3' I ON, December fc, er.with cantain Drinkwater. Irons - faored is with Mr. JchVt Gasjette of Mond which contaii the POSTSCRIPT. Gazette-Office, -? o'dtrk, Dec. i. J1! deiay ttie preft to iieniiru. the ar- rfimh, fhrsawnneiit, or me imp wit- d itelia. caotd'i 13. Prince, 40 0V f rom 5"- 1 ...... ,.,! CifcS 5Prtir teal rwdifelv p forniflied wkh EuVifli paper ..to (. S 1 lie th of O S. They c ynttj in teredlna jjfum accounts of the move. Wmtvti toft. J hoftile ar.mer.-.ae S'.n!rt'Jmw.'vrt of which are the fiuaj ? if fa&Ms o ;HtfeOsike o'f"Y.rk in Hn! - Hrutrul vejti cnif om h.l:,'b porti either in hurnte rr Am;n a. WW a" Portland, hah. J In tftbcpyt 67, Do- mingo under any prelixt wloHitvcr except in the cafe tf the rreaJJ. ne- cejj. ft legdlli prmed, and jar thelcult Untt ptyihU. 111. be EngUfh vejfels havivg lie bjJasefsttft 'frdhf to preeitt tht-ni-ftlws under vibdtever jtf be Seized and cnfilated, t.eo thitds to go to ike- Rcpublit, and we third to the capUrs. I ,7;', TI.e Qrdonnateur in chief is teqtireii to. execute and cjufe to be executed the prefent ' Ar'rete the citi- Aztns, ueneeal in LhteJr anjf eoinman- 3. .Rclotved. That (a mociorthr Iptech of the Pretldenf of the United btates, jwboth honfrt of Conpre'i, vtrn coiptneiicemeiit of the areleti ietfion, as relabel to a 'lyltem, of na. tional defence, cbmmcnforaie with our rci'eurccs, and the fmiation ot our country, be referred to a com mittee. . -ft The committee then role. and the Houfe having tuken up the, confide ration ohhe refolutions, as reported e sen certain conditions, vthich the temper win not ai hnnr rS nor mimtrv unq-ieitionably Wo ihwjhl iherefore e f . rt.tVd aod vhicl m numeration had ceruinly given it a ngnt to pre- Icfioe. When the aiiurances tnus re,).! red ofyjie-French governnwnt previoua to the departure of -out en- voys, had been civen arnip uieir Minirter of Foreign "reitnin?, the direction that theyfliould proceed on their in:fnon,vs on" your pm, a 'cinnpletion of themeafure, and ma entUjC H at e' i'.h a. lyU.ni the firll and the third were ,7reed nitelU the fincenty witUwnich It was ... ! 1 viz- ir- to : and on mot on o.' Mr. IJiMif. the xoinmeoteii. "K cr - r-jL?: ----- -- -. 1 'v . . houfe agceeiug, tthe fecund wa poftponed till to-triorrow. I he credential trf -rHi.im flenry vent prayers to the-Suprem.e Ruler of the-Univerfe for the fuccf$ oj thetr'eftibaflyi nd that it may be W: 1- .. . . . J ... ml''. f M T Wtflffi MtN C'en In my next-thepa ro par w npenw ' focfcwini. extract are all ! can inlert leffter, teyfttUi gave oir iji'.n. Ve ffffent Mrrete jmjII he pnntea, ,1 I IV III J I m V 1 ' '' V ppeare,jiproductive of peace and1: happinOj to as a Delegare bi the Territory, of pw common country., I .ne uniform the United States N. W. of the 0-itenor of your conduct through a life hio, were referred to a commiiieejrfrufrtu' Mf fe,I ,tl7;eni and ho l ; .v. . - ' -r- . .... .1. j.- li.:. It . n n t. r. 'Hbkik; ,'w,:iL.Liection to- .cma. thir feoinioninorable to yourfelf. gives a Jure .1 tin ici (i -m- ir jmwi iii. 1 ;r tit11 unii fi.iiini in- - ,f . i , . wr-- iK-ar-ir 1: a. . ' - .T ' 5 .1. 1 - . t ".' . Mut f tfra 6 f34 Ttt nuhUr ar;"'awv. relieved r.- --.-- .-55 v . II.,,- f iiivim : iirralioued hV Hie imw n ( iniinriKS ir in inn. Tfd k, uh'the iiiaprnlitclieiire. rhMrltr braVe troops anJ .;tu. (iani. who co-opefat'efl with' "rhVm', d ijvne.l a ftitliat vnoryoye'r rie thcT v1., iifraneh br. Thurflav WJ; f nut -:ur troon in' poflt ffiuti 6f tW Lantte Dyke, Alkmaar, Bcryen, Ru1 . moot op- Hoop a no" E;notrt j(im3P,4 The.ne8 wa thtv un)ni!i,.ntee San.Hf. announced. ?y.hr ParV.ain I Twet rujvS, ail ,pllifU9'i m t London G-zene Fxtra; ' Ki;om ttte contents f the FsttV Gaeite, a id t'ton what e b M- he. n'.lc ro a M, it .fe?mx ii'UmcII ry t4 ohrTe; rhflt TtWe' So f Oiito!tr, te, a day chir.ntig in Lbe hittheil ltj'- to .he o.uifli arttn, ami op lets !,- o awe to 'lie rrnr iiaiir!r iii ' fchj - B'-flf aHraiiM eons to tlte cinfe 'y. b tlu-.v fii'io't :' TlttK i'.;e teitr of- ronu,!, i i. .u,;;j7r,,;,. .f! ' tin motion of Mr tlallartn. AVWltiMff w iiV ntvi(ri( ifi v ; ' 1 :pltdge of the fincereity with which thm the avowed obiecls of. the negocia" ii..viuy; wit.,., w.i.1. i , . - i ... jr if" ' - read, ptwh7'cd and noute trat-rcd trw appointment of wp 'uu' rV j auu jsgB tcfi uglily J' !" V 'j.t; n'. may be flup ayed on the, France' The dffrejice!. itiately ftJ.fift liefwecn v'jf .jaK'A.j" -Jaft "n ..i,.-. .ilil in,, li-.f nina f.,J . f.. iC : . t h IV O n ! I loh'a c:3iu fall, in that "ft i t y-f f t,rt UTu. i i.i. .wpnf'. tfk li hannllv .truin,irefL In HHil matTtlipie, .i - ..iju""'v i in jci.iwu dciu were Hiic - ri .... ild produce tin oad, to all io dfUrablc, e. r . 1 . i ' t tt. : - ' I he nioreeneuiiuius indx.in.. vi riU nris, inoucrjuw, wiwtww awi, rari-cuiar agent ot tne y. Luiiuau.'i i ii'iiiirii '.vim u . r ne-vtin'the hiihtry rf the? a L' :f we conliJered the, negoclatjnriKappt. iy terminated hecaufe we ha.ve a -tempted to corn.tieucc :.r, .aaip&are reuoreo hecauic' we v:!n iti-rolioTa'-g tion.But fir, hprev-r iaS tnilli' p may terminaK-, a Heady pejjeverT.td in a lyliem of national defence, co raenfurate with our refources, , r,d the fittfation of our country, is ai obvious, dictate of duy. Experience, tle.jltreht'of wilJom, and the geit inltriictor of nattont, ha elf iblifhcd fhewrttth of your poQtion that, re- .mbfely as we areplacecf from the btrJH ligerenf nation, and dt-firous as are, .iiy-uuiiig juimc 1.0 all, uj d7jio oifence to any ; ytt nothing Ihort of the power of rept-Hin feci if. whenever it hall he tie-' a uanamu .committee ot ways an ;-Xirr ' t meatis. . A motion. .that it conthf rt dUpoimoin ru.J '2g-JWmmiAiJM .Siffc' orte memher frmi earli ffr. wav Part of ,C "FrteMi tXuel oo ). ivar made ; but on Mr. Harper's ohferv- ,hat otftft 'i' inlj.iire rtt atiiliriifo. u wa'Utiie wo Kifincr, ai "h. wt liner and th hi ife iot.i'i'. t-A ol the Fioich fure. 'tNpla ;i f 7 "'lather, aii'! M tth poffi44 4t. ' vatV.r e r) Ikiiwioh, Uy a h'iid)imr p iv liOuKL iinv t ms1.ji-0,11. J Myf to hope, andoiir tiwinies i t?.: . ;.v,in-.ir totm e ,erat iwrs, - O foler i t jji We tfiil morning ryceived" Btr; j hi,al to tle3jrti u'. ifiit- 2 The bCvri il-.ej hrint '-is affliiHiJ . " hrttnt,iiv jiV.'I tT.f nnlv ' :hf,rV ... . . ' i rw KtpiH'itc. 'mahnfihle. tfqnefTttrfi,e Rcgiiar Delibera- ' htain every .'information, and .v(.nld .pr"(,u tin oad, to all o dfQra rVf. ."" - I vbt more rnedinous in duini' hufineh..'"nnf6 ' moderatito; and .o-mn 7 IA.-V U 1 i ' t " , ' ' 'I. l . ... i- I I nonif, con.i'toie, we are ptjnua(i,. the lurelt means. J ;.e t" bxyj in lnsinr. it l-eiort not Teearf, rr- iltnatTM.. ioHes UtiWused'hy die a', lies have hen ex.t2i'.crateH jn th t rench leports. That Mrffirn.i fttolt'KI R not piily retrieve the affairs el fuT f? Br.iy, ut drflroy copipUtcly the twr armies, well . piointe;' as iiify weie, I wuich pppfed Miff, '''ed'tooo, with S their Gen. (Hone) :ak .j tiiq piif. f, oiw. with Knfltar j'eierl, ami I wpotidinj: "vwards o'f oo,' appears t to W hardly credible, et lich is the " (tficmani that has been pnl.liflied of- fic'safly at I oris, and wbieh alio men. g iii.m the capiBre of Zurich by lha rrencn urnty. 1 " ' NEW. YORK, Deo.u 5'- From Jamaica paper of the ad hit, f received ycflerday by the Venus. i. ' KTLUfJTIil . Illf l ,v r. , l.rbrrty. French Republic. EqnaHty. drrnt, Jtclmrin; that all Jtmtfirmn iJ it her. neutral vtljth, ctmitq frvn Err-Ujb firtt in Europe tr A-nerua, mil ntt be ttdm 'iHtd in to the torlt if St. Dffit9. Entrap trout thr Raider of the fe lt ri iu mi of ihe stann of the v.i n .c aircctory 11 t. uo- recton tiliKClUKD' Sec. Gen. of tht aki.ivU riruecpy. L BL AV CHARD. I pally- Important. OTfc ef the 'ew-l'ork Cuztfte, $nt s clock, Friday tHOtninp. Dtatii' her 13. A 1 !. ne hour Ian n jiht, we met the h'p AioTb, capt. Main, COhiing up 11 flayi Irom St. Senalhttn. -row our corvf't-on'enr, we havp re r:.ved I'avis p.-.pers to the 19th of Oc yet. We lament that hp hae 0,1b .r.e to annonnce, fuminaril), their nrortast rni tents. Thefe paper iv hti flicial details of MelTena'i I'acraiioi s from the at-h-ot Sept. tr lie 1 Rih o Qctnber, by wh''eh u ap. Mrs. that on the 25h of Sept. hr par ed the Lent at Dieiikon, heat ftn. brlakott. "and rumnroiieH t'ir'cSi to iirreji'Ier ihe-tenos were o; -.u cet 'edt and the town was taken ty ait' fault. In tle ihen time Sow arrow 'ad ;i-Sfli' e,l 10 art in concert with : he armies- lately a tacked by Maitpwa. hut fiiul:ii " tm delete, I, avuii'fd n(ion by keeping the motitiiains. f'er he a however attacked nd left 2000 voiirultd, a part of liis "'iWry, and aloioli Irs w .,: hap-j .ae. I n the mean, time Korfakc'fF,' inornied of Suw,artow'i fitna ion, laHilv afll-nibl'-d a corps, compnfed if the remnant of his army, and that f Hot7e, the Bavarian contingent, snd that of Co ule, attampted to narch vo Thnr, and Irom thence to 2uiicrt. Maflena attacked him, Inrced trim m reoaik th Ritlna, with lofs M.vfienaiu thrfc battles, ft.ues, that 'ehn. isk'i. i,f.oo prili.nrrs, more the latter ijiquou vtas agretd to. Adjuurncd. means. I :e at ir . er of the ijentleroeii you have depoteft, At 7 oclook tm day, the Hiuft of Refill endives in a body, -jj iitUZiVei'nmnt wmctt deputes 'ther up 11 tht Prrfident ot tiie Unitrdf Tife p'edges ia their couhtf StalM with the lulhxmAO .4d drTs Pnt notim-tg incojipaii.u'e with its in anfuier to Cu Sttccch fa, )"or or inreif,' nojhina ihco.nflt tiuulen 1 ' J'e it ivith our O'oag ili.,ns of g iod fauji v to thi i"r 'ru'r,riip to ny other nation, PRESIDENT 4ftheJ. STATE: Sir, While the (lotife of Reprr'ert tives contemplate flitter r.g prof peel of abundance, frcan he labours eif ill b ll o'ilatt J. We 'earn Aim pic dure, that agftryfnpnai will fecore to our country a rs;ij 'tisijj jn iijk-vi ar iv.iM' 11 ,uf ili ities f war or na;io!ial deyt id In theprorek of the felho-i. ctti. (half take into our ferious cmifidera-e tion the rartons and important rmtvp ter- regDin'nendecl to nur .irrentt"r); In A life dr voted to the ferfice 'ffi vour obuntrv, talents and in'egititv': which have fojnillv acquired and tn Hfirxr retamei tiie r.nntli L.nrc aruJ at 1 ' ' ' .. : 5 iofoia Ikf I.';I1V f , i LIT r1f'- JO( iv.ft ill. the firtcerity of your dclaratiaji.v U i- it I UA11 r i.i vintf. ri c ) . t av tllUI I-' J VUI 'I'l -M'HH C1I I S-V (- - , cute the trult rcpoleii in you .as ro v& render tha people of the United ij tates proipfroiis anu nappy. ,;,' To ivhich the PrejiJent returned the folhtuing (Kiftver : r.:-, Gentlvmen of the Houfe of Ilepre-52 lentatives, Tliisverv refpsctful nddr.Ts fromt our the RTpr.-lcnMlt-ves of :ie people of, ' 1 citizens Withi theit. pp.-perty trading' the Uni'ed State, at. tNeir ntf irtem to thole ports of St. hitnirttrO wiiii I blv. after a frelh plf-.-i io 1. onderthi 1 . - -is ; - . 3 Inch ci inaicrcm internrurfe has itr.)nk': impnempn of the pubfit oniri5H r- 323 the pcopb by laanl and by (ea, th llt,e" renrveJ, have beei' rf-ily rf prolpentjtof ourextc ndfcl com(nerce, lU'lli ' dthat, gfivateeririg froai notwithllandino intt rrhonons occa-i'"' lp iolts 1,31 MfU honed by the hUi'jitniaf f!3te -j a reat part of the wjrld 5 Jibt retun: H heahh, iiultillny.and rr.uU rnthoh inii'and n .riniul iV-nf r 1 - !.ri cifmiand fingular cnlts of our p ih 9 lie atiirs has excited my fentlbihty. i and receives mv fi irpr ami ,,r.,i!,tr kl -r ...j - . w .iwi - W 1 ackiowledjrrn?nt. ff haMiony and affection, the hanur srf'Zf it h yoa we fi lter recret tliat ti e Lxrcunon ot the ( tit u.ticleof the treaty ol amity, o ,ni:itrce & ,nviTi- ci'iea vvhicli hav: Jaielv (civ"ncred;lu,n m4' "Wl'eal IliHlilVM article with ii!eate and 'h- various and iMlj4vl by a "ual fp t it of amity Sdhmabie advani.7Ti, and rth-aT,(J JuU,tc Ihnu-d have heci una- . 7 a a a II"Fii gtOtft, which k cured under our bp.iv?,aA",J 11 termp-cu. we apuoi not pv frfme of pnvrri;nent, are cri.!f,,i,l",hf fjmc fl1int vi ;""if ar1 ,h iit ued ro os ui. mpaind,- we ranotl,flme len,e of j1,li,cr in whlt " ori ftrtl to-efl'vr up to a bf nevotant Deity a w'!l ,ea'J IP 1 'factory t one fmcere tkanks. far rhefe mere iVP.analicni i and we hear with ap fu! difaerfaikoni of hit protecting i r ba,ion ,l ,t " minirter at L- we may hepcrrertly Jure ttfiier Am . . ' B.j :ii l. : 5lj- .. 1.. j . t 1 . . . . providence. . -.juoo win oc iiiniitunuiy inoriicteo i-sinei 01 Livine rnvi jence, tnat we . That any port:on of the jVnple ot l on'a,n tneni w 1111c tne en Oinuhl nmrmn., ,he!nii lupc liaaements with America has con our country, conbitently with its, neare, externally and iiiterrtallv. while that it arta'mb!'. or in watvfl w when that beca Me ri?cecary fl'rrr its real indipendence a:id verc'gn'y andfdppnrt the conll'.tutional ener-,.' igies and dsgni.-y of its tfuverninert I. r 1. "i. 7 ' - igtncv if tki T)irtfr4r at St. fl,M .iVx-f,, 4 .... J ilia. I ill.tlliai.t l. Mil Jl, I ClltliU lour national i.,terclU and happi- unidft-fucb iiumer.nn hkinnafe to,,rJtrtd her lrei,T wi,h Great ,be educed by th attt and mffrepr'1 0,f5hl t0 bff fulfilled with reniathm of drivninn nn. into fl mat ici iipnious punctuality ami ;ooii open rt filtance ut alawct the United ,Jlth lo which our government has (bellowed up m the volmueera k oil. nafs. Tile apnlaule of the Senate anf Houfe of Keprefentatives. fo iudlv -4 Stales, cauuoi be heard without dcpcver ,0 tenanouflj adhered -yet no -nd h-riout regret. Under a con- ",0,,vc fxills io mJuce, and every llituu n where the public burthens .principle forbids u to adopt conftruc can'only be impofed by the profle no which might eatend them bejoad themftlvei. tcr their own benefit .,he "nllrument by which they are and to promote their .rn ohiecK a created. We chenfh the hope that a a at a a a I Ka . t i V a r r, -t , ti t I itajf W- It 1-1 noon, an I i:ftan ls oil "i gni nave orcn uwuiueu , i" " .. , ..',0.1. s . r, .,, . tecrt!j had hcen 1. 1 km, and ; .killed. Loft of thren- :mj in ioiai, more man t.ooo narii PARIS, October 1 4 It 11 re (nailed, that nt the moment! when the Direr) ery were writing a letter of talicuarion to Bsnnaparta, ifi hit tail virtoty, they Irnrntd H at he bail laa led at Prit tit- It if a- B D '"tips, 1 nji-'frmc; lhat tttf arrrtt r a ' v fr , ll4cr in- the- r- ,fL v tav- lj-nrnl J rwrretl UtrrvYrr ' '.10 -I' ...' -'ui tii -..ur.i bit tf-b'-f nafi-' -ta'i'' l-vr intt'tih C tUebn- . I n ;hrn t umh If(nf7l ri audtlat'th, tiAt '.lentil r. rrftt lu llhrrfjvritt rrrittcd t L ' -"- -. fti . J f . r.. . i. """'i v rrmncr r wrmmi ny it)i rene wal of ct-vmerc nHh the U-iitU f ta't f, J.rt Sr.Dint'v 'v.,p XtTit r-m,- funt ltr' 0-;n pVff. Att fttlt fent It ft'h'fb 1 "I r 4irtfil trots Jlte met xome It St, 7 ! A met lean fc Inner th. i-a . , fnnmad v eamtam mm .... ... . . : . r - ' R, .'ii Lew, d pat bed l,om BoJ. a JnmJL Mt4 wrtr date the 3d "' '. WaTW . MM ft '.n AUt . nS ' " rr rrawemls, mhtrtmt h I v ' ' e f 4 y a, ir . - r rf" ,rf 14 11 rfrtMf OMth'ut any rrl', lt f-y nnrtthti ft carry with b" t r ft h.'e 'fir? f ,-. . . L eiy fitter ir an aid that the ,.eneal intereff would luve c' l,r locM csttenlioo, anri Oy cordi leen Hki well underflood, and the un: 1 " 'thth nf the United scneral welfare too hi h!v nrired. Sate "f he removal af all difficul- Ol this we fh .il ive'a trar.Oatioo.J t 3 have produced in any of our ci- ",kwi11 l on '"able the boarift ap. mens a difpolit on to hatard Io much P"'u "e 7 arucica felicity, by the criminal effort of a' our ,r",v w,th th" onion, to pari, 10 oyWe whh la left vl.Jence ProlMd- dbring the bultrwft com. the will.of the whole. While e la- ' lt"V WV-1 fatil wieut thai depravity which could pro-,1 comluhon. d.ice a defisf.ee of rbr civil a.uhnrity.i 1 he ouiMioga for the acenmmoda. hinn..n.,l fr... .k;. ,u.r s.:. land render mdi'tW.hle the .J 01 ,,ono, ure a. at 01 tne rreiuent wai not expected fcy the Dirrsinry. the military force: of the rvafWn, rcaland for ,he puWk.olficta ha tu KUrea.fi, he.e-H.i..Mana.ie U 1 conlolatb.n is to1e derived Irotn the wr,,,nPn' 11 " P"nanent feat, being pealed this evening. ( I he da cant; ! nrommn.fi; and fidrhtv wiili whith f,,c1' ,,J,e t0 adrnttrrf a ftw-i. Mauf ai4vd potitie news of B.ina. ! ,hat attl was afrt.rtled. That itou f ' ,nat d,,,rirt 7 ,he ,nne prelurt-l irr.i W" r,,"ve4ind aaive te-iperatlon with the0 t he act of Mongrels, no r.,, fdiic P5 ,hev,!,,nr.and Ch . i. prefiim,. w,M exdl to . . u t'..C: V , m ,iia,f. laJ ;, ,-,wi.e hi,h h., com pnance wnn ne law. ren..fed order and luhmllfun to he' With yon, fir, we derio the pre- ftv.1, 11 1 pirahna evidrnceof the at.','' Plo, ana non.e.uoiii. ladnacnt of ovr lelltw-ciiirena tJ1"' imfonant change whfef. ate ihe.r own free govrnflteo, and orjcurrmr, the new .no grrafeve,... r.i.. i. L..'which are every hour tireiunnu in il.tv will (,. port it. 'he pnlmeal world, iht fpirK of w.r To give due fffeft to the civil ,j . lt-vlent in almoft every minillradon of o:vermnfn!. and teJ". h hofe aHaTrhel cerells rn(reai.i(teaertrio,,o.ih hwrJ"1 he United Stair I have a Ay nn- obiccli of fuch real Motrittdl ai topetttfm, dconnMratt bow unlafe ajal 1 e a proper aiie-.iion to jroirji"' a 1 I ..,,,!, I Aj m ,.m .'met t N m atha.aa A .t ... a . . rrc iiitn-m himn of a revit-m' anali""""'" .,.-, .wi awa litisjjfor their j.al.)Us a.Vd active cu-. operation with the judicial power, which has reilored order and lub tuitfion to the laws, as it cu nit .vit'i peculiar weight and propne'y !r is the Leg fljture", canno(fail to have a extenfive nnd permanent eft t, Inr the fuppn of e ivern ncut, niM'u all iririe lugeiiuoua mind, woare.e.vtf dehght li on, the approving an I a.r- uiiaiiag voice of their roinirf. (v JOHN ADAMS. United State., Oil. 10, '99. he ttenrh, 0n. .) 1 -'aa 1 CONGRESS. Monday. Dec. eat The hnufr went into a cimntwiae I 1 r a hole on the Iftle id ihe U. 0 o-i, 10 take into contlderiiipa the i.'ijevls reiomm mler! i ,nr Prrndeot! Speech. Mr. Dsot, in hr rlf When, Mr IX r. tlcr nmvfd the follow. H rffoliiiM.no, which were arerd o hy he tnm -mr I. Rtfo4t T ,a, ft m(lch nf Ht Sjieethof ihe Ptelitlrn: rtf th l!n-,. etl S atei, N hoth houfe . of Cungrefs, as inei.wnentenent of the prefem lemon, at reti-e. t- rr '(ino and a aiendment of the Jnd ii ry ftflem, pc rererreo Ma ., , :t-t w . leave to report by ail'., or other. wiir. 2. Rcolvrd, That fit much of thr ifpeech ol me Preiidmt of the Uniini b'at, to bjl'i l.oufrs of Cnnre' N the CiiilfHtHMllUr t d the rrefr,., M, II n f 10 the enpenjirure i peanlM io,fl, hi rflfff( tf Wya aivl Mr ii T . . r . . . .. . iiaintii!' mir out 11.11- i r ,r , ., , am numoi ni ine pi'liriary 'yuem. I 7 p- .. at we have rvr done. th n-thia ofT1'"" m 'e ava. it reioire that . p. iPtf. as we no, inn . - . " , ...... ..i -n.,.t w po.icv i,.cri nan le?rtoi.. havecrtWhed fo darmf a.. ..(.A,A , 1... rriny mc viue 01 ncr caaJUUI na r L ........... . " . ,..,,..., 1 t r . 1 niMHiiiiinn. Aftii to eaentdi nri. SKNATE. 1 Thit da at 12 Vr, the Senate, in btefy, uaifed upon the Prrldeitl if lh Mnittd Statu wtl -v ft. 1tm addirJi.Myger 10 tie Jpetih ttltth lloifi: m HRfcs 1 n ;.N rV'' STATES.. Afai, Sir, the refpetlfnl arknsv ledieticrti nt ihe Senate M i llm fU abttea, for your 1 perch deUaateJ to hufb Monfet of CoMjjrefs at the o- petMtiAof the rrrl. 1 S-(Tio. SjUila ut .itlv ...... . a, .ft . e 3 - V -" -jwaii WWW ... V A . . terpn tHanks in Almighty -l n : lie return of health) to ir nun, k lor lite peneeal profpf rita rl the fnrr ry 1 We ranoot refrniu fron lamcjit ine, that ihe ant and talmnoies of fa -nous ami ilrfignir.g men, hv es 1 id opne rehelhiin ftrtnd mne i t m ... . ... . - ircntiit it una. ani ihfrehv rnmnel'ru lliiuldu. ..1 - .. .:i..' r. ... ... (WIJIIIili VI m IIIIIIIT1TT I " a.d lieervM tothoelry fu itati eaeen. Hidato opprovn'i, ai we do, the! i mm- a . - " . . . . . . paCtlM ami huml hern invariahlv tf rely nurf.icd bv t ie Executive ,,,JrecMd evidence t.mioii,rleir, thai thneiiv ol ihe UuiTdl.itei, ,iolif 1 7 "c nV 10 prelerved by htr -h h our hell irtrrrlli eni J -r.i vigiftnce, evet to ccrmu herleh tnd of whuh ho iarhn pereauied ' " ' ,"d hT elwe 01 eale nr by he obiervanre, ve cnnlider ai ihr 0,,,r cufidfratioM, into that deadly noa una-viivmal pfif of yn.v in. ''Iregard of ihe iweamof ftrfrftrnrr ll'tbl p-rievenme in ilie r4mc hHcoal.l tjoly relolt Iriiro sj care, veil cV.'-.i f,:um, vrnir prolan, ,e,",, ttitnmal as it wooldbefa. imnio'iieei r.n- hi II ..id c n o. cnncernine the fuTUte dtilu,.-. lh- pr of the Freo rtqiTfrs 4 -f fMr,n 'P"- 1 he re. tfpiaficinn toacc.tiOo-ndTi!e h ff ihe m !,.m m friace 11, i- i ie ditl-rencet b'vei the iwejj r' r" " "'P'' M iu - arpy, oiah.. ., t . I 1 ... . toilfiirk', 0 a t,o 11 'ittimi nl n,ivl'" 'f'i aionfa 1 be aiu.l pjt fu j teieu into wito Oieai -Kntain, v - . . a - - . . F . .. - ' initNiucn ii - 1 oni'-'e r-nr o.-w. I i.e rtromp-iiii.ic ah1 teal dilptae H r I l.w .1.. . ..U.I r. . ...i ' " 9-j m pv aeviitrtt a ao 1 ai vOiT r Int MilUrret'lioO Itefme ot.r lofS-ll com nve iid at ion and nr.ii'ir, ad MMf l a pi rati oc proof of . -i nod elne. my w.tb wl,irt our fe'l o.r.i... rerewiytn nnint-on ihe anil. of our rtrelftnt OTerriinet. KnOM wf do, il.ai l Uohe ! s'aro lt' T anaioM 1 ra I ,, and liberal eaee.nion ol ll, e .-r,:r

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