THE WILMIN G T O N GAZE TTE. 1 !ue L)ijdiars per Annum. THURSDAY, i PR I L 24, i3oo. PUB LI 5 H E D W ; E V. KLY BY ALL M A ND Vol. IV. 'o i72. II A ! f -I - A ft; res a a , r nUat U fc j j r X, J , "january i r . 'i he ,. dip .'.tents' bmvhr wum . i - T . 1 . b IlfUU'SVU't . ljtfrfc-yj tVilO al i U ed a ,'. A J 1... .... I'l i"i ' - 1 ' J. me importance. A pc: ictce Eevpt, bi-uiid to Touin W)ih cop fidential letters to inr Sate French Directory and t4hefj fell imo m hands ,oi bur CTir.m;., -ThtS com" r-nrrnfer threw his p u. tverarcr . but it was r ec averts i-y xhs im.ttT-jiri;e'-atid .tcLvity "bi airE-iigi: failer, 3,iijQ... dived and brry-ht i tip, r It Iks been lent home, and for uio i'two days yc onde-IEidd that there Te.tie-rs-h?ve furmflied irfi,uLt& pr"'. tifiri t;cn to the. ci:ri t(j-y o( '?., . 'Vhev tuntito iiir. to repot the mcit vehement complain rs by the french lohhers of the dt-HerUM of Buonipo to, and the. m,(r b,t,er in- - 1. 1.1 oUHl't. IVI Jo that ihbolpiiable J.imate. A letter 9r , r , . from Oen. iJugi to barra:, u pnr - , .:lLj i f trolar I v mentioned as conrariino nn-t .. l J . formation of cnnl otienee. - r. : 1 . . . ..!-. . . i ( r u p wr i f in imp rr 11 srthy in Eiypt is reduced to ooo men j that they have nei.hcr rloa lis nor aimnunuion ; and that they are; ir.terly unfit to rtfltl the enemv who; a'-e ainive 4,ooo (tron;-, and wd! , " , , . . . .t;..,t L'Jl i ,... ' or.,.. uJvm 'hi Uvm applies, thtref(.r.MoD ii ras; ar one o tVe direrlor?, to exert IwmTf 'f to lave i . - ,:.-. i .... for without the mod imincdiatr re- ' 11. a 1 rli.lLl tit 1 1 1 1 Ufr.ubl - - able t, return, o.rr land. Another lefcr fay., that the1, mnft . .. n Clio -s I . , 1 f iirl-t - a nt .41.C rf I jviiv iiuaii'.i j anu a I v. j t heretofore, n inrheTi of peulWe epif- tlc- from huflMnds to 1 icir wives, I nno rrom lovers, uins- ma orotners .. ... .v'l- V 1 1 1 1 r j ' 1 1 , .71 iu ineir ivuipa.niii'ii' irienus. it is fuat .L-. .ur!l 1 f . r. to be publifhed. . ' 1 ' ' ' T.1E ijX.C'X. All the leadina, prims ol he I n'or. ttt at hngtir arranged, previ ous to Sc grand d Iculliou, v h ch e xc1ed to t-ke plare 011 ihe id day 1 the enluing feliion of the Irift P.11 iianicnt, when the inTiftirC will be agnn reenntnended From tie 'i limn?. There wHl be a creation id Ir-ven Irilh Peers previous to the Union taking p'ace. T he United parliatnent of the rwp kingdoms is o be cilled ' The imp'rial Par : ur.cnt ot die Brinlh OFFICIAL. ! COND leu. r from the Minider o Koreign aflair, at Pan j with it accompanying inclolure ; ami Tilt ANSWER returneu by the Right il in. I .oid Grenvhle, Ills M; f t t's princ-p1' Secreiaty of btalc (op fnrrign ilTairs, tTRARO-ftl ION. Tar-, tNivolc, Slh vcJKj J"1- Mi 18-0. iv Luni), 1 loft no I lie in lnvinr h'lorft the eon ul 1 f the republic ihe official Bute, utnlcrdatc 01 me 14th Nivnie, ikI viu irant milted to me $ and I am charpei' to torrd the anf r rdiially otSvtaL sWcb you iilfid an metlf lUctivp my L-.rd, ihr ll iranceof y high couQderi.on. (Sned) CII. MAO. TALEFARAND. 1q -be Mimller for hineign AlE.t t I o.nhm. ,',',11,11; - ttjinti ti ih K 1. Tr.r 1 Qc;a! note, urder the datr of ih - 14th Nm-fe, ihe 8th year, addt-fbd ly the Muuder f hi Rn tanni Maj ft) , have htcn Utd be jN fie fitll c iif il .f ti e Freuch ie lubU, he obferved, w-ih Lrpnlr, t ". n . dr..' upon 10 i pinion, whuh l Mil ), iffp.'-'. dit nfiem nd ciKilcuucniet ul ibeprcftnt War. Vff ! iiMomt l-einy Ftnie whiib t wlid ir, (lie bad, it umft bt rr inewt'iMedi f roof ihe (Ofuin rtrniciit t htr rvvoluiioa, lolrnndy tto- l. nrd Her IwVf if peie, tttd her t'. licUnuifnioeoc V .1. . ' iviwl. IIIV . . 1 : it. 1 1 K. 1 ' N 1 1 1 . , ii. 1 - f ... rlrape from the nrrors of their pre-,L,K f... r....,ri 1 .u.,J Ui tne m irri .wins m m 1 rwvni-i UKOts ; and ii is not 10 be fSOt, ijr ihe in Uf-i iiueiue t a'l gov. tjjfat, occupied at that -time tntuely . - heroiW wr : iuuii f f w in t-er- 1 ;!e '' Kurope, aiui wuuiu -iuve rt- .alrti tried faithful to li-F d-Ciarat't.iiS Put from an (i)ioh'C: mtnUiUns, inon. t the FitncU.reyoh.tioti nu ken cut, al.nott al! Europe enter- iii'o a league -ror i's deUruCtioi ..2 aggifi'i- n was real a long tune ;Ahre it public ; i internal r: fi' tKe was excited j thcr tx:rav ,j;t 'et'amtions were lupported-j m j!i!.i)ui tiun vvasintoltrd in. the ii.'Utr'H adtiiia -, .inn i-iu mo example by dial Tt t mtmtter. accrcuT e cLl ! 1 her. finally France was, .in -f aft, , -i'Vi tfl h .r independence, in her i " jr d in her Uw: , : long Uitie ; before the w.r was declared i Thus it is to the projects of luh j teftion, ' dfi'olution and difmember" j were prepared, aga.nll - i I 1 ft, I ' 1 M1""" v'r'P" I the evils which the has init red, ( - , , , , , m , . 'and tho e wfuch-affltcled Europe. . r '. I K 1 . h Hn .,; r ! ( (1 ft . 1 111HM. i t ' "J' . 'ft , out t'xannvt. wilh refo? ferftd a natdi, could - lobtifig . . 1 on the m il ' ' . i . c ' ,L r . estetitf 0; verify 1 i K is hei in- 1 i.'icKC ; 'ance ot il pi ;. thole 1 J.'.iC ti.- (he has r-.-.i ilHs of neaii , hit h lh; ri li; 'I' d in er own Itremth and the courageof ii.n riri'fiinj . n . II... I . - ..'.I .lt,.ci)0. Ull -W III!.. 4W lUd. 1 her enemies bbii'natdy rttuf'd to h5r rilr- 1 11 v upon tne enerpy 01 ner reur ; but as foon as they were oh- 1 . . Him d to ab.tndm the hone o .. , f 1 Ihv (ou .bt inea s fur ru : 01 ir.V.ifloil Nciliaticai, ,1 manifedec narific inrnrinrs ! r j 1 it ihefe h vt not afwaya bcfen '-it..-,...... . :f - . t iri r 1 Cilli.'ti rtuir . 1 iiik III uu or ir . , - ... . .. , ncal c 1 ( u in II u ices of hn internal ... . . . . uarnm, which the icvolution nd (h u If hi . I:, re ii'lv nn Ithe farnef Drpnfitorics of the Exp- . I ..11 ' L ! . 1 1 1 l tii 1 . in rrwice naee no. ' always ,!fi?wn a much mideratioii as the nation it lell has Ihrwn courage, it mufti above all, be imputed to the'tul and pirlcver'nn amm lOlity damt 1 with hicli the rrtourics tf Etmland have bcn lavdhtd to accoinphlh the ruin of France. H it it the wiflica cf hit Briianic t ; i.-ity .'1.1 co.nbilnity wrh his af 11 trances) are in umlon with 'hole of the French Republic, for the re ellabiilhimnt ot peace, why, imread f attempting the apology I the wat , (llOldd not atteiltrun be r. ther pa d to the in -ii. of tcrminaiing it And tai oblt.clc can prevent .1 mutual U::d; 1 :' . ; , ,-, of which 1 he utility is reciprocal, and is felt, ifpecully when the fitft wniful of ihe French Republic lui perlonally g.vcu fo many p ools of his rageruefs co p;r an end Ml in: J ..7111,11 Ol (A 31. ami O! pis .. . I . I r - . I . . .... unpoution (u maint.iu the 1, id ob- lervatice of all treaties conciudel. l:hefirll eonful of the French Ke public rould not doubt that his Bri- UOtc Majclly recnpnizcd the right ol nations tochoofe the furui uf their gnverniiieni, Hue it is mm ihe cxerc fc of this right tlut he holds mi irown hut he has been unable 10 comprehend how this fui dameli IM princtpiCj upon which relv the rx'ilrnctot noi i4;f. r-eties. thi Mi- iiirr 01 1111 iSij-uy ci uid aonrx nliuuadoot which tend to an inter- ... it. 9 1 . . 'ercntein ihe interual a.'E r til the llenoblic. and l kh are no lU in juritus 10 ihe KreVlh nation, andro t Government, than it wou'd Ik to England, and. 10 fis Maj fty, if a ion ul inv.n.icii wfr, held 4it in voor nl that repub'icin G--vern-iKoi, id vi Inch Ei'iilaid adopted be forms in the m ddh? of the laH teniitry, or an rh. nation lo tecall in ihr Ihrune ihat lam lv whemiqairrd. .heir nirih (uii pi'ren iherr, and -horn a revolution had compelled to licl.rnd (torn 11. Ii at pttHoata nm far didant, when the Cunlliiuiim .! S.Hcm'd the Ke pob'ic prriii tc.l neither ihf flrength 1.0; the fol.d.iy which It tout ami at ptr feu, his tlntai.ic Mejffly thotiaht ! i.if f enabl.-d 10 e .Vi e a neeoria" in n ana natiiic ' -M a itposTs'ltibai rtflioy d noikfrr . l . . lw " Cw "'' h the prdri,t a d recpo-ai fitpjM o o i f liUni aflity tmpUTtj of a v.var i;i..rk.(! . ..rea; TvTaitutiVsJtU tiep 1 1 v hicli threv ii nn v-rl.d nifi the co-.c'ui.'o'' :-aOy by Iticn i)y -rtiK .. til ! trope ith iCand ttcajp- dtable vlv I; -is, ! Vrt;foxe..ti pyi 1 fti-p to f tie c rte .t tf-e'e rfllartu res, or m order 'tiv.r iM tr territil cufojjUeriGes may t-'. leproached to Oldie only who lh.dlvh.ivr provoke them', thrft the fitat .onr.d of 'h" Frcsch'Pitpotdic n ?;les to put an inrnfrti-aic tnd to r: utilities, by a v ecmg to n Hpmmoft m aros.r and nainintT ..pienijet.yliaries on eacH fide,' who Ihould re;Ss- to Denmark, or any otner towo vs advantageous ly i'itu-it.4 f -r jtHtknfefi' bf 'the respective -comnvcniea'b'tif, and who Ihojitd tfpplv ihenifeh'e w lrhrtuany det iy to eft-. ct the raeltabriineiit ol Peace arid good u icierllandLni!; be tween the French Ripablic and Eng land. . The firrt canftd ofersto rivethe panports which may be utceffary for this purpnfe. S (S:?n d) GH.M.-TAIlFYRAND. Ptirh, ?$th NivJo (iqtbjan. 1800 B.'i ar 0 the French Republic. Letter from L"i J Ge n i'ile to the Mi niftr ijr re'wtt Ajfu'trs at Paris. :tt, Uo. 20, 1 800. Sir, I have the honor $fl the anfwer winch i' direft'ed me to retur 1 note which you tran I have the hondl" to higheft coiifidi ration, obedipnr humble lerv (iigned) inclofe to you jVlajdly had to the rlht al little! tu uie. , with the r, your moll' it. (' Minjlrr for F. -l . r t' c . w.- mi c lue ret.-ned to in tiv n- 1 J 1 'L official note (the llli:KroT r orr rv.u:, and fcce..i " -.: r I. .... I . I. . Q .. . ,1 ln.l "k : 1 V ,MC !." beloie tie K i i . - Hi Majelfy cannot firhear ex prelhne the conci'rn with which he rt'ltrve,, in tint not'. rvit -the un- jrn voked aggrtlnons of France, tne loie caule and origin ot the war, are fyitematicaUy deleded by her pre leni l!cr, under the fame injurious iretcuccs by wlncn they were on- na Lv atiempted to be -difguileC. Hn Majefiy will not et.trr into the refutations of allegations now urn. verliliy exploded, and 'in In far as hey refneft In Majclly s c nlufi) notonh in ihcm.elvesu'terlv i rouml lell, b it cotitradifttd both b. ihe internal evidence ot the traofattioni 10 whuh'fhry relate, and -Ho by ihi e.xpref tcd'Miouy (fciven at ibetimej ot ihe yovrruinent of France iifcli. With rdpe'T to the ebj ft ol ih note, his rlaje:.v can unj icier to .. . ...L?k L L. -. l tne Jin .rr wuiw uc mn .. u . . civrn. II. hasfxplainrd, wtiiriMtrlrrve. - the otillacUS vimn in i.t Miogmenl, preclude -t she prclen: nnnsil W oOiMneiil. hope of k(.vaitage from ncnoeian en. All ihe mduirnieuls m reat wfi'th . rc lehid on n iu ihe Freiuh fundi note ; the perfonaldi'poli.-ions w h ch are Eid in prevail lor the coBCltjGoa ul tatace and for the future obltr virceof treaties ; the pw er of m- lunrg the cried of th le difp liiionsJ luppoli g thtm to ear.r ; and the fi'ddity of ihe nely eflab; lifted, af'rr In rapid a luccclTion of revtduu. nv ill ihferr points whuh can he known only lrt,m thai ic ft 10 wlrch hit MajHly has ahtadyrc fened ihuii the rrluu 1 lexperitnie and the evidence of la1 With that linceruy ard plamflefi whuh bis ftiiety lor the rr-fllab Mhment of peace inriilpenfilde re a I . " .. his mairfly has pointed Hit, ... t. ,k. I,., (A it.J.- ffwrtlrll 111 , 1 - . v , w. - - - 1 means lor the 'aStainment of that j urrat ooirft. D it he I as declared: in lermsequally eitpl-c t, and with 1 be lame l.-Kcriiy, that ha ennr. tans 00 dcliia 10 prclcrbe 10 a fiirfton nation the fort of its go. vert merit : hslheir-is miy 10 irt fecontv "f his a 1 d mmw ns and nl Eurnoe. and that whenev.r t. ai ct. lential ooject can in his judr. f nt he, in any manner whatever, iufbK(,i.v pfqvided tor, h wi l eayieilv concert . t n r. 1 . . ; t ; p . I ii." itti t i ; f ri n I .n.J jo!nt negoctatieti. for 'he - e 11 a b 1 i l "b 1 1 n i: : 1 1 1 pf geTgjTff tTTnTfetr , irk h eorrtrtved to p a t i in quiittjs r-s. B I'o rhtfe ocl'fV'ns his Majrftv ft -adiiy adheres ; and it is dVi I y oil ti;J grounds thus U-aed, that his re g.rd to the lalet ol li s !ubjeii$ will lufr r him to renounce ihat lyl in of vi-orous dr fence,, to yvh'tli under the ia or of rV idenoe, "l".ti L iigdc.Ob i we the fecunty of thole 1 1 ,r Dieiings vl.ich they now enj y. (Siirnedl GKENVILFE. Do An ng-Syect, Jan. 20, 1800. 1.., Ja HUity- - - r-; Government received veftcrday imponant information rejjpctting the dilpofitions ot tho d tf-.-rtnt courts, of Eauope, and preparations Torthe approav.hir.g campaign. Gf the magjiitnde of thole prepara tions an opinion may he iormed from the accounts which arrived by the Hamburgh, and which ttate that ON JH E RHINE, The An ft rian force is to con flit of 100,000 men The KjifTian 70,000 Tiie armed Peafants 30,000 IN ifALY, The Auflrian and Pied montefe troops 150,000 To me,ct this force, (he chief confiil of - France is making the molt ilrenuous eirris. MaHctia is. on the loiuh, procuring luppliet for the army ot Italy. Moleau is at Strafbui'g organiing the army of the Rhine. p Ah titer feafon is become mild, the campaign willJpeii almoft im ne diately. The great prelitire of the war is likely to be in Suaha. There he French, who have drawn their Svifs army towards Bade', vnli jyohablj ftrike the firlt blow, be fore the Ruflians have received there Otn.ecled reinforcernents, and b; fotc i!ie Aulliiars have allfinlde.l their force, or ralfcd ami finned the corps of pcafantrv E i r..r improbable that fiuonaparle vili take the HeM'ib pcrlyn aninll Su warrow. InJtnlv, the nnf e oi ilia Audrians wdi be t'irccd a- gaihd Cienoa i an operation . ! it h '.s likely to occupy a confiderafhk portion of their time. Should they fucceed in ixpclling the French, tlicy will,' we (till think, content thetfli'ctvea w-fth taking a pofition on the frontiers of feuce, without cnti-rtjti.iiig tnyloea ol enicriog Hie r i' tniiiorits Bm iht public are mod T'v li to lcain whal the cornier from That PrtTflia Beflm brot:"!' wil) join the u ilition 90 man cx ; tt ihe lime is come when lli- mutt iik-: a deciftvc pan, h eWrtTpoti !tnce btiwn n Fan's uc.-r.i. ik i:ireutkiy ac.ue. yrmw iimifc, the r rciuli a lib jWn revived in aefy tia'tisiirg in.nner, Dobiin ir.jil airivrd l'ii morn- ( ijii. li bntiL' no i,mi i-f iruch ltnipurr - irr. Ihe public mit.d m .lnl. 11 Ii 1 ins to tii l II lenit . am. ifulii tairl I'-twan (t;lriu has cut i ff li e ccuitminit at inn between i 1 '.ta and Conflantinople. Letters itum 1 unit naie, mat city i now fortifying, alo-r the 1 1 p 1 can tnannsr, to he able to undcreo a fiere. Ii is feaicd thai the Dey of Tunis will go to war with Algiers on account of a young Prince having been ex rented, who is Uul lo have teen born at jA'gitrs, - and kebt up a correfpriiHUiuc with ihe D:y of Tbi i, v huh heinit difiovercdt, he was plivaiely htar-b I. January 39. A le'ter mtW I lin e hi, dated Jan. a'.as-. " I l.cre 11.1s bicn much . - awl ft a ft a blo.1dihrJ . o-day, r ihe Aufliians . M ..-. .. t.aml Ftn hjought dming feveral;,n' ' ami Tten h louj;ht ilnnns Icvenil liolifl W illi If t Oiwrr. j i'.. l.raf. atl , many live wete 'hid on bmli b' il we nar uilgt..i the killed t, Ihe number f.l II;,e WnirA-d wTrs may have been hnrnghi m ht-te. Tlicadvanlagehn I, tnn3irtd ith iheTrench j and as ihi -Auflrian nai n'i mniMiiTainiu, on lite oihrr Udl al the M in, IhTr could noimineio their ineeour. The Krenrh have ncgleftcd, we ki not why, lo lake advantage of-jni fuccefs, as'they retired 10 Hetterf. nm m , ... Malta has been viclualled hv il Maobl-tved by the enemy. January 30. 7": Thelaft Ften, b trrr . ,Uj active r-llnn tiv hi Ipif tin.. . 1 1 . picpamuuni arr msKing in molt ot the French ports, particularly in - Brefl andToulon. Vice Admiral oruix h is been to Havre, HonHeur andBrelh Rear-AdmiVal Latouchc viul.4iwu iu proceed wittl oofiXbk fpeed to Bred, jextived cotmter orders on the 1 8th t& fan' Laud., was .fen to. .'XaulAn .u.. 1. . iii is to have a command, and from whence aimaH auad nin-nnU aril 1 - v.7 "a ten. nrrnr; inif In tK Urtrr. fair wind ta fetTail upon fome exoedition. 1 he fh nition and provilions on board. A linaii numtaer ot refjels had been previouily difpatched from Toulon,! and it is faid have contrived to' ll.rntn fiirritl am 1..,. Kr.l.- January 31. A communicjition to theEmpe-i ror Ot (terman hmil.- ... -7- , . , iiiuimi ill iiiac made to the King cf Great-Britain, is believed to have been made by the chief eonful. 1 1 is believed alio that the Cabinet of Vienna rejec ted his overture ; and. that Great Britain, Auflria, and Ruifia, have entered info an agreement to pro feoute the war till they can' procure a genera,! peace. February r. Coalition afraiiili France. In the Houfe of Lords on Thurf- ' day lall, Lord Grenville niade ufe Of Words 10 the follow inn vWM . ..T-i .- . a . we have heatd fo much, never ex;" illed. 'Fhe whole lfory is a fable, a. ul a giof inipoiition on the pu!) liv. i he tiealy ot Pilnitz is uM'j milnii.krlti od. There wano fitch tbtog as a t v con. ktded at I'.l nitl, nor even a Cor.tntjdn. Ic 1 as mertlv u declaration ot the two - - j ........ v.. . . .iii. 11 I hi" trr:ifv ,, I ' . , , ...l; l n t.r,, .... r..,':r . lhef v. ifhes in favour .d the Frin i.'.fj of the IJoulc of Bourl nr.' was tho i.deilion of l.nrd Gtenvillc, Lord (ircnville is co. reel as to ihe plate. There was not atria ty at Pav'1.1. lie isri.-dit both as lo the Idler tad lo the phi. e. i t was not a treaty, and it v. aa not ar Pa"- Via that the circunidjr.e hni;;icnc which ras give:i 0CCit4)i loiijufii ! Olitlcal nolKr. It was a . : 1 1- noil anii rot a rrcaiy, atii i it was at ,.1anliu ioliv month of May, 1791, infleitd ol Pavia. We ---- - - arc indibic o Mr. Bcrrand de Milrv 1:1a. nun:!!, r irftate. I.v the ail ars, and he gives? iht m on ea.iiHiiiiy t, Mr.dr Lai Caa, M.. Ciloni e, M. de Vardieuil,' iijd fjie Count Ah bonfe'dc Dur- t.n. From this bifteraj it appear', that iu .May i-qi, the Kin.; and Qnsen of I'rai cefetil a fidrtitjji! Irien;, he Count Alphonfe dc Dutiun, to ilc Cum d'Artnts, wiih a ana.' n ilhon to treat (ritb tie Etrrrmr E opohl, then .Ira vri'ting in Itaiy hh Ida filler, ihe Qiiecn of Na rlcs, for the refcue ana rc-eliab blhmentnt ihe Royal Family uf I tr.n,. Il......f t .aiivc, in- iiinirirnic I'hik plaeC at Mantua on ihe aaih vl Lfa. - , Pr,m "' (I.i.rtp'.ol Ccntial) Jdvrttijtr:t fd.b. THI I0KDON r.A7fTTI. I), wnug.flecei, Jan. 31. A difpauh, hI ihv UUuav iog i a c-.pv, fa b. en te.nved Ir. m Loi.l VV. fi.tuuk, by Lmd (iirnville. Mv Loud,4' 11 '' ''i-' ftcaicfi faiifaeliim . il.,, I 1 ., ; 1 "nmiKe in y nr luiirnip l'lit.M'tl lit CG-NI. 'I lie . , ",c :;' ' : ' ' ',! in list , .a.l. ..n li id tho i""nn - - ... r, t rK' ' t -t :4. "rtim,v t of boo wounded, 'o.ii th. r rc; b . J . -v iiltle , m -' im.ih h iKlara f J" n 11 J " ' rnotii- : I l:fflM. - t ,: ' . ' ' ..t rtety 1 '- .'..'c .". The s- A a- 4

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