n ass ON GAZETT F, VI TJire Dollars pennum. j t H U R SDAY, J U L Y 31, 1800. Vol. IV. Mo. 1S6. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY ALL M AND HALL. T VE Wjl L M I N G T IT . i w- z I ateft Foveigfcws. mdon Papers to a M w-Ywrk, is from 4ivi ; VIENNA, April 30I poGtively when tbefe accounts were Pent jetty, with his tilual humanity, ordered a fat), whether the piftoi was levelled a t'ir fa This day VCourt G:zerfe, iiJfujple- ment, contains the tollowtng.Mo nr of the further operations of our arjflu haly " h' Captain Count ScherbdW wh. brrived 'here lall night. Gmier fent further acco n? of the fu li.ary operatious in the Riviera port previoufly received fron t da'ed head qufjers. VoUri, A, no. J a!rrty ttnre.t. that at; rations mentioned in his la! ... v,...i Cl.. I .1 V.I wiiv u Hic.i wmic rrii ,,.awraj'W '"it mem smart navin enrtrety cut 1 ttigtr Communication with Vrdtri, and fi lift ,t equally impoftible to encounter th ,!: ee brigades wbrch had 'arrived' under CosTm BeVlegarjdi on the firft mentioned fnouu tam) had 'Wfthdrawn 'frb n bo'lthere htiilvs, from he formed,' by way oiLaui rei o, 10 Deurto. and forn the iatrt alle' off. By the reinforcements which have koach to be called ! or, -and hnmon to a: - fince joined the F. eld Mai (ha!) Lieu' enant 'tend the wounded nran j and loon af ter he will be enabled It di better vigoro1 fly to i quitted the ground. .. May 16. His jAjtsTi? Shot at. The Kmc, Queen, and the PrinceJTes Augotta, Elizabeth, Sophia and Mary, with he;r ttfual attendants, agreeably to prevj-. hus arrangement, honored Drury'-lane fheatre iatl niaht with their nrefea.re. to the 9( "V. and ilia i anie of fiTch as. have lfre tie Comedy of She Woii'd and She dilliiig ,W"h d 'hemfelvei, particularly,- are Wou'd iot, and the Farce of the Humo- oppofe all forther attemwa whictiihe en emy might niake The ci' cumliantial de tails of the deciliv(War tie of Voitri, enerny's lofs as veliV our own, (the 1 stier according to Generar Melas's own itatew nteiVtj isnotery co ijljeralde) the trofc phies, artillery, and prifouert,- taken fron to; -e publifhei fpceilily Pfivate actoutt-d'rMn Italy liate, t.haf M ifleri is rlerp.rmined uxieiend himtelf to thi' btt.'in'' e- irv o Genoa, ftill expec ling reliet, on account, of thr great impor tauce oi rnai ptaccia wrau- w thrown hiinleifimo the citadel whh tie ftywer of his army, thateni)g the de ifrjilftojit of the city, ii' the inhabitant?" i ill. Jult as his Majefty entered the box at the above Theatre, before he had taken his feat, and while he was 'in the at' t of how i;ig o 'he audience, a man, who had pre viouflv jaken his dation in. the, pit, clofe to itye box. raking a djrecf and ttudy aim with aq b-He Pittnl, fired at his Majetty, whole Off! ion wie tnlli i?vin(fl in bin, hv tlo hSould gtve the leatt enrouraenient ton.e , auiuide tr, which he Hood. His Majefty, Aui-rwus. Ir i iaul that general Melas on j without betrayg the flighrett emotion, !ei m wforme i ot ma m naces, lia.l lent an turneo round to Or 0f his attendants, and officer to Malf-na, to . afk-lnm whe her heater Piying ti lew wordj in a low voice Wtf ferioi'flv inch. .e 1 id carry CftotSttHn (S tonk hi fear in annarent r.a-.,;i;... Ti ' TI 'tiiMUllllY. I I1C into exi iirf'n to inform hi n Cabfe di'Voltp, while Geneiai wi n the cblu.nn unoer general He ordered to at i ,iis di ha; o'fi . r tiroclj ma- teen and Princefs had not time to come in n I hp hnv heinrn rhic lluw I . J , ,. X V" - vi..lf vein lelas tton h h.1 ; II ire.l iifwr.ocb ol t ufo- it(lf nUr , u hvin ha.l .1 - i-. . .. i .j c ... " r XI;. u - O iiT. . r. i i M r :li i a r my, iiccii'ici iwiiic 1 Jfenn the 17 h or lei inn General Count I oijnr I tet'o- c his So eveig- enj v U'Uier a.ty cif-i u 1.. '7.. r.l II cnniiy i:c"iarc'i 'O l .11 :t lh Mild jfion, and being made acquainted with the He lo. Irircumttances, they were dreadfully acita" neb :hfv fh inres. trie ttm nrcumltances, they were dreadf ully acua' a thar he Si (US tt i. The firhm of (hi. i Itl gar.le to the h-ighrsof the A,me:ta afcirfl . ll.iho ,ld 1 ',.,fwe.bie i , v, Wly.eliArk fhock throimn ,he h.l. h,.f Delerto. (Tenerai Count S. Tuhen rttW PQiumn aue iyvjic ann uener ai u.ieil matin, to "i oain on the ne ''i s of 4 b zola Ou the 18 h in the nw.r i Mai (li .1 Lieiirenant O , v i Ut Mini lionrot his divifio -., had arrived rajaic, a o uiea cia n oioiiti tv wnn mree toss o 'ia . 4 eonipiny of rr.c-1 ' ban 'i.; , of 'n z , e. -.a'.u tne ;.e cun !:" w witl- , I en S. iai t, ii Ij : Gei vie i .'aveo 4ejL)4ttack'd . chtee colu n"!, .he e"irnv, who lid ll ble I iu;i Cn' i, o .i V ii i wrhtle'GehAl BJ ert'-de ''efcendd from the A to war dt Defe t an-' A e gv!io, and c re.1 a jnnctiot' wi h General L- lerma Tie three columns dire td aiainil Ca' (rt v ii that o' Monte K jale wai led ienial M-la. al. n one f the Iteent icy i .a i he d'r lenr eleis Oi' fufter tr.xn the French troops. Si .e me 6 ) o' A n d, the . ri.-iy' nflheeuif!e ibet'tri oiit ns;e oil. I h'. io l . i '.-rvo tHre'i; plce d.nc fO ! "2 h . piorio1. ir'' ") !. Ili'UOVJ fh nild r.oele ter. live mod II. Baric) , from the 6 i V'.irh hts been o'. firm c.iur ! itvi-i t.ie i dry iy The&atiie r.iveu .lenfive. i ed by the fall lie l ike ti O'j'J i kade.f 'he'cil I field Mirflifj na . ihnuntau roads aga ntt VjI n J fucceo Irfi ,flI)( entirtly to our wifh s , h- eneoiy w4r notonl dnven from all tnei pofitix the wnnred bravery .f :iie Aulfrun too bur forced to. n e 'o Genova in ront.ifl ai.d to leave the verv dvajitage'itM p lion fron Monte Faj i'r nlong F e o Nichol, a well as -he villaae of V. Thus geneial Melas fs, ate d the no Under general M llena bio Mr tn the cit? of Gf". as Lieu enant Rohenzode. n had hkevJ pulbed his ad vtnred p"ft a tar . Pi d'Aiena Major gent ul Co1 tefh'-m. Hi oned on Mourn Fa'.io. his advai pijfs (X r trffog to l-fauo J Flel I Mi I L'eotuan hlnuz tl'i remained on e in bis i fi inn on St. Giacoiao; & cip Le R. uia. with a Divifion of Te fsr, j fended the Cattle on that Mountain., gaintt; he tepea .t and ohltir.aie vtnrh the enemr, wit', are fit. II and per lei ' tnce F it Her accounis be inuhi uy rh hove ennt e'jda'ed bell ri di P.inene, I 2 ard as lla'e, that th pohiiort n I II-wih- becnev ra ed by theensm Ar the iMle nf Vnltri. (kH fiat (he) had lb fled to, Genoa. The CJ i eal o' CiJy has fi'ic ar-anf eil the tx.fi ion ol mj round Ge- 1. 1 """h a niannn h i ral Cue ilin i r i"nre metiMAned ro0ies Mounie F .f 'o Fe' M... fli ill ienin l'.iirri11ein. Mount D zo i : : f it id .11 L.eQtenant O ri'ii:e (, n oni iinnf Medmia della dia : Btld 1 i re bri i I S ir'lf bcr, and Pull, 'he hftfliH slow to ic.ni jp t9 t ihSHIi-L The nd p'Hs ni- unt II 'e, rVCWI ii rnog O; (if - " i T r ' j tr iMsighitrtmn u -vt- o ;e of the fib mm of the ct G al ivlylai copfi icti o iifell i e-ta' m an. the town, ns he is diparcbe I rrtsi Ii s armv - t onfi lera. hie v-d .f kio .ii ioj C'ie i I Units, t i act on the Iptt n! v. b v )-kev. f.r -eaiea s o vlnaiu Ce:i IO proven I he K ench Irrnu pe.ietraiin on tlitl it ie Plicae ire itU'n na net ons tro'ij 0I re'oi e m Lomlnr.lv, w tch e.ieil Me1a .ia. 0t v-t iiip u-h i . e eUs y hi Ue ule. Bfforef1 e h.tie V.d ri, ecer d Ma'r fenn made ;he uiun-fl tx-rions tu effvt a j iiK-tio' w ul ihe F , h iroopa under k-ti eral Souchet, pe n pi, nl , and ion u, Nie, bin wiihoui f r. i (s G- n-.-ral O now ttefore the B&rrs f Gebna, in vlnri e"V tne F nc Msf up.fi, cd many vJ uabl. effects Fron the Anl-ian he.i i. quarters a Seftii di Pnnei tt. a fhon icai.e i un. G IP " Ji On nc 8il mtt. tirelv nrle-ieii b- a an ' an tie ol f to tit he R djnr j" 1 1 .. C isalrv m ee 1 1 e h'ic gftirr.iUf.uiit St )iien o tchi'mt ri-'s b'p'k.ulir L Savon!!, a d t l':.'adr B . ahaM- fl l ... rfe ildOicr Field M. ifhatl Lie i e .n.i on M-i.ue St Giiromo. Bt kffp Mtitr reinfo rFenia con'd 4ria ems a -mke f LwwtnHt M-rflu'l p on .h. .j h. wiih -?no trn, i b lutniui. Tb fny ind dHp. -o ho, '. tnit tr vfl . .-r eii rv r to gir rit If rw Hi le. to ii.fi. rriaf hrimne-l in ' - r , . .fi TUa Uiik.H. ,. crn, .line m th flel V, H, iff'i.,.,, (. rt,,i,rr . . hAv - i.il . . .. tne r iCDrli were en- ' e il , m k of the A H ian Under the (! fa pi Genu'' Our healq.artrta we t i mved tie niKhi toi. kH i.,, Vf ri Jt yefl.T iav were Irani' ler -d h. I.rr. The br le waiteriiblei thernen.v e' ended tin mlelves mi h be f t of deff. ia ion ; hui in -he bfttnifliig ol the aflffti iheir ceute. wat fcpneated. Ken ii. d.v the moi.oMi t round Genoa arr ...xeir I vMth dead hodiet. Muflcna witi tVe ttnta'iiu ! bin late powe fnl army s inn ii' rir u.ri .i-yofGruoa I i i ho' A il ..rcided both hit fae 1 th.it oi Grflv i Yi llrrdat l e made a pro. k ' I l r Miami i no Anllrian pru r' ' vine o ptoifions for them Mcfc vu arrep ed. A fnoo as the bnt tr.iiif teri'te I (hall Ive lai.de. fr..m the Eimi Hui C noa mini IM, and Manena wi h tie 2 ooo men ha dill .n, with him (n rr.ev Yaflrrday arrived a courict fiom Fi. d Marfkall Flniiz, with an ac- .... ''atiht f e.irh had attacked ttie ia.h mar finale, but tfre lepuPed It great loff. 1 re citadel d Savnna ran POM lurrrndrr ftemant of mm. faun. The grrati r atl r,i . rjf fas.drv k it r in.jn-.. r.rar nrrjoi. I til I t t hlh clnfp. a om aiuc ie t" ro .lt. nd m ,-n ,f,ei, fin. i The fmoke flew off" towards the ftace. and te miferable wretch who fired the fhot Ibof expofed to every eye. The people in the pit and orchelira immediately joined tn exertion, and he. .was dragged over the pikes into 'he latter place, where he wa feiured The audience in their anxiety, an.l fearful of his efcape, tnfilted that he fk uld be brought before t hem on thett.e. m this ti ne ne had been carried acrof t iic ftag;e. Mr. KrMy and Mr Bannitter came fdrwanl and .Tinned the audience of this tarf i bui the ai.diance tt ll anneaved rtif iihefHn of all if -c contented . and it was nn until alter re reared alhira- ces from Mr. Bnm.'itter and M . Jrda., ththey were at length fa. dad ha was in la'e etiftodv. "Mr. Sheridan, afiitted by Mr. Wigftcad, ' ie M'iftrure, proc- Jed itnmedia ely to eaafn.i.if me man. in tne room imo which be had been coi dintted, and where he had been fi arrhed to fee if he had any other f?e arms, or papeia. He had none. Mr. Tamplih,. a trumpeter in the band, who i flitted in taking him oser the Orcheflra, recognize.' the man to be a fol.ii r, and pulling npefi his coat found that he had on military wadtroat, with the button ol the iftfa Light Dragoons It wanan old oi. fi r's waifl coat. On heinp qneilioned hj M Sheridan, he Ii id " he had i o nhjec .on t.i tell who he was It was m t ose yet. there was a great deal more & worh inbe done. Hi name ws James Ha fie Id -he had ferved h ti - e to a Wvfkini t i ..i...:.i. ui'k.j aiali L. . i . ii nan fiini.e i nun inr It). iuht dragoons, and had fought far tin King and cnuniiy " At this the Pi hue i f wa.ea and Duke of York entered tin mom, ia he prefent at .he rxan.inntinn He imandijiely mined tothe)Mke ai f laid-' I km.w ynar Royal H.ghnelt Cod blels you. You are a good fellow. I haste served with your Hihtiels, ai.i 'pointing to a deep cut over hi&eve, and another long fear on hia rheek) faid, I gnt larie, ami more thu iheie. in fighiing by your fide. At LincePes I was left .her hours among the ikad in a ditch, ami was taken prifouer by the French. I h.'d m arm broken bV ffiof. and eiUi fl., tsoundt in my bead t hat I recovered, and here I am." ?e then gave the fwilowin . w . Ai Li e i. . . a nuwni in nimiru ana cmnuct : iAkI ?ton the toth did great dan. age te .r Fieocb in their teireat Irom ,r. V W l' I ) lo Vo.ifl. UMt.t irepa hat ire f.Vi.m s-ftanre, fu f qneHtly ivif,fr trpb s.l.ad' tQv,rt all nor 4 fxrfiaii', . e'.n as i.ain ai I rnr-, . . r i -j. i"i(u'd bevl l pa r ( , v f.. '.'ft nw i.oie iiaj.i.ei n J J ; ut lie LONDON, May it. hm wea reviav. tn Hvde.Fark IJ . . M . ' rrirentiy fiiicharge i fmm one of wets. w up l.il a ni..n niu.m f-... ' rvi leiiv. in in ih,k ... i.. ..n u.. - --"Ti t run nin.icn ina crcd perfon of his Maje fly, or Hud a', ran dom, as the one. caie would be H gh 1 icatori, the other not. He afked Handheld, bat induced him to attempt the life of the beft of Sovereigns ? He ardwered thai he had not a temptrcl (o kill the K-trg. He had fired the pillol over "he royal box, ti: was as goid a (hot as any ir, England ; but he was ..himfeir weary of life he wiflied Hot dk aih, but not to die by his own hands. He v.av defir ais to make an alarm ; and . wiflied thai t'ie fs etta tors might fall upon him. He h ped .hat Bts. life was forfeited. " He whs a& d ifh be longed to the Correfponding S.aieiy ? He faid, ' No ; he belonged lo no poll, ical .foci ety ; he belong' d to a club of 1 Id ; ahd wa5 a member of a Benefit SccietyV And being alked if he had,ariy. acomplii.c, . he folemnly declaierP tha( he .iad ntlne, ifhd with great energy look God to wiinefs and laid his hand on his h art. From this time he b gtn to fhew manif ft figns of a mental derange meni. Whenafk d . who his father was .? Ho faid he had been and till ion to fome Duke ; bat could ntj.1 fay what Duke. He talked in a mvilerious w .y o'f dteamsj and ofs greatx mmifli n he hdd . ceived in hi fleep1, ihat t e knew he was loHaae a martyr, and was to be perfecuted like hi ; . great mall r Jefus Chrifl. He had been per- 1 (ecu'cd in France ; but he has not yet bem fufficiently tried. He knew what , he was to endlire ; but he begg- d Sir Wi !iam Addu g ton to remember that Jefus Chrifl hadhis 'trial before he was cruc ified. He fnd nu; y oilier things in the lame fly le. William W akelin, the perfon .firun whom he had baught the pilhU, being brought to he houle, was examined. He faid n was trro that hebad bougiu . pair of pitrols of him, and ihat he had laid 'hey were for hi oung tnitli cr, who would give him a blunderbuf. He knew vciy little of Hai dfi Id, but kn: w where he worked, ai.d had heard a jJond l atacier of him, but that the lesft drink aft tt- d h.s head. beveral ptrfons from ihe houfe of Mr?. rdafon,his uctjuai'ltance, ronfiruvd his fart ; and they faid they afcribed this "to ih T-iy fe veic wounds he hdd received in die head. The lead drink quit derrned Ii m. Upon tbis evidehic h- was comaiiited to V-.ifl nfls .r r'-ex.iniii.a.uju. All thi did not deay the ifi airTcal per- foinruttce more than a quarar of an h.r; but the iTppearancg of he loufe during that in er val, and the v.holc i jm , wav nteianiBoly, The King was principally engaged in con verfafinn with the Marquis i f .ic (b irv. At the I'Ooclufion of ihe Comedy, God favr. the K.' , " as diner fu g, with dlj i piaud is of ev y pari of th aiidie .ee, a d fol owed by &ule B i anpia. with no lei effect. Aitrr the l'arce, Gd five the King, was ag n r . prated ; and Mr. She idan fit down I . afl , and on ttefpurof the o. cjiio , w pic lh' Mr it.wuig verle, vilnchwas liibj' tnu to -ha- luy al aii bv Mr. K ily, w tli the mofl l.at.,. rf- trut v 12. " rromev-v la em foe, - Fiom die . (lalli 'sbiosr, ' itod f vc the Ki"g ! " OVi him h ncunv ex r r.d, For Brii'ao's fake drfend M Our Father, IN bee, and Fi:rrd, Godfavcih King!" The Rcyal Part then departed, amidd he prayersand plaudits of th- ciuwihrj eifl , who while they thus mamf. lied iheir ftacerti rrgatd for a virmoni magnaruro ns Soetetgnt fufti.'ienilv tr.aikrd iheir ind gt ation at ihe i. iidiil f ihe ireahmab.r all 'Im wiiubatrl darrd te nm a blow at the hh of a Prince fu j alily endeaicd lo all hit prople, linmeiluiely after ihe depauure of tlu Royal family fiom the Theatre, a!1 the on . mams unmrdiatr.y adjoining ihe bnx wereia He laid that haviuQ been difehame,! en do vnand minuiely exauuinL A fl. ' - A from the araiy on account of !. w .mds P,ete Jrad. ah at tne liat- of a ball 6t flu he had retained to l.on.hni, and im.v , 4 fon.l n ihe onht ilia, nd nc . f lh m t bv working at hia own trade. He mad- piaflen a p-snd tube picned wuh a ball ; hot good deal of money i he worked for Mr. ,om svcie inclined lo tbu.n the hide was a Solomon Hongham. Berg weary q f liff "P1"" el a fer-w. ht inll week bonght a pair of p ftU ftom It was ml! prnvitleniial hat at if is Theatrs) one William Wakelin, a hair drefler and ,f,c R01 bo is eleva-rd mo.e than t j (eel bmkeritiSt. John ftieel fMf. sbrridan ku Ihe pi ; fu i.lat, fr.m the puc wnere and W uftead immrdiatel) let pefonsio Haedfirld levelled his pdl ', he vm I ri-cei hung Wakelin and his matter miee fori. 3 "id 4 . ftct d.lbot froos h 1 M.j- fly ' prf tre.) Hetoldihcmil.atiheyweief.il bis l'n' yoang matt err who Woul ( ,ur ai abloiu! Miy 90. derhufs in exchange . TI at he I gd her- YiaVrdaf morning, an account of the Sps. rnsr-ed icrawo from bit matter that mm a n.tti fq-.adfuo, coafnline of ief.l Hops ofhe .ng. wh ifh.c he lmdliight fou.e -w. ,nc and fuga e wbuh hadfur fae lire ner, ami nan enne der ami bad enne to the hoeft of M s. blocV.rd up oui fjnps ni Cinon,' having lendrr) Mafbn. Red Lion ttieel, to have fume then fl. hs, and rciwtncd 10 Manilla 10 rb. beer thai he went Innkwarda 10 the vard The warchoNfet in hi. h the Hcnr were de. an. intra n en r i, fs.loi . He found ,,t ,.r p fned arc!nitf ,v fire, when frr weir .11 theuifloniMor 1 oth-ng. and Iff- it I rblwd drHtwrt, whu t, hs bft de dm eotiiv'y rWot. In his own im:e be w'ed rid, ar.J definme of fails a-.d c rdree he ritt hin.lr If 1 m ri..a Ws. i.;.i. 1. r j ,..-.. 5 . if r ai i" fi .1 1 tn.mli ,1,. n 1 . 1 . L. ... --"-ar uaaie Ltnii ti q. aflirfi i tti'en 'o -'.icnH.ii. ii,. Mi i.,.i, ... mvui i .i.,rui .h. jt, p.h i.iau .k,ad.; c