-V r T HE WILMI NGT10 N G V-Z T T E. Three Dollars per. Annum. T H U R S D A Y, M A R C H 20, iSoo. . IV.No. 167 P U B h I Sff E I) W l"FKLV. R Y At . M :A N f) IIA L t Forvign Intelligence. T:rf . 1. ...... 1. 1 t nv tbe CuuitituiioHal uic..n iltab ii:iricm jijuiii3 nave u.vcu c- . a lilt of the end dates for ins con-l!lh:tl fl'r tl,e rftufiua or the fularlhip. The greater pr.rt of them j '." have pointed on ci.i.ens Vohiry, Ikrtl.ic and Ta 'e r.ind t'ciigord 'as Colleagues to ouOnapjri'ie ; others.' wh pretend toan equal degree of j,n ; maoon, allure u that ii j 5 p frit will be 'the h'di Oonfuiy and wU hive for his colleagues G n at and dinba ceres. The tacTon of the Inlpatieni pre eagerly defirous ot feeing every rliwg-jd'ucitfated. We ,tkuik they :.'niu(t yet wait at lAft ten days. Pris at this moment 'is the ren dezvous of alait (I tiTt'tir-. gtivrrals.. KEW COKSTITUTION. Buonaparte ufllmblad a: the con futar Palace,' on trie 8th ot D-certt. ier theta Lf'flative Comiuillioiis. JUDICIAL POWER. i Hede nas been the ;atr whojias been Irlhdlhe dtieftXdrds organised (S at librty. la general ji.r.o sia toe ads or th- prefcut gavgrj meat riicw 'that -i, .sift'empting u co:uliaic the public ir i id ; 6111"!!. Iiyfle of the tournaui ,c.s uiut : 1 , . n s Deen molt a! j. tn mafcirisfiilelf feared. tOVVBriS tT'IVE POWER. "jThec'e is to be a body i.f r;m 30 tn too nieuh rs efett.'d tor lite. 1'hev malliiave a quahticaiWfn cf land tigj reatd of 25,000 franc-, a year. Ybcy naq thcmlelvcs to vacaiicics etoy latcttl it. According to a letter j rn Bru! ids ot tour M rait, mucurs n thcr o,vn bodv. T'h .Dentin mulf cetved that: oe.'.-'A yf rs'ot ase no' be aditdhble. of; Tt.s;.tbodJ flfcall exef die 'Various fade- cs J 'ili?" r TT 'pi. 5 : t)ej 1 CO rr thaf rlie Conmbmi4if( liijl, an-', among oiheis, ' L ayttte, were a bow to !ir r-;-! .-, Ti . . -2" tiuil. , ..i-its is poiiiDe, and tA a certain (it " I. They elect the members oDgree probable jUr nwiiing authei the. I:e)o'fttiye. Body and t he Tribu- tic has baen poblifjitil winch '.! iraif, and .ate than trotr. tue hit or iu uetnohli i.at" Jliai lt a mcalur nf iililie nition, at eltittd n, siu 0'.f d , - -froal liVitir t) M . -"They thaill pronounce, on otner jCJrahanters,. turnnhe no ar ie-4l5rotftnononai acts committed gu'nent on fnch a jut nce writuiv; the above, we lean that f ns-papers. to the 9'h hav Dcen. nxxi v a m town 1 neZjnial important circumltanc.es which w 1 l n , can collect trom tl.em s an Jutfe RoPer DAos took the chair. nv tne )nvu,i,.oie dooi w D.nnou read the plan of the new g'"ve and gxutive powers. Connutim,of which we have only " 3- 'Y cxert.le the nght hitherto c-jllecltd iinpeffetl Ir o- of c . nlure on the l.lt ol the tiptoes nienti of tne nation, wnicM tney may every Thcdifcuflion was calm, and ev-r duce one nur.oreatn pan. - . . I L prw wav u.nrr4ivnffn trre;it G Ciillf. They firft dilculFed it in whole, and maV become a .Grand Jury to try thp then article. bt-article. Some of the articles were ftrongly combated hut they sere carried by 2 ...jcrity : others were rejtc and it was here that Buomp.irte nun. Idled his. wonderful p iWers, i.tr afier having collecled all the o if' tions f r and aguii (I an article, he "..time n red on the ara ument adv in- r d and c wluded by briaguie ,he dater ftallbeprefenwd to iioriiv toaarecto the propuCtioui ,l).eGrinJ,. Council, c which lie made. The iiflembly did not feperate till feve'fl o'dodc next morning anr; the eltimabl.' Oannou wa appointed to divert the alterations which were mde: and the aft will be m-de kii 1111 in a t, w iltcc. Cttizem Rued rcr has now lifted Cottverfitire Jury at the Lmyte, re-ice watch we are able to draw rhey are or they probably i "orn ,!le Republican itateinc.rits mat me nnuriatis nave obuun new a vantages in Iu'r. D.ceni ci tip The Cjne, ("ieurg'-, and three o''h- r Vtlfcls, jedy's late proclama Hi i g a Commercial inter .jnrfc wit H m n.l- cleared out at iiet udom Houfc in Londo in ila ft ; foi Amftcrdam, where oh t:ir an ival, they were feized, and u,;ir crews lodged in to d ; thu B.tivian uo- critnes of Hii'h ireaioii, imputed to the great refpofilinle tuvdiunanes. "Tiie Coi.fuls in gonig out ot of ficeoron idvh'g their relinnation, lh il! enter of right into the Conver fative B dv. 1 lie inannrr n wnicn tne con vcrfative Power (hall. fid vactuces in iheir own Body, is Three caidi- them one one oy the Lerfillativc Body, and one by the Ti'ibunitp. The Grand Courtci! will alt ne he lod ;ed at the Luxenjoourjir, the two oth.-rjin'the palace ot 5 w. Tte Tribunate and the Senate in the paviiliou ol the Thuilleries. 1n: in Wenne his Mj permiti id the acbon at-T i , I mutt brg to w hen 1 found the mainmaft was fdr 10 fne extracts troui my j 'Urnal toial'y unfupported by rigging, e- .'ir - i: !.-.. .j k;ir llw.r . ,w erevMtn, as tem tne oetr umhhe o; very inriuu v fnu N:i.bitiivi a i i'nrrnd-CAalid "aicount fome of them in (everal places -ad our trairiotvs )u trie late bull. ,t"at cn "(IPPC,S wuc Mr. ana r fs which - has ende d in !,c almdt ! could not he applied wiili tfTecli- i the Conftel I tien cav't" orders tor the oKicers to itire riMluarttiert'efit ii .ntlioiwh I iruM. to the hiuh 'put (ido of the Ame tcan ti'g. ' ' I ll2e the hiiHO- to bt , &c, -: THUS. X'RU'XiON. Stn. itaUda, t, Efq $cC. ' " if the iiiv:-. fei d 1 he irn up frorn t !e gim deck. to endeavour .to leture it, in older that we might get ' alotig lide of the enemy as lonn as pc.liible but ev ery erfort was- in vain, for the main mail we;it over the fide in few minutes after, and carried with , tszs4Lri vtt. -n.:. ' it the, ton-men; auion whom, was rr,n.li; ,t r, atmao e young man wm , -.'. j :c.u .o.vx v. I . manded the vnain ton, Mr. inrrn it wim rrii tit . 1 1 1 n . r - ' Throughout tliele 24 hours very nied weather, kept on our tacks ering Up under Guadaloupe aiid ithait pall 7 A. M . the Koad of. ' 'ailalerfe I eAriug E.iil, 5 leagues 'illance law a fail !h the- S. E. ti&Qdihg to the S. VV. which from ier Ciuiafion, I at fifTh took tor a (hip from Maitinico, a'nd colours 0:1 grying' chacebv way" of inducement, for icrtocome down and I peak me, vhich would have favcll us a long diace to leeward, off my intended cruizing ground; but h'.di;.g lh; did n t attempt to d:er her coiwie, I' examined her more miniitply, as we approached her, and ddcovcrt.l iut (lis was a heavy French trigate 'nouii'ing 54. guiis. I IflllWtBi neiy li'ave wrders'tor the yard-, &ic. to be tl .1.1 with chain--, topLi! llieets cv' Touted Englilh who com-. James Jai visVfoiruf J attics J arvis Efq.. ot Nuw-York. It Icc.Tis this young gerulcinan was apprifed of the maft going inafew minuies by an old ftaman ; but he K-ItaUfady fo much of the principle otan omcer grafted in his mind, not to ltiv his quar ters on any .account, thafrhe told the men it the maft. went they n uft go with it, which v. as the cde, a;;d only one of them was laved. 1 -..4 I regret much his lofs, as a pro mi fi rig officer and amiable yoiirrg mun, as well acm account oi ,a long intimacy that has fubfided be- 1'twecn his father atid rhyi'lf ; but I have great fatisfal ion in finding I 'have loit no other, and only two or three-(lightly wounded, out of 39 killed and wounded, 14 of the dormer and 25 of the latter. 1 As foon as the maii.maff wen' 1 1 , 1 ,1 , 1 1 Ktiv tuoii nas inauc- in cie.ir 111c .i - a t" n- wre -k from the Hi 1 : j e r r- vemmeut alledging, that (they had od hauled down Pmglilh colours. riftt r A iKniti r.Af'tf . t 1 I I A f RiIAU tl. vi if- I Iw-' liKi 1:1-1 f -vL. c k I c it..ur V .'i.-.. :u .1.,...;. 11 to purfuc tlie enemy, and as our le- .. i..-, ' ' , ,mJ1" . . . . curry was th. 11 tlie ""iiui 101 account ui w . 1. 1 hey cali UCL" bJ,nulb au on, ncn. way won us, hut 1 was determined to con p as loon as poju de, which was" tlfidcd in a bou. an hour. It betUe 'imobtTtbla - iiiwiii 01A.1CH tAni. ijiiu Lon don, which has, it is faid, voted a COiiltderaMe fum tor i!c srection 'y was tti. 11 t lie great oMcCl, 1 I immediately bore away for Jamai- tii.uc th putfuit, though the run nlng to the leeward i was convin- of a 'monument to the Hihoar of W0UdHe attended with many Up another corner of the c iruin mat conce-aled the new C iultuu- The fallowing 11 the lk-ich gi.i. oi t-c public Cliab. .ion, .1 .. . ! I1P.1 nent : Lf.G l tLAT I VK POWKR.. ' 1 here u to be a Lou.icu ol S ate to propofe la vs, whtcti C un-' cil o State conffitutes part ot the Executive How er. For the d icuf fi m of thele propoftd laws, inure is d'rihunate, or a fthdt body tod -tide upon the propt fit ions afrer thti . haveb en d fci.'ITtfd t iflented to. Buonap irie. A letter trom tlic GenTcftan rlr. puted. to travel for the f. n Af- 1 he pa'.cc of the intiittite, and the in ItitUiC in the buiidluiv ot the $jr DOOne. Tht mva ids will be irnf fcrr'-d to VcrUi'Ies, and evrry thing that belongs to ihr mmillers at war fucli at the F.'ats Mjor, the Admi- li.nra.iM.ii, U.. u. 1 :.. -. O-f l On tht z I LIT" fthe n-h De i a V " y the ......... . .. 1. . . , ,J ... Arabs, not daiim to (lew th:m- lr ,lur,'J l,lc gowi ve 000 . HI 0 i;cV(!S ,k.. 1 ,t .f , t r.ous I'Mads'atuagc, specially ir the object oi my wifucs were nut . T, 1 f ki.k. a fl.t.lrsa ia . . . v. ' . T v I I . 1 I ) 1 i i . . J 1 I- i 1 while in Eitypt, had giver. 1 pall- !tnc northward, one ol them iVwtd pun to purfue his rotit unn.OK:fted, ' American colours, and was Q mentions that "lie I- return were 'inn- i'nercha. t vcllel, and the other 1 fu;poLd to be ol the fame dtfiTip. . (I. inbled, and 011 1t1e27.l1 t e Con ll!tun 11 will be or!'.cily traufiLitlcd to he departni 18." b v. r .l journal! have fhtrd rl a citiX-'tl S;eyi is to ue rn li I. nt of thi ... 1 ... . 1 h I 1 .1 (I j iv - li iiU L tn f ,ih ntt..in..a.y jur, vve t. n.k Cltofcoo members ; the tr bunatc tn,t "n iUtKt -"n Irme ui loo; and the C ttndLul due ol 3 . h" lurJf ,,! h 'la IXBCUTITE P0WE1 Al' ,,,c ",r'n ,fn cm" ,l h " v,,', ' h There isu,be"aGilt or princi- !M"yl ;"f the tn 1 nalConlul inefted with power to cf te..,.rary Prefidei.t, au,- appoint md remove M nil! r, G,. dmg to le mod- o. . cct on lo br ner.'t, A nbilT.d n. and C. u.:celWs 9' A r Ot oihr re l SUM Tht rr are lb be t ao other Porti jl ,he hme ,,,,ure- h th Pr' Conlul.,tn d.Uuf public mattcts i nto-e, ilm ur the other c.zcn, and c KKtrt wil th: firft Condi!. Tney r 9 " t C"!' de' . ..... . . IctVe B) rreanr crcdii. are 10 tuve out a t uuu uve v ue : o their perlout are ii vit lable. Tl ry are nauu'd f r e.i -1 ; t '.ry may A. a. a be re-elected; ui nave a gjard. Tm rt ' C mid wdlhve 5 .ooo. traiic ol fi'ary. Taert are btfi 'c two c 'UiuiU nt ll fir ne for ihe Dcpari nr till l.r in A(! airs, k the oilur ( r ihc llom- L) partBientt 1 h s la tcr Com (il will have Initiative. It uil have . fa to i -d and H.c-de on litltatad qm-fl'ont in th- department of the Adafmlty. Such is the govern Birnt. 1'bc Al tiiiiftratiou it enfidej 1. To Mniiller or C one It ot Ad.iiiiutlratnm, huh at Ibi A.ini.l , ty mi 2. To Admin rtra'i nt ( Co n mums o( 90 UpilM j- lun.r t -1, f- liUd by con nnflbntst iv be nam d by tbc CorduU. 1. 10 intrrmfJn'c r. irr (ReJMSlrur.) LONPON, OecrrrKtr ,5. Not itdjn 'iuv; the fufi rnlin of ot eingcui to pieces. Our (ta li 1. ..... f .:. ' . .... ii . 1' , . . ca ior repairs etc. nnc.ing it impoi- hole 10 reach a friendly port in any tf ibe ilLnds io windward, 1 .'in.iif.i be wanting in common ji.liice was I 10 omit lure tojourn I . ' ' he Heady attention-to order, and ('- e! 1rc.1t exertion and hr,av.-y of all in v.. sdKacis, hamen. and j marine rr, In this aflion, oatiy of win. .n I Lad fifticicnly tried br- ; tor ; on a fidjiUr occafion, a::d all di.cir names aft record d in the I 11 1 r . ... .: .. c tr 111. cr run 1 icr.i to 1 ion. Fib. 2 I, at 1 V I I r . r l...l..t ....... ...I.... . . .1 . . ...... .. . jllllliu in IK. W II Jl III I.I ., 111,111 a I . I .lik. 11 r 1 - 1 iiarnru nynoic 1. gl.ln lia-.ellcr was feveral timet hi 1 1 f e l.n.!, .nd an apprarain c ., ...1 r .1 j. t ., 1. 11 I. C . . .... . . .1 , uiii. ci inn 1 ili.i 111 i.i; ci ' ici ol. the Wind ... r r tn r a 1 is . 1 , - , 1 1 1. , 1 1 . s Hit 4 ' t J a IWUU InL 1U L.kClll 1 1 ' .. . ... dauget of being murdurd on fuf. Continuance, wur p.ofp-ct ot picion of I. is being a French tpyj bringing tlie etieniy to action, bef an Fhe French are generally dctclfed atJi,o brighten, a, paiktived ihroughoui die ceuntry. BTB,TOf . i?. we wire uuiiiii; up Wl ti inc ena. e tafl, and every inch of taiiVkf) hciiig let that ccu'd be of f Fxtratl of a Itttirhm atn:l,mr. except the hoi; reefs, wl ich 1 kc;u in j)M, ; 'nrtitt in tbh tn 'he ttipfails in pale ot the chat e Im td.ittd fjft. Ht 1709. A new French ajuai ir theeare a prifunert, kaa arrived heir l.r 1. lo fdf.i il.t ti'ico tirnch Iran. en Cut O i.v rl. ChoventMM ol the Wake of Vnrk'i ktlo.iout vitinry, and iiioui e. . Iiance, and 5COO on a tr !ni c r ri tx f ill their !ur 1 11 ll r t ir I'nc arma concluded between Gen. doiitille, and four of the nivalin1 ihu-fs, 11 appears that no only ihe'to diiliicl of V'annes, in which Giore ,h rels l hit inatrlU't n'it . The ha e he Kieirll ll llnttn.llf.rrv Ulnar- nhiaii rd frftmrn 1'ifflnei.i in innu a.. funti dcr of iht ll. ip to li e fiil ol t' f line, and Horned an n-iStau-Mil Attutiia ; l-r finding ao eUane (10m oir thun dci impr askable ll. uM haul on a wind aid give u tail I attic; tin tilts did not prove to be hr in'en tion. I however, cm with n hail ot it. at 8 P. M. fniitr I our erfign .1 1 . a .1 11 .. ' .'a. ri mi nau 1 nr t annics 111 me naim lanihern, alt liehtcd, ai ctfe larstc trim. p. I in ihe Ice gangway icady lj . k him, and 10 m-mand ihc United al that ir.pl a', il icp.-r-MPg th; damage fuiiaii.ed-in t!:c acttuu fo lur as o iei 1 1- 111 in into Jamai ca s fiaoias piiflibie. 1 l.CVAb 'i RUXTON. son :.Ono l!i.llai i 1 ... I.v I '..I t i'0 l' rr prifonrrt in biplaiid 1 I'vrn and quarii 1 orue r remn 1 mote toettf tli.tn ur tu'cinu ainl Ji.ji rninm.n.l. -m'.I . . . ,.t Kf .... a. . . Jr I .m ... ... , . . . mill I . I ..A i) V m . """ i n I'm 111 iiiirminnT. ""'iT 1 m- ,uiaili piiii' llni 1 . . . ... . . . . I I . . 1 u . . ... ... I. Tk. ...... I . . . . . . . penre of 3 oe feed il r 1 he rrrnth it tr iriiOi diiccud but jtr viat:. it-tjel cu-ing Addrtff Ulhtcb fc.ii rtthtrti: fy Hi brute 7 ruxt:st,.n Hi iffotrt md trtto, n li e id I'tk. 1 8c o Public thanks, th mtth hit' a fin ill tribi.tc, is mtiult tl- ji i-lv doc to fi anwii and fitdi is, who.have mi. niftfted thejr seal, actitity and lia vely fo cotifj inn 1 il y in fupjort of IM I onot and dignity ol their iuun Uv's Hag, as the Confle la ion of $ puis did lad tverin,: in n tn. jgagru cnt nl mar 5 hours, with a I p tench frigate d S4 EUiti or np vthrls '1 at rung much IteavWl ireal) I in which tl 1 tiiciny were complete My bei'rit, ard would have become had the damages fuf. t '4ji Charged only with the lrnfai flioTotl,,-. titc order of the Mii.idrri lo ihe Conioni al Admin Miatnint, & of ihc reports of the Hit. 11 ion of e rrJer by t e Admiaiftra o. ,-. , , f -e:i'nt spd apnea's I ihr rwopl ' ih- Min-llers fr.-m tne t et the AJuinullra-ivf Bi d r- Thf ConfuHiraat null be fln. d by a Miuiller be 'rr .,.. Can he executed. The Nlinhtcrt arc rel nt ci ii.trv n in ik unnrr in ii.r.ai..n .i i.. nmi iui'n, imini ici.Kriii.. i i ncralFrotte.coiiti.uie their hnM.li. f'Nidcn aware which m anpecYew, N,f Vandrke to il c mteMell l- B?aklBf ,'he n,H cffor'.' .a..ic.,l..lr Et ikt 4Mrtmki ..( vw C7r . L... . .. .1 ST tVv.r.i .h., rV.. hi. I. ,:r.. . . , 11 i. 11 i i7nr . i i n 'in. 1 j w --am - , v. . 11 ,. i . a ii.., .. .k. . . .a ----- ww ovi , .1' ,f,w im'v ai ' i ii I'M" hi f ii i rr which lours is ihechief place. A letter from' that ciy, dated on the ill tnll Irada ua to believe that the Momentary pacification concluded by Gen. lirduuvilir, relates rather to ihe tovjliil chicfa iban to their In.dh'rt, ad that a i real prt of ihe latiesJtaVe gone io Incrcafc Jh Da AJBtamai avn m 1 ! l ad wiucn are )ei i.i.uer mna. S'teral chanpet, bnth in the ad. minifiraiinu at.d in ihe armr, hatr Ntay made y iJ- confult Atflirr hat been apptrtot-iilo fuc teU Guillemar.lci it Nfj 'ndi and il is tmmghTthe ajn.inifffrrf'Ur'j'ni . will alio re ..p be ..needed by fome uher r-ni . . ' jftc , one who mull not congratulate lum af ar . a . a W - i. i i m mc net 1 1 ih. fi. a .rk i.. h.. J .. t . . - "U" m' nK-, 7 ' V. ' t, ann - to mull tot he ocfiroiM olihe iheearcui.onof Cnntolar tah ch. Liter. .!! .h .f..... (hilltwcnniraryiorhe lli, an J for ta caj or la iwu lall tpenih, .ndnro! P3ZX Milt. MSially thrown tntooHfon, L jjaccaWytothcUw. Hta .!t.ffcJ Tfc g f Tlie GaMitnt Trtivton. fOFUCIAI.. Veftcr'day tnoruini', l.-io. S'ww, of the armed fchoonrr Lprriment. arrived al Marcu lh k fiom a rn U. ling dMpaichrd by cmmn. dote"'l rtixTtm, with Iriirrs lor the 5ecretary pi ihr Natt , ilt1 us,;ii tbc following ate entails-- .-ai a i ' rar, n. j,. lBt. Si a. .Oml.e imhutf. I left .', . Chril- titfhrr i h llw Clilld i -tcr .11 m ernrni mn, ono nnng m tt n,danl. m order to gam the llaon f..r mv l I b lor ial ol lirtida V up-, an. ji ht p-tt levcn a. m. m tte da htiUnayirc, 1 C,i0rftW a radio I.. I. I. low hch I kie itSfC, end hp Ue farihar rvtscu c, i-j: ahci vse - but lake i nod aim and fue diiccllt Intn the hull otfthe tnemt, uJ toad iineipally with itto, inuud Uioi, and now aid thm w.iih a round thoi, and a Hand cf "rape &C. tu er.cuuraer il.e men ar ll.tir uiiattets , m caiife or lutTer r.o noile or tonfufion whatever ; Inn lo load and hie fall as pofhb!'- wntu ii cr-um be titnw wnit tttiai.t rfd. i lufe rcr kiteu, ir. a lew iiorn-nu Kjtirtd a nofiuor. bin l.i. wca h r qnatcY, thai it a- tltd ut I.. .to., !y oi 1. 1. ,ii. I i- L IrjM and il ut a Hrc m d at iiiarp an a.tion as no w tm,, 1 1 I., i ween two filiates nut un ne?.l and cuniiiiuel iinni vtiilun a few n o met nl i A. M. wf n the encfit i life wa tvinp.ru!) hhuevdand he a'as a.iain lh nsna off. i lf it IRnncSfrit Ihf I con- (itccrlu, off, wy tl n wi h the dtf -I anil r! Han r tt.e Ihip otheifiife o.a.e iurihct JJUlu ' u) i-c"li a. tile. A il-c ion ttVai rt 1 thtaefute 1 fed tnht.i i faiolac'tirp. in tt forning my tUt tit o th ofFcrrs i.f very difitiption, franuf,Wiiatmrt, and oiliett, irn ilc sjal'aHty liny dilplattd Ofl this nrta.Utt , ttf Vh n4svi alKitfii ient'PtoCiOC -e lei tnabied ntc in a.'d '! i nud tn Iht Atht rn ai-rYidf tier io, lit te- Kids jU'i- N vt, u tnav rc atliitcdfjet.'b irjj.. S n im rr., iTlfiii? II. dj e . ptl tnitlccl to ihe Crcfi 'tut it the Unotd b atrt7and (u.h nl trnj a have hern i.i tmiunat) It VihiiP! at.d foitj', will no diuibt he air i '.e penfum lill, and wi iir the it iliHoiiutKS 1 t fc.f. i , I IttaU w nit plral.ii' ll all int. tlaitM tw 4aarl him at u't niire, ail wa t t, , ,. r( rfthtt il,. rmmiut! in i(m; I A niannf? I ,na, k.tc d at rM'et'ini . ue . fcOud tnt wi.j thatterid laiN, ... .-vtiaby f h i- : 'v IH b " t . v. av- -