1 T H-E W ILMI N" N GAZETTE. Tllfee Dollars per Annu T H U R ib-A Y, A PR I L 4, !.. l "V- J'frt jsitt'f jftltl ' Vol. III. N0. 117. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY ALLMAN6.HALL, PRINTER- TO THE STATE OF NORTHvQaROLINA. i. f I CONGRESS " r the . T UNITED STATES. ri,KC . nritJF?rMTATIvtl rgi: r r; Saturday March? call of the houfe took, p-'ace at hall part ten, agreeible 10 Order.. Som ot the members Wire ithfer.t, I Fl 'l who had ievera.lv o make apolog.es on taking the rleats. . , ! Mr. D. folic r horn the commit- . L7. rotter irom tne commit - , j 1 .... . c aims, made feveral untavor - ' ,.. tee ot .kU Pit w itch ur." rnnriirred 1 dine IIU'.H'I I AL The houfc refolved itfelf into com i ,t , .... , i i a mitteet ot the whole Mr. J. Par" t " " u 1 j u ker tn the chair, on luivdry brtls, 1 ft . . " ... I which were leveraliy read ine itiiru r j ii.. . - licu, . dim ine tlllc Ul j; which will appear in the courfe of! till. ULIHIJ V J f V V J IUU A I V I dent. A meflage wa receiwed from the! - j . .r . u u v iu Vrp idnr 'j n to rh hnn f t i number of velfsis cora.niHioned fince July liift j the nnm.K-i of wiocri- 18 365 tueir to.'injge 66,691 tons, , t ieir number ot guns 2723, of men 6847. Mr. Fofler moved to refer the re foliuion He tome rime ago laid upon thetaole, relptcfing an ameiidiueiit ttihe conltkutiou, to a cpiDnnttee of tlie whole uu the ltate of the union. Trie motion was negatived 66 to 28. A bill to terorin the i'uperior courts in B.e territory ot the United State, north weft of the river O hio, underwent Tome dtfcullion ; but atterwards potlooned till next fellion. The H'jule agreed to he reiolu. tion in favor of Joleph Wheaton, alfo one in favor ot lubfcribing for 400 copies of the old journals, pro pol.d tube printed by Mr. FoUell. Mr. Orrgg prefented a pciitum figned by 65a i inaoitaws of Ljuc att r county praying lor the repeal or the alien ai.d Icduion lawn Or dered to lie. Adjourned till If vCn this evciiing. E Vtii I ;VG. Mr. i) qiltd ti e order of the day on the pi" v fting the power of retaliation irt reriain cales in the PreflJent of the United Satcs j when Mr. Ontmjved to p.ltpoue the conlidtratfon ut thu bill utftil the next IdBon of Congrjl?, Vvh.ch motion was nrgitived 3 ro 32. The noufe then went into a com mittee of the hjle on this bill, Mr J. Paiker in the ciair, and alter l.ome dilculiion, and an amendimrt; being introduced into the pream vlc of the bill, by Mr. Dayton itnc fppaker) to m ike it apply gem r illy (0 acts of le verity that may be commit ted by the French rrpjbhc in pur iuioce of any violent decree, inlteai ot applying p.rrticut-rly to the dtcrec declinng Antencan cltizeo found on board vilfel of the r enemy, pirates, and t able to lulfer dc.uh, th.- euro mittec role, and the ameuJuient vsa concur re : m. Th. oueltior. being, ' fh ill this bill pais)" a co.diderable debate took place. It was oppoled by MclTis. LtVuigaon, Gallatin, M'Dottell, and . 1 J I . 1 . . tr viatun ; m a auvocaieu oy iviellis. Edniond, Dana and Otis. 1 he yea md nayi were uu the queftion at tollowt : YEAS. M'fTrs. Alleii, B-er, Barker, Ba yard, Brooks, Bullock, Cuampl n, Cochran, Dana, Dennu, De:it, d mond, A. Folhr, D. Fofter, J. FrteNiian, N. freeman, Glen, Cooc ruh, Gor:on, Q(ef Grilwold, Grove, Hanni, H-rji, Hartley, Hmduan, Holmea, llofmer, Iml-y, Kntera, Lvman, Machir, Maithewt,, M rri, Oi.i, I. Parker, J. Patkrr, Pmckney, Herd, Ichorvnlao, Jew. all, Shepard, Sinnnk rn, N. Smith, S. Sovth, ipight, Sprague, Trit. chr, Thorns, I'h.mplon, Tilling, hall, Trigg, V-n Allen, Var num, Wadlworth, Wiln-c6. nays. Mtflri. B ild in, B own, W. ri r ri , ' win Claiborne, Cy, Clopt. n, tgn efton. WJMAJi r'ah... p..., V. ria Stanton) Cm...... a r.. , f C.h, R W,lll7B;": An .mioJm., of "fc. in tt U. bJI, .u.h-ifu.g.d S S . - ajr w tbe a.ir4, was called up. The a- jmendmeur proofed that the pre (fidem (boo Id be authotiied, if he I,, hk -J .; r. .V- !,."mn pc.u, rp cxcuic wic - f Potomac, from ef the detachment thereby re- ffe g j .v;. n mendment produced conG- - rkl e warmth in the Southern de. , 3 fl. r. ... Suiitbt Viable. E.leiW an.i , r., '- n-j .l j u, -,0pt, exprefled their pointed di . i rc . r , iPPrbatioa of it. It was negatived . Tbe . . 1 . ... . . o VauiiK' K.l'e Scv$fi bills were palled, the title- , t g . j , . ' rii fpum the Prefident. .T, r. y t, t.' - htMyelidsnt informed the hou e , 7 r iraK ue n-d ancroved and (uned rhe ( .. . . p following acts. viz. An act.ailaw- 5 . "b u Init -i.i. 1 1. 1 1 ......i.it -tin... Senate and houle of reprelentativvii ot the United St-tcsj an ad to a- "'gi'vj hjc 1 cum ditiiii trains o . . . . .. . .307V r to provide for the more gei-eral pru niulgation ol the l.Ws of n.e Uuitcu Staler ; and au act niukmi? additiun.n - "r wv. an aCl approprijiiuns lor the year I7p9 A motion was maue by Mr. Liv. inglton to adjourn until ten in the morning, as it would be impoflibte to get thr ugh the pufinefs to niglv, and ne underltood the Senate were about to adjourn to that time. Mr. D 1.1.1 propoled to adjourn till feven in the evening, but that moiiu being negatived, tne houle adjiourued ! till 10 u cIock on $ niday morning. SUNDAY MOHNING. "he Senate informed tin houfe, that they had come to a refolutum that the bill anthonfing adeiachmeiu of the militia of the U. iutes, ce, pollponed till next lellion. Several reports were made by the committee of enrollment, and lu.i dty uieiijges com.nunicated from .1 Senate, relative to-tne bills on tleh pali'.ge. The rVKn'entWorrned the l oulr, that he hd approved and fijnrfd the following afts, viz. An adt m..king appropriations for the lupport of the naval eKabhlhuieut tor the year 1799 : an acl uiaktug appropriations 1m iw military eifabldmnent for 1 799 ; an acl to autnor;fe the (ale ot certain I J U... .11 - . . 1 in u uuvctii me ureal and Liiti e Miami rivers ; au ad relating to till tillers of Geneva) an acl making appropriations for me lupport 6! go veintnent for 1 he year 1709 ; an act loeitahhlh the potl-olfiev .i the U. States ; an acl tor the relief ot Com. tori 'Sand-and o;r,tr-. ; ;n aCttn a fin mi the acl for the rt'hf f and pro- 'cciKin to tmencn 4 amen : an ac: in addition to thfact for the rcJief.o lick r;d d ft tote ftainui; a rtfgte- i' ii to authorife the I'ctretary f ih. aenate and the clerk jf ti c Houfe ol leprtientatives to lublcnbe toe 40c ( 'plea o) tne old journals of Cor. -crtfs. The Prrfideht alio informed the Senate that he had aonroved and fianed the lol'oinir afts which ori ginated in that .houle. viz. An act for the fccuriiv of ball ill Cirtain r-. I ' " I IK I 111 .X I.. ..... I. . 1. 1 . I I'"!""! iwicguuir ine reeoicinai eltahjilhmt-nt of (he Umied States ; an act placing eventual aU'hoiny in the Preiid;nt taog mm trie army j an iCtiu regoldie trade and inter cuuile ui-h ihe Indian trbrs, and to preferve peace on the fn ntiers j an aft for the better orgamzn g ilia troops of (he United 5taiet and lor otlur purpoleijan act veiling ihe power i f reialianon in cfrfMn cafes inthe prtlident of he U. State to fill certain vacancies hi the nafy and army. VOTE or THANKS. Mr. Champlm addrcled the houfe as follows : SenEbtc as I am of the importance of tne duties thai, at all timet, at. tach 10 a gentleman who prrfidet over the deliberations of ih s -flem I . " a .... oiy, a-.d n ort elpecully in time of Wialll danger j irfinrefTed with ,k- .ku . a l "prcnew wim ,he ib,e honorable ma. ner in w www a a umi'ii niii 1 u r r f" "hra.h tat.lh, ' "lol-i-n MM. Stf" f'h' bM" he then marred ihe following re. fohition. " Resolved, That the thank of this Home be preTented to Jonathan 'Dayton, in tettfmony of their ap probation of his conduit in ditch rg- ing tbc arduous and important duties alligned him while n the chair. v 1 ni$ motion was received by tne clerk and the quelton by-lmffoeiiig put upon it, 1 lure appeal ed for U 40, againft it 22. The Relolution being carried, the Speaker fofe and addreiled the Houle as follows .' , " Mo language, Gentlemen, can do iuft'ce? 01(10' ' eehngs which this lecond v)te ot approbation of my ennduft after four years Prelidtncy n tne Houle of rleprcleritatives, cited in niv brea'it T: would be uu )ult in ine not to acknoviletle, th.it tottie fuppnrt nnifortnly afibrfled, and to the confidence uiiremutcdly re poled in me rattier tiian to aru ..uier.it l my own, is to be.afcribed me liic celj, with whitli j are ptealed to declare, that the duties ot tne cnaii n'Cl1 exfctitctl. Permi me to fay that far (roth be ng d fpleid'ed, J ae, op the con trary, been very much ratifi ed at hearing that ihe resolution of thanks has not beed puffed a. a mere matter of form, Unanimoufly. As jhj all public bodies, there have ever been found men whole approbation muft be conlidered by the inerituriojs as cenlre, fofm this body, there are unhappily fome wnole cenluFe wiil be regarded by all whofc eltemi I value as the higheft tell mm y of merit. About to abandon ttie teat which 1 have htdd in ihis branch ol he general legillature tor eight luc ceilive years, I t ike advantage ot the noment whicii ptccedes ot.r li pera- tron to bid you, eirk-m an, an aticc tiontua f ir.iweji.,,r Phe Senate ler down't bill for lteriog the time -f hc next m et ing of Congfrf?, making it uiftead of the hilt Monday in December fa fixed by the C inltnutionl the third . . . . Monday m November. On motion ot Mr. Bayard, this bul was rejected, C3 votes being for ti e rejecfion. Mr. Macon moved tiie nitial re lolntioi adpeiinting a joint co nmirtec with the benatr, to liii.om ihl P. . lideht that Colire1i is -ready 10 ail I 'urn w !i lit t day.uu'eh he his an t irtiier c immcii'Ciiiun to make tem j m h cii In i:.f; Jgecd M.:i. Kis, Ma'coti ai;u Bfouk, vcie ap ' 1 'ed a cotiniil ue ou tlir part H hli houle. Mr. Diis from the pdutflttffec ap Muted ip wan uM.u ihe l'irfileni mfot-nieH 11 ehi.i.fctl at thev had per tmmed ihe hrvire ; tmd he infroie bent that, he had no farther c m- M 1. 1 '. 1 .on to mane, except 10 m. pitlt his with lor the health and hnn pinefs ot ihe menibcrt. rind a p!e- fant journey l.nc to their tamibt ami mends." The Speaker thtti adjourned the houle fine die. Late Euroncan Netv. Flu th. V.. ... . ...,'ixim 11 J " ' Ml IIU. U. IVl iU. . . . and the Maria, ar i. fnlis from iaondon, arrived at Charlcitoiu Lv'ON Ap A R T ks LkPVDlTlON. a VIENNA, Deiember 19. We may now c rr.i..nn ca:e to the pnhlu ihe authentic teporis ot the S r-fki'F II rah Ol, Pcha Ol Dam.s, and of Murat Bey, wuh refpect 10 the event, hkb hate taken p ate n rjypt,and of which u.entian has been .(ready made. The fnft ot ihele reports dated the 36 ii Oduber, contains ine foil,,. dei ads 1 Buonaparte wiflied to itvpofe a tax of ten piaftrrs on every houie in Cat rp, to compel the inhabitants 10 wear ihe rational cockade, -nd 10 rna mcnt the doors of the r f.tufes with it tie had (or ihele purpotrs cor, vined. and had Inn thnhtr one nl i'ss)rmctpl generals with a lent of fikit fetriaM, r jrm. . . . While this general a'temptrd to convince the pfc plc ol the propneit I .L . . ' ol thrle Metluret, a common nan, a nauve of Bar tary, Ibot him with a pdlul, and all his retmuc were nut. l-eicd. the Mfplete then m-fl-- a a tWMtk cred an the rrenth tn the hovfei and arcetf, andfet fire 10 the,build- ings m which they took refuge and Thi was the ftgnal of the inlr -(Jc-terided themleives. About Oo red ion, and4rom that moment the Fremhnen, who were atTemblcd at Turks proceeded in crowds to t lie Azab Kerbeffo, were attacked and Grand Molque, where they fortified cnt to pieces. j therolelvef, armed with lances, fha. p Kinja of Abubekir, the ci-devifFheir plot was well laid. I hev did w v.i-y, buucucu au me i urki, and put himielf at their head with all the iheiks and the Uhlejnas. 1 becaltle jasJoreed, two other ge- nerals under Buonaparte were killed in the engagement, th- garnfon was I put to the Uord, and all the attille ry and amunition fell into the hands of the Turks Buonaparte who had retired to Boulack, attempted by his u aal artifices to repair this dilalter. tie propoita conciliatory terms, and iRTibed.. offenceis which had oecn commiiieo ; out tne only an- Uer made -itf . tins' conduct by the Muuuimen, was a diicnarge ot arttl- lery rrO;n the Caftle. I The city is in expectation that the Ottoman army will arrive before1 the enemies lhall have it in their power to iiilemble their force. Murar Bey expreiles himfelf near ly in the following terms with ref- 1 p.ct to the action in which he was engaged With general Oellaix. I was entienciied near tbc bridge of Pharon, fome leagues from Cairo, ?nd my project; was to ftraitcn the Fiencn iitorcand more, andioiuter. cept their provitions. But being in. formed by my icoiits that 12,000 in fidtts had t mbiiiked, and urew ifear with four villcls laden with arms ai d ammunuon, I advanced to meet therri with my cavalry by.re-alcenoing the N,le. I CisAl in VV 1 K till aWnPtrtw i..,l A is-1 a 1-"-iiij tiiu ighr them the whole day. Ihe next day we renewed ti.e hghr, and COl tinned it for fix fuceewve day?. 11 r . 1 I .1 1 - I , nc j....oe m iueceeoeo in ; md.ng with tne.r ar iiUry, and t.r - med litres e; t rnc'icd Cjirps. Our cavalry, coi. tiding n t"e vUtltancr 01 he Prophet, a. tacked hrm again, Hid 1000 of them were made to i;a rhe duft. 1 proceeded afterwards to the tie files of Ta,un R..it, w.th a view f C'lllect ingniy imamrv and getting t e woundkd taken care ol. 1 i.t tifi.tcls are very muen weakened and Jilpcrjed. It cannot be ooubMi at iTiey t'ult, with tne pioici on ot tne Almighty, be fhu.liy i.- idnlated. P A It I S. Jn. 14. (Fr i! ine Ki daCtc ui. Tie d...il , vncb we arc abcu 0 1. nf r.be itlative to the i. lur , cti.m i Cairo, ate at once moi u'fte aid au he. tic than tm l lueii bha rcncbrd us thr ugh ho'.. i!e channel, and wh'Ch the Gc rman gaaettesh ve lakeuf- muclfpicafure in di?fi( ur ng. t he following -c-coMn-sct-me from a direct louree. 1 hey a e tranlouucd to us by an 1 e witnels. Details of tbe infurrectien at Cairo, on the 30th Vtndemiaire, Wctu-J bcr 21. t owarda the middle of Vende. m. ire (beginniag of October) mea lures ot lecoruy induced the g- n.r 111 chief to am. the Luropfam lu Bif'rjf eUahlHtii 0 11 Cairo,, as w rll a the r rftcli vcfio ccUipuird the mil. tary aumui itr.:ioii and o fcers who folio i d ihe ai my M Inloriiitu th 't a Irditmn was le- c;rtly planned, the gi IN ral irdio prevai l nsevi: tfltcu, but bis endea ors wre unfuccthfn'. " On the 30th of Vendenvire, IttUi, er .1) general Dupuy e 1 - iiaadatn ,1 1 nt c-arnfon ol V 'o, be 11 g inh rrned tbaia mob was loriiimu at the Grand Molque, mcmnicd his hofif, and went at the head ol tat 1 2tn dragoons ldifccrte it. thr 1 urkt m thr.-iy laid, that live ci.f content nctaflo6eJ by the impolt war the fo'e caufe ef the Hnmu " Meaii while gener I l)opo Jf rned si i.e brai.d Moluix, ano t'lfd dif, r, c tl c mi b, hich m ''M rt"X iu tun t ; hot he lound 1 1 til refill i v. rd fimn runtr n ced r ' - ' " - - ,,u,r tir' 1 e er.de. toored to repel iiam 7 Torc ut r, and nuetcort I . .fl.il. J I . I were sflailrd by a crest ntnl nude, and he was mortally wt ut did in tv pltcet S unt dragoons alfo. fell, and the others conducted theCeneral 10 hit qoariert, where be died IcQie hoJri not connne tntmtelves to alT sibling in a great number at the grandMolqe but each private Molque forWtfV fortreis for them for Which they dU reeled their attack or defence, 1 i " The general was foon beaten, - and the ttoops affembled. The ne ws of the death of Dupuy excired in the lolditrs aorager defire of vengeance, every one fLw to arms, and each Frenchman joined himielf to one corps or another. cThe genera! in chief ordered a battalion to march towards the Grand Molqu, where the Turks were af- lembied to the number of eight or ten thouland.. 1 ney were lummoned to - I hey were lummoned 10 lurreuder, which they ablolutely reT fufed, The citadel then fired upon the town, and chiefly upon this Mofque, into w hich fome bombs were jthiowiiy which excited terror and deipair. Several battalions were difper fed through the city, and d.rected agamlt the other Molques, where mobs were collected ; thty wexc at tacked at ihe lame time, . and all e qualiy .repullCd : Obliged to lhut themlelvrsup m their Molques, they law, but it was too late, their impru dence. The French forced the gates and nude a terrible carnage among thenr " But though defeated, they were not beaten : the number of :he dead was replaced by frelh infurgenu this day w a i bloody, but the loU lowing was more fo. Every oue. found ai med with a cudgel el a ltuke, cealed to live. The 1 m ks, on their part, had already alTaflinated levcrat rrenchinen w ho wfieojind alone in tne mifti, Tne hopes of pii)ge annimated them and they proceeded to attack the himle inhabited by the rrench, ioerter-J Ciftere Ill's houle was vniirely. plundered, aud in guard and agems tr.urdered. On the 2d of Brumaure, fOct.. i3) thtie .were Hill lyme traces of the tranTactioiia ot the nrecedinir J.y, but .owards the evening all was on, ..nj tra,t.qnibiy began to be reftnred. t he lofs ni ihe I Inrutnta. il calculated at five or li-t thuu'fand 1 d th.,t of the French as about one min imi m n kilUd, and levtial U drd, dully by large. H,ncs vr,ich the inhahi-a; is U.irw from the tops of thir heules. In this afia-rihe Gr. ek;, who rii(ie a'. f m .aio, gave the gretieft prools-l iheir .murage and attach. mem 10 the Frttich ; ne of ihvm, named Barthclemy, particularly dif tinguilhed hiadelf rod has received . markes cf fav our frctu the General iu chief. ' 1 hey did not confine ihemfelves to defending nor caufe : hot pointed , bnttbotewho had taken up arms, and c leap- 4 by flight They made s great number of prifoners, and ni ne ho weie found 10 be criminal cfcaprddmth u Some gionpes of ih Inforgc nts fled armed tiom the town, hoping 10 elcapeby a ipeedy flight, but were double onloriunaie. The Arabt of . the D.ier, who are equally theene uics of all who are foreign 10 their tribe, pillaged ihem, and general Da. iiou 1 .1 .1 hi d them clofc'y at the head 01 ihe cavalry. u Tneie are juft gronndt to prr. lume 1 hat ihe cliffs of tie rehgioq were, in concert wuh the Maii.e lokct, the ii.fligai4-s of tl ill 1 1 v 1 1 1 ; ot ili there are fume rquivocal proofs. In confequence of the in qfines hich have been made, leva, ral Msmeluket have been frund tnrOalrd in the houfes of TtllkS( utliirs were drcfled as oraen. A ) bu were difeovered, in conlt queue uf ihe uiiied eigrisnor ot ih French and Greeks, Have betn pim ilbed in virtue of an arreite of the cr mmandcr in chief anterior to that epoeb." AFFAIRS or ITALY. (From the Hedsctcur.) PARIS, January 3. 4 letter Irom Rome, datid Dee. 6, lays, " TbeFreBcU airoy, alter