7, ' V r 1 . . i 1 1 . . .1 --.-1 . !r.-ij ..r n .11. .i,. -P h r-rnra i' ne i.ena,rr-; .uni 10 cue w,,c,i -run ii i(tverv point ol view in mobrtdnu. which couil be cilt upon, him, . - a. . I w . - itch iU-iTiTvj(ip?eifs ,Mf,smiw I bv he virelt,and fpulaf wretches, 'Whtc T' t' 15 IBV i .J.i ."". ,,n;.rf l.v thai itik-erv opiiU ol view . S " ---- - V wuh oui uinior ni Ufrty, ihn oy otiifr mao to ;ae t ,r- mSSZ ? - -J , P." purfueU wuhouny cella Caad"." A I thii is verv wt" St I hive made it a (10 Until hcretirerr from office. Mr ink, and tiir (tmcn.embtr ot Congiefi told me 'It ' was appointed (iet. oltfce. A lit"- mJ nrr thai the-.ver a mai' advanced rn nn nhii of vmmthii sin lajfour of M tw.v, m im them with fufoici v, and cSnficler il 11a DlanLoluii us to d ep. and-, keep u a cut :iberitf were taken 1 , v-lo r, 1 1041 m favour of Mr. Jeftwfon, ihV u wvyorpawer la lay thaufand tliintt moria fwof of Mr Adams. Voter. Mr. yoiHe whit 1 ..ailed, mtfie phrafe of th world, a gswl man you are, ioaultrionajnd nuke large cropt noooe fendijener b'SSo t&. mar ket th .B yontfelf md your prk is always jOT up in the Tjeft ord r let me give you a piece of advice jo -home and le-about your corn, and prepare a held forthe next year's whr leave the difcufli n of Mr. Adami't principles 10 tbofc whj have reid hia bonk. Adam f unfolUtrJ xntejrriiy, along devoiion of fal tfU'ft Breat talents to hib 'country's caul'e. ouTitiiicnd the molf eminei.t and didinguiflied tiugu fervicrt, were nvertoaked, and a torrent oloniiiy for yean, was pouredh u'ndij him from eery jaro!,in fooiety, unnl lie f 01 gh t fo r peace jh n fi t uati on , whjcli was lefs obnoxious to the foe of our govern, ment. Mr. Ellfjoi th, one ot the 8b!?tt and molt virtuous tneij which this, or any other country can boalt of, ha? had the hardihood to render great fervkes to his i country, to deh1s 4tV. His reward has 1 ' : . . Cand Thank vou fir but fur all thii. as far as a bce.4 de ratltion. " Mr. Pick'erios, hitnelr. keg or to of biandy and a fe a baneljof airier will ; plaui, Vir-UOUS, fcrfofJj and able, in M go, I nund to ftiad a poll for an elaor, and v u , emjn(.f ,Wee fat ofStej ia vilified, and Muilftnd in fpue 1kYm fattea rftffr, Is purfned ,0 the fieechcs, republ canifm will L-ievail. lo d Dye. ; ' . . J.; Voter. L, biandy and ndei-AthereS the rub loutiKie of the wil lernefs, to the ki;-hut dr.ive'! cart w'uh l.randy aftd cider into croud, and in the'd'eTirr, witli tinr-nul-rrv ol 11 in-ler, Wf ft frood and villainy, h i not necetury to add f urther names, except the ptelVnt, and lormer Prefident of the United States. Sir, Adans, in p'trfuing thole .'Ineafnres Which have been eileemed federal, !ia ful lered more font reprjoache, than tiie c!c praved mhabitanti of Uiltinpluate oettow ou can'aL'tl of mtk ng converts, tbV U wire to pa- g.oilaiitleh. . A TRAVELLER. ' Frm the Csnn'xlicut Courartt. , No. 'IV, TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES. I AM now tQ ellablith die laft part of 'he fiili propofition, viz.k That Mr- J(ff---fjn and his pa'ty, ka e tong endeavored to detroy our Federal Con flitution. And here I lhall remark once, for all, that' I conftder every effort which has been purlued, by the de ' mi'craiic party, as boinj dirtdtly, or indireclly chargeable to Mr. JeHerfon. H'-' is fo per fc.tUV 'their chief, .thai we might as well im pute ineafufcs to fset without heads as, 10 al ciibe cdndtici toany of hU lubordinaies, with out prefiippoling his -conlcut and apprrbaiion. Having, as I thititt, Ihcrwn Mr. Jelferftjli's hollile fpirit inwards the conditurion, it will not be furpnzing, that he Ihould be found on ihe fide of its nernies. Accordingly, the mo ment the government begins to operate, we find him at the head of a pai :y organized to fnUtrate its meafures, and to check its pro grr-fi., From the e:lab!i!hnient of the funding ly'lem, to the end of the lauVfelho'l of con . refSHK pr'V has p-irfued oncoorfe, viz. it oppofethe government. 1c Fundmfy tteto, tlic Hank, the proclamation of Ntrahty, the Treaty wi.h Great Britain, the raifing of Tioops the ellibii&mcnt of a Navy, the Di rect Tax, the A'ien and Sedition L.ws, (he annulling the French Treaty flopping ihe ifjiercourfe with tb French, rSc.' &c, have each in their turn, been oppoid by thd" mocra-jiruvnv"'1- -" ti. iaicHi.e. 11 " 1 ih'im li m nr FuppofcS, that his par- 1 K'oT PUBLISHED, od format 'he Printing-office, Si Stotesint-.w ,1 The Cape-rar rnot, OR Commerce c N-tvtgation IV i fining ten-)' Strth-Car $Una. CoiHaiFiinj; " Ufefuf obfervati.i" on the navigation and trade of the piace a defeciption. of the Light houle regolaiions and nam;s of the pilots rates of piloiage, wnart'age, 41orage and light erage ; wi'JVa tide -tabic, for every .day, .in the yeai 1801, -Price 42 cents each, or 4 dollars per docn. 1 1- .. . " Alfo, A- .N A 1 U R E S S , To t'ie CULens of $rorth-Carslhia. ON THt SUBJICT OF THE APTROaCHING - ElcttioiisX:;- S H E R i i 's S A L li S. V7'EL" be fol d, on the 261b day of Sep " teiuber neat, at the Cour:-Ho4i(e in Brunfwick countv. the following Lands, t tor the payment ot tJUS.Taxesuue therew, : viz - v ' " I S460 Acres incUtdinrr feventeen different i traot , fitu ted on Towu-Creek, Mil -Cre. k, rKonerb's Creek anil Sfnrireon Lreek. be- o ... t cr ' ' ln... .'':, '11.-. . - nr! J.... ..l..l.A l.iin noon eaeh othfr ComaiondecencV that f.-ft iv m. . v plain vulvar civility which is paid to the j W J'line8 f,e);- 0 , general, by the molt uiuolilhe 1 v l' 1 . " '"-' ' , 7 ( r.;-, .,,-, i,,. AnJH to ,h ot toem htuated on fown-Ci-et and M"l world in inembers of fociety, has beam deniett to the Chief Maoiltrate of cpndudt more vile thhvesand robbers, has been often afcri bed to him . by the democratic party. ( A long as General Wafhiiij',vcn was at the head of the governntenr, he wis the ot jecl of' their highelt vengeance. Awnre that his influence operated, throughput the tonntjy, as an 1i refill ible charnv, Which iive to novernment a fovereiim enercv, to Irllen, if Hie United Stales ; and inchidng & adjoining Bid Grange , than is pS, tiled by f ,aiaiion, and out of ?oo acres on 1 i""n iBic ui i own-v-i eeK, on uic iiunu welt" road, the.pxoperty ot Mrs. Walker. "Too Acces htuated and adjoining tni Green Swamp on the Eatt lidr. rear or in eluding the head of Leyingtton'l Creek, luppoled to be tne property of David liols 640 Acres mote or k-Ls, (iiuated on Dutch num's Cieek, taken up hy Wm. Goodtnatl. 400 Acre more or lel uiuated ou Cape up by 11-. v JT 'having been fnogeltt of -Am enieiiain dout To tlie Ivkuors t!cvri J el to rrfe tj fenie? tosjbw ol my nefs to'ferve as your lirprtK'ir. ji in t: e nrx' Gxiefat Ailuiniy ; l'take tl m' - ttmity which Hie public pnpt r ii-V, ,. declaring "thai, grutelulJur ihe'.naarks of confi iasue with which y-u have repeaied- fy hoiNned. me, I fhall a; a.l iiin,es coohdr my Jervices ptedjled lor li e WvanrenicnC of tha iiteretts ot the town. in. any rtoa- tion to which youmay tlimk pfopei lotoU m . i . f liar (Iwmist iaii.nmi' rli P IV? , miv ,. Olivi .'1. i.'vr,,,.. ' .... ....... w. 1 - v jetft .of your choice ut the enluijig . elf cTTon, you may he allured ot my iiue.iouis to promote your infjeieltx in tvtiy tninj wnhin the duty of a Kt-pielen a.ivo. Jos. Cj. - Weight. Wilmington, Aoid .7. to undermine., to deltrov his great weicht, his uncontrolable infl lence, Ilier, luppoled to he taken every arr wai anHbi&A crv fattfationd ' olepli Sharper n. circu!a;ed. When he rerired to humble life, on the very day on which that afH:c ting evept took place, the audacious wretch who fuperiiuended the vilelt newlpajxr that eyer tiifgraced a free country- Aurora, proclaimed the day as a Jubilee, a lay ot tha kfgiving, thit lie man who had done tncrVe mifciiief to ihe United States, than all o:hers, waa ftripped of the robes ot Lo. Uwei.s. of office, aid reduced to a fimple citizen. None,f tae above lands we-s Are 0'it thefe melures directly calm- fr taxation, agreeable to law. lated to (e(rioy oar government i Can we j- 1 John Bauer, Sl-ff. expet't IM l men of 'fair and virtuous cha. KrenfwicK coumy, AuuuU 12, iSuo. rai ters. or uiaripa; ol oairiotic iiuatjituuu paawPM aianners ant eminent talents,' 41600 Acres (or part, thereof) taken up by David Allihn , adjoining tne waters ol Lockwuod-Foliy, !Mih Cieek, Or ton Crtek White Spring and Elizabeth River, &c. I400 4cre, hiuate on Town-Ci ee k and the w;er5 theieof, the projatrty ot John Hogg. 400 acres on Town-Creek, the property entered ty were friends to the Conflilution, and only difliked certain mtafures of ihe government, itiere would be fomc aologv for ihem. Bui, let me alk, f hi( was their tlifiuifinon, would hey Rol have Dfopofc o'.lier in -ala.es, fub-! Hitutei for ihme irch have been adopted, and in this way have otfcied a choice. In (lead of that, 1 think 1 may fay, with.mt dan f:t of roniradiftion, thn the dftnrv-rjiic pir ty, has never propbled, or broughi forward iri coagrefs, one important; original m.-afure for the confidrranoa of the l.-g'flature, finre the ellab ifkineni of nhe gvermn:ni, Mr. Madi-f.-, (or rather Mr. J'-fferfon'a) celebrated Comnercial Kef.i'iuiiont rsceptrd. but, ts a govern. n to be adminiHerea wuhnuf mea fire, Kail a CottllRtttitM a blclfing afhich alii U a n'-'-fs moaument. only t be gazed 8' P Inis has not erateaated from inraoacith nthe pa-.y. Snco men as Barr, MaJifwn, Gallatin, &c. are capable o prnpofine mea fi"'?, of fr . 1 ; plant of fptoii or other. Yet noihmg of tint kini uWe place The only fcheme hat lieen m oppofe whatever meafure his beitr propofci by ibe f-drraifls, and to ufe everv psilhble exertion to fuflrate i in Oiort, 10 adopt ihe language of one of the leader pf th parv, to ft p the wheels of government." I an fe alible it is CaJI by them that it is all done fro .l pure atL .'tion to the fon'tiiunon, ihat their motives are patriotic. i'mi ihe mtmbrrsofihe piny are die fiieidofJ ine ieopiet ifit esclultve goarOMn of iheii 'i"" genileman ferns ji forget, h VineiU and biscerity, rtre'y mike Aaat prof (lions. Thcv Ibiv ibtH glnefiby iher 0'k l 11 a mark of Urcm,. all'tlion to ik CiinHiiiiiiiii, nih dm cao oppnfe ih g Crmm:r.i fl fyilem N bad, what it to be f.ibdif.ifesi ir. ju place P the fcJeral tli did tehai dry tSnngSt bed ; the d'mn-ra t fay 11 it vile, bar n in of thean it gdod eno-iH to ptpofe feme. Hi' ng better. Such tani if) tin irt, m :hif Rr "i, iaycfftlp axat virtue. Indeed, it ptovet io(ly iS tram of thaanall. , Ahoiher te.y torcHe h fy ol eeMnree hat the le.woetatir pTt-y a e en lansoor. irtgio deitrojr nur govern toe nr, anus frum the unrrafi ig (train of cIhms, hi(', lua lieen n.ire I out evrrs trind ta III a ltn..ttrf if, a food 's'lh'tH ml govrnuneni tp4n 1 , operaiioin i tcurfr 4t i (, ne A-,Vt iNtVkl I on . ih 4 t pro o..,r . an tfl initial r'r'. i were delu ia.l t . Hili... will euf" their homes, their families, and Lie it .kv 1 . meir upriucia, in wwuar ineir nays in lap porting a government winch n tailing a vrrr rrrrrtrn gf tftlmJHglsn D'jlr'tCt ej Stmpftn dunty. FF.ttOW-ClTIZEaiS, prey tffalmood, ton (yltem of lying ; that rpifE day approaches when it will he in they will leave lituaiiont in Which they cumbent ou yon to eleCi a Keurefeuta are independent, to etitaunter evils like .hole 1 have been einmcrannii .' It is not to tie expeaed. The etiiO'-rJy know lhat they rtiajl find, ly weir ouV-fhe frtenda of novt: runeut , t itftna after another they v .1! retire from the form which beats upon every head, and raa i !iecii(litniinnal bartjiie adnlt m rclpet'ted and bcloveH, tive ir. the Cti,orcls of the United Stuiea. ami I do in tors public iiiamier aniMiiiiice myelf a Candidate lor . m lulir.ir.cs ro that important n ull j and from ihe tilnioH iihiuterruptrd confidence yon haie hither to reple I in me, I tl.iter my kit with the laireit prolpeVis of l nereis. I am not dtlpofed ou the prefent ncrafi- To the Public. A REPORT has, it feerjis, bccn-vci "y indudriotilly ami iiiecefUully i iict. la.cd throughout the 'county ot N. wV Hanover, that I am one ot a -parly wjikfi arrogates to itlelt the t gppttfgtutii Jjt " RErUBLsstfiAN,'' and thai 1 have. but la cly bccoin'c a, convert to the tiodi'n.v.s ot tha: clals ot citiz,'c;iis. 1 know" i.ut who has been the propagator ot a failtjr ' hood lo c-aly and lo certain ot ilctcciio!), lo flagitious in i,s tcmlei.cy, at;d at th; I attic moment lb higlily itiuicrou: tar its abfurdity. . ( V'y'crc I ever fo (ipen to conviclioit upon poli ical fubjccl;., it would fcafeely be probable that 1 had begomc tlx m.k rabie profeljte ot dcligiiing or igiiC raut demagogues of the county or pi l her diliric"!, who might be weak t'oough to imagine themfeives atlcquaie to the talk ot producing a change iu hiy lentimenrs or priHcipies. let the (iiHeminating an opinion, that men hi.hcrto zealous in their altaT-chment to the cpidlitution and govenmunt of their c6uutry, have dilcovcreel a depar ture from ltindameu al principles or a degeneracy in their rulers, and have in oiiliqucr.ee thereof cnulled ihtmiilv s in the uppufttion, is an ad litional proof, if any can be wanting, ot the malignant nature yf the fchemts adoj-ied by ce. tain artful incendiaries to ii.ttamc ihe public mind, and to d rect 'lie public indigna tion againlf the prefent wife aftd virtuous adininillration ot pubticjtiEaUs. I L,.ur r,....Tty protelt that ths above report is falfe, Icandahmi and majicioui ; tl.at 1 am, in the lalhioia bla dialed of ti.e 4v, 44 A FgDB K al I sT," and that, ,,Ur from but..; Irnliblc of a bias to the iheafltrcs t thd drmicraticfucltou, my tt'elii art alarm ed and myanxie'tc excited in an uucnnV mon decree lor the fafefy of ourovtrn. meni a..d the woltiic ol the Units d hi a is. f A. M. HOOPER, Wilmington, Aiidl 7, tco. thattenapediiifja of li'.erty, w ich Mr. on, to amufe you w ith pro'ellions ot'a tach jciasiiwia aim un jnri loitiurn :id wire. BURLtlGH. TO THE SUBSTIRERS. AM pet hi n indebted to the Prm'ei hereof, foriubfcription, sdvertifemenit, Ac. are now eafiMlly toiiriied to make payment. He is fo'ty lobe-fo ufien driven in ihe aja cebty of dunoine Gemlersen, in this public ttinner but at it it dour by compulfion, h kipct to be eacufed fur iSe ijnnoliieue i, winch r rrally contrary to his wdbVi, however il irious ihe caufc ihereuf, m his bufmett and 'ure welfare. It it well knawn that a mem to the public weal i my charr.Ctei, cunnuct, aurt poiuicnl opuiloni are well known to you, during a trii lence of more toast thirty iie years. A lai ge propoi i ion ol that lime haih been lpe,i lnjfartOM iruttsaod honourable IMMOltnt whetc I evmred acouGtlcncy ot conduct, itawl.irh I r. lume, my fu.cetlei may be attributed. It is tvith piealn e I can uHaie ynu, at) fellow.chi.cni, ' ihat tne many atperfiona proptijated againtl mj( po it ical character, ut a lime wIicm etery prmnpjr of lioitor. vnt ie and liiiinaiiiiy fmh l calumny, are without foundation, except in iTe ftuiitul ai.c par y, ihay ihty ' If our fuaJ- 'ewfpaper it an undertaking winch reanires iinaginaiiou ol rlriiioneeiing paitizans, :o lie in 1 1 pnathia) payment Iron ill paiiom, 1st iltcaie plant of clet'lion. asevrry Micle and alfiflanrr nccelTary to the I ' omit iiirutiot ing my aiiachment to the eerlprmance of ihe Prtnri'i duty, can only government ol the United Mate, or the be procured with money, and il Im cullcnvit ' any onhs I have latvrti t . fupjHiit ii, a-iaV net ttfotd him pecuniary aid, or inoihrr r'aint I may have on your confidence, words, fiilbl their comrat), lite budnela can P acisg my reliance nn the ctto.tor ot ih.!v nH be an object adrdaste io h-j Ultama, and bote fnflragea t fo'irii, and m.it n . of court mod prove abortive -and hit. . an. niheroln eautinninf you in guard gaiidt furtunaielv being ihe cafe ttiih at lead thte- fly ifitini uptfiuditt, and U.dir ati- fiHirint ol hit luaicribert, a great p npornon ttp. tjt:aittnt it mtJItM, L. !1 f i. ' oi wikhii nav nn, paid iu mucn a ae Crnt, liner the commencement of the pap r, and then in arres for ' io aad ihrer ycatt, aotwiihilaadini hit entreau'i) He it determin ed to Hp the paper ol foth dchnq'ttnit ai the ronclufion uf the per (em year, and nSot.lrl ihrv With tne btgiieU n'.itAt I have the fmrior io he, Genlemei.. oor ofl nhrt ri( jAMra GiLLiiPta. Wllmiotton, July jf ifjco. .han fail i make paymeni. he will avail him. Tee Striher hut mptrtti, ,n tii falf of a fare mean of recovery. hll m ,mrml m ver? u ior fair H the r.,n,(nUlKr, tJ.ope.nEarl .V Weft India aadtliun rp A Large ftlirimtnt nl Rook o St.tiioiury. Aif , B!ank of Various Kiili. r 29 Elrr'atit Looklns'Olaal (. O O D S: ty armie fl which l hfen , ,riM- feleteH, fmn the Imll IfnpmiaMnm at New.Tork aa.l I hatlcllnn opd pun haf. erl at (bale piarM m torma hirhrnsl him to ililptttr of them here, at ey re: rrd 1 at rv for cadi. A. T. Tliovytti. Wilniirijtcin. lu'y ( rnc Hundred DolliiTs Wl 1.1. be pa d to my rerfon or prr lont who will leciie in Goal in Wdiii ngion, . a certain NegroylcllbW named JOHN N 1 svhom I putd'afid Irtun John Wi2oelI, KlrrTahtiut twelve tnonthl ago. He i 1 a c'.!i c nipUxinn, about c feet 10 or II tnchrt high, llra ght and wrll made. and hat it loiue ol hi frr t eib. 7t c. r.K.o t n.BUV j 'H r. .. 1 .. . , Utiot tag nn ii 1C1 1. 1 1 the piibl c iu ireneral, that he In- r - niove'l to' the to-e lately ncttvird lt M . Snre.', where he til jui lor laie u tcuci-i All -r W snuiiniajBi ni Dry. Goods Sc Groccrirs, Ou the atott realrntMe lerttra. AtTOWlo C. SitVA. Wilminp.lon, Angtill y. RAN-awny llsfttj John Bre t ( o wtoi hcwathirerl) a neg'o lellow Himtl JACK, rretty Hohi made, ol a trll.sw eomnlr. ti lortiHdn . i""ri nre, ard at.ont m nve ie It s f l,;!,l It ! et hrh. Illldf lo lav wha die's ftt miv PI" lie lit a st'tetv ot ctoaiht. ind may change ihrn oc rafict.alle Pre lle h-n pan "f bete hteeti mnisits n , 4 ' I t twejs oprrty harl rrd a Mr. Je1 1 M'Kni7ie't ianta.ior, Nrimfakk rrt.r (wher- he ha. I r. In Is r) ) hn I --ifS"Mls ft' hit kit' hen 1 ihi ittvat'. A K- trtl of Kie I) 'lrw tatll t.f abaw ft N -rrrg tadl irt t In that 1 mat r c b fin, am' n 'rfjnsie nllnttance mas' - fti, ddlance ami eaatenrr. Lb . if 1 In M Ml Hin) I n st.1t tf,e i'i!h.iel h, f, ,,. j lie. a. AioTdi ..; s , he vat rAiu 7 Wilt!.' is Scotgf 1 nUrtnttgioa, Ansjad if Wilr i.gtnn Au'ill 7 ifl r ' 1