THE WILMINGTON GAZE TTE. 11 kJlAM r-ir-r 11 n if in . i T H U RSD AY, OCTOHll 1,1799. Vol. III. No. 144. I III tC .. J'v ' m - J PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY ALLMAND HALL, PRINTER TO THE STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. FROM THE CENT1N EL, jperated theTrench foldiers to, road. Let the m emory of f 'its heroilm Mr. RvsriL, Mnclofe you an exttaft ".from R rit i (h Mercury for CfefflMti be r lalH a work edited by the celebra ted J. Malldu Pan. If any Ame rican can read the ta'e un'olded in jn it, without the mingled emotions of pain, horror, ai-d indignation he ntf. When he had no more vic tims wbofe throat he might cut up on the livdd of battle, he fought them in the valley, which froqone era to the other became a prey to flamesTand to the most horrible car ing. First Stanzirtadt, then the v llage, the hamlets, tie numerous htbitations fpread about the hn- is a frt fubjefl: of tiireclorial govern- rtngh of Stantz, honfes, barns sta- ment, and dtferves, all the tender bl, for three leagues round, -'were mercies of French fra ernity. Pieafe fer on fire, given up to pillages, and to jive it a place, and oblige laid wasje Unto cruelty with a bat- , oar tv unknown in modern htstorv. Thefcrociotifucfs uf the French An enemy to POOR SWITZERLAND! After defcribing'the intrigues by wh ch the French difVufed their ooifonsin Switzerland, and at Mengm invaded it , M, du Pan gives i a lU;f! 61 view ot the event of Un derwaiden, as follow, s :- , ff The horrible fcene being, without exception, the mod enor nibus, of the crimes of the French republicans, and tne molt -finking prodf"of the fpirit of tho govern ment, and the chancier of its 1b!-dier.-., we may be allowed to rerttrn to that event. W have a tull view of it in an authentic letter written on the fpot, by a refpecla h. native ot Switzerland. There we fha'-l fee that the Thermopylae, the battle ot St. James, and other celebrated actions, could not boall of men mor: 'nobly devoting them- felvcs for their country, than did the Swifs of Undenvalden.. " It was" (fays the writer) " in the valley of Sent that the difcon. tent broke out, which more fecret ly agitated the other vallies of the (mall cantons who had been di Han ded by repeated intrigues, from join trig the inhabitants ot Lower Un derwalden. Lett entirely to them ftlVeS, theiatttr entered, notwith standing, into the rcfolurion of Jtrifhing with arms in their ands, rather than lurvive the fub jucalionof their coiinrry. Having affeiiibJed to the number Of 12 or 14.00, tlit y entrenched Ives at Standltadt, on the border of the Lake Lucerne, at the entrance of the valley of Sunz ; w hi re t hey cr a cl cd b a t u r i, s , & m alle thtir ftifpofi'icns with judgment. " On the 9th ol Sej tember in the morning, a ftrcrg. French column leaving Lucerne, on rafts loaded with artillery, proceeded to attack thefe heroes, and were thrice repul ftd. A ftnglc difcharge from the a a a more tuna 2 paras, carrying 500 n 1 ii. The French were difcou raged and refuted to return to the charge At this critical momtnt genera Scfatnc nburL'. promiftd a rewardot a thoufar.d unwns 'iv.J to tin hift boat thai flu uld land, and de claied that he would order a dif charge of car.ntfter ihot lobe fiitt upon iholc vtho fliould attempt tu fallback. f '1 bis men fii reproduced its ef tict ; a ba-k Tract tne li.orc ami lat '(d two rnoitan, with whith a battery was difmnunttd, and the difembarkation of the rest of the (Oiinin facilitated. At the farm- time a fecund still itrongtr column dniibltdt'teeavK-ru extremity ol the lake at Alptiaih, and by bvc paths came upon thr lelt ot the little of Surdzdadt, who were aU irott al' fot n pllailtd in th rear 1 y the third l oiumBkihat had landtd at Htuhs & Stairs and wrc thui Completely luiroor.did by funes ten lime fupcrinrtn thrm in number. T ben b-pao the battle ttid li e csrnage. Our rustic heroes fire nevt v fide, ficht foot to fiot. tulh moi glhet cmy's rank, (lay end rc (Jain. 'I l.efc rrot'ntaiaceis were feen prefTng Frtmh ofVi'cn fo death in their DCfRWI armi ; old men. women and ihildtrn, ton. fed by lite noble exarr.p'c, ;.nd Catchlfit: the tnibuftafm ot their font, of 'heir bulbtt ds,nd cf tl vir father, anpeatrd thioviiig them- felves into the ir.idft f tl I i-rctich baita'tons, afmit g thtmft'.vet with club piker, pUccl of muflceis, in. hr ?rrv f the hu mane body strewing the ground with arcalcs, lod falling with fatiffcction ol baviig tount tu ma 1 in the f native U' d frte from fnreiPW rnkc. I kis iasi edible tcfiitaiKC aiaf ronch vented t kit upon every living crea lure, atid upon the bodies ot thofe who had just expired, without the distinction of agt or fex, -and wMr' circumstances of moas'trous inh'u- teach you what your country has fight to expect from you ; and re member, will 1 add, if Switzer land Ihould be ttill under the yoke. retnember that iyou have a country tnat calls tor vengeance. Yes, Vengeance ! Venceance ! for vengeance will be jultice and be", nevolence to the human 1 ace, Ven geance is the cry with which forty millions of human creatures, op- pretR-d by the revolution, ought to aniwer all tfie jujceptibfe ladies and compajfitnate. idler's, who call for moderation a lublnnc virtue, but wnicn nas its limits : nor can its wife applications extend to a go vernrrtenr, at the name of which e very family muft tremble, whik millions of (fcauded flaves. and J'r Ji1.' . - , ,..e V' inanity, which makes thofe who hear ' fhamqlefs villians' crowd its coun themlhuddcr with horrr, and of c''S, its ar:mies, and ivs douiin- whichl fpare yout feelings the re- ions." cital. I . ' '- 7- - " The inhabitants of . Schwitz, i FromJ.RnJfeWsCommerciaiGautttc vvhO had at first been incliied re join the difcontetited, but who had been restrained, from the objedl and ex tent of the expedition being conjal- I hearing the cannonade in the BTorning, were ajhamed at having dtferted their brethren. 'Two lundred of tham nallily armed thvmfelvrs, forced the pod which the French had eltablilhed at Bru ren, to intercept the communica tion 01 the two cantons, and te- ards the end of the day arrived at 3tanl2, the conflagration of which) raging at its height, (hows them the refult of the action. Upon this thofe man, worthy of Thai r anceltors, fwcar in the face of Haaven, net to outlive the fate of their brethren, and to revenge thsm in dying; they ruth inftantly upon a body ot 600 Frenchmen who were lent to oppofc them, and whom hey exterminate. ITeln corps come up, and they ars overcome by numbers, hut not one of thofe he roes violated his oath otic and all died ?n nrmu. " What ffrength of character ! I enemies what a Iction to degenerate nations who boali ot being the lovers of li nen y 1 I5ut why to lute in devo- ing themielves thus fublime'y ? V year ago it would have faved There u no . idea the public has gained lo flowly, or that is I'd unfi Qiiliar in common reasoning, as thr pacific nature of the controversy withfrance. Even yet we do out utruoft to iiken the cale to other way. There is no luck refew blsnce. Tbe ltruaiIe has heretofore been torce a?ainlt force. I he to was ever external, his numbers were toumcdj his weapons afnned to hun by the laws of war. Ortr enemy fcorns thefe laws aitdrefotts toother means of annovance. We. finhc netromancer, who is feeble and un lurnilhed with all known and lawful arms, and to be feared only by (ns Ipclls and incantariom. hejy toui)" try ht Iobk rab'-'e, wretches luuk in ln ilui jK)vefty without any fure calt, and knaves with too much of it. Folly, credulity and wane are the clay ; vice and ambition the porters, at work tor the diredtory. Lvcry where the French have found iuch allies ; and every where r.v,u!.:r go rernmcnt nas lound uicft eneinics - its geance, out tor iporr :ne guu.uuoe wasa fpeciacls that afterat'nne i'carcely excited a l;ght curiofify the days ol murder were kept as anniVerlaries, thofe black days on whith one wou'ei think eVery Frenchman would fee the tin, fhcon ot hts beams, wading in hick mifts. Revolution is an agent rhat mult change, and thatmy det- rroy : It melts like hre all that is futible, and calcines or vitrifies all hat is not. Jt blackens even goldj houe h tt cannot, watte it. tn r tuple of liberty, fo lplendid for its ute and workmahuiin, i.S built of pe ifliable materials, and all ot them Combmltble. I'he irrftrument of revolution i the vant and vjee of every country which France arravs, and trains, and officers. There is not the lealt rea- 6(1 to doubt, th'u very work has been 1 their own frontiers, -and will draw great rei"torecm3nts from their millions ot aojci flavcs : French flaves however, who are ii.fttiattd with the paiiion t6r cpr.quelts, an'A who in their hearts with to lee tho Zf-.s of Paris could not bear the node of horn cide on the (taoe, yet hev csme trbui the play hou!s, ne'ting with loft forrows to behold, iay totaft the freth blood nf victims tn the (trecrs. Blood was Ihed, hot merely tor plunder, not raerefy forvr npominal repuj-icamim of their nation propjaieii., use m.-guc- tif;n, fword in hand throughout Europe. Even fuppofmg vrctrj to atten i the combined forces this revolutionary giant will be dreadful when he falls; wounded and in mortal agorties, he mult be ap proached with precaution. FicViort will (till cling to France, its o yn being depends on its fideliry 3M lefs it can hope for foreign ' invad ing troops the more will it try to gain recruits, the more watchful, industrious profligate in weakening government by fpreading ruino arid jeaioufies. Thus will it doubly gain ftrengtp by aiHi ng to its own1, and taking-away from that of its adverfary. In this ftate of things is it not a folly, a fatal rafHncfs to think there il any fafety in new compacts with r ranee r W hat can. Where, that the men are enrol-; ".ation 00 qui rarnun uiro led, armed and waiting only for ; r .utx Ul "7"ou,lP Iomuieaa French troops to be-landed, or B -irr our govern, vents, dverfe to our government to rofnf .tB reltorc to her parta(rf ... ... . 0 . at their nnn a.tivirv nrt n.n ..C gamtliem lumcent internal itrcngtn , f " ' . i"" load without them. Nothing but the . ' ' ft -eP want offuchdrertgth has prevented , J bind our princes (:he con, an open rebeliion? W.ll any rttao ' lo " tetters of then deny the wifdom, the humanity ;. . p . even of our goverfltnertt, which has kw . 1 " " not j 5 i-t . he worth a jkin ot parchment, prepared artnl and forces and rtve- w , . , . r?" "fw r x Mi . u . 1 WnY thould we deceive ourfelvcsi m. "JT VW " and trv to deceive the world as to difcouraee the at'.e.npt. Is it not!.: . r.JS." oerfeaiv clear that it is cheaper to ! " " . 7?V r VPCI1 ' J war w o 1 at nnrp nprnm amp iitua nrit, it no ra.fe troops to prevent an mval.on or : tion n wM ca f rfht mn rhn to renpl rhp nnf nf . . r 1 " ' " , ri wouia aicertaitl our crum cue o.nerr uy preparing ; more L ,$ fe orce we have happily prevented the: is if t!lcb jacobins rea Werea dire nece-Ttty ot re to ic , fcparaate pe-aple. The unhed Irilh Let ,heCaV,ller. ag.mlt government imen th3 Amcricans of jjj be dent when they retieft that i : ;gang cod n()r as t do b . t ie part of preemption to lay that a nMoa with impunfty. ' lUviu nave uecu - i-ic tt hovve.-r ,.r,. l , - - f i 1 . i WNI ill 1 what good reafori law emeanor, lucft witjiout inch preparations a we Te, p0f be declared, mar is more man tney can snow.- , there .... . ,lav . nafs ! i . a V- r . a " w trmmw i ,rt.,.iitti-,i,pii.. .w-i.. inir(i(if Hi -i neaif. tDit inti"'u '"" ""urr-iun """' u to mini h aft MlldrihMm C I. . Mf LI J A 1 1 - l r i . hlnitp t thm nri.Hvnr I irr urh I f h. n . ,it s ior n me oiuoa. tu tnoie ro wiiom " .w....6 - bus as womn oe trealon .in time the law is no triend, (Urn inumsmty, tne lotinu economy ot our!0f war. The French are our eno- ruien wno nave tnns empioyeo pence oj,egf adhering to them is a crime wMTeHwiw a inypu.. ,..u Bgawut the ttat, and it iulticiant rather lee uniform eoats thao gib- protriflon is not already made by to r rancf, who is no friend to the I law. l: unot txttnial torce that can annoy us. franre owns not one Switzerland. 1 he trench attack- merchanr Oun. a,i thr rrmmm . bit, ami a day ot review than a held w. it murhf an b mieU,;- ed and dtftroyed thofe ui.t.-rtiiiute ),cr imy thi,s ;f .- rr.v (n chanue ot bittle, as to our new raifed fol" ! it. Miuuinnuicci. ni.ii luitc ui ,u . pritun. ifijonly by fatt.on, by u,cri "r"'K "Ilcnuc uic. i he contelt we are rngajed in i men: the battle lafled from 5 , prfncn mflnehte that we can fuffci . ' "P1 " U the childifh of all novel and perilous. France cannot o'clock in the morning untill 6 in iy hearinu and amiatiiif ali that itu,efc A little army kai tend 6ji the ! fend fhips or troops to ahnov us. the evening. foul in our lociety. the tliiecloiy mav C3a'1 ami Rentier over a (pace of ; All (he can do fhe is duina. that is. It 1 verycafy to lay thatUiey brine on that violent ioieltine lo ncn- ,l",e hundred miles could run fuhdue ; operating by her faction to indu m were tanaticlcd by their prietts. t .u., :u .a.n. ,t,- :f t, an araed nation, as this nation actual- Amri.-a liltr iiwltTfrl . i u.j hat fanatici fm is at lead a Rlon- I ihiilt not work di-llrurtmr..r .r'Hy This ftate alone is an over- ;nd 10 commit filicide. ous ami a uletui one, That maxes a. )(J (f - ( th amr thl u .mate for all the troop of the Unit. men eucounter death in defence of I .... Jj l. i-a ti. ed State. This ftate hai at leatt their laws, their liberty, and their jnuy n ffenle characler of oar "e htonejpt-d and forry thnuland men rnn.ifii A.. . . . . 1 ,, k..n t n . i . . i r .. - i 1 I'uiim . i AMCll.pi lid vll made to render all thofe martyrs ridiculous, by making the capuchin raul bugger their general It 1 the lalhion of the day hot the falfi- : 0oven.mrnt tnuld nm le nrrlervH 1 to Dear ;.rnn, ol hom a ipir.ted 1 o. t it' -i. ..u r.ii always aflailed, often in danger and nnc wuu, 10 a maa mm an foanetimes, m jeopardy the emilrUa,f"uPt 00 l Ut , ff' llruRole for it life aeainft all thotel lt might be faid that Congrcfi, IMiLO LAOCOOM. Laic Lurope.1.1 Accounts, LONDON, Augtif) 3. Patis papers tO tin- 20th of inclulive were iMfimi vl July r lav. of thit folly is aamoi.ftraied by whom It ought lodelpife and whom proceeding from ourfelve. inlcfled ( They bring the confinnation ol the not meiely " " .! r"'"',u "j .nurc 01 ji the extel.ent miliiary difpolitions recooitiend and iudiry. it will extort or "I'P011"0". never wo,,W m exception ol Leghorn, where ihdf they made, according to tne con- .4 (or ju ufe, the aitempt-or if it Ihould, tho left a fmall garnfon, probably 10 frllion t 'heir opprelTor. them- and perhaps in th. end loos. for ,, member would be turned out. jproted the laft embarkation ' and Iclve. No, their (.lory Is pure, ,.r Ti.- u.n u..k.l The only danger lo our fliehi of iheir n.t M.-.u ...u their (acfMit e was entire. Reduced to their ownforres alone, ihey did not nppcar 10 hav Imped for a mo ment, not to fall , but attached to their liberty, to their cu limns, to their foil, nmch more than to Iheir ives. they would have thought ihcrofelyesdifhonourcd forever, had il ty fut vised the ruiqjf their conn try. We mav deplute fo fruitlefs a patriotifm, yet ail but adoration is 111 due. 11 bomc day, when my children are old viough to undcrftand me, I will go with ihtni 10 StAMZttedt, ind upon the fallen heap Of that vailay, upon the craves A thbfc no- Mr ftllovi'. 1 will fay to theoi IK re ilutc lived a limple and happy people, (Irancet to luxury and lo the corruption of towns, a a a . a aaa. well as 10 l!.c enilution and dif. put cant great Itatr ; their niys piiltd pfitc.ibly In the. polom of na ute, and they were ihcltered b) their mountain! and ihrir Vrrbrais. A ar ' a a m r lormu'aMe enemy came upon them whets ihey 4werc deprived of ite ixwir nl in I. Minr tlwir an ucnt in( cudence -I.aet they (ought o irt laft . and buried th, under ihe ruin of iheir hsb rathfT vbam lira tlavu vithlatltsni. ne:e, order and liberiy I in the had efcaped t- (icnoa in a felu. a, . ....... B t?w. .uui ma miiiic uaiQr aim ariiiiery i. mi! A 1 1 . mii r . f.. I if unly In-, in . . I i... r ., i anrj ...i were iacn oy an r.turuin nrig ana amooiii ior a more ucawy eiuiici. iiwo privateers horn Vtnorca. a a ' vengeance nation will approve of fucli mrafuret and wane tafttnn it leen urttinj m Icalping knite and dipping i arrou in tn.l'iit. tii Bsaaa a lift m t ei - .. tvn, i r if w wew ill viwmill a ... , a timet are the mott jea'.Ous for liberty . 1 , w lr will lay, necelluy it above all law. '.; , Government itfelf will be v.ndic.ud M ft ,ot ,hf by a lortof rtvotu.iotary re.ton. i,,,'fa.lleo J'.mmcni.. Is it ... rml , If. If. iti.inl I n ( rj.r W nl, ,..A O....I .. i.k . "w .o..i..ii . ... . .ii . runic wnii'iiii ijiiiiik nri in.i wic irkiiw ano nuiin. i.nii or a pie- vailing factum, no lar it it tin r- roi troti being true, thatytf a fmri) aids among ot, tends to check and folico he fereruy Of our adnmnilra. lion ; that its ex fiance t aloiofl the only danger e can dilurn. With out Juth fetiy the government would be for a loop time at it it ai at F preleut i t cuire, imbrued with the; ion l.erer aid if that faction Ihould rife again, as il will w hat can favcus from civil war) 3urely( noPilie tender inerciet ot Frarce ; ihey are cruelties : not the paifiotifm ot the Jaobint; they boail of their p'lilan'hffiphy and would rejoice to lee their country bleed and burn lr the caufe ol humanrty. Nothing ran lave ui but the rrenrb party ebaracleri ol our aa.ld perp'e, th 'IB, kept down by the foree ot -o- .... .lt . n ik. an. It .1.. l I ...... . mndeft in the world, and the nurdl rclribiii.g the Incat of Peru. Even efititni', at foen ai they re tpifvlry elUbiifhed, eshiht thr iharauer and ajsnnrrs vf a rum n tint. I they have gradual k irminstid ( the niilooal tirarscler beteeiu I little worfe, iht gtjtemnxnt a Imtr ft 1 h Chanrr, ri favour .' c to iii it net left tn Affltiica. J If retolutmnary pn cats would dn the wffk U ge it a a-1 nih. Th U- vctnmtnt, aad the atiaihary 1t. r ol public opinion fo low and to weak thai ihev will imi take arm. Art we furc ti t hope will not fail u i Frsn.i ib' lately ibe.ktd will rife aeam in power Th allies ft end thr tr tone in earritof ? a ihey advance, 1 he l tenth ihay retreat, augment their own '.y withdrawing (Nm. They ta! a ewafti '. a Am a r V a r t f KafW r rt a a i 'It lfft I 'it mv I'lll' Vlrfl iratt tbalr ataate. They apprwath The recapture of Nao'cs ii ac. knowlcdt,ed : and the Freiuh,' wbd tciaaihcd ther: at thr time, air kerf a hollages for the Ncapoiitans wfwl have been fent into Fnlncc. Cicr.rral Mal!cnai rtated lobe m greater forte ihanlhe Archduke. and lomc murmeK cfiape at the in activity of the I rri c h. In the interior of France, irooni are continual y rt .. !.. I tlimi .,,, eatrrmities of the Rtnublie to Pa ri ainvng other the garr fon uf Corfu. Wl hear no more of Pruflian mediation and the aing, except m ilia C,', dm M "vn mi toturaty the Frei.c , ' .ute, on the amhvrtty' Joiin.a oiLiMir''ihe ia.e of Or lea. ,.- iec.i,i tba error of the revolii io ., ai received into the mercy and fa i JLOUU A IIJ. Th afT.IT, i, .. u . . - I.- m me aouiti are atieited tu , pub.ic y comnriitcd in the llietn of ?tc tWtl at noon day, and mt irt the a( plaufet of the pallets. gets. 'I he Couanc and robUrs of 1 aflW bbbbW bbbbbbV lr

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