,0 'THE EVENING TELEGRAM ' April 7'1L-JT T i .. .Ft- : f -iT ' Heels Rained Out; New Haven Defeats Wilson Hits Game With Gooch's lkerites Journey On To r Two Games 1 here ylind roll? weather impossible ni on. eluh wol scheduled to h' Durham Hulls in 11 I-sterday, Manager Frank tod his Tur Heels on to morning whore tliev ;in j battle Duke. Iliincnn ' X the piedmont It-ague toduv -rrow. i er-league clashes between 1 ho circuit iiicmiHr' and clubs Ifiident Braiiiham orgnni.n rlyt slwayn occasioned greatest both here and m the cities FiiteB organization. n the pn.st iison clashes the Tar Ilciiln have la succeeded 111 knocking off the ih Birds without anv groat show ,'ort. Duncan, however, in known V'l gathered a likely aggregation A-nson, and Manner Walker in led to take no chances of toving lue i'lediiiunt lenguer. Hint into rnnt- L,, r the "k I supposition: Is, therefore, ill alio moot hia regular lino 111 fay this afternoon, the oulv I conjecture being as to win Vagne will cavort nroiitul fM garden or ' Cnlde:,- viij jl inYthe extreme n,.hi n f lotNiii tfce, game with J.'. le ei back to Jli, tirntcm view uf the unexpected rest, nf- yesterday by the eontrarv action ilia slemuuts, the Tar Heel pilot , have his entire pitching stufl to i at the Dutiriui nggregatlon. It is ' ted, however, that Loach, Louder. L;e, or some of the. other recruit a go given the lnb-tpportunitv tins I'rnoon, while Woddlmnd mid Fried, ,io performed to remarkably ag.'iinsl iiief Bender's Interniitioaiil league lub nt Henderson lav before vcsler :ny, will be held on deck. This is tnk n to nienn that these two- dingers, vim are now regarded a tb" oulv two ore bets on the Walker pH.-i.Wsj- strife vill iliave their turn in the -' cnmr ow which ought to assure : .-i n uy victory for the homelinc,,, Tho pro-season games with -j l- .,i ro always' awaited with greatest 111 oresl In docttl fandom. While ennsid rab)o attention centers on the out mne,,of today and tomorrow s fruvs. -till greater interest will murk the ppea-rftnee of the JMoighitos ncie. lansger Walker now hns his entire gRregntion in camp, with the oXccp n of. what Ihe mv pick up -'later, tli vlilb is gutting to tlie point. ' definite doio is hec:mi. g n pos ity. Upon the rot urn . from the tul City tomorrow night, the homo will set Mo down for a scries of Winters at) Tar Heel park which 1 keep thenj here for the. greater ! o faext week, ami local faiiilimi Hien be' given an opportniihl v to we vniKerites in every phnsn 'oegin incur usual roiinil or pre-: gossip on .'-'our pt-nuaiit tihan- OOiVilTES PLft! I.G.G. T OMORROW Local Fans to be CJivon First Opportunity to Sec New Haven in Action i OUNCEMENT OF CANDIDACY j JOB STATE SENATE liercby announce my endid-iev for ciflico t Stat.e Senate : j,.-r Senatorial Diatflf-t of ?ril. 'nro ) subject to the Im Ii- I'n to be held in Juno, .tri.i I elcil . serve you to t-'" -lest of-mv I wish to tliunk viki hi ml ht your influence - 1 support.. (). It. .MOSS. . Spring Hope, N. t . OF TENNYSON'S POEM f DIES AT AGE OF 91 YbAKS erpool, April 7.-l rnmpi-t.-r Is Riuhnnlson. a survivor -of lh'- lus Balaclava cavnlrv ..ehnri'e im- uliwd by Tennyson, died here -nge.l to years ago, seven canister shots e removed from Ins sliouMer, where , had lodgod fo r()4 yiars without using him discomtort. 1 ADS II csults esults MVil.l Hill" Donovaii New ll.-m-u nggregii-l ion will inalie its- inili.-il rip IM-ar inei' Hi compel il ion li.-lin-r lm. U Mount fans at -Tar Heel park loninn-'v. Saturday- afternoon when tliev Will meet the Atlantic Imsl Ian ' "liege nine of iNou at. three n --U . - A game hn.l been 'originally planned with Itoeky Mount en .that .-date, but a inix up ill dates resul.teJ nod the northerns were let I without a game.- As: Mana ger Donovan, yui anxious In ge-l . hi." i-lub . workuig .together as miii-li as .s .Kible when 111.' college Ivo.v.s suggi'te.l that they would 1 i U ..' 1o: jlay on that .late when, the 'New. Ilr-ivcn eliili plave.l in Wilson veslcnlny he was verv g'.'I'l to .book t hern. ; . : . Manager Unnnvan .-innuiine. .1 toil ay that the; fans ntleniling will see a' real bull griiinv anil, no farce - insofar- as Hi' New ll.avi!! -el lib is '.i-nifceued. He believes in a -team, going ;it top s.eei in exhibition gamers a-s well as le igae lineup which cont.rsesl. The regujar New Haven lintnp whieli t iniini-e.1 U ilsoii vestenlav will l.e m action witj the addition of I-..I ,ie f-.avrs. star run elder with ihisloii and lironkivu .lasr year who prnct i.-allv l ii the National League in fiitt-ng in II')'" and who reiiorted .vi-sier.la v. - K:i rs . w -i.v sen! -ito j.ineh hit in tin- Wilson game a nd e.iiue through with :i two l-agg.-r el. fir ing the bases. 'All the other stnrs of 1he New llav en club will pOHitivi-h- appear, in. In. ding Kverel t Nutter, the eei-ent lie n il fielder,' whose aniuiug sliinls li.u. amused those: watching I he p'raet iee sessions. . Tlie ii tellers ii.i e -not' yet been detiiK!-.'iy sefe.-le.l Iml. Iliey . w (li be regular nieaigers of tin- staff, .lini iny Wilson, M:r i-ntelier . n f the l ion.) van clan who has been south -wit if t he. Huston linives, w ill. -also have reported iutluie to gel. into: the play, He was eonsidered easily the I-. s! e.il.-her in the. l'.',-ist(-rn League- last.-seaseu. . Hig Kliuer- How in.,ii, trisl -year huavy hit ting Xiirfolk iiirst baseman, will be on that bag. Tire college n'oe wi- present a strong club ami expect to iii ih.- a good Nhnwinr. -Should' their battery' .work be weak, later, in the. griini- it 'is proli "I'll- that -a-iegular Ne w Haven pil. li er will be iissigued to them for the sake of c.ompelition. At anv r ile (le v promise to lie in there lighting .'i-it.l make the Jeagwers show enough In n able lioekv ilonut fans get a goo. I .Hue on their eoiiiparrit iM... ability .-' w il Ii' frank alker s club w huh aggr.-'i Jilui.-lheT- meet twice next Wi-ek.-:.. I'lay will .I.e called at. three- o.'eloek. ,A iioiiiina.l-.a.liii,iKs,iuu . price of . tlii i! . cents will be -charged with twenty liw extra for the grand si and fo. j.;i ex penses iiii-nrrei, ill ..staging the game an.) it is hoped I hat a good iininl.eV of b'oi li.v MomVt fans will ! urn out :io:i: iei the ev Haven, club a good inil iril iin pr.-Ksion - of :the eit.v as "ri liiiselia ll e.-ii ti-f, .espeeiall.V; in view- 'of. the reported plan :tii- ninke h'iie!y..TMount. a pertiian cut training eauip. . I're.sidenl W'ei-s .slated t his morning, ilial l.ovs uml.-i Iti vear.s oi a-i I.'i rent s. . " The. probable lows: RAIN HALTS TOURNAMENT EL-IIILL YESTERDAY The samo iiiitliouiihtful weather man put a crimp In the game sche Uulcd between the -Tf- ltc.e4s.and Uiq Durham Bulls at Oxford yester day, viaitcd Chapel JIilI and clamp ed down a quietus-on the statewide high school tunuis toiirnaiiicnt which was slated to, get under way at the Univeislty town yesterday morn ing. Tho result was that tho tour lainen't. In which K. M. .11. S. rack ntcers in the person of Whitehead. Harris and Fanner, are taking part, was delavod until today. -.According to announcement re ceived Tenner and HanlHi making up the locals' douhlea team, will meet Burlinetnn in the fust encount er, wlnlo Whitehead, tho sineleii rep resentativo. wiu uinsn wn-n me Hickory -racket wieldnr in the first round of the pieliininary. The schools reprcnonted in tho tourna ment inoludo Canton. Ho. ky Mount, liurnni'ion. uioeiuoioro. wuson. Charlotte. Hickorv. Winston-Salem, Ink Rirtgo. Tarboro, Sclnia and Ch.ipcl Hill. Donovanites Have No Trouble Taking First Exhibition Game From the Wilson Team 9 to 3 Wild Itill llonovan's New . Urn1'., baseball club -'scored aril a victory .i.vel; the. Wilson ti-ani in that -town ve-ter dav -a fteriioiiii. . I he gaine was i. lir-t t-.v hili i.tiu it contest, ot of a st ring lieri iilIe i lirip nri nied H.'Mge.r gir'o-ed tjie iii.'iiri. I in the taut tlnee- in-' nnigs. ;iud despite gl'ont' u k W'rl rd nes.H showed- -ll Allies o.f i.-.-il proiiiisiiig ribi isiiii;ilv- 1 1 e a Iho i-ont i-iliuteil' a base' Int.- ...... i ... . ,.loi,j I, ni. mIiowwi-v ..1h eat her i -'rite. New .--I Liven a or W . ' teams hii-pt the attendance- down iii a II.. V it.h j will : play I lii-.-iieVijiiil aihllhird games ! milv t lii'i'e' -: davs ... of workouts behind of- tlieir.. seriev in ; Wilson oil Monday . t he in Donovan 's plriyi-rs disda, ved: ex j a nd I ru-sday. "t tie leiv score nt, yester ,-e'lleut.-f.i n.i.--pa.iit ii-iil.iriV' in t lien- on i o,iv game, i.-iirow . . , . i 1 1 -: .. . ; .... . - i.-w 1 1 v -1.- il no u "ii-n hi-v eonveneo iiieir- .. , .- t. ...y.i...-. hits into a-s many lallfe's., : .-' . . ." Special! Special! Special! FOR THIS WEEK " Cucumbers, Eurj? Plant, Celery, at reduced prices. Tomatoes, 15c, 2 lbs- for 25c. Jiananas 4Uc jier docii. Lettuce, fresh, 10c per head. Telephone No. 22S 121 South .Washington St. Fresh Snap Beans. Rocky Mount Fruit Store (In . the defense the Xutiu.'g slate l',.;. in. played ei riirh-HS ball, '-liny. La.y, I..M Ma lone and . .Marty. Miay. com m N-atter, cf siiav.. -s ... I e..i. If, .':-- llovvm.'tu, lb COLLEGE GAMES a- t-iadfoid -. ."'- '';..' liiiill'ord l.yni hl'iirg, rain. .. A- W'a-'ring'oii, I'.. ''. " ,;:(ieorgel.ivvii lOpHoulh ("a rolinri -;i. ! I iia rrlot tesville.,,' 'rv.- .-' - '.'. 7 -.; ; 1 ..no-'.! '' Virginia 'v.;;-.;;,';: ; .' :'.!: i rei'M ill I , .:' ' :"'.'. '.' ,-: I'n-1... 111 'roliege of l.'tin rles.toir. At AMo-ns. fi-i -. -',..: rgi.i : I i. :!!' n t. At prirtanloirg, . (' '-. : .-. . Woftord Kr-kine. I. (lib innings : Will aoi-d urg. V:i - i. V. liia n, and , Mary I ; 1. lawnre J A 1 Klon College'. .--'-; - ';' C. St .it,- K'lon,.' rain.- - ; ' . . . . .' l .. I-.:. .. '' '.' I. ittJi"'' sensatioiial tuts ol nel'l ' ' m '. I ,'." N one of the four 1 vvirb-rs '.: Kill' Lacy. -Ii,.- .. lion.iMin ued issued base on ball-. ylril"s- ll. - Ivldie Kuv'rs.' iiatb.nal li-nguc star .ot j '-ngi.-n.-. ' lltiooklvti -and llostoiifaine,; "made- l.is M" iiwtl,- e. debut in a New llavnv uniform when M mlreiiuan. v. , . . .1. ;., il,,. ai ri jaii. 1.. . ii- wris ruio-'i lino mo- .tio.-. ...... I- O 1 In t.tiOH 1, ixth inning to piiu-ii int.'. wiin i', ,'M 1 .' ; ; ,- the liases.' : .... Lav is looked over a -..couple Miike and t lien 'picked out one .-which he . I am ine.! into deep, cen.li r foi-. 'a double, 1. ringing ..1ioiii"". two : nuns. ,(iiliin.i I'loiiiipsoii, a. big left hander, -dripped hMe l. Manager lileusnn Of- .t ;.- W IT.il Vox, pit I'he.I t wo initiiigs., . 1 1 ;vas also lii-'lii-sl' appearance . 'is a loeiulier of 1li.' I Iniiin a nit i-es-. " ,-. ' "sy.-jt.li-r.'-'.n-id,.' laii'liy ' (nit liebler; -.'Iril Ihe" Ni-v':' Haveners - attack. with :i Iriple, .double.-. ami Single.; Th big iol low took wicked-.. hack at-dlm. ball .iiipl ,-,ii Ih eliaes like . Wllillii-e. . 1 .eorge ; (Jlli ,, .. , Cv !,mio 1, , ,-i. -inn of tin- pitching ,..:,.!,.,,, ! --tali:- served I lieiu . 11 p t lie In st' two i 11 ' , i-,t ger, p. inings rind - fanned .two Wilson slug !, .-" ' 1 kovvrk Kavrs. x. ... Unit..!., xx,. -'., -r..tals," '.'' WI LSON - . MiVinfi-.'-.b; l-'niiltli,' l-l..."-Walkei ; ' Wiilfers, ::ti. H-- id lev. if .. WlcgoM,: if,:. , I'lo in sun, if; A l; II ( A i: . I .' 1: 11 1 11 11 ..I- K I" :. 1 i' .0 - . 11. 11 , I I 11" 1 :; 1 1 n 1 1 r " f :r 1 1 I I - 11 I I u -ii -.:,-' . -I . :t 'i. I II 11 J I. 'I I 11 n 11 11 11 I n 11 i . 11 11 :n. .1 ii 1 1 H u ii 0 11 0 11 . 1 '.. t 11 it n o "11 if . 11 ii 11 ;i H-ii .gel- .'r..taU.. II. 1;.. 1 1 . ' I A. lv: . I II L' I 1.1 .Jt - il. ;l - !!- '2 fl I II I ;! '- (J ...1 1 " i. ';(- I '. 1 ',";:t, ..:.(i.' t ... 1 11 ii-' . 1 '. if "if L o : i) ' I ' lt"'. i . I :' il I. :'A . 11 0. ;'. I ii ,11 ' 11 1 -.ii' . ! ii n 11 I . 11 ..1.1 1 ( 1 ,n 11 1J t for .the W.l-..!iites Miirau. Wi'T.-v--., v I-. n,-! c.,r r-, , i .-,' -,i, CM, jaio llrad showed to the, best advau . v x - !;, , ( ,.,. for -Theni-psan in Mir'.'", i lage. Moran an. .IHco.t poniii nig out I Tw o ba's,, hits K.ivus-l'.-:.l; Adams. Til,!,-. A new twirlcr in the: p-'' -on :y-,,. I,.-,-,; I,i-,. !',.),!'.' Momu,' 1 1 - ' ' - - " ' : L- 1 Sa.-riJice h:js -: lt...-. man. I.ai v.: W'ieg : ! .. .. I'hl. ' M.'.l-.-ii : li;ic- Notti T. IJoW rilriu. ' l-;n v, Xdarn. Moran,: Walters;: Hind New ITaven Howinaii ; ; . ; ; I.ni v. Sha'v. , ..;.:.. M alone. . ,. '.. . Vi ,d I ,M Nlltle., , r W 1I-011 or H.-irr-rave 'M iehael.soii. Ifoss. J win'i Id 'be. admitted for lineups tvill be a fid A. C. lb L'b s . ::i, . if . 1 if ( ollege ,,l Smith Reel . . I looteu HnLi l't Mill . M :i 11 lion . liarnhill (Ilriy . , Itiiiisoii . I'obii Transfer of Collec tor s Office To iston-Salem Expected Soon Biffs and Bangs by "SLIM" IT ' i.e-Waslengtbii cliiii- uiigi.t -cap-l iii;(- ibi'. r"b; - .;. ; 1 1 ' -.-1,-iliiisoii st ill .wef'e'y.oiiMg'.;.' "'. '. . ' '::. The Chie..gO"VVJ1ite Sox.Avonia T-e 110" the ;riii-k;- ; . - IT- griuii'dei-s liM.lii ";i "iie'en'-.stuiig; ,-;;,' .'. '..- 1-he dowlv': Atiiletii'S. woul'l- not be 'Ufhet ies .- IP Mack had his. 'inheld -lia.-'k.;. '- . :-r Miller lluggins Yanks would be .liiiu.bcrtng tanks IT Hale riiuldeil. oil' tin- track, - The i.bd olV I'lrinc- mi;;lit l.e given a cluiiie.' .. - IP )emi.ev qiltl (he gano'':'' ,: ".'.' Soiue golfcrs'righr her,' might win honors -i.- .r I fa IK ot her i'H'V. i" w-"' bime. ' '. ; .- -.- - : l-lverv ilulriii the 'no..- eon Id end in Ii i-st i.Lin- - ir;si.oi:nig;,lop,. w.i -n 'I jriri-i-d; .. The Cole U'apfler a!; !r:''l ''"'dd be rl.a.iup-o'f .t;'.c; .ni I I' ! ,,- I o'.: -. :. w- re l- i 1 r- d. -'. The ili viil r' teiH t erinr inighl no! gel a I! t he crerim 1 !' John had a eh-' 1 U-ijiTT'iiid -: ': - '., Son.,- ol'UeiL.ten.u.ace:ioig!i' J'"hl .( he Jopiroi-; . 1 I-!' TiMoh ' had nt: er ' hegriiu: . . .'"'' ' .-'. ,1 loll Id.. 1. 1. ;u-v' to Jlniwiiiali. II iitV .M'ir,'iin:in rj in. '2' iniiing:- oil 1 a 1:1-4;l 'I, . ;L j '1' i"u itg; I'lT Thump-on .'! in ' ini,inrr; otl' i'kovshi. 11 o iiiiiings. It i i-.tr -lreilii -o in' .: -;n niligs; oil'' 1 ,iui-ti.i ,1 in -,tii eo innings'; oil' l!;,.rger -J.'iri-ii i ii ni g -. ' I !;i . - ; on bat!- "otV 1. !,, -, -ii, . l'..llg,-r rj' Slun k lillt, I '.'I fl'igali 1, I ' v i, -n'-.L i l'v.i.iili'il-li' '. 1 . Lrirgrr '.' 1. - -. I f U .-'.).'. I i,;-.di-!i ii : I., : r mi l,a-is--Ncvv ! 1 . 1 v . -1 1 1 'Wril'min-: '?J ' . . ' ' . .-' . ; , '" ....:..... . .. ......,:. -.,-.. Real Nash County Hams and Shoulders Country Heel' and Pork. Fresh Fish Daily. Croceries, Fruits and A oKctables. Anything to eal. PhonlUH Serire and Salisl'aclion FISHER'S IKS South WashinR Ion St. EMtlEIlION G MIES At, fti';M-dv'V:i,'T'iMiir.vr-7.' ' ; '';.' ' I'liierigo'' f A - .'! -;' New. Vork-' ( X.i -.'j-.: is;. -ft.'. ' -.;.,': :.- - - '.'. ; :: - K;Oi;,-r-son,.' ' '! :s-oli : an'.l . A'iirvriii'; I'.iIi-i-V; Sij-it ii.'lie.l, Smith:, lilson. Ai ;--Angir-!,i:,' (i.;i, .'-"''. ; '" - ' ; .. '. :' l;,-r,,. st,. r, 1-1 nr..) 7;" Augusta, (.s.A.j '!. '.'' A f'-'li-i, hiii.ool. .Aa'; '.--. ' . - '. I; liT'.id. if iiiri,, : i". I Kicliinori'li -r.Tiiu Ar . (,,-iVnsceo-.:i-. -. ..." '.'-.' ; lo. .;i , . and "Washington. .( A 1 ' j: - s-1 poio'rl. raiii. A ! Xew; nvlcan-C L i .' --', st, i-.-i-i-j-ori- ..vTL-.a' i j;; N ew- ( lr l. ,-i'ns. - iS..A. '. .. r. ' Kr iiirii'-ii in,. ' A '.a :i -' ' -linV,.' 1 -,- -. : I :i i r ii : i;-h-iiM-. .. ( . A 1 1.. I i ii -i. Si , ouior a nd I'.n --ler ;-. S:! a I . !i i in aai'd l.'ol.e r l s-m.' ' . . ' NorfMlk ; V;,;. - . . - Vi-yv, V'" k ' l ''(';.' I'.ronh-'lA'll- j V o. ' Lil-li.- M n - and-'" Sc'lia-iig: - M a in an v' , Mit.-lieli aiei '.-. .liiii.arirv, : i !,-r. '. '.- I ; 1,EW lVlN IEEDER3 yo. t'he whole spin !'ifig' ivol Lio'ght be.' in" a. ivh-n'l - lii.t t'lir t.ha.t 010- 1: i-e-w 01-..I .. : , '.: ; .-Vie lltrit nie;l'lv liitl'e Ik' ir'nols a luioi leii'f bilT: :, ,tlu' niiin'v a' fiopeffil 1 11 v f . Local Ilij-h Will IMav I ltl.uk Creek Team Tod,i -I'he :New"la-ven "chili. i-i-Vl riiiijy ought- toho a .-w i infi leg ' basel'.a.'l nggrega I 0,11 -. , .',-,,.,.- .,-- ;,,.,., ,A ; , v ,-,,,-' j,,,.-,,! -wliei) it: lias two sin h fe, dels 'iis ' Tv i'ol.i..' lia'i.F In' ! iiig '.!' I'roi't ... poi:.' nu-d- j j,,, Vehoiii .'.b)rr.'.W!-l terun : wi !T- ,i Walter .lohn-oii. 'irii' W' a-iniiigioi-i I i-ng.-r, b.'d'h i,f w honi -fl i.-- In-, ivy ' -stock- j '; ,,. ' :, ..- i,,.t ,1 1, is""a f 1 erioioo holders' in the lastern h-ag-iie club.' ' The eH',-,-1 of ,'-h-.j v i tig ,t.lic'-' t w ,. strife f,,v,..i,y,;r per-eil t in",' e-heti Lai-11 11 y- Man-riiiion-- the New- I Liven ;' iii.aii:i!e . wris II Insi 1 at .-d . Vi-lerday bv nusag.-s re-j a'gvr;'Si..rp-i.-ii'.':.'w'.i.il .take hU voii'ngst eis c. -U'ed tiom both. flay, rs.wheu 'Mamtger -' W i Id Lid ' ! .1 :V: it. In; -kji.iw 11 Hint, he j liy,:,. ( ".. .k , j. ).': (. wris. in ru t-cl n'. t wirle.rs,. ldbli lelep'ior:.-, Tivui M:e;ii:i. .'a. '.t .ha 1 lie had. :t wo ,,o log , anility !' Wilson where t hey u rt! pitchers uiider ciiMib'ia! ion hud J r, ;i " 1.' m .oi'd -hooi en,, to. ihe I'oi.ox a.,i'e up -riginst the Llrn-lr I 're.-k high as soon -is I.e VtuiM ma ke , j' h rs 11, i min h ic ii one: , .Iiihus.ou s. u,e-s :ig:- lr'kii-.J into the effect t ha! t lm I, tlliliiMi; '.,:el . 'a yollllg-.tcr iiirlj : he Hauled to. 'put nut tin- "s,.-:i soiling t'lis year and ihal he . woahl pro La hi y' c, 1:111- I he. ay of t hc N u Ha-, 111 club H.-!f. feelers' coiiul heavily, w-o il TAEBORO IN LEAGUE !lleigli,'pnl 7. News given cir ilation here today 111, liculcs that the tire of Collector of Internrtl I.evi iioe dliam Grissom . wil be t rnnstiirrcd mil Raleigh to "Winston-SaU-iii at an r!y date. A.ttachc of Jtlie Collector's othce are -ry jiositive in their utateuu-uts that e transfer will be made in tho earlv 'ii mcr. bat vtlii, of itoume, may do y.iir!y upon developments at ngton. In the abfne- of nnv aient from Collector Griwom. veri : the report nothing def.min.tc en ritten until orderii have lx-en sent 1 from thenationnl rapi-.ul. t tho Ixdief is that Cohfininsioncr ternnl Rcfenue David Blur has t convinced the Harding ailminis on that, the transfer s'ljulj bo , ' Ealeigh has take. h - nratoi ions enough to send 111 its , ;,rotest 1 each a move tvn.il OoldKboro's civic .ntiizatioiis linve become active m hope that, if a fight develops bo een Kaloigb nd Vinston-Ralcm for - nllico'i'Uio,, Wayne county capital v land 'as a compronuse. ihe remark is hc.iTd that "What do i suppose plair i doing in Wash 01 if not to bring about the re 1 of the collector's ofhee from Bft - fo Winston-Balemf " whenever rest Ton is ruined as to- the poxm f the Rtnto capital lias of losing ral tax collector's office, rpnlitics caniK'i fix by statute 1 of nutomn-hilra in conflict : t r law, tho Pupreme Conrt : 11 opinion handed down this i- - cnmitig- up from Ilur - r- 'aiii-t r'.i Fre-rh- Associate .liiMtico :.-Vil.'ims -writing-, flic (-pinion shows: 1ha t ' the ibirli nglnil sta tute is in: conflict, wit Ii: t he ,coiisoi.,:itel statutes a ml 1 Hat orders the. jit.dg ment of the lower court, reverseii. ". Section tliiOl f the consolidated -sta" tutes, .Justice Adam.s Writes,, inliilnts the goveroing body of ;) uiimie'ipn eor l-oration from .passing nny ojiliiialiee contrary to the proi isinus of the chap ter in whieli : t hese sect ions . a re found, (Sections i2ofi!L and L!tl 1 s. V . Hut with out regard I o this sfntutorv inhibition ,1... rl r . 11 . . , . , ... . ! .,10- uviii ,ii-l woiiui ne laiai. .lluliiei pal ordinances are ordained for local purposes in the exercise of a delegated legislative fiinc.tioin ,-ind . iiiimt .har monize with the general laws of (In state. In c.-iso of conflict' the ordi nace must yield to (he State law " The .State law fixes the speed limit of iiutOinobileTlii the cities nt Id nnles an hour in the lire districts. Tu the ease of State against .job Yates of New Hanover conntv, tj&o court hnlds that ho must serve nt the renmindcr of a 11' mouths setirnco for violating the prohibition hw nl though lie was granted a condntional parole by Governor liickett 111 October, t!USr, fiovernor lorrisou Tcvoking it December 1!-1 when it xvus rIiowii that Yates had violated the condi tions under Which tho parole was granted. The prisoner sought to resist Te-ar-rcnt following Governor Morrison's revocation: npon the grounds that the time' had expired should lie. have serv ed 'the 12 niqnths sentence. The court holds thst"'-rn "-our opinion the jlcfend- int cfinnot maintain his ' defense of xeropiimi from rearrest on the ground ! -, ,1, rf his . parole took the hefty llrn I'itv to.in 1 . ;i 111 :i u, are !' I 1 1 r o l.e i-i ;;,!ii.. sliape for tli a f ! el'liooil 's g.'l 111'-. Lltt-fe-is JrnolVtl rib on' tin- I Slack l.'lei.-li' aggreorit b II, but Advii-es f nun ' Kin-ton, which by the -datebne ripp.-n ring vrcius to l.e .! is kn.Hvn that Iho l. 1. II, ,S. vouug I'wisiern I'a'roli nri lca'-m- liead.iari 1 ! ei ve' a-i-riiriuccs' 'lini -he p i-soiuol. ol !--!,.-is are making t ho. tnp with the do.-' t'haf i-eii-e'iiit'- is liiw i-oniple'n-. riiol lira! Tr,l Imr',.' hn s :' 'i'-'t nri ; h' ilci'iile'd I... "coiiie j I i-ln: in a t ion to rinnr.x tin- game- on the ti,tiiT!or lea-'iie. '.l'lie call ha s i- 0:11 o. f i,,'! Ii ; f ' r a Ii n.'il 110-ei i no r, t 'j'ri rboro -Mini Tv:in -sidi of tin-: ledger if such :i thing - iio, I .- .teatii. The locals hrrv.. bci'ii working out da i : v vi nee 1 heir la t ' en con 11 1 ,' r. with ilav . A C I : 1 I'l,, w li'i-n. it is" ex pec: ted t hat1" a !,t oj'g.i 11 i .:a lion p'n iis.'m i I! he per fee ted Tin-i it .-ill, it. Iio', Wei'llis vcl.t c.d-. l i II -lie cot.np'ed 0 f .-;' X . i'J III t, lx l us! on , I i reell ville, ..NHy-'ltcriv i'liriiii ili'e, 'VVrjliiiigl on ri ti ) -T;i liioi o, 'Thi-. ., iivnit wi 'j tnei-! e, o.i v .I'cipi'ii enirni. for I'-otiipai Uiess. a n,i. shiniiil. f n l ni-li t o. uJi.-se t tiriv i ng . Last---eiii 'Cr-i I'oiviia' cit'.ie-s :. .1-11 ' even II. -ill ' bi-.i-nd of - liris:r.l,,:i ll.i . W liet lie -the" ,-i't-eii i I ; w i l) be- riWial ris -a n - a inVi teii r iirgrtni.rif inti vor ', . I si'i-k'. 4 he -.irii.t ri:fiiiii ,of organized ba II, I'iS'naiilr, t 0 . In-' win keil oiif by - t-lie .i i.,iiintefs. ,-,'; ,.. '-. .-.'''. ; COUNTY ATHLETICS NEEDED The rei'i-nt l alg .tube Vnuii-l v r;;i,il iru.oo brisket ha If cliani pi.'ui.sliip series for a silver- loviiig clip sin a eked of sno'li 'greti.t suci-ess a 11 d did m, in in-hi o eii 1 ,,,ir g. at hlel ii';-: 'an M'tig t lie 1 in el -cl 1 00 is' t ii a I' 11 . srui i jir. cup .-ivonliMie oil', -red a.v tin-., basis for a like emit', st yinriiig t he hrei lialTTVisoii X'lis- may prove rather iliflii'ii.ll a.-. Mime of the si.-li-.'iil teitns may cI'omi v!rt(y'..ainl then again tile '"pupil, will be l.llsv iluring t he spri ng ri l,t etnoolis. Thr proiiint-eTS of tin 'basket b-i II chain pionsllip-. affair. . ImWew-r. "desi-rve the gieite-r .roiiinieu tatjon lor tin- 111 . v fin n t whicji they tit.-tr'ed. arid by .1 1 1-un a ns t hey s'liinld make. -the s.-iinV. '-foiiditioiiM ,-ipp'v " to liasi-liaH' ,f jn.s-ilile. : Mi vie ritol Nobles .Mill high s, liools a re-know 11 In have teams in ! lie lieol .ali.e.idy, and under iho xtiinuliis of 1-haV1. es at a s-ilver loving . -i.-up. otlier 1 urrrt -chi'ols of 1 lie Vu.iinty wouhl in :ili, probability line up tilings so that they might enter tennis in i:.,,. contest. 1 - LEAGUE MEETING TODAY I" ible (Jirl Accused of Ilujfe Platinum Theft ANCHOR STORE :Hvv;' '!: : P :.:;,'.. ouii k sn 11 11 t should in: a M alio ry -, Tin- "big beys" of tin- Virginia eintiit .will gather .'at the Alniiticolla hotel Hi .x orioiK 1 111s ;. 1 1 er nt niri 1 or 1 rtei 1 1: rsi session 1111,11 r 1 ne presi,,-nt ia t-t.-etrrrri .juJ'.W -. Aloyi,. The circuit's organisation rind business' -inui-rers incidental to the, opening of the l!1--. season are slaleil to f 11 rnisht he .agenda for the, pow wow. . -.Of' - foremost iiiipnilauce To local fans. Iiowevef, will lie I he . sgt t ietnent of. the umpire ipiestioi.i.: . Tin- view here i-iuneiiles with that of Tiv-ddout Move who favors rescinding .the action taken nt the previous Newport ' .'X-.-ws ineet i ug foi- a oiic-niiiti 'ninpire. system .and n -return' to the tvio-mnpire, p'lrtn fill lowed, so fiiicccasfillly. . Keport of the iictiou nlong this line, will be n waited ivith keen int. rest hi re. CAROLINA HAS THE EDGE JJv trouncing Wuko Forest, hitherto tiiibcaten this .season, the T'niversilv of North (rarolma now stands parked sipinrelv on top of the state college championship column. Several college ttams, hwevcr. are crowding the I'ni versity team in their schaiiihle for second place and possibly top honors. Tho Baptists must still ie regarded as contenders for stute honors although the defeat wkii-h Davidson handed them supplied a perceptible jd-rrinity, on the other land, appears to be gauning strength daily. Coach in's men defeated I) ividson by the overwhelming score of 9 to 0 nr"" '"iaivare, Which ---previously defeated State, on IS to It drubbing. J tween J he JMetboilists and Wake Forest, and the set 1, I .1!..,, .,,,.1 .,n -..., ,, l,,r . ,,,, ) , ' .Mm VP ("Mti8!l-H- f I $ r 4 .K-iS - -W.:- 14 -:-M r4 4 A 11 1 , Heal Quality Newest Stv'cs Rich Colonics and (inly EE Five Dollars S Pearl ami Niekel lor those who prefer the lighter Sjj shades; Nut I'rown, Seal, .Fawn and IUaek Se- E ki'toui si le tot'ioi row. g "Classy" Caps Fahionevl h thi leal Spoi ts Cj) Makers Merton- . p Itich Tweeds Handsome Woolens. Priced $1.50, $1. 7.5, $2 f liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiii'iiiiiuiiiiiM Miss Kmm;i AVeiler, with four men, is held by New York authorities for alleged complicity in the theft of $250,000 ,- worth - of platinum from a plant in Jackson, lenu. ..Miss Wcilcr is the widow of Johmiv Spanish, former New 'i ork gangster. She faces a red oral indictment and is held in $2U,uuu bond, pending Grand Jury action. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I hereby announce myself' ns a can Udute for County Commissioner of ' County to succeed myself, sub-' i,.n t-l.-itinen fie P-i'orlT-v. Vre arc carrying in Stock a lull line of Paint of all Colors. Also Roof Plaster of all kinds. Call in and see just what we have. Ventilators for tin and slate roofing. Wallace & Powell PHONE 1248 239 S. Washington St.

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