T H Eg W I L M I N G TO N G A ZETT E. Three Dollars per jAnrium. T H U K SUA Y, MAR C H 180 a. Vol. IV. No. 166 PUBLISHED W 6 K I Y BY A M A N D HALL. THE W I L L, OK Ce. CF.O. WASHINGTON'.' Virt'mia Fairfax af)" ; long as mere are ,lnjects requiring T PKTVKrT nKNWAl F Lflprt'" ; not trufting to the uncertain pro- ' rf r ur" & Y0 rifion to he wade by individuals:-, or rani.x vt umv v. uri, ti irr. iy, that the lublrqnrr.t copy cf the laft j Will & Teflanunt t George Wall), i ipgton deceased, late ri t-lideti:- ol theCJnited Siauv of America, with which h-.ive befall-n him and which of tbinffS Eg? ouVd, or indeed oupht to the Schedule anne tftl, is a true copy have rendered him incapable of wait-J admit, from our national councils, from the original, recorded in my '"ft f of any aftivc employment1) to j Looking anxiotdly forward to the ac fljr " ! remain in the fu nation he How is it i complifhinent ol Co defirablean object1 I , f r c ' in teuimony M'tierem, 1 fiave hereunto fet my hand, thi$ 23d day of Jacuary, 1800. GEORGE DENEALE, t. r. c. S In tht name tf Cod. Jmtn. T GEORGE WASHINGTON A of Mount Vernon a rir 7cn of ! the United State! and' lately Prtfi- dent of the ante, DO make, ordain. and declare this inllrument which is written with my own hand, and e yery page thereof labfciibed v ith my own name, to be my lall WILL and TESTAMENT, revoking all other!. Imprimis. All my debts, of which therf are but few, and none of magnitude, are to be rjur.ftually and lperd:lty paid, nnd the legacies hereto; cr bequeathed are to be en d as loon as circumftances will nit, and in the manner dirccled. Item. To my dearly beloved w if Marthn.WaJbinghn, I give and be queath the ule, proht, and bent fit of my whole eftaie, real and pcrlonal, for the term of her natural life, ex trptluch parti thereof as are Ipccial iy difpnfed of hereafter. My im proved lot in the t$ n of Alexan dria fitoartd on Pin snd Cameron Itreets, I give to her and her heirs for ever ; ai I alfo do mv houfehold " -and kitchen furniture of evtr (ort ! anu Kinti wicn tne uquorsand pro reriei iHich nv he ui ha, .1 tk.l I I 1 !.l ! . - tune of my deceafe, to be uled and Jifpofrd of M Ihe may tl.ii.k proper. Item. Upon the deceafe of my wife, it is my will and difire, that ail the flaves which I hold in my on right (hall receive iheir fiff dom. To emancipate them during j ht rlelf, would though earntllly wifn ed by me, be atiended with fuch itilupcrabie d.fficultiet on account ot their intei mixture by airriagrs ith the dower negroes, as to excite thv moft painful ( nfations, if not difagree. ableccnfcquei:ce from the latter while bo:h delciiptiom are in the occupancy of the fame proprietor ; it not being in my power, under the tenure by which the dower negroes are held, , to manumit them. Jnd 'vhtreat, a mong thole w ho 1ll receive freedom according to this divife, there may be fume who from old .ge or bodil in firmities, and othari who, on accuunt of their infancy, that v. ill be naablr to fupport themfelves, it u will and d fire that all who come under . the fit ft sndftctnd defcription, (hill he comfort. bly cloaihed and led br my heirs w I. h 1hry live ; and that I luch of ihe l-tterdefcnpiion as have ) no parens rf ng, or if being, are . unahle or un dling to provide U-t i th;m, (hall br bout d by ih c urt uiuil they f hall arrive at the ace of twecniy.five year; ard in i.f.s where no record can be nrm'ured thereby their age can br fieriam.' ed, the judgment ot the court upon isown'riel o( the fhjrc-, (.i be -j , 4 . 2322 a rn Jk' ",0f' Wm bvond, are (by thet maftrrvnr l.irflr.) la be lanj 1 1 to read aid i nn aid io be brought up to 'r-u.e Ufeful otcupation. avreeahlt (n th )V iheir joecanb af.rrta....' Uws ol tie commonweal h ol Vngi. nn, t rovidire for the tin p. rt m i.r. Ihin .nd inter f err children. And do hereby enprelily tor kid the Ur or trmlpnriitiMi mill the laid torn- mn-e.bh o y fl.vr tll.yd.e prfcnedcfu.d,. .,n,e KM foever. And I d.. n.orrover m,ft " " w " mm. riU .1 n molt i.di..i it It tipr.n u.y c rshen.f.er , a" 4 r (he luiviv. r id tlrm, 0 Ire fftled ', r , - ncg iri or d,la, after de (r,.p. vhnh m,.y tlrnhern (be griitttti te haive lied, particularly at it rl ' Ut'fflmu'.,, r.r,. Wfliingon, nmt 14 , , ,. mi tkttHtm ftttfJ i ge mat r Us.Iert'rHCb.g (f-s ...d m'9 "r,T" "''" 'It fmamm money, wmch, with I hiving moreover lealtd, audcondiii- erp-ri'lMretl,lrt13ri.f1l f.,. C"'r S T "b!" " " h" ,L "rf,,i Rft'biv lei ih- original ! ,,allvd (nt wUI appear by tbe te ll ed MlM MKiUai vilUi, S ISIVZ?! '""..2re. pmttW with the (a(T Pendleion, nor of she faiJ leafesi all ...y lands up. intake nG.e. .-(!..,...... " " ,w " inr vntm fo m. ihan a ihou. no (he (in it Kenhawa. and a irtel pecli the aped and irrirm ; feeing that a regular and permanent lunrtnoine liberties ot mankind ; wh:rh I be elUblilhed, for thei fnppon a A(d mulatto man William. :d (callinc hirufelf William Lee) I give immediate fresdnin. or if he (hould prefer1 h (on account of the accidents , Jim 1 1 or optioicu- in mm to. oo 10 ; in eiher ,10Wever i anoW him an annuity of tlm ly dollars iijoring his I natural life, which will be indt. I pef.dent of the victuals and "naihs he has been cottomed to receivr, it W chufci the lall alternative; but in fP" with h's treedom, if ht prefers ,ne rA : ad this I give him as a iel ' ',tu,tony of my fnff of his attachment td me, and for his faithful ferviies during the 1 evoluticliary war. in the principle of polili a and god Item. To the trulle.'S, (governors, government, and (is a matter of in or by whatfoevcr other name they fi"ite importance in my judgment, ) maybe defiiiied)'of ihe academy, .by aflociating 'with each other and in the town of Alexandria, I give and forminj; frien Ifttips in juvenile years, bequeath in triift, four thoufamd d! be euablrd trt free themfelvei in a lars, ,or,ii, oilur woids, twenty of the j proper dee;-eeV "from thefe local pre fliares which J liol l in tbe bank ofl jnlices ad-Ualii-iiai jed niliei which Alexandtia, rowavds the lupport of a ! h ie julf been mentioned ; and which, free fciino), ettaWrfhed at. and an I when cairied tn exed'1, aie never nexed.n the laid s,Mrf,,. h. pnrpofe of edHcatW. facV orphan ,i.:ia.. .l- .i,:i.r. .r r..Tt. . childnen, nr. the children of fuch o ther pcor and indigent perfons as are unable to atcomplifh it whh thir own means and vho in the )uHgment of the trufees of the laid feminary, are belt it-.rtled to the benefit of this do- nation. The afarelaid twenty fhnres lgiveaid Bequeath in perpetuity ; j ine divitends niy of which are to.be an u Ml Uv-l I T to oe eitainilbrd drawn br, and applied by the faidjwi'bin the limit! of the 1i tricfl of trultees. for the liuie beingj,1 for the 1 Columbia, ua ler the aiil' a es of the tifes abtve mentioned , thef flock to ! ftenrral government, fliotdd it incline remain Nitire and untouched, uolels U extead a foltering aund towar Is indicatim 0 failtir.-? ot the laid hank 1 'r ard until f :ch fe ninary is cllab (hould ie li apparent, or a difconti- 1 limed, and the fund arifinj? on thefe HMMX 1 ..... ( A 1.1 1 - . . 1 ,,ua"-t inwiu imuera re Woval if this it nd necefl'iry. In ei ther of In fe cafes, the amount of the Hock fee deviled is 10 he veiled in fbme o ei bank, or Miklic inltitution, whercb the iutercd in ty wiih ieiu. larity aid certainty he drawn, and applied a above: And, to prevent nif-rnci in, my ntennini i., and if hereby V;er I . red '10 f:e, that ifirtc twenty flure, are in )ic. of and not in addi'iou tit, the thoufatid pounds jjiven by the uufhve leti-r lome ycais ajffK; in conUquetue whereof, an an nuity of filiy pounds ha lince been pa-d toward, the fupport ot this inlti tution. Item. Whereat by a Uw of tbe com m or wealth of Virginia, enai'ted ! id the year I7S, the Upillature iheie- i 01 wa olealed far an ev . tm.y us appietaiiim ot die fervkei 1 ha-' ren dered I be public during the revolu tion, and tartly, I believe, in confi deration of my having fuggelled ihe a4vaiitapes which the cummin. it v ould derive from it. e exicufion ot i s inland navigation under Icgiflaiie pauenat'e) i prtfeiil nit wnh 01. e tiumired (hares of one hundred dollars each, in the iucoiporattd company rll-i I Ihed for ihe purpufe of extend ing the nari a 1 inn cl James Kivcr, liom litle water to ibe niouniains ; 1, .1 .It.. ., :.t Ci. n . 1 r . imVLZumi&J!!?"! toraiiou ot another romtnuit bkan iu -..w ..,..,7 iiimivi oiicnuii- riisl i (l ed (a. .1. n,.,.l , .,.f. fling the anvigatiM of ,i,e r,vfr ' I'otomae liom ndr ierio KoriCum- ,f,,-"di the artep ai.ee of wl.ub, ough ihenfferw bithly l.oi o- Rrweliil to n. letln c- , R.,,,e"" " '""1'g , wai ffJSS TCS? fiT J1' 1 f ,r aepane d trim, namely , noi to re- epern..i.rvcn.,renl.,i;n lor any kukefl rbnld rrndfi nt rt ..,ry in its atuoui (Imgle WtthGtfnt, IrHM far N right! tjnd beta ufe I bid evaded finnlai piomTiiiobt dam ,,,tr ,,al" ,n :' Adding 10 ibii 11 fulal, however.au intima 10 n iff. il it (hbuld be 1 It rlealnre lib U dilute i noil He to i- j r. pr aie (lie l;nil ibmcs (o imMic ... M . .. M . . I I . a lilt ft I nt I.I lafea'iL aaN. mm& J, " liZ j, bnthag tSSTSZ Cerh,! te.a... . rPeai bf iMdMsti p - - "i. f -wa vj ivi'Tssuf ri Ia . m.d im,.'n ..rt. ,.. ... iZ .1.. - U, 1 ' 'b. teri.al, for the , i-aittirni in ri,ii cnmunes rr the pi,tvre 0f ed..,.,i,,n, olren Mile ihto aa . d were teemed, or ,"') hM hnhsfed mv adequate ideas o (t e b nt'it rfv c.f ii.ri. 1 ta it r tata I e r . " ' (Mcirrliv MM anlv I x it "f "1 , ,x vaLa're. but pimiples ai.ir.eii. ly m Itpsihlli government and 10 the true and ge- ( thereafter, are rarely overcome. r or meie reainn, if has been my ar' dent w;fh to lee a plan derifed on a liberalise, which would have at rn - ncy to fnread fvftemaiic ideas thro1 ! fall parrs ot this riling empire, there : br to do awnv IomI atl.vmncnr and ' Hate ptejudices. as far as tbe iidHire as mis is in ny eiu.maucmj my minu ,as not heen able to. con;emplate anv plan mere likely toeftcAthe meauire than the eftahlifhmvnt of an UNI- VERSITY in a central part of the L'nited Slates, to wbirh the Vouths of fort'tine and talents from all parts thereof, riught be fent for the com" pletion of their education in all the brnnches of polite literal Ve ; in rts and fciences, in acquiring kn.owledjie j-.feilin'v lonrr-s of tlifc ak-tiid- ftheLM,a. -arwioiomew ua.ioi inge, wim ullic mind, a-ul prhant of -aM,;.,. ' r-,.-'.- mifchievous confequences ro thia conniry tinder thele iitipreflioris, fo tally dilated , Item. I t ie and bequeath in per., petuit), the fitiy (kares winch I hold in the Potomac compar.v (under tiie aforefaid a's of the leiifli ure o' Virginia) 'ovards the endowment of j . .... . . in ires inau oe reqmrea ior 11s nip. port, luy further wil' ind defire is, that the profit aecfwng jpHieretVoin (hall, thenever the dividealare n ade, be laid out in purcnaflag Itock in the bank of ColtimVia, r Ibmc other bank, at the difcretion of my execu, tors, r by the treafurrot the Unittf ed States, for the tiwe beim;, uti'ler tii. dlr4iaii mf r-i ' rftvi fe l that honorable body fhould patfoiltll the mealnre, and the dividends pro reeding IriMii the pWchafe of fuch ftork, and fo on, nnnl a fuui ade cpiate to the aecnniplifhneii( of the object, is obtained , of which ( have not the fmalleft doubt before many 'yean pe(a av ay, even if no aid m en. curoe inert 11 given by leiflatire amnarny, or itomany otner iniirce. ye"i. J he hundred Ihares . htcli Ighold in the James Kiver company, 1 I jvi' given, and now coi'brtn in erperuity, to and f r the ufe and Item fit of Libirty llTl Aeadrniy, in the count? of rtockbckige, in the commouw ( alth of Virgir.ia. Ittm. 1 relcale, exonerate and d (charge the efta'e of my decrafed broihir, Samuel Wa(hio,-ton, from the payment of the money wh'ch is due to me t, r the laud I told 10 I Philin Prtulleton. flv mi' it (he 1 1 1 1 ,i . . . " . ty t,, Uirkelv) vho ath.-ned the ".7 - 1 ... 1 , ........ . MMM.jit.i ui imin iiiKia, it iu "c uniii) 11 as 11 heiein at faid Samuel, whlVconv.ye,l by W.ll.ai Willie and Ltcr directed. To Sally Hayo"., . ' . ' v. -1 n .... . . 7 nyi i 'grec,Hcu.Mw. ,0 pay me mere. ,wr A,'J vhe ra , by louie con tf -it, (ihr purport f wmch was ne vcr (Ommtiiucarcd o me) berwrcn the laid Samuel and nis loo, thorn t .1 V, .ih ngtrm, the laMer became ptfl(fld of the aforrfaid land, wnh. out ai y conveyance having p. II, d frooi me, cither to the laid Pcndle. Uin, (be laid Samuel, or tbe la d 1 h. rutin, and without anv conli. tin aion having been made., hy which neglea neiiher the legal or eouiia. ble ntle nas been alienated ; it reds hr relure with me to declare my IntMHMM concerning the prrmilcs 4ud the It arc 10 give and b-qucaih tne laid Ltd 10 vtm.luwr mam. Yl V If I , if ' ho a,f .he lam f f h" he,M 1 ""''rr' ,f he d' Waifi-ngion lame , ded "''Hat t eaohiraiinc (he eftaie o J" Jljrm-;. 1 ly ..h .ha. l-d banjorl, Irom paymmi of land pi nmls : And herea, two o- tbtr I'M of my Giddecealrd bryihei arniifl, namely, G-i.rge Sep M Wlhington, ji d La tr -,ce Augul. a VV -ftlinnioo. we re. by la- ili, cilf of ihole m who'e cre ihr wirt comsniited, brought und t I -. .1 ... . I- . A . -A - - 1 woetfion, and in conJeq-ience have ocliuned advances on Y P1 toc their education at college and other ll""HI'' "J "T" r amount of neJrfiv-e rhoufand doHars iver and above tne fums furnifhrd by their tlt-ite, Wllica iu.il u my ur J inconvenient for them or their fa- therg elUte to reI!a 1 00, iui thefe reato.i?, acqmt tbetB and the faid tltate from the payment thereof niy attention being that all ac counts between '.htm me, and their father's eft ate and me, Hull ft and ba lanced. Item. The balance due to me from theeftate ot Bartholomew Dandride, dec (my wife's brother) and which amounted, on the Ixrlt day of UCMwar, 1795, to four hundred and twenty ite pounds (ai will appear ey an account remwred ay hw decealed lan, John Dandridge, who was the acting executor of his father's will) I releafe and acquit from rh payment thereof ; and the negroes (then thirty three in number) formerty belonging to the laid eftaie, who were taken in exear" tian, fold and purchased in on my account, in the year (bl ink) "and ever fince have remained in the poll' Hrm, and to the ufe of Mary, widow of the 1 nd '''"" U1S mty, WlU de( lire (hall continue and a in h 'tr pol pof- felliuai, without paying hire, or mak in 15 co-npe'nfnion for the fame, for the time palt or to come, during her natural life ; at the expir.it ion of" which, I dire.t 1 hat all of them,' who are forty years old and upwards, (hall receive, their freedom; all under that age and above fifteen, (hall fcrve (even years, an I no loii er; ; anJ all under lixteen years (hill ferve until they are twenty-five years of age, and then b- free And to avoid dif puies refpecling the ages- of any of thefe negroes, tliey are to be taken into the court of tne county in which thay re(i lr, and the judgment there of, in this relation, (hall ben aal, and reeor.l 1 hereof made, which may be adduced as evidence at any time there after, if difputes (hould arife con cerning the fame Ami 1 further dL ree't, that the heirs of the (aid Bir thoio.n? Dandridge (hill, dually (hare the beiiefiis arifinn from the lferrires ottlie faid nsie. accordant 10 tne tenor ot this oevite, upon me deceafe of their mother. Ite-m. U" CU.it lea Carter, who in termarried with niy niece Betty Lew., is, is uot luthYiemly fecured in the title to the lots he had of me, in th town of Krederickfburg, it is Will and Defire 1h.1t my executor (hall make fuch conveyances of ihcm, as die law requires, to render it perfewt. kern. To my nephew William Aotreltine Wafbingron, and to his heirs, (if he (hould conceive them to be objects worth profcciuing) a lot in the town of Minchefter, (oppoiiie -to Ki hmond) No. 36c, drawn on my loie acco ior, anJ alfo the tenth of one or two hundred acre lots, and twoar ihree half acre lots, in (he cuy and vicinity ol Richmond, drawn nt pannerfhip with nine others, all in the lottery of the dereafe William lyrd, are eiven, as is alio a lot purcnaieu 01 jnnn riooe, sauiiel Cordon, trolltes of the faid! J .n Hood, numbered I f, in the town i,t r..linbiirth, in (he county ol Piince Georuc (Lite of Virginia Item. To ny nephew, Infhrnd Wafhington, Igivean-f bequeath all the papers m my pfdUfTion. which relate (o mv civil mi t nuluary ad in n. nl 1.1 ion o! the aifiirs of (iui cnmiiry. I leave lo him alfo fuch of ni) private paper! as are worth pre. in vutg ) and at ihe deeeaie of my I j 1 before, if (be it not I in . and bequeath my library nf books and pamphlettof every kind Ittm. Having fold lands which I pnflflled in the II iifo! Peiinf)vania, and pari of n (iscl held iu rqual right w.th (.rorj-e Clininn, hie governor ot r ew li.tk.mOir Hate of New- York , mv (hue at laud .nd intereft, in ihe (re-it Difmal Swamp, and a "it of Uo.l, which. I 0' rd m the rauniy of Cloactder withhalding L,:irrZ0;ir: ierJMt m n,0JM eon- midand 111 on Udlteult run, io he c onmy ot Lou loun, 11 it mv Wdl and Duet ti..n 1 .mi w roiuevir the .intr'it are fully and refptiv4e romphed ni;h. according to the fpiris, tme In em and meaning thereof, on the pan nl tne purcttaferstheir ncirt oc af-, behtott, and be kd t.i dlr im-V r ftgnij 16M (Hen, ! 11 that M, (akeu to foperimend my sllaie daring conveyance are to be made, nw-j 1 c lcrn" . ",' c"'"rici. Ng he money tJW ftoek ; the dividends whereof, as of that alfo which 1 already ve(fet" therein, is to inure to-my faid wife du ring her lite, but thei .ftpek itfelf ; is to remain and be fubject to tnle ge neral liftrtbution hereafter dii-ecled. Item. To the earl of Buehan, reetjtrmit " the'box made of the oak that fieltered the great fir William1 WalUce after tbe battle of Falkirk," prdente l to me by his -lord (hip, in tenia too flattering for me to repeat, with a requeft to pafs it, an ihe evenof my deceafe, fo the man in my untfy, who (hould appear to merit it belt, upon the lame eondi tiontthat have induced him to,, feud it to se.'' Whether eafy or not to (elecfjthe man who might comport " wira nis lord(hip's opinion in thu re- fpeift, is not for me to fay ; hoc con ceiving that no difpofiiioo of ihU val" liable curiofity can be more eligible than the recommitment of it to his n ; own cabinet, agreeably to the origi. na deligu of the goldfmith's company of ud in burg, who prefented it ro him, and ac his requeft, contented that it flvuld be transferred to me 1 do giv and bequeath the fame to hit lornlhip ; and in cafe of his deceaft, to His heir, with mv grateful thanks '. torthe diftinuiflieJ nonor of pre feiiiug it to me ; and more elpecjal. ly br the favorable fentiinejui' with whth he accouipanied it. Iem. To my brother Charles Wafh ingon, I gije and bequeath the gold heated cane left ine by Dr. Franklin, in lis will. I add nothing to it, be cauls of the ample provifion I bavo maie for his iflue. To the ac qua utaiices and friends of my jove uile years. Laurence Wafh'tinion, and Ruhtrc Wafhingtou, of Ciio tamk, 1 give my other two gold healed cines, having my arms en grared on them ; and to each (a& bey will be nfcful where they live) I leave one of the fpy glasles. which eontiruted part of my equipage, du ring the late war. To my eompairit ot in arms ami old and intunaiefriend, Dr. Craik, I give niy bureau vor, aa the cabinet -makers call ir, Tambour Secretary) and the ciraular chair, nn appendage of my Study. To Dr. Da vid Stuart I give my large (having cud urcBioi table, and my teleienpe. ifir rcvarmi, now Bet LoiJ Fairl y, I wive a Bilde. in three larro folio volmnes, with notes prefeut ad to me by the right reverend Tho mas Will. m, bifhop ot Soder and Man. to general De la rayeite I give a pair of finely wroucht fteel piftolt. taken from the enemy in the revolu tionary war. to my liiters-tn-law, Hannah Wafhingtou and Mildred Walhuigton to my friends Kleaner St aart, Hannah Welhing'on of Fair field, and Elizabeth Wafliington, of Haytleld, I give each a mourning ring, of the value of one hundred dollars. Thefe bequelts are no: made for the intrinfic value of them, bur aa mo uomenti of my eflcem and regard. T locus uear 1 give (he ufe of tbe farm which he now holds, in virion of a leafe from me to bim and hit de ; ceafed wife (for and during their na j dual lives) free front rent during hie life at the expiration of which it 1 it to be lilpuled of at it herein af (a dillam relation of mine) I give k bequeath three hundred dollars. To Sarah Green, daughter of ?he decrtf- ed Thomai i(hot, and to Ann Walk. r, daagbter of John Alton, alfo de. cea'ed, I give uch one hundred dal tare, in confidaraiion of the atttch. ment ot (beir i'a(heri ta me 1 ttch of whom having lived nearly forty yeara in my family. To each of my ne- phewi, Wilt, am Augiidme Waffi- ingtnn, (enrge Lei is, George airp- 10c Waniingion. lufhrad Wtaung. (on, and Sam iel WamtngtOB, 1 gpa ne tbe (words or mteaia. ol which I may die po defied . and tbe tre(nchoole in (ht order they are named. Thefe (words arc eetowvpe. nied wnh an injuBvimn not to nn fheaib (hem for tbe porpnte nf Osad ding blood, except it be for felt de fence or in defence of their cntmirv joduMgh(tj and in (ha Iikct rie 10 keep them unflieadied, and order l ilhug with (hem in ihtir band! to iht rtliuuii1iment there-. Ana now, having gsme ihrnueh ibefe fpeeibc di(rs, viib etpln. Hons for the mrwe roereVi no.'.cllaud. ng of the meaning ami defign of (hem, I proceed to the di(lri,i..ni ot' (he more important pansul my eltalt 11 ma.-tier l.dlowing : toll. To my nephew Bumrod Walhiugron, and his heirs, panic fin ro itdcraden of an o-dmaiion IO ht deceaied lt(her, ( . 1 l. r f