THE W I L M I N G -V O K G A ZE T T E. Three Dollars per Annurr). , fc , T H U K S D A Y, V- Y i, 1.800. Vol. IV. . .3 PUBLISHED WEErCW! B.t A fc-L M A N D HALL. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr, S.reaiy .l)u :das mured. tha; th; order of she day tor .taking thli he had this 'night delivered when his M i it.'s mejlage iota coulider ... tiQ , lkffl'J be read. The fp'.kr. then lead'rrfre m;f fage as fellow : "'' George Rf.x. . ft J he uiju'ifs in the 1 , uo tne prei-nt. " cifti audivtfdlts tpJM," I nc nru Cajftfideratiod mc, Whether-we hail ade'quate f'ecurity for i!e main tenance, t'ortbe ttab;lity -of any, trea ty, we ftionUI ..conc'ude with, the new vtoyernniem ? If the picture given u; the jFVt'rch revol'Vion was ov any mea S a true one, it was ho. confif. :fiit v t the (afety oj other (htes HsrMr. Pitt entered at length ,i, t!w difcullion on the origin of liP'e, that Ic-rneJ p n !emi(i upon this eell'.ry ar,d deiridi-ve per. d luirie&.'in a work which was laid to net nuke this (hiemenr :rh a' 'iewt iid-.s, was . ... tr .. .-Lin .1 . . . - r : 1. tia?e nod'ergone tilirty-twu coitions ; iu cn-.i-noeine: appltuie ar'.d asmi avA he had now .given tile hoille an ; ration oih;& coatirrv corr flTftrrunity of comparing them with I lidenog the.cj.aracie&wf ihe- Frtttch rsvoiurion, the dliw-j4 lot -.'j tfi', c tsci uf; which in nifter ad. .-pied Ought to i-ave tec-;i rivet'jeir i.u: St would :tvc t,; T.iew a'"ie:iil; ttiat " to th?yn nut to he afmbei) the origin :A' t'.it wityciedared bid Icrin'Hhatdv iipoii the mala of tj;c nations of Eu rope, and ex fen Ted. 10 .countries iftt r -ttr pifli ot dc globe, in fol lowing p 4 iiiji which m-ft be ijpo!ed' v an eajdjy fxerrion," and never be conV-tJKtd lib the itrenorh r,!)F;:.ncrjCC- MiP-tfivaii' t ui calculated to provide only lor tlv((irU months of the year, hivina jetty 'now recommends to the lioule, (0 iike ftfefe . farther piovifioa. as they, may j'.:dge necelFary, unit r fh and concluded hat rMrjceJof u be ttifM. fe.yith the two t foe tor; (em. uijijftaoces, for, ti winl g,jj,Fellcr.--The decree of t evcjp4iw; b'oiVfMdf of Denmark lertra! branches of the p'jb'tc ferv'k the IJfth oaNavrnher, he obervei, land saiten there Va not a and tor the vigorous prolecutin of rw.a dTccled .uaiolt England. Upjo J na'ioo in Coi'Oi.'on qlm ol it, againfl tne war ; and his jaiefly his iven the whole, tlif-n, it muft be lefc to which-ixance did not, lince the re- direr.tions that the proper e(lioates the good fenfe of the honff to onG-' yolufio,!, either declare ar or die, for this pui-pofe fluuld fe laiJ be" 'der whether it was better St lafer to be tate fome treaty, or .infringe fomt- fore-tlu: houle. . Ut open hollihty, than to lutFer an principle of the law of nations. " His uujefty has thought proper armed nation to go into foieign coun- Th wanton attack- of the Papal ou this occvii n to direcf mat there tr'u s preaching " Jo the people that States, by the feiZ'ire of Avignon, lhoulJ be laid before the houfe copies ( they, weie all fftvst Rven in the one of the firlt iJancs of the mid (1 of nego.iarionj, onir were atroc ous ptrfidy ot her revolutionary etitloled to all the generals of the. fpirit; alio tne capture ot Powwtrun French armicis, contorting a general belonging to the bilhop of-Bafl r. dc!aratiou of war, and tht blank Of tlie lame nature was the con- thai, "France, j.rftpd n alH hrcrvr of other coUrtt riet ar.d con- obliged to have recujrie" verting roirtery, anu Conhfcatin, her pw:r and , into national xeiourcei ! hr arms in all Mr. FOX rofe M-ix: He began by faying that tBB hour was too late,- and kthe houfe iCo much exhatifled, for him to un dertake to toUow the right honoura- uew ble gentlemen into all the details of nrnciple of the law .f itarions from ctrcumtta-ices, -which tormed the ii.muim ui iite wiii, anu coniti tnted the pi outs of "the firft afcrref- rq the refoCfc s or coivraDT, m c.:rrjin aiiexficus. It the l.on. gentleman op;ioliie hiin infant to miintain.that a dare alciitcd by One ua'Hun h-a a right to avci.gekher'e!f upon Other.; however lrnoctnt, it v.s which he tor one mult take the liher tj rdemurrit ; (Mr. Eifkne here n'WtVirVed- that he alierted no tuch th'rau) he faid he wotiid not dilput any nniber's meaning, but certain he was o having -heard fohifithing ?ittreTiielv ' like it. a as tfte lion Uon. ine prelenr, as In. bon. fricwd, (Mr. Erlkinc) had faid, formed a new aera in the war, ami it was iqfinately of more rmpnrfanci in the prsjent moment o cnauir of corniimnicatioiii receruiy received from tne enemy, and the anfwets which have been returned thereto by his tmjelty'8 comma id " His iimjelty encer:ains ;he fulleft (formula of 3n adilrels to i he different qneit and incorporation of Savoy. people ewithig them to infutrcCtton, 1 iiiwif-bolt'le- views againft Aultiia Tne iiillruflions :o the generals wf ftfr-ad the Emp'.re alio, 'manifeited to demoUlh all e(hb!;lh d govern- them(eTvtS at an t arly period, under mc ntf, overthrow all orders m lo- tne pretence or a league ot bovereiirns confidence that thofl anLvers will appear to this htiule to htve been conformable to that line of con duct which was required from his majeity ob this occaliun, oy nis re- oard to all the inoit important in- it rettsof his dominions and h.s ma jt ity having no object muie at heart cLt), and all religions ; and, in againft her, of which all tne doeu fiue, 10 overturn every thing which hients Hie has atreuyed to produce was contrary to their nonons ot 1 n,l'.Mn was fa ar- 0 M which ought toh made mugmg what he called our aggreU ul thtuvertUTes of negociatlon, than Hons it might be eyp. ft.d that he to difculs .vvhich of the twpartiw who did not entirely Xecede fiom his was the gg?"on The right lion. paflumintary attendance, might gtlcman, however, had occupied a have come forward at a' certain srv longtime in going. OVer a period, and let the aggreilions :f ,0P,crs wlucn ihe had. often S Fra.xe.ccme in for fome fhare id too fucceWul y preiled on the lmanimidvutioris.-It was not true oufe,and by which he had drawn that there w any thing of rancour, ,hemf ,nt0 a approbation of -his or relenttcent m the Rea.otiations cafures In this new atra 6f the Citered by ..this cwnntffi England. wuar when vVC wcr, ,0 bad made numriou! c.nquelts, ' 'hc vorable point fo anx-oufly de. was complete nuflrt-r, of tit! fes, j 1,red' Crtt0 gaal s i Tii A r it ..n . . us ; w ere we to b told that w pofft fled ail the roloiiiul weal; h, had . rliA j, r . 11141 we ,,..,-. j 1 ought tohold our oecaufe there werr anr.hdated the I rtneii com-aMCt, and i ' . ,f , . 5 a i'tai oiiccs uiai protnilea US f nc eels f Urlctous God ! aftr more than duuiiled its own were nothing unrehan forgeries. beriv and ctiuality. This was not I h of Vh; declaration of than that of contributing, as loon as cos. fitted to the countries with which Pdnitz was to do'ivr Louis XVI. the Qtuation of affairs tha i make it i ihey .were then at war, but expended frjm captivity, and Mt todifmemberi Draflicable. to the re-eftabiifhtnen; to all indtfcriilltnvtely and where trance. The Jacbn of Paris nf the general tranquility ol Europe, ' the people did nut (how - dfpnfition ho tevrr, by the tlamoors ofa mob, r-na lure and fohd foundation, and to revolt, they were to he ucjC d f providinyr etfeftually for the fe- iin the vay of conquered nation; luch was the fpirit of the decree ot 1 3 h December, and the fame fpirit allied to th'le parts of Enrope, wheiC their armies found a foot" itvg up to the jprcleirt day - audk Purity and permanent prolperity of ihis faithftii people, places a firm re liance on the continued fuppori of Ihis pariinnenr, and on the Zealand perieveraace of his fubjcJUj in lush leaftires as may BeftlAid to confirm 1 ha final advantages whicn ha e I een obtained to the common catile In the courfe of the laie campiign land to condoft thr great conttll in whkh his majefty is engaged, to 1 a l'afc and hanorable conclufion. G. R.'1 Tfle fpeaker having read the mef face, Mr. Secretary Dundas role t move an addrefs (which he pre tfaccd with a fpecch of confiderable ; length and minutenefs of detail) re turning the thanks of that houfe to Ibil mijefly for rejcAing the overtures of peace made bv the tint conlut ot tthe republic of France. Mr. Uundaswas followed by Mr. tC ann inc, on the fame fide. Mr. fcRSKiNEt in an aide and elquent fpecch, conlidered the pre- lent as a new xra of the war. He . .hierved that tne object to which the intention of the houfe fliOu'd fir dt. I eded was uvt au enquiry iato the 1 vnuof th- ill camp!uo, but whe- d of rnr fti.iwrr h4d the wjr miintter DeiafTart dil" placed, and Dnmourier fabdituied in the ioom ot him. An ultiinafuni was wis then lflhrd. bv whch Aufhia ... - t 1 i. j called upon to difb.nd ; anj tnocrimi..ateiy favco. that f ranee would allow an indent Di'y for its eneroaiW'-ais pn the vet E11- 1 fOl s r 1 , ij.ini.s C .t.l ..It gland oturcd .0 re to.r au m. .an , M laiionsintlieacq.ufitions fLhmlUi it was ,E l! Hal and. Auftna threw no unpedi- : 9JliiJ ; , t- 57". l c l . . , man Jgaiiut treatin'r tor peace rhaf mem -here; but France thou!;hi hi 1 . t. wfttW . . u ,v .u 1 j 1 1 tney inigtit not nave an cpportunitv to incorporate the Netherlands and w recruit tlieir fi P M J - thus was the la w of nat,ons to be re- cii us, and, after fadlfc tb. X pja ed by th. mur.icpal lawa ot toe ic cfforts th - 8 R,n.ub!ic. Fr-tue. he infilled, wis r.--.1.:- 7 '"uo r . iiuvt. mis Jieienoeo ru in. w-i,. v.. prtflr-d on all tides, any ag;till to be d , d , , : , w vpviia u 1 a.y ttnie been favor.hU preffed by the dates of Italy, fn-m mcnt againlt negotiation ? He la which (he extorted militant after null.. mented, in conunan with everv fa ...v ,.r genuine menu to peace, the h rfk ches & palaces, which the afterward ;,d uneonciliatine latnuace which not then more than Ihe had in ucr, jney have tmce oeen at open,'a,TS OT li,c 1 rincrg or tno tmp re. war wiljh every Hate in Europe ex-This then was niamfef) aggreflion a. tept two, and evro tliufe had f'410il Anflria, as was the encroach late thought it right to recall their ments upon the Prince of Lo'rainr Miuiilcrs trom Paris. The mod un. ad AlLce, an aforeffioh ai nil eqnivoul ot our pacific duff ion of oar military in uiii.W rnnrinnvrl in thm l.rn. tljratlOII (.1 W.'ir. V V I : u I 1 1 OCA mi a,. e.n tf.PttliilHired3,ri.r.ihi, I through the hirtorv ol thei)ohncfl' t gaw on tbe wat, yethadconfwe h ...... . . . . . . L I. 1 f 1T . . ii 1781. Ihe hopes of beii; able rstrom Paris. The mod un. and Alter, an Mgreffiotl agvnll , uuury Kcpum,c not iparing tne al proof that could be olvtu P""-i hich deHa.rd th.t anj Iml-! government of Switzerland, who jacific dilpnluion was the re- againff the Empire or ttic E ,,. wcfc lor theft kmplf -i.y of oar military eOabliOrtnent peror would be conlidered as a de- and 'nnoceacc, En-Jand was kh Ltiona-, was held in ih nnfw.r .k. i . . - ". iu iijc pro- in every nofition. at araH mi .t.. i.r . . it- -. ..j in nniii'. He remembered with pWureiW panguage of Erd Malmefiuiry ' at Paris, in anfwer 10 the haioihtv and fclf on all flies that were not wafhtd improper terms trfd bv I a Crni by the fea, with dependent andtri- that reprtiachful laiieua"e was umaij "i!'ni" i ! n Minin inc way oy wnicn two nalions pane's name went down ... t t page o; tn rccoros o; an tais va libce flhd peYfidy.- While France fur rounded her- alone, after fruitjefs negociati'ons, to obtcrve th tt neutrality was per h.ips too long adhered to by the go WKftcuneiirs 01 riance, i its ag greflioiu againtf every particular na. lioo, he Mould like wipe obrerve that vernment of i his country, notwith-'the war wi h Spain was made to ac. Handing fo many ach of nnpr -yoked cntnpany that ag.infl 1 gland, iho' and outrageous at'crrfTion. With '"either the feelings of confaneuinity, the Emperor of Germany w had ,nor an ttachmtai to religion, nor a at that time no ccnuefiion or co n- love of ordef , wis fuflhtent to com. muiiication whatever , but to Pruf-,P-1 that cabinet to aay exertions a fia we declared our deitnainatioa of g"ft that emmy of -4hJ. a U, rcrrainirtjt ncartfi aod not inrerfcr-, fiuee fnftrred his fubjecli to become ing with the! the tooU and fl.ves. Of Holland No nihiincr ofihhSantr at foreign j" was needle I s ne fhmld lay any o-nria had any authority to treat on tiling. J he Hepunlic carrirn o that fobjetl . nxb forflgn fta' i, tdl : w at agaiall Portugaj, ilu.ugh fhc had aler rb-i.r of the o:h MTovemAfnOt d eiarcd any, nd when I it e . Ti io iniiain it. i ne avarice anu in julli.e of France had ail the chlfac. ter of the revolution they fpiung fro-n. " Thev grew with itl growth, ar.d ftrcngthened with its llrerrjtl ,' r.:t never wcte known to dimUtlfti with its mb fortune. The uufk 1 was now completely thrown off and no common uauier as ro feeure us agaiull hi corrupt a n ba ciul Innuence. W hat v i ii. he thought of the aggrethtn gih H Egypt I The papiure ot Mai s, v uh preceded it, might bt!ioug!it coulpari'ivdy trivia:, it it were not cts however way could appioach one another towards reconciliation. For this reafoita alfo, he mull lamunt that the ri ht hon. gentle am a nought it ncveilary torn with fuch minim nefs in the early circumllanocs of the war. He certainly did not at-rec with him' in l(eral id' his aliertions. He (fill continued to think ihat thia country wr.s il.c acgniJor ; and that AoP Ja and Prtiflia were ck-jilv a'gn Tors wan a facl which no clear and ini pariMl mind coold for a m'-mci t hefhat to believe.- It woulri bxi van. for ti e right hon. pehtletnan to fet up V-txand ingcnioii, rrafnnii g againfl the vidnce of documei whi. k were in every one's hand. A: ; mill. ;!-ai..!,i. ... i all re. futatioa that not only the uufortu- i nac innnari h himfclf. and hit. . ii ! , .... i i . . ' tmull i .... . . . I ..a. if i... j j - ihi-r ih aonr.ved Ol me nXwer ' ncr, anu me wanton argri ttmn otcwuntr) bo naio a mm as ire price. ,f,af,, .. , iiu,:,; ... ,.. ,t..l : .;.. ...... J rr r m ' . r m .... - 1 " in. I Lin l.uu . Willi IUK LI) DoWBfffl j Lt-iL A., tn t he over. Krancr? f-r ih taii!f r hiiun- i-f orsce. it wa nor for a moment t-.-i.!. . . .. . "W,4,H" lowers. ciumcu uy ...-j...; - - - 7 rr "i; .n. rirnco itvu.iiiiun. mi n111 i tint lo partiun rraucc but i luresmadeby the c.nrr. m ut of the Pruflu hd t.cil ,,fc,0ufly ., con- .offered to enp.y ihe purcuale. Th.,1 f fi)y WJ$ t0 u n; k rvrd diclate hv force of aims to FmiuZ 'I "K. . .. i i. tut. i art mtA si 1 13 11 u. ll la sat l Ln.l ii un u n du,ie uri-l'r the nrrtcrti ol j , 1 . .1 . . . . j renin rrpuvnr. j M'" " v" w" -. " , 1 . . " n J , m T. 1 r.gypi, m "ic na nr ot and lo compel lln-ni 10 h uart Jrmi jod ouahfy i4 tie lorce 10 be em- pl.tyed. .'Ihe dilpaiehet for that purpofe Were d.trd on ibe 29th De. imier ; and he bad not tht Um& u.L.ihar ihr af.ldl t (Jefly hd oem advihd to return wat wile snd prud-nt Mr. PiTT faid, thrugh he did nut mean to detain the ItOnfe wnb long or OiuiOK details, on t lubjed hich had a'raly lee fo well did uf !cd by t wo of his honourable f nebdt, he was i'.d.u e! to offer lnmfll al tbn pinitularpiitod, byobleiving that the learned peiitleman who lafl ad drr fled them, had, towards ihe dole of Ms fpeeeh, put the lh' quell in its proper pointed vtW.of at trail brought it u iR"rter dlu. From the tenor of his adman- n ge neral, It fcenwd as II U beJieved the ditteuy of ihe Freoeh revolution wis nm lo be con: roiiled, andihsi U in malm la make ant Hi" " . e ti t . 1. - at i.npidmg it, m the coutle malfceii or nv iwi e governmcni inr nauon out for it, as 11 were by a (oi inlbuld th . preprr to ellabiilh. It r.rrd Omit ion. Tne bonour-Hle orn- iheK wiUis nmuU i.ol be aetept tlrraan at ihe fane time a..mmed on- led St rccnmmrndrd IPtve mralurri, mvotjlly the wiektdnef of lhj and .inlemintitann for Inch e. ... . A . mA ' tT L. ! . uir.n which was inoeeo snt "h i nnmiir wt ipiurreg .mcft dreadful vttitetion ibai Krovi- .in int war vv.m tins eaplanai on, denet ever permnied to fall upan be would Ira! to affy impat tial mn ;nun, and Mill prumifc lo put bu- to brone an at bier b-neirn the rran v tt .r to u trial Upon this two pvrnrs at ifluc, and dicide whe ifobKcl ihe public were befor f tber this as ny more than to re , ..-;,,d.iih ih. writien oonwni of pel egtrtfiajii, and carry on a ne- otjcctioi. ;o flaie with caiuh-ur the nature of tlie inflrweliou. The fir fl was an eaplatiaiirn of the grounds J of cor. plaint again!! ihe enemy 4 then the conduct that was 10 be pur li.rd previous la dce'araoun ol war, and ibe llrps mod adifejbtc 10 be lafctfe Wiai ibe ormlh cabinet re- co'iiifiiudrd, was to prrpoie iern.s of peactto France, 10 withdraw ihe Mitd irtops front that ccuntrt, and .i.t.n. . .1. l .1.1.1 : lu iruwi.H. mi v ai iiitf, utiiiiniii. . .n intcrlcirnce with mirtnal .Oiir. ' . the ir.uid'-red k;ng J,oois , , ibe fy firm w hii .i liny iho'i ne rftaty and reprclenling ihcmielvcs aa act- o ll.eir own inter lal hannJncIs hiMiohr riebt 10 open a comuiuiic' I'S'ty between Por.cgal and ih lion th tie allirs, m order to en. country, whiih in fmr of a gavt into (re :-cti tu be purluedi her as an IWtiltery. hem wh:cn hr' fn n concCf, ,(h ilte Pone, and The treatv of Pavia. as it kJ A mmj 1 . i . - ... l. ani I mim rfaffifB l-sist m taru lata Kl ' , a t . Jie" " L. ' a . V I for t tic Dcnci. ol tlie viaii'i aiiitor, tailed, may liave L- en a foraerv To proved itiihai ,n;cc!td 3, xm lame lime 4H tfe and if you pUafe. fa.d Mr. Tot) Of tranlgrfflhin, ..-I ,,f ,.,n,it Mi!.iiinrliKi. hil a r...n nti -T-t,,., ...I ' Li.i i .1 1 ... a - m . . .1 ....... , ii'inmcn ore tv.Kn was ca.cui.ctc .0 o.uit anu ,,,eir rca, Mlljtfl ,vai lo r a road pa,d ,6 dc hc ,U,h f h L La rii 11 iHoiiiiru rkst lia : f ii a aa . a . eT. Mm.i1in.1..U"..,......) ".inirma, and mare in iin: partition Car amid derive but kind otfupprrt doll onilurmity of nir'ilinn r'lraluin mAr h. tl. referred to the rwrloneJ infiilt offer. ,1 of wha, (l),y CPr jjfd , , . H Man(Ul ; A,c Jmkntmn , M the king of N.ples by e French IH,Wer. To India alto ibey fe:,T to dent ihe rto.v a. it laraWd hv iheir Ja'obin emiffanes m prepuc If. I'.iu.nd de Motegille ? It u new iezolutioM, aod adminitler true, t:s nei.Jier this, nor the de oaths of luted in .ill mnaarchy ex- elaration of Pilnitt were treaties tept . in ihe pnf.m of their dear tor the partition of Ki.nrr i,, jrttnd and Imttlfml Ally Cijhttt wbn is the eiaA nature of the lat. 1 irroo. 1 hit alliance, bowevar, terofthefer Auflria and PrujTa de. was perhaps the more corgenhl, Hare ibcmfelves refolved t Mla. k cjiixtn Ttppoo wa. then in ihr pit. France and force Ihe Frenrh pcmoU. awamMN wnwi wii raon .ucr to if h ir 1 tir 1 it Kini fl rt hieh ibenwai wuboui a i,vi ui ihe Mediterranean. He ihtn wen! through the various other lioflnities which (nogtrfTiyel) fwellid the cJialoguei nf injarrd na. lions. 10 ibe re volution bung ol the I. taliiuPjtcs, and rhe plunder of that oropeny whsm tnry prom'tm 10 nioicd. the iHiblifhment of new re. r 1 1 hich him riiiij:i t pobics, and the tr.ntfer tl Venice I to btafuaned by Beionaparie, name toM the Other I'm . 't afrie 10 ... fvmttarnr. I'.er tr nrr li 1. 'i.u I tki ..I m.l.i ... u . ... C... k u.j .. . .. . . . ..... w. .......... 7 tfuui nso wu.ic witn mem m 'n, . ... 1, .... ,i. .... 1. . 1 . . ... . to the Eorperor, after reprc fe nunp. tl eoiM vet as its deliverers. i ihsi occefron be atkr.owledd, thai Auflria, una! r to iclifl IM frefs of li e French arois, bad unwilrlv, not to fs dlhuni ufb!y, cosnpntmht with FfMCh iwrhdr ; bid, perhaps, upon the w h- Ir. it may be cut lideico a i ruinate for Venice, ine'auxb. si it had been relieved f roe the fraiern aa. a t S m i a . tint r'ei at tnr rr puo.ica 1. lie nf renaikcd upon the m U.i eco wren 1 nc itTUiinino 11 y uonl Diencl.tfn. 1 mil !': ..t..ff.... 1 iu all be rulers front Ui dfid m Hew. , Coppola tha) v , . ef , XXA b-ll, Batras and alfo Btsot atarto. i make a fimilai JeciVtien aaainfl What a horrible alliance then wi.u'd' England Amiod Uv. we ,rf grnjlrmen conn with a date thick, to attack ou, but IhW yet j vm pfcltnts the dreadful parados nf a' Wait Jot a cirtiiu avca'ion wfKn wan rjfl bleeding at every pore, ce.' wiHfonn occur, h then mir refo'u. .cied wuh crimes wl-.h call aloud ' l. againfl you i taken funi rib for punirtiiner.i ftoniodand man; thai fuch a consent ion as ibi ih .f and yet poinding fuch anado in the dark, ind k-.-ife. rccar.s lot the diiluibance aenl over, eici Irwin ibe power agaiud YfftLk I -J i p