T H E W 1 1 M INGTO N GAZETTE. T.-ut-e Dollars jxy Annum. T II U 11 S D A V, JULY 10. ';'Vei. IV.-No. ig Pjj tP-l. I S H F. p w K r. . Y I B Y ALI.MAND 1 A.L T.. oo. F R ' M THE AURORA. PUBLIC. PLUNDER. We i'1 ill ive ibi r 'n'afYies- of the that thofe who l ave held thofe puV-the Uire I Stues, I r c iiiijvv-'uu.v.. --- Wc luVai Lnirih to far tVicccTrtted Cncrattv rha-ihre -truster 1 rfclvcs c-t a long an i uf the hu'defs of the public holllcra hi ihcfe . uu.iecourited mi1'- fie. monies bafA been 1; 'silj lions n a-:;:tMiire p a.:.r p;emfuig princely eft ales -while i j.y i r,,iicratly tha -the M'oaier number Uiaf pub' ic monies, U,u I 1 ' t he fu : as to uoil'efs out! black ferie-s of abitje and iv-aj'e Of j live northward, of the Dueitc money. We Dull'irom i and F.wrs or the mo day I'd day lay before bur readers ! in M.:i:.T,cirtms and the pa ruculars, andja-'e ill all DOffro 3r7U.pn the vague grenmd of fuppoliiioi," er runnile ;vc mall allett wliat.we have'' repeatedly hinted at, gird wliich""vve did nut before lay fully, cLajflyy Jaud explicitly before tha public ffoai a hope that the executive, vyuuN ca-.ile a fpeedy anal elfe&ual itivediatioi) into ib; .coiiducl -"us-certain otii .-ers of hi'dUjuil. 1 he invcttt'itioh; .has not been made, and .we now., hi) Id- pii'rfeives bound to ifaift fn!ts. that the oubiic f . .r "t - i . r y may ice ana iniun now tneir money mtary at trie or Hie puo has been emp 'iyed mow tHe jtiu. lie trealurcs wutt'ld be atWer,!l prc m'iniuiatio.n hax di (charged it truil i fervd fof Hjcjwiper ufes a."cording and how ctnllahtly the public in- i to law.-' eo:ne has beea.mananed, with t!;: A l'J. rotary of the trcafury near- tfircu.nfta.icv of (lis country ; aod lignit., . incnin.ietn-, or conn,)', m iy moncv can fay ; tbele tilings oxht the Potomac foVo3jt -x wronj.punifii tbem ; Hf is olt confpicuous ?hen lharl coafs tlwr weha-8 Connecticut. mitfakso. the tron.meang of iati,,, The rell aif-ircd of of pfthlic oliliarfthits, of the intent 0r - 3 itib He may re it aiturea ot v" "'"" "y""""J y. 1 and thct the Ihalj ,.' of ihrfafcire. 'W fOtbli i . i . i i si. 2 i'.. i can vef nrwc nt . -.41 4 mimmm- of the turTuwhai -OfUhe otit.T band, U it (halKafcj uc4f 1114; tie very iitwi wwo fiavc : . ... - - . - L SY it may, . , .A DEVELOP ANIENT ANGLO Aim lies to a v il amount nuv bjt carried on in the ur and " tvy de paitments, as wil aHl 'they.?' li.it with an able mm v4giranr i&njt 1 lw -w w I V .vin 1 .... j . o 111 - , . I . - ....... I iV j ' . I . 1 ' tercrt, and tlij grievous and ijprl-. bed to an i'nmenfe atnouii.t, And liva taxes, whi.h have been con-' prtxts may be found uu ler wtiicb irjftfd till thrci Vi'irt nnif- 1 :i ii nnirfu ar nil l'm.ln.i-il iillirpr rr . J ....... , . ... . , , , , . , , . uu 1 11.UIJ ii. u.j ii.tici, v,uvi.i a watts ui 111c uuui iv. aii)lCV, , , r r t iT ifm Ti.vi.t... ri:. l.: j. .1.. ... r. L- i:r.u. . " berk of Lunnrels. be that we fnould on the iSih of April lift, the fum his duty-land ha may ! fven !,,rC ,CU,1II' we rtft' 1 ,fee f fifiV tUufund do'.Urs from- lite continue under foeeious for.n, a.l Kw the ..K"? of J.1SEPU Vl! i...r... .1 i - ..ae NotRSE. fcfa. reciter of that de thefc nublie mrinin are the mi. r ------- ....... thirs a-nd fuppir tets' of ia mbft. V i- Blent mealurcs of esry tpecies which the coui')'. ry has nitne(led and ueplUfsil lot years. paftV but parti- J culafly lince Mr. Adaf"t, heca-mc; preli'lqnt then we Jhall.'mitf ft to honeif' men, real A uuVicvus, devo ted to fibertyj virtue, d nit ion a-1 indecenderice, whe:her any cot.fi .dence ca b p'a .ed in f'iih men, . tlf-ir adherenfs, or f 1 1 f Vj o r tc'r sjjjp I j We fome time fince iUted th:U a report wa1 in circulation, that Mr. I D.iyton was confiderabiy indebted to the Lui'c i States. We now re , ter to the trealjiry dep.uirnnt, for i the particulars of Mr. Dayton's? account, as aent tor p; ; , f mem. l itj 1 Hie Trtainry efart it t . tr nc,r.t:,.tn., J u l y l S)$ i ' t,N 1 il - 'ti:,ni nt Ik. CO.On i-Mtttc on tin. a-n-tiut--s-Received in TO lO'-VS 5 The amount of pavr weots made by .hiwi to the ' members of, tit? hoti fir of repre- feniativei for thei travel" to and from tha real of gr.verii jent, and for iheir con7)enfation . at a r7Q; 61.892- S llrf , fv5 f 6; 1 7Q7 2o,cvt? Dele ware.; . 1792 700 o l79X ' 0 I794 ' 2000 o 1796 4;h 0 - 797 3-377 W 17-98.. 4,600 b 4 799 5;753.7j Mary 1. a no. tlie. Hie ?o 1 h feditin trm . D.-c. 1 7 g 3 1 : MarCh, Jg, kIwV din?' tli - cb;npnfa-i, tiou of hinifeif, the fiiijeartt at arms snd the Chaplain, F i na ! ly haVtng a ba- ' lance due from Joa athan Diytbn, to the United Suus cf ' 1 - '- 11 . 'J !l li.e;ivi:a in iyo2 i 2 2 . 1794 i ' -r r 1793 .J 799 . VmU'iA. 7 23,775 l8, lf 52 puuc trealnry. t the eoiupLxny or orhcial accounts "rr" T v rV . , V . Vu 1 Wcnow r;n-at ths fail, and that not only to fprea I corruption V lev 1 . VOWInS ail5 , monni 01 ju.y, i yy, i the complexity ot official a Dais. 90,917 52 Tints Joti.ithan Dayton held in his hands a balance of dollars, q, 6l:i 60 - fro'ii the id March, noi to the month of ju.y following, anrl he hehj in his hands the fmall ba- ' I. II . . L .1 nee ot Uollars Qo,or7 "om me Received in 1793; 1794 V79? 1796 797 J798 1799 Kentucky. Received in 1708 J799 TSNNISSIK. Received in 197 1798 1799 S'58-3 43 7.4t 67 ' ij 4 $3 24.404 a a 53-3 55 45-834 3 (l5-54 54 : 99A5 0 13.823 70 3987,8 33 33.70; tj 6,8a0 7'j 61-490 96 681970 114,588 4a 110,994 24- t.176 MOV faithfully taken dew: arinfiimc nc arew mat e.torn.tui tnroui; 1 at toajsa 't the coenfry. V 7 , r ... . I 1 ' . .1 1 ft-. 1.-1.. l-.. 1.. V . u..." , Mr. Dayton's account fettUd n th- counts are lr'tled at the treaiury w"i nii iimtia n.imii, unscconiHitJ uni luempoy mc money or ttit: .- . . .: . . n-n. l u1 e.s .u r -r .1 1 .- . i i- 1 .11" . . month ot u . noo. it as I n U deDarttneut . h aooears fill to hsld imi. 1 -a in ui intec nuujic. uuui c. is me DUDiic trr. annrnr . 1 . . ,- I Janmry, 18 m, and fo tar as his ac-. Received in l'-A-. . .. . t . 1 I ... I nt I 1.. I r ' 1 I 1 ... I North-Cakolin a 3,148 98 3 73 6( 7,180 44 i r.'P nun. ir. . ti c. 1 in rtn ii m urc 4nH thoufcr.d dollars, and niore, onihe ! aggrandUs thofe who-my barter 'iWS : , , 1 fame account-; hat is to fay, under t hair oath aud their trult far the 1 c ,onner lanc of the htA.pt ccoums with i!;2 ! obligations which i.hay may lie un- n. M?M t Bar.itj powers. der to a (icretary of t'ne treasury . tV 1 797" Wca.kt that, upon fuch an For caatntd,. a Dublin lervnnt fo Warrants drawn 1 1 . u .. t . . 11 . 1 UY llVCf VV "O T. . 1 1 r i. C iii in his haiuis ine mm 01 uonars 18.12 and C2 aents. ' t . : . . . r The public 'cjiII d. J culi s Ibii . - I r w 261 1 60 acrr.unt for afeiu davs, and we fljnll 1 .... ..;. i.- .-; iv.Vi..vu (j.eu ttrtri wt fen" 794 '795 1796 797 79 J70O 1 7 r SeUTH-CARUtlKA JOO o 7.800 o .499 7 16,243 So, 14.068 .44 9-977 71 f .cretary of the tfta fury on the trCifurer of the UnifeJ States in favour of faid Day- .Ui.. - . . t 1 1 ...1 1 1 . .uii'iurii 11 no Oc uueiilQMfifl. I w.'tBt j laiarvmtv 2j.)o do .ir and we dare Mr. Pickering, or any la yaar, and wlto ha to dilburfe a cr hik fattiliies, lodifpute t'.s fa:f. fuiri of froni 6 to 10,000 imc on! Wv Ifiiil go further we (hall ! thu publfi kmc, draws on the fv thai h K,.Tl 11 . J C ' ,.-.r..... &... . I. .. .'..it f... " T ' (.v II .I.L.. J.l IICil I 1 I I I J II V I . It I " I I I I 1 :i III ' I . . - - .... . , . 1 ' ...... w. 1 - , 1 . u fum n..la .nJ . J t . t - .i f '. ...1 ' .L L- L a ... : r. r . WH ...... i.va.i; v .ji 10 iHfuus trjcwinuii.il hi lu.i io uuir.uic anu pay lu,r's- jhimfeif. It fo happeus that at the , , . Ai.d we fjrthcr i(Lr. t'-if it ti cad of lb kc but a fcw-iiayi Succ, that an account mrc than 4,1100 dollars, therefore of Mr. Pickering, wherein lar.;e j there remains in his hand nn -x-(tmi of ti-e public mvuey pmded 6.o .tloilais. Not with were 0 on;ht 10 lie employe., was , rtandinjr, at the end of die year, he returned to him, he not Hiving drivvs for ij,o o dollars ok re. .i.-iiiiivu j.i.n.rj ij -.1.1 l... w;t.':uui account ititf lor tie men. T 1 . O . I ' s. 7297 7404 7721 77S7 794S I 8059 lout year's exrv-nditun ihtu nrmi ' .. . . - .1 . . i . 1 r x 1 v 1 'jWHiii ti n: we fhalj dif.n'.fs, fin- :r. Uvre he poOedn 16,000 J Mr. PrtXtring, bfcufe we have'doiiar, and thus hi; progreirrk wiih : o 'J aont voiTY ttfr frimdi if rtgmijt'.W aCc'ciQljfatinJ balk-Iwr L.cral w.t gtptramtjR to bring inio revievv, 'years. j'S!! -r.d to account tor ihcmfclvei before .Ttu ba!aace in the hands t.f the x !9' th-p..1.,.;., hvn th. 4 ba- y I .,Ui, pub ic ferva it undoublcdlv th: ot. .A7 diUxa.efu'tjf JUtttrtJ, w.:e ibef i 'count abl .far.. Bui ic t:j tttrd ' flilcafacl. the 24'h -7 Kc-: J"J JoSrine whuh mull lovirhim with elate of the Lie Skiik Dila IW'i infamy aj li irabis" as the niilory if co!lcc!.r of 1 tie cud rns t r nta Ibunaa tod ifat iaufj4i.r. IJc'pr-, were feltUd a the IrelfWy. , h I i 111 ihf dovltiuo that pulifu when ii appore.l o,i the Etsftki ihai ...lU-tj Vkcte not to L lw. m. fit thera ii'iumal d... 1.1 It c . . - .--.. sw ... .... W . I ' vardm 10.411m in line,. U.ou -h j ba'anc 080,12 dollata acd 8ul ll-.vv v.. .II...I..-J . .. .... .. .i.iti m I ..... ...... ant.. 1 r., 11, riii.fi ji. ... 16. '9?. Nov. 16, Dec. 14, Jan. 12, 179! Feb. 7, Mar ll 1 1, Amu 10, ' May j. June 20, July 12, 6, D.v.j, J in. , Hq, Ir-.t-S. 111 794 795 179 1797 1798 799 S.y 1.5 is 8 ji8 13 H 183 7 7 553 69 30,137 57 9'6J5 35 15.000 5.oco 15 000 15.000 15x00 1 5, '-co 15,000 ISiCOoi 33,000 15,000 l,0i0 ay.cco Ntw H ampshikb. Vols. Cti. 33 '3 2,"wA o 1,216 Sy 4-343 44 4 '7 541 C161014. 1798 lion o.naft ri Rrcipitulalion of Aot.ual Rrciiu. 1500 Received 10 STATEMENT 4l RKCEIPTS At the Trtvfury if the (J. Slates. Prom nm fiinervitik4it (h Revenue th r'.niiu: nt tint lit if the breA m 1 -w- , Jer.t giverhru.nt, tit the the 0 IRereived in ...... en ., Jtur, ITJ lor 15.00b t 3,000 1 I . j UU . 15.000 Sums received in 1793 i5,o l794 179I 17J99 '.475 9L . . - r 7 MAisACHUsfTTS. Teeil4fear R:CKvedi0 .79 .34.500 i j; of " Re 7V3 e4.-ia 7? I7y4 IU.23S 9". Ttfory D pinmen', ,97 hn,3i6 5.0(bceo! (he i(ct . J. . ya 14. .290 87, UAblLWOOU.' 799 53.977 W - RHuftl-lhtAND. ! r . 1792 '793 '794 '795 79 7 1 79 799 ao8,94j 70 374,089 6 s 337.755 30 .475.R9 6 $75.49' 4 044,557 95 779''3t 4 3 -).76 9J 1 i is ,000 Do!s 32061 1 6 ! Rccivcd in lllltht Will lent d. fir the Tlie q teflinn then ariUt. how 'k icHoM preve I n 1-..J 1.. .a ill aa,.l.!.. ... ..'...I.. .L. I l. .1 i.imillil UI I'iajiiv l,l l, i J IQI. ,11 JR. a f , ' to Ihe piveniincrt', or The nlate 'way U falvrii!, and pro il at ufc. If thii in !'. bablv it i. u . . .. . .. 1...1. I -- j-. -j. . - . V ,U IV I ..r,newc.i 10 oe lolcra'ed, the nan o lay, lUl fu.U baWeap. In vanu , the people nighi forever peacl. I hi 1 he in., I enormous ab,fcs.. b irrf -h-n ihaiTimoihy Pick-; e ate 'hn lore deierminnl to lav c etiiitj ihiutj die, wi.ha taUm . the dwcitiueanJihisarbi rary judge, of halt 4 mifli i dollars un.- . ' aufl io ft.nJ uoon the K,o.,h, ot c..i-,tcd Mf. He fays hi.nfelt s',.t lu.tt earl i.rdc. i.'im at ilui .... ha - - - . p c who nss-cihc power of oVi. , e ih.,. fupH" an iW.i.i , cafo inert men oT power, who bir 9bu boi fj,kit mw, that he (I.011U j And on tt .s acemm' Jit was cutii- 1 1 as lo.l,, v it ran, 1X11 blfft a77- dtawn on , ill lai.iur ul m? ( taiyolthc tteafiff, n.000 tto The atnoinit of pjy. men's to the members chap4:n of the hnefa ft it 1 c lenlj-ivr ar heir cotnpcnfaiioiia his own, agreeable to law. at a f U. in f nan 73 1791 7y; a , 179' 1793 COMHICI ICUT. Rccrivtd 10 Dl-nsJIy pri-iiniiccd in lav, , the BriliOi f ;.c;n ..! n . r, : , . ., - ez? -t 3MS a 49.935 35 jo. 051 3 'ne nii rcput leans t tl.ir intntry 3U,33i 0ba? Lathliilfy imiiatct) ik- n.ca fMft.au 1 A-.furrt ol the Britifh jdti.ini l i i,.r ( ' ' I ft n " 29,509 6o'r ""ancial l)flmi. n udellcd alter 34.990 o'1'8 t'wl'he Briiilh the famo in Ka.lta ! Aalal . t .... .a .. vviiiiiiulh laae, tl.c V ihe fed, or ntofted .lumpcieai iu tha dih hata, ol iher trutl. Vi'elMipcthe day it not far off guf. wnfn luue iw'ia.1 tor Ima and u ihe 15th May, '.xiie . a. f A a palll al ih. I,.. f,(r,0ll , Cun. ' , ,, , 'ri. ., 111 aL i . 1 .. . - ' irnpouioie, hc r. Hlon ,0n fh. 53.59S 63 'nif. Mill haTait fc I (,,. (i "P" inspOIHOI., , he P gioO ll OiTI the .ale . beimprs.he.l.laykfovkeeo.nslo.fwl, he is ihN..y 1-01 n.d We ,ow Jf ;Ha, eran point jd.fcuiud tercafier. If ,ff. ?J. J? . tC 1 I ihe i aJ ib a Uihe we re in dia, h.ns , , fn 1. Ig,,!r- i, J? .. nay w. dafSefAie ite A. like . 'hi? !Jf w f dZ I ari.to-e r..m, .nJ aj,,, . . ' r ' ,, .TVjT Mn ,0,, Dainn, ti hs Uni ted Siaif I count ot " 1 at jed Sla on thie A2r Out boi.L OOWtl.tUUl III bit Kftaf 4. a. . r.. ""w miii upon ' "ai'.r' e a liklnh.y were diawd. hr.h aie'". Utfimaimtf ..ow uu, v. v,,.,d lor 10 the -mb!,. , It will be -rg.d perrip., this ii ' aiimwcn iMK are nw witMV,,,r noini and tra, r i. 5f.aM W ,l.a.1 1 at. a.f ..-1. a lhala,... . r .a .T- --"'-"" "IW cnoi ,h. mar. rf,;c;: ktCVuici' 'tr,,M,, '-1 ,b. common.! iim21Zl '-laai..g litem 'r. If.l (belli ,, ,,eaf ,1 at iheds. .7. fill SI U ,M ur ' c wnhh-JJ Ir -ni i Hd !r '""'V f-Vblrl.enbeJnose. -w,.f. 164 4S5 So Rectlved in Vre Received in I7y6 797 l-ol i;oo Ni w.Yoik 179a 'TV! a w v 0 1 ' 1793 4.720 o ,nn, ihoamiy ftabli0imi ni, ;J 9.0 i ,iun 'w, are humb'e itatii 194 i''oI 6i"' innfiiers. litter . . . . . . lO Vi-1 ft 1 naf n,iiTlanl. t . 1 yj 1 1 437 ej i-----""Bw(. vi wivnaiv ry I79 17,775 74!' 7 ''aTTimpieJ 10 eil.b ifh 79 19.35 r1" ' ' ' eineous attach. TV5 ,'I0 ll ?KBI W.,1i, J f'"" a JU'I vnn. 7W Jl.i- o6tnCC '"'iuiediu.hon 'reatOAT. jThe mu-fieui of our tip me with 1 1, a ST.. . I. a I- - , . , a . .iv 11 rtinvti rrrui-i.e w. ri,.i 77 ac -Uy by at glo fedrral Os, i,-6l 48,5r,y ,heif neleiioui fticafuX. y6; to' indecent aodiibftat anempisare sOadti" iauaji iJa te i.. .11 nwi. ..I ak. t tla."ararr . . . ' VI 31. y.! , !.-,;. 1 , ,,. i;y4 2l.l27 4J'W,f P''''''ldore.airy,.a,dfterped 1 - if a n. . ! 'nrward at iKa ialanf i.J it. ,. v , r j ., "aaawpaaai . . . a hlmawi.a I I... I. a 'a a .a' 1 , ye 1,OI ) 411 '--r"'- lewe-ejuiaa. 1 ne Itla. A 1 .ta 1. ' CSKKaAa Itn iJaalit a. . L. L.l T97 .5o.oe7 ,," f79 -J.TyS; Svof P,f adopted a ihe l ad, Him, a ad whoaiei t((i.ra.i f of lir tticiabei I of eon pr l, tic. in. !. went a lurlher fciil.iticnf, tut Itaicuuat whvh U as due, fit To ba'ainf doe Ntw.J itaiy. " rt' Nigh.ly patrolsjt ef ih, friths .RetiveJia oa 1 fw 'Vr, bcwline " IfAil C t?9 7,460 VM4" lllW ,k M -e , 1794 ,; u,"MbeJ Ihe t.pola rf ih M.aat f,tnn t.i"Mlr inM.liad (,. , .... c,m 5j o.- a t' "r, Pi AAiVi. VR recited ui 795 79 19 i; 1 79? ,6S1 -oi 9.62 9a 41 '91 t.jdjj 9c KipU airuicntf ffrdoi.a.,T r. 'ClU l ive (ktaf aa..-.A.. Blfl WW Z ihAdjaioji by bit infwar in addiafTi dnltibwlioeiof ofheet, t, .j nneale 'be flame.' Tne a -inefelitioa law, & tbt , ill iaWt Ot ll'Kf . Jothan Dayton la 7H

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