1 f f T H E W I L3M N GTO N GAZE-TT E: FTTu S D il Y, A PU 8 it-it i H E D W E E K L Y B Y Tiiee Dollars per Amijiin. j U GUST 14, i3oo. ft L L M A N D Ha t. T;. i Vol. IV. No. iSS CoAtmuirtiori of Foreign Nt we. ARMY of RESERVE jL.-r Tff. gour.'il of ' dh'ift.n comfrcii-'r . tdpante guard njT the army of rtjtrvito. retinal BcrtLir. ,r ' flead-quarters, Aon, Mry iS. ' Vc arrived thrV-wning .at A'-lfr, l cA'ok, with the 61 H lifht and r regimVtf. We found.i.hr enVmyon tti? heirhtj of the town. A htt!ion o' the tth.had 01 del f to turn it ; they diefrnot expc . i t il l- r,.en.i t ; they re urncd intot .wn & nia e ?-l"i'tr .t- fi ta ice tfe bridge. They were ovcrtlii.-. w n -'he bayonet ; tliev had iwelv,' killed .and.one dj&ci mott'allv .wounded. They left us thfec pr Koor of our men were either k'l ed or wui - :C ., ; ' I AKM FS. 1. j ........ 1 .AHo the '.nvr' Bor, tWi. etc i .... j - Y 3 lir a til , t vn, rear-ad en, al J'o.iei ; arJjTtii tan . ... ft 1 he chan-.r 1 i.u thii rn Jiuing to ti Brtii. A ,"-,-. Vi - i-. j ... r .v. , L v:i pool. Sherry, w..h DITT H-. Mav 9ft channel Beet, tltc Varj, of 7 j. Kjcne: rktley j Ai'as.ofqs $um, cpr x-, 01 3 guns, cautam Ct'-;i ficmTorbay, pifiVd,the Snu.il w;watd-,fbou,ci on a crCHe O'ft iPiif.ri. 3cd. Tha fiihiewai; laii t vcorngior Mourn, My ?..' ,1 land'Eill-Iodia fl.et pifled fc.. Dawns. Tbt Ajneti l.ifbon , tr Gi ficncl. ptujra Berthier io the lirjl Conful. Head (int;ei Anita, May 19. 3 ;A M. I pive vou a account tit'izen tonlui. Oi trie ar!?ir ! .' " AM'1 Vhtcb toon piace vBtfay, at v 111 (fc cvemag. . -j-'SJ? B rtl C'.iMe'lon. , ! CTinp'.ciely Gfuctal Lannes' atrived at hniir beFnte nifb'. 'ull iinCf t o vf betoe CtiaicHon, aai fnund tke' nemv on a!T tl.e ; gjj.t and 'ill nciffnts v.lncn hit ma it. ik 1 n;,n t ' amine j.meH 1:10 tw them, mi the pertutfmn that general Mutlcr wnuld ' bit CBDinanili arrive time enoi'eh io turn thrm ; 'i'u the nbfiadrs j wbicli t ristt peneial hart met with r frdeclihii marc'i. Gcne:a' Lann;$ dec ('ert orl a warm aajar.'' The grenadiers of ihe ?ad rsrriedjhc v:lla:e at th' pnint of thebaynct. Oi'.e hn Hrcd men of t'ie 1 at h re f.tti'ent of bnffara "Jd rrc ;vrd older' tt ftiia're, Vc.i:ade 3000 prffrmerr, killed r wrurri"ij 1 co, fpok two our poundeis and lour w.igons ladtn tvith nuncii.'ion. General Wttrin is wii'a a part of tbedvancinrr rg Cblmr.bi j, IVi-jcocV., fram :. is captuied by I'Elperanc . niu can 'tn ii'io Aii'Titras. DM, ttlil'iirpal, May .4. 1 epi'iiic.'Mi 1 tooo nai-e aM.w edT conJifliiig of 18 (hi;. AYOF THE RHINE. TV o I f: fill o iiij, ntid a ereit many Iri :lTc'ir.. This nav.il farce wilt be lor-. iu-'ffirjn; ;'i.hc prmcipa ol which wiil idmiW d WtBier. . " EffiGftAfHR3 DISPATCH. f if MorftiU t il'? Mmrfflti of War "Ifii I'lt-.y-,.' 1 P.inal, Miy n. 1 is rrcr hiag uiyi. tbt af ; y ; cvc.y ih.tig TI." Juns 1. . 1 iie council- for decidbi;? on priie caufejj yefter. "day oi&tKd ; e .American fhi ukviiby the G.iaCoid id ftwvoiii-e, to . e rei'-orra. w th c fts. . . 1 5. GaUpVay'ip- - Tflc Brench entertd Bieentz on the :oih at Vltfentimes May 17. Tlvi-Aulrrbna ate ctim 1 it'in he fau t of advrv cing rjri'td more towards Ni e. -Periupj they there ,i.thi-- moment. Genoa lipids. cu.t Wf '.'."" Jo the inieia!.fmtiiivifwn$ file, If, The prefen- e cf the (irft eonfil has imprciTed un affonif'ning. .jnove.-ncttt upon all o: erationa '1'hs.ani ,'lerv ha paffed St. R'nsi Wi'. o not ttoti ii,it:-'t to.ni nimv ail the" .ir.r.iy iii1 be, in Piedoi . t. We 1 am f i :,m hiu laun. &t tho.fii 'Uonf.i !t; -a tit t lit fame dsy ! Ctr'rc; 0 -fig planer ii urt'i'i' .n . org, 1 tty 'oniftpfidc oi c ;ger.tz and feldjs.,irh. in ficditioni . vi e may uwrcrorc noitant iitvv'a t'm that a'l srter, j ... . nard, more' than half way'fjrom Chittellon, at ,t c fort of Gard. General Lani ca we-1 to-day, at day break with w.tjat. tr .fir-i he h irl , p cm ry tlv heights cf the CiftiV. J fbH be there myfeff, with the Ar tillery vsdiich I have fent off this night. (.Signed) A. atRlHEIR. ' LONDON, Mav 59. Buonapaitte, o. ilate t'.c 8'li, v.-:::? to jhi miniftcr of the iiitei'ior-, 'hat in three day all wnubl Vo?cr fo in frsrp'eSf im Gf c al M:la, thus mrniidAl iy threatened, matt aife ,.b ' all hn forces : aid If he h not a'realv ta!;cn Gmos, he will ptjj. ly be in-iur.ed to ab'ttdMi the.ci'terorizc, for hit forces do not idmil of bi i( divided into two rivifiont f.ifFicieiit lm',h to co'r-e with the at my of Buonap trtc, and ti wi bflanl the (.nmh.ncd eflvr;i of Malf". ra and Svehcti To 'li s threatre of war, th reloic, '-very eye i di tcled. Tlic even's which it is about .0 exh b t mVoiv the foitunc of the campaign and . the w;ir. The Moniteui Hate , thai lhfc AuTviansare prepar ing to q it the.Gt ifons, and to re ite into the Tyrol. Should thii prove uue, th: Ficnih, at the f mc pa. p-r afferti, muft foon he a. altera ot ail .he parte LW"-; -'--J ' -v., , . ,th fmu hat ...c cor.a f.l L ui.ic 11 10 tinatk t l.eghnioior the MtlJOd'c, and that England is t fe o adCQ troops un er reneral Abercroniby. If j this Intelligence which mmrt from Traiikloit, be; coref5i, it e?p ai 1 fa iififl tily the dctlinati n ol the j fops latrly fcut loth Mrditerranran. ltitl- jOh nat t row tome umn on trie mydetinui ff.in ol an afli n haviug t;kti p'a c be wce:i Xlebe' Aid Ite Gr'arid Vizier, .if 1 at our rnate fia'a enable u to l nm n op t ion, the tollowing ap. peiritobethe !a : Our ecu anJer in thf Me oitciraatan rtt be fh Wei tl c e infl union f-om our govrnmern fe'ufed f e r?fT- -.c to any fhipt frJini leaiandria : in fhe interim the Grand Vi cr Can cted tl e French to na uatc Cairo, Ac. and tc att a if the pittports anil ( tiiiartce fraaa t'.e At' j uflhe Potle '. ad hern- abridy procured. Kl btr, 1 ..ever, thought o:h;tviife, and bclcic theconcui. ie-" ol oar taLinet COH'4 r.;ie, matt ra had pre ccc4 d fo far aa to oeca.rton the mi'ftAadctf.Mdbaf whHhardtibt 00 a renew al of hofiiltttw. A lette. from gentlrra-. atfuhed t .,S.r fidrey ?Bti h'i (juadma, aud which wej btrtufht ,y the tettU l ihr lad oieiline d'tpn h Ii nn India, gte th; fo lowimr detail refcedinait-i aiTair t HoiUliuci e.e uir.peicdiv texed bv the Trench, whe the uiand Vttier, had arivanc.d with- lutpir. . , v. .ft k very imall DOdr Of tro .t vilh. I ic lea'uca of C im Hit dfe( wat I lear. 1 I 5 the Depai tmtnt of tjjf Jfvy the Municipal Agents D'atniJi 111. j Fluf-a'i, Mava. ftscrs 'f.', dttf.to ;u ..bois father thtri have operted ;o the 'enrrnv t!i road of T y 'e ure th. !e ol the depatt ity w 1V1 to I lie the i, they fh.ll find , of ihis they hart fp-.-e'ral lime had fatal blU.it mii.h; be p. ffiolexhal malevolence ov our m eivaty reycrSea oexcte trcu- Lie1, Yi rc majiltr?tci q'f he 'people ; yru ouht Ten per to CO. ti( our f o 't merit. . their toi expc.irr iiiev hrd F.&:S: M'v s tr. o: tu Mi vi War. l'lh( al my ch le and the Pene ope wi'hi nnfket (hot, raki ig -her,vb eff fts-ef whofe well direfled hie, du 1 g then'gbt, lau (hot wa hei rrnin. and inizen tay 1113 tt a ,d main yards, ihe'eaemV appeared in gte-it 1 iA fnfima Leinir rrrlnrrii til Via head fails, ccin wiifi tae wind on life .q urter. .1 The LtoAwa run clofe a.O :g fide ; the raid arma ofboih ib.ps being- jult c ear, when a dcllruttiye. broidlidool three r und (hot in each pun Was poured ' i 1, luffingup aciots the bow, when the enemy's jib fco'jm pa.ffcd between the mn and mizen fiuondi ; alter ? thou interval 1 hid the plealureto fee the b om carried a wayand the fbips dit'ei:tairg!ed, rnaiitain in? a polition acrofa the bow, firing to gteat advan- I was not t'leleaft folicitoua either 10 Iratdorle bJanicd, as the enemy 'appeared if imiienfc buU and fjli ofjnen, keeping up a prodigious hie ofmnlque trv, which with the bow chaffs, Iher.ould tot a louj tiin?Only ufc, I found it abfolute;y ncctciljiv, if.pof- to kc p liin iqc nroirlh ;e ul ttita lfHP ; atter bti.'tfc cogged about iilty minutes tfie ri'Odfoyant w.' Icisi under a prefa ot cnvs, and foon "".pi '.lei hailing tfte enttny to ft i'e, which bein derline1, a yeiy hcjvy fke l orn bath (hips, broacdde to bread, ftdcy was mofl gailantly maintained, the.. Lion and J'epdtJe fiequ n'.ly in htu.'t on,s ?to dgfeat execu 'i ) ; -in (hort, fir, a"ltC th? hotult aclion that pro" a biy wis ever maintaine.i by an enemy'j fiiip- npoo fed t- tli ;("e of his ms-fty,, ani being total y difniaf ted, 'be Fieacli 'jVmifal'i dig and colours were (iruck. ' . . ; I ave 'not ianfiiat to exprefs t'-. hign fe'nfe of . obligation I feel uiyfelf under to cani. Blackwo')d of his pio.upt and able con uft in 1 adiiib ih li n lu i s'an.i what your refp in- iitfnii are yowr It is to 'itfi u t 111 menu that ut (acuities toe enlar t:l, an.n tlut our de otton ourlit mtfted : wij mu.'l (. th ; example of laci i ti'pare your fellow rttizciiato defend ihc.n- h tbrenigy of a Ir c people ; 'mould our 11 iory be piofancd, ici every mail become j let every h n., be ulyd for arms, mould wa.it "f. Httttrl. Our rtii.ur.t.iin.r, our po(i- Iceusma " itc '0 d ti id on telve i w it 1 oui ins j wc fhjuld tie iuv uci ile, lor it is ciui (li3t we u.iciid. A) vjur vox let t hat love urv which pro-lured our tuft fjicce.lcs, a. Ill heattt ; ei every one 1 af , rr.d be readv nut leiiiblccry which I an; about to dufe lid lo aims ! ;a.o) C. FAUCHEF. ARMY Of RESERVE. be General in Chief to th army. UilOtK Ul TH DAY. Branrll er, o F totes). May tCr -r ia tr. .fx ta ,-.in-i, L v'Cliei . that 01 Ii al v contends agjinl an army tiiclit m mmbctCi ami balttaes the vic( r, by pu- j t tt valour. It it l"r yod, my roffj) Dm, 1 h' m in el ry. aid to i--.onquci be on! the that bri'lianl theatre rii flench vlour. Cotfa s ! toe hooi i t hat ie 11 ci ne; vou hn-ts bu o lal lb .fe oi f iidierj,fi nuny ttiy.es cio'q.i rtii; il lc.r with thm Io (up, ttrt puvat'pii., and tavrih fnXpitt UtotrttoW trojn sjrsr. Never rid nuutcrs. S rt;ts mo ami , hat .a. I "u'yiUai. ed by valor and onspaite it nca'yoiio rn ii ut n w tnupn ; y u wt I prove that- yea I il4 i-e Itj-ave n.rn svlm.h ve ir-. ieird ihentfelves U in ihe ar 1 lai.n and hti '.-inuv . l.t peace .tons joa, and y w arc g ira- 9 cuA it. FARM. ?';vt4. ieco'dirl let cm . .. . 4 y from S rt tun h.ve got licgemi 9 Ami - The cVcfof the geoui'si tbsti tht army .ill . 'y wutcitc. the ininifUt 01 w 1 1 l. iiiA a ice, uude, date 1 at. 10U. ot May. . . u.au n.;ri au. irt, th o.it.u.- " I We the honour to inform you of the vcty a-! r f " ... r.'',L Za ( hi. iA. ree,blc ime Ugefie.e wf.tc., I h.ve tins moment re-:,, c n mc ot t f,;gatcs;t0 your di'f. cef.cd-rotn Rer.crl NMfena. . 4ttimrtena 1..,.. U nnnecciTuv to rrmi.t 11 r .n,. f . ,.. n tllj iih .h i .(.n..i ' Y o J o -wre ' ii. MIS ium wv o 1'"' ' fv"i . Wf rMl ,.1... A firti an roaiJeafor.ie.mVoltri completely defe ted the en-1 w(lft pvcr g corAizrrA t0U m,jeft) emynci too from them WlfoMH J t-.st t,rmination ol thetfe mujf be attri ..1 irac 4.11 ai.u 51 Bfuuut w'" i;v 7000 loirited hie of Ih of what real value and t npottance Inch an offi er s (eivtcr ; the attributed to the .....! . ...i.r. 1.- thai he rrtd before taken, gives . total ei H,8.u.o tr.iwa ..,.. 1, '.. 't..m' J.u 1 ,k- . i-unaiu " II 1 IJ. juuiy U-V -1 pa; uvi aiiwiva 1 iiij r. . ... . ',.... . , many hv-ias gained dnrinir ihe WJi nit rriv noes in pruviuona are nt?t taii-a ra. rte . . h, r; j f . . . u: .1, .,. c .u . .j . l ri, r 1 1 t- .1 ..! ui. . Ga.t. B.ackwood fpvana m very high terns of the ucuunnerieciiy leconoiu ny 1 r iiiii.iini-ii s u ve- a. 1 1. i a. t . i .i..irp , 1 . -. .... . . ..... JZ tr:! anilDil.aii! riinHiitt nf i ant.I.nnrr. ot the V inri" it not, who art in the beft d .Ipcfiti n lowird hrsT' t Th,; mintUer at wa ha, bee taform";o from o ilier quitieri, that the city of Gtnoa was viulled for 3.1 di s.onthe 15'h May, and that diffcffiVt .up plies continued to ri adi it. A cny ertified to be ronrri' m .bl.. (Mgnc.d,) C .RSOl." It is evident on the o c hmd.-t it tlic armv cf ; d ring the niiiit : and 1 bee fo 'mention the Ictvi .ea Of capti. Broughlonanl Mtll'r. j "The crippled erudition of. the Ljon anl Foudroy. ant, ra dt t nccclTity fjr mc to direct capt. Bl ck woo'd o take pofTVlfi un of the ene ny, take him m ft and pioc ed'to Nyiacufe. 4 I tcccivcd ihe greiteft polT;b!e affilance fiom lira. . - .... t n . r .jc 1 : ...j r , 1 r ' t 1 lc 4111 r'lepu r.icy, itiuor ddkci 01 inc 1,1011, ana elet,ve purines it1; 11111X11 w.th luc els, and on theo-'r ' i 1 n l .1 ., Y. .,. ., , , . , liom Mr. Snencc, he mailer, who, topoliier wi'.h the o Ws'- fRcer'j and (Hip't compau , ftiCwcd tlie mo I h r, that Genoa wi 1 h Id in long iha.i i neced'ai to re-rltahlilri he fortMiie ol mtr 11 mi in Italy, wh l Moieiu ksrs in chec .atu dctcatstlic. Impc, tal for C'l. in .'ermany ; xtg r'-cejye intci ag.-f cc mat lie i.i marchinj; gainft AugiBu.gh, le vti.g,y.m blockaded. deter.mil ed i.allauiiy. Cap'ains fir Eciwa d Berry and Blac'wootl haVe repo ted to me t he amc ga lant and animated 1 c 'j yior i.t the offi:ers and c.ews of their relp:ctive (hips. I am forrytofsy that the three fliipshave f u iTe ed much in killer1 aiid vvoundetS, ani that ihe lefts of the ene.v.y is pr dirM ui, bemg u, aids ot two bo nd red rri'it :!me"rt.-3 ., t, . r. , . ' I reipr von tp tn fe ol n r-o'j'ts ror i.i.ilicr Aufttia ueie taT.en'n'-t '.' iT'' : rnVteh,oM; . .',,.:, '-,( m i - f. o, ,-t . 1, , 7 . , tine thcn-mortO 'ijHiaiir, He, at TJic. &c. a h, magasines, SPd la confideiabli rttlkry are in , P. - Ttie G illau ne Te I it of -he laip.ft dim. ii atn V II 1: lun retreat toir... .1. .1.: ... r... j... !.' . .1 '.JMII.I llll IV- It IV u ncrh Oil I P t. 'V.T A 1; MY OF THE RHINE, Bern, M y 12. In h 'er from en;r.l L-,ou be to general Mon- ICVi t tit timC! llj'i- . 1I11: in ih 4ul 1 ' rtl ln.li.l. ourowcr. i::c i .llii.n 4111.1 m. Un rcucil Uun, to vvhi.h we re adva .cing to give then a ull battle. (Signfdj fc'ioiii one ; thnugh h km polTi flion of C itt Iti'Og theT"kiOi eaal ft fhit retched Gaia. The Capi io Par tordav wiiha fupeit II foor fillies, tod fix d boa d. Fiefh it'-icty re 1 y fide of ihe empit ai!e trie. rn., aie n Wi ' YSTdifgrttctMiiy p.ouai fantry are fid to hav-1 hiK.,ihe F eeh. wrre p,r Mis Wighncfihas, I hop A r, I it the M y at A llt Occu, u: Ua-n t o! Ulln. I" fiom th f 'he R'n.c 411 gen, Ktti .r. I ba lie LECOURJJE. Ftomthe LrHlAoN GAtTri, l.ne 3. . A'lm'ualiv Office luns t. C pyof a le i , fta l Vki a-l; i-.i l.oidReith, coniiinier in crnefnf hit rn j?t 'j fhip, and vet. I icit in U'c m ni rtmt.eaii.tu hvro Nep n, e.q. da J-lei on boaid the1 fhsp Mmotaui , olfCcuat tlt 7 h an. bt p'Ctfrd to llir inctnfcd ropy of a t lt mijrnVa flthi Lion, 10 Bart, coniaiuine arana.iv 1.1 rol r C gun deck, twe tr-four pomdert on ihe main deck, tevc pimiidcis on th-qiuitei deel:, and thirty two pound canotitdes on ihe oor. ' A return of the number 11 ed and wounded on boar.' his majflly'a ihipa as undctmentioncd, in a I'dn with the Gu llaumc Tell a French (hip ol eighty four guns, in ilia 30. h ol M. ch, 18 . Foudroyant 9 kiliru,6i wounded. L on. 7 kil cd, Twouiidtd Peueh pe t killctl, a wounde1. OlU cia ki'.rd or wounded I o .dir;yiit .'( a plain Sir Edward B'iry. knight, fl.g.nly wounded, but did ict quit the dec - ; II ul J. A. Blow,' wounded 4 Philip' oiiri'.' boaif(ai .ditto; Edward Wr'l, m id m p . sn, ditto 1 Gt t'lviile Piby, oid hipmao, fluto . 1 honm Cola .til t A . 1 "uftf, : 1 u. u,k m.U.h. .;.i,,,. L.11..1. j. H. A, . 1 ttivn 'ii. aag.ia i-v'4 iiun a a i will CitO , lM At'. ,V 1 m e citcomflaticea ai- A1 , , ,, ;j h..M I ,,A . i . " ----- --r efoVe ih ir ordRiipi, liti.ii tap'. Dixon, of Thomas Trnu no ol inc aim tails of o. rtationr : Mmheim hat lien evseuttcd by Use Aoltunt, and 1 . al, ... Id . ff. I . I ..t. .. II f m Urt ej '- un i toe iiif f.'v troora ie in puScioii ol thai place at well at Hi pi or, I ,i tl i c .lion. The han rtble ieUirr . iv borne by He mcrnanuut coweutt ( thfi lii. n him in tha i uriait a i; cipiuie ol ilm tin io aittacl ihei fordfhip't alien is the liondr ol thrit rountcninc. r,i ti. I have she honor io to-, in, dec. &c. uni. a ell ula a I io.iil l.tt in.ietrV'a f ' , I. it m.jr.iy t. Diaonnn igag.-d ith Alcatn .. r lion J. I'tnchptMr Dar tbjtr, midi Her, Kiilra :i, wfluiidc.l MANLL DIOtT. KM IH. brc lo luif t, Our Ply mmi'h letl't ol ih'i 'tv flttettU in I ti" flltoek ll 0 ' tr, t laid Mm h i hi was ftlleti ia ri tv 1 1 , tir, i m ariifd ibai the conSbifd H'rti niJct drr geui. -.. , t. r-'i ' i CtwfjfU b y rtt tvery It up tviih ifi n? ti , i Thru t.e p ci ! IM rf v b H M I o ; It aid ba temetfting i ! ii, Pa ii At tb cl the rtiatdj ot ny, it WO, j one reting lie Fira.h I P'l. rhttt th flU Vin.ni letter. inniiKr dcltaicd heatmy ol Ite I.- 'i ; ei t ii g vett i ei bib r Un c Itefl '.it 1 lo Iota. AS the Freo'h tat d poaritl, and that lbs am cement in.pc b lad o tlibir ihit u S t ( May ti I it VI I p.Ktr po t.y obligti tae lurks p HpOlll hr co. !tf i 1 1 1 dr d To i Il It in , esptbt SlP, I ha r lha h -finr t, 0 'it ki u o'clock diHsni j leagues, the tejeM l'li ot g-iot flagol Cm it Daatl pia i d ii "n i ' a rra I, io hit majfily'i , at fta, Cape P offer o, March-, il io. ' Extracts itom Patis yc received at -Phi!a- dcl(hia. PA R U June s, Port r a day we have hid no news (torn the Chief Conful lie bad tnloitn d hc f on lilt CtinoaceiTt, Am he fhotilJ be fome ci i wi'H-ut wiii ng. lo t liidd'ii fi Coca a r ounre I1 a 'Hccuiuhi of (m gtcat iul i ry cprtsiio . Pnii ibj Itajftii, Hu nrp.tra hti net ptucd a dty wiihoui viiit n. io his taila. I inretm veu,' that veAertlai c.cnin t, oi to mm. licit tu weir tea o. ie de thon reeruo a elcrdt m el ici go dv pi: loner r, in r ok 4700 of lOVlliwIi. lot I Ii I" I ! I li 4) igra, ihtt Gen Moresu had Krtv, lo in'onn him ihtt 'l,n gti anieciHe fail 1e HMh'ai.o tl I hh h hi ti will nm ha I the en!, aioMtit lien re h II . r.l t K n pi H wi hicn Wat nilifTy St (01 p ICMt II of Wi til W.tut ad I'oa Ice mp 11 tap t -1 IW t cm fOatb hi t come lictn .May a6, letter Jrtm tfeJThu Cynlt$ the av- zat i 4m I M m I tr V th U Tbt bUe' 111. t am M b n b I" iit 1 tier r' o 1 r IK 1 f Al MOt IH. rMMi 1 1 Hill b I'illitiip, i ut Mai. , Ml) I, Mai h I ALi. ia ike mi r It dikani PredMMl j !4 at May. Itvdfi ohca chile v 1 Ink. and tin' r tltoii m 1 ' irn'i mp il, k appi vr iC s wi M4 On n own M'ftodct wi.k C palH itfjfctli yod a i nli n( ra- srat foidy ftiidfd tin' twJ,N a ii(. ,n r-lh. I hght writ 0am fMn ha ina d ioka, I laaadm) in earn captain i"t lo d" t . t d tu re- Htlji M. K tttt tt, t r tia I nf , k'". Aa 1 ." tt f tka ' ut ik Ficncl wr-S. Ihe. ol tie X Vr tinted of tka rapttld. ti. 1 1. tr 1 .rote ike can filter ik Ctrpi. oilgviud in a,w(. it, im , p 'tied ai tha r wt r itcei , lb. i;. Inawivajajiappi 'taot biE'i4 -in foil to poiat ' Mtoe'aj 'it, i'J -i it k ta. a r. 1 i P 9 1 i 1 - - '! .c ' 111 Ii I J I mm 1 . 1 ' " 1 1 1 r i . .t ""I i ' - m . -