'J ( J , V I s jbat V tie .United StmUt ajf Jmerica. A PROCLAMATION, i Wirui ne rlearlj'hajjj'Ht ln the valine r infbiration, aor any more folly demonstrated by the' of all ages, than mat a deep iVnte and due acknowledg ment ot the 2v rninji providence of 4 Supreme Being and of the accoun- taWkuefrof men to Him as the feared r of hearts and righteous dittributor of rewards and pat ii(h menu, are conducive, equally, to the happinefs and rectitude of individuals ann to the well beiHt of communities i as it is, aifo, Tnoft reafenable in it'felf,1 met ho ore made capable of Ibr'ral aeti and relations, who owe their improvements to the fecial ftate, rrferwhadertbe'ir enjoyments from iryllioflld, at a fociety, make their acknowledgment of dependence and obligation to Him who limb eudned I t bn nth inereanacities, ana ele vated them n the fcaie of ekiftenee, bv thde diltinc'tions ; a it is, like- vlft Sjdaiu dictate of" dtty,iid.R It rone fentiment. of nature, that in fircomftancei of great 05encpnd IcAfeiw of imminent danger earner! and particular lupplicarionimold be made to Hint who is able to defend or to Heftroy I as, moreover, the snoft precious intaretls of the people of the United Sates are ft ill held in ieopjrdy, by the limine defiant and mudious arts of a foreign nation,, as well as by the difleniiuation. among IPOl or liiuicr pinii.!jJic lunvriiiTc of the' foundations Of all religious, m t1 and fndal sobatins. that h tve produced incalculable mifchief A wand mifery in athef conmries ; and as, in one, Tne omei vamc oi lpeciai Galons for public religious faepini ties, is happflr calcidnted to avert the evils w hich we ought to depre cue and to excite the performance of the duties which-we eugbt to d:H charge, by calling and fixing the we,ntion of the people at large to the momentous truths already recit ed, by affording opportunities to each and inculcate them, by ani . 'mating devet ion and giving to it the character of a naiional "at-l For thele reafons 1 have thought proper to recommend, and I. -do hereby re eomihend accordingly, that Thurf y, the 25th day ot April next', he ohlerved, throughout the United trates of America, a a day of folvtun numiliation, falling mid prayer That the citizens, on that day, ab ft aining as lar as may he from their fcti.u, ..ccnpai ion, daoato the time to the facred datisa of religion, in public and in private : That they call o min d eor nomorous offences n- raiull the moft Hiuh GOD, confefs -frrem hetore bias with the flucereft penitence,, emploie hii pardoning aierry, (lironii ike great Mediator and Redeemer, for our paft tranf greffions, an A that, through thegrce of his Holy Spirit, we may be dif pofed and enabled to yield a more fortahle obedience to bis righteooa requifitions tn time to come : That he would inter pole to arrelt the pro. grtfs of that impiety and licentiouf nefsin principle and practice, fo of. fenQve to hi "ilelt and fo ruinous to mankind t That he would make os deeply fen Able that " righteoufnefti exilteth a nation, but that fiu is the reproach of any people" t That he wo' Id torn us from oar tran(grVf nous and tur n hrs difpleafure from vt . That he woald withhold as from onrcafoiiable diieonlont,from - difunion, facliou, fedition and tn I urrediou : That he would preserve oar country from the dcfofatfng fword t That l.e would fave our ci ties and towns troma repetition of . f'ioie awful pelt 1 len 1 ial vifliaiiona auder which they have lovely infer, ad le feverely, and that the health 01 oar inhabitanli, generally , may he precioua 1 11 his fight t That he svould taour us with inn 1 il leafoiu, ami foblefs the lobars ofibf hnfbjMd tnan that there may he fouud la abondauee for man ami beait 1 That aa would profper our commerce, saanafatores, an t fv.hen, and give fucceis to the people iu all their law ful iodullry and inter prize : That ho would 1 nuie oa our cot leges, acade nun, fchools and firniiiaries of learn ing, and make them uurfenes of found fcieuce, morals and religion : 'I nt he would bids all magiltrates item the bigheit to the lowelt, give tnem the true fpir it of thair Hat ion, make lots a terror 10 evil doeti and n praife ta ihem that do well . That he would piriide over the oauncils of Hie nation at ihsa critical period, oa. Hghten them to a juft difcerumesit "t the iniblre latfrest, and fare them from nnitake, diviflon any difcord t That he would fuceeed our pt ja tatioos far detente, and afofa aar ormvoeutt by land tud by frfl t That III would pat an end lo t efufian , oi o-nuan blo'id, mid lha acrnniula aUou of human milery, amatie the rNMNowdlna iwtimi ot tKe enrtn, py MloUwg ihcoj tjulticr, to equity, t hmevlenea tud ta peace 1 Ann IWai lie would extend the blefhigt ot kuowlelt;r,of trot libeny, and at ;-ure and uiidfttlad religion, ihrongh the world." AND I do aifo ret ontm end that tvitbtl.efeactseflioiniliat.is.il, peni tence and prayer, fervent ihaiikr giving to the anchor of all god be united, for the conntlefsfavort which he is (htt continuing to the people of the United States, and which ren der their condition as a nation emi nently happy, wfceu compared with the rot of others. GIVEN onder my band and the . - .r fcsrof the Vntted States of A merica, at the city or Fhila. L. S. dclphia, this fixih day of March in the year of our Lord one thooiand Teveu hundred and i(nety-nine and of the hide pendente of the (aid States the tweht):nird, JOHN ADAMS. By the Prefident, TIMtiTHY PICKERING, Secretly Of State. HtLARKLPHIA, March 18. The la Whicti hatftirni(led a pre tifxt to the euamies tff the govern ment, for an Opetro5spofitroa to tt Jt Dcrban oneof the inoflrflpeitception able ever patted W atfy Lcgiflutiv body. the provifionf which it con. taiNS, wiin refpeA to property, are entirely nfw, Moft laws ot this kind, have operated equally upon an pro perty. whether pofletieo ty tne ncn or by, poorer ewffes or citiKtns but here; a tiifFerent principle had been admitted. By it, the perron whole hogfe is valued at coo derllais, Py bat one dollar tax, which is equal lo j. lot hs of one per cent, while one worth I0,ooo dollars, pays 60 dollars, eqnal to 6 roths, of one per cent, upon the value of bis houfe. The following lift will (hew the different rates at which houfel are taxer) : A Houfe valued at 500 pays 1 dollar 10003 dollar! 3000 12 dollars aooo jo dollars 1 0,000-60 dollars It.OOO IOf dollars 3o,ooo 160 doll ai 30,000 370 dollars And ah boufes above that value pay one per cent. which is equai to 5 timet as much at that paid op on a houic valued at 500 dollars. So that this law may be (aid to be nefit the poor at ftie expenee of thofe in enfier circumftaqcet. There it one provtiton, however which feems ro have rendered it pe culiarly obnoxious that of caofiiig the number and dimenfiont of win dows to be taken. This part of the law appears to have been introduced merely to aid the principal afleflora in forming a truer efiimate of the value of property, which they had not an opportunity of viewing in perfon ; and for this parpofe, only, was it introduced. Daring the left fcfTton of Congreft, the law wi fa modified, entirely to do away all objections on this neari, lo that not even the (mailed reafon tOr oppoft- tion.to it now remains. But 'tis ufelefs to reafon an the fubject, tor there are men who Lu cifer like, would not reft fatitfied with the government of heaven itfelf. The following is tire law to whith we allude it palled OOlU houfcS OB the sld February. AN ACTa Ti ameissf tkt s& entity J " An h fir out tit for the vuiuatiin lunJs uni WmumML hou'ti, uwi the tnu merttiwt tj jUvci mttbm the United SlaKi. K it enaile-l by the IJ Senate and Houle of fleprelentatnes ol the United States in Congrels adr milled, that fo much of the act, entnleu " An act to pro vuieforthe valuation of lands and dwelliitg houles, and tle euumeia. tion of Haves within the United Itaiei," ns requires, that the lifts ba delivered in porfuauce of the ninth feci ion thereof, lhall fpetify in rtf pect todwelling boufos the num ber aud dimenfions of their win dows fhall be, aud hereby is repeal ed. Sed. 11. And be it further enac ted, That the CommifJaaner onder the Ibid v't far each Mate, refpedtive ly, fhall be, atsd hereby it aotborised loesrtend the time thereby allowed for receiving appeals by the princi pal a Ut flora, tnd alfa allowed far re mining hilt by the oflsAant afsef. fori, ia oil rales where the laid eem raifEoners (hall deem fuch eatenfion neeefsary, and tor luch time as ,they fhall think espedteot . and mat lo much af the t(th fedkiaa of the above mentioned act, as requires all ap peal' to be made in writing be and it is hereby repealed. I Sect. III. And be It further ansa. d, That the secretary if the Tree . r"yfhaH he. and hereby is authorifeo lad ewrtecsed,. onder the docioa ot the Pirfruent of taaUnstad ?aate, o aagmewt mv eases where hasaay find it uerrfTury, the eampenlaunn' fiaed for piiuciptl mid aftUti t ft?f fbrs, by fklda ;fe. However, as that no prti ii al at aJLrt.m sKtfUii lhall. in any cafe, receive mare than two dollars r day.; which addjliorai rem penfatinii fhttll W foteTTo rtie one roteoFTenlewtent aa are rflabliflifd by the aforefaid adt xt ti ee'ving the compenfatiofs therein filed fot prin cipal and affiflant aUefl.-rs. r (Palled both houles of Coo-refs, S3d of Frbruaiy, npprved and fmned by the Pre 6 dent ift Marck t79) tE March tU . v Pennfyhaniu Ltviflature y The following report v.'as this mrn ing agreed to by the Houfe ot Kc prefeaiativei : t& . The committee to wham was re fetred a meflage from the governor, relpedmg the proclamation of the frefulentof the United States, au- nuuuiHij; iuai ittiiiuiiintintis t'. ucicui the execution oi the laws fr the va luat ion of lands and dwelling houlcs. have exuted In the count ie- ot No tli aiupton, Men r pome' v and Bucks REPORT . THAT they have had the faid me! fage under their ferious confidera tion and find caufeofdeep regret that comninitTions 10 oereat tne taws or - . . . . . . the United States have a second time made their appearance in the ftate ot Pennfy lvama ; as fuch cambinatioiiSr are repugnant rot only to the pure principles or rcpnoiieenum ana tiu Iptrit of onr conftitutton, but slfc highly difhonor&ble to the characte 01 a portion or . (lie citizens ot ou m . ! . . . - (late. That law teitdino to lay th heavier! burthens on the moll opt lent part of the community fhould ne oppoied by thoto on Wkom tbey operate lifhtelt proves that the op poiition had arifen from igtioranc or the moft dark and inaliguant de Hen. "Yoar committee cannot hefitste U cxpreft with the moft. lively fenfibi nty tntir entire tPlapprobation of fuch -unwarrantable copdurt , tend in. (o the rtilsolution otour covern ano tuoveruve ot ttie pniiSrV. tranquility and wood order, and tha it is the duty of every good citizen to difcountenance fuch treasonable com btnatiopt. Yet at the general go j vernmcut has hi-nicitni power to com-, pel obedience to their laws, and tin prefident hat iu hit proclamation de ievn.it cd to to do in this inttance, tnd hat not thought the aid this title nccefiary. Your committee offer the following refolut ion t Retolved, That tail houfe will when required, .co-ope 1 am with th general government iih alacrit) and promptitude to fupprefS unlaw , ful and untfcafonable combinations to defeat the execution of the lawr of the United States : But at no (utlj co-operation it now required, tin boufc oonftder their jnterfcrence at prefent as wholly unnerefsary. It was moved by Dr. Logan, and fei conded by Mr. Horn, of Not tin am pton, to add the fallowing tc- foi ut ion 1 RefbUed, That the governor be and be hereby reqnelled 10 caufe lull and due requirs to be mad ni, the caufa at the laid riots, and aiake fpecial report to this houfe thereuii particularly of any citeumHxnco which may be alledged or difcoveres- ending to (how the origin of tin lame in the agency ot loieipn in. cendiariea or the leditiout viewt oj domettic traitors. Upon which the ayet and nays wcrt called, and were at follows. AYLS. 1 Baird, loiliao, Coolbanght, Cun iiioeiiaiu, v.onrao, cyie, twait. rrai ...... t . . . b r . ley, rol)mcr, Gehr, Hartaell, Huf ton., Ingles, Kraufr, Linnard, l.vle. pogan, Mewhortor, M Dowell, fen ole, Rugh, Role, Shoemaker. Si.y- aer, uarer, Weaver jp. NAYS. Evana, Allbrighs, 1MI, Brown -a - v w iinrkley. Barclay, toake, Blair. CampVllhwia,r't(hcr, Korfter Hall. a at a its . . m . tleinpaui, Hannum, Hopkins, Hoi teller, Hendricks, Keppele, Kick, Keys, KeUey, Kenedy, Mdler, Mart,, , M'Pherfon, Power, frefion, Palsoet. fta a a naum, docket , stover, StrKkler,, A Scon, Stewart, J. Stoat, fpitr, Sam. fie, Tarner, Wkaetoti, Wotfoti W.igbt, W iilon, WeUas, William 0. 41. In apportion to ibit relolottor h wot obferved geasrsUy, that taV perfont guilty were amenable ia tb gaernment of the United State who had and would adopt prope, meafures to bring the goihy to jut ire- That independent ad the pm prTrxyJafrn.ptptSty oi ftxrh an ft! omry. the resalt at lha reiatutimi mould be adopted woald am probate? end in an o pan ton which is now ge nerally eniertataod, via. that the perfoot offending wore ignorant and credulous, led sdtray by theft) aa whom they had placed their depea. de were ranftontly exclaim nig agoina the meal ores or the ge neral govern nty sad endeavor, log ta iweoleate a belief that f is eorropt and opparffive in Its tdrai- nillrattan, that tntts were tailed to I gratify ambition tad fepporta va -w or :v . . i, . - : . si i I . m , I ia Ot peace wit ua. me proteu or . mi . mm. r the minority oa the,addte to thai i Untied Statel, wax a lVireWy t-alculated tar foeh effecto, as weM at tae opiaianp, that ambaf. fa fo-s from the people were only ne-' ceflary to afacl o general peace. To .heCeobfervatioRS the sinuous mo- verosadeaoraply. -..-J Wa Department. SIR, To fuppreft the inturretfiion iow exiinng in tne conduct or Sort ham pton, Boekt and Momgo aery", in itbe Rate of PennryrraaW, in obpofitiOrf to the laae of the nited States, the Prefident has t bought it necellary to employ a Military Farce, to be com pofed in part of Inch of the-Militia of Pennfy lvania, whofe fituatiouand Rate of prepa ration will enable them to Marcl vith promptitude. The corps o' Military firft defired on this occafion re the troops of cavalry belencim tothir city, and one troop of'each of the enooties of Philadelphia. Baeks. Cheer Monteosaary and Lancafter ; Thefe troops 1 have sll honor to requeft your exelleney will J 1 1 1 . . . 1 ; (. 1 oraer to noiti tnemtet ves in reaiiinei to march on or before the 28th in v (taut under the command of Briga. dier General Maepherfon. 1 nave tne nanor to oe, With the crestctV reftjeel. Your Exelleney 's .tnoft obedient inu iiuhioic ni'i'ii, ' JAMES M'HEKRY His Kxellrncy Go. THOMAS MlVrUN. o ..''K; . j THE Secretary -of War has this aioment communicated to me the Prefidents intention to employ a Mi Urary Force, in fupprt fling the in urrcciton 1 row cxiningm inecuwii tet pt Northampton, Bucks and Montgosnery, with a rtoueft that the :oopt of cavalry belonging to this ity, and a troop trom each of the .,-iaragB stzt ?hadinnia. Uwkt hefler, Mont gomer y and Lancalber nay be ardeked 10 hold thentfelvct in readinefs to march an. or before he 2fih ii It. under the command o liiasdier General Macuherfen. You wiH, therefore, hnmediately line General Orders for complying with the rrendeut t requeft t and communicate, by espfefs, with ihe ' nmmanding officers at the feveral orps As foon as the troops are rady ta march, yah w ill mike you rpon tn me , teraitng tne return f 'he officers, frorn unre to tiair yoo recc'rVe them. J am, Sir,' Yaur moft obedient fervant, THOMAS MIFFLIN, 'hfladetphia, so, 1709. Ran away from the fubicri- bcr on Monday the 8th inft. a iirgro fellow named AS TON, a country born flave, about twenty-four years of age, five feet eight or nine Inches high, ot a yellowifh complexion, and flutters when fhirply ipo Icen to -being very artful, he will in all probability, endcavgur to pais for a free m:m he can do a little at the coopering and fliocmak '"K bulinels lie had on when he went away, a lij;! it colored cloth coal, broad brluiM hat ; a a had vfith him nankectl and homefpun fmall clothes hewaa born in the county of Wake, and may pofliby make that way or to il- mingtofi. AuyperfSn who will np prehend and fecure the faid (lave (ball h -vc a reward of thirty dollars 6c all roflbna blc charges, b) deliferlnif Uumto me at KockiUb, Du- pUii county, or tecuriug in any goal, fo that 1 get him again. KHAOrtlCK iTAI L1T1GS. Rock&h, Duplin county, April 1 1 liL A N K S Of alt kinds, for file at the Printing-Office 1 Baa Lift of LfttftS remaining lit 1 1 1 a by m m av w m m u av avav at at 11 a. e 1 a w wmmr-mm 1 r am ii m'mgton, N. C. A rt.,M. .... TOHN Allan, H Benjaaiin Ayde- J lott, I ; Capt. Edward Atkitilon, , Hon. Samuel A the, I R Timothy Blood w war A, juVr. 31 Mr. R Bloodworth, Walhmgtou, Capt. Richti-d Bulloch, ft ; t apt. Geptge Boccock, 1 j. ardin Johu Bulkley, f ; wears, w mum oian- chtrd nd Sod, t r wpt. William Bafden, I j Mr. lotto DurKe, 1 Thomas Brkklc, 1 ; Madame Boil- ton, 1 C. - ' ommiflioners of Taxes for the Oiftntl ti Wilmington, I ; Clerk ot he Superior Court, ij Wiliunite. viL; i V Cap fluent JEer Cbiney 1 1 John Callon, i; 1 nomas Cole, 1 Stephen Ca(, I , Joltph GalT, I j j EietcieJ Iay, cate bf Pottt and Gibbs, 2; Chriftophtr Dudley, i; Chriftopber Dudley pj nflovv, 2; Samuel Uenhuiit, I ; iJliani , Di vis, I ;' Madame Doriiipgo, I i Capr. iMathaniel Lonnei, care pi rutis .,na GiblMt I ; I homas f . Davit,, 1 ; L4. ward Doililpn, I : A. Dulnc, r; Jatqes De vaunt:, I ; James Dkfo ', Duplin, 1 Doctor James Dubois, 1. & Mary Edwards, t; Hufui Elliot, 1. ,. .t-:r-Qri t ( . 5 Monf. Gsmafii, l ; 'Wnlbm Curl, ;M.Gulliaiu1h, 1 JauiciGteeii, i. Capt. Benjamin jrlpttthent, 1 j'Cor. nel'ms Ht It. 1 1 Dankl .Heart v. ell. Ps Gabriel Hohne, 1 1 Hct.ry H fk nt, 1 ; mac ncnancKion, 1 ; jonn 11411, Niorih-wtft, i j Wm. Hudryjsc-rc of Mr. Ure. ft: Walter tlulltv , 1: Mrs. Ca thai .ne homer, 1 ; licury Hull, Rockey Point, 1 1 Dicinr N. Hill, I ; Mr- tiulet, l ; bcorge Hooper, t. Js .,. n a Edward Johes, SolicitorGi(eneral, ? ; Mfs. Junes, 1 ; St R. jo eel) i', i. K. John Kajr?, 1 ; John Kennedy, r a a as i atf t cate ot n. urqirnan, ij wiinaru Keddie, i Capi-in Conkling Ketdt- uot, t: Lphr-r.i Kcmpioi), 1. L. Mr. Lalpeyfc, i j Stephen Lelly, I ; James Larkini, Long-ct cek, i , Capt. Audrcw Laurcnw, I ; Letpt Latour, l A ma I a Malon, 4 ; Roger Moore, I Henry Moore ii D. Mallet, 1 Berjauiitt Mcflet, I Wsn. Mkir. ral, I 1 Wro. G. Marlh-ll', 1 ; Ko (land M Duil, X, Dopaki M'in- ure, N. Richard Nixon, Topftrl, 1 W !. liatu Nott, ij, Henry Norn ir, Jarrot Noble, 1 ; Jihn No) t, 1 Peter Nicnolloti, 1. Pa William Polly, if Arthur Part man, Onflow, I ; John Flair, I Miff Etna Pratt, 1 ; Cpt. Williaia Pafasr, I Dsvld Perry, 1. R. Cap'. Jofeph Robbins, t ; Edward aa,itscs, t Wn. liuAcll, 1 j Ceo. toulr, 1 s Idward Kobcrvii un tbc ound, I. a. Capt. Gamala Small, v Captain Robert Jage, William Sutt ; Daniel Shoakr, l ; James o'baw, 1 t Jamas Stew art, Ela. 1 ; Mrs Sulsn St lien, I I Capt. John Canton, 1 1 Jacob Ssart, 1 ; Oeo. Btemur, tare of Cornelius Hurft, if 9TS100 5el- krs, 1. T. . Capt. John Thompfon, 1 Cktrlet I hotnp mi, Onflow, 1 ) Wan. Tur oaT, 2 1 Mrs. Arm? y T urner, I ; Cap tain William Tolmin, I r u. Heavy Ureihait, 1. 4 w. Rithird WH14 l ; Henry Wit. ftts, 1 1 Jtates Wear, I Mt. R. nrtTJ uaiiiiwii, I , J""' ', I 1 Capt. James Walker, I ; latnet Walker, Lin. I ; Capt. Job a Weed, I I Gtruert Wtrtovi, 1. bbould the sbovt let ten not be ts ken Ml of (be Pofl-cAce be I ore tbc full dty of July oral, ilkty Wlfl tr.en be forwirded ta ta Otsseral Pi ft office as dead letters. JOHN LORD. AfilfaK