oletelv eiven Jfeft It hati bee rfiii'arW announced to the! Hrilftl OFCOVMOKS. r-ts&t. V''9- Prmcip.UtUrS engaged in it, thJ A ff.e n.m the Lords i wm. Mi.iiaN,e ComeiothUdeiermi. ed the bottle, tha' the lord had a. na.ionf -end it is alto ant-wn tnai gentralSirCb4rl.es S cumm is going out to fucccef ttarl B'crt- as commanderm chirf ot J imaica, an ret A to th hnl 'or vTwhvl ajfcaw iy .n the importation of at S (Till IWI "If, I twit iruni ninruyp In neutral appointment which will givecenti ljVr ms. and fever! priva tOlftj dence to everv rjcr'on tonne&ed wi'tt-that valuable iflaud ; and he is tc take w;to him a number of treeps trotn Cj braltar and Minorca which are to be replaced by the uoepa now embarked here. without amendment. DUHp.IM, Avu iS Wrdneld. the loan r ihisai. of 1 co3.ooo . wjs 'liiu Vd ,ot r rh r.:r' - Thp rcrms '.IlrTu-otYd wii'tS to frf dbeii U bT .... ; Lf. L .rk.lT-tfVr. wherein a law fVu ht he rira.lat.aft. MitffJtYt 10 n oru- w...t .1 .-.j , .rievance. addrtffrd I I . Bk. Mm rfl A BBan 1 K Wa t H V " - - E3 aire, thepeotft wftra .ncreo-nr, -" - 1 ff pr;foBC, tM .infer-1 hfflr . , - . m r -. l . .... wr it will itiui w . leus en tne riDjia 01 camptretiefl - :. as tD y now arc moara, h,evcf, ot a n&w plot oaveweian .n . tuwjtrf ft dollars, irftprifoned nine btenc.rculatrd aitomftimg 1 T . .caltired mare months, and he bou.-d trrtr in the nid'i. t Mi s (Vn it wa nr cb iveraneot Iba 1 biTt wqftirea .mrc(u ? - r " j - 1 rd by frefh jcircunrt .nces, and for ftabtlKy an4 facttrity. two or trac flays it lormtd ths ba'e converritipatrf Pans. The tlrt) had acculloaied tti pubticr to v' April 10. The fa!!oiar it pitea as a.feieH ot the onlitlcil line" of updWt put fued 'by ft Sidney Smiib, fiotn ki firft arrival in Tuj;ky t l: the filing ihe Ctent'ti wh'ch obliged the f reach ro tlvFa'tfiv1!! W'MftiwWr. . be did tlot find th bait prepirticp for th epedttnn to Eiivpu i- W&ed to depart before tbede h C i (ited wrre reidv, bs learnt, ot Ciini n :o Al xindria, the do'gei of Gsxzr Pch 4 ar Acre, add av to'his aniianc. A delay of aigb daysvw uld )iae rrduood G zi to the nect-Hity cf tbafniiig ti -eiiy and the coii:'try, a d tra 1 f sortice his trcafures to Conitatrtioo pie. The fuccai-rs f i-t b the Hcrtt dsl not appear bifure Acre until ih 6ih day of th. fa at- The lurk tl commanders knvinc fuccaded in c- uicing difTertfit v .u inliead of btm inp; ia Buonapme alttr ra'.(t'-.g the ticg t Acre, a? tNy nigbt eaul ba?e -lone, luftned aim to carr tkc n;p rt.mt point of Et Ar leK lj hit rt'rtar. ji.U ih.i, the Pith of A&, jr-alout of li .dn-y ftinitf r.ufiiigto attach D. ni'-tra, err the comaa .do.e hat lucb au uuu.r ftandmg as v ru'il 1. 'VS fecured thj capl r ot .he civ, w afufvardt Cut to pities b, B mi'apatt at Ar cult r. Add this that daring Hi fiegeof ''crs; h r.q'i "tlv ran iW fNJr.tift suit of his life frmn that g-1 i. , wbicb owed l .. ji 1 UU ) - ir.t tJn Urns Gtti!; hoiu he del ver d, afur.vr.rd Cl JimiMj'rJ, ad da d tollaasi-: aft iliOiHd ; that nt Qrprdtj uhf rpjiofed; ai inlurri dtiOts, tih 1 Hul.i have d pnv4 the I'oi 1 or 4. rctotirces which it exp crul f oh lh.it. flaud, th.y prciuun d to refu( ham pr" li n Ut his crcwa. A't the affjir of AHouk r, bun.-, prived or futfiAtncr, he ceitld not obtatn itfrasn 1 tikifh lqjaCrus in ordtr to enable bin to coiinuu' the blockade of Altvan.ru, aot that for ibr purpofe ot o: 1 y lotp'.it. b was ohiiged to pr t ced 10 Rii tlve, It was during hit abftucc thki Bat napsrre made bit cfcapr. A liei fxped-sioT aiaft DumiVt, c cerwd with SiiJ Aly-Bcy, fUi far m ant of fub"diu.t M in ib TorkiJi troops, if which no t o ct'da bf )adcd (Hsu Bo, ttho w r tm otdiait'y cn ll pcc.sby cat -If nftwi.tiy lupetior an in erl; el ri-" .-er cvn;. to. tj.. perfou rirtitV o 'sk- rbe leaU I quantity .1 nism? "D? r, dmi h . 1 ve D-1 Cfnf .ni a v e T' . hi J 'e cM()-. Tl' tO s jo VrF Ve' to : i rk n len HI.I44 1, ! til t... r?W"s.--l. '.'tMdari'Wii Terr,.. to la-igli'. -II tdfftf po' wiii;U,,,w " ,i l 0 ; fe4 V ! , r j rar Mr Shaw, arrived hero on h s to fi s 3"5 11 -v Wii baf r cl 1a itt-Mi 'i in, a t'fJt i'ririe'rd v'lrhj the lite ,,d hi- dHHfsM vi i dev in fo 'f ' U iba: fiV 1 iV, ro'e 'm ft anfjy iron '87 ai ii; t t ? -i d 'fce i 11;.: rt? ii top! 1-2 Bv , i;his .bargain, tli fotPreft t Mw'e) i v 'be oMl.iu will bt 5'.. 95 ) I. per ceot. t z,. F'T every huudr'd p-tond-, 5 ;5r cent. d h ni'jre fco c c c Ditto treaiary bids, -(5009 ito 005 9 We have u dr.u r, iTut at tru COsftpfetifn ot the grr at quefiion o be Union ft ill hrtome more am n. re certa:n, this bareain wil be come r i're & more advantageous to Mt, White ; nothing b-u the itranu e-) (iaMrnsen'ertaineQ ot toe Itircels of thimealure, could hatre raiftdtke Wfh fund in filth a degree af value ; orenfnre to the cnuntrv fofortunati a cornpeiition a) wealthy bidders. : d. ri 'e pi d iit 1 btch oiP y ii fr djeniiy aireuip 11 em, l w?' a rclou tt ic thy 4wer ta xd to navel 1 ouri whenevtr ih?r wanted to. it.-cr. tj eir pi;er they made aft d) it I. V that it tneeo'"e an ob- f& ot i' tnlf. But .he prxfcttt go fit:ri' d 1 nut Irem o be in van y 1- n a r lourcr. 1 . t v. cai aai p 'rwd r.dl the v b.hty ot the prt- dei rri Ihi ft i ub -c are n.'-B idea ot t irt 1 ci.itie, Rilp C-'Htfi JtY igsii d t-Ve lef Ci r. u h. fuc(fjtifi. i ne m:r. ' ot m i s ptiiip IKCiABCd to credit tr. "hicb 11 dreads : and dfefd vr'i -J ' ' m j ' a a ,r r . Miwu: r,a' lon-eama 01 iodhlmwi n t Ah evpr hsrpt n', tif w hich Tfe '?le is unknown .the errors jc 11 agination are ftlbft tuted for tru K v? h d norherdfor a long I'm i upri'ot ment and ihole terms, ar- U'and cci.fi.ument, to which ur ir had tern 10 long accol-oni'F r? becuure almnll ol folete. 1 vas known 1 hat the I'OVfrnrnent il dj not ive acts of rig"Ur, and lbl iljtij h id never had tccourJe to mea'nre; of levcri'y. Allot orae it is laid; that brae pcrfont had been tent to the the temple ; this was enough to in ducc a fuppofitivo that they muH br he authors cat a ronlpiracy. No-- e kn who the p.rUm- nrrtt e jpenaby of 1 lao dollars, durinr- the I term of two years, for his good be- . ft . . I 1.11 . M A. YORK (Penn.) Jur.e 4. paviour- n buci 10 tneiuu 01 oof, 1 hurfdav laft, the Prefidentof thejand tahnd two iacunnet lor 300 lJt- ,1.: "&T IJll.. xrW wav tb tbe Fedefai City. He was) , We hope and truft that thit -prt met on hw approacn oy tne tavairy,!ivi.u mmj -, commard.'d by neuteaant rnnir,!'" uiu ...y J: captain Ootslcr a lignt innnt', and efcorted- to town, where he was received by the inhabitants, w.th tinging ot bells, anaotner umcn ft rations of reject. IvJrxt n ort.il g the officers ot th tempt to violate tbe laws of cur country und tt which banner refit all UiaTlTdear u us- K- Judge Chafe, when about to pri ftmtence on Mr Callender, obWved that his qffrnce againft tbe lawt were ' " 4 k - '...it ,H !..., if a a c r pa t -ri 'ortioiation, attintpinw "7 rp"j " ",r- , . - q ti inner 01 iniic. tuuiiw ...--.-, ... - Mis excellency and patented jilted. He told Mr. LallrJer that he uliowing ad-irtls :,-. jleeme to be a man er lome iitfa t Ih : Izxttlltitty "John AoJiMSnrraatign, aud by no meant dtfti-af . Prrjiaenf thi United Statu; rutfgood ndf rftandiaf ; tM wnh Sift, iithefe, hp mull have L.wrf that . The corporation a'hd inhabitanta Mi,. AchAm was far from et-lervtpg . f the borough of York bee leiv:tf,ecH4radr wWcb -he had fvn a exprefs tha' jdeafi.re they feel tiphirt) ; thit it was a Tiff e.fr.ally in the nrriva' of t hp f liiif mawifl ra'f'kno .add of which Mr. Cdlen!er .. - . , - ... inter rity, which has rendered you ii molt dillinnilhed MefTing, and he netactor to your country. A,s yur F BRITIW SUMMARY, I Of the Afl of Parliament allowin the Bounty an Wheat, Fiorr am Rice. ON WHEAT. From any 4 rt of R irpe, lonrhV; '-pe. F ni';rre, th. Mti iterranea' Attica, hi- M ieily'l rnlonias 1 In the United S atet at Americ. or frfm Archa igtlj i ountr p. UT. Wlfnrvrr tn- f irr.il . .... . .... - - . . .rice ot Biiti.fi W eat. imhiith. ' vvek y in the 1 '' !H; Gatettr, ; I lefs thon 9 f . per qrter qml t t adiifvrerce f fu ii average pi ic i I fuch rate of 90S. per i(r. Fiom acy af the prtr of 1 t Otitic, 0 i.r.tay r iKt- h of i . I'txel, henevrr 'he fetd avtr. r'ce i lef than cc pifr. .qi..1 1 e '-It'll rclR t bM - fin; Ii atra e ,fice, & f.n br i ty. ftrCttati di FINR WMUTrl F. .1 R. A ftiiinty i f rVk ut :dilh tverdnpi ;k wc. "' j'li ii proporth tor a grtatrr of itft q- antit) jro tny ot his Majesty 'a colonic--, . . be Uaitcd Statrt af Americ vheiHt-er la hi average price hear itlef 'hat 100s. per quartet could hot plead 4gu,rinc, tnar the American p:orle bad ttrp arcM con- fitifSj their moft iwrpotVanf cncenit ' nd dearefllatereft to Mr- Ad.m. that be was one of the principal kharferrln Ve revo'ution, & lad aded a rijoft confpicuetis part in car rying t on ; that twonjrrls kiit v" ;'g t the in, ion. 'Your prefciueflro'ng- 'v;enews in our gratelulli imbrances. vour man v. faithful. nd important public fcrvices ; andi while we are gratified with behold ing yon amonglt us uermit us tex prcfsi our gratetul tcblmgs, excited u.y a jilftty apprcutuij (enfe, of thofc-yvtrttie? tr a' patriotilm cndlhis rirtue, abilities aid putiioti c, after having fjccefsfully e p'eyt'd him in other very important bufuiff?, apxinttd bim as a nvn fter, in con- pn ft Wfe has bten fo fnccefstully juncticn with two o:hf r8, to make devoted to the fcrviccof the Atne irican pee-ple, it is our tnnccU hope that heaven may loi conliauejM to add still irore tactile happtntb and rtfpfClabiiity ot the republic wh'ch you have beci) fo great iy liiiirumcntal in rearing Accept of our warmffi wifiies tbe trra'y which terminated the war nd eitabltlbed our independtnee ; nod that the beft parts ri that treaty .f peace were to he jlcribed to Mr. Adams, whole conduct was lo great ly mifrt prettnted, and to Mr. Jay, who1 character In this part t 1I c it n, has been ieflnmiefully re, and ih;catlJ of their arrtlh tbe tale of a plot, has fallen, to the ftound. Whtktt tbrle rutnotin wer in circul ition, tbe thief eonlullhewd limfelf.evctn nrhfrewitb thaiatBC mfidence and fertility. He aTfidrd a) lie fit: it g' ' ' '!" inftniHe w tl ut vimp, without ptrrd', without anfj ttlitK prteatrt'on'i vvhxh 'ear won J "avc ' adopted. ITe went on Ion vJ wi'hoirt any retttiue to the thes-L, f0n, . - t .. -I A.'. .V.I " . ... e ft fprrhd em porpote. There ate fir Snnrk tl Jc, r,r,d. mhmn th hrtfW cnrA .n. fKlLi w tlTiimt, limn was ad. r'd. ardre-t rtlfdliiiti La ' t.i Jl t. -L, for your per.rynal welfare and late' that thele wre f ftl whit. he tvtnrn. L. ud mei t'.or.. btcettle he fwroofid JOHN EDDIE, jhry w irr not gene r-ily known in Chitf tuig ji. V rginia. Tfat Corgtefs Highly ?i.i u.vd tf the renducT f Kir. To which he teturnedaaar.fwvr Yearns in that negociation Miat ti e pecAilc rf Ann nca Laving increitcd At length the army of ifcft Gr-. r1 ' ,he ,;e"c"' b',w fi,c V r.er art -ed in Syria. Hirftiue i frjco ftftd fnctl tO f IftCM stfordfd on coi:.iuul Itcnes 1 Mf T' T J"J . def' latian, tldorder, p Kfe to fl - ere i, err. uettir nw.'.fl to ji ir h m : f( rhid bim to tail- Li, t.u through Acre end pro.4bu.d U '' " Use dl t of 1 1 d p n. uty tic 1 u rVft ssstfl Mar with pr a fi 1 1. I J oawhl haealy fcr iheei ta v .stliffai delteoaaw irtar army or -o.aoo into, uatd klp.tntd ?td Hio mi 4, ho . ihirrf pari o n ew ftfftr rf (OfOanC ftid ad Ortmo. Hipp, hi;." prtr, inLie to t pu rn i P t i-J i w i" f J ' M in V. cw (be pttj fl ot a. r It ape i,d 10 that prp' -g'fl m a iej- vt, ir.ign im shfdm . i Muk.i , " ade rul. oer ai Al Vr. 1 h s t h 1 ei; il.iHcl al fh Krher isMttMNfJi ai st k.n tlidtd in the cap- ulji.en g.vtn 10 cut j fir ol ibis day. Apr I 34. It it fl'tad. in Wtiertry the Dub ,u satil, ol trr Ith inltim, ft).kei . vj rtnerdy wrolng. that ih Bfrl pt l.-nfMCtt Bed in ine jn. K !ihhn lad NWrc, he re c. red sayal rtrluottUn, thai fV. rewsnt b.vt na yh'f or to the 1 ).,r Irr .. 4. aid ft! fl t in ) enary tHitaiwar uh 1 1 sn-j. fl-. Vta of thai ire. -n conlrq r. . t ie aw' f, wpanrg to dr r AcacrK. ! hf, lowrtcr. Yftf rWlsii''. tht thry w II nor rt aoal 104 I'htdf tfie boonte payi U on a quarter ot wN.it tmportt u fneb time (torn every fuch com. JF idjttlue y. ' th a t c t Whenever iha tinren? r--i. cof impor ed rn:or.u kiO;dwi, alctrtainvd n the ar.. u Lmidan watV-i shall be lei laV ll. 151. od. par Net. itunty iq. -l li the ' if!tf: rr 1 , tf"rifiii! ciitreni prw-e, an' i l" t5. O per eti ) r w . i c 1 unoted eight of riccwf.uh fit- in poued. 1 he above bounties arc pay-b hnilyon fiich tt heat, wheat Ci lo M tite, as may he import d belwi he faiftday ol Ocloher l8co, ft Jej t latiifartmy pi. wt un b giVci thftif Hit tcfoli wi tali sssfftch ittM 'hey could, in ibe nrdinar. Oarfcot iheit voyage, bavt irnvn by lht tin e. In wh ch 1 a l boiniv will aaund u. tit the 151! day ni 00. ilco. runy to be a'lowed on th w st and heater flour, to ha af c'tiinid he ft net publiibad i-tl-t Lmit'nn (iatciie, two wctk al tar iciftdftfttliai! Tl April ,4. tf htttr. t a a 1 a, Aarrasf ed For 1 me dys pi, thire have bfftn mPMn of a e 0 aeainft the ftvrn - cat. 7 bete dnet net sp it f t- , t 'UM fltw lirlc day peir to bo toy foot dt'ian fr ihara, huge iaiha avftntry. jilt Ifttf afttatnefl vary gearr.l n'i who do.Rit live tra q nllity. lit. tncd4o live ain dtt inn L'U t, d the llorin, indlh -k nl poiiei, tAi.nid rand Bl t fcrget thiit iiui fi n s, 10 kbrden their- hatre Cl nd.fi ftOWB in peace .11 tl rpilr. ' r II end iltrMlelvet lln4U't 1 uld he a'de to jritaic ihe un d 1 hi pf p t hy fit lb ajarml ;tt.e) flrd to ra) ' the m pitritun i tl .e b.d nad. , ei -o lee rot 1 r rtr laltthwMit woid be cirtli ec. ,'hy vi lied iht ire y.vni nt :.. nld M) pj rebu fn.i ni -t me g'-nay -.di lit Mill. lb.. 10 re:ve cn-ii idic 1 1 iaj that t.'-.elc ruu" ur, fttti ough ri ey m y be Ctmradr41rd c inier.t r, rt CJ cu!?led ar d ItUi I ihrtnd. They ' ' N ri prt 1 1 ro frrti'Mvrs ihe gt-trttmiiit II n'ev w h catmici .ad m ) .en of al.lfifit, u.dy toitrkea il'iw mherevcr ihiy lavtcnepp.r m a tf) at . amy. H ll aa rr w inirg it crk be f idure of a wild, pe a 'uUuciHi-fitn to )ou ard tour rotiam .,1 rific dftMiuliraiKt, they i Her t cvciy t U fi;ssr ) u 1 ic. nc fin rl f iirope .he image of ar JCI IS L).MS. fant ifttfairi y, not f'tute, rt Shnly h 1 w tdl iU l itluki .rerig, b..l i im'es re di goero. piacrtdtil on kis joturey , rfcfrKi ttrautl firm, and h fc 1 a heret by the fame military taint vihicl rri'b'.in. 'tut ia the loo t. met nun oa hmaruv.i. rm wiith have pr. tr.dtd 1. hi 11 11 laid that his lattiUnry iU Km m ft n tf J . cL - ucKstfl o r fn p anal conlprajrteiiarat is going totf e rftooa al Ci tie coo us which are iti.llyjty, to snake ltra attargttwofti icf. i ll tuie 0! fouudancn. Io iha lap petting iba removal ot tbe fetkia wl blcalute we I've 1.0 tirra u,vtmntM toitrm. a at . - cva , Mlt ard to 101m It r Ipt tcni.l I reccistd With much. Ifl sf u,Ufr, L . rd at . ll clolch.m to ihe on, thiv t: ei.tllv aai rtls. 1: riti. ..,:,... o. tic ti lta tiniu nn iih 1 1 iHing t'e prtftj ccHintiia ti I.-,. cf w .ft j .j, A potiible for any cr ard York, at-tr an IbUlvtfUf rttM na dtobel eve lithttnan 'l.rtc ?nd twei iy ytars, I bae. 1 . ..Jtu ol the vjiiLfaa er.f 1 Lid 1 ui Ij received pleaVun ft. m tie tt-1 4h-rgoJjy the traveler i To bt- ,....jr oi.i. pewpn, wli n mvene.-uve tvith an ecu.aticn wat, he eivedrrit tckt bvkdgenthlili.lttl 'Ulfi,,B attack ti on .he pecple thcaa nuch hi; r delfghi, Irom the va- u , r thai t wis llf.evidant ... u. e.0l inc.r 1 appi.tls ,; a, -r ivX, R tll flrat ger, who trtMipiuationrtadr te levtrr thirgnand i d rii.fi ihLaUiiatit. ihe iiurr.il. m 1 1. . . . . a ..1 " l- . . w rti'ttt iut , n im wr.4ni- iw mints t'ld i,. oi iwi i j, iKurruc U, thi vfle v he l.rd fleeted to oi.t t. t.atc i , ilni.di...h..0-a.h-i fo.hftidftiftd Jc n,.t .n- ri ,ht ! Uh .v.H ,,'e.u4 cliaut5er, mi.U be depra. iyl1'' I" 1 5 11 TP M.dai.d v efrd if.taf lv-that no ' U, . hi Hi. Mi litre tl ta L. .1- A Um nmuJ -.1-- A I " " m 1 ' , wt u r WWW ilg iKft r.trui,.(l.iUU o( .ttgmtini lo hie ar.d ai.ti 11 01 : ' t I'flt . . a: ..... 1 .. . i- ....... - ... . in, ici n 1 1 tr ut, un exl aiiMid, in fit 1 l 1? t Lith. M mil p ia the ctiftrtatfou , bf (ftuda h i n 31 y fi 1 ud - f In ir-wrn tot yoi r kisd tt Hies, ' J . L . . I'') 'w ire it 1 nm . t.oiiai a 1 X tlait he V oel.iiiaa Utoa'tt P.ru c rart lartdkri id in'l a cdct lute kih pol In pl.tet hich (nmerlj uaHei Mh 1 oif iOg lu- tt liiical lam.iio'i and eirn.al Mfftftffti .tMui the 1 Uia cf traa ate t ll 1 ,es. Wf I f tt 1 1 1 e hot WiJllutiitjf ire dflkhit Ol lift III ' tftw n irn ol n, 1 ' ' Rn tenii ta ihe it inn r rcfttai , nd iha Pran.ru it dc lctLa. ne carn-etl ai i'-nt hat r tfti at mpullc nd 'a.mplc to all I rime .1 d mHhid bails re a ri u o. so. ni lo Doiraer ttt t "1 ' Mi iha I loan go saofit'd l tr - It r, aj WC ptflptliO M V.I, tt 1 lot I sa iff a sari. fltf tl -1 ibsl l oac i ard tnnvrrlilien ch DUd lo It 1 m 1 ICIIN.CM), June 6. ClJ Ic ncJc r. The -rial el jaaitt Tftoatticii v a 1 1 1 hl 1 ft, ( 1 Mdiin n. it a 1 lace . .... . 1 n J i'f ) Ull.ii lUnnuii Vttii 1 1 1 e v i.ited hull!. Ibit Uirs re hi ft ifcAeme of ! r lit d -n ibu ' ' rt led in.t . t, r i f.iv . tin at sn at Iy I ear trim ium cth was, mat it r- Adami I . il been ti g dcleiv.rg w4i off is rruntry ; 1 ai iftMmut intotiati ligations hr t . ' ' . t -inriv tears ir. na lar. - j 0 - ww W lit, wuce nvrr wto'.d have b;n ' ( 1 It 1' ike abksdti ed cl,,r ti.r foUo te I i l h r. Calicidcr t'l'in n 1 1 t w 1 1. . 1 1 1 , 1 1 r e t.lii o. h-ve beer, tci Ions y a. Iqniii.i'L a i.b ha, ai thai as he i d n., It oe;n o' attorn nit n, ha tr 1 fl havi clfJan edhitn wiliylly. Jf g Lhaie ilcti drtw ih trtrr Id litrctiir hriaefft the l.ecutioaliilt irdttelkut) al the ptefijtitf ex- paMsitd laigtly tn iLft.ttihiy cl ttt at 1 r : it .iuue thit crlpit.'i.t atiid tot ckM where the liberty af piOfftitaticrjiytc'-kui ihctibcrtj aft aery great mniriric bttwtca de libeny aid tr.e abufc ar Icer m 1 fm ft of tbe ptefs, thit Y hfet" iiotjfrtls of tbe ptelt weu'dftiifl err i 1 iy dtflrcy at a ct t rt tr el t, ct.d (irncultrly a rf tbl ati Urra ef go. vetitsicftt-ibai iioeu'deotiupt tha tblic cpitiMO, N d destroy the ma. rait af lie trtf Ic ; anu thai n poh roller. 1 te rfkli wstVcntjtfd .'bie.p rdon, aa the pi.rcTlt ot sre I trNlftsi :id rftftiM4d ill ft vi.iue, rrtabUtft ee- "ttmte Jtiy Ntiftd, srd al-ci hp 1 1 ent M dC-ihal in "erwiiHiinir, autm.1 .0 a ci-u, tbi.dU .1. 1.1 .... .1 .l- 1,1 I Kl II .mi J in ,kr li.lUh lit l..id'rgd:y .1 lo aVstk evry rinanil and v.hj.ulc" te ir.vr, ,, , -l, b.r t.'f, , ,!,, Ml l(f.tll(4, r.t e hi in. .1,. Jicf Ct f It,,: LflM kVllflll Mr ..a I. II., . a. - m - . r--www.w .tmw -iir 1 1 .-. , .mrunrii , lt i,d,l,nt mltli I.', nV 1' " . IT '";," "reta. ettl.qofrcea that riUd and ercoonced ,1 mmiu re Iveaeo the revo lt, mhi tt h utly ,.u i.rm g d,V.iif.f. 1 1. . t fc , i BUAM st btsiord Ifcf ZSTlaftaT ST eaJSSfLS ftftM .txfla.-fl.-J mmtm mi idl.tn, n 1 . rf sttU t a bo ever 5 . , hi. (updaa. van, that tar and note vt gailituy Ufl)f xU g u ,fc ;

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