E.OSTON. Mr., . 2 WT BUCK FT F O DuFATCHlS, 1 M re particular. O- AA?wr.U"W arrni frOTl -As" tl E .tft-U-lt lUv B ..-r, r.IKr .Irr th f-iif Ti'it-I'aurf m rr trp hit drfUiihui : -,l Airrf. rant . Rtc i. it e r.nj) I nv T fT only- 2Q days from the latter port, j Kr.vn th lti"'.if hv here he remained tor 5 nours. t ne American Conful confided to his, care i ten in cyphers add idled Citoy- ! much wxkeJend deems wit ert TaHerand, and lound up ooanj ooiiinaq tnty win irun i. a ay p.V tv,- "n I? 0, rWn:t It rh3ry (bitted wimglMfrtnge. country, ! w p'eafed to foe tbefb1, i i ...iihit ula nr ir.iclc in commendation oi t.. a; i itt-exertions tile '. -nt n.orc to mai .. ... I .tl -. V 'l me ;i u v w win -' f'.f'B ffl!ll fix months paft that you have been ' em ft !v. oiitHio.cafion, to make 'till - tn: PC 1 ru iO I1UIK l III l i; ii ii n a M m"t'i juu uitu irn ir wt'iiim'i si ftjfr Ulil. THE freedom of the prefs raaki ir if tie piece of morality, ciMcd Gei.er- r ey mould be crowned with fue- amount ew4ihUi privileges, but u.l.tpj al Smith f Bathe field-of liiefa-cefa. 1 thrrrfuie thought it a duly 'every good man mull lament the frc i.tc. I mrror of pomici been fo fterile fm m tliofV ci'tAP! who diftingmflied eueht ahufc of it, and be truly con- .'L :.C J .t,.t ri thri-ToId newfnter for encooiialhir p4mntn the northward, Mhodid ii a .ret del ol orofs iun- r. cr ' fpirti On. Mineral Smith, dreiredofT not ta I t-n a make mention of a All - ' - ackace of difaicbe, writ-farfd d-lbfinn in te oo' v r eni of the ihip AttreJ, taot. rcaae ' from NeA -York ai:d prof- ded y bound 'o Corn una, in S.-ain. ,'i ie fhfp wait met with 'at lea b- a Bfi tiflt frigatr an ) a; t.,P, f;e wis dclired-to receive on biatai.tew Saanifti oitro-iers. which hcrtim- . . th ,t adv Us Ui )orun aiion '.9 iyrrn iDeiu. ven tir polit fc ti s .iJ adviiTS on former ict l4ynJt lule all rv pi and rhnfi I 'i te f r n tl.ey retoinnie'Hl fubtniffi m 'p Uff . isomer brcr?aiti"n "at ariestroui tins leu r if, th.t the iliai.e, hit. i e f ! in all thtgatirly pageaptry ot S nt'h- pairjf t oh urs being prerented to a ed charadter in it, nedC ifoiina pomp and'vaiiiry, in ors. compa w, atiH ettry oiher indicatU 'left fladers hae rfer to fill up the chafois i x yH.f rin th w trttr pnbuc- fmrtt) of iheir 1 r ten 1 a'rimilm and to tndea- InwtUl lincular vehemence, Jul- Uerta.iuy And deiav, with wiiich the 0 ... 5i-J t. I .. . .ii 11 .J.. ; picions were exneu f-iwig nti true dtli;naion, anJ ncuirality .ot I n t o'ifrniience of WJUCB 'fhe was taken poilVtf 01 oe, ' A fev, l'avs afterwa d. the ca;i Uoy, in tkm.a bottle of porter from jlorr.e ' , fife'in theitern locker, drjLffortf' a letter, which the. Qap'a'n, wh. U'ast'an.llby, wicoiifulioo4 ir flapily b'utA and pocketed," Thb commtmica'ed to the Prize M 'lUr, intluced bim to 'fea.rch fpi other pipers ; and' between the ceTl ,ing and the .quarter-deck over hf Cabin was found the D fpatcite? ' it; Cyphers. The nature of the lett(fr from the locker, we have not heard). When, the-Ptize arrived at Gibralj ter the Captain an I a pangcr wtr put into confinement -Soort after capt. Rich arrived, on Wedntfday, tefe paj-trs were carried to the Prefident at Qi'tncy. Nothing has yet tranfpired of their contents T' pirations to uoflt tnis nlOfiCc ion nave been CiMutfed, he l eauy li iuiecr a iiueice.morie. he rtbt , i;i their .own ft rentfth and a oot.Bpr fir h poarnment. It it nn'.three wek-. u. ct a ool ta.11 luir.t!.cfd men (eC. thenifelve s i -'-,'. .. . up in M'n u h.HH f m tn povfr-r-j'lcnt, and in v iJent; oppxfi ion t ts4iM ; ahdytt it isaU uutenaint mdtijednre what v.i!f be doi e d fleic .its gnuy ai d de.fei d ,,t It i tot win der u if O zette f! th theVrf4rneof heWlti , what havt "frbuf friibferibers pto tl with General Smhhor if my ot th'em'be'in thefadpiight of to Jo with kith, is-thereone whotoe hot pray night and day tor a IpeedA riJdjncer ' A ctedtildu reader,; fir, woiili be apt to conclude trom Vlu eKtravagaht pp!atrfe$ fcatttt t ronfhont their extracts, as tn are termed, that the HonourabieOe heral, Speaker, &c. c had afiSVti at'ffie very zenhh cl political Un n rtance and rnilitHry fnrW1t. I Now. for tnv own paT, l'jrrn nut fc eifv off-it h as fo biire this f no can I corriec'ti re what his' prctenw or s are to raife fuch a .hubbub trh d ! f 7 v he ear s f he rn ttl t It ud t n t fs he has f'oinehereditary claims J? ?! U T' drr 01 11 4uC ! ftrolline nlaver, t His m,tb,r cry' tlfTf tfiUkifl. m P? W v,'r vt'fc tv" ,vr, W ttherht A drum." The price is one guinea per. column. .rn lei, r, fli than, -n -gn. r -nt b fi HaU j j have iBclulgctt . , PHILpKLbrl Mi , M -if ch If. Important Letter. 7Ar f 'Mowing exiracJt nf a Utt'T of the td i'ifi, from o gent), man if fflfhilt iwelligence .and re pecbi ti li v r Northampton, ghr 0 pretty accurate vi"vo otjhc rcu JiiUution Or that coun'y 1 . ' " VVitri reipetf to the Regeri' difpr lit ion of 'hi' pe.ip't in 'histmi'i. ly, it is V rv d ffi. h f r tne U ol ttinfnch tnV'i in itnn upon wine. I r n form core ft ri i i n. WaA en not vie C ine ff r t li th'l u to iimioiu to ai y cr.tiie a f'K he believe te ac v(b perttct f' riwh tnafmuch at the nbj ct vjh in dc It nee i f IiIhT's ; ners aain b; iV'r h y h.ive fanrii a c mplti Vift r. II e iM-V- r'.. inert and r$ Irom henceforth I th y will not he tro.iti ed T t',e pivm'-ii' ol iaxt', Othtrt be'ieve thai povenvn-pi ill r.oi be ah'e to h in a I irg no df of mi to at) aKaiiilt them ; be-' Cjt.Je. f" they, tV.rv Iwily ai if d, rv(-, a '' w d tofirs Hi K ft.ni. For my pa't, fJ ne energy ot the povf mftie n.. Nor r',o l k, Anni9. A NO mt,K I H1ZK. Capt. Smith, thrived here lair Satiir day in ti e leiuvotier Kagini; Polly, iv.i.l a pafTatienf from St. Croix. t a ' ; ... 1 a a . ne reiaies, mat tne nay ne tailed a leaner a.rtwed a St. Croix ('torn Sc rhoijiaa'g, whirb brooht an account rom Cap-. Tmxtnn (who was at St. rliO'ias s, on the 2 1 ft tjf; in the Con. dellaiion that the Iiiiuente trigat hnd 4k. ii a r reiitli orivairer IlIiuu.m idFGnardalope. oth- rs (perhaps an unjuft one) that? your ifcllfn in commuting to your urefs, thefc romantic exaggerations r 1 c- 1. i . i vjcnerai ammi wiuwcis mu (ia- W 1LM1NG ION, Apru EARTHQUAKE. A about ihrec-quarie.is tter three clock in the mornu g ot 1 liutfda aft, the 1 h inflant, an alarming Mx t an tarthquake was felt li ' 'ms town and i',s vicinity. The re- ' rt'ot nf l ofe who happened to be iwak-e at tne time tne awtui fna . I I . M . ' 'lomenoii comnicnceq, ainers vuy inch ; but trom the moll genera )i mion, we lute me toiiowmg ac- acvount: . A ha low rtirrbltng noife was earJ firfl from the north or north- eaft, which gradually diminilhed ind then revived again with encreaf (I noifc anil a great trembling o rftc earth, refen.bling the fFcci of y ! eavy carriage rattling over a pave ment. I he Idund Teemed to pro- ;refs in a fotnh or foutluweft di- vour to tx ite a fpirit of emula- on 1 iv tbofe who were about to 10I- ow the example. No one can -with tfotlv ibat Unct my career n thts town, I have in any tnftance been i ftuciucd to fwerve from the My l owe to the public ; oo the omrary, 4 conceive that all have n equal claim to my gratitude and ervices, m my public capacity, except by the hie thefe whe uever pmi and as publilher of a new I pa ier, my endeavours (hall ever Oe iireeedfeto thai end. :.niy . ;;h u cemed to fee this valuable bU fling fo of'en pererle1 to fhe Worft of purpofes To the difgrace of Ame rica, there is fcarcely a diftinguilh- on v. Inch the vt. not been poured with diabolical venom, through the m.'dium ofthe tftifs. The great fervices, virtue and patriotism ot a Walhington, a Franklin, or an A- iams, cou d not ihelter them How then can any public character even down to the low eft order, expect to efcape ? I have long thought, that every ma 1 who attempted to exceed aimrc ordinary and cold periotm- a nee of hi duty in the Ttrvicejf .liia" country, rruft prepare to run the gauntlet of newfpapci temarks. it was therefore more a caule of pita IHig reflection-, 1 ha I l ad ex,peieiK ced (ilenee till the laft paper I in- i am anthocifed by the we dfl tended to pubHfti or that could be iitt i . 1. . ti f Ty..t.ljj -ILL m-- 'Sk. . . 1 ft Jxi ! receflary on the occafton, was in- lerted, -tnati matter ot hirvtize. when I difcoyered the inte; tion of " W hwltgto diftlofc h if oarhe v hen called upon. , A. HL1. IT Note. Te enfcee the nub- lication of tuture piect jn thif Ga- ! putting into your paper ot this week. for it may be that like Goldfmith'alzette, they muft e accompanied a iro!t virulent piece (igiied Whir- M . . 1; . ,1 t " - I " .Lit ! r. , - a cajb. itgig i a piece containing 10 mucn matter entirely toreign trom the ge neral concern, as tq afford the clear-, eft proof that, not the public good, but private malice, revenge and the We hesr from H-u- iVick. that on Monday hft, a . R'eii-w . t the troops LbJackeft malignitydiflated the per. ol hat county to k ph t tpieeable'tb onlers And that ttie ofhic s ind llit h off lie whole ferment animated by triotafm, was m reality to bur flq. t ,he Uddrrft 6f their Commtinder: nun more etreciuaiiv tor me enter tainment of your fnbfcribers, ana at the fame time, in fuch a manner as to afford to the muttering eoiift himfelf, the molt exquifite delight nis mind is capaotc 01 eiijoymg. r lttie emmaoie as ne is in my epinn m, J"difapprove high'y of this tUpdl 1 panegertcoiatiriting. Is it ge nerous r Is it humane for ary pur pofe, and particularly for the pnr- on the fignal beitc civeo, 'noh y rulhed torward and oft .-ted 1 hem I elves as ,..! t oi the Leeimiiary Corps which he is aho nt to raife. As it has been torn men, in mention ng the names of military gentlemen n the papers, to lay iomeihmg rel. peeling their fei vices in the Revolu- ii.-n, apd General Smith bavins per- i . a ... B ! ormen nis in a nine rent nate trom that in which he now r fides, it is hin jidi to (hew the opinion ol thole to his conduct in formance one fta.de. up 'of lucky contradiction, as to evince, that the name,,, is. well adapted to the nature of the Creature. s. To men pofleftingthe fm all eft difl cerumen 1, I cannot think an apolo gy .neceftary for publilhing the ex. traces of a letter from the Secreta ry qf' War., he'y muft know, that hayijng been aiithorlfed by about 1S00 of the militia, to oti.r their; fervices as volunteers, to the Prefi dent, it was my duty to mke known the aufvter. So far from feeling any vanity on the occafton, ekt rafts were I ' I " 4 1 ' J ' '. IV UTf I II nofe of prat it vi pl' the ma'iwnitv oilnlm wf'wiinllM rhole of your readers who are to be the wai This we cheei fully do by p""""- mucau ui me wove tetter, amnfed by irony of this fharp forteiv'me the following extract from a xn orJtr. ty1 ,ne Part mol1t pe"-ecf-oufher intoariicieffi)nofgaie'tcs,rbarleftonpaperonhisarrual'liere,.y gratifying to my ovrn ftelings lamnnnns iitn lamnonns. in the after ob'ainutK the rank be now might be left out and this you well fiaitious andkidicrous Katb of dif. ,'0,,r rtnti we inffrt (lie"!,,a know w" the reafon I gave when torted panegyrics, levelled at a man j? ai lh, P""1" PTiwd' I delivered the original, and defired . 2 iJj.lt .caule it may with propriety be exorc- vmi In nmir lint i. in . Tl,. whom a feries ot calamities has dpi may with propneiy be expec . -.11 j Ai- 1 sai. : uc tvcaiorc re is now prenca ana tnspinicu 1 w nu .. aupill uinK, one thai is certainly latHia this moment entant;lc(l in a labyrinth hU ami hxrh lw.li.ti ,.u -1-.. of perplexmgembarrafsments, from ed, and intended to advance the fc- you to omit that part alene. lufpicion of atldi ions and inte which all hisadroitneft atidcunninglcuii'y and honour of this part of the . ii. '. 1 . t hi w win icarcciy extricate mm r oup pofe, as people wilt have it, and as troif jim'Tnuent ill judize of ihejrrclion, and jjraHua ty to die awa) b Hiiels a r gh , and not look up I 'ike deep cliff ant thunder. Ftom Om v as a (oiitemptitile ih.ng 5 ioiikI s tin ib number of men bt fr I ) Inpport ih- Mnfhal in the e-. 11 on ot hh duty, and they ilmuld 'ten wiili the leaft check, t e.i it will become a ferious p et 0 tiali i l to .ii lev that have brim lv ad 1 r t to the government. ; 1 1 1 ' a 1 f c , a Urge mi mu r who Iron fer, hive hr die preent rr. 11 "I n.u-ii, mil a' n ce d-clar themlrti " fi.r the rebels, and be" come jcie it the caufe of ic.l'non, , it it true, h-tf le. ii) hecMin rvi pr-aih'ug (as 1 i la A, fuhmillum to tie laws but 1 di'UO' w teihrr the tmtelft u, U '-i v wai made, will be 1 it ug S te pe p , I a n lotl, beni u I ver ti n n, -owl 1 y they hive a I t i 1- t r li ce ihry weiu f 1' i ' p 1 iV iiufe they lell a me commencement to the conclufi on it is fuppofed was about a mi nute, and that the trembling laltttt thout half that time. Both wcrt left very fenfibly by vcifeU and boats on the river. Port ot Wilmington. EuTtifD finceour laft. SchY rrsrndlli p. S. yer. Miilad Nnc r 1. 1, 1 , Hi i, wn , rbarlcilon Brty, Bmvv. Bi.hadces. Sloop tUMf0 Wilkmron, Philadelphia. Polly, mm, Gloutifter. ClI A K to Brl,, Sophia, Ns)ion Kinpfton la l.yuia, l i.nkr, !iirinjin. Bene, nllm, N-w York J no, TUMpTevi, New York H iei, Speaiiie, v Hope, i'erfons, BulloiT. Tobago. t.i d.lrmit.ry .,0 v from Mat whuh U l0. Jt,r, the WtmiKfTO OAilTTS. Sit, FROM the rommenrement of your career in this town, I have al wavi evinced a warm and irhcere lifpofit ion to promote lb. nrolpe ri- ty of the Wilmincton Gaxe'te, ror lias my zeal fufered any th" Icsfl diminution. 1 think therefore, I have a right to make a few an mail vcrfinm. in a friendly way, when any pronucleus are ar tuily flip tuld a f ' t 01. In vioo.it li rhjrl townflnp, a pu'norof p do. s uiji in -couiU'i w l u C : A Fie wakfigh' r wri'i.g n . a 1 h d done. The) virdvMi d n "O H0ti tneir Col. nd 4 lap 1 pr p l d waiting on gc hft I II'. w . 0 rar Iim feniimenii hi lore 11 f (4-Hr in a conjulion. 1 he m r irg a t en adjourn d to oo:h(rli , luircrfctbe rep 1 fr-m he teo. The meiT.nfri, the Co'. d Capt. wit'd on him -, be im .nm- d.n lttimiihMa to H la tesafot t qr repor fA. Ie I . wofi.ii pert ol tie u Ijtptct d t .st (he lie. Col. tud Cap 1 wer, ad to 01 t ', of wuoid turn icto it. wnich have C a tendency to Ot this claf a ttt 'in tail num alteit nt tr 1 mat ion. Was a poboc at ion in ber, ft a ted to be a letter trom the c. re ary ot War o General Smitb I wave all furmJfce tfpttitig the and 1 rtf .re, ftrmld wfl we 'rullrd. I ntbahility of ny addiiioosor in k . ivi'fves, oe ae t.i fo. thaw L .!('. f. hsve fmpn eretl im Hr.fi leyt.t b rru w as much . . . . nry at BAweif, aoo loaaorigtge II ol tbe lU'rt. foi tne 1 doubt not, that the General fwaUl ows it all verbatim el literatim, asl the choiceftand mod delicate rcpaft, is this an apology for making h m as it were, the brunt of vulvar rail- ery and ridicule r I she a proper lub ed tor the rude gibes and iefts ot the rahb e ?For Hume ! For fhame, Mr. Hill! Had you a twentieth date. CharlJI.H. February to, 1794. On Saturday ialt arrived in ibis ttim By, tl.e lion, ricntainin Smuh, fhe ntctlinc- ations, is too ridiculous to deferve reply ; it ferves however to expofe the vile bafeneft and corruption of Whirligig's heart. For the ttft of try 1 nbbc condud, which is made the ftibject of aniuiatiyerflon, 1 can only fay, that as Brigadier of a dift rict peculiarly cxpoled todanger I tlttiught it incumbent on me, at a thtiaieningcrifis, to roufe a milita ry Ipirit jThole methods were pur fucd which appeared to me the belt ; Tticccl an, pi) crowned my emku tl.e lion, benjamin bmuli, wiio nas been httcly ricaied one or the keneritl oilier a ol the itaie ot -to in Carolina, b the houfc of ajfJeM bly in their laft let iuR ai Kayeiievilie. It muft give pieal'ure to every Irifnd ot ti.is renul iir tn fiiul tkial ilic nnfil.ii . i " ' ' jVti . . , . . merit ot ilieir brsvt shl wonny vours , ana aillKMign it mitrht lnr the 1 . . - " . . a . 1 . , , . w. . . part of his afflidions to bear, your coantryman, has upi heen uverliK.i envy ami lpicm ot Whirligig, and luile IhoulJ.rs would crack under0' by ,,,,r Mej w ret hes tt his caft, the exertions the load-a,ef take my word tor it, ,bu "''T 2 N.", L" T 'J haVe bvrn rcwrdd wifh ,h - im in f ti rtiltiihutiiiii f tlinr in 1 , i i v 011 won d learn 10 fvmoatHze w th . " H" winiicwnamxstii anout iboo ...v- . ............ , , , . ,...-- who danna ihe la-ew.t ucted as an " " t. "Z "v id.de-camp to General W i.rfl'T"n' .1 announced ton, during iheU.fhculi ami oaie- "L,,wv , '"""b "nur n tons tt Cai ot tl.e Ante iri ai ...y ' """aij uu 1 isa wttt ,e. I'om Long-Itltnd. He was alio pie conceive too haftiiy that I absolute ly impute to yon a dcNgn fo barba rous ; I t'are fa? yoe had no inteo- ion 10 fport with the leeltngspt one, who Peeutaitf Ipeaktnii. M TrembUHglj alive suV ever." 1 am, Sir, Yours lift more at lelfure, WHIRLIGIG. 9 Left by the imputations contain ed in the above production, my -on- ihitt.as tdopr ttt tht Wilmington Oazetie (hueld.b Called intp quel tion, and tor the want ot a proper criterion whereby to judge, the pub lic may conftrue my views and in Cjtiired, and by the approbaiion of oi to, (txcepr the exiracls from the lettei of tl.e Secretary of War, pub lilhedlaft week) with the following! rcmeiks 1 At ih't of! Ui tmr country was meoa e.l with an a tack en its in dependence, by a powerful enemy. i.ofe ambition is nothing left than i ivcrlal domination, and wrrnfi principal aitn was n create infnr- roCi ions by emidariee who were a trrrd throughout the fouthernJ fates and by their intrigwes ex pected to gain a ftrong boU, which r ic, and believed wim'the calm in- il"'i ot lj.c hrlt charadcit ot this, and the United States. Now, Mr. Hail, for the contra dictions ot Whirligig.-Doet not his inconfiitcncy piaiubr appear, when he makes rotk.for himfelf' wild me, in the faruepicce in which he inftftuates, that if any one I a ft d wtJh me, (elegant cxpn Hion,) be pray rdyht and Say for a fp:eriy riddance i Don not this giddy thing conuadid himfelf I till more groftly by impuiing to you a want ot gen -rofity and humanity M in gratifying the malignity of fome of your ret den, by publilhing lampoons againft a man wfom a feries of calamities has depreried and Hlfpirited, and who oeptH v and raempitry ipt st 0 .. iteran frl iter at the well ton iht ac- lien near Ilenfr, emier lie cam nsand of tbe preieui ;ivernot oi 1.1. ftate , and ttded be gave, an mastj ireaflont, iuch various prtiof of ac tiviiy and diftmvu fhed bravery through the whole war, as te merit the approbation of bis ipuiariiml connnymen. i , General Moultrie. Eveny rme MetvH ot the United teniion. unfavorably, I hate tho't,Su,rjB0 r5Joi " 'I1? fT proper to Ut before them the wholrner" 3nu, ,k'mr WMn " cn" ... JdtKaiiriin ml 1 Lf.'iuiii C una the publKatiuos inerein alluded, . . L wh. . . 0. 1- low l( Dunl n tea were reviewed. wick, unanimnnty pretttil leiwatu 10 be ftaitdacd ol ibeir cuwniry, and au honfed hi 10 otT.r tem te th 1'iefideni of the Untied States a Ve lutieen, teferv In bis Legion. Stimulated by thek own fynrk MM Hioe', we Nope thai ike Wadvo t Sew.Hswwvev Hesrimen', es ibefrap. sKoaebiog retnewa wi I fhew ew) IMtrsottUit anl ipi'it with the other (owvtnes. Not ithfluiiHuia the w- ere calamity which ptrllts loely on rbe inhaiMien' nf Wilmington, and which has deprived tnaa ot' the t "i t. Mid r nr, yet aeint ike wmild have ercstly facilitated the fiinnurA nf tk llm mI S.i un Al ciww-fciM i... isJiki, r,u,. c.. wi,u 't-v.wt,im!rix "'. 11 . iciriwMn. nirm 111 (niu'ii wot ncet urtr. in rn j r u .... . . . 1 X . ..-w c ' la.lta-c.J:"77.' . . Tl"mry "'' nirno.iwey win em !!!27f t, P " P ' r m .w ,rwrWPl",rnine ",rl,flh.bn tl.etftMh of so old Mervet.er. r.B.Hr wnicn compliments and ocpraties na'c in wnscn tney aj peered, ant; Thai pe pie really gteet rife endar in urtgauier nut why ecu m 10 awaken them to a fenfe of the the.r mtUoeiHne-Cu wards ! 4R - t 1 . a f A al .A - a v AT . - n - - . & ' any, or .11 nt me iia'rt. 101 f)0cui I iliat be will luiely aacr fir, why is th? public eye to be per- impending danger. Aa mend to toy fbeuld U strpieftsd following 1 he no. I? example ot Btunf it at flits moment en'angltd in a la I.,. I m . . . .'.. . bv 1 11 Hi Ot crprxtng embarraif. r tnit, and tl en in lite fame paper aitesnpt 10 fling that man withtep. fold venom. Bui br, his potion car- ne with 11 an -n 10 f 1 11 bale m U too plainly appear , 10 be mif taken by the molt common oblerv cr. The introduce ii n of his poetry. by attcmptirtf to till utb the aihrs of a revered Father, tohurt the feel. ings of a rkfpecled if ed Mother, aid to injure my own, demopftratcs in the snoft glaring toleurs, that pri vate malice orrevengeprbmptcdhiny 10 take ni ajui'l 7hr ire happily beyond his reach, snd wbilft ihenc. far ices endeavour etcite my u moA cpnicmpt, it reminds me of a Far : , wruch Irom the principal Hero of the piece, Is oatted ' The LYAJL."

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