T HE W I L M I N GTON G A Z T TE. Tl nee Dol !ar s "per Annum.. : T41 U R SJ)X Y, M A K C H 27, 1800. Vol. IV.-No. f68 PtJ b :. 1 s m r b w r K k t Y - B Y A L L M A N D HA L L. pfllLAUELPHfAi- Feb. 19. Lrtter from the .secretary . ot W ir, -to-the Chair'nan of alw. CommlT '? mittce, appo:n ed oil ihe 9!. Dccetiib-jr iatl.oi lo m icli o' the Speech of :h ' I -iti.lt., as relates to a fyllem nations defence cour.nctilufaie with, ou: refource, -nd the fixation of our tHUHUi.' " . Department, Jan. t, i3:j. Sir, THXVE the honor to Itntnt, in m.iii- ;be with voor f ieri't; -: c cViisi . rv . - a few lupplementary oblet vaUorts, and a view ofthe probable gxpence .detract tothtng ixm, tiiis iL-ar bought rr:l. V St Iran (he e'nthtP ffafqajr .oh m.'.kic! tin (e days, j was porc-ve i and . Uiiivcrljily felt, thn re-rui'r and. difctohued troop: veie i;id I'ptiitble, and thai it wa itrcny uniate nr us to iruil t tin ii .lone, la ifl'je bt Lhe Wari- r.;. Tjtioii the fore U "ilitjtfraied, tkv, ven in titles ot the-yreatelt dan"t?r ve c;-i ';t-iA-r to our miiitia, t .a fiegrer oinC i'.-ae or To uTeTr ;ers ;t 'tr ?e ait military Icianc ha uis neither :utTrrs. tu-btind v..h h ' With theiradvantages in nrofp and engineers, It a lalary ot eighty .. . -c a -a - . . , vfc a a. a . not incumbent up n tb to natten 1 aornrrs per monm, umiwo rations with all realisable diligence, tne ! per day, w hicn maj necoruoereo e- bltnd liulp h V if -t U R 1 i it w n : c ". 1 n t opn vict' yv V r .'i1'1 i.?v- j--paffy fantf e'. f rr -;t. I..t-''7a-vf," . )( witreh noon nniiwry 3TS"p1t Pj jicj dcn'-.Kt -rcr. . on an f Jvi ' .nd n:li:ary' Jtierftr&:. to i " ' n his! (t ol urcr gfieral1 H riioi.- who w tl, ji-iji! crnht, Jd not Skecnte gfoal things 'ftat to t'n nriiit,ttfet jt jv rjinir r. i ry 40. re- ai to; -ii 'VI ' m . ra' aJ. ri;ers of t-hr rirli r?put?ion-;tv wehe- hizh t 'i-i':rtnce att;irtiieri rca.-ze mem. ti, inch p.ve fnlt)ry for evidence o'fs cffecls. .he fifti, and no $r&t wil! give them due weight in cml4irtt m. K:t-, h :,., .rj'.iun "lijiTTitetv Mm, who c .ndu.1 ii of the M litary SchooH, . re'fpedful!y'4the ,wfc5 mil reyoUitiwas; crtr. ttcommended ioonflJerjJtinity in :noaHy' SfetJii ctinlVrm hi. aiy rSporr, "communicated to Con- j co'niuct to tht tii cu djitance i gra. nrifc Kti a tnp flTio- A ited thff i i'h . ini f it ci i he -exieritiiehral-trfF-n na kkti &rOAk,,t nf the Uui- lilt mentioned. What was the fH J (ubjacTnow before tbcln ted States. : cret, of his conduft ? Muft it he nereis however, an .ajhnnty To The repefft .contemplates certain told? It may, and without exciting much " point relative to the ell" n- military fchools as au ellential man, a blulh or uueily fenfation in any tialuy of the ionitutrbtt in qneftiori; in 'conjunction with a fmali mil'tary of bis furyiving coaipinion in arms.itnat 1 crinnt rorear, t ;fniH.oo it. eftabUibtotnt; to prepare for, and He hJ an army of men, hut he had The Marlh-!1 de Puifegur, ,ho perpetuate to the United State., at a few officers or foldiers in that arm, 'as ieffanexcHnr tre.atne on the vexv moderate exhence. a bdy of both were to be formed, which art of war, the rctult of his expe- lcientific ofliceri and engineers, ade- C'o!d not be effected in a iinnle cam- rlence "oltTyjM-: quate to any future exigency, quali. p-yi cr while his regiments were tied to difciplihefor the field,' in :he continually returning home, and like fhortell time, the molt extended ar- i the waves of the, leas, each 111 theii- turn hix in the abyls and Incceeffe'd by new ones. It wai not till after he was furniflied with a Icfi flhcfua ting aiH more flable kihd of force, that he could commence with a prof; peel of advantage, military i.Utroet ions or enforce the ordiu.mces of difcinliae : and even then hr fAt hria alone ; but chat they vii at all j that time eimllnjirufiion were requi- y pracfee has not enables, me to :nies maintain a body ot re?.ilar 'Ctl ro renaer nis lanonrs tnetul ana "v 1 , w-.,v.-uS 0 r 1 . 111. J commenfnrate with thf.r - enable Ins annv to meet the cuetiiv 1 "IU,JI" Ui ""'gra - I ' M commtneement ind-trmpfetion of an imti utioh effential 10 And are expend nogfeii 0HOk . . . " . .1 ' I ' A- loch valuable rei'iits, toueotnewue viewed than ai real oeconomy. It is a we!! known fact, thatf E' glaad had 'neither native artillefilts or enoine-'rs before the time of the Duke of Cumberland and nil after Ifii-eltablilhcd m-li;aiy fchools, t (half tiow, having relpeclfully kl iHilitary k i-;Ke and ifcip'jneTiT -Htbnjitted thtle obfervationa, pre all ages of the worn! re fort to fehan eftimaie of the expence of he military lchoois wt.icn it appears to me ought to be immediately infti-tnred. nnes, and to give the moft decilive & uletnl ellects to their operations. v-t tO.iceived tne United 5ates will ever think ic expedient to ftnpToy militia upon their froiiners, or that they will bedilpofed to place their reliance for d-feike, againFa foreign invadint; enemy, upon mi- troops, biluy to maintain thetn, and the ne cefhty or policy that may demand iuch an cltabhlhmoiit. " 1 Inie oeen per Bap. at as manv fifties as any of thole hi le. vice, a.d in a!l lorts of grades ; at a iuhahern, I have cotiiinanded troops and wor kinjj parties in a fie 4 e ; as Major I have xon.diictid to the trentiies ami polls to, wTi'cWlhey wete deflined, frnops and labourers; I have been Major of Brigade, Mar.hal de camp, and Lieutenant General j hmvover as 1 have not len d d fortification. fulfV-r A greeably to the plan of the iH tary acadj-inv, the directors thereof are-tooc oflitcrc raken from the ar my j conlequently no expencc mSfUftii Li itarrred by fuch appointmenis. The plat alio contemplates, that officers of the army, cadets and non cbnimifTioned officers, fhall receive tflrucf ions in the academy. As the rations and fuel which thefe are en iitled to m the armv, will fuffice for them in the academy, no additional expencc will be required for thefe objects of maintenance while there. 1 certain incidental cnaiges relative rothepo ice and admintfiration may be defrayed by thole who lhall be admitted Out of their pay and emol-umei.ts. According to the plan contem- qurvalent- to Our thouland ihreo hundred and thirty fix dollars, and forty fix cents per annum, and that the act providing for ruling and or ganizmg a corps of artiUeritU and engineers, palled the 9th May, '94. makes it " the duty of the Secre, ta'rf of War to provide at the pub, v irc 'expene, under fuch regulations as mall be dirjeifted by the Preftdent of the United States, the neceffary books, inflrumcnts,! and apparatus for the ufe and benefit of the laid corps' " . According to the plan k eflitQato of the buildings by f-.-'r. Foncin, the two Jchools will coil thirty.eyjht thoufand eight hundred and forty; ; fix dollars. According to the plan and elli-. mate by Mr. Latroue, the two fchools will ceft eighty thoufand dollars. The modification of the two regi ments of arti llerifts and engineers, will liberate twenty thoufand nine hundred St fifty-five dollars annual- The eftablifhment of the two fchools will liberate the lalaries of The expences- of Servants andTfoof tea chery before -fxfen tinned, of four thoufand three hundred and thirty-fix dollars annually. The book, apparatus andjinftru ment's directed to be provided for the ufe of the artillerifU and engineers, are conlidered as an adequate offset plated, fitty. officers, cadets, or sion- for the books, apparatus and inltrti to myfelf to be ir.lfrucierf in aiany Ate we to i otit by, or is the ex;)e- tn,ns "' tne "i;!irs " eRgjneers, rience 10 he h.il tn n,ir rmimrv I their practice bein founded upon - . -. j . . , , ... . . upon m- thin like equal tarns. L'u ouahfv and kern our eitiiena ! The art of war. which dvef to a Prlc,Ple wnic!1 are kn w the.nf V - . .... t t I f t . IQM ilAr ilitir I hiira in general, of fuitablc ka liiy ability ; l"'1' force the faculty to ComVat prepared to take the hid, not in tins sgainft t rit4i advantage fuperior numbers, , ,"c 1 war,v rePUlarforcti. would dennnd the indifferently tn truflei, is fubject to ! 1 ms lllc cancno aranowieng- moft radical changes in our militia mechanical, geenitrical, moraj and meiU who W lervea lyltem, and fuch an uninterrupted ! pbylicul ruls ; it calls for profound yfars n lhc nm? 'vl,0,1,d k It f rrainmg, &iftm ai iu-ifttuft; :is fivury j imriWfr . the,cJ military art 11 1 - aktber, ftruction, to be applied, as well to details incite, and its principles ren that in forty years Isrvice, bad been ih - officers, as to the men, as com-1 d'red ufeiefs only by a happy adap- prefest at two hundred fies, and ports with regul.r troops only, on of them to all the cinumlfances who had hunlelf pafled through all while in its relults, the tneafure , place and ground, vanoufly cum- the military grades and having de would be found on account of the ibined, to which they may be appli- Jcrvcl each "eJ? Proinul' 7 lols to the community, eccafloned bv . cable. ls tt poHlble for an offi tr the abiiraction Irom 1 ur or occu pation, and dm ct cod, greatly ex of militia, knowledge fome dillinuifhed action. to obtain a competent i A Uibht attention to mcumitan of tliefr th;,,.,. ;.. .k. CSS and a'tuil pofition of our Miniri ill II r - commilfioned officers may be annual Iv inllructed in the fundamental fchoel and an equal number in the Ichool of artillenfts and erguieers ; j the only lchoois which it is deemed expedient to bring into operation. lo inflruct twele, nay reqaire, when both fchools are in full activity the following piofeffors, viz. In the Fundamental Schtbl. Doh. Cts. ProfefTorsnf Mathema tics, at So Dols. per an. nam, and a rations per day, 184I 2 Ditto of Geography and Natural Philolophy, 18..S I Ditto, of Chemiflrv, 924 l Delimiting and Draw ing Milter, 724 ieed inexpence what would be re-Mhort fpace his ufual avocations will country mil lc.:d to the convicti.m quired to fupport a mndfrate mili tary eftablifhment. 1 his pofition which is thought to be a found one, does not bring into view, the effects ot me meafure upon the morals, iu dullry and habits of the citizens. Practically conlidered, may we not as well calculate 10 be enmemxiioufly lodged, and hav the Uicnce of buiL d.ng improved, by employing ev ry roan in the community in the con struction of houles, and y explod.ng from lociety as ufelcls, Mhi ct, malms and carpenters, as expect to nermit lion tn .Uv.rto f tk.l.. C. t' I S ell coiutcted frries o! tor is that perteCi ftiborl nation """'"" ' ""J1 ' ,,c '"Kuc"' lion : 20 In t . ihe exieucc ot a large mi ry ell iblifhmriM. a d oner) eme ol men to their ffi.:,,,,P",nf ,w ",c u,mcu nyi ciTs, and o rack inferiofto hiv nfi. ly rule will be conducive to - ' tU. it . . .... 1 I Warn. a m m SMMM cers, tiirough an the grades ,f rank ,,,c '!ll,l,7' from ihe corooral on m rk. ...... 01 pthe netefttf, and con- r - r t "v vv i n.auder in chief, which forms a vna piinciple efleiiilal to the energy and fi ic of arm es, to be acquired' B. ilrntvly fortifying nor har by nr lommu d to a body id ; sn and frontiers, we may reafnn. militia orgahizd and trained actor- aldy expfcV, nil tr to keep at a dif ding to our laws' An 1 does it c a'i", lance the Ca ami ie of war, or ren -with a banana and culighw mil uo dr it iris injunous when ii (hall In v to march ren l imperfectly in. '.harp-n. It is behn d ihf- ponde us M1..I1. iiy , that a ln--.ll oton- f l.li r . . . . . A -t . ,L I.I..- urn ' nir ruirrmi'v. ap.iniU OCT 01 lliru .ii iiiaiiniri i rein ri i : t it 111 1 in .1 1. I u. Ii.-r.. 1 h 1 I . I. .r I.-..,. 1 h nf f in j.i h nil InikM...' - -" ' - . hi,'. 'l llllllc . .... --f l... tW iwi 1 iii full ait vi" ) rnmmandrd by Ik I Mil forces, lmpofing therefore upon an a; d kiemHic oiScch ) Admiiimg, enemy, who may, ha vo every thing ho vrer, that mih: a 1 r5i'.r, during to tr.nfpori acr lithe Atlantic, the ihe tew months the law permit! nect lluy ol undertaking long and the corps 10 he retained in ?;, haz-rdou fege, erereafes ibe jtrv'tct 1, could render their men h? chances ayamlt his undertaking them nufflaiii ii.itiu.l'im capable if.'ul-.at ill, or if be does, ii.difpjie ot fuch h hog the Obji ( i'f thtir defhnatltm ;' circtnaUancei, infurcs i u the tone V ai thai tdvaniagc is hut 'mo I be mull coulutne in his cpcrai ions, be defended emcieiuly hotn an it.va. I ,,r,KifJ difcipjitaad, uolefs in r ding enemv, by csi heg t vi 1 v cmr.rn to eudravour to -ke binifell nia.tcr of the fcveral brandies of the art of ar, and excluding enyfocers, feu n iih, Hut t sand regular troop There is ceraiuly, however, a fyftem as it rclpeclt our nnlitu, .which if trfonrd to and pi iferved in, may ficme lhc utility of iheU fcrvicct, m mnei u' danger, m 11 hunt much itijun- to the moral 1, maici- 4 ly affecling the general imhiMi y of rfft nation. When the perfect drder and rxcl d U phne when are tfTrntial lo re gular troops are conlemplated, sad 5 nh ha Sale snd decili m ti e ex scute the different msnoeuvres in difpenlinle to the fuccefs of nffenfive or delsnfi e operation", the convic limi csunot be nfiffrd, that Inch troops will always base a decided advantage ovor more nu nerous fur cri cmipolfd ol wnmllf uctcd n.i.i lia or ut ddop'inrd recruits. It csnnot yrt be forgottrn, that In our revolutionary ar, ir wai not tto'il aftrr fcWtTsI yean prsAics in arms, tod the exm fi m of the peri, odi f,.r whub ur I S to wne a' the Scltil of Jr tiller ij 1 and En gineers. I Pi of e fi rot M menu. vies, at 8o Dols. per annum, a:id 2 rations y day, 914 10 1 Dim, of Geography and Natural Pr.ilolophy, 924 1.. I Ditto, of Cncmiltry, 924 l I Uit n, ot Archtrcure, 924 o 2 Difiinmg and Dra s ing Mallers.ai 600 Dols. per annum, and 2 ra- 110ns per day, 1448 20 nrrtiary, a thefe borrowed inflru nu nis mull be qaukiy returned to the depot which tumifhed them, as 10 and . . .a a uew ones muii oe ma i-i cm r , inlliikled ; whi (1 bv especltd from lueira f nem, but pfrpgdsl mcuhrrrnce between ihe .iadsaodihe end, and certain Hup. rf'kio the hell om.rclid and combined m iliary projtll. This 10 be fore ii the ofd ftory it chooi, however, be rtS t.ften repeated' bee lie .t cin neverbe resisted. 'I he fern of difc phoe, si .1 the importanrr 0 military fcienee. met well known loth (e ancient covcrn. menu hofe generals and 1 have filled the world with tne lnl- if r ,f their 1 iclonra. AklkIhi. g Stiph, tothmc contributed in ih lVitnliffed, iht ws fojrtd rhem at (ucteis f, ei.ierpnfci f0 much a aff qualified to meet In ths field of it ll ibe individual oaWfi, The battle ibm to who-ti :hry were op- fevrr r of the Roman diUipline ii pofed. Ths urcafional brilliant and w i u- lt(, J3J , ,u, Pnlin,,in- juftl. celeb' atrd acts, of fome of 1 or m which u rasbeidhvi V Ln ) smbtia, during that evsntlul period, has obfervrd, thetWratv dees aiore inwattaaowce. ftf Uhu. it that rally our meant 10 a point and unite our rflor sio rrfift him. Ws muft not coucluda from thefe brietublrrvattoni, il-ac the fen ices of the engineers is limitted 10 cun llruc'tmg, coonesling, conlolida' nc, and keeping in repair fnrtihraiiims. 1 his is but a fiugl branch of their r.rul'lhon, though indeed a moll Important one. Their utility ex tends to airmail every department of war, and every de'cnptxin of gene ral officers, befidcs saibru ng what- cvrr rr I peds public buildings, roadl, bridges canals and all lu. h iesffcl of a civil nature. I confaJer it there- ttirs of vaf) confequaacc A the Unitedtate, that it fcould form in iti n i n ho 1 m, at d mil of its own ntuve mstrrialf, men qualiied to place the ennutry in a proper pol lute of defence, 10 infufe fcieore in our atmy,snd give to oar fariiaka 1 o it that degretof force, connection and perfefiwo, which can alote cotimerbalance ibe Itiperiar.iy of at tack over deli nee. t 5,144 60 mm 1 1 lotai, 10,409 10 The enfe of the buildings h r thefe two Ichoolt, as tie one nr ths oiherofihs siineaed plans Iball bei adopted will be, -u. Plan M Jthit Fern in iinpineer. For tb Fundamental School, 10,421 The School of Artillenfts .ul tngineers, Inpi oled 10 coll an equal lum, 19.423 Pln by M. H. Utrt, civil .vVcWrsf and Engineer. tor the Fundameo'al Sahoolt 4),000 I lo Sthonl of ArftTrtilis and Engineers, fuppolcd lo coit aii equal lum, 4V tn.o mi 1 1 mav W hroper tn rem nd the Committee thai no appropriation fi t the fcho"! of enginret a- d arnller ifttwill be required prb5s ihrfe two fsara, or ltd after the comple tion of ths Fondansen'al lew ot Ths Secretary lake n 'sfsoo alfo, nni'ntmn, that the 'aW ha1" ready mide rw ifi m for fuc reh- frsor profeflirs to ths arnller ..Is ments reqi red for the ufe of the fchuols ; confequently no charge haa been (fated in ihe eitmiate for thefe objects. If, therefore, we oppnfe the fnm' thus anhually liberated to the annual faiary of the profeflors and origiir.l coll of the biHdings, whichever of the plans is adopted, we (hall find the mealure propofecl, viewed mere ly in the light of an operation nf fi- . ranee, to relnlt in a confiderable faving to the United States. An individual would think ir a good bargain to receive twenty five. 1 i . 1 Ll ! 1 11 1 ffujai Ii 1 itl.tr .'.V - a ............. - - v 1 I TI)T nine dollars, annually, tbefum the. "rated, and to give in lin 'i rr"ol. fnrhoufahd four hundred and ftxty bx dollars, annually, the lalary ct the profeflors, and a principal lum fqu-1 10 the coil of the buildings; In o. thet words, he r mild receive four, teen thoufand levin Lordrrd and twenty-five dollars annually, which is rquivalent at fix ptr cent, to a ca pital or pi no p.. i of two hundred and tarty five thoufand four hm ilred and fix teen dollars 1 a lum greatly exceeding the tllimated coft of ths building' upon either oflimare Te committee while they per ceive that the feed which it is now ;p poi' d to low, is to yirld a to urc harveft, will at the fame time, jnllty appreciate the various beneficial cunfequct.css which mufi refuft from the in, nod, ,:e adoption, and the linking incoiivrnisr.cet si d danger to be aopreheaifrd from apoftponc mei.t nf tk me. f nt. Whether our country is to be O a a m plunged into a war or n j. y lor s length nf time the bh flings of peace snd interior trar ajitlsy ; whether ihe portentous anecosi .Ks Ut affl clrd Europe, and in ihetr pro grefs threatened the United States, are 10 loMhir into a leitlto nate m things ; whether the blcfjingi of peace and the cuftowary relations I g ihe irrftUniic"poafets, are 10 take place, or lieftilities hall bs coounitrd, protrclf d and exirl.drd beyond their pefrut lutuli in ctl er view 11 is equally a (uggeflienot po licy and wildom m improve our meant ol defence, and give as much rsfflatkia Ms pcflible to fuch fftah fhmenit as may bs coweived effen. tia.to ihemauucr.ance of our nghii, and lecurity Irom inlult. Fhe onsvoioabfe collhions grow, irg out of trade snd the reprpes .'ft- ft rnsof grcal ton " rcia ll e. ihe pprebenfions and jeileulies na tural 10 powers pofellmgcnrtti-ti'-ufl territory t the inefRcscy of PHtfJfi aod morality to Cootroul ibe pa moos of men or theiotsYeft araj imN ion of nations 1 the impodbd'tv ttsnes lot govcrnmeiii lo adjoH their tl&tc e.nes, or r-fervs their H-s wnlno making UrlBcet .001 e to be dieadid 1 1 ju.j - r ft

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