r "V7 fctvT-cTv;, Jm. Nov. 7. v a j Itc p-tornir a quarter - i! -rim we ;i j Guitar thin ...j)ut i, 1 ad anitf there, ml.hrYsntM oim's i..Jt 3 Fre4 Hefilved, That tfc. thanks r.f the fri,are pw j0 :-''- to Coa ; 1 if ihev v " vUibiv at y.tJ, ani In SrW.Tfi f the UNITED rv'nfiVitoFWappwteil fir STAIKS. it in nr tfii'w viiti, thf '- fce'-.e ' difU Ft ': Jr.;, Deemver 27. O.; Bftoif i. BiM ta.ken fh . M ! o ot 'ir lactones .r.,1 ! i . . ani " !cfror ', the ed won ur. tne ul jl mihtvy "hom Scnare be-c m'MitNcarJ, wrotigh it P.rtdsdVm, 10 Geo. Hrji' Le l,r rl e Wganrand . rimpridfive ora-jr$i.'.evi?, fjne'jy 11 JHvck, to com "l n to the meuiorv of (eii Or.orjt ; mre thxymtn proper mans ftr tr'ct. a IT ThemhahUtints 9f efa town ire tfjfffhi r .;rji a ftetttngjil ihe noV!l ot onward j W!h 'infirm, WiVich he 'nr'parrd and 1W4 mi-tVieof f fe 111 of (Jen, mi tlx cftjCi ot An o.la. ' TefolVfJ, TrtJ, ,heL.agtrftMry btf directed t apuly-nS Genera L:e tcr a copr ot ihc fame. - PH I L A DELPH I A , Dee, 30. The legilUtufe bf M iryhind ; ii! tdditiotf to a 4 former gram, fviyg jg ALEXANDRIA, January 4 fy loaned to" the- ' it y of .Watti- !. Lei not the left know what the rr.'iu nam t It 1 11 '!..-" 1'T V . .. iligton, 5a, coo do.ia.Bs in u. oiai ;L.k. . -'. .V" . . - I We aienppY mhe'3 ah'e to dons A 'Proclamation. By I he Prejilent 'jf'tht United Statu of America. WHERE the Coogrefiof the United Spates hare this dav refolvrd ,rv'l hat fit be recommended to the U-e., Bret, Bjltxrr, . BeevJArx Coflee, Cordigt Prices Current. 1. C. D. C toa It .-. 4 hirt-l, "- b so 7 . lh. ao TS Ih. ao as 011. ' 67 75 lb. lootb. it Canvai- 30 8 pitb'ic that ; r. n! .r-v;. at 1 k-lcnt niinii'i r to the Hum- i haTw tiled T.vyei ! . nndrcd Pon ncis towjn'i the fv.luuW of that pur-! a ur of M di id, w ho is in - posh f-.jti..'n of" the A'.ex.i dr'ta Academy li.(n ot moll ol ihc reqnihte H(,ro- .TefVipart fur the evocation of poor tf. ;its t'.3r dm piling the life of Ge- orphao o.ht(Hrt,-a, to vyUii.li .he? n;ral WaihintO", and who tg to , had from it- effaljii Ilinient,. aunu nght hand doeth -.f . -4rTHf pfo; be recommPtd to' thf Ivis been mentioned, that a- , people of the United S'. i'ta to ilfem. ; the -many . .charitable do'ha-k!e.oft"tb twt'nty.ficond day df Fc. ; of (iehora! Wadtintiton, hc h,rUary peXt, in facli nurnben and bt- turu'Uhed by the proper atttho r'pies With further material wil undertake t1.ii tOtereft:nt. 'work.- Froto the t.tlci-.lS. accurac'v, a i". cLi p-r.riotittn of- tf is gcoth-man,. the j U )!ic,inay cxpcc to. reivc a hif to'iv ort-oared witU the seuie-Pcfs ot ally jjaid i'itty PoHtu!$..- X .X. T-r- a iri lie. 1 IV. th clc-ancc imejjroy of a tcho ot tru'iiu' ar.d V ar. CONSii KSS. . f'j:,fe of Rr-slcr.t-tta,es, ' D -J,t.i) r mi. Tv!r.;Otis cokd icr the order & i t .da on ihv bill t.o prdyid.it tor th t';i iwter oi'tn of the io'bahjlatr t t the U.nred S.-.ic Tj'tcs. The luui.e ;,t 1 1'i'iim,',! went into a rotnnoti't ..l :he whole on U;d bill ; Mr. ar k ir in ffte c!-,air. 'tit On Snndjy laft thr fiwictal nfeljet. f;tiies in honor ot (JNSRt Geo, Washington, ri cea it i ' , as L ,-- rytu'eld- by th.e ..jcon-ntinfe tor. thai mirpofc, wfre fo'cint'iicri in t!i. town; At foo rie, tHinote jt'ii!(i f, i j e r.ttir.hcr t-t fix.et ii w t're itrt from rtt'e Galhesi nil K "Vjyn e Cut . t(.r, n'.o.'oed in aline in i!.t rivci, r.it. . . i'.i ir 1 ' di.rit... T'-. w I ' 7 L. VII I 1 1 1 HUlllll UMI ! 4 I ( i ( Flowr. . k . R, Gin, IhtHai.d, cafe." j -ditto gal. 1 Vmetctitt, H,it;s, alive gro. too lb. 4 I afel, . . lb. Louiherioe,! J Cj pris, 5 MolalieS ."gal. y.teailung mtHJ S'a : 60 ta -f 12 l5 3 50 60 Tar, Turjntin, Oxen, aii e, Pork, . . . Peas, . . Rum, 4p, . . ? P: Rtt- too lb. manner may be convemem, pub- o iy 10 icuoy tneir ripr ror tne death ot General George Waffjington, by Suifalvie jfulojiie, ora,iinni and dif. tcui lfa,, or hy public pravcr :" and V be Hcuto.sXst, UbeJ, W ifl (- a . rVochmatina for. tlje ptirpof e f y fle, , oi carrvNi" wift lorrjrotWjr rclrimion in-oclfVci."' NowthkfoVeJ John Auams Hrelident oi ite U'lVtifSt.oes d Atflcricj; do hereby ocltnin the B. each. B, bn. gal. I : 1 . ia 8 20 50 14 9 58 FaeT71TI'1 & VlLMIN3. TOV STAGE. THE STAGE "will, for the rrefenti pW orrc a week between Fayelteril'e and VV1lm,tng- , ton leave Michael Motion's", at Favetteville, on Wedoefday morf ing t .7 o'clock, & arrrive the next dayat Wilmingtoh--leave Dorfey'l Hotel, at Wilmington, Sunday morning, 7 o'clock, and arrive it Fayetteville Monday afternoony by Way of Point Peter and Black riveK Pare, for paiTengers fix doHars clear of "ferriage! and 14 lb. baggage Pxice of other baggage one dollar fof'tvery 20 lbs. weight. Stats ma'y . h, engaged- at Fayeftrville of M. Molton, and at WTTmington of C D. Howard. A reafonabe chargt I 1 fnly will be made for way paiTen 7V"" tol I he vetfeis in uhe havbour 'Van li:tv, havi ! alf ntaft . mc t nn; if colour's ; i ' 1 m n c ci(c tile ri.' rTirfQaitcxiCed tolling itvnifV, when tin urooeiho'i tM rned of pnfite the Lodge m ilie )v. 11,;' order v r . 1 v 1 -r- 1 a; . ,utr,ao.: i nt.;s 1 ;ocp ci Walk- rr r" ijj.M'1 nort(e, C.'iitairi Coriipitiy, -Band of ?TnO: r 1 ') era! Tite firtf fi-dion hSyirt?, hU "fan, JWr. NicfitJas 'nvfd to H-ilvC h tbn v, r is vh'ch ifivtf. ixTrJic StsreTarv o; the potyrr -ii" dtrew'trg fit - mj-'hi-h rr the r: . . tV-r :'- thv intus thill be t.ikeo. lo fr a jtnoi in th.j n'arncuUfly t ;?! in -.!.--Mr. N. fi,' this provifjou w no? 10 be found in t tie forinr ail on thi fn jecTj -and tie law no re don wi; a man sho wa! Iwuiid hv .1 u 'e n 1 o8,h toad m conformity to ibis a.k, fliuU'd ie fuhjeel to dirrcfiodf wh;ch ; inourimgi . t! v tcrupu1'. Miiiefi of H11 coilfctcVtce j PSf. un, DAots I ndepmdeiu 01 V'EN nri.le toy land 4 the leaf id' the Un-tt, i 'ates. at Philadilpi.is,' t' lixrii of Jnuarr in fl-f vear i.t c.ir I.Mrfj fine Th.iufaiVd Eihy" H.U' dV'jf, ' and of ti In epeodejtci' oft tie t ,j. ttais th'fr-: W"tv (oi'fh. J DAMS., the$rj,!'tx'' TiMoriir FictiNc, Stfjitaty of Sfte. The hill 10 provide (n ileeru- urattonof tnr ii.haoitanKrot 1 1 nUwA 1 M ... , .. .1 ... I I,.' Li. I. i f 11 . jr.tiycs on the 4i'fl ultimo. in" a del. letter uttileruu comntandti from Cape , Kfa,ncois, by l.icuie'ianr iarrl.:,. . fv-..ri' ? s L-oir'-.v. : :-(! by Captain MiK'i r-il at. ! l.".-:y, -16 (iuls i'ii white wr.h black faff. ,ai Ii ii r : . 1 a Ipn ut cvprefs. A rOV. to. tavs. nr. ear hno.il- - r - 7 a hit.- oiok one third cf the citv a aives. S-niar. nVOWn; lori lb. it Skutiof Ueer 1b. . ' 'as i)!ia Stiingles 22 i. c.,nbi Staves, w. 0. pipe ?o 1. 5 -w. 0. hhd. 1000 Jj w. o.' iarv pieces 1 j rol)a,ceo, . . loo lb. J 6 r1low, k .. lb. f2 T.2. Mr. John Charles Crafts, , , AS every one may not be ac-1 qnirned with your celebrity fr lyini', and lea ft your iufamOiH alunin.es may make an nnprt- ioh on thole u'ltn whom I vm un- qua'ntsd, 1 ant under the necef- ity of declaring you to the public as a oaie .unprincipled ictundrtl intl liar. Nothing but a knowl- 1; rd your pJillUauiniity has fav- erl yon trom my perfoaal refent- inent, to have c Ta 1 1 1 1 d yny as ymi leferve whioh if I did, micht e confiih red as too "reat a degra- .i-'.'!V.. 'Trrrrvrrrrirrra : auon irom mannooa. HENRY WILLIAMS. Wilmington, Jan. 15, iKoe'.' e prccc led by Mrs. 4 1 III III might k'oi iiitn to r Mufe o abide , . t,t Oyi :'-'U'ht i err firv the u )w.r o' ftjv'l directions ,p rfnant J A ..... . Ih lUld lie '.odi-ci! Lvcrc: ami Tl UekerenM:r ' idling, A white horfe, with militarv ac- 1, in fable t'.lf. led by an old 10 tirs a?:, mould lie '.nuo! i.nue- v re h was indiiTereat whetiter ,,i"? nd plun Sta-- or ary "M i ord r tha- "'"r,"f ion"ir..ents revv ; It alT.-r'ed wiih crcdihilitT that ihe kjjacy of Central trojiringitn o ,n: ncpnew juct: UaHunglon, IS h 1 1 idrv at I t Musim-A K., w" m 1 a(ttT ,iitn, -wrnten by himleiN lo lu ! omiiiivti he. has npt CAly civen t! ... 1 L . . I .1 j- V i" riy, out D-qocatner a luliieiency M j maintain trein. - - the Srcfe.jr of O'i'fr prop-T officer ; k' )? o:tficulty of embjrraf:'tMr: i 1-! . . . r if m the excciuion m the la , tl e '"l'V .J marlhals, who were to es4MUt il, m uld know wiiere to app'v; It Was alfo uer.-flrv therttiroi fhonld r , be ooiforni, wh'ch Ih-i'ild ivt be cv ec1-d to he the a'e, wers lilf Words ffruck Ktjr, T'.ie . q u cf 'Is w s p(ff whfn inerrap rarcd fri 1 flirni4M 20 -neAa,,f e Jl 1 In' biilliavoij' be n gHf throtich, Ceil. S.tiiih, URN nn e s.iL i .-arriul by 4 old.oh di'--. P ' jor Wright, '). Toomer, Port ot Wilmington. stNlTtTO.tr it Sloop Gull, Clark, Savannah Sth r. 1 hree Sifters, Hoooer, D wi-jrata. Cargo lugar, coft'ee & rum. Brig-George, K'..n, St. Thomas's leil. Brown. Moorrtrs, itttier of Cincinnati ced a kmf dif- Laiiici dr. (Ted in ..iie with bUiV U1 Wa. !l..-uy riDBJttU nd if.llj -u.-rcin Ii cd no, t'ii and ol thi'U contiQfnral officerr. om?i:tife ro.'e j -d icportcd Us)l irt Hoys w hniuuru:n cr;e, er1 fa en carryiuit a fpfisj i Li ir-precro Mr. Chrilfiereie ,ed r '-., Pif by .!r. J -ie!vn, fedVoff. m. e in the commr t u. ,ir. 1. v. hith p. The Q.j.- lott bv ai ind uavt XC4S, 30 Mrchan Ney, j ;( ,Mr.J'-hn AH And tle roll wis rdcred 10 be Ma: "ii eniwurd vt 4 iiofd rcad.ug to mor- of the Ftrrniiy, preceded by tbr raw, wtrllnpful Smoel Mlon. I e S,eaker laid firr the bouftT Mdim OUier, a letter Irotn die Tre.d-trer of the' Stsi'c'ovl OiTivr, preceded by the Vt.ii.I.Sic, nmta ui"f aitorbent So'ninor Gt.uerl. of t.yi fpeiie accoui t, .p lUd bv the; F le,raf pvil OtTictr. I toper idsWtfti with w.s widcrcdi MHrrsof VeSlttt luhe pfintedt Sttftngen. Nit. M.r.hilf, frrm the joint; The lri!.abi&nt i.t the town, pre. I 1, re pj.-o iteJ 10 coi.iiJcr and icdriTby the oideft native' fellow. rtpor: what -luealuret ought to be 4 . , - itir of (he .nor i d G"'. Wadtingion, made eooiher report infrt which was mianmtouf 1v IgrfM 10 Hy me houie, in tac woroslollowing, to gsit j . ; . hy the beii,:cnd flo ifc m U .... W 1 . . Carto ct ttec bch'r. Luv.ely Laf, Beynohls, Sa- 1 vaonah. iBrts Hannah, Southwitt. Dema rara. Cargorum, fugar, coffee cv itio'.tltes. 1. 1 ! ii1. . ii v.m r. rran.no, aincncil, Uomi i n tar"o turn. iT.rin I.. . I - .hell, Clsarlefl.isi. :h r rolmr.hia. II... db. llr.jj William. Pmil. Si. Tiiomas's. t I.KARI.O George- ; t own The Proprietors. , , ''Wilmington, ill January, i8oo iVf . B. No letters can be con vby-d id the Stage on any account whatever. For Sale THAT valuable corner lot, and Brick Building thereon, be tween Market-Street and Toomer't alley on Second-Street the dweU ing houle and kitchen may be cafily repaired, as the Walls are but little mrt by the fire. On coo dollar being paid on the 25th of March next 12 or if months credit will he given for the rcfidue. . JOHN BURGWIN. . Beccmber 26. ' i t State of North-Carolina, Wilmington Diftrict. J F)UfSUA. f ro a decree of the A Court. of liqnity tor ihe diltriA atorelaidin a cerraiu 01 life herein Smirtt, lelauleie and parrel were complainants, i. Nathaniel Crocker detendant, will be fold 111 W ilnun j ton, at public auction, to faiisfy faid j decree, on tbc firll day ot February next, a certain H .uie and Lot iit I laid Town, on the e a It tide of Front Itieef, forioerlvhrlohging to the laid Nathanieli and now in the puflrlTion nt Benjatn'm Bhuey, merchant laid Lot 11 thirty three feet in frontand ruot one hundred ind lixty.five feet hick. Terme Ca.Hl. Sain. 11. Jocelyu, c. 5c ra. e. Eq-iity-Office, ' "I 6th January, 1S00. FOR SALE, THAT salnableiLot in the ToW of Wilmington, ninniu 00 feet on Front-Street, and 09 on the Ru ver, wit'K the improvements ttieraon, couliUm of a well-lintlhed two ffory Owellinf. Houfe, with an eiecllent Store-Cellar, Kitchen and Out Honfw I t piffcnt oreupied by Mr. George Cibbs and a Wtsarf with a new VVare'-Houlie thereon, jo by 6e tiaet. for terms apply to GfcORGfc DUNCAN. January 16. , -a FOR SALE, virr. Lydia, Bradifa, if.' Sr,cif:v, preceded if s h'r. Jnno, Thnmpfwa, N. York Man,prcluU.; . IV'- VgfU flfpi New.Y.uL. S ... ie n :he moufning belt r.r Vrolet, Haya, Nortolk. FOR SALE, A Carriage and Harnett A'fo a pair of Rjy Hnr'et. For termi app'v to the Printer. Wiliniiiuiim, January 16. DANCING SCHOOL. A Nat SnrreyufrConlnafi and TjL Chain. Enquire of the Pnuter. J an. . . , 3 1 THE luWCcriber hating qualified sm Execu'or 10 the la(t will and teftament of Wilkiat Meredith, de ceased, reqoeftt all perlons indebted mmcetiaie 01 tne i nn rtrceateil. to make payment ; end thofe to whom rrw indebted to brmf forward iheir aeeoinpis property attefted, within rheriime prefcribed by an tA of th General Atlembly, in fnch cafe made and provided. JESSE JENNET. January g. 1n Dollars Reward. KAN away from the tuhlcriher, a Negro Man naated WILL, I r,n-rly the proper-y o Thomas 1 1 t .. . " MonHeur Lovzcll tie-! iTii ZJJT"' 1 UtlMfli Sch'r Betly, Cook, Salem. Sloop (iii'l, Clark , NewbertfJ Sch t. Mineiva, Murray, Kinglloi.: Mamaicti Sch'r. Aqo. Cork, Gieneda. NOIIQK. ALL neflona hawing demands a sainfl the. eUate of Maiibew Johiilloo, Sen. dee'd, are re qui lied WUIiatl Campbell, Efq. in fH ,0 txUh,t ,,,r r'"e ,0 'betubfentr The proceiTion moved at tt o'clock prtUnktd by in a f ot the Gmeral onderihedi cHarge of aa note t urn, Al''r '" '. 'ilri ile until u emoted ibe Cboru., the Pol. pride.l-and tbofe.hoir? .ndtlu. .od D.Tt -hereof h.d h--n ,hreto are requeued 10 m.ke kleitrefenutive, o the Unned j prevtoufly fnrooJed when the B.cr g e,l l'JV",p'M. " ' ' " Siate'f , in CnogrtU afli I natlbemg placed m ihe emre of ike tr clofing the bounds of tbc clLie it he recoeimendcd to tne people ol jhe UnueJ It WW, to aflcvtblc on 1'ieaal slat of February next, in fucti '' ?r atnl manner as may Ih Cssteneii;, pu'didy to leridy ihear. priei fur inedsjih id sica. UeWr Wl!tnton, ly lunate Eolnnei, f ir-noos, ami iJiUwuffea j or , V ahtk Ft yer. A tJh it fm'tkrr rf,hJ, Tim the Peeti le-it 01 the Un.ted htatts be reitieftrd o recommend toe ln-, tO ' r liirLieiea InssnatJI knowledges uh giatuudc the fup -1 rnpfa.l Sound. Whoever wiM por- and enmur.e stni wiih which pfehen I f.id fellow and deliver him the lidies and gente.nen of Wil-.uih aj,alerof Wilminrion, (bail "' nmirriw tavourrfl hm, rnem tie and hnpvs by ancmiou to his IchoHirs ro merit e r.mo.iiiinte ther-oi. He his provided in excellent fid' 1 r 1 r 1 1 . . 1 . .1 . I 1 r atniT- irv j , PBOUDFOO T IOHNSTON. Vilm-ngton, Janu ry 13, t8oo. dier who n acqoauued with si I the laftionabte CotilHom and Cmurb dance, and avTurct the public IHai FOR SALE, A MULLATTO MAM w " w riMMeb. ih Cawl lon it potRhle tne otc-fimi wn performed hy the OEXIROI JJ NMNGS, r.a'r. Revereud Mr. Hailing, who deli-ee.l " J'P .a .1' Cd an an..ted tn4 pht..c dd A D V EKT1SEM bN T. oor.e .rmn i;,e longing text : 2.1 . Lartt B; f.piwled i eonl.in Ch. 35m th. 15th Ver. " And f B )OKs WM (hipped on board alljoiah and Jeru'alem mourned for d.e ScHoi er moo lions New York Jofu i." The lelemmiv ol the re- T le Cnli(iiie ay mmt M IN HOie Wi heightened by lufleril hy calhnft on A. T Browne, and pay hvmnl, fu ti ic intervals, and wn '"g freiio aod rhsrt-s. revered deeply afTeOinhy the tlr mV JOSAIIHN IHOMIaON. rapitiii miot grief eahibited on evt: Wltaaktffij, eosjr) . aswa i'.n iia.i.ic, . - - ft 1 t twliov- Iha'l be training tdw4r"f. ..About r entr-throe yeas of ajt conducing but pnods mine sjenOw'-f p'j1 'he Primer. iccoanplifkmem ofdantuii'. tl4 Utt. 26. h?ov.e, tm. fruZ n.n .r n .t I A A.. ....... . - Ml ,m , . norjei&dulkey FOR SALK. For trrmi apply lo A. HALL. Deccwihei e. a ILOPtni'.. j fervue a us aif NevrA Fellow t imed Minn. I. well kuoWsl m Wil ulutrfo-r , 1st longing lo Uaviajonis, bla, hut niuttiteu toHir. verippre herd f is-J feh nd ddei hun 10 me or lodges Mm ibe Oml WUmingunt, tuaiirii. ivr i'ehive reward. Ite bit hern I ererolf hirhositrd hv a N-."o W.mmbr- lon gin lo Mt- Hetoo. I h-' for a BrtWj and WM t.'.'te I ail SanJcy ii'ghi. l ee lime rewird nf K., - Di'jsrt ill U git'en to at N fM 1 erno aygl in-"? i wn hit boors Hies, on iu!iri.lu.i Wanted j or 4 Apprcn. t.ceuoihe Itonle-Caipcurr', h g. ei.. Boyi 'f(a ,5 , ,A yfar nf fc. hne orfclail) will be prefer, "d- AU.X. ROUbt. Nuvemjer 7. Two eoiirnleni ftres 22 fy ib. t we cm net ot ttmn Mai 1 . iet. Appl an by . ProrlsmatM 1 t iht pur,jrle. Jjhn Rurwin. 1 IT I 'nianaBs tor 1 . .eat ie J Urn be ing 1 1 iovd hy ihe f.f u'.cat A Hall'aUoek lis. re, load. JadUi'i 8 1 W J'..e.r ,4. 1 is-roij. ' aL