-a-liiu druggists in this, section in eight ounce bottles. Take n bottle or t wo. home ! with vou today aiid commence, this splendid "Hospital . Hume '.Treatment " at: mice. I io not accept a subsl it ute, in something tin'oreU . as. ' i just as goo'l. " If tin drugg-iHt iii your seclloli has it ill stock, the.hnsiiital will suiu.lv viiu t on receipt ot price --. I in ; Staiiilard. lirug lirug t', I n. and II. J,. Hicks " 1 - ' T' fS3:i- I i I 7 i i ' IF)1 V ; ' i i M J - L- -' ' - - - ' TT I-' f If cj il rel t'l l.'i !c! B:-: Is.-- fc fed : id wl IB ! ... Mjto! i WW Sport Models Very popular is season One oi . tho season's now -.sport models is pit-lured hero the coiTeel tyle fur men who w.uit ouiiifiifnV-; ; reflected in their elolhes. !( ha-i graceful, sha)ely linos' easy in lit and drape; -.helled -back; sportv in every way, hut not extreme. Made by The House Of Kuppenheimer Shown in-new, l)cautTfuTr"all-wt.ol I'abrics; tans, .trrays, ije.nci.l- sti'iiies, herringbones, cheeks and blue tones. A satisfying ineslmon( in e-iM.d ap pearance. $40, $45, $50 E. Epstein jEieat Your Bungalow. Cottage, or Flat with Hot Water onr T i'tr"ft B N nEAIsArcoIa RadU. tor - Boilcn for uoitO hotiM wirhCKSt crllwra. Hot - WHter heating aa alnpu, and caay aa nm- mi a rove UaauaUte aury put in waf man house withv ont disturbing present heating arrangements, un til read? to wo ' TXT' II I 1 The Areola la plscrf 1" 0- I lJr.AltrCQla butrcvom.r.riQi,rkitchm mm iind nrrd ma a stove. It IVtfUldlW'UUM lui KI)do it, CTrcM Utat ,y hot WfttmymfTnbo Amrrican RaHtatomio fe!io.ntr7 room. lho aliufilcst. lauatduraU moat ejfinmi.ul l.calins ptiint evei wLwItirar-ll'r---' ft i"TiKiimloitailUiiita. Ethridge-Lanhan Co. Phone 1218 147 So. Washington St. Rocky Mount, N, 0. One-Price Clothier 1 1 (' . 1 1 1 1 It S-0 111' J 1 1 1 i j 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ( ' 1' e.i.i i ;thl- p '. I-'. ' p r h IS it i- a 'I FOR SALE I High Class Residential and Business Properties In Best Sections Of Rocky Mount And Suhurhs Consult Our Sales Department Standard Insurance & Realty Corporation Oiliee in. First-National Hank Building Jos. B. Ram. ey (i. T. Burnette Pi-es. " V.-Pres. J. A, Iliins, See!-Treas. e ai-9fJfc!iiiteaiilii,uj(Jt BiaaeraiBBH Sunday Ice Cream (live us Vour Orders for lee Cream every Sunday. We deliver il at your door ready to be served. Every kind of delicacy line served in our parlor. in the (.'old Drink The Palace ofSweets "The Prettiest Flare in Town." . Rocky Mount North Oarolin High Prices We appreciate the t'lieouraii-ement and co operation fciven this store since its establishment in its elforts to reduce the cost of liin; for its customers, and we shall strive continually to obtain for you the lowest prices obtainable-for eer.thiii j;ood to eat, and trust that we may continue to merit your patronage. We deliver freelo all parts of thecily. Will ard & Smith, Co. cash, (jrociokv "Next dot u to Dr. SiK'ii'lU olliot I'lIONKH IDS iii3iti)i;iicJi3Ji3i;K aLJjrUiJidj.aisjsffiisiiaajfiiajEra Dad says I'm a great detective when Im on the trail of PostToasties tho superior corn flakes I never let jem get ' "" " """"IIW alll.ia.iMa Sold only by dealers give tire mileage at the lowest cost in history SlE NON-SKID NON-SKIIJCOKD Ol.l) NEW OLD NEW 30x3 S17.55 $12.85 ' 30x3!i 20.80 15.00 S34 25 $27.50 32x3Ki 26.30 21.00 41 15 36.40 32x4 34.95 26.90 52.30 46.30 34x4 49. S5 38.35 62.05 54.90 35x5 61.15 47.05 77.35 68.45 30x3!4RED-TOP,()lig27.75,New$22.00 Plus H'tr Tux. Rtduchon en alt styles and sixes. A New Low Price on a Known and Honest ProjIiTet t ! s If- I I If I firr 1