mber of -her 'fqua- jer.ue of at leaf! 900,020 dollars, j frnmthe United States ; acceidin .hich ir mOrtf" br 10,000 dol arj - j . w t than tbe fura prapHjO beraifed. Iiwas thewsd by a ftatement of thelitis mn brow.n fugar, far fix fuccgffie yean, which it annexed ,V.J tnat the at by thofc employed to prevent tt into the places, of which we fup po eourfeWcs to potfefa the exclu- snd th? creat nu drons and cruitiug m&! in tnqte fea cirvrumiUnccs whereby her trade is prooahly rndcf-H mere te than nurs. And thirdly, be , r- .UkntV.ik hr me"hants cini .'.! ir.l,wlL. ind Chi;ar. tbjs report, No goa ls, dlrcdlv, iohe French, Spa-Ueu produdl of that article, at duty t tii ;h and arch poileluons in ine-t . "." - r" T Welt Indies and South ; America, from the beginning of 1793, to the tuey can and do carry thofegowds, in end 1797. a PJ nv.e im.nenfe qumtie, to their own increafed from dollars 646,715 to : 1.,. ,, .hpm e thev are adollars 7c..07i ; d that the ave- known to rind thoir way, by means fMe nett produA, for a period of e u!.r. ....1. MriMM rnnniven ill vears. iron nui i 1 vya u- 01 an illicit U4uc i'v... x- - .. . . ''Jn., . ' cuiiue, was uoiiATi It' was contended that although an addition of one half cent was five fuDolv. Hiuim huiuuijui W, uihs As to the example 01 tng.iui, rwu -r which is fatdtove laid an ex. ;peared to be lefs thaa in former port duty, analogous to the tax on rears,, being only dollars 630,791, drawbacks no propofed ; it VyM returns, yet no oblcrved in the firlt place that nclu'.ion unfavourable to the duty W. v.;wKin in England has Bat .Oiild be drawn from thence ; be- h.-.n tone .nonet made, to" ..'flufe Jfe "turns for that year were he ,0 iuL Of Its fuccefs. Second- 'iry Wietvt ; two quarters Tl r,ff,v , time has firnilhed wbh'Mtg trm Philadelphia and i-.twi-QtlAM On Wiv -r J 7 ' - Zr; n( Fr.aliAd is feainft the . nah : which, probably, had reduced nlaa her export!, having dimimfhed ( the apparent a-nount much rnort iince' the period when that tax was -than th't aflual receipt . had been AA- and third'v. that what is called 'augmenttd by the additional duty. a tax on exports in fcugland is, in j Henceit was interred, that the faft a-.aremiu-m paid tor convoy, confeimption and ' .imprtatin oi which the government, in confidera- bpwn (ugar, had not been mjiiri ti'.n of tbi.emhim, oogigea tofur-'jOuQy affected by the former duty j n.ifh, an I does funiiQi 10 evrry ftiip and tliat the average nut produft be fai!itiJ fio n htr por-s. An arrange- n& at thf rate of dcllaTs 200,00 rrvcdt which enables Oil 'pets 10 ob- f every half cent of duty, that taiii their infurunce Mjt tower rate. Una miht be expected t:bcn the 5 that theduty on exports, inftcad j prupofed augmentation. et!):i:i-at;aoii the trade of Eng- j 9n tnc "l,hject ot .coffee, itwas hi') ' is msrulv a prrt of the preiiuum fhewn bv a Itatcmeut of duties on of infurance . Which the merchin's : that article, for fix fucceflive years, 'pay to th government in (lead of jiay.j fro:' 1793 to 1 798 uiclufiv c, which it to the underwriters ; whereas, j is aJfo annexed hereunto, (N. IV.;. n our cafe, as we give no convoy , j that the average nett .product o! i; would be a mere tax iipOri our : lho(e duties, during the period "in trade, which our merchants mult' quefiion, was: dollars 49,762 a.U pay in the firfl infta-iice, arid. might though the returns for the lad year or might not be ab'e to et back'1' lJlc period were incomil c, as inin the con&imerl. I bl'n already Hated, and no ad. lfthfy lhotild prove unahle to : dii ion Iims been made to the ddly get it back rom the confumrrs, lv iica 1792. Henc ir wrs inferred, thi ..uiraieiitaiion. oi price. onfc- fafly be laid on that article alfo ; duAt onTthcduty, micht create or fwh'ch, as the prefer duly is five,' Vc ruitu-d : and with it mul) nerifti. , dollars 50,00c. v..-! i lv a treattortin ofotirra- flch were the arguments for to tne pin propofed i ihe ictt of April the roth, tUo, from ih.f krdpeddehciei4hreot iecriary gr me treatry to tk com miiee or ways and means. 4'h. Ktplvtd, it it expe per centum That it is txoe dieut to lay an addition! Hut. i Per bound on hmw, fugar and coffee, imported into th( Sth. ReUlvtd, That dient to retain on all drawbacks allowed for oods re-exported from the United States, n.i.ptin.f, inciaeni jq 'toe at- awance thereof, and in lieu of the amp duties on debentures addition to the fuins heretofore ,jfT- rected by Jaw te be io retained for the aforefaid purpofes. tiimtfoot inferceurfe feftween of the United State fOrowfm he United 5ta;ea aa r ranee-ana ney tor tfleublic erflce, ? ..... f 41 An act to contifcu inifftrea 1 1 AtrStfrtorTnc reyer ci jamet an act tayinR B Additional do'T on Vatd. ' ' """"" Jt- pored nto the Urt dtet.es. 12 An fcA-providint fpt l thf Jekejrf ; for othrtlpo&, ond cenfui or efitmctatjOB of the! 44 An acT to authorize the nhabitants of tbeTJoVed States. jlowance of a credit a Willia f An act in addition te the acT' i azewell. J. ...... t. . .: .1 1 . . . entitled "' An' act MEuiating the t ac United Brethren for propaga ting the gofpel ameng he Hea- falv 'hen. 14 An act to provide for in cafes of recapture,. ' 15 An act declaring the aflent ottthe year one thoufand eight v-bngrels to certain acts of the llates dred. of 'Maryland and Georgia. , 16 "An art to alter the times of 45 as act to' authorize the fele grants of lane appropriated for mt-jani conveyance of lands in certain utary tervices, and for toe lociciy ui caics, ny hic marmaiu or tne unit ttl Sits. to conhrm toriner lales; 46 An act for the rcgulaubP-cif public arfenajs an0 magazines. 47 An act making appropriation! for the fupport rof government, fof )JUfirf" Holding the diftnet -Court in North United States, tor the year ve aroima. - 1 IthOQfand eight hundred. i?An 1 act fer the relief of Camp- 40 An aft to ertbhflt the dirtric CONGRESS. MOUSS OF RE PR ESI NT AT I VIS. tVprlnrfAmv Lfnv 1 .1 A' "meftaoe- was :rtei"ved from th.rll Smith. Senate, by Mr. Otistheir fecreiary,' An.ct tp,extend iht, rivtletfd 'triformirtg tne 6oul, that the S.uatt ?lr'W!? WjmrW& H Havfrefolved thattf refolution for iarin vvamington. , repealing t wo of rhefaw polled byL 19"An ct to eltablifh an tinifdrrr! the governor and judeess of the Mil- 7ft'm bankruptcy threughoni 48 An art making appropriation or the military ellablifhrnent of the tilfippi territory, be p.ftpoed tiii . IT f r J: r 1 1 iicAiieinuu ui v,'jngrevj-.ana tnat' in ninis vwiimr iu ine ameuu- :nents of this hoiife to the bill' fun Ricuieiujry 10 ma act r atiiimen 1 he army of the United State, with a'raen'd'.nents. r ' Xht ai.rtndmtrte..VSogiSeen t ken into coutiderafioni he firll, Which as to ri'x the day of dtibanduig flie anuv on or before (he irth of Jutie nevtj Was concurrfd in. I he leamd amej-idrnent which wastoiidcrt a proVifo,tat flulhing ui tne act coiuaine'J thoin! be cun thucd toaailmrile a rcdufln of th firlt tour regiments of infantry, fwj rrimeptx iff enui:,eers and iw cbn.piuiesot libt dragoons, or ol the genenl and other- otfeers iif th Italf, appertaining thereto, Wa the U. States. 20 An act to d i fch a ra;e Roher l urgeon from his imprilbnment. 21 An act to allow "a drawback ofl (duties on ffoods exnorted to New Orleans, and therein to amend the Set entitled "An ast 'jot regulate the collection of duties oni.np.rts and 2 An act to c?)ntm;ie t.i force " An act concernin;; ccftain filhe ries of the 'United S'aes, and for the regulation at.d gnyernntent oi the fimerinen employed therein, and for other purnofci as therein mentioned. , t1 2-1 An act io alter the form ol certain oaths and affirmations dirc ted to be taken by th An act providi of Kennebuiick, anil to annex ti&m-l 0 Iftw ttPfcdog to hor tfie 4Slti 01 Derntuoa Hundred and Ctt Point, and fflriber to amend ihe :a. regolating collection of duties oji.ira- pot ts and ronnane. et An aft to amend the act. IB . titled-"an ad-:for .th$ifeC"of thjss lauds of the U. State m the tertkorf r north- weft of ihe river Ohio, m)4 above the nbuth of Kentucky river; 56 Au act to make apprcpriaiioas tor the navv of the' Unite! Slates taring the year tooc. i7 An aft to alcertain the com peiifation oi public tnin Jfeis. . 58 An aft fupnletntiitary to the tad entitled " an act to cftahliih the treaiury departtnen't. ag.eed to. The th id atfieudmeht wat to al low three months additional pay., in ftcid ofitfi-o, as pr.oojfl Im tin icenfus, er emimeratioii of the "fhabiiants of the "J . Statts' Houfe whicli Wat carricdv-i ycs35- 59 An aft to authcriie the ifiVme of certain patents. 60 a 1 aft direfting the p.tymenjt ot a detach'nent of the militia undef tne cctnmand of Maior 1 - - e act entitled Joheilon, in the year l794. tor ike feeond 6, & fa fQ a j n of the IB- :i.,.,. ... t ..." 24 An act foi ihr; relief of the corporal on ot JLviVSwc liiand vol 25 An act to extend the privilege; of obtaining patents for ufehd dif-j certain further fif on dwwhjcks for the expetvees in. craer;t to the allowante and payment thereof, and in lieu of ft a nip uune; 011 debentures 02 A a act to make provifion re!a f'e to rations for InWiam r, f, t . , ... i a t meir vmta to the aat of mept.. erme anu o. our naviii'.un, i.t .ilis of our fiituie maritime ftrengtb but a'fo of the in. hi (try of our Ifa:orr town, which is tvnrifhcd ind (Hi (talned by our navigation li on the O'her hard ; ihcy (bould novea'i.e t. levy tr.is tax, tiltt iio farther bufmefsabiwrino W.'rnvi.c.J . ij .1 1 iorc inc huh e. on moiinn r Air. f - ..r .1 : : j .j r.oaia prouuee V. . . . . rm.)ns incrfin inrr.iiereo, ana ioi lUoodrtclr, rdolano. fer th, s W.r.iMr ihc nnuliici f.r! ? 20 An act m hx the comprnfatir.n:, rr . .1 "ft. 1 . m . . - ' and againft the propofed ta on-? i T V vyP ,nform diawbicU: and fuch ih KiA.:n,w "the pronokdieccf. w a of revenue which ir was thought 'P,eJ' "d jvas toncurred iu'by the mint -with more ;.itc:y and pro 1 !... prte'y oa,.at!optu in its rtrau. ovtrrb- oft to au'thofire ccrtsif) 1 1 1 he committee their province te Mr. C. Goodrich, froih the trint not deem it c "lV'Mtfe "P""d thai rtiey had the defence of the merchant vel iciince any P'-rlwd ih-t fervier, tBd ,hai thc;of the United Sta.os actltiA nf thepavmaftcr g'encral, and afUft ants to tne adjutant genc:al. 27 An act tocontinae in force the act cntitl-.d " An act o ar.Oiorift did proneunc r i. i. w . 1 1 1 ii i. 1 i 11 11 pm n nm n tiHdnf.i.i... n.aciv. on tne cuiiumrr, niw, it "l i vuum , aui oiieiy: , r4, J ' ... ... ' I ; 1 .1. . .'.nflir riminimiriiiMi .'.!.. I .11 a . MO11 d ihe out ti in re- ,w oring uunrinio uie view ot the' -. 1.1 .-, x i ;. An act ich ta , ',''.nr in (ntCF. vrhrhei the tX wou! be Houft, and fubatit them te iu con- cePlb" tood w,,hei-for their r-ealth for a limi.ted time enact entitled was fcr, e I, mi tin. w c - . LT i fufrtcienr, o induce the merchants B'lefation. 10 ., void our own ports ; and cither J There was, hewevef, one pro 10 eo direftlv to ihe-confomers, ; Pf-i nde, w hich does no: appear from the places where the cwromo-1 ' tetn to be ot a doubtful nature i ;ies ate produced: or, where' which they have therefore Hist cannot be jjone, o touch at fonte p'Tis where no fuch duy is l.i id ? I n.eeiKf.r .nf ' whi h cafes, Wr Oiotild no' 'fe the revs, fine (jre.-;vi from dtt y, but atfo affvfi, to a degree not eafdy fore feen, all thofe branches ot induf1y in our country, which arc connect ed wih the landing, flerage, and re-fliit r,tnt of gooJs, eH the ar rival, repair, and fupply of fhips. The duty of two and I hal per tent, on the amount ot a valuable ct'go, i was oblcreed, is a pre. Btlitm f flR ienf to afford very ftrnng temp'aiinn to avoid our own pons. Mm of f.nati capital, who could only import parcels of goods, on freight, mifhi smm be able to do .and therefore giiR p-y the d'i'v ; while large capi alifu, Im import entire cargoes, in lrir own, or in chartered (hips, might bo abUto do it, and thus avoid the duty : whereby a monopoly would be created, to me very great detri ment nf nr commercial mterert , the prcfjerity liiitt dtpenji lar mote on the rwafV of fmall cap.ta u9bt than on 'he fmall number of gtcat o . It was furlter orgr1, that thi esf.irr fn harardotti htVif, end the mifibicd whereof, mould it prove unfuc. efiful, mult alwevs take place, tod may have beromt tvremediable, before they cin be perceived, is bvno meant necefTarv; ftnrt he two ftrfl parti of the fc oretarr's plan, the additional duties M wiaei sod tt per ceat. articles, will ifTbrd an additional revenue of V"m Ox to fovea) hundred tboufand JHUJars , tn which might be adder ioo.fMJt dallart by ost and a half rr Fr pound addition; brown fugar , and 50,000 hy a Khf addfne- pr pmind on r.ffrr m. rg in the tn ftddtiioral rr- and eap iiiicls, and that he wi'hrdr' An art to orefcrihe the mode o tocm a j.lxaiam i,jrnrV to their takin? evidence in cafes ot conttltrd . r a . . ' " ! . . . . icipraive .mrc. elections tor memhe.s ot thr Hmjfi A mef j havine been le-tttio th of Renrefc ntatives a( the TJ.&ut Senate 10 inform ibem this hmifand ta cnmtifl th ft.inn.lun. - a! A ; r 1 - m w w v l l mm w , wairrady toadjmrn,, alter a few witnefTes." nnnutn, 4 motiMi wis made for thai ?o An act fiini 11 ranlr and I niroylr. and earned when !pay of the cmirundi;. ol! .cr . vlr. Speaker, atterAiting an af-.the corps ol marine efti jnaie tatewell of tr meinhri to An act fnnnlra.cntjrv in tV anJ exprefTfig his wilh fnr the-r tate'act to regulate ttade and ii.tt. return, and hspp-uefi durmn thricutu fe ith thr Indian tribes, ai 1 l r i . ......... .. . .111 .1 1 1 . - ui .u 1 nc iiui.ic .111 m third M ).rc!iy in Movt-mber cxt Ll ST OF ACTS 0.J v...:. ,l. C-a t-.r . 'I" m . i tmr nrn jr i ,m tt lit t An a t tor reviving and con ilm..im.A r..i. ...I ji: . m-.iiiF Mii'i ji.sj aim rj,nrr i tnrl Circuit Court for the di.tnft el Pennfylvania. a An aA extenMnp the orivi :ege of franking to tV'tlm Hcui) Harr ifunthoJt laaH nooi the tar. riM.ryofiee United Stairs north to piJcrve peace on t e front n i. ;t An act to tllab.ith a geifa! (lamp office. I a An 4vt to a'ttr and to eftab lib lundty poQ rosds. 33 An act for tNc better tavf n. nent of ihe navy 01 t e L:. Stales. 74 An act refiKCtina the mint. 35 An act to comii ue in fotc he act, in additi.m to the act lot the puo fhrnent of certain critnet againfl the U. Slates. 30 tip, . t iu rt peal the set laying Hitcs on miMs and imp anaatscfa. welt of the Ohio : and anaLiii., b'oved in-th mamila. lure of fnuat !l!t-L. ' . 'ft pievnion stir nis El mprnlattcn. 1 An ad fupplemcnfary 10 thought it proper to recommend. in th- aft allowing drawbacks, thcie is a pioir,on, that one per ceattonthe whole amount of them, uSalfbc retained in .order to defray iRe cs pcie ot management. Af terwards, one. fourth percent, was added to this firft deduct ton, ia lien of Damp duties on deb tntnres. It has been fuggelM by the fcirctary ot the treafury, that the fura ifcue retained, is toutid infofftcient to defray the expcntel ihudent to the allowa. ee of diawbacks ; and the otuni. tce aie ot opinion thet il will be proper to double. . I thai cafe, the reduction anade b, the goremmrnt, for the ex- ------- f -r ,1 1 i ftl f a jri!.c ui manaecsoent, aim ia hcui of Itatnp duties un dens-virres, wi'i f-aenoi tit re about dolls, 100.000 aautwlly ; hich. as the prtfeoi niount does nut nceed dcJIaca tzjk will be a further additroo to thr revenue of V,lrs 50,000. Having thus brought the whole fubjeti Into view, as fully is feeaac1 10 them to be proper, the commit tee beg leave, in order to take ibt fc life tit ilt heufe rn the vaiUim ah t. wed in their report, to fob oait teits copGdif jtion the folhrwiftg RtaoLUTIONtt lH. Rtfhi4ft That i t ea pediant to lay an e-M.foal duff of I cr cen'Oft nil ibe a. mouftt of thr prifept duty upon wines iettported into tho Coned S ifei, ad. KriM, That it is expe. J u t t ' in additional duty of per centum aW ttltrm Oft fwrh gonds, vires and n ' chanditcs, irpoeted into tbe Unit ed Sn as arr m.W fubjeft to a duty ol too per crntimi oarriO. 3d. tthtotJ, That it i expe dient to lay a in nn drastbirks at locd by law, for goods re-cxpoited; 10 An u fottber to fufsrr 4 the. ft 4ft H ta enable the n.flVa tloo. 64 aVaeYro lay addi'lonal dotiei on cert-m angles inrperted. 0 An aft enl.riiina the no were of lurve ors of tbe reveuue. r6 An aft to appropriate a certain !utn ol mon y to delray the expeii- eei of hoMinf a treaiv or trejtica with the Iiuliank, 67 an aft to make further pro- vjfion for trchi'd.en of -Col. J dip I larding and Maj jr AleXioder Trier u", d-cea J. ft8 a fupplenaentarv to the I tftahl Ihingthe mmt, and rci J'inp te r.,.nVjf the U. 5 aic. see miip'etti-ntsry to tbt ft 10 'nfpi nd p.n 01 at aft n t eej u'-cl n ,mgtini the -rKi. ( tlpt unittd Satrs and r othrpu pp'e. CTO May . FROM THE MEPI I ERR A. t4EAJ. On S'i r ifty hit arrived) infkp e'er Hj-h-i;r the ll.m I .ur. p'nii fci'ety, fiom Mili. vi inra ici. ia rlsi t mm ih. I kit.. j Mn levvarf ace, by which have recei be following fnfoimatioo. th, afar . ' a . 1 a " . . aci enntie . An j to f trvidr fv he valuation of lands and dwellmj iivwtt ! 1 i.c cfiumeraiinn Of UavtH i'hiu the United bat a An atl for tbe telief of irfn a . raH. a a . . , ' mptueneu tor debt. 5 An ael for tbe prcftreation of , jit with the Indian ttibal, h n acl to repeal part of an act intituled M An act toptofide foi mitigating or remitting the foffei tutri, penalties and dtfahtlirts, ac. cruing in rfftain af" t'ftn aon.' it "ned, and tocomir.ue ia force thr roftdrtf nf 1 be fame. v. A ail for tha ret.ef of Jehn vainin. An at giving furrhet time Mffer from a l,m,fe 0f fh, firg ..refpraafMtiy Jibi.ltt da,cS ivcS yrit 1800 inlorent Tha affairs in ltlhrr. is "s7 An act to anakc futihir M'ji ' r a favotirjbl- afofl 1. Ron for the removal and accommo Jprobalile more of that rntry will latinnof Ibt government of the U., he freed fmra tne Fret., h iksaa ' - ' ibummer than wit .-.t An art to aothoiife th' Pr-ft- 11 The remains ml thr irm nf dent of the U. tales, to accept for Egf pt, (late Ruonapatet'a) have he United btate, a c?flion of jursf-ppitnlated with the lutks an I are ier toorr .1 wcA ol fiction, of the r cnr.ty teams, common weuern tclttve ot Connecticut. ?9 An ex to ycetdg for rt building thriigh' ttu-ft at New Lon. d0 j lor the fupp' ad a light houfc at Ulatx i feint . tnr ta n,,, apti iiippon of a light honfe at Wigwam Fmut ; and lot otUt put 40 be fent borne and not ia fatva r --Jlled thtwam during the war. The retuta n thr tr people to France Wiil be of no lervKe 10 Bonipattr's caof-, as gr The above iotjiortsnt intelft erne i no mote than nvcht b anU . V'H if r trading the 3d pan of a r . 1 !0 1 Ptrrcraiav a o snin mppemrr-afTto Iff. ,f s l(nf now infore fiaifg t! e cs-fi-L. ,k. ,w..j. oipcniattans or the ni! ret of the Sc 1 et Itom r ert. i m this tien, and at- I.-. . . . t. i . . " er Tne eanoonment nt fir arm e ntisrers of the e.':- a? ef t . . . bboUetl ufmii t.t. iiku tn nji r( ihe Hauf- u H...t-. J-ajpe ny ia cHef, lniiO e ol I6f regier and locate the' far. (.i.e.. ffJT trfter'co.d 4. 9A.ac,,uffp;d i. part, -I V-a; aft entitled" a nasi to anrfneot tt! 'be trwied Satea ootlb well isL. . .k- r ly ' atmv nf .h !;. S,at...a-'jfotch.W Obu. in otwo feparat, mm.ZV l""'?4'! a " erouroorw." m-mi " . "7 B"f r.og. - r i r ' no, nno hikrinmg to Mie mg nominious cap m.'-' I..-, in ertf

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