cs h-J not commenced jux the armies were all in ti Switzerland ao.ooo militia had been ordered tu the lrunricis. The cabinet of Vienna had api pointed an ainb ilDdor txtraordinarv iu tne coon or Bcrttj), ana on ihe Qth inst he was on the eve of hit dep.-. r: ere. Field marlluliSuwarrow left Pr crfborouh on the "7f ult. to join wrc .-vu&Lctan army in Italy. "The Archduke Charles, in; an ad- otcis to the gcrjeralt and armies of ine Lmperor and the Empire, dated A . ' rL . w I . f . . . nuiourg, iviarcn 4, rtfpcc-tmg the . recommencement of hostilities ku prance, obferves. tftat the force's of tne ttnperqr aiyi the tmpite had fcarce retired under the faith of the fojemn treaty concluded a year lince iiu rraijcc, man mat power fub juaated the Swifsfbr the obtaining an eftabliihment on t&c oanEc or Germany ; " refuting to let provifions enter into, the'fortrels or cnrenbreitftem, to.oppofitioh to Aht moll precifc agreement," and Ultimately forced the ftarW, but gauant garriloo to evacuate the place. His royal highhefs proceeds to recapitulate the aggreffions of r ranee, wnich inltcad of makiue . . 1 f . 'O atonement, demanded it the Uer mans were difoofed tl nrAnatv any refinance to ftitnre operations of that kind." To our anfwer. "ii nouiuties were put an end to by the French if Ehrenbrreititeiri was evacuated it the trench army was retreating from the Right Bankif the French troops in Switzerland. which . threatened Germany, were withdrawn and if ' ' L t '4 . a reaionaotc peace was concluded at Kaitaat, tountiea on the rights, not the flaverr of the Empire." n . ther reply was madeon the part of r ranee, man mat it was hoped the aviet wouia agree to iuch a relolu tlon as France mieht with." The Deputies at Hastadt prepa red to depart from thence the instant fhey were informed that the Fretwh had required Philipfburg to furren- aer. A Briiifh fquadron blocks up the pri 01 napics ; a icarcity ot pro vifions has already been flic coaife. OjUencc Intelligence was U ft night re ceived in town that tie Dutch fleet, in confidcrable fot, and with a large body of troopi on board, had failed from the Txel. The public have been for ome time apprifed of the extraordinary preparations for the equipment of this fleet, and were, by our laft number, inform ed that they were ready. It rs probable that, profiting by the ab sence of our m ps, they have put to fea. In the much wi tried for event of our falling in with them, there (a every rcafon to look for additional wreath to the lliipendeut laurel which wetrull, will bloom forever. A perfon arrived in town Ufl night from Flanders affures us, that the Belgique rebellion, as the French are pleafed to Itile the exertions mi that gallant people for their liberty.! fir. f ., ,..... ( er 1 V iiwiii i u J i 1 rc HI 1 m , nas ac- quirH cenfiderable Krength by the accounts from Germany, and that the want of proper leaders and am. munition alone prevents the arTcm. blageof fuch an army as would in "S1 '" mnrnj mm wwio in. 1 jncrorear, or eatermmation of their onorclTors In the Council of Five Hi.ndrrJ on the 9th, it wji propoiecl, tda'j women and toreigncrs Iqould bc precluded wearing the nariortali co kdet that any frenchman who fhall difgrace it, Dull bc'cduhVd four years in irons. Letters from Connanttnople, of the Kth ult. facak with rnf.fi. e iccas to the refult of the prepa. rations making for the Egyptian expedition they v mention a re. port being prevalent that Buonaparte had can fed himfelf to be xuroclaim cd fultan rf Egypt. A diviAnn of the KufSan artd and Torkifb troops which had been deflir.edag'init Faf wan Oglou, had proceeded to join the Pacha of Arr, who aiHirn the Porte that Bunruparte notwith fanding the fWong fonincalions which lie has conftriicled for his defence, w .uld fhortlvbe irvhitpow. tft The Hamburg Ga?et'c of the . t?h inn. sutcs thai on ihc depar hvfof ihc Mail from Vienna, a tint mm notral there , that two 1 ith Raiment, under the or- Vri (irneral Doyle, aided h sL. : mm. mmm m hv, -tkv i cPi- T'ro tjrfvps ot KufTians and I n ns 1 land-ti at bakrno, and io pin&ion witS the Lirraroni, at-itnajity.- M fliort, (hys the Cur.u.:, I v .1'.. C . . ' t tl r tacked and retaken Naples frourvjhc trench From tbt- -L4n G(izrtte, Feb 11. PROTEST Agninjl tkt fujPnJttn the Habeas L.rpus Ail. On the muiionfor the third read irfg or tlie bill for the I'ufpeiilioh of the Habeas Corpus At, being car ried in the afliiTUtivo. the follo'vi iitp Protest was entered oii the Journ als of the Houfe of Lords : QJlntiertt, ift. Ijecaufothe extltence of a cdnfpiracy o4 an extent, io.forjtfr lable and of a nature --lb complica ted that the" miblic difclol'ure nf kc evidence ncceilary, to the con- vieuon or tne cpjpJkfator miyht en able his accrJBBs to a (cert ain he nformat iSHff covernment. ,;and to elude tire itiitice of the coun- rv. ctti alone OonflitutE ittft nr. celfity fufficient to iuftifv a Peer of Parliament in aflentine to any fuTpenlion of the Habeas Cofpus. a a... m ;j- u r J- . . ;.'''" znuiy. isecamc, no mealores nave ocen taiten to maK iuch no ceflity apparent. ' aT'J; e BcCaiufe if from nrivat , m -.0 -- t I MTivrni 1 m rs v Cumftaicea of the country, the Hiiu.uiiivii i iiuiii iwc vcucrii lit- houfe Were convinced that fuch ne- effity did actually exift, it would nevermeicis be more conlonant with the ufages, and lefs derogatory to the dignity of Parliament, to' produce fubflantial documents, ra ther than the fuggeftions of Minif- ters or trie vague tulpicous ot indi viduals, in itisfification of fo extri". ordinary a meftre. 4'niy. cccaule the alarms of mi nisters are always to be received with mistrust bv the ieiflature. when the remedy propofed is an ex ternum ot their power and a di minution of-the liberty otthc fub- eci. thly. Becaufc thefc principles of jealoufy, applicable to all times, . . 1 1 1 appear 10 me uc peculiarly lo to the prefent when a fvstcm of iro- . d ft' vernmtntbj alarm has been rcfortcd to year atter year, and powers, fimilarto thpfe required by this bill been obtained on the fcoreof alega tions which fubfrquent events have retuted; a memorable example ot which occurred in the years noa and 1795,- when a number of pcr fons detained under the proviiions of a bill fimilar to this, were all either liberated without trial Sr acquitted by verdicl of their coun try. J 6thly. Becaufe the danger of ah invanon line pretence tor 1 wipe inl ine the Habeas Corpus SeUion ex- ius no longer. And it is fubvcrli vc of the natural confidence which (heuld luUist between the govern ment and the governed, to requite wnn mstrust m tne diloo itions am a continual fufpenfion of one of the mo it eltential latecuards ot their liberty, the affecUoni of the people ninitcatea in ineir late exertions at the moment of alarm, and in the cheerfulnefs with which they have inomtltrd to burthens unparalleled in 1 heir preilure, and gow confelT edly unequal in their operation. . Holland, Extract of micttrr t 9m the Rev. Mr. t elfin, father $f tbe Bj-on 0 the Nile, to The Hv. Air. &rin Allot, S 1. Ij J- I .1 it 1 j mwnm u iwmg tn me neighbour h'u ur niuxm ) tn unl-ve' a d ran f"t4ry EpiJU on the late Fieiorj, tetec uetotertil. gKamt good Son4rnt in to the world without fortune, hot (Wiafcjhtart replete withscery snorat " rciifiio.i. irior, uieie nae lrrn hii corrtpafs to fieer by j and it has pleafed Ood to he hit fh ield in the days otbai ile, nd 10 e,it foccefa to hit wifbet) to be of lei ice to hia country " Hat eoumvy feemi ttnfible of hit fet ices but mould he ever meet with ingratiiude, his frtrt will cry oat arid plead hn ea(e lor ) I Urn mm mm mt Maflia he loft an eye, at Tenerirfe an arm, on the memorable j 4th of Keh. Ie receied a leere blow on hit body, which he UjU Uclt, and now a wound n tin hrad.After all this, you still iwlieve hit Idonin of r oiimenanee mull he faded, hut the fpiriti bearcth) tip yt aa igorou a eer. " On the twenty nihlh rrflafl month .Ueautter he compltttied hit furtiei h PbWo Amfld. gwriifc tnd good, aiu.jt rt rd becaufe he ha done none, an honor to tf giey bairt whieh ,Vfry n,k ol old aa I rep (mi Hp.m tt.e ." CUNNttTICUT. The annual t.lenmn ol the ofturti ethi rubghtrned Si nr, WM lurtdeo h 11 week at Hanloftl.i lOoe, rnieib ill wat re elecied by a tall uiiie a oir couin pc iwmii 101 any man, tii(c cKn. 30'ifr we m ihr itainp of lac : .bti.Wm " Goernoi j ri timbiill, in j vry federal fpeech, .Kldrefc.l 1 he Lrgiflatuie. Sprakm ftje r'i cucli, be faya and fay truly, ibat M tbo vaiird, yn their delignt t noiuitty atuiitt. or lubiuijaiu.) C.:the tc Oni'rd Siates, are tar tto 1 '.eing difiHirlcd. NOKF JLK, June I. FiRe at Ji.L nMuxr.. Bv' a pilot boat arrived Vetterd.iv. we have the melancholy informjiin, thar a t brke out on B)ler': Wrfarf, Baltimore, on Toet&v morning, a little before dy, a: d wa lurnmgwhen the boat lett there at 7 o'Ciock. TOFFICIALI The Underfivned. Secretary of State ui 11 1 j Dittdiinie luaienv. nas receivea nia .'Yiajeny a command, to acquaint Mr.- Kmc, Miititter Pleninotemnrv of-the United Sca.es of America, that tne King judging it expedient to avail hintlelf of the faoerioritv t his Mavai iorce ror tne .letence of his dominions, has fignified hia com- I ,sr rw wva j 1 1 1 111 iail J 1 1 C 1 3 fj the Admirahv. in icaufiTth mfr a-i I inanda to the Lords commilGottera of i . . " . - uuiuua uiucicnuc iu uc ciiauiiuica at i 'he entrance of all the ports ot Hol- I Iandi which" will be maintained and enforced in the ttricteft manner. e eordiHg tothe ufages of war, acknow ledged ami obferved in limilar cafes. Mr. Kini is therefore reauefted m apprize the American Confuls and Neietiants, reuoing w hngland, that the above mentioned ports of the Ufc nited Provinces, are, anurnuft be con' (idered as being in a Hate of blockade; and that from this time no neutral veflel can be futTered to enter them upon any coiifideratiuii, er under any pretence whaW'oever I and that all the meafures autltorited by the law of na tions, and the refpecttve treatjes bc tweeii hii tnajetty and the different neutral powers, will henceforth be a dopted and. executed, with rdpeci to veflels deftitied for the lai4 orrs, or (bch aa fhall attempt to enter chein after this notice Downing'Street, March fa, '90 -A true copy from the files vt tire Department of State of the U lined States. JACOIV WAGNER, Ch. Clk. WILMINGTON, June tj. An exprc is boat from Cape.Fran cms, is arrived in tbe Delaware Cant. Y.rd, of Pbilaaielnhia has arri m - - ved in her, entrufted. fas we are in. formed) with difpatches from Gen. louiMaintand Ur. btevens. fsrreiit for the United State) to the Aim n. can govermoent. The accohntt from St. Ooaifngo we uiiuentanu, moicate a Ipeedv and 1 a . . - . . . tavorabJe termination to the negocia. tions between mis country and that liland. . We are informed, that at this rime there arc aclaally cruifing in the Wed indies, .1 a veflels of war belonging to tne unitto aiate. 1 he apprchen fionr that have been enir-riained, that the Commerce tf this country in thole fcas, wai left iu an unprotected (late, by tbe return of lo many arared Vef. lets, mutt lubfide, panicuiariy aa fe vcral of them are on the poiot oi re. turning to that ftarion. A bid haspatfed the Briiifh parlia mrnt for preventing the exportation of copper, at the admiral found ii d ftcuit to.procure that article for the ihtp ..tot, Io the Ijft Ha months it rote tto er cent, in price. Port of Wilmington. hNTIMfi. Br ii Kli ra, tlkins, Bofldn. SchYBetfcy, M'llhenny, Charkf Betfcy, Very, Salem, ton. Cliaxio. SJi'r Yorick, Punchani, Satcm. iulian, Sabcfion, NeWbtm. afannak, Smale, Savannah. Yeflerday arrived from Jamaica, the armed brig Thomas, apt. John Martini. Conuened to lohn Mac- leilan cargo Rum and Sugar. Same day, from NafTau (N. P.) in 14 tfatt, the armed brig Mary. ann, capt. t r . Cunntnghamcargo buaar and Fruit. On the 8th capt. C. encountered a heavy gale of wind, in which ht fuffere! confiderahly. On the 01' off CharleAdh bar, fpnke the Herald Hoop of war, capt. Kudel, of Bof ton, in feared of a Ficnth nrivatcer from Ouadaloupe. Maaatinl On Thnrfdav even ing lalt, Mr. John A. Aimm . to Mif Polly Rundsl. In Fayettevtile, Ro bin so x MoaitpiD. Efq o'fjkowai .ountv, 10 Mils Polly Hand. t& NOTICE. I "THS iubferibers having declioeo X boltnels here, in favor ot MaL colm Mackeutie, rcqueitx all tiole who qw( them to come forward and 3ke-p:iyrucui to him, or fettle their accounts by note or bond ; and tholr to wiiem they are indebted to iua too n their demands tothe farm, hi heuiir fully empowered to crant dil -chary es ttj their liehalf, Rd to pay au jottcints again (t them Robert Adam, 6c Co. Mayio.iiw. y TP UNIVERSITY. X HE annual examina lion in the tJniverfity of this Hate, will com- -nence on the 4th of July. The com mittee of vifitation whole duly it ill be then to attend in order to pro" nounce their judgment on (be xa . .... L . " mination 10 lar as relates to the Con- Mr, Wairace Alexamlei. Morn. Mr. Thomas Bloom. Halifax 'fo every und red rations. And mr. iJiuea uwieow. ixewoern. km. rt r ' m. . Mr. WiMiam B. Grove. Pavetteeille Mr- John Hamilton, Salifbury, Mr. bamuel lohnaon. Edenton . Mr. Duncan Moore, Wilmiu. ten " . w ti .iL- - . he Dublie euirdians of the in(liuX uc uicmucrs 01 toe committee, an orsireanxiouflyfolkkedtotepupc-r u u tual in their attendance. The nr J.. .r'Rfon4?,ie th" ,hc mdatice. The pre- SSS??1 th? Pr0 University render ng ffJfflS 'uimort neceffart. abhe W at any lent ttate ot the moment r,fiecKoh will conv.nca t.ieoG d&Tl S 5 that he that its celebrity iuft depend m KwHMlWW: great meafure on the exeftiona of fhole uinJer whole drreilion it ispla ced, As a nobttc feminarv of leaTn l) ing. it mutt'beentrtled to' their ,on age, aaa an inUn m 'heir oarttcular funertntendance. i a. I My, ana at ,,,,,, h . J m . , !" UCOa. will ftand-canaidate. for the lora decree, and a number ot finale oratioa. oe deh vend on the occafi-U ilivitcd mjlke JEM o,., is hoped that parent. arrduarr Bond and foCcitnt fecurity wiU .;, d "-- De rrqiiirexi tor the punctual com- ters from all Darti ni atiend. mLii. . r , . ; f i ' tne tnends ot iiterature. Hy thelrl pre fence they wilt betftrfcfcftojudge ol the progrefs aird attainments oft uioie onoer trreir reipectivr atrccti ons, and meet, it not With Inftrudl- on, perhaps whit agreeable efttcrtain ment. By order of the Prefident, William E. .Webb, Sec. siprU 26 -1 - I THE subscriber Wing obtained letiert ad adminiflration on the eftate oi ihe late lohn Gibbs.dec.i,ime Pre.(cribl M f he Ge. rrauelts all nerfons who have anyincrtl AHewb y, in loch cafe demands againlt laid ettitt, to ren der ihrin in oronerlv attelted. within the time limitted hv adlot Af- ar - m . ffmbly ; and thofe who are indebted,, will pieafe make payment withoot lei ay, to KOBEKT CmS. Adm't May a- Fifty Dollars He ward. H ANaWaV' from the fubferi L h r about tbe to: h of May lalt. 1 ntaro tellow. nainrd L A H R VJ yellow com j I :xion between fire feet L. a.iS) A ak J m A . - mm v mm ten and tlx ten high, tnirtrd-hghtr) vith the Imall uox 1 he itlxHi' twemy-five yeart ot age, aod v-iij a . a a m . - - prooabiy be luratng anur feme oi ne ptanranont on the nortn.wcB; or . m m . f m a boat, htvino lormerlv been hi 1 1 1 DC l'cIii.i nn and dnwn -the k-iw reu to virguury, Wtiouica to trade! in mat cntnne Ten Dollars will be paicH m delivery ot 'aid negroai Belvedere J ten more to the ntrion by Who I perlon by wholrlone dollar per ticker. ftvera. Gi.1d oiea it a cotivid on ol hia being har. ouured lhall take pUce, audio atldi tion to which I will cottoplete the f uni hrtt above mentioned, on con viction of hn beim harooied nn 011 board any veffel, wnh an intent o of carrymg Dim out of the ft"t. Bcnjatniii Smith. June o tab j TO BE KfcNTED AN D entered the fu ll ol July next, thai cortveaarnt ttld Wffl niMtrd HOUSE m Market ftreet il prrkof o-iufedb Mrs Merk. fvt terms tpplv lo Tliomi Hill. June 9 126 I Public Notice. PROPOSALS in wrirW Iwill be received at this office until the 15th day of June, from any per fon or perlons who will , . , vw"wl I with tbe United States, 10 furnifh any quantity of provifions, fuc and flraw, that may be required for the troops thereof, that art? nr ... 1 . at Occacock, Fayetteville, Sal.ftu, ry ana vnanotie, or at any other poll or place, recruitina renM.., or encampment within the ttate of JN orth-Carolina, the refid f The ration as eftabliiliMl K CL cohlirts of eighteen ounces nt fl..., Kr bread, or when neither can be ob tained, one onart nf r.V.. Pound and an halt of fiftd Indian meal, bine pound and a quar- wm n ut jftpi wt one pound otfal ted beef or three f falted pork j and when frelh meat r' - te aalnc pound wncn reoiiired. trie Lintr irt.r . r . 1"4 "? u!?,Ift fnt ipints at the rat of P g 1. CVCry- rt,on aBd vU RtP ?l r.ate at wo quarts for ZVT ra,!ni'. Thepropo- ltd w 1 nr tnonriA a .k.. i . iveri component oarts ot & ration . , ' . . . " weil . tll0, ot tnc alternatives TnlT B wueJ.flM'y anP feffi ""tJ at ac7 n.0t U om ( at "V J ' ' " " tfMivvu UIT. I D C i.r m . : ZZe 3S'?.rai,r4 Rmccwixn tne engagements G. f. M'Ree. Agent fVar department. Cuaroai-Houst, fyiJmington, May 2, 1799. f THE fubferiber having qualified at Executor to the latt will ant) tefttment of Henry Toomer, Vce rrquefts all perfons indebted to thm -m - - -C .u r:j j r . r.i .ic vi me iaia oeccaiea, to makj payment ; and thofe to whom it ' P 1 1 indebted, to bring forward their a cunts Pr.f"'y "telled, withhi 1 made nd P0V,d- Anthony B. Toomer. May jo. t Z " 1 antng oc Currying. THHK fobferiben are deraimine.! I te carry 00 the aforefaiJ bulinetk tothe eveaielt extent the (n n.u ,,,,, kHblt place will admit ; they will give the bighelt price in ca!b or. lei -t)er, for hidea, and foor doliart per cord for Oak Batk. Thev will allb lifunle ot leather of all kind realouable rnie 1 and a conilafit fD piy 111 oe Kept ry tne public t illll a m. ... molt ootdient leivamt. LKMUKL NOTES, ZtPHANIAH LEONARD, N. ft. Dnrinc our ahfenee from V limine ton. wbirh will k .Uni faftren dayt, appliratiosi mud be m.lr to Mr. John Brown, merchant. WItiiMigton, March 31. A LOTTERY. THE lublcriber inicnda to 1( POle Of . bv wav of l.ntMr. at jodalver Wucbet. feme ntrtini for geBtlemen't aprrarel. aVc. There willalfobe a number of cafti prttet from 3 to 40 dlWs each. Thole who airti 10 tcome adveoturtrt. may fee thefchf rru, by calling at In-. mof' nUNCrVN LIVINGSTON. May get oll'Ji Jrmiti, May Vt bad at iV. ofTKc. (ratci 7$ ctMi,) v - A ' tw coritt of the