m, tikt Whirligig a, ; tk k:i nm When h wit of L 1 l v -1 V i - . - . fwered that he only Cpke J1 ' profe. Such i certainly the poetry of Whirligig . ' the I rr Mr Hi . VOUfS, OCC. BENJA. SMITH. perch. The deprivation of e house i nn Caotain Bainbrldec, late of lh Retaliation, is epporttei' to rnmmmd of the Norfolk, armed brig beJiwtgint: te the United States, now lying at Glauceftor Point. . At Ms feat in Frederick county Virginia, immediately after hie. fa turn from Congrefs, Major-Genet-al Daniel Morgan. WAX-WORK MOULTHROP cjf STREET, I to RESPECTFULLY inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of .Wi'j'. f mington, that they wUl open tbUday,,. room, a nftft efegant colleAioKvf WAX-WORK; Confi'iftng ot thirty four figures, at large a& hfe.--Aroong which are che following characters j His Excellency John Adams, Prefi- deni ot (he United States. "His Excellency George Waihington reprelehted as re affumintr the S .vord in defence ot h s country o&nr Brnjam'tri Franklin. Doctor Ezra Stiles, late President ol Yale college- The late General Butler, who Wl in St. Chair's defeat, reprefeuted as wounded in his leg and bread, and an Indian ruining upon him with Tomahawk. Major Andre, taking eae of his Ho nors, before his execution. ' fc'.rs. Sidons, ' in :he character of the Grecian Daughter, refcuing her Father from prifon, by afl'aflinat- tng the Emperor Sir Charles Grandifori and his Lady, with two beautiful children. Cnarlotte, weeping over she TombA. T. BROWNE, & Co. ofwerter. 4 The New, YoHt Beauty. ' The Baltimore Beauty. The Rhode-lib nd Beauty. The Friends Beauty. A beautiful young gallant, paying hi addrefl'es to the ladies. Cupid with his Dart. The Babes in the Woods. A court fhip between a Bachelor and an old Maid. A (tf iking tikenefs of Mr. Hut ton, 1 111'! I 1 late 01 roiuoeipoiai aged 110 yean. The American Dwarf, taken from the lite. 1 his miniature oi Man. whofe name is Calvin Philips, was ft . w . ... Corn in Drifts Water. Mafta- thufetts, he is levea years old, 26 Inchei high, aod weiirhs only 12 pounds. Mu go dtfciplieed by his mafter. The poor Mu1J1ca.1t. The Jolly Sdilor, with his bottle. T t PV n t t r v . k. 1 1 a IQe r. AM 1 Ml 1 SLIIN Will DC Open from Nine iu the Morning, till Nine n ike Evroing. (Sundivi ccented.l lu 4 tew d iv illcv will be removcrt , . 9' m w from ihi to Charlefton, thereforr all who (h to lee, this collecVon. mint improve the present opporrunt-i tv . It it awesauhM that ihev hrsll bet allowed to be the heft col ledion ol WaJtrigures,everexhmltedmAtte.UMaC'tf J a47J AnuTrTii'np u.ir . uuiiir lor gror perluin, auu ft U r ev ol a Uollar iwr children. N. ft. Neptrfon will be thtroti the fecood time, provided tbeV n - trodoce an eoiial ou iber that have not leen it if not, the once wUI be One q ianer of a Dollar. Sitaie 6i Nurth.Caralina, WiJmmgian Diftri, Suprnor Cooct ef Law It Uoitv. ft NOTICE is hereby given that thf rmla for the trial of csufta al she neat Ceert Is fallewa, lovki New -Hannver Bru(w,ck thr Ut, ad, td It 4th days. , Bladen, Dnplin a OnOow, and caufes oet of the DrftraA, jth . 6ih k 71b days. CnMajpJ Aretaaent. 8ih dar. t4airy9ib,oh,tfUi. ink. 1 uh dara wri.eit at OAce the tin dsv of JAMES W. WALKER U.f.S(.L April n. LDST om Mond7 M, a GOLD WATCH SEAL aaerked A. H. ia cv- fe,et ikt face. TW finder wQI teafontbly fwprdrd by briaging ha the Priming Ofie. Aynlsi. wa est TV LAWS JOURNALS the lafl fesswn of tl he General As sembly of North-Caroline will be completed and ready for delivery Utter did of -this week, when they will be forwarded to the sever, al districts with ell possible dis- - -n t rn oi a pari oi my priming apparatus, by the late fire, have in a great measure retarded their publ icat ion t hefe circumftan ces produced unavoidable obft acles o the Ipeedy execution of business. dttring the inclemency of the win ter, which I hope will be a suffi cient apology for their not being reedy at a much earlier period. in consequence or e promise to the members ot the teener al Assem bly, to eftablifh a Printing-office at the seat ot government, previous the ensuing session, and in obe- fdfence tn an at entitled An ad (more fully to ascertain the duties of the Public Printer," I m made annaPrni-nt fnr that nnrnn. inH an in daily expectation of receiv-pf i3L ,frn 7xt ' r neci. cw-Ywk. a.comeletol ins apparatus, with eve- Tf ether necessary, for the dispatch! ot business; wruch, when received lo will bi irfimedkitely forwarded t( I Kalcigh, where X fh all hold myseli I cuild, to latisfy an execution Chnrles in readiness to perform the fi-jjewkss Vi, Admuiltrairix of Alex" sues of the above ment ioned aft 1 1IMi-r L.ilmuion. and where 1 intend publi(hing a soon at a sufficient number ot sub. scribers are obtaiheU to ensure it support, a Newspafik, to been titled Thi COURIER, o a NorthCarolina Stati Ga (notwitbilanding the oppofition latc ly mamtclt d hy the removal of th Fayetteville Minerva office to tha place.) Subscriptions for this Paper will I ' . j i? 1 . .i . dc op. nca tmmcauieiy in tne umcr ent towns and counties in the (late A. Hall. Wilmington, Anril 18. 1 utaLiv ill) and lor (ale by Bed Holland Gin in cafes. French Brandy, Apple Brandy, Sherry Wine, Weft-India Rifm, Mfcovado Sugar, Gin in barrels, Bottled porter. Bottled Ale, Loaf Sugar, Hyfon Tea, Lioitee, Bar Iron & Sheer moulds, 1 Nails, . Iron Potts Kettles and Dutch Ovens, 01afs& Rathernware, Stationary. And a general affirtmrnt of DRTGOODS Suitable to the Summer lea fon. April 18. ?w. " '"" - 1 71 fL r 7A t r w WILL BE SOLD, 1 ' the cmn.l onlei in Uuolin and New .fiinover counties, tot ,'u,d or filver coin, the lolloping property, re farHfy fundry eleiti.dtr nme9t ibra eneouraee- nrtsleturnable'ie the Circuit Cour' of the United States, to be held at Raleigh on the fir (1 day of June next, aod the LVftnCt Court of faid dates. to be htld at Newhcrn on ike asr It Monday ol July near, via- Sim court boujtmuupim, mrruut tK 1 ere afay f Mny mut, Sundry Negroes and par- eels of Lands lying near laid court- hoefe. And on Wfinrfdmy the jk of month (May J ad th courl-bouf m oYismingtomt . - - . . m- ' j. About 10 NrSTSCfl .IHClaantee Mr. Mmdrr Um. Com. fundry parcels of Lands lying MS tut cuumy of New.Hanover. John S. Wert, Marftitl. K pril . tS- roS SALt . AT til PaiTfiioOf nrr, Dlank books Superfine Letter Paper, CnlU, &c. Sheriff's Sale. Onthefiril iny the ensuing Superkt 6f f, WILL BE SOLD At the Court. House, A TRACT of Landorj JL X. Black river, about tooo acres, wktih a a good law mil) and other i ;t- prttvement thereon, commonly call ed Simpfon's Mills levied upon to fattsfy en execution in my hands, Henry Teomer vs. the Executors of John Gillard, dee'd. And the smme day-will be Sold ioo acres of Land adjoin ing J ofepk Chad wick's line, by vir tue of a vend. expo. Peter carpenter vs. James Earl. And on the ffcref day of t he Superior Court he Sold, Three Negroes, viz. Job, Dick and Peg, to fatisfy an execution 1 nomas Cohham S. At'miniltratriX - jsrii" . a : . Sampfoii Moteh . , v WV e iamK Hie following IMe&roes, viz; Bacchus and Sarah his wife, - orB FWa. lim. lennv. old A- iraham, old Man, Haae, and Mary a Nutt, Sheriff. Wilmington. Apr.i t 0 K 6 A L A. to 1 3 acres of Land in BUden cimr-iy, on the welt htle ol vVaccasiaw river , being one-third part ih tt 1 ract ot Li'mi entered by lohu S'oan aul known bv toe nmv viubii w ynw w A L S O, Between one cktwohun- acreiot sj in New-Haoover ounty, on the weft tide of Moore V reek, patented by Jofeph Wood ock. 1 he abovementioned Lands ill be y fpoled of on v. ry rcafoaa'ole terms. Michael Sampion. Fcbrusry 26. t o. For publijbirifi by ubjeriptfon, Notes on1 Agriculture, ADAH I fcD to u fal, dioiaie andmafketspt Soutn-Caroliua, acUed from the pradices ot the noil luccefsful planters, from tiiclnil Tiili f'liralii mm 'mm ih hihit md tr.tiii he bett oblcrvatton ot the author, during a lertes ot many years' clot. jpplicatlua tu the practice and ttutiy t I arming 1 wucicui the clu itc ol eeds and loin luiicd to the various .;rruu, root, and plants, compollng lie U.ip!e ot tuc loutneru ltatc, sire ally treated ol ; togetner with ihi ;opcr dues tor plantmg and hrveU, ie clieapelt and molt approved tai ling implements, and the mode wi uitivation moll likely to fuccccd. Tt -which it added t The Choice and Management of iHXks of Cm tie, Sheep end Hogs, Allc, tablet exhibiting the pr er ur day'e work, in the proccu ut aa icvcrel crtips, and in clearing, Uuhiag and banking of new land. Bf LEWIS DU PhE. The woik Hull be put 10 the prefs latkun as two hundred copiei are lob. Icrined for ; it ihall be printed or. good paper and a fair type, under the xiipcciioiiofibcau.bor, and deiivei. d to. the'lublaibeis in CbarleflOn or 1 in vtoi veto rr, as-nay ne nu it c n- vcmeni. Price, mm dolUK loecic.ooi Jeliery, with aeoper tducboas to (jnie luhiVviolioBi. It it altn tirrttv.lpd that fhnuld the ment, to as to warrant a lecond 10) predion, the work (hall be neatly iMiund and lettered, with tactublcru ierk' names, aod eesbelliihed with well executed Plates, rcprvlenuug tae farming taaplemcnti, the moft m r a)acnioet f aaanulacforing Tarioui articles of produce -, and (oaae of the opera! tone of plawna bich cannot be fo readily under- ilood by defer iptioa. Subfarptiona will he taken in by Msmkt few asr, Kb, near George. town Mr. Stmuti Du Pre. St.Jannk' 1 mr. utsnmurmtr, mesirs. . m . , , ft M t T QoiUnrd tf Mntpek, and Mefr,. fNmm e Pmmt, in Cbarleffon ; Mlhut 6 Bird, in Oeorgtwato aad by 4mmoiHm io W.lejUg.e. Ororgeto wo. March ao. Saaaoel L Tharttoa engsfwsdfot. niih the UsfobtcraWlbr at Wd- nnngtofV. ) FOR SALE, r The SLOOP SALLY, A Haunch well buiH HB" .'thirty-two Negro?, namely, inarr, ." SMf. Toneyfcunee. S.rh, Dickyl conTcn,. - i,da, y expeaH from New-York and if not fold, will take a freht for that pUee. . John ShUter. Wilmington, April n. tod. per, young London, Hannah, Sa. - r.c "h h a"1 Cbrenden, f)jd 10 mJ.I HsJii . satisfy fundry writs of fieri faei-s to '"THE fubferibers having qualified me direfted, at the liiits of the Ad. X to execute the laft will and tef- mini ft rarors of Richard Quince a taraem of John James, Eiq. deceal- gainft James Carfoo ed, reueft all are indebted to Thomas Leonard, Sh'tf. the eltate of (aid James, to make im Aprj 5. tf mediate payment, and tbofe who have any demands to prefent them MARTIN ETTINGER, within the time j BtniimMiifimlb, Gunfmith, MHcmuiy in iuu. v-icq provided, to BEN J. LIDDON, JC)HNHOlJ)ON5.'v Or to ALICE 1 AMES, Ex.'x- . - . ; W J -4 ; Sou 1 h W ami n g ton , April 8, 1799. . U For Publication th North-Carolina Rgifter and Almanac, ; r For the year ot our Lttd i?oo. CONTAINING OME ufeful xirQs from the hif tory, gengt aphy, conftitution and laws ot chu It -nr. ObferVations and direclions to maf. ters of veflels and pilots, concerning the navigation and of the coait and riven of North-Carolina. Abflract rom the conftituUon and laws of the United States ; and a cor. xtt lid of the members of both koufed of congrets the executive t fficers o!j the federal government the .conluis nd minilters of the United -states, refilling in foreign countries; and their places of abode the confuls and mL nifteraof ioreifjn poverpmrnti re tiding within the United State 1 and their places of abode the fficrrsand vefftls ic t ht nn vy o the United Statesj the memhers of both houfet of the ftate legiflatureal other officers el the ftate, from the governor to the mauittrate, whether civil, military or luch as have appointments under the general government, in aid of tbcj revenue; including public notaries inlpeftcr of produce for exportation, truitees and commitTioners of public (chools, town office rs, lealersof weignti and tnea lures, branch pilots, ate , Al; , the timet of holding cirCui aiid diilrid courts ot the U. States d andot lurxrinr and County toum, in this ftate. bome account of the incorporated focictiC) in this it. e , their times 01 meeting and aCociatimii. A brief account of the manner and times of doing buiinefs in the cultom- houlet. Together with rates of caftom-j houte utticcrv fees lighterage ttoT at imttautjnd duties on merch ndize imported mto the U. States on tonnage of veflels- on It ropt pa per, &c on wheel carriage-oodi tilled Ipints, ihe produce ol the Slates on lands on hoults on ne groes ot drawback and bimnties. And Icme uletol tablet ut mouey time, tide,' Itc. Ac. 1 Ml "'ik w&Y wot ronton more than yw-t lets t:.an ice w f awong le ti a eltate ol 11eLb Uaru, I Unci ru. I Price to ltlbfcribri wiU bC FllTV Lints, payable on delivery tt int cope, which will be fcotvtheoi lre of pottage, to the care of tha pcMon m each county of the flare, wbo 1 authorifed to teccive fubtcnptioiii. I hole wbofubfenbefor tooiop t or upward,. IhaU be atlowtd a uc- unci 1 on of a per tent. And if 1 he vi t ton fe authorifed ii dacn county, to receive copies of tb Remitter, i.r all fublcnbcrs m luckl county, ttxiuld not receive a lulliciti.i number to fornifh them, by the totlJ day of October next j or if the He gifter doe not contain every thin ptoonfed in the contents, then faCb 1 nblcr.be rt will be released froaa any and even obhgatioo of theb? flfaaf (ures. The RegVfler Is intended to be pub. annuallv. w,tb (uch COffall ed addlnoos as time may require, . 1 1 re a jT - r b a usetui riHlll vompaww n, .U its Patrons. THS BOITIWS. Sheriffs gate. WILL BE SOLD N the 19th mft. at the B m W He tampion, Naory, Paddy, Hole, Me- pj IH JJ p gj Min'or gg per, Venter, Undoo, Toe, Scippio, Mary, younr Scippio, Creole, rar. Nad Manutv&urrr TN70RMS the public that be car- - - , JL ries on ms tevcr ai DraGches of bu finefs at his Mannfaclory on Mr. William Campbell's wharf, where Captains of veflels, and others may be fupplied at the morteft notice, with all kinds ot Iron W ork, on the mod reafonable terms. All order for work will be thankfully received and punc tually attended to. 1 hole who em. ploy him may depend on being well terved. March al. FOR SALE by Langdon&Giles Welt-india Rum by the hogfhead, New-England Rum by the barrel, Mufcovado Sugar in hds tiercel and bin els, . Coffee in bags, Salt, Bar Iron and Steel, VVindow Glafs, Candles and Soap by the boat, Spermaceti Oil, Cordage, Ruffiaand Ra- ven DUCK. ALSO, K ceneral AUorimeot of - A HARD WARE and DRY GOODS. February ' Tanning 6c Currying. THE fuaicribera arc (icteimin te carry on the aforefaid bub- iefs to thegreatett extent the litue tion of this place will admit ; they will give the highelt price in m(h ur leather, tor lures, and tvur del,a ier cord for Oak nark They will Jfo difpofe of leather of all kinds ai reafonable rate , arid a ronltant Tup. ply will be kept by the public', met l. bedient ienrants. LEMUEL NOTES, XEPrlANlAH LiONARD. N. B. Du'inp enr abfenee (mm Wilmington, wbich wifl be aVoUt fifteen divs, appliraiinn troft b mde to Mr. Jokn Brown, nm bant. Wilmmnton, Marck at. -T ANA WAX Iroui tt c lubtcriorr I XV ncero fellow nutcd MlUiA. U...., Uuutand well n. o , of a yellow cuHjpicxion did, wi.cn a lad w.it on the (ublciibci he is well known ..boot W iiii.ingion. It is fuppolcd he will ei.ke for Bruiiwisk Old.lowu, at which Iplaxe be has a wife, formerly h long. warned Nanny, a rliow wencf. He nad on when he went away e white negro cloth Jatkrt and troulcn he alio lock with 1 oi a pair of Brined iioaneffun overalls with an uniform ot, bine turned op whh ltd. 1 his tt How i oullav U agrrcably 10 Uv and ihe lubtcrilcr wiU rive fjfiy Hollars reward Irr bis head, d dear , lor tea dullars to any person who will ecure hieilo tbat bieaaaflerran gt iu. again J. W. BRADLEY. April 4 1 18 4. Five Dollars lieward WILL he given tor ! ur i in goal ao eidVr) Negro e U naescd Qpaaiird who bos been bar. boured m and about WuaaTisCH fmre in . . n . pepiember lafl, the profwri el Mrf Sera J. Csmtpbell 1 and a fur her Wael Of IVf Dajlf, Will b0 gteau te 00 censMrioa of any per?oe tsnp'oJN :J - ,g xam negrv. THvJMAI alUBMUn. I Marat te-