THE WILMINGTON GAZETTE. asks ww-1 A ll a urec jpouara per Annum. J T H U R S D A Y, J U N E 26, ,800. Vol. lV.-d. igt P.UJLISHED VTEEKLY BY ALLMAND HALL. L.if Foreign ,e)t, artiele Bsrlin, it is a l UJd, that the Gen. Vial, wfrii "held a command Maifcna .advanced hither in pcrfon, rage, Which we hve no rcafon t. Received by the (hip Active, Capt. Ruffian rrocjpj iti Goerafey and under Buonapart. in Ita'v, andaahbeat thr Auitrian'. and to ik fiom -doubt, a great par! ot that tor.u iv Uougaw, arrived at Phiiade!- Jerfey are alb to be withdrawn. the riyptian expedition; Was a fm th.-m 2500 prifoners, among wh. ttneut' whom will be mrroudded. -Lieut, G. phia, in 2Q days from LiVemool. Thr oftiiil irmrnal wives further of a decayed mivhanir in a - fmJ! are G ti'. Baron 4' fre'. 1 Son It. who commands the cehtr- ' but imocrfeil extracts from market town in Menfolk: and a f-wi 0:i the loth Gm. Mitlena r-j wliiofa occupivd M-mtjfietto, on t-,?. F A R I S, 7'h Flor-eal, April 27. correfponH-mce relative to the' eva- yei'rs avw as fe'jeant in a rcgi.jackcd the en.-nv a; Safcllo and A!- extrem ty of iis left, perceiving tru? - i. ne-iournai oc rans c the am cuatton of E'VDt. An artful a- . ment oXdrasoMi. EtomjrlHch and bill '.. 1 us I aair continued the infl. announces thai the Artny of tNe tikrrMnt. uvJ:r liftvl he4 &.Tslrcoirn'ry heflJ whh a Turn of whole day, ail on the 'tut Gen. Rhine has made a general, move- numbers, atVnpf to mi Head ah.! money he. ha i oh aineJ for a draft Mi if nj t . ' '1c ' v repulf.-d the 'eft my men', and that it ts at this moment . pc-rplcx tile French neoola. The 0.1 th: ajn; oT-thj corps, to Which and to ik tro-n me n a great nuiApet engaged. Gaz. d: France.' fptrii is given ,ut,;v!ot the text, th' he-had f r nis captain's namejof ;;rifoneis ... - Hollijitiei have begun n the opinion of the commentator inftea i . whi I'd on the re' rSwtmg ferice- inj Oni the 2j 1, Tph in I 2 Jth, G.v Rhine, and the armv is it rhis mo- of '.hi'., nttru.-n'. It is i'WolfSmbi; hi. native country . Klvin' hid the! Pitfailine Ii i- ha p ent.;m.- u. ment engaged. Ly!miJts Li'iXi to ;w(M .in optnipt) more d-. i ted ; goad fortune to" land -tVe ia .. Flan The Publtcilt ttateo the uinc tact -than we havs -kith rtitrfubm'ftf'eJ t'defs, h.i e-rerel "the fervlce ti as does fcveral other journals, anl,n, oi a fVj A.. refpeiijg , which ..Un? Fr acb Rrpu'-fif, w'ter- his. a-i-meationa the momentary, ex peft a-. our or':i .3ei!e has per-fevcred an drefs- form pri.z i hiiiV aH- ance- tior .if ilYlonrfai i:t-!li,in trtim n hr'Atum .jml '-ttii -li tN ' r--- ea SSSX fv ii;-ri ! r,( ir. the Rhine. t v'J . tijh offipipvf dciaWs only hy , ga-te. K' rta; -ior hayHg- a.' 'VIENNA, Ann! ift. A courier arriv.d lt4re on t'i from P.tvrmarg, broohr an ac coun,t of the arrival the're of the Laiijljjave of FnrHiioiber. T.'iis . mini tier, in a private) audiecc winch he had of hti Iiperial iVb jelly ojf Kudia, dcli'vertd the iltf patches with which Jte was chr- Tin; fame co'ir'er alfo annntiBce'. that Prince Suwarrov had aifo ar rived at Ptofburh, and that lv hi t been r.ceivcd in the mofl gra cious maetier by his Sovereign, wfw haJ caufe.1 aparttnann to be pre- fiared for hitu in the Imperial Pa ice, which folly beMcs the re pum i ,u cad of th. ctcalh of that warrior. OPENIIAGEN, April it. Official intelligence has at Ungjth keen received from the commander of die OUenburijh, Rating, thai aat (nip had been loft in a violent Aorta in Table Bay, ttl the evenini; af the 6th of November, Utt year. "ky getting upon the fands. T e Englilli ill ip Sceptr.-, of 74 guns, Edwards, foundered at th f" "ne time, at the ditlance of two or Cable lengths, betides four or uhr JKivlilh and Amercan luipl, The EntliuS govvrnment has tiren all poflible aflifl.ince ic; the Danifti Tailors on the vjfion, moil of whom are quartered in Capi Town. ncaee IHtS Sif .Sidney Smim;,rttlrr4eagi1e ofJit?, iti, wja y,feSvs appears i n?fhe c h J r a ft - r' rf'f u r L i til ; '"hat lie his met thefa't; -he '"gteiwet"'. nauoci ttf,r. The partial, psrhaps --id ijut h;s head mav have bi-e fa'f citations of !tis l?t;cr., given -jmie tut tWa. wh'ul. sl'.ar tiic defca in th.fe extracts, llnw great before Acre, grar .t the ttn rets. o. deuce and '"leant. on upon his part, rhr Orin i Si'-ij'r's S'ra!io. aa I his frank declafatiod to Gvus.- The Se)v.Popc ba been' rcipirr rul-Kleber, djes honour to hiiii an J ro revive the ordtl of thd j-l'uiis tb ;ha nation.- jthe alUtion of whirh U , V April tt. Je,t as unp of the c!i :f cn.lcsofth' it is lain, mat toe expem;an to the Nl 'iti-rranean is given up : & I Sat it is alfo :.:ienti(nt, that Gsn, SirC!n,r!es Steoirt is got tig oot tu focceed E trl Balearras, ; ; com inandttr in chief of J a ttiica ; ,uid htj is to talce wi b him 1 on v r of trooprfrom Gibraltar av.l Minor :a, v;ich are to be rep'ir;J b-y flic 'roo;u nd ve nbarke l hi'e. Tbijt Moiiifeiir r)i aur-Ii-flisd an Ant 1 y :1s of nttv-niet Paplrs, rcia iv4 to th- Cipitnlatiin of E;p ml to the'N.. ':' utioos w!iic)i prc cee let it, Vn wliir-. ' noiiteonfs of ir Sydavy $ nitfi to iTeg-. K.1Wei is mttchprdrl. m-.l t: ere lit to 1 he let?- ?u -C-f';. -nonla, 'lie recovery of E 'to'. not he I ) Java 11 ra . , ll thai p w-r ftdt.t :r' I M, ! ai from being able cat v "I 1 o 1 cumoo (reitv t:ra, new i . 01 ji the r.-fu!t of wHrh h are co.ida i ly i our favour. He t-mK ( ny 4?oo prit'o er., md 6 pieces ofcitthon. r mi the. en tan ,'ar ' On the t .vtveY.- I bi I nrttti a fsy; j Ai :ua(u(I th , t' l aflvan.ett to me line, o 5frqttoi; i i)4M3 0-mt'dela N 't wn nke. 1 a!i- . retake"! j "'fev-r , i nes. The l'i 'gari m g-.-wadiei ' ifred 'cu7id--':y at do?o i:re thev vyere vi nrpufly repu VI. -T if I7!lt,an ! h' grennadier Ftht 34.' h d'ff-inuvrtvd ib-nta'vf.--1. a par i wiar mamf" . Obferv in hat the encRiv were etileavonrirr' FreiUh tevotatio.t. Bit (uch a rt "ivj' ha-. 'iJe.n ro Itr-- i iMncertTi'r ')T t h at verv ev.--if, for it pra.utcc r;rii-- if ih't 7ana;a whAarr dirt in .'u i the J bv all ha artifi s uftia'l-, mpiit-ed to the Je.j 's, united wit' .1 decree of rrii- .- v, ai whi h t. maftbjgmted filio.rers ct Loyalu wer .' incapable. Veftrday momm; arl St. V cb! fct off. From Lonlo for Pm rf mbuiti) wliere h't "jrho't the ai m oar,i t'le Vi, ti Je raris, u turti me, t di'tfrnjiiifd to ad iinpiiio the line id Bor "o. Do imr this ti.rt'.', 'Gea. Zablonoufk jompldtelt heat the divifmn ot the " fin , whi h was dsboiiehing by Xaii'af-J, 1) id Jlr'.a !y arrive;! .t Ptera ; !w"tOok from them 5vj pri fotiersi Oi the torn, bivi-ir received, or !rs from G i M ".'f-.m 1 to attack ieei nv, I marched on the j ith Phe taoops took b"y atCnudt and th. 1 ' . 1 i 1 1 a . . With all conve ieMEteC'I prdreeJiM ono, Wtt:h 4an pritowre, jloi down the chui. d toC'e-d L'r-fJ h-'-o .r re olfi . r. The chief of !s i.fari trt i)i m kin I f - . i ' iViOtl f VHa', bcleiHtiltg rl et. HislarWt i MThav ,;i-' U' 'mi brigade, was tb 1 into he tntmieh- anetn2 1 the coimni irHichi wit a 3g mlt him. ny 'vio ltenotte, much more cohu U-table than ttrn which Was under his command, a -i whicfl had marie a in ovemenl to 'hi . iht 10 . f tppiirt the Bo he ta, eva- 113 C d the neign! s t a a voi 3, 1 I V meed to A I 'oi ;iol , to jorm t : ot ne ami v. O .1 Wve 17 ii 'Jt'eu tenant Cg -cr -' f'.-i -'ifjiatin .hj petition of S t h(v m-.j... ieTi;-.a t: M B v whe't.i, . m order '.' .- e tiTte to rcei 'hci.r iniriii' .'-'ice dr.) .Vill -J' CofcTttrtnWfef in filter n th v lei hellf-, Geo. :'."r I-' tmi ' t a;'. rl et, His l-ir.t'h' 'f '. " "' - 1 V ,if oa fail of , :c line on-- Him, wnil.i !' ttl . tl h. .... I . n e:.t r, --tni 1 f 1 a -1 r . 1 ni v.ol. ot me ftiii' nan ii it Ot' Orn was hii'elk L O rt O O N, April 12. In (ha twa houfei f 5arKamem laft nigttt, fie three If A refulution of thcuatvn were moved ind 1 gretd ta. The fourth rrfo.uii' re'atie im the repref nt . io will ba iov4 in the houfc o e?mons this evtnin;. Probabh the Cih, rtfpeciin the churih, wd a'f ta moved. The rttth anid which relates, to comnace, 1 hkvly tofeive rif.a.'od deal if tlil. iiffin. The Hamburg msll hae at lertg'' refufeitattd Martha! Siw n. anil rclforr.l him 10 the z ,u Eraui of the Emperor Paul, ot which it had deprived him. Ia confirma tion ot line intelligent c, we ore af furel that Count Woronzow feccirod Iciuri which politivety af ftrt, that this celebrated warrior jlna fair -v of rc.oviry 0.1 9 A 'ii .r fro !? L' vc!t . "' MifaiMi;r-atita ei Irte iVy'i , . y M I?, fa) . v!eie!.-an me aid. G-i ' r. in--;K"i i if ' .... 'r. -.ha psrt rt the 7 ve-nm-.' whi.b u.h -t !''-.e, urTtolvJ' .; 1 Jantrw. .he 'ea.'.rr- ot jb. litttpartH luWrW, i- . ' - ' ' ' ;rV W'TOEn r', n 1 )'h, br-,r'.f ilisf'tlw ttvi w-fh'i ohtam' rotfif. nd.',hitV 1 y were n ' o-r t . , .or.ou . 'J th- enemy, fio Toft'. ' i if m auihnrity, a'd ' "-t nuitti Haf 'o-tn . claim till, ... 1; ,.ih iriAS mlliciri ' ,evi up !.' ! -k tl priftintM of the r H lit ami of 'he Pr 1 t't a ihilpa 1 f .ange, atniry whein area M :r Is, we rv. ji e I m- i' . ; j-.-. . " 'J iwo IttUtefianl C0J9 -t- nU. to .. 27 h m". in.iiifiv,- l';;.0 ie u 'art ol I' iiro tr . . U.-l .U 1 .... I. I I,.. .,! .c a uriaiii .. iJ'rli ! of I He miT, ' D . Ill lr --tiN ' ne rr-i n4y g w.Mi wiiwc.i !!.. ... .. .... 1 j t IMi til ltk II. iV . H ..1 tlil ii... - - . y hm Is. -ril 30 A L''i'1 .-nr. pap " vtv-i tiom ' 1, April !. . . it catmn 11 t v 1 1 o.m uparii, trat laa 'a an opuoet-t ruly rc-m-h i a . m ' : hint he t' Lucieiii I 'i Mint flee Iteriv intfe o ii tv ar : fiMcd wit 1 lt'.i MacAtili , as il. f. oi I ( he an If ll J.tnii.l. It ii ptl '.!.! . iiiwu thai L iien b' 14 pit fer -I a 1 funl t n PrjLt'"Cis he Fit it Coi-fid, ii. ; 'aiier fo rl i ' Jacebmi al, that he hrcw it 1 hi; fire. L'wfen 'mmcdiatu'y thiCM n por- ft-1 . at tii brmhrr'i he..' a 4 fttOti for Siii'.lc1, tthtte .. re.namcJ far fevtral daf. Th . 1 A I ' 1 J . ... , ....' f r M I vy J i A I- I Ft m v tjrn tc I n a nt an or no' rx r .1 11 c ll irr.l 4 I 111 V V ft'i : I a-i I tln-'v k Mbenca. ao Germinal. A?v! a.! '" ' 'h- er.-ne, indeoer The C'.mniander IA C'uel undent of. ; tifoncn, lui Utn n. Gen. rVfaniUtefs, commanding ilie;g,c',rr 7'h Hivilion, Among the hr arc anenwhnm th " Caufa tM t! e troopa cnmir" irmy h ta retrei. is Glavrl, .h r.. Frame 10 ft e off lv forked ( battalion,' of the loth. Genir I n-r h 1 towaMi Albeoga ,!( ho commanded ilia o t. (Of tbefime da'c) " G neral -errui eapedi i.mi, U enti led t, lout hi etuiAindiaa the cu ic. h or aifa. The 7'f- !i,h 'inla Wi t.a-u' n a.?"M orifrmr :y and hir tommaner, Pu rr, immiLwho.n atrGei Baiati a'Af- Pnkolarlf difliagaifhei' iham pcf ari . f v - if olE ff: of 4din -fwlvei. -ion. The Commaf.der-ui Chief O t the Jih, Gen. Oivfel was Co i.i ..rme inh.mlu reiur-. a o 'i'-H!IM b IM:f. entaee-.1 lh.- waol .lay, an ihc f- . I threatened ttat if hc ftald a ftd SOUCHfcT." hMI.,ilMwd of S . I, lo.iiicr. he iim.'d be diTrn f. ; .oun. n. .., F,i....r,., ,5 Son -( the h vle'oe.n''. -M.'.il im, c k-tin j;',t" ' chi.-; and L .;ir Gi"Tiha!t , lv-. 'tcivnt iTia- cc "-res, drew he en my jiuti ihe.'Va'iii V f A b.'l.) a. ll who oppofftd hi n there v. er' .i'hfr -Wiled or taken ' . uen, Mi. iliis occupies & c'oiS'urtftia in. Genoa. (Jn thffe different days General Malf'na in pei'foit took 6 1 o o'ttrr., amOojB vi-horn are di" Gvne ral, two Coln-.j, fevetal M. 'iri, loo Qtfi ers ; '. a fo, feven It meard i md tlx piecx-s of caiinan, G.ncru" S.-ntcliet, tin Ins riai;, took i:i thefj iifTcrcnt cnjjayeoieiits 1809 p-ifoc-..s, an I I ttai djrJ. I have arrived ter by orders of the CQtrtrnandi r in v-' ief, ta conc-rt with Geo. Souchr 'he movement which is m take jn the tft af Fbrea', April w. LONDON, Aril 14. -jg By aa teBtlernan who" irrived in town on Frij.jy la(t frorrl Parts, we Itarn that Buonaparte iad accompanied the troops forr. vav am of Parii, npoatlv If mar l; ' T' I .ijl'in '''', pan the rna t more loan tc y i on fan. I men befidei the b"! nard of the Co fnl tmoii f yf .t 1 1 wo ihrtifand, wim lhreehualft ! d I is officers. He fis ihit, al. hen yi favourable compiiilo is ?ia a loc)t puonaparte! fovirnniC!i, vi! 1 !l that t v-lat:iv prece'tr.! it yet thefe prcv i!s a v- ry jCneraf I'.imh rrtt jllnn; fVn'imem oi it, arifms in fnl txtranr naary't.if. e-f fi rfr ihisfpicigorf . ineie nftN Rionilir, a.-..:,, .e d-1 t if eveiy lit'a aiid prctt n- . ton up. ,n hi j pjri o fo maJi pre' 1. fc.' 0m tntHeioral rpit i'.-i ret'aii ty Itar.i , rei y ' di sailed ct ,ni, , i I .01 likely, 0) ,. m ron -oros.-t, to iflttme a 1 nmidal i4 'stto. I. ihc chin Cii f ! C100UI - .1 Mr (it cither uiifor utu j., Ii.. a-pa;r n, or r; rompe!!4.,f , 1 v vvrv ti. inn ir.fal" 'c of 11 .L.S. r I- L 1- I rte, mi ipaiK ri';ni "life- n. I n-.t appear tfal the r'ya i.i . tan the cmhers at prefenr fed tr.nn his office. The M.i.iiirr obcye-'i and rr fumed the duties ot a S2a ot Mar h ; that be had j Ins ofh e. limine: the raitfn of, cvrn to that date. dif. 1 Robcfoierre. I.uvien was a keener pat.'hcJ iwo couriers in f iccetfion !of 4, nea Ma.feilhs, mid to Pcierfbnreli ; an t that he would was jj vuder.i a Ja.oU. , 'hat I e ' r aulc to pay hit refpetti to Was tirprifoned at a Tcruiid -tier nc Lnipcror in pcrion. ine9'n 1 jtvrmi.iur. Thm ir 1 1, Inf. -turn nil rt f I tw Proiw-tl . Hrn,l.,l it a'f, V nnw In kr rmy in Italy feemi to be etu of lone ot tfie inolt detcrmintd mtmu ' from the army uf a Camniandei Chief, has jolt jo?ned ate. the Ik in General Smi het, 1. irutenint af the Hu aiian ifrenadieii. Chevaitu igft (t4m entirely laid afUtn bv (J.-i er.d m Chief, MC duo- Chief du pttMlion, AaiRai,! lu i' fotne indisi lual indnlgencei, and napaitr, Futt Couful af ihc Adj.iiant Geneul H iigraci a ihc noveli af theronfidcntion th y Fiei h kepublkii killed. We tooht the nhole & enjoy at the Thuiilcriea. Ha qiurteri at Mr'nno. af the aid. Gen. 3olgnac ii Opiohana are much foftcned an 2 .1, fnnna', Aiil 10. wour.dtJ. J both fidee. The Republicans have Ofneral-f tn ia)i th am y Utattal ' odmof, Chief of the . bvifun, upon ituir pa-t, io de'. air m m a a v.a. a .a. d a I I ' ' f l-aly l.j' been eng feo wnn o an, wi r e n uvartr i nr. (iirmr. fimung mytvlt detached 1 at chtl tten) I1 Comwai.der In I a 9 ana t a a I am f anr pnnsanet.t govair.mtnt under that form, and srr reiinc f onaVl i' ro'aurt vara by Oiame and their . 1 . r m ' m mo w - m m. . m ..ft .w . 1 m w a . 1 1 s unnonalob cits of the Repub-,ol Buotia,Mnr, and has :u.l f. I ,fd m Ch-r. riailena, -i 1 naving an im u in rnni ana j njaf tflttai inieiclli or It ,t iai, hy I. Il is their intention to p t.. f-tvr under hi cumipjn I i.i the oppofuniy at bemg aale 10 give aUlncna. I 1 c 104'ti tfMi-ttiga.lelany pofiiite rrinili h nr eapecl..." rate ima Italy byway of 'Swift Miry of uf.rve. In a Ire con.)i ioelHgeai oi tie aiiay, I lai juft arnvert. Wc are gwing m,9f fnrcrfs. ten in tyypl, we ar.j 'and the Vataline, to make a mint ion, he ad-'refTed him in ihaji'k .1 my dmy o do f dirtefly. ri'oubie our itToiu Iwr a general ft j wrll inforrrtd thai the K.K b -a erSon in ihc r-ar of the Aultri- t, Imymae : I am rt- On the l6:h Germinal, Gm. Me- decibet atiaiki " eft.caii bate at fiamlt ailmiiied, ia Mm m. m " m a .A ... . m.t .k. k . . I... . iT - ? .aaaF t, and 10 give vent to Cren. Mai- f..,vtd not u ti on.'rr an Ulurpri ; Us anataeo mi pcrton . 1 . i liwn conecna ion, ipbi atpnaj 1 faaa r: t. ...... U ,n,.i..i. R iU irji. ad itu.L. Savrma. LiiutrnaM G 11.' : I Oti4ir.P Ch.ef of he Sua, la Bra- alon of ti e m nafi bv was i iaia Suabaai the fame no , and ii whowllA ..i', ' )ou fhaH etama-dftJ ihew, wnhnot,! MpMte, .Tlrtt Ca.Iul af the ptrf.blc o the le-feiilcmer r ft 11 even thought that the ftrll cottful ' a.,t be leitw, ahitel waa, a (word duiitg ih wbola'dt, the atiatk ofj t leaett Rcp.blic. jampirr. 7 te prtfcni Hai no . no with the army af referee, will be uty liuc. ' Bcrnaemir mah.i na the enrayan CasiiLm aaid Mon-J H.' a,- afip. j- Li Te-ra, 59 ,rrr. longaai.n, aaarJi from Piian 10 liatv, in ef.'dimcult t 'ellnjc ibis lloiy 1,, fit Krone, in mi'er ika ten.ik.tba) Gennmal, Ap.l 19. andii itetirkrni, ihal futhanopM - tabUtla the pimwipal thca'.ia otwar acqoamtaniefAa. lorg aa rla.ti ubtjp ft nd a ihe fart al S.tor,a Gmeral I he toaiii.aal naeee. ' ion it ui-trly hvfVilc tain - Inn in thai quarter. 1 re nainlo be gi. ajpie, I'oa Re- wha aa ae'ltarf hr n fence, meni ab th the con andcr ia The etitnente ot rcealatiprr, $ 4 April at. . publicans end Aii.te fan will ba and to etTid hf reirrat oGtnee tl is! has been l Mged ion akc f.r.e the I inu rremot v itscy hac !? AaeatdwiK lalaiieti frnm Vem cnthafulti; i- f,. at B ion pane, fnr ai be 1 1 mtrtn. rmm' M ike dae the l6h (Apnl 6) f.ati p.teined I ind their, it the cirxa Casrt a I and aiher placet, it apnean that hn whenihrr r !f,.offdof, the he cmiM aC'y aercaive ihanha me h-aa Iram gitmg yu 11 u Mgtate. faturat Ie inlepiefrat fteir the Aaftriantavernmeni bai endee- fpiiti ofpariy, tad thd Wnfaal o my hat eash a furet oiiy af farces I ihiok it praper 10 fufo.y lhal a Mb41 but AkI a et.i e ht eoareJ to mm the icfen'meat cf fiffcreni taction wi I break MM, ikat ha cou'd aoi hope tv avercote fcvitM y . On 1 hat day itreieny f.nwi (ecutc The Cat fair t ihr . the Emperor Paal, by offciing ia Sieyr ptocoiei at mmtrfTheanihe iheia. He threw a famion ai 7 iilaj ked aj on our baie lira , laa y kj plated oeet a anil a, which i ? bias the fort rela af Aaxaaa and il admiifi n into ihc inu- a", id men mm inia the tori r f avona, e , r tv ie polled oa ht iifcM lad la I ' .cOgat any asaawat, Idly . . i a w a .X a aa .at a & t . a. ia a & aV . nV .a a aaaendenciaa. w Ii- are innnn al CiiaoapnriC. in the evernng Ht.niJ r it rvirrat iae riaic. I ne inaj wi.n u-e any l-atd in ran alt (tvA f i.i H" bv Forihana if taicdin the ' L''tM Imwi. I) ;an M4 e, .bit 1. Athitfo'a. rtefaata etay ten.ei.trry on .Mcatcneiic and 5t. . ''M. Mioi lit ai mitltil on i?a nvatiiacqet, win oe uni'y Haeaa In affile. ; ih I fvm'r. fit w a.1 biicd:hy Mclagna. sad Saflelle. If u, t trjvicf ia trn; i if r r lad ia aaetbtr jaarmal, aadtf the act alto. -real leelM fen. ta tail back , bat aa iba 17th lien tnt attack wills their afaal cey. rw.tia aa Iba Midiieiraaeaa Manittar. in bav l.i-l. a oge'her bere ti not a ftrgt f . -1. m e Mi- MhMlii ai"i' iahiimioion to S. Pc'eflj.iri' ; l.iarv :tn, anal at vrl ifr If

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