G T ON GAZE T T E. i 1 hrec Dollars per Annum. THURSD AY, DC T O E R 31, Vol. III. No. i47. 1799. PU BLfSHKD WEEKLY BT ALLMAND HALL, PRINTER TO THE M A PK OK KORTH-CrtROLlNA. THE WiL M:I N a w. - v- m The Lateft k m i atr 1 (By the PACKET.) ? 1 LONDON,' Augu ft ij. Expedition tothe Continent, Outline of the proclamation, which hat-been printed both in Dutch ami Fiench, and which was pretty ge nt rally circulated yefierday, as all re.'fons for concealing the point of fl'eflinationandobje& of theiefcem are now oven From the fojlowing (ketch our readers will fee that no hint it given of any defign tapencr trate into France. It is a orocla. mat ion conveyed in very dilFerent terms from that of the Duke of Brunfwick , the fatal effeclsof which II fc-urone has to this day to mourn. ' Lieutenant General Sir Baled Abetcrombie beiog entrufted by his Rritsniiir miii-ltv tif good ally ofrthe United Provinces, with the command of an army def fined to undertake the important talk of delivering thefe provinces from the degrading tyranny oi the French republic, is charged to make a public and explicit declaration of the fentiments and intentions of his majelty, and of the augu ft fovereigns with whom he is allied in this great Work'. 44 He declares then that he and his army come not as enemies, but as friends to the provinces of Hol land ; to rcilore them to their rights, and ancient laws and enftoms ; to refcue their pcrfons and properties from theopprelh'ons to which they have been fubjetled : to re.eftabliih their rcliiiion. which has been vio- e w - latcd by the infidelity and atheifm of France ; to revive their trade and commerce, which has been annihi lated ; their lrgitimate government, W'Ucn has been overthrown ; and to reftore that happy concord and allance between Great-Britain rd Holland, which hat been the lourccoffo much benefit to both. Inthia endeavour it is, the fincere delire of his Britannic majefty and of the other Sovereigns, that there H 111 1 . r r m pnnn oe a complete torgetfiilncls oblivion, and amneftv of all that has paft : ar.d he hopes and trufts mat every true and faithful Dutch man will co-ouerate with hit bene volent intentions id reflating perfect peace, otikr and tranquility to the United Prnvinret. withnnr taenifk J . ' ' I I I ing the reftoration of thefe bleflings ty any aci ui violence or ravenge but that they will all exert them felvea in chicking and preventing excelTcs of every kind. It it the n oft ram ft wifh of his Britannic 11 aii f 1 v and of the (ovrreitn allies that it fl.onld be by the efforts of 1 . . svutctmun thcmlclvet, that the re ft oral ion to the bleffings of a regu lar government (hould be effected. " But if. after ih'it IT II I, HIS fl ..... f"- claration of the fentiments and in tentions of his Britannic n.ajiitv, ary Dutchman mould be foiiod.fo tteac herons to .his country, and to Its ancient IndatMatrtce, right!, and imertfts, at tn refill the good offices of the troops which arc in tiuficdto the command of Sir Ralph Abetcrombie, then he muTt tonlidcr them at declared encmict to good water and to their country, and 1 hr v - 9 wrm n uit not only confidcr thcmlclvet a. - aa. a 1 . .1. a a cacoipiKi irom me amnclty wich wai held out generally to all, but taped tube treated as ncmie, c c. " The failing of the hrft divifion of the armament took place vcltcr day morning, in con ft que ncc of 26 vue that the Ruffians had arrived at thtir dcfiinaiion, aadwerc ready to co. operate wnh the tngiilh. We touch at lenaih the moment th grand I In me of the confederacy, a. we,! a. it. Mftftt. UI hi devr- loped. Tk king of PrufTia can no l nger maintain lilcnce on the fub. jfet ol the league. If the Kuban m a a are to fliiernbrk on any point which oblige thtm u UaMkl lite of dcmarkatir.n ihaH drawn lor his ncutranaflfclea? r j t it Blh I . - miare nirairtiB MTnle! , ft have our doulBrfn m 11,1 the rarf ha will takHbt whrtlter he I it? avow himlcl ate believe thai there it 1 fuff cknt hudv of dif srTtdUin to the J-reiwh in Holland allies. weekffas been made to forward this Grand armament. On Friday 46 artillery waggons with part of 2000 j! 1 j ' ' . i .1 nana ot arms, proceeded trom tne lower, and yefterday 42 more, with tne remainder ot the arms a ci accoutremvnis for the troops, at Do" vtr, Margate and ftami.ite. ' The moft whimfical fcenes were dilplayed by the imprefliny; of carr riages. Co7ipaniea were left at iiins on the r.isd, and perfons riding out for the air," were forced to trudge home on font. General Don, who arrived laft week from Bremen, with informa tion of the UntGan troops being on their way ro co-operate with our fori ce8, came up frbm Walmcr Cattle on S'inday, but in confequence of an expreis bein received, th.it the-lance of our aox liary forces, to the number ol j thenifelvcs 45,000, had arrived at their dettina. tmn, the generalfet off again for Rarham Downs. Prince William r, Gloucetfer was prevented from pin ing in the felfivities at Win-Mor, and accordhtflv left town to take the command of his divifion Monfieur arrived in town on FrU ' day morning, in order to concert ineafures for his immediate depar ture : in the mean time he has taken up his refidence at Kew. A fiigatc is preparing for his royHl h;ghnel's ; and he i forthwith to ai tor Cru- iaven, in order to ?o w ith all polli- b'C dilna'ch to Swi zcrland. and (oin the army of the Archduke. He is to be accompanied by the btfhop of Arrat, M. de Vandreoil, arid M. Defcar. The "duke of Bourbon continues for th prcfent in England. JVJonlirur will he met by the Prince de Conde, who U now on his march wnh the fecond colamn of RuUians leltined to join the Archduke j and 50 his arrival at hfad-au.irters. the n-ya' ftandard is to he dilplayed. We do not pretend to reconcile this meafure with the proceeding of our own commander in the expedi. non tortoiiand, aa let forth in the Iketch of his proclamation above. Are we to limit our exertions to the re.eflablilhment of Holland and the Netherlands inle the Auilro.Kiil. ban armies are to fight for the re- 1 . . .a . a. . - novation or royalty in Trance l 'U a lingular and moft my 'tenons con federacy tnfowh'Ch wehaveen'ered ind which from HI nature, cannot, we tninh. come 10 good. If all the coalefced powers were animated by the fame orinc'iDles of moderation which are dilplayed in t:e mamteMo ot 5ir Kalph Aber crombie, nothing could refill the in- nuei ceot the benignenr Ipirit, but when ihit moderation in one part it eontraltrd by the moil fanguine vio lence in another, what can he ex pecled trcin iuch contradiction, but that it ihouid revive that enihufulm in France, on the total extmclion of which the potentaret of Europe can alone hope for (deceit. A letter from Uruflelt, dated July 21 fayt thai pen. Beuinot has left Druucit. anu sone 10 eftat. hdi f.it hrad.quaneriat Ghent. The rear- eft aclivity ntcvaih in the aiovemrnta t ilia iroopt 011 the coali. The fig nai- when Kavt hren nlaud al.n.o the whole line, arefo dileolrd it ro bt repeated within the fpaceof two or laree heurs from Middle burs 10 ivuiir. aii mete prrnai afmi are mde within View of the Fn.-hih a. a . 9 ( runen, rn n loinrnmri antun-!! very ne-t 10 the coali. The mi..r. gents have am fprr ad tbrailelvct in ti.r loirtt ui oinei. hente thev a w make exurlion 10 within a llwrt dif tance ol BruJeli. Lately une cf ihrir detachmrm hJrang the night entered Rch. i. r . hi . if . - . ..j.ii m M'm J""". a 'rags uun from Brufleli. A 001 ht r corps advanced alona iheirear road from Louvn.1 10 W olone St. Eticnnr, where iliey earned oil a munuipal agent and thrte drifvmi. LuiZen Koopee, commiuary 10 the CtWfal admio.Mr.il. , asarchedon the aift with a part n the garnlon agair-ll ihrlr mlor 1 e ma 1 hm at hit ppreaih il.ry rei rln;to iKr forrfl of Smgret, the thitkneft ai d eaVNl An mi (f iq. leave. Louis 'lent werterly wind has prevented us out J.tmes un ffrom receiving any turtlier ientclli C 'uofrv, 10' at- ! g ca from thearm.unent tinder Sir of the throne i Kaiph Aiercsombie, anocot- anl Rf-iKu 1 in Immim titrrtCt trt the The count iiAVtoi. it fffnn has ! w.-w iJiawiiii, I W ivviii V .WW-'w w - - - - " .' , I u -. ... i. r . . 1 'XI . : . ... u wa-.. 1 1 f iPft IhlB tV"k..a... nH .. .1. .- r KvtaI I T I III) 1 I I III . Ul C UI II1C ItlY .IV- iny nn, vuiMi j tfliu l.'liiiMicis I'Vlfl I T- within Te TaTFjhe hat taken his final leave. Louis lent werterly wind has prevented us Ai v. when he lent expeditions to this tempt th recoveiv from which he h id been drivtn. told him tint the bi ft thing be CoU d wim him was that he mijihf ne'er e his face again. This i(h he repeated pretty frequently, bufte hid always the moititicaflon of leetng James- aw gain at' Verl iilles. Perhaps miu fters may in the fme manner receive many vifits from Monfieur. The moft important which tf mail Governor an I People of Batavia in the Ead-lruiies, which is likely to come to a favourable termination. By the events of the war this im me;.le repotiitVry of all the products o4he '"Eaff has been rendered ufe- :.! ki ,.T.. ...iv ic tt inr tkir i lets in.!h.'ii.hahitants.& hasiieen loll 1 1 ve nine- u iu Aiuivi.i io i.ii 1 1. v i . i ...... - fnfety, ' cordidering the quality of to Eiirape,y bythe wttter inability many of the vcflels, nd the num.; of the Dutch, to bring home the ber of men and horfes with vv .licit poeTTiiad'-amaired. There it they were crowded. We finclrilt confequently now lying in that un fome vetfels had from foFJ to fifty I healthy and yet populous fettlemcnt horfes on" board, and that thev were the colieded produce of feveral . - WL' f .. -I . i . .. r. -i - mat l.it,. J4 I! ilturn vearn s and the nrOnolition is. iL.aiv.iiy Aiiun v.u iuuui vvf ' vi ... j i - r i . mm it ' . . " ' .. .1 T t- t 1.1 k' CM . lit they have Deen tiriyen on toe mcic gumu uijiuiu oow w i.m m Ur j Dutch coaft during the blowing Great-Britain in Britifl. velTels, or intelligence wea,hCr, it is to be feared that under their convoy, and thtis, with '!? ti"". ! much damage has been fuffered : out taking poiTelHotv of Java, pr tha mail driniis. account ot the Itate ot partial in Hoi- no. it is mamicit rrom tne lettera : "rrj - . , i. -r. Liu j:. .h InttuMent OI-l iciuonicin, vrc iiiwiiu "tint n that have been received, feveral or which, we haye, feen, that the piau of a Counter revolution is thoroughly digettcd, and thai the party of-tlte aia.ttiioKier wail only tor tne uppear- arnuimriit to declare They are not merely acQiiaioicd with our preparations, but feem 10 know almou to a day the period of our arrival on n f. their coalf and thev focak with l ' - w little caution and reterve on the lub jec't, atto Ihevv the eonfidene which they have in their own Itrength, ai:d in the l"-n (' of the expedition. We think it likely, from the tenor of thefe tenets, lhat the Dutch fleet will declare for their exiled prince. It is not apparently ju the power of the DireLffovy t Hem the tpirn of i1iir recti. ms againtt their authority. Ge neral Brune indeed has received the command of the Bat avian as well ns French troops, Rut he has no time nor means to revive iheir eneeev. aroufe the patriots, and draw forth the na. tnrai reliturces ot that Marvellous country. A few days, we conceive, will decide the fate of Holland. The fall of Mantua mutt hnvc had an immediate efTecl upon the further operations ot the allies. It reftoret to them a difnofuhle forcr n( nMir i.. o,ooo men. l he rrenrh arm IB jtMini iinv iKinir t n At Wltn 1 1 . kt thff Ittic n nope npvyever is, inainicy uvc "y&j u,,,i5 1U the benefits of its capital and induf- hi cn nh p, M Ifeen 9 finer anH-tfiit .hcv irp flill at ica. Whatever was their place of defti- try, by being its merchants and n.tirm tl.ev ii-mfl hav Keen dr ven carriers. 1 tus is alto one or tne far trt tVi M. It i faiH gifts we are to confer cient Allies, tne unitea states : The Secretary of " Lord Keith fet off vefterdav with difoatches for his Lordftiip at Torbay, where tne tloet is by this time no doubt ar rived. In the prefent weather, they certainly could not be off Brell without confiderable danger, and it is obvious thatafter fo long a cruize tne lhips mult want luppltes. It muft have been a moft painful dif. t annointment to the pa ant tar tn .... -, r .1 r i ice tne enemy etcape tneir eager ur luit byi U) lliort an interval. A tew a jm - lours iooner . would have fecured them in action. All the circumftances of the for. render of the great fortrelTes, in Da V. ami nartirolnr v nt Mi,,..,, J I ...... V. . ,'14 J, with great confidence, they are to difembark at Embden, and directly co-rtperate with the Riillian co lumn. This route indicates the acquiescence at leaft ' of the Court of Pruftia in the meafurp of theat tack, but it certainly does not (hew Jiat we have entire confidence in the promife of a friendly reception in Holland. If there be a certain ty that three-fourths of the people of the United States are attached to the Stadtholder, and defirous of throwing off the lhackles ot h rench tyranny, why not proceed directly to Scheveling, and get into the centre of Holland at once ? But it is poffible that the Dutch, though tired of their new mafters, may not yet be quite ready to ac cept of the friend (hip of the Eng lifli upon the terms which are held out to them. It is to be obferved that the Proclamation, which Sir RAirH Abrrcrombie itentrull ed to Diibliut oh his arrival, itives . ' o llurance to the Dutch that their movements of Mmeau. eierm from its heterooeaeous lh" he U v!ely bearing awaj not. we think, come th l0waM head-lasers are now at Ahrenxn, fltieen Icauet from Genoa, and he hat been joined by the whole ot M'lJonald't corps. The whole do not cor.pofe more tlun 30,000 men. fo that with fuch in V rior Humbert any fuuhtr rcdllaiiic vouiu oc uieleit. ot Winch prtv entcd a ourfutt. e the Ex-Dircftors, unequivocally X w i-.-. , . . ' ' I rf"uirfnce to tne ititcn mat rneir Genoa mult now malt the bell of flViT,. ! u.a w.a now re,et,.nrnr..K....r. a be rcftored to the United ,7'ICIPT pcrnaps we mar .leratel.r.T.,r n..,nn.r.ni ti.- States, and confcoucntlv no oled 1 1 tovcr I".ims circurnltance the former it was even retmrtcd yefterday, had already yielded ro the arms of the antes, l his, with, many other rufc mora founded upon the agreeable in telligence of yefterday, were circulat ed. Thit probably it premature, though afttr what we have fern o' ihe greatir fortrellr, a long defence from iliefe it net to be expected. The mail contains linle rnucernin the Hope, Ceylon, and Dcmerara. and to hold facred the nrincinle of the rights of nations, in which we arc embarked, it would unijueftionably nave Dcen a leading feature in the tvianitclto which is to be ilTued, am ' r i I , t- m . i n maaxmri or tna armie in Switzerland coniinocj. Itita'cribed by the French ro the wretched (ta;c in which Maltena'i army haa been 1 v icri ror iieceffartct, partirulnrly provifmiit. Befidet Maflena it un, din c to rifk the defeat of an army which it now the only hope of nn rounrrv. ferhaua init comf honph the leiift brilliant. the mnll prutieni, and the enterprile ot MaC leim cnaiacier wnuhi Ittd ut io Juppofeihai hit niflive defence it pit urioeo ny rimo nevtthty. II rhia ar. iy am in in, ri a rtcplnratile Itaie, and it k ihe otly one te which arty at tention nai rfn paid, what are we to think ol the French n.ler. Mafle na a Fahian policy, however, dots Mot the character of tbe French pt pie, ana it n thought he will be re. placed by Bernadotie. The ahrmt of the Freneh rtart in Holland are at their height, at well at me nopet ol their amajvni1t froaa every an.teararce. lhat rnuntrv it in tke bed ll..ie to n uperait wim inencngni or the tritlh armtinrm inrianaera the 1 renih are more likely to make refit1ar.ee, ai d tl . (peak oi their preparation, bet thev . aa a m ' mult oe or a aiotf virotu.it nature thenihey have hiely htn, lo meet me formidable aRaalt whkh t threat ened. It la reported from Conflantinnplr that nuonaparte hat auain rai.he ' mmtm. 4 - a a aa ' tne rromtert of rjrjjM. It ra feven week fmcethe Anftrii.n. enlereit Zerirh. anrl the l-'t.nch ar.il Aaflrtan armiet took rhe pofitior wriirh they Rtllecrupv. wiit.out th lead alieraiinn the Head-Quartet ol the Artbdukc Charlet are Hill at K iivitn, where they were then I sad feem to indicate that the New Di rectory have ordered the furrander of thefe places, to manifeft the truth of their alfertion, that they difaD- prove of the invafion ot Foreion Countries, and that they have a- bandoned the fyftem of external con- f Tt b jueit. i ne chargct brought atfainlt 0..l . a .. is given upon which an honeft am lolution ot the myfteryof the pre- patriotic Dutchman can aft. .."""r . w uuectory, aa it were intended by our Govern- wc" " ,n5.,urrcnd" ot p'ac fo ii...... aa - ment to reftore tbe Cane of Good re . "-at wm tp lUllbim ftrong at Mantua. IRELAND. The lord lieutenant it now on a tout throned thole n itts nf the L inn - dom which have lulfered bv thr re bellion, and it every where received thafilenceol the Cabinet nn thath",h ,ne higheft marks of refoea. point feems to threaten the triendt P" PProacn o Carrich-en.Su r. we are oing to Icrve, with the dif- ,,c WV mei " P"aft of the B . A- B a m - iiitmntriuci't ot their dominions. However, avarice may affccl to - J w "v ja anon J IMC inhabitants, who drew him info the town, io the houfe of ihe carl of jollify this niealnre-of depredation, Dorcneft" 5 fra ftiort vifit to that and loften it down by the name 0Jf""bleman, the inhabitants drew hint i . ... :l a . mieiniuiy, the great and liberal Po- Pww ,nu" " DI ne ,nWf. where litician, who reeardt ihe relative ,heV took leave with loud acclama- dutics of nations towards one ano- tlon' excellency went by Cur- thtr, a the Moralift does thofe ol rjgn'ot,e to waterford, where the individuals, will contemplate this ""''poration and c!erg prefented ad. rcfolution of our Minillert at preg dctttt ; and from thence to Cw; He nan! with rilinui. i ;. .. 'i i mariir. whete tha l, m. 3ii,, which, ot all oihers, it the moll i n -1 D,crc',ants of Cork waned un him, tcretled in preferr ing the rights of nations, it gives our land! ion to the fpirit oi pillage, which is too prevalent in the worlJ, and degrades US to the level id thefe n erce.iare States, who in their crufade sgainft rrencn violation, have been. attu. ated by the principle at which they Surely if any of the nlarea are have lauedon lince the war broke out arc coiihdcred atelfential to our h-ftctt) empire, and webchrve rhat Ceylon is fo confidered, it would nave uren aeiier to have procured it by ncgocistion than tn keep i; by the equivocal right under which ii is to hr retained : tor no otiew tiltta to l I Jfadei . I heie maw !,- I. -me pit - Ir re, hot, ett.-rted fr)m -t- lT.. . . . tne pat it we an about to ailul 9 0 U I it buiurvrtcr thecirL.inilJan. e m whicl eyrequeft he w .ol J honour that cry "V llh a Villi ill r iBiei lan- .l.i. - , - r wiiii whith he had promifed to alter his route, and was expecled in Cork on -t . m a m . a'urdy lait, The inait of thofe reheh. whob deHberaie aclt of atrouty excluded ihemirotnthe general amneftv, arc proceeding at the fummer adizet ; and fecnet are thereby unfolded, at a a t . . wmcn n iuiiniiy recoils Cvil dif. cord reigned in thit country with un. nnnieo rury, and her Ions were de graded below the rank of lavages Augaut ic. Krr rpTIOMof the Poailn FtANrt. I ht vencranon dnpltyed hy the nlubiiantt of DaoBhinv for the hula character of the he. d of their reli gion, furnithet a lantfalory proof, notwirhftandin ihe confident St pro fane dec'amat eni nt Jtcohindm, that fuch a celfion tan be mattr. ii witllrhe lenttmemt ( f "7, - ' I " - -T ' mwmmij VII not polieft i he innour nnr the qual- teriamed by ihe people of France. ity.. an honed a.miilit t. We Ii octroy h.ef that rl c more dig r ihed courfe t mapnanimity and gttod faith will be pur.ucd, antl that we Hull llrive to conciliate ihe heant ..t ..or amwnt Allies, by (hewing that we are indicated by no tiewt of pctlonal afrandife. ment in the Laptdit ion w have pre pared for their ilehVet jr.re A nej;octa!ion it undetilood to be f a t - a a a a . a are not yet eaiitk') in that unhappy coeniry. r eocn tbe moment the P. rw en. tered tlie French rarritcry, he wst, thought guarded by a chorea corps, received by ihe t. ple in every part Of ibf wirhibemttft heartfelt rlemunftraiionsof lefnecl and a-teo- noi. aery ane npt M fuptrrelt rhe dtdshc leelmg on the 5 hi of a cha. racier fo truly venerable, and -made fP' aa-.i mmm trwwa aa-ayaa l W M mtOT HWf Vf 1111 SflrtV. 0 0) It I -SUe' I W foinf .n at thi fin 9 with tin D'.'chjtt'l m -re dear by ibe cruel traatmeoc I V i . . -mm M