V,,v PAGE SEVEIt hjj JU W V - 1.-.. ."A . Friday, April 7, 1922. THE E V E'N IN G T E LE GR A M -I A -I fUmitti UHJH IF .American Children Respon sible for Happiness of the French Youngsters . Paris, April. (i.AiiK'rii'iin i-liildrcii f have Ijrniifjlii happinesv ;in, lan;:ht r into (lie lnes of t lu'lr brother mid sisters in I-" i ;i u . The penni." f 'mid dimes which they i.LMe;hi hav c, spent ) .for... candy :ind siwcliiirafs. havi'.. vii- aided the Junior l(i"d '.rugs In 'ivc tii ! I tlif- f-hildren ..of , Fhiium vm ! -I lMwwiiiiii 25 ' prai'fjroHii'iljf.'; ;i lid i;, inner ';iim'vs! I . Al Jtho .gam.es. :ni.l To'.ri;il inns, vhii.i ' form S.i In..,;. ;. J i;i I t. - of :the, lives (if ( their litlhi kinsfolk, in .... uicrica are taught tin- French !"iy.. and j;irls. . As pi oof : of . tliri. Tap'pr'i'i-.ialion of tin' peiierosity of America's help, the French themselves liavo. now 'raised a fund almost. opi.-ii to that contributed liy ttii' children of tho't'hitod Nlnter iind are planning ; lo. rsfnldish a plav ground of tin' Ann-ritam type in even important district, of Fimi, ; s;..v..". I nf et... pl.i vninrtil-; ( a!V li .shed by the Americans- aie in l'nri I 'Will are directed liy recreal icm axoci-f s from. the t'nifed Rt.'Vt-es.. -T,lic 'uv'r'ii&i! Krene.h i; I) i Id, especially -1. ho' n.l.uioTiiial cli i ld liiirn. daring or i hi hi i'. I.i ii .: t v .i ft er (lie war, i t hid r.iirliiif'l. to 'pl.iy' u i; h - l'nfronixt ( 10 llnmtv of & Srlr Institution A "A Shade Better" PROOF ' Park5-Belk Company ' f,onivls fc. . Gntlomrn : . " . v.'int to jlatf thnf whrn we' find pood fuirtr w lk , to ti?H th Manufartur?rs ; about it. I his is. in rtanl to fho "Cl'-Civ pprinnl:'ss Rhn-tlfR m-o havo hetn han- ..jjlintf" for poinrt tlm'. at our varitms stores; sp(ikln' for: ours ves arid-cur rfturoH nl so we find that thv tradp prefers the : . ";i:.(V" Sprtntrls5( Shiides to th oHl-rnhioni il eprint fhndo.. A lmvo linndiril shaflis for 30 y vh r s n nd t4i fn k t h w In tho lfjt v ha v- strm-k: Th ndv:int;ico nt ihc sinini:-'-I p p ? R h a 1 1 . dvt I h n,i: sprint Bhade Is fjrral In hvn and that i th.- ld Fpr'tik' ' flhndc will pull nff "thi rollers; , this rannot hitpptin in tht- ;.prlnjrl'Sj shad' as th' knot in the rord allows it tk run,, po far and .no further. - ' r tt writer has had VxprriinirV alonfr (his Unf. Anotlior. thinK. xarf 1sh pnopj and : children will turnthf sh.Mh ' ooa when It is,' ln'inr run tip and the rM" sprtnp shadn will run up rrooked causipK the 'v.tigoK (o ho torn. This t' does not hnppftn wlth'.tbo ''CU-CO" . Sprfnm.sK Shade, ours vtv trul v PARKS-Br:iJv CUMPAN'Y- Going! Going!! Gone!!! r. Tho dnv . of tho old . faahi)ni!d, . tronbloomo4 pprfnR-tvpo w l n d o w Hhad?i is ruin1 ! . Th "Cl'-fO" SrlnRlemi fihadf has conn1! I1n KitnpMrlty of construc tion enabW-H . 'vrri a child control its movement hv a nlitjht release of the cord Yon will findit patls fvinK to thn most nilniit dotHil ?nv to operate, neat in appear ance, and durablo In duality. ThPi life Is three times that of an ordinaf y Hhade, and the . price la . riis-ht ! Tnaist on "CU CU" shades. "CuCo" Sp'ringless Shade At your dealer's Oyer 1.000 Drnlera la Korth Carolina : Or Write TJm Direct CUNNINGHAM Springiest Shade Company 9 GREENSBORO. N. O. BENCH KIDDIE fr T TO GET LONGEVITY Oldest Living. Twins in U. S. 8S Years of Arc, Ciive Longevity Recipe Viioilville,':.inito, April" tl. A'i(t.ia.io-. I!.. St,,' and, iietny llriins; ,(';sfilA. cii;lil Vi a t-s of - a Li',-:- who cla iijt. ) Ii:.1 d rsi inc.! ion 'f ticjn: ilie oidest li I w 1 1 . i i, iac t ' ! 1 .-il 'States and . u lio .recent !v a jc l.fiitr.l I Nei.r ss( ,' I . i r 1 hd.i ; here Jft'-'. i I iic-iu. h-Mciilv f this illauo tor ;:! no's' six' v years, c I lie f oli'-v, !U i c cipc for lflle i.fy : . . Hard work --and plenty . of it. ... t i t.d.a..:c"..: ''. ;'. -'. I 'in 'twoi i v .or fit . - 7-'Siuiie rit tTTpfi:' '7, :. . . . !' frilla r '.hYealv'and livej'. -.'"'t.i.ve ( he (i. Idr'n' '. 'c ; The jo-:rest ti. ni iu .T.fv'l-hcy. -ay. "''keepiilcf ha?' ". ami tify haArf -i.-, ciimiilitr d' a-.tidy ' fi'rl iiiie liy Vlo-iiii;' it . .. A t.itrifi wi'tliiiiil aail'ilioir ;nr-(.' tiian- a liT.in ,i!ho..K .a i- i u it 1, t'.y . . tii ilpoi Mpiniiin. '. V, ii lj.-v . ! wiu has e'v er iid'M a. . ill ' a n rfa'.i'airolii'e.', tl'.ev-.sa.id'.V v : ':,. SMrt'ii in I'. ' i ! t ' ' a W'itii !M: MS I'M l la f v.: -da v.. ''veer ! -- r a n.r;i;Wco ij'nc-:-. n'.fif- lle'ci-'ml'i- r 7. t''!s."whcM tire.-.1,'-!f,ve, . ! ! v e-la I.I M: !ne ll I . . v, , . llcnrv w;is -.hi ch rh one ;)tU ijn'O fa'tiicr: ii'i.l ;h-n- ;:.u!ic!"d ra-fni; I,,.,.' ivr liHioelf. l.uihllue; 1 a- yfki't.i'nrl.l ijl : 1 1 ii- i Tli's' 1i(i-.ilH'SS lleifrN;' a's cvfal lisheir : y 'TCcorih f..r ' Work, heilJU (oKthe- in). 'colli ifinonslv-: ., Hii-M-iyrhen-fire '.'' retired hinc''- , Siijce' .plil t -Tii cr ( hi; st ore and. mi; I. t In- win -havi'" '!e oti'd-flieir time. In "t.heii evlaai-n e .'a'nd.'-'h ' N!nr;a here. iiitni-,',,.;-,., (';,,..,,' aliie.-t' daily .;':. ' h -Ipihi; ,( rhe . hi. res ami ;-ni'ltoi eh if-iid; .end jot". ' ? "., - - IV.irn in ll.ia.iv;er.'(;(')iiianv, l-'eJ-rury I 1 ;(, I!,,, nnins. l.fMliers. cam'' f;. V,i. . ' : "at ,1 U.;.' eiuh'eeO: yea r'. ...Jin Hi 'are . 'married aiel ha ve faaii1 n-s. PRKSIDKNT ENDORSER iu:tti:r homes week Nation's Chief Executive Ctivcs Per cniial Fudorsonieut to Movement to Eo Launched et I all . ri.i. a r. -fir, Ideal : 1! !: mi- '; Vr - pc'-ai-i in I he ' m.fv eaient. inae-aratr .1; In, . th. ;.'ae!i.;a'h ' Hone's' ' Inll'eail fin- :k in .tieu.il '' ' P. ' ' ' r 11 ol(n . -v, , .; .. t " l .e ; (i ' slit a id inAljr (h'lnlier :is: an :avn Vi ; eveni'.:'':.:' . '',.;; . '': .':.;-. '.' h ' e e-i . in-o;. S-e.. iaV i!' -an.r-'. . vrtotVi -1 irtenV ' Hai'-linci 'in .. ryi'ly t a Ji'Mcr :annV -W'j.li ' ! iir ll.' V ra 6 . . , f. ".tV j-cciM-t inv eiiMor'-eiiieal. : and;: :..pj'revai; ,,f. (I,.;, a Vcr' 1 boiri's .week.-'.'..' I.I inay h, ' !. ;-. l.n': - in .is. cvoria :( inyi'v -t'-ne ihat .tin'' h;enie"is I he," Cornersi ..."; ft ti-u'r ';.! ii; ait ion, ' . lad 'ev hi"oe, -iiin--altrav'ive hoiin-, lvnics vinii' "::: Pants w I i timl. t rue r. :'re .''.a en' ac.-f real inspiration t.o increased ;:fl r!.t l'..r e.li: a' ion a'nd cult ore - te'ch ho'iie-" die flie 'one- swliieli, aswre er.atle-t st ahiltt : '. trt:'tH,f' ins' i I ill ion, ' ;;r 'aite'' Secnrii y fo on rsiici-'fy. :-1 .;aniio! hvi: ecl Jhaf' t he' i ffort ' ynii 'lire;. m)iini! i. - ' onr . w hich (le:ser.es .a-: 'vryr.-' pio ie',tnni' find J -Wiinhl :.l.e: i"'lad: -if ynoc e'Sa'nipV ini:Tlit' .pres.'nl Iv : la- an i.iisfiia; tinri to' j nationwide enterprise of. f in i me Li.U'l.; '' : Ti:.' ' idea ' l.acfc. o' : lici for llninc? V. e 'ii " nn. em -nt ; is "fa .eilllcate the Am-'ican p,-opie to makiv the hhan lieanfifal and therel.v ..rreate a hofn eiivii onnienl t hat w ill ha ve a last in ciiiiaral iiillnence . lipnn f he nation. "If ;;:, phiiini'd ditriny the -week set -a'd. f'-.r Ihe pnriosie to. demons! rat e in i's; position'' jind'.eshi'l.ils of nnnrel liiriie and linnii'S ia town- an ! cities tlnaicirh' ouj ,lhe cpnufry' .the facitily ' w-'lk w'udi even people of -siaa H niea 'jsi niay inake their hemes hnrnionions aiid al frjictive wi'tli ii'lisf ic f nrnit lire.: .1 ra I ,',: rug;-, -'nil a;-pnintments of . ai'1-kiml-'; . V- EnRland Recognizes U S. . Occupaton Claims I don. April 1.- Aece; ' ta- e 1" the liril ish' government of the equif y of American views f'iM-a;n i's: ''' inaititennnee' Vnst of tlio ..Amerienn nr any of. wcupafion oxpoundeil .ia f heir reeent note of Pceretary of r?taie TTa'hes to the allies hiis licen inform ally oniivcyed to the American Jovorn nient alllinngh a formal note oflieially eonfirniinsr the aceedauee has not yet hep ndispatched. 666 will lireult a told, FTr and ripit fjuiclcer than tnythftig we know, pte RL J at ridmat energy and that spirit: of vain work neci's.t'ary to its nirut.il, diysiral and moral (i'volopinent.. Jfoti' ncr, jjanios like basvliall and liaskot oall ai'L' not oninMiii in Kran.ct' as in nicrica. Tlioy must 1m- taa'ht. One of. Jin' principal ta.sks of Hit! Aniciir.in instructors is tii teach: -tin: F'rciicli cliild a' spirit of fair play -auil ansi HisliiicsSi -. ' Thn I'li'iich ciiild is an individualist, pl.as in alone and ifiianlin jcalonsly its nv. ii (. - Ilo -iloos not t'i'alcrnizo ir niak'i' friends, aiMnii tlio cliiidvi'i) (if Jlio ni'ililporliooil. As a result lie he comes scllisli and . one sided. , Tlie mericans arc Irvine; to, slinw flic 'ri'ti'Ir- cliillrcn tlie happiness that iniH; from coin mi: n it v pla yaad team Work. I'licy ale 'inlroilnciy! group .ramo to .i,vcrcoiiie t.lii useif isliness and lo incii!i-;ite (iialit;rs of fairness, 'rood n.at u i c a ml : ya 1 lanl ryy - WINS GIVE RECIP SELLS FOR . IT LI mm ()nl one week more, then master. Arc on read for tlie Kjimct ii- a) it our ileady-(-o-Vear Dcpa'-tinent. !t is o erfFow n u itluviaf;iiicent S-.es 0,.,,',. 'e an-.i sup: r alues. Com. i; hikI let us til ou in one of the chic and ehannin;r models so ih :r:. ; u c;.:i : tei out in the line rf distinction Kastcr. Buy Your Easter Suit Hes: J H?5rVv; .- s"1 -4 V' : y V t' r Hi:: : 'Vr ' ilrl: : ' i ' ' I, to- r-r." .v ."".-?"'.""" i o Uic coys We b,av" a. v. , -iul;riuS and :.ried assirnunl of Kastcr Suits, jeriecv littir-, r.r.d cKshcs of uahty. Hi-hL l,uiri- Ci-. t I:.-.-- jnr Ili.v.. Madt' (iir iiKitviusli ';lii.v.,.i iii ( 1 i :iui(l Xdi-f..!''- I..-.CK-. I'laiii rntl. -l'atvh; i'iickfis. d'anls -Tuil .'!inv-.'inh:an):. siiii.- wit!, ; ,'. " i ; i i';m'i--;-' .v;it.-u!' 'J'wt t ,1, IKti-.p." i-"'.. i.i'l ii's '!'"' :ni.ti;n : ... Priced We h::.e a lane slack f w!(,! '"atei'ials, all sizes. '3-:. rcii A iV' a "JACKJv COOGAN" ft . x ifcj , A X r".7 'i A'"-- V IvV' 1 l i! .,K4Vf'4J v - nattcrn,', inatw-ials. ' Ntitial as the; NjN' Kvs N - Ll i'. v X N.s, v v o. - - 1 ffla ROCKY MOUNt'S-EIRT CHOICE IN DEPA CASH r -1 ' If'-: iiart, ciiaffner and Marx and other j;ood makes ot clothes for Men and Youm ir.cn. Perfect in style, work.-. r!a;W::p and fit. In all ma- tcn-ils iweetN, Uernn- ..' . hoiie Vrorsfeds, Series, (Kihcrdines, Tropical W'or- 'SS''' ' leds, C"; ?,lodels, Ue;ular, hi outs, Stubs ' and Shms. Tiic -r suits are tailored by ilii' mrdvcrs of clothes. can f:t ou in sie and price. $43.00 f I!: . i jr. or ivgcmv 7 s--:J Iif)s'Inee Parus, in aU to 5 ..' Ji. a SUITS for I.Ille Ty . v. ::..'.' '.i 1 I ( i r. rttll.t.'.U- y lUl Ull. . v. . i k. rici-t i'. v.c" 'nan-hip. Pi-ices ('7l $2.50 to $5.00 Olhti- i. 'id Shirt.-", J-!)c to $2 00. - ' --- f3 tLJ r ' fi '. um w: Jui jb-A tt-rn'iTi:,i:n A. I', '-'M l mi Beautiful" New ;:::;':;;:;.:Si!k: Of the finest -Can ton-(ire pes. Crepe de Chine -and Taltetas in a tla..lin variety ot r;;nid some aivd eclus!e hmkU'Is beatifulK tailored b tlebest makers, and hi all the new .Spring colors. Styles that xou w ill admire. Priced $167'Uo '.r,ii; iT' w . w jti A., it :i l'( t r ! ' ii t'.:i; firLs as v aj.i ; ) U' en, l;.. ,'. tr. - .-( s i" i , , .t!'. Priced, S12.75 to 51S75 V.'c a)(,-,s!i(":"a,n'! ' aurvUit Sport Coals, iii a!! Pi iced, $52.75 to $23.75 Vv'E ARE SHOWING ' ' .'.'.:- -:'';'.'.-..- .;:;.;'.:,:;;;.'- '. :;: :- V V ,V '',''-:.:'"- ''""':' :'A 'va'M'ft :anvFil!;t,;t'.a.s ' ( - i'l ft -.!-dV ' .( n li-v.-l 'il-' ' (.j'-'i-' yi'-ns, 'Tai'f.'la.s,:;vV' lik's,; iJcach ('i., Mi, ,. i,i - x ; ' 'iii- " i .i.'d. kt our Piece .(itKx'e' Vai('.;i:i;a''s iH-l-t. i'laa voui- KaRlc;iv ('ri'.; ! -. ,- ' .;;.:,.: ..j. ;r-v "i. - e l h. .! ri-'il!'.' i;n . till', tliifllf- ffr.e Xl.v Ffiila.-cl a! i iv:lrviii SI. 03 to A n v. . '",, a . ! i M I : Awl t ji' Lj h M Wi ..ic -Wj. ji i ' .v arii i'-T,i Ii-'u'W. Vvc lnvc 'our Easter IJonuet in (Air ihafr-niiieeiU- aiv.ortniient. of Hais. Come in raid tr M.nc -f tli-c -.iJli: 1 hat 5. lla'al of i'I Unction and ii'MM.!"iliti. 3,i!' I'vCii'C -Johivon. Kav.ik, Frankcl-Fra'-k, and j.rcthiouon.i fi'om our own vo.rk room. Reasonably lii'iced. ..'..:".".', ' , . .'." -3) A A T- (v TT tT" tH rT t, bJ .-""fv .1-, IS ''5 , ", 1 ,i--':--X " ! ; I V .! J A 'i'XJ,' in i'.' tii 4 ' 11 i-.i,'- v: . ... .-. .a . mi i J ff-'..'s,v.,.r'V ei-' .VI S?75- Nf;v." v-diW'a.s J or m n m Bai ril W,.rfi ai' .i.A . lit. i '. v" p;. -a i-f 1 'tj Uy -. f ill ' w.-",th(i. stxHeaJ ii,ul' ' ii 'C''.;'1":. J ;X);ul.!..r i jiiuilt ''"- Capr - a??Al Wraps - y?r'i sail ( (.!' t ii ail,.)t you r - Aaicrifan Lady, 'laCAX CIKL A fe' " . li H til L, i ; ') ..'.. firx.'i:: : .-. i : - . ,'V - ..:-. I ;"'-- '--' , o )0) 17 RTMENT STORES 1 7Ah rr.iNs Hi t . t tlio I bewail ',lTni1eil for tliti UtrkhiJ tlio tntion, 'ijen to ii'riod . tf.miii ,if il ri : 10 a- A ti . lie .. .I t 1-er . to IS