T Hi W I L MI NGTO N G A 2 E T T E. 1l Wree Dollars per Annum. T H 0 $ 1) A , O U T O i) K 11 3l i7;t. NO?JHC MOLINA. "1 O ?!? sT.ATF. Or I j ' r-"" "i " i i i ami 1 1 i LONDON : ! i k ,. STATE PATER, The pccteft of 'fiie. King' of Ssnii- nita agair.lt,, the conc'iid of "ihe French in driving liim i from hi.s dominion?, has betnji4h,li f5)4-i n a'.i ti c foreign journals y it is da ted from the Road if Gftgliari,. 3d of March. 44 His Majelly declares" that the, hotior til his per fori, the interefl ot his family and of his fuceeffors, his connections wmi trtenetiv powers. We the Hipp; le t!C German to .ccdition, hut i!:at there is to be lilon murdere i-! a ijormtdublc cc-optration , lttn tramletor tim ottfflliies. In ev ery wav t-iie rciml- the Ei.L'lifh dim nat-am . ' flic of !' ranee is 10 be attacked, jiv:rJ '! tytfce nioh fkiHul negotiators (t . nAeurdtrtg. to. prujgte advtr es re alms, flat toned at the mod con- ; cents at Verima, SS1yr;flrr'.v an I vthtei.t roir.tf . . who are to exert n?teiitr-h:nrc -bad Afisa'iScmrnt.' la ..... ' . . ? O 4v ' paiti- ai to affae'vtry fide of the liill cuijrs are givm that can enSbi n- gi antic enemy. This compaign to appreciate il-e dtgfec of .-credit to Win then lore b as vigorous and , which this 'iiaicnjrt$ j .entitled, united as ail the former have 1-e.cn VVe vettfcrdar, rxeived a "letter one 2 rV. and made part o: our. tro -o-- - a . a vari'-e ever that txver, ann ioir kv :-J 'umfsff Viiu tfte rett. as taU tit i.M.!i1i. ot iltcWaliT woui" great, merit of ths artillery corps, zHthe ititinencc or arguments and which the Uacr wagtMearedt hy.ihe mof. powerful armies who rher Update r'.or- aW other !aifii;o and disjointed... Ifihefball froip$.omb-iy, Hat'lpg, that iTOiUli Umm tha "etstyir of this, attack. ties-hv?- aetm.llv .e-dmrrWnrWt he. .- ,....,.'......: - ' t m . - ' - jmpole. it on him as a outpto gro- UAe .hiy be dtttrojed by bein tween the "iriit.jtovunimei .... - ' - - - 't-'TTHfrT.... ... Li i 1 ' . i . i . Parma, winch tjjnerat noi( nnoi lt rn immediately entered. Field M.irihul Lieut. OitToon "-after dnl the fauiCL and having iuimeuiately and I leu' -.rii advancea Ltt.ards, under .nder-lm '(jatletheun .againll. uie enemy .MlSceutriui. j.t,''nNteSr.H4b of the WIBS to W ern- 'ttatid that this " ..ir.municaiion is ' -to., Keio, he maJe preperations which he had been compelled to gloved en this dC'.afidn. are to be K'uS-rmeii bv anv ntioiai advice re-; to tollo .v them, ldmfelf witlt his '.:. : . i.t.. r.-.ti Iwi.t . ! I: -in t . ... -i i. -.-'. f x- S" r . ,-' W .'?.- ffn n. lerroories rr inctununcin, ycany at ne tariiitu me neinninir ceiveo at trie inc.ia iun.ie we lay and to abandon for a timt the ex, , of- next roor.th, when tlie Ihips it betotc otir ru der ,ViWi:hout pre erctfe of his power. HedeciaFes which hav;ejaied, in order tp'brinj fuming- to vouch for hi aVcnracy : upon the faith and word of a kin, from ihc continent the . Rullian altiioiif.ii from the (rccaf-condndl V-'h-ch retreat, accOrditiu . to con ihat not only he fever infringed, e- ' troops, are txperted to return. let Tippo-, it is til'htVidbable that firtuation received from Gen, Coutft Ven in ihe flight ell degree, the trea- j Such is tilt urgency wiih whic!) fiich an evafnt lias umn, -etc this .ta- Kichan was tireciing" in two co '.vhica hi. again confirmed its fame under 1'ie foataWMijnr Chi tfie"capiaUMJ a; tiiiccrs Pei- ;e.-m.t !Vr ure pnrpofc. of pene-j tel. - . iritjiig to 'Parma, in, cotymaiion j " Our lfs crmSfts of one officer with general C'unt Hoheiizo'.lern. I an 1. 3 4- men kiil.ed-, ind a fmafl "'V To this account is added ano-j ouin'jer wounded, the enemy's foTS tftr from tbegertv of artillery Kray,'. (who OAviitg to the violent l)orrtbard-; dated Jtinaf J, according to which j ment h.id ferfca:C4ncc-t rated to one the enemy ra already avacuA'ied ' tingle point) is .greater without ,wOfDS, M This confirms the complete re. treat of the enemy , fiom lut fid. lit made with the French Repub- government prefs the cpuipmcp.t of ken place. Our leusjr of which the liAfins thrcnu; thcic columns retreating on,. Mo.tona r one of the lie, but on the contrary that he ob- the (hips at Woolwich and Dept- ftryed them with fticff fcrupulous ford, that admiral Mitchell, who e&nefs. with Inch drmonftration ris-to hsve the maritime command of of amity and condefccnfion, that j the expedition, has been down at ; po Sa;.b ott the ?d ia(i month, at ' " tSen. Melas further mentions, he tar exceeded the obligations con- the dock yards Icvtral time It nee 1 IV tracled with the Republic. It is laft week, artd viiitcd tha fevetal following is an eMT.taL- is dated, Bimlx&t Match 1 . ; i bih.ti)ad, the other 4IongjtIie moun war was oecurcu a-'ftmit. l ip- anr. - , . cy.npariioa and wmi be ifated iu ih-j detailed accounts Which is .exoeit ed." ' ' ' : After' t lie French . troops ha, evacuated the citadsi, two bstti'v ioris of the regiment vf Stuart en. tared to garrinVtr it. G?n. iCaint with the rtlt or the deviMoh,. put himfeli on his. march to join the ar-i my, expecting tp reach Cadeinuovo di Scrivia on :hs 2cth t and thenunc tv tion with gen. TJellcgarde on the Bormida, being confeuently aifec tcd, the liege ot the ci'a.lel of Alcfa fandria (for wliich the train of ar tillery has been already Ordered tr: Valenz-aij will likew ife foon foli " law." - fhip8itrha quarter, in order to fee that every pvVlfible expedition was ufed in forwarding ihun for fca. July 20.' The French accounts of the com bined fleets extend to tire Indian. t arch ry Out armies are already that Field Marlhal Lieut. Count notorioui that all the care and foli cimdebf his majefty were contin ually direded to fecure refpeft to every French citizen, particularly the troops rationed in his territo ries and pafling through them to ; rcpafs, and punifh thofe who in- lulted them, to obviate e.vcn trie vell founded rcfentment of thofc who, Outraged by military lieen lioufiiefr, mirjit iiave been led to violence. He rmtefls Hktwife upon the faith and vord of a king, a- aii ft any writing whatever, pub lilhd, infiniitaing tliat itis majefty carried d'n arty intelligence with t!;e powers hot.ilc to France. In proot vi thik he' refers not only to the ac counts traniniitttd to the French government, and to what has been advanced by its generals, but the) imperial evidence which the rnfn- als mentions, p'rtparai ions are ma- for the Ttfreign depart ment towards Syringapatarrj, Bliegard iiaiioned na Aleiraa- which place, with Mangoly.e, and dfia, was aliacked on the 26th .'on all the Bcduate country, .will, I the right bank t)f the Bormidai by hope, be in our piii'Viiioiv in two G, n. Moreau, witli all the iorce months at i'arthefl.'' w.is much fupcrior to Bellctrard's Ytiicrday aftenman,aptaio T. corps ; yet the latter Oppofcd to the Graves-, of the. Venus-- frigate" af- eh-my the'bt'avc'ft refinance, almofl 2A-h I ttVwd at the admiral v -with hiida'ch- lor ji. ho ir - ; and only to cover Council of Five IIuxDREn. 24 tfe!T.lor, July , Efchad'eraux , by a motion of dp dcr painted t lis d ingers of the coun try and tharathy of public fpirit. Shall the enemy laid' he "penetrate into our vyives and children, and bring -II tverv and dcfolation amdn'a .. . 5 ivT t f '"-1 ino. I i.vear bvthe rv.i oh r. .-v j . i - us ? tl. time, iwu nays taitr men our own i e nviu i.ari .11. nL-wii, waita vm-.ir-i vnwimi or our arm es, by t lie love vviiic'u intelligence, and (tate that they fail-I art l'dd tp eon la id ills oHici. ac- CiiandTia, he took a more co'.iccn -! t ')c French have fr li;erty 'tha ek fro.nf Cart huge na on that day for count of the junciion pfjhe Fituch trated .po'fition behind the B'drmlda. I grca. nation has not ioHiscner'v &A'ii tli-11 ik.cu r Apim'ti-n tr,A S.irvnill) Accit: h the i-d i i. r I " In tills tin ia deinnt ifn of the i n-n . 1 . I Mt. . -.1 . . il .. . 1 . .. ..... ,'ni..ii . ik-.... ... 11.111.1... I. .I,! 1 . ' tie n. 1 1 a nc" 01 unr n.e.s a hi me lan-aii. ,viw.i-.i "m m.iub uiiiuiici. 1 forei'..ht of our minilier, in patlr-g theflrciglits ot Gibraltar. The fame journals, mention, however, what From the Lon loiiiGazette. cnenty v, ere made prWoners. I'.eiu ii.'purM the orator) imitate 'the Marthal Ucnt. Bel egard pra.fes .Rorlf,n, after the battle of Ctnnae, 1 1 1 t t 1 -I t i r 1 v t 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 r'Vrt inn ifw t ... . - r . ..... . i , , v"-v. --.ic; us 1 wear On the a hur nf DixvKz-Jirctt, July 20. '99 Keuerals Barron Seckendok ftnd 'country, to "defend our ltheru a,i 1 1 1 1 - 1 1' . . 1 . u .u 1 ' 1 ...... ai- .. 11 . . 1 . . 1. ' . . . . our readers win tie gian . to leant; ' jvi. patents a wwm uie roitpw-pw'iuu n.tau.i,a wen as uteDrave-; the republic till death This e that three 'arge (hips wi:li i2,oc ing are a copy and extract, havt-W v of Lietit.. Co1. Proijafci, ot lhe; ral and f demn aath wiil makf fhi men, on board troni iMaha and E- been received 'from the lUViitlrtttU JJiiarter Mailer General's Staff, armies of delpors tremble - teac' gypt, have been wkfcn l y the Eng- ; Colonel Robert Cr. ctord. by ihcjw.lowas wojinded on tha head. jthcmt;ut the French people' art kU lilh near Toultm. A letter irom Riliht Hw Lord tftrunv-fjk, his " ' he combined Corps of Field ways, the fame -J t h ' .k-., t r ..uL. c . Mi.a,t ..ri.,.-i...tr,.,...r- .: ti .. M..-I1.-.1 tU. d , a,.A '. . ,,,4t win Ijiiutk.. l 11 11 iyii ii 1 lit i.in . ...wit. y - w. .1 . ivv 1 ..tm 1 y wi i,rti. ." " - ...... w . . , ' 1 Uc VI C I ,')('! Oil s 3 a I n ac . I. . M I T 1 II I . . -I--" .I IOC ifttrs and public reprefentatives tcho! king there for 'he arrival of ti body j were at I urin have given to their ; of Kulhans, who a.rc to join a 1'n- refpeilive courts. It is cafy for a r.y one to decide, from the acts be fore the public, that the adhearance of his majcliy to whatever was im pofed upon him by the fuperior for tes of the French Republic, was till, totce fhortly expected to arrive on the continent. But the molt extraordinary part Zurich, Sfqly 6. My Lord, I have the honor to inform voin loth V, ranee mult h - i ri h i i, .. V-tmrt r tilteijzoj.cri. , being chart:- o( Vu ".if i : i fit f '.i j Til 3 - ' .'MiikB iiiiiii u; ltd ,v. in u.ng Gw-m Maedonald, 'nothing but acamp, and the French I Fte d Marthal Cm.nt . buwarrow, IwthHtg but f.ldieri. BiatUcittna ;brok? up Irom I-tOrcnzolo on the are io arm k.r the d-fence of ti.ir 1 Lordlhip that on the ih'.-.d in. I. a 2jduli. it!i tha grcateli part of i liberty ; Conliderbfe corps jf the rf-iht vvi.ig( ihe combine I Imperial ttoop, tolpcople tence ot tneir the reprefentatives of ih people Ihcfuld foruHh them wiih. e . i i . c .i r I K ,r i ' - !..-. It.. C .1 i . . ot ine contenis or .neie papers is . vjenrra. auiicrus army BAU'.r,aianvB v lorcfo marci.es to Hie provilions, arms and cverv th an article hich inlinnatcs (hat the the command ot the General nt di-; Seivia, not only to prevent gen. Met- ncLed'irv ' 'T'b- ,.r,, . !r4 ruliiig faftton arc nigociaftng wiih vilion le Conrbe, attacked Gtn-r- effecl but to lave his luWc&s in Pi cdmnnt the evils which a jufl re liltance would have occaConed, hit n ajrity being furprifed by an Un eaprded attack, which he could ne ver have fufpeeled from a power, his ally, and in a moment when, in (onCfqoence of the notification of the agents oi the republic, his le nc was put upon (he fooling oJ the ttiofl profound peace. Impell ed 1 y all rhrfe motives, his majefly ti H Ived wl never it was in his power, to make known 10 all the t otters uf Europe the injuflite ot ti e procwdtttgt of the Fremh ge Itrrali and agent,' and the nu-lii v of ihe reflfem ptj -in their Mauifef ipts ar.d art "l.'e fame time 10 re claim his le.nflateir ent ii, the do 1 ; tons of hit aiicellori. Ju y ih. Tht prepifat.wtit for the ferret e j et')lli4k tvnv day acquiie item foite. hionfequcnce ol an anpti ca.idn iriHe by the Rifht Hun. Henty Dundaf the dlteclors ot t! e KH-li d.a Comj my have per mused the fallowing (hi, t 10 into engagements with gortrnmeni lor three tnontht from tie fifth o Augwlt next, during vhuh thne tlryarernke employed at iratif poits. Tlx fli'p thus made over ,rrJ Thn Quern, (Uiflmdfcs Phrt-n'-t, R(ckmcl-am, Lord Walling ham, McUiHe CelHe. Farl Spen rcr, Good P"pe, Kiince Wi.iiam JLr.ry, andllawke. ty tl.it ariatf mcrt mirifr.t will i. ure the meant nf tranfport irg a tery tsuwerlul bntfy .t men id ui.ft.ut di awing away horn il tnal or coaffi g trade ( n t y of the trgntar vttl.ts at inocali..n an i.ittr.u lion, or give prevrwe for 1 life it. 'It port ol nitirt. The ttnp'otniriit of In n.aii) latjpe Ottpt c fi l Rivet a m'cuf io the re- reiu horn pe'ncirating Unher, but ltd to undertake filch oncrations in only teniporary, and cotfl have noithekinc of Prullia, mid tiiroujth al lellachnz's pofiiion in t h.r can- him witli the allies, 10 reltorc a cm- ton ot Sehwc.tr, on the w.itife ox- as crcnnmaiu t may reqiiue 1 flilutimal line, This article is , tent of his from, Irom the bill tol'l""'-' pari-.' 1 countenanced by another, dated Vi-j to Schwcit z and Bruncn. L " Ag.-ie.ildc to repo.rts fromCeti. tnne, 14 MelLdor, July 2, which! The afhiir lafied thegreatett pnrl'rvray, .he noted Cifa p r e General fays, 44 a PtuHian tourier, the third of the day andalihouili 1 lie F'en.h i La H .r, in fn ill to iiave (kf-ru l ;n a few dayt, has arrived here on I at first gained leme (jround, iheyfthc French party, iltc'.ired hintlllf I lie orator dem,nd,-d illowi.m refolutibus fhi.nlJ ail n. of importarce. 1'here is a repon tit aHembling all the minilt ers of the belligerent powers at Raft adt, to agree upon piopofitions to be made to Franc, ami to adopt a declaration. 'to be illited before a fo! dier enter lief territory." On a fubject like the prvfet.t il would be impertinent in u to enter into pre mature l ei illations, nor will thole vt ho are in the habii of reading the S'ar lay fuchcondott to out charge. V e may be allowted, however, to repeat wr.al ve have (iltener than netell irv that the' be referred to.i fpccial committee I hr hjs-ifiative body dedarrs ibe conilit.ition cf its allies 10 be un. tier the protection of the loyalty of a , the rreiuh nation. Evcrv fii.--i Fmm .A. . i- 1. renchpanv, declared hintlVlf Lrtlr.d L f.rar'" " vere aherwards cMitpictely rcpgl-.ar'aat them, and .collecled a intls!m,i1'Vi a led 5 andneral t clIaclM.z corps a 20,000 Pealant. Accarriing to A particular .d.ninirtration fhall re occupied all iu ,l.rrmei pos.e, , the fan. a !; .ecs he makes mcur-:f crcaIc.lf ch fuperimend except Brur.n, ot wh.,1. the ene-. fions on .he coast of the Atlriatir.t'h8 mantjSaiire of tiw " n,y Ittlintd polb lhon on the We-ihai rapttrrn ahd aanifm.ed Se.ug. The exp.r.ation of c'very thnLe if 01 nc in. oiii 1:0m n t;.t: hjji n i.ortuo. uni r ii nni ni . . ir . . . . o l.J .r.. .J '.ir.i .t. ' : 1 'j .... , i'"" y on war is : I p..... . d 11 I' ft . I .! . . l...t?-l Msinr ucnerai tel. ant tz 1 e- " w 1111 a rero.-t irom flows t 1 tat praile on ihc tonin- Melaa dated Sii..'e -ia, J. probi- i i ! uoopt 01 u,e cantoat 01 Vj.a- occn icre.veo an via and Scheiut I turejof lltecjlaile 1 have 1 he honor to he, tfcc. ' The work ROBERT CKALIOkl). fiece nl thai ,.: -3' 1' L'UCI" arrpnircfTcdofgnntL u. Gc.cral aft. ,0,,tCJf ,ht the Mu- low a4,has nicipal Ai nhdlha.lon. t.t o 11 O. IHC WJ" . . , I ol I nrin. reunir.d once had ocofion to flate that the, Extract ol a letter from Limr Col. ilu lomb Craoloid to Lord Grenvillc, daicd ult. audr .iiruh, yh July, 0,9, I it. ve inmh lat.tlaatnn in te. ptefent hat tuver tppeared to ut 10 he 'hat order of things which de ferved or pollitlV .o..ld turn on. to U permatwt ; but what ti c 1-mii ing able lo iulotm ytwr I.orlhip, of f veri,nt..t may be that 1;JI thai in confrrieme of the total K . fuccevd u, nmeir.iiH lhcw. leat ol tcneral Matdnnaldt ariny The HAMBUi-GH MAIL and ihc rmcat of Moreau, Gene Due on V " a.iivrdj'a! 1 Sadditk't Corpl, ll deft. nan.. n la!l 1 tgrt. lit- itiielligiri.ee ttr.-jur which hat been In trequciitly thargert, it now rendcdly on Ihe point ol entering Vatait. 'I.lii.i.cd in ire V irnua von.t a Hrai amicipated bj the pri net it.feitrd in jclterJay's '!. ate !tu artnlrt Imni itiCturgh Gillette ami Con. ftpVi hiJi i''uniti nce the ot I i.'Mvapaiit- I avi.g ber n t'ly repHllfd I tune Si. Jolin , (11M lW JtiV1rf tjertr rail rnd it (oi.lit'vraLlv retiuctd, 9 h ht only one who h w.en pi0oTet1 10 have laden; thefc accounts however , it 1 to be nb felted, ate ol a ' n uth tar -r ihulr wh- h have lately teen n J Ir.T.i b'r MJrty 5nnh. ia tied e't i vatc Star, the Y tlantii iron repea1 tfXt 1 Uidvt J.'" re.ii All -: farted in it f. per, n'tpjioiit tatnrable 10 r I4 Ifftm K-Vri in- anib.iti h pa. iitumllaiirtt ol the a-'det, . f. . .. ... . 1 m. . . . .1. . . .. A. - i poll M.l il i mi kf Mta ifm-n r--.. a '' " ' . ",, ly that are u b tmpltytd to the taken by Horn, the whole gt. 1 IK COUtlCl) or l-r&l fir rn it. ' of ihcfpctch and reloluuor.s to be ; ; rmtcd, and t a: V,U y UlwiM be 1 iclei red to a commit tr ,-,.mn,.i..i ot Icvy.i ir.rmbers. The prclidcnt innoiinccl, thit iwo.mpt.rtant lubiccii a. ,n f.. Ihort . time r.iav I 'U. ile a fei 7,1,.. ' , y ' ir 1 .. lOMciMuon relative t the loa-i ni iil.ery oih.ttt an.l 85 ca.moiieHk oim Imndi . 7.. . . one ttiiifl'C'l inillinnt. aiH .... 1 1.. . 1 ..1. - 1....I i . . ... . - " . - . ... . y , n.uvco Jtlapidj.,oi.i.-(The d. a. t...e d thotcd, sud all aiiktunl .. . . . r -.! r frtm ail pat fl.) at cunt ft v fin h violeu c lb I. d ;oh witli CIC theeiien.y' ordiMi tic plan , iHehttd Inih't tnerctnej 'uam'cr n'Oiolt.i cc l .r ilcltlidiiig thehi.il? com a capii.ilaiion w ma o'i 1 r NNA, July 3. ( Frtm tie Cri Gaul ft ixtrttr 4ityy Ih tjt 'July., Owing in tlte ron'iiii.aliwovf. mcpit the Army ir. Italy hat been, finte tin- three laft (uu'Cftlul h'. ties, near Ihe Citidrl of Si. (J.o- vai.ni and on the Trtbia, tl hai rlcr hitherto Inn In.ptolTibh' to let t!ie I " tircumliatttial dc'aili of ihefe tat.j"' ,hc lies. Meanwhile we Itain by a I'1 more treent atcoont hum ihe Gen. ' olCaalty, Milat, datej Khirt-n- uff"' ti'o, Jonea2, the Field Mtrlhal " I Lieut. On btoke up tai'.jr in 1; i'vJjf ' 1t.n1. .ing from St. 1 nni.m, and ad-1 '"hty varkid in the fmV.l tiver Tar, j 31 3' lietehr tivrrtoedl the k m my't R rat y (iuard, took limy h-.-tfrr.fn prtf. 1 w h't.'h wa ! ih.! in the n.lhi-. irg aud an lit roi! Jf, the til, at ta On il aad In th IMtw grttund . lai tl li 1 1 1 - - - a , lra tfa 4rllrr frt l.,rd Iheletie.t frwrn pN.lUlirii.n,.ld Itlicilih otil .1 .iiM .,rl!-.-i ' v ""It III eopica Wcte ";' "Ucrtce lowl beCji ferfi.,.t t,v , e I l i.ikiin governtticiii iytn Are ili .t rif-nimnrch. ,,'rt"'r,'u" 4l it'a'dlare had NMde. . Inn 11,. it fca. m 9 oil m xLaI geweeal tall. .. iii.ll the army ol (,cii. B.io.. .pan A rPhMe ) .iclee.ed I iH.i,,ti on TLl -,"tp,,t ' t t t;e ftoi.l 1 tltttC ,'. Bo tip iu ImmI hi conreoiieur ''lMMj.M,,.eU,i(nf olj.(gd u Vfteut '!, ' . gtfgr and i nn eiciiof the a.rkners tj the 1 1 t r.icnreinwiro.J0p, , ,n h.l.l im.iifftf, llcy o0, oPjv ,u j" 1 tatnny In pOriait ot u.ia, pM. 1, ,1 r p itched older i h prop, r pherf , - WW at i.titht Le potieUe iu .JS. .e.retii al ' ,ha heUt.l 1 I rrncti Ceoa ''''' 1 .. lent 1 .-.m I na.tf h.id arrived at Cob . . ... i.