: I i&fc TH E W ITHER E D ROSE. SWEET object of the zephyr's kit's, Come rote, come courted to my power : Qaf en of the banks, the garden's blifs, Come and abaQtyun tawdry flower. Why call ns to revokelefs doom ? W lth grief the opening buds . re ply; Not filtered to extend our bloom, Scarce born, alas, bctore we di. - -Man having pafs'd appointed years ; Our' are but day!, the fcene mutt , dole : Anil, when F.ite's medenfer appears. What is he but a wither'd role, 1 mii " 7 bat love aline, vib'tch virtus' s laivs eanrtl. Deferves reception in the human foul. LO V E i one of t he ft rongeft paf. firms thai actuates the human bread When employed in the union tl che fexes it ofren knows no boon Is. An! when v concentrated in one object where its vibraimns 4re rceiprocar and mutual, uinliMurtied by e pre. jmlice of any perlbn,. it .hafriti it a!: the fveett, the coiuforts, and the en vjoymeins of tile. Bur '. otitic btf"elU ate r.lti'ely formed where entire fuis f action is felt by the friends of both panic ; ,r without exiting tin snnll iVvere remarks from different peillm. Rafh, means produce rath tfTet'ts. Although the paflioir of lo is pro. dtuMive of much happinef, jet it is fraught with ten ih Miiand uneafindle and inquietude and when di(",p- po'iiien in ii ooj-cii, no potion is productive of greater inifcriesoT more fatal cottfVcpiences. The diO.ppoii.iuteot of this paflion often arife, utiforttiately, from th. unnatural eultem of parents d,cl;.tn i the marriage ol their children, ei'h. i by forcing '.hem to marry contrary tc their inclination, or depriving then of (he object of their thoice and at, ferlions. The effect of the Inn. inay he feen in the following brief ac count of General KofciufltO, a umivi of Poland, who was born a gentleman, outwit lamiiy not being in aftiueid cirrumttai.ces, lie was lent 10 the tcnool of Cade's, to he educa tA tin the army From this let ool it h;o been ulual for the Kinus ot iVai.d iu a. II r j lemi aitiioany tour ot its votithi info foreign commie, to perfect them- fclvet in military uctic and the a of ear. Knfciufk had the good tm tune lo he one ot thele youibs. He Wa patronized by the Kinu, nnd leu in o France, wiih the belt I Ct urn m r ii stations, where he Itudied upward of lour years mine ntiirary ncidem Ot verl.itlles, an4 retime I Pol mi 1 wiib the lep i aiinu of heing a vers Ik ill id engineer. Soon alter this, he ' appointed to the command nl rOMlO.lnv id arrillrrv in ih rm it f '-----y ... 11 i, uirr of i he crown, and was looked up to a vmm oi courage ami eminence m his turmoil. Mh ut rhltttatetf n, he rantiva . . .. . at . . - irn m.c invcutm i- i i-t;iic i dy n the fill! I illlilv n -, hrtin r in Pol n d r k i . . - : ... ' nr ioen n.i rinuriteil mant tin ,r pneiit oi the lady had an opportunity of dilro srermg their ennnev on ; in all of which Kufotifkii conflicted himir by ttie rigid tuleaot honour ami vir tue. Ilr UieieL.re coincide I himfell Wan. mied in making nn open derla ratio of their mutual regard, aw t -t.:.i .i .. ! , i 'i u oi i nr i on in; I nt t r l.lilv I friend tor in luwedteie reletonitv Of their nnptmlt. But beluga lead ing family amouc ihe noMe. an M -Mice with Kofiiu'ko wa deemed ia eonfi'leni and degrading i henre a pr.enipjory refuf'il wat eapeueiued, an t in iiifupcrable bar put to the foil hoe ol the amiou l.er.' Kifr. .iVi hoeer, alter finding it impolliblc to gain the content ot her Mftnta, had the a Idreft to carry of theU ly, 9t r tpi fly pu'fotng hi mot Fiance when the unlurinnaie en' id i ore ni (tifir i an 1 1 e break lay town, and mi ooilimluy of he '"' " replired or repanrd with re a, ! e W I, gave hf enr f I lit er an I ailmng pjity of telsuc. an op Biriiini-v ol CB i up with then. Hcteavrry fierce rttCAaatef fo ed, i wlu m Ko i ,fk va een(inll redurrd t ihe mplwfaii lib ot being obliged either to kill the fa t'et. or gie opihe daughter, i;,,. msony prevailed eett over ibe to te at "Met. ion. He returned hn fwT I i.-ir ihlv to the Irjhltir.l n..H rell ' I ibe f tie piiee lo hi pufmr, father thai, f,l (he hloud uf him t, give her heing-. The pobii cn--,r;on, in all the u;''" "trie, turning on ltd event, an I in IrelirtiM Of Knfriufto h,,,.! ro..'. irfji'dy i.u.t, hrohtainevl leave or nuenre irnm hit fnvereign, and woe in fl nffirt, t thai period Ihe Itte war ,,h KngUn I wit rarrv Inf on with full vittor Kofcinfto f. lered huatelf a volunteer ta General ,Wafliinton.n wee honnqred with After the eace, he returned with the Maro uk de la Favette to France. where the French officers who had ferved in that campaign and Docto. Vr irv'.lin, alwuy Ipoke of him as a man ot equal magnanimity, farmude an. I courage, ami to w'uom America w is reatiy indebted tor hi fertce. Koicittiko lringttfiajiiirel re potation ahr oid," returned, with the laurels to lu3 nauve country, in hopes of t fciiig admitted again to the ohjei't of his dilaopointcd afre(ftinM Hut ais fond hopes were again blalled, Tor the lady, whotr aff etion he hail won, and whom be molF'aPTehtly adored, nof able )to den fuvh a tor- rent of dtfapfkiititmeiiL reared from ihe amulements of the .world, and lonuexpiiei under all the ag-mies ol grief, -fin tmw, dejeCiion and melan- choilv, , ' Kal'- iotkn finding the only fource ol the co nioits of hoi life diid up, and ifflprttrfg arr mac'tve lite, emercd in to the lerice of hi couutrv. wher dt.is anlt lt taieoi and exertions were iniic4 i on ii, anur in wincu ne made lie belt ufe, butU of hi money ami time. The unhappy nirent of this on . (iii unate litdv. w ten tiiev conld li e don ot the nu imely and cruet fate t their only daMghter forvive Wo "eer, fuilowed hr to the world i FW ' " FHILANUER. Plato' favquriie tung, has been fa, fljtcu iiitoihe lo lo ing agreeable lines. foe firlt of Hotiwu iiftt i Hfahh . r? - . " t I lie nex on Beauty t power attend. fhe third pollening well earned weabh ; Flu fourth It tends. i youth enjoy M with How John Bull wiilhear the difar point nieirt ol another naval victory. li prciy eaf) tocoi.jetfn.ie. tftm vill attach fome where-; and the its Rltd raricaturid will not let fo itran opport unity for the exerctfff d laUni flip uniinnrovtd. U4 a hen the French fleet got out d Bi uKiymprnm r dilapprohaiinu, he.. V to appear; and cmnpbiint, 'tough made in whifpem, nevenhe lel was at limes pointed and acri mnioii. The ueatclt fub we have 'en, is ttit fo owing ; ' Sweetly flumberingon the ocean, Seamen fear no danger nigh ; Sow one flnmber'd I've a noiio'n Wnen the Gallick fleet paH'il by ." In due time the French gpawtte will announce the cruize of m..,. Per Siutx. atone of the molt fori tn.ate .'chievemeni of (he French marine " i which they acquired, by iulle.de .uerre, unparalleled in naval anual, mil wi:hout the lof of a man eigh teen fail ot the i.ne, eight frigates, ml three hiig. with a teT crewg' ol the navy ot ibe def,mt of Spam " wl ich they will keep a a guarauiee t fi leinv. during the war, of (he "molt tlefpniir court in Europe;' and at the cnnclulhm of peace, detain them a compeid'aium ! , i,, a... daiions on i he French marine, com. uitieo ov the tyoimnh, at Toulon " Folleilion u eleven poini of the lav.." CONGRESS. :T "r" VH"e l naies n io meet Ma Ann lime T edral ntajoniy will he much Itron i-w .it mc iiiiii CongreU wM, '.. mcreafe of Hrengil,, we expeet n incieale ol energy, deficion and -eder.1,1,,.. The w,l of th ..jrj(y ol the neoideof the i,,,,.t .... I ought to he eiprefled by , he maim i- in tongrel. -rhat w.ll , tn cru(h li opponiKMi to ih- rn i c.t . i 0. e.r chtuce-and rid th coontry of rrry (editions alien, or rebellion r,. 1, ren.-Tbe fi.ll of Co-grei. will he ihe election f a Speaker Mu-h lepm It upon ike eleclu.. i . , mail "' ederalifmf qilfk ,,. ren-ment, and unihik CO Mini.. V. hquaiittra Will be found in fh. Hon Mr. S.-rlgwi.k. who... I i ae.nd.d.ue.-Hot mdeft the fed' -"" er are pt i.'tual U ,i.-;. I'endanceon the hut day of ihe fef "m, iheminorny may dictate , tU'9 lUinutv mnn aV .11 i .l. ymvoNT n r.cTioM. We hate felt an mtfrell in (he re. NNM el- , on, i Vermont , ., r T l"nl '-ou.-re ih. gleViton H.trsc,nerv Ithae TVhetMr, ta he rhat rfthat katei indeawfr. ' ," ! CPairtort in the Coutinl 1 1, Sit are, The rletllning nr aflaruMntl.ni,, Vertmaut, it eviden. .n.Hef.ih.e af J mmSmZ 'n "" o. the CnmtriJ, of fhellaie. Tiiee.efimm f ,i, fo tnener ofrv.l ... M,hr.0' tod h.teuht, have bee,, NMefMlffM 'he.r H.englhiobeweikner,. n . M ol jnh', rnmfnr.rr . T rot,ig ..f ,he l.,o..., icetf, f,hf l.lom.lr hmkn It. .. Lion pet j.heta far lack ,f pr,T ,n . Inoad. ' k-Uf,H f A N C S Emct from ihe report of Francai .1' "M '. i K r .. ... ... tie n.mte , in ibe name ot lu cummitiion of eleven. " There w no longer any fafe tv when the four -or five Hobo ti- ub'ilhmcn-s ibich exdted in Fart exp ended in the payment of fp.c tu watcT the tirmnil renrelen'it tm the timd gi -rped for it defence ; 1 - . .... . s. wn '. t i urna. which calti nni.i ted it, (he denunciation! by w it was intended to be deflroyed, and bdlainwl i j tnry " lil k It winch cr ts have been (he fore-t unnx. of its dill )liitM'n. were d id fur at t tX- celiive rate ; When it appeared that the weapon ot ail liins were invo ked to till upon the heads of the patriot by dil uiifTjIs founded upon perfidious rfeprfentationi wiifen in the room ot th de eltded by the peo pie were fuhltttuted th;de who had uniformly (hewn tbemfelres :he friends ot all their" error ; "vhen, not a iihftandinjr fatal etperietue, and alter -in,roo afTdhnationJ, an tnj- pr Vrtneiit leeoied to take place i.7 :h language of the Mailhcs and f& fia.rds-bj harrangue and nrncjamau liiriii Whikh nourilhf l and tekiudied the nmrderou, it al pi reial anon. 44 There no looper exdtfd n cquabiy, when the 'Triumvtp', alt having concentra'cd in their cm the cogi izance of ever , afiairjerrtc rou d them banners winch litni I innocence could Hot lurnioQnt ; vvht! a ver, fmall number of men, , and liofe pofklled o i tine te, t u!d a lone trave accefs to tt emv wheu fonfe newly privileged ptil lis had put up to la! f to the hihclt bidd r all public employments aod ali aci pljiiltico ; and when the Uiinilfcr; wcrt nodiing but the he..r rs ni rv; portMktv were ordered to piepar n J w hit hi their ch i k . drew up, am, the do tttoijr ,-.n c tficc lor halty r. ports and polllcr p . " Titcie wi no lip'nger any pro perty fectue, when the miniUcri did not give in any acci tmts, or eiletalfe one, of the portion of tevenoe or property paid by every cic?e to h Itate when ihe people wtre rm but on all fides, and no per (on as ten tl redrelpoi lil le ev .ry one dehyfitg hi own reTpotinbi'ity, aidaccudi mg tholt fatal t.ix t fuh trc mi pc'ed upon the pe- pit , evc.i to the Itttl necell'arits of their lie, and the articles of ihl ir da u n'uiltpttou. " I f ere wa nei hc-r nbliiiral m civil liberty, when one ol the tvo pnWcrt, and witdout lie co"cur. ren-.e of the otier, con hi p'ace wit.,. .nu- any prevtoua ajjr Hi.-, the na. t on in a ftate ot war, a. d conlign tianquilcoun ret'Q pillage and u tn aotions; when a mylterioua ved wji thrown ov,r all ur dangrri god the only sniper given to ex p clHi-n of general anxiety m,, ihe illtlfanct of perfect irtjiq,, jry . whtn thofe who rred ded our eali m ue, nd p int d nut ih mean of p: eventing them, were ,rr4,ed a anarihifte ;wben an experiment f the blow wal made on the legifl 'or ot the all rd republic, which wat mediated to he llruck againft the French legislator! ; when project ot revet lion ere prepared and even pub! died ; and when, in ih. exien. or of hrnce, ci DftuvtkMN W're con. linuilly aiade and umrade, whcn aerecalidereda le.rr adaut d m mud ly or tu dill Oy nr nu " French Counter-Revtlutitniry Plan, The M arcurv of V nrnn '1-7. f- a,n burg paper; under the head ut Fa. f 1 1 It a a skm mo a jat f i. . a m Mini urann me fOm lowing i,ie, and which it faid to be m genctal circulation through France : " PaortiTiONt Which aic alutdy popular, and art dail? becutning mure and more fo, her, M t. 1 he re.eiiablilhment of monarchy in France, on rational teimi. " 2. The king (hall grant a gen. eralamnehy, without any eacep liua or tt inpiiom whatever. M J. Htupcriy whith, according to the ending law of the ,ep,,b Ht ha been lega ly acquired, and h I ,.w ,K4y hf(( lhah fcJ u ed at leg. ptopriy. "4 Mich ol the armv who fhall join the flandard of the king, (kail be fctoihue in th ir relptcH,vt tank, ttfvanctavcnti, gad pg "5 I ktng (hall renounce til claim on ine ierritottal acan.hiio,,, nllh. Republic ; and the king, a. wflla. thepnW(ria warwi.h the KepuDMc. Ih jIi f.i ..,.. I- I .1. 7 kitrran. Uteiiie intern ty ol aotient Ir. f( nnd.fhzH rnrv'aim s gereral peaet. 6. Evtrr TpecTes ot vaflala-;", ; ihes; corvee s. WCIft, or bound (Wvice, aiJ all other contrihn tions 1,1 kind, thai! be for ever a- boliiliedV Tho impofi trans or rcve. ones,' ncceltary for maifiaining the government, lliall be raited upon the produce uf the fixed and move ab'e p'r'perty of the Hate, without any exceptions or exemptions what ever. H 8. The French people mail all lie governed by the fame publicly defined and detci mined laws, "both civil ant! municipal. M o. Honclty and capacity fhall be the Criterion whereby the puh Hc , funclions in the ilatc IhalKbe filled. -j t are agreed upon, the. king lhall in vile the French narion to eletl or j nominate, Irom among their fage and tiiieteet men, a representa tive body, to rnett theking in fuch part ot place, in ancient France, as he kin: may point oiit. there to corifult ,with him, and afTilt him with their wrfdbm, to arrange, draw"u p, and fettle a na'iona1 code or, charter, whereby the rrench peo ple (hall be governed, upon the be tore I tuted principle. ' 1 he member of the prefent republican government, or other unit i manes or tne republic, be I w ng otherwife qualified, fhall bef t T I ' I I trihle to fit in the reprcfentativc bociy.-" LKXiNG i ON. Sent. 12. By a gentleman jutl arrived from the jxa'cnez,. we arc favored with the following proceedings : " At a ceurt ef general q iarter fcf fiotit, commenced and held fir the county of Pickering, Mijtfuppr Territory, on the 2-jtb 'June, '799- We the grand jury of the conn -y cd Pi ki ring, win hearts fgra t dude to the Almighty Difpofcr ol vei.ls, congratulate our country hat judiciary couits fnniiar to thole u tide r and in flipportof which our anceftors tor atjes have fotiaht ar.,1 a j Cunquared, and under which the;r fi ft -mf a .. i vcj, liberty and property were lc ctired, arc at length euened in thil remote, and truly dilutable cor- ner of the Ui itcd Slates. Wc thi reforeconlidcr ir rur du y, to take this firfl conltittiied op portunity, pf publicly, fincjtcl and fulemhtf declaring our wannelt and moll tiiihful attachmetu to theconflimiionof the United Siates, and at the rilk of our live and for tunes to fupport the fame : We Ihould be deficient in our duty, and perfidious io our confidences an I the rights of our fellow-fttfTcr-er, Ihould we pafi, over in lilence, the cavils and grievances which are about to opprcls ut. We prejent at a grievance, That fo rcf lettable and numerous a bodv of people, as inhabit the Miiilfip. ..: T"-:. li j ' i rrrinty, are auowea in no manner of thane to interfere in their own government, in confeauenn of which, eur population it raoidtv decreafing, and our inhabitant mo- intn tne apanilh dominions. vy e prejent as a grievance, That the judges Ihould allium, to them felvc the lib.rty of making laws, whereat the orJiaance of comrreft ot the 13th July, 1787, empowers mem omy to adopt law already made, in the original Rates, a may beft luit the cirtumflances of the ou niry. We trefent 'he government and judges, (hunt, I iioiain me lum propolcd to be levied on the county, or, that any hi (hould be laid on tha county previous to the cenfus of the people being taken. We prtltnt at a rrieti, Th impolitic appointment of officers CMrH and military ; all confidence ap- peart 10 oc ueitrayed between inctn ano me peaple. We prejenl at a grievance. That irrh.ns well known to ha hack neyed in SnanilliduaHicit vir d,,. 1 , ery, whofe lormer coralucl is oro- 4-..1 . r I-..,. c u.r r miirre, and who on ly wait for an ouDoriuiiit .a grandiging ihemfefvcs on the ruin " circotiniry, tiiouid he norni- iiaieu 10 pout ot pruht, honor anJ uft i ihould hate (as ihere i rea. Ion 10 fuppole; tlie .ivernor'a great- eft confidence. We pref,t j, grievme,, That hr etecn.ie ot 1 hia . Ibould d.ny , ,e ,,,, tvr ..r - IWIM, in, .1.1 .1 . u .1 . . . ha tjoauJair ,,n uaiaan the Um- tel S?ae't and path, tfvje? -rlyiTefe ( t re(ivvvi! iLr:, lr r, the Span- tin t.omintons, c.irftrn'v, (m our opinion ) to the fpigirof the a61 . We ft.'Jrnt-at fer'-fjanct, That any citizen thmtLdjCc cuuhned a a criminal vvjiljonT an A;ath being pretertd .u;ai ft him a circurn ffance, djnvhich haalrcady taken -.. place, un it r lUe nrefeiit adminiftraw- - . . . . r tion, and Vvheh releafcd was notr even informed upon what account ' he was coiifined. -r";v We prtfent as a gritv4ttcet That merctvants Humid keep their Iflona to carry on a traffic with" ,r g;nds onaMm 1 ivs alfo that ' . . .. i T ' - . avern-keeper Ihould he allovVual io Keep open hottles tor rioting, drinking and gaming on the above day. We ftncereh btwnil the difarrea. able neceliity we are under of enu- J n eating fo many impending cala- mines, and verily believe, that if the hon. thecongrefs had been- truly informed concerning us, y gt-pile men who had it in their power ta do us fervice and jnfiice, there- i would not have exifted fo black a catalt.gue of evils this day upon re- i cord. We cannot con. Hidc o'tr declara tion, without imploring the (? vineafTiftance nrt the .'arm of, and to fu peri , tend all the meaftires of congrels : and may thev be fo fin- ccrely inclined to do jufiiceahd per J . " nvtf US to be enrolled" under the endearing appellation id" " Fellow citizens" as we are ftreinioufly.re folved it) merit andTii port the char acter nt good American. . o Col. Wei;, Foremant M.sj. Hinds. James Truly, ParkerCarodine, A x. Montgomery, George Sntlor;? T" 1 f- 1 9 , . , - PCtlX Hughes, 1 ,0. M.Urecn, Kobert Mills, Gibfon Clark, William M .fs, Thomas Calvet, Je le riarper. l"l os. White, Jolv Brooks, Encti. Smith. B LT I MO RK, October, 7. Ext rati f n letter wr't ten by a gen. tleman of this eitv, now in Am jle'dam, dated the 6 tf Augufl, received by tl Cajhr an I Pof lu.r, " The unfortunate conqucfi of Holland by ihe French, ha? entire ly mined the country. The delu ded inhabitants ace deprived of th .ir rad-, which w 1 the gr-at fo-irco of their riches, and have been com pelled to pay in the way of c nitri butions, upwards of jj per cent, of their capital. The Freeh are 'letelled here and in ev-rv olace where (hey have been. The Em peror of RtilKa and the King of tngland, it i faid, tneditare an at tack on this country ; if fo, their armie wi I probably meet with lit tle oppolition. The c'ou.nrv is de clared to be in danger, a'-i I the young men from 18 to 15, arecall etl on to defend it in cafe of need hu: very few are inclined to obey ihe fummoni. M mtf is fcircr than ever known intercft Uml to 9 per cent. " You will have heard before you can receive this, of the chance jn the Fjreltttl Dircciory. At tn't it made no noife in trance ; but fiacc, the e-party has been tnxi bkfome, and it ( tt all (hmbttul whether they -will not be a !e to re cover the rein of govern neot. The finances of that country are in 'lie w i'l poffible con.htion, an I thcit armies are beaten in evcrv qurrer. The lall Italian mail brought inte'ligence of Mantua ha ving fttrrendered to Oencral Krae 1 1": garrifon confnlirrg of absmt tV.o men, are prifbuers of war. AUHandria, in Italy , his alio fur rendered to the combined power ; The Audiiiai and Kuduus hghi btawelv, and the French contend every inch of ground with them, but their troop are badly cloith ad, badiy pa.,1, and badly difci plMtft I begin, to think the i,a " "i off France will nofheat peace, m'irely and externally, for c0 veais to come. ; If OUf CommiTmnfrs were now here, they probably would be hle to make go- I tCf(ns with rranct ; but in thit event I fear wt ihall again have the Ktudilh ot, our backs. To If crmlrrs in tu. to be fraubitfome to our Ifl 'aken teve;fti bout 1 irtiealarif 1,-nc thai a t were ooniigrad We ,re t r.ni iha h aTi N.w Y .if fcV . : T : . orK , learn to luii. v oecreafe of ui hi Philadelphia biuats. I gj bcuan JamWtJ

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