T H E W I LM IN GTON G A Z ETO; 1 14- Three Dollars per Annum.- JtTJ'tf-Peace and- FrienMnt fctween tbeUnited Vales l E- RiLA,andtheKin.Lr. it TUNIS, . JOHS AjS.VdS rrelHcnc wntivtrtaa 1 revy of reace ami . . i .r t- . r n 1 r .iencfh.p was den-utety arranged, mu co.tclti.ied, between the U.v'I Willi.! r.?,nenCfV t"1"" 7' Cathcart. BlbMirescoHJ,irtion,rs tha n, ; eh ec a n uue ! i. A..P . ' .m, e ' a,iP mine.., & tlie Tvolt'illuitrio'js and mod nSitri llificieiit Be v aiA I'uverniiipnr ot'Tn- 1 t. .i . .1 r 11 ' TCiiicji i-reaiy is in ine louawii'g Woru's, to wit : t (TRA-NSLATIQN.) ' . "GOB IS INrlNi rE.r. UNDER the aitl'mces-ot 1 the treat" elt, the uiod po.vrful ot idt tbe prin .ces of (lie Ottomati nation, who ri-iii Upm. the e.inli, ant otoJl ilbrio.i9 nd moll aufMtft 'E-nderor, who cti.n.. wrtntlg the t wo lands nti'l the two IVas, SejitH K i't, t n-f victorious foii of the Sultan Moult i'., -vliofe realm, nny G'l prol per until the end of ntes . tlte fuppnrVol kings, the fefu of pif tice, the emperor 01 emperors. The molt i'.lulVrious,):!'! molt m a; 'nifi-entJPrince HatniindaVaclia, BeyJ who commands the Odftiak ofTpnis, the aho le of hapiinefs, an.l the molt honored Ibrahim Dgy, and Sottman, Aga ot the jHniffiries, and chief Qf tlte Divaw, and ill tlie eklecs.ot" the Odtiak , and the nioll diTiTiVeuiflied -.nouS ,o,c . vno pio.ets. t, e j" : J m"".v.' Vn "-""'"' end be happy. We have concluded between ds the prefeni treat v of peace-and friend fliip ! all the articles of which have . . . , fceen framed by the interveiK,on of jfofeph S ephen Famin, French met chant, redding at Tunis, chae d'af- lairs ot the United States of Americi ; which Itipul itions and con Iuioiis are comprized in twenty three articles, written and exprellVd iti Inch mni- ner, as to have no do'obr of tlieii1 contents, an.i in men way as not 10 be emit ravened Art. t. There (hall la perpetual and -oiilhiiii pev, between ihe UhL tad Sta.es ot America, and the ntpgM nificent Pacha. Bev of Tunis 1 a ul ' ... - - y inwHin 'r man more and more mci eaie. Art. a It a vellelofwar of the two nation (hull make prize of an eremy cflel, in which may be found eflcrts, property and lutjects of .he tvvo contraciing parties, the whole j ftallberellorvd : The B-y lhall W-J 11 V1 1 3 I nii'ivvi.i ifi .ne United States, an 1 the Mater fhall make a rec:'irocal rt-floiaiioii , it he ii'g uuitciilo.il on both li '..-s, inn the right to what is claimed dull b. proved. Art. 3. Merchandize belonging to nv nation, whii h i-iv be m war wiih one of- ihe roatrs&iligpariiei, nd loadeit on board of the vcflel ol the other, (lull ptfi wiihom mob n a tion and withoHt any ai rem pt being ma 'c tn capture or detain ii. Art. 4. On both (ides fuflirient r..ri luji. oc a"" " mat ti.ey may m known an reatea sluendly j and coi.fident.g the dil-' lance between il.c (wu eomnriet, a rterw ol iPhtee months is f;iven, witnin winch term rclpeft Hull he paid to the fai.lpaf.porn, withon? re. qa.niie ihecon-eor p.i.por, (wl ul. 7. " . j ; L ,7 . the laid term, the conge lhall be pre at 1. 11111 it r.il e.l I en i I h.if niter I r 1 I . ' : . rirt, j. if the cerlairt OT I nni. ihsir m . i . M. r a . a. ! meet at tea witii mips 01 war 01 ine r . 1 m. t . . a . a. United Siaiei. barinit under their me sdned. nnd to avoid oustani me : The American (hips of war dull 3.1 in like manner towards matchani fl rlcorird by iherotl ," ol Tunis Ail. 6. It a Tuuidan totlir fhall 2S -nV'n AT!"...?!!"' - . 1 1 . I nli.l If. .11 fc.l.f a. .1 . I... I p 1111 of be.a (everely .mnifVen , A.idinl.hnnec,ifn.eelMolw of .he United Si.ie. fhall mt win, a f'in.lmi - e'cl.iiu selTcl. fl.e (hall od,re me a neynle In c-fe a nae. .-. ..e...R - me'irirt efl ol war.' the rm.ii. I fliall Iw requited to canfe two in relloert. . . I .1 any ol ilinr p .i-.r-ers fhiH eti4te mi hnird of the l.miftsn vir.cN. Il.ev p i ) he reMo.ed ll.it ill. ..... d..ll . .L . .dl Iff. VT '"' .,n af,T A.neriea., mer.ham vr'ael, and h ih.H be proved iha. thevehwlha. depar. en he (hall w rr.wr.ir...... nn r .mom llllil M , Art.? An Americn. i ittn has- ot the United State; o ''T w-'".c" '"T wrri w ..' f - - on commercial or other ctv.i matters A-nertrn. re'P hf " rre' T7 T u V ,,WUM TT- ihali happen, the trial fhaH be b; Te whom thefe preeats fail cwr". 75 LZZT EST . . . in the pre fence of .he conKil, or of reetini : A . ri a r. AsVl -.k r.,7ir. k- .u- confiocntul pcrlon ot his choice. efrort merchant veflelt of their ni.iLllwi . tn . " .;,. 1- . r- r 1 , w . , u L hv and wdh the adeka nd e . fen. Ua:,,; 01 ,ncr uncli..i.s or ih lion thev (hill nm ftaMhitd in po.t, eacept iniherafeof dott not leaf e a will) of which he "V the adute and coideni ration eircwhcrc and helotc 1 'Zuitt "'iXh':.!";;,';," ,:: KSa"; s m . - y te- "','p r,",y r' i,ShVd. aiatiders (hall he believed upon their m ran chant seiwli but .mi., ihi.r. goycrnment of the pl.ee (hill hive ci-nrm the lame, s,,U evry fcf. 3. ne. ai I!,,..nipa,.e i, char. word, 10 exempt their ihins horn be. Lf(lllf ' nothing to do ihf rewpn : And i( ,,4",,r ,4'ru :ed wuh the exc, niii.i. ..1 & B L T S 1 mc nwrcbafed' an iz? vef.el. from'owr (WjiiV. mjr with pa&porrf - rwweh. - iee W. deliver toriayprp at ... ...l,'..U ,,ur rir- 0!e e:r ; by tt.rceof w'uen our cor- wumncs. hi term ludii tmiv w . . r o r. . ' ,r ur nr (ai'r, n,ect with hr without the of tle-Uniied States, foe RWd fKT H' r5 ;,cI1 vd as the cargo Art. 9, H a vefse! of one of the coivfra'ttn ar'ies ih til be oblice.1 10 - enter into a-port 6t''lie--other, and nt'.iy have need of p'-ovifions aorl o- thr ar-icles, tiiey Ih1! br granted to riier witbouc nnv difficulty ar the price current .r-t' the place: and if foch a veTael flull have fullered ar fra.and ftsfl -"-have need of repairs, (he fliMliie at libcrtv to unload Iter i carA, without hei tag?, obliged to pay anv dory : and ihe captain (hall pay only the waies of whom iie (hall have e m ployed .-.s welt ftir ihe mitoadliHr of the to' ! as 101 tlieir retdadTiijt Arr. o. If by arrident 'aw I by the enrn hiiH .voftiod, a vrsel of one of ih? ron ra uhio parties flull he call by teinp'it upon the coatt of ihe o'.heV, and di he wrecked, or otherv.iie ''aufii'-vl, the crtmmaodant of tbe oaaec flirtl render all 00 IT. Id en (11'! inre for its prleM4fion, without allowing j aiiv o-rfon tn ! t.i.nib;,,.. ! aim the proprietor o the cltects (hall ptty, th6 cofls of fill v age to thole who may ha-c been emo oved. ' An, 10. In cafe a ve(s-l of ne of tn'roiirracljn.B nardies (lull be at. tacked by an eiiemy under the caow "" ' Wl 1 Ul I IIC III lit I I) II ( V fl,e flrill be pro'e 'led ..and defended 01 of the forts of the other party, as much as PoliibU ; and when (he (ball let fail, no enemy dull be per untied U) purl'ie her, from the fame port, for forrv-e;glu hours alter her departure. " Ar: lt yile a vrqc ( wnr ,b ti.iiiV.t i,-.t. c A .. ., o. n cn ,,,e j1ro ,j,e norr Af TunU, and ihe ....... ' 111 iii COnGli (lull r.q.ieit that the c;dUe ; may falae her, Lie number f aunft! (diall fi.cdlwirtch he (hall rtqaefl , I sod it tlie lai i coiiiiii does not wilh W , . Ut Mil UOT'I I. Ill 9 1 .1...,. (i, .1; 1,- .. auont it. Hut in eanr He null deOri tile lalnte. and ktia imioher nl'imni fl.9ll & mmm.,.al AW.tl i firr(J(thev (ball (, counted, and for thii ihe vetlel flull deliver an equal Damber of barrels of chimon oowdr. The f inie fhill be done with refpecl to the Tithlfim corlalri when they 1 jh.ui go into anv port ot the Ur f'StaiM " Air. ia. When the ritii-ns ol ihe U piled Si ate t come within 'he dek "cadencies ot'Tunis to carry on com. rr.c, the famt refpeci fliall bepid thcmasil.e met ehitii of oHier naii rntetljgy ; ami If ihey delire to el tablifli ihe-nlel.es wiilnnour ports, 11 . appofilion fti ill lie made , nnd they ih 1 I he Iteeto avail themfehet ol Ibeh inttrpretcreai they may India ncceflity, wifhoai my ooflaete there- to, in totifor uiiy tn the ufiges of 'other nations ; nnd if any Tnnifim fl)Ujccl fo g(b, ;(h Wimfelf with, ; ,h. ,i., ,i r,. lk. .. Slates, hr A...II f trrn, in lit f.M Mgbner. It a runifian fobjeA fhail U.),, . .lltrirm ,li ,1 .. Untm with iotrcbaudiiu, an The of r . . -r u Nv m , . . .. . . . " i nne nu Hoard ot another t.ifi we w ... . ,- la ... V il.c matiet Ih it ' w . i 1 .. . .- , , 11 A r 111 ill 111 iv in 11 m t -"-1 -1 in Hiuui riri . a 1 1 i.rhe.fe-ided by mer: hjca f fiber of .he cuntricling t . 1 u r 1 u it" fh.ll make an award P" dvh wiinm tbe poCelHaus U" Ad-mi, Pri fidCMOMba U ah (hell be cancluflve. Of ihr other, the coi.lol or the iekd S,J.le having Rta th,,n, ,iieiroll. hu 1 1 , ft,.ii i.. .i...:...j .....n 1 - . . . ih.ii w . ' .ail 1 wu puiiiii I - !! I . . . . . The fnbjecls of ihe two eoniraclin,' ,nere U,,n nt " c",:'" ,'he ttiit T,'l 1 ' ' -r....n..iii I...J. ' (hill he drnoliird in the hands .ol 1 (" ) " I flmioiiy Win HI.. I'm,, L. mand ol the olaea wher ,u. 1 s -sea jv : . - - j : ! u,hM,l,y th.a..-f o,e eom. . or, ami no oilier perlon (hall have 1 ttul hja ll n mmmm at... ir .k. i. - . J V,-' "ZUi maM . J gjjgjj Wf r,.nl f(M, ma . . ; fc, ,rgn,lf ,m, ,hf, , (njbf nratghl (hall he paid 1.. i.e r.p.fti ui.-.t.. IT. . . " serf.weiit.ai.d the captain fliall not ffjle the rsme. j ,. . te' mefrl...,. , f( , 1 . . on a he aim af riled te. "' 'he found f,..l,i.,.r ..... f,.,e.. ,f,,y (hill not be mate il,,,s ean..fk,n ibaubaT do Ml . llhM.f (h ffftJ en ,ii ln r 1 . I , ,i....i . .... ....... ' v - m mitv'T. iiirT nu. ia atia.ffs '"-'' pssfci: ittule a.ilv sou so.. rs"'aaa.aMalbiBHp THURSDA tf FEB R UAH Y fli 800. H F fy WEEKLY BY At L ht AND HAL E iMwrtwa cer.is the laikws and not the pafien... geM,.h.flllgt any swan ueTiconfisT lhall .not be ia any n.-ni.er re!- fatnaav Air 11 A TonWiv. tub.. 14. nmanr.ei:cHa wn., i , v i nit . n. - i h ... .r . a mericn merchants fh.dl em, ,llv oav.laccoinmodite tbe difference .klch for all -he merchandize of their counJy have happened -bet warn the ft. y. which ieyftalt bring 10 Toi8;tizens 0'r fubjedaof the two narians. . Hmr Hag the lamedUtywhtchj Tunilian. fh.ll pay An.er.ca.l fat it an American merchant, or a niercl.at.t ot any other nation hall - i - port merchandize of America, ,, - der any other flag, he flir.H pay a duty ot ten percent. In like manner if a' foreicn nepjsnt fli.ill import 'nerchandize of Wa country Minlertbe.tor, except wnereiHCn appugatron Autcrican flag,' he .fhall alio pay ten percent Art. 1 c. It fbM be free for tkeci. tizns of tli United 'States to catn. on what commci f they pieajiS in to. kii!dom of Ttints, without any o.p pbfltlan, and they (hall be treatc. like. the meiciiat! of other rations . but they lllnll nut carry on commerci in Wine, not' in' proltthaed rtritt ics an I if any ne tWall he itetcaed in s conf ab.nid trade, he f.i ii,! br puinf.h ed according 10. the laws of tlij coun try. (Tl;e com;: ;lTi(illiHS of pur:J ai.. .allies (h'll tike rare that -thttawil-tains and iailin s'lh il! not hft-j pro hited article ; Ml if this fimald hap Pen. thole who ih ill not have coilt.i limed o the fmugcliht, fliall not br moided nor fcrched, no more thai tht velif and carf o : hoc o'.:ly tbe oi ffiidcr Aivof.iall be demanded to ie puuifhed No captain lhall be ublig. ed to receNe NMrtlutudixe 011 bonVti of his vellcl, of to unladf tin? lasm agaiull 'his wiif, until ;uis trelght fliall be paid. Art. 16. The merchant vefTels of the United Staler, which ftrflW c.ilt ank c"-0r in the road ot the Go.dette, any other port ot the kingd'n ot T ni,, 4(1 ill be obliged to pay the fill or ru- 1 111 e- anchdraee for etiiry and departure, ... : J . 7 ,cn rrtMCB Jfw lra-v ; t4 w,t' ,e vcme,H,,lll-8 nn.ney TU fT Mrf.ii ti.ey i.npoH fmtim, 3,,: lh P w ile" f - " -"-J - - - nut they fliall not be obliged to pay anchorage, if theV arrive in blalt and drpart in the fame msntiir. Art. 17. Each of the contratflinn parties (hall be ar liberty to eUablifii a Gondii in the dependencies ot the other , and if Inch con In 1 does not acft in cojt.fprmity with the nfages of ihe counirv, like others, tbe g ivern- meut of ihe place lhall inform hisgo-J eminent of 11, to the end that hex-rt (Kichard O'tinen bcir.g ablem ) may be charged and replaced ; butjhave concluded oh ami utrrcd in he lhall enjoy, n well for hinifell'asithe fore-oin. trejty, certain altera hit family and lu't, the protect ton ofjiioui in the eleventh, twtllth and tb. gooenrmeni , And he n.av in,- port for his own ule all his p.ovifion. d,y and if he fliall hnpon mer'.; r U " t 7, p y l cbiodire. (which (hall be lawful lorr"? S2 TSSl . uSl! ItUh to dcVlf fthtil pay dnif for k. 'e UnUed ,ta.eS by a,,d ji, he iH. II ihe tun;r. t. or citizens rroCth. coniii.,t panics being within ihe pollellbtts at the o- tber. cot. tm- debis to enter into nto ligatsooa, ..eitner in. co,ul nor me 1 oaittne twrnty-ia-noay ot ,v,arc, nation, nor any lu'-jeOts or cinzeMtn ihe vrar ol the Chnltian Lra, one .berrnf.mJlbe in an, manner re !,hnaf.li leva, hundred and lun'r.v- n-;;jde, except they or the "Jnioe, and nt Amrtcadlndepeodcoct Hull base prrMoutiy nccome no-ntl .... wrii...c : And vitbout ihe old,, , 1,0,.,,, . w.nmg, ilicy cannot be calltd I! nr... Inr IndMHllll nr Ul 111 jCI urn .r"" Z ; Art. ro. ! cale of a ci'tzen or .1 .11 ..1 rr.in.- t.. .n. 1. i.t trim uir nnnriiii.ti ui nil r 11 1.1 ill I . . ... . n i a a 1 o A rnfidem.il Mr fun of the Dlacef lak. imt an invenitrv of ihe whole. ihai',hc L'i.nd Suu 1, i a e cettltd tbe . MMitMM .P.iff tv dlieffa.i ,i,ol . hom ihey Of i,ht helii. ... - . . W .. ciun or lub,r, a ado be- I n een ill o.hef prrlonl nho bs m..nrdt4trly under his pro id-mi 1 ind in all tau-s whrrtin lif lhall tc cpjire the adsdinte d the guvem a.ini where he r. lid. In MfAfW bit datifions, it lhaii be grantid i Ma)t An. f. If a cit ten tt fujte n( 1 ne nf the pni A" . oun or flr kc icitiien or (ul jr:t oi ih oiber, jsiflica lha.l be d nt airotdn i.iheliv o ilia aMNHr) were it lT-.ca fhall he fHfcBl.ti I 11 1 f.nl il Oi-'i be prfers-tit but i'.anV offender fliall efcape, the ponfib'e for it. I - If j - I I Apt. 22, It a ddpate or law fwir, Dir. ' id a who . ... - . - fhall retire ent htm. and ei ..envor M. Art. ,3. If any difference W dif. , take plac concernuH the ' A. ftf ij-iirlfc n? rh. nr. .. . f- nn Ai JSgMAuatl' ei( whi, th il - " :T T; ted, until a friendly application mi t-efert Iball not be had to arms there- AhiW have beelf rtjefled ; arid if war be the.n declared tBe term ot one year (hall be renewed to the 'citizens or fubjecli of the contracting partier, 0 airangc their affair and to with iraw thertat'clves With their property. The agreements and terms- above rnncludto bv the two caHtraftinii I sanies, (hal be putichnlly t hferved, j when the als that fliould emanate iththe will of the Ml)ST HIGH i fr'm them have not that charaaerj Vnd for ihe maintenar.acc and exact tj Liberty is no more ! the Republic is iiifei-x anre of the faid iigi cements, j at a c"d. The mod alarming fymp e have eaufed their contents to be j tims. have mahifefied themfclves for ere tr.mfcr ibed. in the month t,f ioma clays pall : the moll finiflcr re licbii Etdof the feira one tliou land two Iniiidrcd and twelve, cor rc(por,d:ng with the month of Au- of theclirifHin year one thoti" Ausi ft ven hur.dfiid at;d innety-fe-e;i; Th" Aga ) SigtiAture and S"'iimn' 5 tbraMis fley's (igp?turjg k (Seal,) The BeV li 'nature' & (Seal.) ft. S.) WHEkF.AS the Pre- fiJc.nl of the UndeTl States of Amu ric j . by his letter paten:, under his tigniture and Seal of State, dated the eighteenth day of December, r;7 veiled Kichard OMirien, VVidiain Eiion and James Leander Catbcarr, or any two ot them in die -bfence of the third, with full .i...u .;,,u . ..1 u rauhon certain alterations in the! Traa betwean the United Stated MM the Ooverntncnt ol 'J'unis, con eluded by the intervention of foieph Evier.ne Fanrn on behalf of ihe U rdted States, in ill 3 month of Annul, 1 70? t W lithe under written Wil liam Elton and James Leander Cath fourteenth art.eles, and do agree , jaid trea,y wi,h f.id aWerations 1 .T.-TV ,tav F t IN IfcallMONY where, f, e annex our mnm and the tonlular ,lr.it of the United States. Done lit S- nid' . V - , I ' 'i"' . i w t . 1 ANILS LF.A'c CAlTICART. NOW B IT KNOWN, That snd co: MSffd ihr (nd Trrjiw. d . I .. !.!. .1 I . e ... . - ..... . - . -- AM h ... tl ..... i . ll. ....... ' u reof, ' -'' J ''ill Ad.m, iNcl.dtni ol ..lal ! me f.'id S atrt 10 l- hrreio d, ami ...ed the lame m, ti. . . r. . . . t. . . 1 u 1 j-a hai d 1 Dot e a the City id FmLdr phi! thit tcntii na ua January !a the r ear ol our lnr 4 ne ii.uuuhd cthi ' ilurdrrd, aid ol t e li.J p? 1 drrce tM iha laid liitta ihe I.- rli ixt.h. JOHN ADAMS. By ir? iVilidri". . TiMOint Picxrainc, s.et'i nv rd ii.ve. A C a & t r' ft 4 A L I , A NhGHO MAN, UCrU 10 Ptam.Uion Mom t . . ,'.fff, , ( . ., IV .... liri.l.in .i . ira Another R evolllti&li" Itl -; Fr-ificr " . ... .. . - ; From Lorldih Papers Id lift Novem ber, received by the Superb. FRANCE. COUNCIL OF KLD;RS. v lSth Brumaire, Nov. 9, Cornet (du Loire), in jhe name of the Committee of 1 nrpeiEtorjs, confi!fing of Cob tois, Fabrif s, J3a-' railjon, and Beanpnii', eledetl on uic iutn 01 uctofjer, gave in a re- flB ' " ""S - . " Repreentatives of the People, "The contidence which yu have placed in the twtnmittee of Infpec tors has impofed on it the duty of watching for your jndividtial fecurity, which is inftjiarably comwed,. -with the fafcty of the public. For when the reprefentatives of a nation aTe . menaced in their perfons, when they do not injoy in their deliberations ,ne tneft . abfolute independence: ports nave been made to us ; it fome meafures are not taken, if the Coun cl of Rider's do not place the coun try and liberty in a flate of fecurity from the very great dangers -that Hill threaten them, the conflagra tion will become general, and we (hall no longer be able 10 arrctt its devouring effects. It will alike in volve friends and enemies ; tlie coun try will be confumed, and thofj who fliall cfcape the flames will pour out bitter, hut unavailing tears on the aflies which it may leave behind in its vourfe. Yo.i are yet able, lep re fciuat ivts. ..of the people , t- avert - tnis tate. An inltnnt is lufficient but if you do not feize.it, ihe repub lie will have exilled. and its (Vre ton will be in the lalqns of vultures contending tor us mangled limb s. Your Committee of Infpcclori ,"4, n.p.rators are re iDlinne in crouds 11 Fans t nr 1 ri - - thofr who are there already are waiiir, for the fignal lo rarfe the jpoignaids again' the rejirefer.ta- tives ot thenanen, aamft the mem bers of the firfl authorities of the republic. It has, thciefore, con. vencd this extraordinary. Aflcmbly to inform you on this fobjeA.' It na1. s concerved it richt to invite the 1 3 1 ' I ' 1 . f . ' ii.... r.f rAa.MM.I .... . 1 . . j I, " V ' . ",c , ",c ! K! 2 'S. mrbc JJ'V take in this great crifi. The Court- "I ot bldart poiTefl.t ihe power of i the country and liberty. It wwfIJ tQ tj ' wilflom tn limnelc that it will not r tlte Opportnnity of cxecutinff . if wiih in ufual firmnefs and n- Cof( e rafa ,he r wi h .rnMlr.H ,, ,um M..M.h v u P T. I'" , ' at, 'he ,C ",,,f 1 , j kifavTbZ7 he transferred to the comnmne of St. , Cloud, where the two councils will , hold thcirTiilings in th two wingt of ihe nalacr. a. They fhall all repair ll ithef it noon of to-morrow, the 17 h ftru maire, (lotli No.) Any V" .-- ua:ioi; ot ihcir funcliont or dt the uiclmt decree. He (hall lake every nie.' fure ncceilary forihe falny ol ihe national reptcfentafion. I he gc 1 cral cwininamlii.g the 7th r di ary divirmn, the gtl'rd ol the leilfla livcbmly, ihe (latioMUr taii. ual guards, ihe irnept of ne lirc.whu may le will out the commune of I'arit, ilia cui.fliiutional 'dilliidi, ,1 d le alwrtxieni nf the lini.ui si l.e 7h liivil.on, ate pnl dittA . nib'erhit mdefs, and mrr minded' in as k row ledge him ih iftat capa All the cHltffM lhall aim Nnf with ail their ability, when s -'. e J ii pon lo do fo. (msral Bnnnif ar'e (hill lie ta:,td ,Mo', mk f '!f ytu" ixiiisn. j irrv t i li t r"iN '- ctM, aaf to ikt an o4. He Hull "ll Willi Mr .ol liMlle o , 1 V ion uf the in 1 1 1 m ! , '1 j - ptafaol .h. ivi fliall