j --Jill ) rii-in... . - . ZZZZr-f ' VENING -TELEGRAM sue; WEATHER ll ? READ WANT) Partly Cloudy Tonight; Saturday local showers. COLUMNS , VOLUME XVI. NO. 230. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C, FRIDAY AFTI APRIL 14, 1922. PRICE 5 CENTS vRNOON, r r 4 BRIM'S DEATH LIKELY TO CAUSE POLITICAL FIGHT Number of Prospective Can didates Already Mentioned in Third District Brooks Action On Closing II r ry i i - : r ' r .."' r or zcnoois Brings setters or mm RETENTION Protest from over the It ate .'BRINGS DEATHS INjOF NITRATE PLANT TO THREEiAT MUSCLE SHOALS GOLDSIiORO MAN IS TO ENTER THE FKJIIT Matt H. Allen Mentioned as Candidate Former Con gressman Hood May Again Seek Honor Real Political Fight Likely If : ! i k li . Apiil 1 1. 'lit- I -r i, . f Congressman Sain liiinsini-nf I he Thn-d district, whii.ii .MTIlfn,l-.- i s 1 ( ! 1 1 . i limniing lit u 'i-liii k H ill Himhv this district into another t 1 1 1 pill opln-a. :il. for niii'U tin condition' ,f M '' ISritr sou 's. health lifc:iiiii sin li lli.it it was 4-vidl'Ut! Il 'Would' I"' UN il.l.'.'t o lllllkc tin run.', 'there wciv . detiuitev'- 'thni'uh unofliciat :iMiiMinii-iiiii'!ils .that m ii '"hi -. bcr nf n in tin' t !) i ril' vinit I ofi r In . t.hi il:ii-t'... J r. 1 1 u i in ii ! 1 union.; t vn . " w I' Mtii II.: A jli' it ir l ( ;i 1 st.ot i. XU'c illKO Icailliil Italvigh. .-ltat';.'t. gfessnp.ij I 'l'iii'1;!' ' -.. lio-'il, lioio. whose i o t i i eio cut t'.'ii r thnw . t In', .list ri. I inln mi " ) 1 1 t i . iii t .-.t rii-t-i ii .- light. Letters Question Dr. Hrooks' Position Want to Know if County Commissioners Must Levy as Much Money as Educational Superintendent Savs They Must ..-'' " ' ' .. . ".' '..-". i - lileig!', - A pt il .'? I, -The netim iif Pr," lv- 1.'. I'.rnoks; -siipnri.iitvinleti't of I 'uldii' I list rtli' t ifil, iii e , Hi l)g at ti'ltl ii'll t nSiiiji rds ;'. r i" -'cic.; n i y 'eiun miss inner.. wlill Wanted to: chlSC .Schniiis before .1 III' Six- Ull-.ll' lis ti-.ltu Wies 11 pHii'til l-.e . of .1 illi-.k .('1' ato'll-v, to" the fact 'that- thru' v;i ; IfO . rd'llvt i I tit lull:! r ill' (.( lnT jfuvls, :;n whirli (illowi'il ii si'liiml it) cfi'si' lu-t'dti'. six ini'iit lis limn li.ts t ' 'n . i I . I , li.n liriHI"llt. Mltitlv-I'tti'l J i.f it.tl'st Trr U-i li'ill'. Kiiinr lit tlivci' l.tfi'i. ; 1 1- .ritlmlig. t'li.tn intltii'iit i:t I, I'tii iiiiiiit'iirini'il iiicn Ji i'litttit ivs. t n ' ini'in bi't sTit' ,')ir f t . I n 1 1 n i t rii I in ii. v. li'Uti t lii'.v 1i:i i t-.f i iii 1;;i(iav 'i'rsiin;illy. '.'.'-. ' . Letters Ask Questions' -. . - - - Siitiit' hi' llii' Ici'iii w.i'i! tu' know if till (,IIIMltV iMinillljsMOlH'TI litu o In l''y ;.w liill.i'Ii tui'll' y ;n Mr. Ktot'k inu-t. : li-v-vil' Hi'.- liriiuks Jin tu tniikr. :tiji :i biJ "i-jj . t .') ii.l. .n' r. if rt i n 'lln: i-ii :i nt y' riiiiiiiiissitiiH'ts itti.i llii'M 1 l.i.H' l.n: tiilii'JtjuM ."(, tlii-; huu.'t.-' ; , 1 '1' ll - .'iilsuj'ti I.I --. J 1 lit' fill"!1 l.-ltff.S. I. iiiltN.''. is ill 1 hi' 'll';t I i'i'- t u; :i II til . t il ! Widow of Dr. Abraham Cilickstein Jumps From 3rd Story of Her Home HiiRATE FIGHT HEAD WILL SPEAK HERF mi' n It .'it ftltlliit' .t ltli't . hi- Ijlll'st lliliS t'l' t lit r ' Ml 1. I't i t-iiii, I hrili;:- t.il.l, til ;i..Vit ii rih.t iii;- t'ltx I':!'!' Ill fiii';: h l.'Vy; i'f ! llii W illi' t i', I- i ii- t h,t' hit i t 111' I'.'W ,1, I'lll.lii I'tlrl' w r .;lit ta'lt" in i rht :.. i" i l.ii't-1 Jii' siii:; nliT. '1 hi' V;i - . v t hi :illy . n v I li.-is -i tV 1 1 1 ii fii N, llli.l ulisuiiiti'l; Ii' I'Xpl'tl.lit ill.- .t' t'i'iilit'v-.fi.r si'!..'... j.iii till' ill ..Ail-: ll. Illi.i'lxs 3- liudl - syst.-iit '.if i, : Vh;,: ; t t. .-. : J'.'tis 111(1 t ins In .!! 1 till I i'l' ' .'i i t i t : li: .1:.' :h. trirt in lliTIIII.'. !'' I'l' t',..,,l Itlijilin lui'itit lis ;4':ltr nt t..i;it v" s i 1 1 ; 1 1 i it 1 ' - l-Ulllifl'ss ,; t. U " . Kij . rs 1 1 lil in. fi:is iiki'U is iirii!jiin ,. 1" :i I f "I- t .l:i: t lu ll i II 11 ' I'-i'V ll.' .'! th.'lf ; I ,;l -tl)."lil'.i w.nitr.i -ri't.-niitv i ..( nil tisini '. ,H li;i i f It.'- 1'tiii i:.. t.. A I . I'lMllli'tt )'' -I h ,.f - H-i i'Siii.i:l: '' .'.':l l-i: I il'if '.''' 11 t.v! IIHIS ' -'.-, ii'l int. - li.. h:l .-I'-Hitii1' ini "ilt.fl llj '! u til.' tnx.v .si is - tM Vi nt' 1 li'1 list i n.-: ' I S : tl I 0 1-..T t I U i 111' ! ii'.nliir sliflu witli tli.' .iii in t'i llr' litis jHll'JM.srS...: i wit h III.' Nl l-tlli lilt, i -HI 111 i'l'.'A : ' fli.' ' I Ir.' tiU' l.'i:iv: M. R. Heaman Accepts Invi tation to Address Local Shippers Monday Night MISS STONE'S CASE CAUSED HER WORRY Suicide of Widow Follows Murder of Physician and Death of His Mother When She Viewed Son's Remains Testimony Taking Is Con tinued by-Senate Agri culture Committee CALL ARMY OFFICER TO GIVE HIS VIEWS tin I U "litl .tit tllnl'' !' .I'.iw ll I i-t.'-i i.v.' -r.'i l rii 'iii, .'.'. "I- t i ' ,'n I'.n t li.is' r:,'iu-A: tu. rhi- W: 'fH'i' -.' Ulliil'lliillill l. !: oi-t-ll !. ' i..r if.-iN tMlll-VXt .''Mtilili'f.' nii: lit dih' ti .it i'K i ' ; 1 1 1 . 1 w n t:t l-. ss m.'ii :i ii ..Mi,, -i-ii Iii n i will 'I'r :ii.-,-,'i-,l,-. tin- :i,y nt' tho A ssiic i;t f inn. ,if . tl M l,;, V Vi-w ..ik. A-ril I i ii. k'st I'tti. widinv I : tti-k st i-iti,- who w; l.iy .Mrs. l.illiiin J.';tiyi'ti. in. l!i;!l,..w.'ls i'!:n. lie: hi';.: hniiit' nit N'i'W II.- -M i-s. Anna f . ! i . Alirnlinni l.t in. I nil 1i' I in i lst' . : .kllli'.l 1'inhi'r. ,.. tt t '.,!' V I'llll,', wtirl .'ftl'i; 1U'. .(. rtiiin.'.i ,-f'liii li.'iv, ttliii :, I M I ,11 is- I" lit..- Til I Tlfi.' h;i-t'irl.-s I. ll.'Sl.ll'.'ltc Hi;,. , :iM;ii. ' Keal Fiijlit. Exppitiid I i,li'.'i t i',,i'. ! ln'l i'i'..ri''. :i 1',;- -t-h'Ut .. n:i t'nil l v . :i I s nt . lft.i : t in ' sulinil.lrV llulu 1.1 '.,1 .!n:nin I hv; !i fur ! li."' ' ii.nnin.'i t nni .'Viik,' t" . trv : l'"t ' 11 L 1" litU'lll-: wi!:i :i 1-1. i if tSjnin tii.-iki :i,tifn'ss ,i;i I ; ..'ini'''.' ' -i ti r i rt ' iii iii :ii .lirii.'. -It. is Jg lit.iit A. -h, r.. T nj.:.irt; Ain't; II. i' rfiiafass. : ti !i! t !i : s -y.ruli l w il l. h.n ivr Hi. t i ',, lit. V i". th j- t ii.i C t -IIIO (if ,1: a i ii hi t nt- AT, I, I "Will nsl ' i -t I I'Sril t :' I'm" ,:, fl it't:), - ',! .'nil l-n Mill :rtit,,'::,! v:is :i t lit. liii'vv' 'Xnitl'. :i ii ili'irn .-ml ol fit'-s i. . il ist t n-.t mi 'ti ..ifist i h't '' . . ti t hv in i" nni i'i'H. il .-1 '1..11. I 'win i !.. '' lilt ' ,h.i:;i t : i ii'-W' llii. t,:,t . ' mil ii vi .in. t w n i. ii"! nn .:-!. 1 i'i.'iit.K i"".M r. hin !' : ' lll.l kr ! i. I'lli'l' ' .'li'tl . lll'Wi'M'l' .. I'liiic.L- Wi;lid! il hrr ' si', t'lniis -. !,:iA I- not- lni 1 i y ii'" f'.r iii.-iny yi.ii Tin' '.'nut i'-t ; i,f I'm ..n; l.f . i in i n !!! 'I liistnrv nf tli i' -i 1 ii 1 MiiKi 1 lir ninny i'. 'it.. lil'V IT 1,1't ,,!','' 1,1-i'tl 'A it II . 'iiriil:nn. i '.,ii)Ai.'ssiii.-rn ri'il thitt hi' Wiitihl rcf:t'i tin' frnn. In' nils liii n si-rvitiL: in i .'ii 'jj i-i'siM, ami initiii'.iiiitil' ('"1. Wil i.-nn T. . . Dint ill,' Cniti'.l ,S):it,.s Mavsli ijl I'M "tin' f'.'iHi'rn ilistl'irl, ,'iml 'h.:il'lfs I.. AiiiTiinthy nf . i'W lli'iti. i.lf i;.', I'm tlnv il;n-'if ',, Thi' i niiti'sj whs i.ti,-' i. T. l !n . must I'iltiH'ly t'dtltrllt . il iin.'ll'iiis. ..'I'vi't . i i,.i'.ii'ti-. ii. :ni I'Msti'Tn tli-1 i. ' . u in. .. ' fiiinlly ri'snld'.l in. tin' nninin.il inn . nt' ' triiv iiildslinni inn n. . A ln i nil t !iy I'lin ' tl'lldl'd . tlltlt t ll 1 I f WIT'' IT-'lls l ')' i iiniil iriji. ni' tin" liirJInts' tiinl ilpni:in,liil a fi'fniiht, tiiinlly ;ri ins li is .'iiic.'i I In t lit Ht il 1 1 1 inn f. I nf l'h'l:l inns. Now Doctriiio Evolvnd It wu n ttliis tiiniv flint tin' st.iti' l.imrd i'iiypd tin- iinw f;iinnin jinliti Ciil din-triiii' nf nut jr i n ti- In'liiinl tin' returns, find ili'i'Uircd tin ri'lnrns in (lii'.it-d tii'i! (nl, Ilnfli'li hud lici'ti . IimniiLiti1!!. tin w;i I'linsi'ijunntly di1 f In re. I tfrr' iinniini'P Aln't'tiittliv" I lii'ti tried t jii't a- jiidii'i.'il di'tt'i niinnt inn ni' liis rii'-i-'. tlirnnili in.'iii'l.'initis iirui'i'i'd . i ii y s in the enurts. Init the .enilrfs stis tiliiii'd l.lie ili'i'iMioii nf the "'nfnte li..nr.l of elei't innx th.'it it lind no riirht t(i ijn belli ml the enmity elei'finn returns, on I cniisentiently tlte in ;i inliitnus : w.is nut rnntiniied to tlie lienriiiff. The .New: Hern inn ii tlu'n tiircnlened In run for but linnlly deeidnd not" tn do this. .rfist lii-fort the election Ciil. Dorteh's dentil still further fvom) i jiti'd tin' , mutter, tt wan iit to tlii' st.-ite exe eutive enininitfee to tiiilno ii niniiiin'.' tn run against the feiiib'ii;,in iinmiiie" ill the fjenera I . elet inn. . Mnini ii!' Aber netliy'i friends I'finlend .1 that h" . slioulil be tunned be the i iinitnil tee. biij Die (iijht in the district li.i.l been so bitter nml it wan so sunn after the irjiiiary that the old sores bad nut had time to heal, that tlie entnnii-tfie di I'iileil to offer the nomination to K. f. Hrinsnii, of No wl'prn, ivlin w;s nt tlt.at time and lind been for many years sm 'ii'iintendent of J lie eoiinty si'lnnds of Craven conntv. Rtinsoit .li eppted. of course, an 1 Was eb cted by a iiinjo.rify of a !.:;tle over ,1,(1(10. , Xhe efTeels of (lie . fijjlit ; were ri-lleeted in the reduced demoeritii; maporit v. The followiiifj elect inn Mr: . DriiiNon lifted this majority to ."Jnn. The death of Congrcssuiitit now nsain tlirows.the.way nnen for another emi test in this district, which promises to be as hard fought, thoiie;h possibly,, not asbitter ai waT the ouc four years go, juirj'i, I'.'iiiii'i nii'lit. -I'.llni- ' Tliree Salient Tomts 'he i-iiliiit.il"- li',:, : I' VV i'ur si.'s' ii n.l ' lu issarv. "1A',1 t uili s : 1 ! t h.'. i i.llli t y ; lit, t'.i nf:.'i;;i i-i'Mls.-nn tin' lv:,.. I'll,!' nf i I ' I lea a, a ii 's : ; in -a li" t"i- ii"t'ttillLr bv' bliss.' Air. 1! in f lie '.state ' 1'i.ty: bet-te'r v. si' liat i.i'ii. t!,:l sll i nii'i's a liif-! ' i niuii'i'i-ia; iit'if.iiii.nl i ' 1 J -i';i.'it a tl.-i v as I.i,i.V'i'i',l . f mm i'f.'tai'A' ".,t ',!:, t.'llan J, :i l.'ikfj ' rati fiuhr ai s.'d - jir rhc fr , ni 'nn' hi'!,, i V. .1 he .1 is 'fthi ' in stall'. V, Mil's- lit. '11 h, I" tli:' tli,' tsfl'M- itinl- ,'.,1. bv .il 1! ll'll"! line'. -l;j,' i L'at l;i.t'llii nf ; niylit.' .Tlie, . In-1.1 in He- i- ", , s 1 1 1 ll.'d' ' -' I' I iiitcrcsi,.,! M i.ii.lav t'll'f'i't i 111' will : be - nf l-llltiiirer,'-r' ..as' V c oil ' t li-' Ji-n 1:ni'.s..s, i-i ills-, jut !it till. I t I'll itM-'f , 'T.'-a I'l . , in fiiin t in, ii . ( .i..: i'n:;i.;c .ai ,'i tistii ill i, sell, .ids' "1 -i xllHiiith. 1, ' ,ll!:ir i' . t'.l t e . j liiiudrel Willi wll. .TTi:i; '.'..-( rii.nii' i-l ii'l. lines- I ',!' s s li- d . : l'i'i':uis,';' i aid tlir I.. , . ilk, 'ii iiflit-', .'.'si.li 1 ...lltlSi lll's's : . '"'a' ' ID'., initi. 'tit ' '(; i-ii: i:. i :iUv ilt'lif fill- st;ut Tl t'l'l I'ff sale 'tl 1i:l'i., "ill wa iM'f Li the'; m f'-'is bi'ili ,vi. triil'fi.'.' iissii,-! rt -i of tJie-Mj 't ;i nt j.'tl. i n.' i.'.'i I i i.i ' i li n api..ii-1'.rt . The -li third ii l,i". nn In i in '( iii..-'.iiiiiiii-n ,1 1,,'i'n tn his'-ullii'ii. : Pr. (ilii-.Ut. '.n 's iiiilth fi'l .l.ii.l when she viewed his bodv :i.i'ii. ;its lieiui; taken into the libek 'tein hojiie, h'or seveiiil d.'i.v's. tin' ji,. iiee nf .'v York .pursued ':tiions i I.h-h I. in' t lii'i'..' days ;i ('tor Hie. hIh1 itt'g a winj:in itatiit'd l , s ' t.illi-i ,, 1.' , : . n enn :nlv tii'l.iv.;.'i:he wiiiu: jy I'nllllliit teil si! il-iili'.' irklf uf'MVs, Ijlieksteiii ith in ;i trnt'dy. series -! I leci'inl er w It-'ii Hi. b -: i: i n , a jii'ai I iuiiei.'r di wiis Shut- hv. :e Avoma i'hu itteil with nl her p: Major Hums Urges Reten tion of Plant No. 2 for War Time Emergencies Houstv Committee in Executive Session FLAPPERS FfND FRIEND Irf WE ATHER EUUEAU . Washington, April H.The much entieisoil flapper found a friend in the -weather bureau which Indicated that she might go forth on Easter wearing her briRlit colored tweed suit and pernwinkle hat without fear of rain. Generally fair weather for Sun day was forecast bv tho bureau for that portion of the country east of tho Mississippi river and 'probably for the southwestern States. Mod crate temperatures will be expert cm.od throu;h the South while in the North the me.itiier generally will be cool but not cold EASTER HOLIDAYS LEAD TO VARflff REPORTS ON MINES United Mine Workers' Or ganizers and Operators .... Give Different Views PREACHER APPEALS IN MINE AREA TODAY FOR PRESENT HOORS is Hie w hi I'll Ai.iii sl-lill-I ' W illi til 'I I is. AVasltiifiin.ti' nitratn iiaiit .i iri it .' siniidby ' 1 t i me of nni iima I by .Mi, joi: V. II a ii, -e . I in l ea n,f r.'st iniimv.: tin! April II. Ki-feiitioii of o. , L'. nt M nsi-ie Shi'iais ' Mnidit ii'ii : t or iise in tiier'i'euey. was nr'd I. l.-irns .of tlie Otilin Wa f I tepaf t inelif , . in V I ,' to re fin' : Si'llllle sin 'I sll, hlld i I: I' ll 1'. It 11. I- ml I Vi lli il f ivr Whiel, d" ,.er iipilble - ii!i, .- le rt , Inv i nil tit n ilill re!'!'! N'ori l,.;i '.',.:i ..! I Vi A !': ! I .) . .,1 I V nind ; rt,: liii .i slti' il l.,'; V'l" il I':' i.ii... in- I , t ln's ,.nY-i;:i.k. v: i V; iii li,'i r:-!it 'i : In.' Tn. t " hi in J! Hi' tit'. ..tii .- lil'i'irti.S.. HI- .- li'l - t;.-.t :.t nt i"ll;i! lil ! V. ' i'l ill 1 1 il nf. nl' ' wiil ':;'ii,;,UI V. fi i "ill hi .',. tvi'l. :' I'i Hi'ili j iri-OtlSI'd "f Ul'.t by- tlie ,! ' sn.:i,'i"nni .;n.r. ;i ,;vi rii ':, 1 '.(l.'.'lllsi i t . . f'! Ill' I'l ! 0-l ti !. n ,H.e,T'.;.r'; ' .Mniif i;: .h;ipel's a- .'A ilit'e-l l.eeisioi! '.of tlie- M I'lelia ii t s As'- ilr. .s.si. -n.. l lf Tili''l'. iV 'tn ifil tin il lint illi'l inlivkteiit;. -'Sin, ibvlari'd r nn ii.iier filii-ksti-ih h: r, i'i:itili't:iti;4 her in a mot her. : s.fi-in ni'iiari tit !y en, lei! hei tii'i: f"in the. third story .!'.-a. Mrs. iriiii'kstein" had !.. .-ii riitLi .in, .lei', a 1,1'iivv incTttiil st fn in 1; the. death of her liusli.nid and inut her : ;i ml W:is siiid to ii;i'e Iiei n . 1 1 i 1 1 y '.over the . iieiliil-t.;il of OTtvin I'. '!!. e for the intirdor of I'iilis K : ;i ii In-ill!, f.ii iiiei' ( ini'itiiiat i en is . now fi p-is !'. W'heri' .M iss one ' :b, Air i..v. Mi I!:, dele ' t.'bi nn 't Mi! 1 :i I r Jin I i.he. ...li- Vt'.J r. 1.-. tl, v,i .to -;,' isf. s-ix III fh;.: II ills fans it iiti-i I fax,' i 'l ti iniiti-t. .ii. n lb . tl :;i .. Ainl i. it'll of lit ii.:- i -'this all Milt d ot tax. t'n -I A. .rth' i-'iiinli -d net I- iili-.itj v t' n,'' :i)'V. I of f:-l, all tlie ' ,'Xf,'.-tV:1 i ii. tiii :- i r. : ' "vhii.v ' x-,-1 M-T -1 'in . to:',:r:n!ei; ,f !::',.:s!, llieie::;; evtsf:Vi'j- i !. iJlt. li- l-,i .'Ininir' .f i''i-:t 1 effect. . . I.v. the ( 1 tie ; I'm, fine the sinn. ':: (u-i' Inl.'l-.sliiti i-ImI!-" t. . It i-i-.ll'.Illi fr rati .1. McCormick Reported To Have Passed the Crisis ' ' Xi'w-.. V-tirlir 'AjiHl' tl . - .Toll it M -C-.r mi el;., ii "1 1,1 ! t 'ti or, '.wlin' 'was st.rii-ken u it U .an i.'!V".:-l inn. of the throat, iiet-t- l.-l.sl ..-iflltil.iv: iltVd wll(ie iUloss l.ii'; a -.ir.ii ,ltlt ll l ni c in in it t ee. l i. !!' sin ti ;.i fdati, he vrrd, i the i-oiint ry w inild h.-it o :i. (i-i;j ;i:i 1 1 preiiaied tie-s in the iiriiilnetiiiii of ii i rati'. Cvi'ii tli.Oilll.: ir:ite I'll" ... 1 Were .lis piisi-.l. nf. oi s:-! -i.'.j under w;ir .li" lin tltiii'ii t '- i'iiiieii-s. A s - an arLrtnni'tit- in Te.taiuiiiL' pi. .nf ii he ..said t lii.i. i-i-st of nili-neen 'rnilnef inn totaled 'about s; ;.'. 7 jinn i a year.. . I ii rjjo : M. r.rt iuJm' of this reseive i.e ( i.-,ii,i-. i-iiiil.l l,o re leased t',.;r lis,- n fertilizer inaiiufac- t ii i'l -hi.iild the . 1 :i ti 1 be. kept - -ready fiif" tii-t.-'iit .o.i-rat inn in ea-e: of wa r. , Till . h nil se null in it ee colli intli'd to. la v ii e ve. -tit i Ve -session , si..Toi f In .ietertiiinV' the : i-'inin.-iraf i'v i v.-ihfi of tl,e. 'iiiinsa!s from' llenrv- 1'nr.b t he Aliiiiniiiii . 1'iiwei- j imipayy, : I Vedei ii k Kii'.istrin'ii, :of Wiiin ii'inl on,.. , ,('., -ind ('liiirli's I 'a rsii n -i for development of tin s: I i i i;i I k i n i j m r t i IPaynast rs Handing Out I Ui'gos i :r Work Done Durir ast Two Weeks. in M'v,vt 500 Fewer Min ers Reported at Work Rev. ..Mr. North Urges Hear ers Not to Put Off (Jiving Themselves to Cod Tl DEMOCRATS TO HOLD COUNTY CONVENTIONS Nash and EdsreconUie Conntv Conven tions to Be Held at Nashville and Tarboro Tomorrow Morning tirrint; etfeets i.f the revival i.niipJi.iHii u in. I, h is ! i-i. iiiider wiiy at the First . MethWIisr i-luiri h for the p.-isf two weeks with .b'ev'. Ilafrf M. N'ori h doi ny tin- preni-hine were nmiii: I'est . iit last !lin;hl 's ser:ie. when six teen." , etsons were taken:; into : the .-hin'i-li by baptism and eon fessiou nf faith Two had iilreiiily. bei-it reeeix--i-d, while '.there. :ire L':"i more In be ta.k en in nt. the Master iniirnin sen ice. Tin- usual service will, be held "'tmiiirht' lit eiyht o'eloi k witii it'litsolitf service Th";i will be no titld ; the .. luee'tinjr beiniiiiie; a) T : I services 1 loinorrow w ill lie Touclinli'il . with Sn lidii v. ' Iev. Al r. ortii . ,spi t'W I si-rii'es f f nut . L'ti-f now T-T t ii c id' Ui'illiii-taf ie i ..Xenb :r,ii nil-'AV at ' .-Ieyen Oll-elltitils will be K'le ei-oinlie eon it lif li eti'ck, 4'Uls held i tn IlilV- , nie.'-ii :n riu inn; on : i hi t-i',: tn ItnA'e p.'l ' will IKd be ilble ' i-i;. I: tiuni ' lis, ' ! 'li i' e :n)-nn 't I.e' i n;n M'ill...'ll"! lift, s V ,. ,.!', ' .A!! . ri.'l .1 nendav. I lie c.risi itt iieiii iiis:itl l.-in-d iin ,'l. "I ! t , :iTt Tl I hi oil-! i i ,!'l,,l,:.r .leUl.Hlils. fur t ll,' s ",: Irs hnni '.ti-l'lll '. .. S.fili.'- .'. nt.es '!' lin; ( in. ;1.';V. !ln f'ill :i iii.'ijut -,,'-.' . e I-, , 1 1 1 1 i .--s w hete 'lh levy o'.'" tits' dues 'lint j.ni.lii. e eti'tiinh riA fn' run A lie. -eiinnls si x niii.tit lis, tli.-' steps:, i ii . tni ii- fi in funds In . lii't,. come . f I n 1 1 1 ! he . tfellera 1 pla'l. r of. nni M :i 'tint a t fi I lie ilii:'it v "L'ntt.'in. h.is -yi V'tlild til: I I .1 I - btlt "fill. llld- 'of lit s ni'' i.een tn-eviouslv sent out bv chair men of 1 lie ! w . t oiinlii's. Xash county j.h'nin. rats held ineeti ny;. in flie court ; .,i..i'. at X.isl.'. ! e. - w hile t i.e Kd.j.i i-iinilie '.' l.'ii:neV.its tti! meet' in the i-'onrf Iiiinsi- .-it T.iii.:l'i'V.o: . . t tn:. . ruiiiit y cmivent.ioiis were . e. ii'.l by - I be 'a-rimis township i i:i;i iti.-f i nn eiit'imu uhiefi were ' h i-n n vjh n nl i lie' (avo i on ii lies anf lll.liiV;.: At tli.at fillle-'- deli'l'lltes' i'e pre :i n.l held Sa l-:" were f.r the ennnfe eon-eiitioim anil lils- of the (owiishtp oritattin effect e..l flir .'-;i r ty i ni lift effec ik in e'.iinect ion with the , tune iiitl v tuud niv. th most -k lei; . mi. 1- l.nlll , I he 1' .". I i : I ni.t er which Dr eim.n si .'i t c tii :t t .,r,l,"i't ! ' t :ix . lil!:! . I'rnlii .'-: I fli; tittles,-'' liei i t .:i iii-e, . ftiiiicliise. and license f;ix Counties Kicking Most The i-oii lit ies v!iii-lr w.-i ih.i ft, ,n-i . t Ins. (ji'in-riib. .sl.'ile lines fluif 'ire iloiti'it the-Ail-I flli'V iil'e kiekiiin-i lilt.' over arid i.linve ;i.e Tbiil is a iiiftiiosititin : o lli'ii'iks nor any t"t her st ii te nflicinl hits i .niv i'oiitrol. Any fax nian in auv i cni.nty . pays over and. iilinve. 'the "it : cents is tax which tin local aii1 hnrit ii-s '. hate imposed foe public iiiid hie.'i'l im ' proyi in en I s - in their iitn cniniininit iex,,:, ( 'mi tit ins .or en tnniiinii ins- w Iiji-h n j fin 1 1 il issues liiivi' to levy eiiniilt . 1 a x.'s ! in: I'niy tlie: ititeri.'sf on t hi'se li..n..s. . The l;iw rc(iiit'i's thi. and' the cniin'v ant hnrities w hic hfai'eil I n iitiike 1 3ii;s ! provision an', subject to indii- tiuctit. "I n j uiiitry-iiislauces. '' t iieref ore, the. kicks ' :i re ciiiuiiiii: f I'l-nl '.eniie who I heni-elvi's ! have ntcd. fnr . bnnd issues nr voted , speciii i;i yes fiir (i'm . purpose or an ! other, or whiles county or :otlieil locit! i ofbeials -have incurred the debt for ; t hem, ' ; ;' .' : Ready For Republicans novciunr Morrlsuti is ri'ady .fur th' rejiulilic.iii.altnck on his and llm detiin cfati.' a.liuiiiist rn't inn ' -nf the slnte ifov i-riinient. lie bcite; . s . t he repnbliciiris will In unable to attack any part of flte ml nii li i-t rii I ion 't . a cl iv i t ics : with success. :. The eovernnr will hiinsel!' prt iulu t Jli' c nni pa tfj n n fi er I he slate 'nv i n! n.ti. !.lle dm.';, sunt . .expect have any after;' the' ever... TRY TO DELAY VOTE ON NAVAL PERSONNEL Big Navy Men Trying to Prevent Vota While Members art Absent From ..Washington During Easter ... V.i -b iiitft in, A pril 11. bets Ic.'liiilin the finhf.fil J listed force itiiii'iiduii-tit bill . I.liinchi'ir nn effort tit . ii "1"ote ttU 1 1 Itunoiiiu Ilouse luenf- - MH '-lKini'l eit'l J o' the navy tn.lilV "to :pi'i- Ayheiiv.'a. Funeral Of Congressman S. M. IJrinson Held Today j:.Ti,e, i -ift Tiirl.i.n I Iv. iittetidi-d litieal pot 'S Willi lis wil!, ItA eat in bin; iiat'f of tin- , liii'inliefshii. will t iibsent t rotu AVashiniftoti. , " ''la inii iif iniivnnh -.frennf ll to win either today or next .weeki''" 1 , i nnyy men" inilica I i.-d . t hey would attempt tii blili;; .14 In Mi t ml iiiill'llllli'llt over the week end and i f . fa illi.' in fhat were di- the ready to piolnne; t hi live uiiuute bate; nn -curly- sect inns of t he bil :is tn uuili7' it iiitpn-silde fur 1 ,;, inn ii Kelly' to. demand a vote on en I i-d in cut. p nil ii i sit inn toninrrow. ' Sine nf, tiie uiU ncates of jMii ntnend inent-siiid it ininlif be in diiiiL'er if jnit to a test 1 oinorrtiw iiinsnincii as .s.-ore of members they had counted on werj f ni' a i i u 'j to. Ii'.-n e the ; capital fm KasLcr. ''There' ns'a firospeef for h reiil liialiiister with a t at the out set to prevent cintsiderafioii df, the measure toda v. " .' :, . A . . . ew- I'.ern. A pril I t. - The fiiiii'i-al nf . I.'e present :i j ye Sn in lie 1 Hrilis.iu of l,he : iird N' ortti ( 'arnl jiui .list rirl- ii lin lien :il ii 1 1 K-;i 1 hospital ycsti'iMlay will be held I'l'iiin the First lt-iitiiit cbtirch ,t ": oVlock t h i -s. a-Wefnooil, .iui, - hi !c f tn put -ivill t.-ike . place at (.'eiUit' ( ' rove e-iiieteiA . "x r.-,iiness in ex llet'ii will be-.-ol ..'i--Ui.ni.sUJlj.liirino tlii' J' on era! '' !'n '" '-.''-'', .. . ' - . In aildition to flie In-rje niiuiber of p. i sous ; f t ..tn the' ".third . district and I riitn v;i rin,iis sections of North ('.'it-if l:.ia, conoj-e-.s will be rejireseiil ml by I'l.iuiiiTt tees from both house ainl -en : te. -:-' ' .'.' - . ."V : ga.theri'nits .nf Nashville lire expected to be lai'tre f, morrow :itid to set tlie ;i lioili it;; in f he t wo conn reiiewi'd in;iir.. The tnee1: -lect . del, Ajates fn fhe stal.e i. I.e. held in .TJiileijrh biter ill is: plans it'lr ; and coiintx' .'perfect all organization. delailed LIBRARY TRUSTEES N MEETING TOD Y ke last iiiifht iriuthians' . li.'J, . 'ehnld s t in accept i.'d .I i llie ; bcllnld "now day of si I vat ion.' ' : li'id you realje, ipieried tiie pieai her, how it is . tii. do a lliinjj tlext w ee!-: e.n next -year? There is . a fen i ll ri 11 of lis to put off. There lure nf the future -which tn.-ikcs ii? " nit' off. whet her it be ftiouey inat -f I'l-s or Work. . fI'b is is tint only ;i teinp t.al inn.' but .a ri'nl ilanjer trliich avp an jissu.iitinjr for the future. It-may be .(hiit, no Avi! lie. iiicn pacitnted.. As w e t-TiiAv ol.b'-r, bur : ji.'-wers iitnv be ivealieln d or " ,v:e may bei-uuii. a jaded ,nnnhiidd iir wonnitihoiid. "Si ti"iiiV of u," continiieil the l preiicher, "waif until the sijtils are iist rinht. MiiHe wait to. give their lii'ti rts to fiod u nt il church surround, inys are .just.; n-s .they like. . - The preacher,- 1 lit sermon and the. music, nil.: must ' be just as they would have thefn: I'erhaps -t hat tifne w ill never collie. ' . Kv'er'one 's future-is uncertain There is d.'inffer in delay. Tf .one i iii earnest' and- will ak- fin, I'm help, al thini.'h odds iiini ni-ins are . ntriiiiist liiie, ii i"l - will briu'ii ynjir reiiiet to pass-,, Aliiv'tiF1 viin iire wnitiiiLf fr ii rnve'at inn. 'find seiii His f-on fhcre could be no irre.'tter sifin or revolntjnii than fiat. Von lia-e nlreiidv . hud eiioii(rh. truth to lend ynu In. the "cross;" . ('' yiment in jr.. lit'Oll fhi' word " ofipor , tiinitv," tlnr nreachcr showed that the tiie.-iniu'r of tin- wi.ird traced back tn 'til pos'iie the uiitc. " : He decinred 'h it the si. h it nf . (bid would direct ; tii the iifKMii nir nf the. jrntc snd that it lull remained to enter, nut brushing the t'iite nn either side but entering st mi edit ill. "I urL-e vi-il." ciiiicliiiled 1?eV. Afr. ! North, ." to seize the dnv. the fleet in-r niiuuents. Tie assured that this is (iod's tinio. What i our (rrentest iliiv f -"-This, dity: Toipofrow, yester diiv, is not on is, but , tndnv is ours, tin iMit'init"nff.r---tht---fii-tro--l.h3.-8ivin of vour heart to (bill " . I'ittli(r, Tu., April ii.Tho nppntng of the I'.aster Imiidiiv tiwlav showed that fully .itid ininers m (otiiii-sville coke ri-utoii failed to report for work. This, w:m haileil bv oranieis for the I tiled .Mine Workers who are seekinc to cxlcuil the coal stirke a a victory but was met lm the declara tion of I .;,!. operators that the men Here on iv fidlnwiiii i lonif entnblished I custom in ,, Here mit exit'cted to re- t tat a ui'i r I "s-iay. I In i ,i,i , :,l pi'iiil. afTecteil wn the I star .In,,, i . v. . ; nf the Wasliiiig , tnii Poal and ( i,i,e ( ompanv where iibinil ti i -en did not report for work. In other pa. 's of the held scattering absentees wore placed at 100. No d ditional plats-of the H. C. Krick Coke onipnin were reported down,- while, the Itainev (oal and Cokti Company declared its mini ' not previously sf fected bv the strike were working full time. I wu small independent wlh combined capacity of !0 ears a dar reniuiPil with full force. In spite of tho strike prospertMr ift ," beamed in the region today for pav musters were coiupletincj the pAVineiit . of iipprnxiiiiatelv 1 ,0(10,0011 to miner j; and coke operators for their labors , : I hi- Inst two weeks in March. The ouly j ' uiitowaril incident, to pomo to the no-. t ee of thu ,'iUthoritien was at the Kil" . bcrt Mine of the l-'nek Company- when -.- a iiot.-ul or stiitc police was sent there in uispcrsi- a parly or women who were waking it, uncomfortable for men n then- wuv to work. Tho erowd w.-n disiicrseil and flip woman wprn t I M the - incident, was fiat ts lie re- : J"toiL . (, .:- PRESIDENT SIGNS BILL TO EXTENT) USES OF BADIO Washincfon, April 14. The' liill- ex teuilinjf tho use of the government a v.il liinio facilities for commercial and prcsH purposes until June 30, 1 PL'S, was signed today bv l'rcsiilent Harding. - Capt. Ij Rooer Issues ( 'Lnge To Wrestler, (Jreek King Reported As Much Heiter Todav A 1 Ih'hs, wir -front.-h.-inst Win ; Hitterness Of War Is Reflected In Action A pt il I:1.. --K iiie ( 'oustitnt inc I m 1 li a siiibleu attit.i-k of a'-, noon today, : . 'fhursdiiy, that Inv Sllll'ered last s'liui - K i ; Sim h r while 1 1 tl i i no : flic lie x ii -i ill ii slate ,.f ex-ftei- tin' iittack but . a bub yhis - ,li v re'coli ered. I'rince-s -Kliynbi t h. ' w i fe of - Crown ! prince I leoi ee, v ho is siifTerino; from j t p niid fevi't-, w;is rejiorted .toninht as re-1iii i-onifortalily - . although, .'with. .d.imriunl teinpr'r.-itiire anil itilst'. Ib'tin issncil this- i'ieniiijt 1, jsieinn saiil he lind-tlninst Recommendation of Execu tive and House Committee to He Heard , COMPLETE PLANS TO ATTEND CEREMONIAL A n tei (if New 1 use, ) i an echo 'Mrs., lleiere! f a ji.-irt in t he canipii iu ilciiKicrnli'i' co n-('ii t inn, how '"I.V .r.. niain ""'il I tor nf this ok. April 1 I.--nitic-n.'ss FIVE PORTSMOUTJI FIREMEN tin n oil, I war has - f miiid j :, : ARS INJURED IN COLLISON a suit for fL'uo.on ber-un bv I ( .nut tier. ,ot . TTTTi litre , Marriage To Feature Atlanta Opening Game Atlanta, tin home tjooritc Tec b.inil were April It. A weddiucr; at plate an, a sereiiiide liv lis ' ' Wrnnibltiic;. Wreck " lldjled attractions iiliunnn- ci'd for the opening gamp- in Atlanta of the lUL'L' Southern 'Association, sen son between Chat tanoon.-) nml Atlanta today, li. ,T. Spillpr, iiresident of the I resident of the Atlanta club, slate.I that Mrs. Cora ConpPr and Ojtriloix rinwers, both of this city, hail accep ted his (iffer .of "( to any couple who would lie niarriedif the plate prior to the ftnnie nud that lie would also pre sent them wiUi season passes. - --iui season j A . t Air. ami .Mrs. ( ail Vic c it v. : The ad ion Was brought in (he snpn.'ine court at 'White Plains 'because 1 he-. Victors have been maintaininc; a summer home at Irving ton -011-1 he Hudson.- AVcsf chare county. Mrs.-(luiither iillpges' the . defendnnts. the iiflcle and aunt of her ilecc.'ise.l hus 1 in ml, ,-ilien;ifi-d -tlie iiffcctiniis of her two children in revenge for her refusal to accept their pro-dcrmaii views (lur :'HL' the. war., .-. : s '.'. The father -of the children ciiiimittcd s-icide . in this city in l!'.". nii.l in 1017 Mrs. diiutlier sni.l slip-consented to snrreii'lerine;; custody- of the chil ilrfii to the Vietors, being pri'tnisi'd ill consideration -nf-her action inoin-v for I'orfsnioiith, April H.- -Five firi'iin'ii were iniiircd, tliree -erioiis!v, '.ai-'v t'i.is iiioinitii when- in runiiinq fo a fire which sw opt 'four homes a it in I n n H .engine ainl tourine; car col lilded. Four Cases' Tried In " Municipal Court Today ' The folhiwing caies ' conipnsed the docket which faced lioporder Lancas ter at this morning's sessinii of ' niiln ieipnl court : - .hisper Ronnie was charge! with rid ing a hicv. le" nn the snb-walk and taxed In answer to a charge of operating her snntirirt from n fond snl ,.s',.1 f ' '.'. V". ""' l"-"l"'r license, ,. . , . .. ' ; , , . I. 1 'river was relieved of.."., the sn ipor and iKlucatiou bf ,,he ehtl- j ,villilJ,n M(,rH, wlp ,1 on by their grandmother. STic ,le- i . , fll, of M d,mik chirpil Khp had received only smalt pay- .,ln,i ,i0nlirlv - incuts and that at that the Victors had j' .ji, Kllisi,".Tohn Boone and Uerman ec.-e.-uei, .,1 ii im i n u iv g auecuons Ohrlle were' all charccit with hoboimt. i caoa (lereuaaut - wag lined fid. tlie children from her. ei i l Ma iiiiporfiini niei'titig of the trus: ni' I lie I'. t ky .Miiuiit Library As atiou is being held lit the chamber ii in rii ere i' ii s.e in bly rooms this in o ru ing I'm- tin; ptirpiisp of hearing reports frniii tlie executive ;ni. 1 liouse commit tees which held special sessions yes ti;r. lay afternoon, and worked out (le- tii'ls for the. library 'project -'here. ' .t yesfi'fdiivs meeting of the exe cutive i-oinunftee, which was presided , over by ('haiiitiau F. I-l. Wiiislow.' np-j plications of ir'ispecf ive. librarians I uere en n -i , le i cil . If is understood that I the coiii init tee made its pick from! I liese ii p liciit ions and Hindi-- ilefinifp j reciiiii'meii'lat ion ns. to tli(-(mploying : of a 1 1 in anil : iibriiria n at this ninrn-;- iug of' the trustee-, The salary of j thiii-.librarian, who is to d'-vnti fulii time to the library, will be covered j by iin ;. a nn mil aipnipriation of iil,20(i recently granted by the board of ab i leriiien. : -: ' j The house . committee in session yes-i terdav affernnon went nver all likely In -at iiins for the enlarged library. ' T :is coniniittee,, if . is understood I re ichi'd definite : cnncliisions as to li-' brary- ipiarters anil has siicccded in) iroviding a com enient locution which i at the sumo time will prove sufficient I y -large, .tn care for tlie -much lurgp li- j In.irv whi'-h it is. hoped to establish.') The reiort of : the house com m i constitutes the other important Mi ncss matter which is to bp prcscnti-i to the trustees t'l, t morning, Following today's- meeting announ cement that these two important steps in putting the library across have .been perfected is expected. -Othc-re ofninit tes are lining up their work as rapidly as possible, and the "npxt -important step will be -the launching of theThem berihip campaign which M ilatpd for the near future. Local Dokeys Decide to Make Trip to Greenville Ceremonial May 4 by Special Automobile Caravan Mans have !( n completed bv local Pokeys for attending the- ceretunniiil which: Hicky Mount wearers of the fe w ill co (iier,'ite ' . with , fireenvillp IV, keys in flitting on at fin I'itt conn tv capital Max- 4. t'tider the plans, now- worked out. pokevs . from this city will make the pilgrimage to (ireenvine via 'an autre nio! ile caravan. The.' .expect to mv$t at lhe sngaiiiore clue at 'nine .o'clock nn 'thi--. iiiiiruing if May 4 ;i in I 'make an e:iriv 'gi-taway thruugh tin couu!r.y to fireenvillp, . a rri rihg-i there in plenty of 1 inn- to particip:iri"TT all the fes tivities in which the Kocky Afount bri gand team will take a prominent part. Local Pokevs arp looking forward to the ceremonial with keen anticipa tion nml believe that the nffair will be "marked by record ajtendnnce from tins citv. More than a score of ('.'in didates Irnvo - airraid v been signed up hi're. whi'e if is expected Hint at least 7.1 wearers of the fez will make the f ilgsiiiiiige from . this city. NeVprat huiulreil Diikevs from nil sectnns of eastern. North Can lina arc looked for at the-ceremiiiual when it is expected tlint it least oo candidates will bp taken through the mysteries of Onkev-ism. 3ANKS OF CITY WILL BE CLOSED EASTEB MONDAY Annoniicpinpiit was made this morn ing" by oftipials of the Tfockv Mount Oh-aring IIousp Association that the hanks of thp pity will be closed IMon dnv." v '- v is Eatiter Mondayana - Witchnii, ixnnsiis, April 14 Capt. Hob Koper, heavyweight boxer here for the wrestling match last night between M i M rangier; Lewis, champion, and I ;i 1 1 ( inbloi k, of. Iowa, chnlh-ii(fi( Lewis to a mixed wrestling and boxing In ut. Lewis won the last two of three fulls Inst ..night.- In issuing the ehal lenge Koper sm.)" .' I am willing and vcrv iinvioiis to mutt Lewis in such a bout. He tore taking on Dempsey Lewis can trv out his stuff on some one not so good. I iin willing to nieit someone in a mixed bout aud will post-, a side bet of 10.000 thit I ran, bent him, fr he ,i,mts to malte bi$ Pempsev ofter good, he should meet me first " , . NEW Ml POLICE OB STM MYSTER i ! Plans f "ang of Robbers and G accomplice Trac ed Out by Detectives . .New York. April 14. A story of s gang of safe blowers working with th aid of a girl stenographer used n a scout todav was obtained -by d teetivcs ivpstigiituig last night's rs, nn thp Koval Insurance Co.' build i r. at M V illiums struct iu which near .ti'o.ooo worth of cash andeeenit " were taken from a number of OK ," The im! i. -e claim to have obtained . storv fro-n Cie.orge Brcckeridge, wiitchin i n: ivi.ii. w-.Ts found bound a gagged. A-crriiitg to detective. Hreckernlgc ciift used being a partv to tlie roiiherics although he professed not to know the name of any of the robbers. Ke wa taken up to police headquarter for further qnestionin but nti tn noon hnd not been arrested. The supprintcni'pnt tit tho buildin stated that nreiiiiendge, a member n the police reserve, hnd obtained hi job as watchman on the strength ( a letter, nf recommendation written police department stationery. The j lice said that Breckeridge unfolded plot for systematic robbing of la (.nice buildings in which the fir' sweetheart of one Of tho band, ph.. an important role- The girl would obtain emplov in one of the offices chosen bv gang, make plans of thebnitdi ".. learn the method of handling f ey, Thon she would tnm her tion over to her bandit le sign, according to tho Jolj the loot when the gn V - v. 4 3 J "" -",."'.