V L B L I S H E I) W J h R L Y B V A L L ..M A N D HALL. 'Three Dollars per nnti'm. T rl U RS DA Y, OCT O B E R tffc 1800. fV.T IV No. 4 09. i in I 1 I 4 1 fe fa ro he a. ne ler nrl I atm 'Oh "r Mr r 11 1 - kit LatcH: Foreign Intelligence. NF.W-YORK, October 4. - -r ii. n .J . lit! ft... e arrival or r$ff . vrunuy winc- 'in"-' Dunkvy, in 31 dap from Greenck-,-kM put Us in fntiefiyo ttG tf?oy.pof4ri ":'tbe 71 ft of Atigjlt endjLondon dates It ... the Vth' T. ' - The fire which is row ra elite jotjle va! for?fts rear Freidenfladt and Kueibi. nilaed for 10 dV. The imoVe wV 1 ill fecn PrS, this place yrflen'ay. AM 'he inhabitant of thf adjacent drft triers are emplnved in digging tienciies to prevent its propref. The flnse: have 'already extend d ver a fpace of between 8 or 10 le-eue-. The ighf bank of the R' Ine hai not been exempt ftom.this misfor tune, arid the fut-ei Wrefl of. H guena have been 3 tirres ravaged b. te fne. , In the de- artmcrVt of he Uppe Rhine 6n 'cre of Wpoq Inve been cnnfnmed. Another vi -lent fue hai taken p ace at- 'Kevfeitburg and Watch, about a. leagues from thi; place. , VIENNA, Anrr. 6. ' Tfce Count de Kelthubey fct out from Pefcrrfburg an the i6 h of law month for thi capital, entrusted a tt is i i rt , with a.n important rrifli n relative to the march of a Rijffian'ai-trjy toward the frontier of the two Gilicup.. ' . ' ; ,' Airlift 9. Count $t Jul; en, th very next day after his ar rival, ha I j ng cor.terrence wiih B ron Thufut, vo wem after a d to the em-eior at Hotrenloiff, of whom the count hid likewife a long audience on the 7tn inft. -The general repo-t was, 1 hat. a bad of be ?relinnnarie between Ftanre and Aitltria, planned at Pari, wtl Id be arcent-d with f me mo difications. The eropetor it faid to havr held a great council of (late, in whit h h accepted! thofe nre'iimi. nariet, and declined th' fi bfidiary aid- "ftVrrd hv Sritain, in crthftaueoce ril the er'at aliert;ori in hi affair Tnce the ?oth ol Jm , when the treaty with Gi t-Bi n wa conc'u. ed. With Court St. J'llien arrived a:fo gen. Ztch. who wr 1 p'ifoner of war in Pa'u : .' e h' leave of abftner for 6 week, within which time he will be exchanged. I; wa at fi ft faid that citizen Durc bad nivrl, but he tin nor reached Vena Cenetal Za.h wa miflakcn for him on th. ir tirft arrival. , In e ltgence hai b en rec. ived that the Queen of Nap'e. w"'h her child1 en, l ad arrived at Trierte, ecm?anied by admiral Hamilton and lady Ilamil ton, after rrllinf a few day, me wa to contiaue her joun ey to Vienna. vernment. T' ey are enieavnurine;, it ia faid, to hrin rwr fornc rembfr of the Grand Council to their fi le, to aid thexecution oT thi fane frojctL AUSB.URG, -Atiguft 12. -General 'oiT,bniyj.5gfbme'difpatcIiesbro,t him lift Friday by courier, w'10 'nioceeiled on r,.ii.thlo Vienna cxprcflcil himfef highly -fatitfied, an3 faid," "There i no doubt of peace ; the difj patc'b which Bui.napatte haVfenf- to Vienn wlff -i-natilc the houie ot Aultiia to figu a peai;a without EiUi id." ,; ,, - -',; ' FRANCE. . AtiutJ 21. . S rfelycl4; f,nce then t so other expjrpfl" haear- Though there i no rumour unfavorable to peace riverf, and tl ere h-ve been Rrrnxfimneilj he:d. Or- circula ig rn.,tlii city, yrt the Tier Cotlf-I'de fell dc s have been ilTued to pref every prrfon that eo Id veu rtiav wnn rcmarKanic aeeicmi .n. wc aic, iwtu noic 01 For tne aglv anq-yavy 1 he trortie ra ot( fuffieienily acquainted with the myftetieabf the fbae been direcled la 9 held "in jceadineft lOr de- it h.k j'totic's 10 account ror mis ran. , 41 1 pro. 'rnic ; ana trie racket, ha been aetained till baoiy owing to tins, that lometitianciers having . PARIS, Atteutl & Letter from Cherbo'ir?, of the a ith, ftale, that the Urititb fcjuadron ff that place appeared a few days brfoie.'to the ttuttitsr oPtwenty-'ont lail in the bay u! D'irv He, within a ltague and a half ot Chcr bouit;. Our'privatcer dare not put to fca, hi con fcquence ot.the igilance with which they wa ch .the coift. , ' , ' " ' The Fufl Conful h:s chirred titi'ent Ttonchetl Pottalia, and Bigot Preamineu:, to draw up the civil code of War. Au'ifl 20. A;rnng the 4" artidrs of regulation ori the 'vVy of the Fiench Marine, the following arelhe thief arti ciet refpedtm ' prdmotiona :,, . Piomotion ftiall take place by frniority.or by ap pointment, in tiie follow ing piomutinn The fuierior ofiefs (admiral) (hall be in the cioice of ihe chit? couful. The iptain of fhip of the line fhall he apiointed one 4 h by feniority, a .d three foutthaby the choice ol the thief conful. Ciptaina cf frigate ore half by feniority, one hall by choice. Lien enants three-fourth by lenibrity, one fourth by choice'. M cfhipmen feven-:iht by feniority, one eigth by ch ice. No pernrr can be promoted a flep without beinj twovean n the 1 teced-ijt o-e. No midfhidman to be appointed without brin tour yeara in the naval employment, or two yean entirely in active erte by fca. D llingu'fhed attiona aie not ful jidt to "liole con dition, &c. ... NO CREDIT. It i hut one year fince the beft bank paper was ai t . . 1 1 a. d 1 i-a per ecu, per nionin. Commercial piper was at a, 3, and 4 per crnt per mo tn. fixed ia' their own head tire dj-yj-on wbich a peace w-as tube figned, andmavmcr me'. their bargains in confequ.tau'ej thenecefmy of fnlf!lmg th ir engare mc 'ts marfe'them fall iit. and in thi? way reduced the. fun is, by making Vhe number of, fcllereeief than t ha' ofth'vbuerj, , - Citir.en Duroc arrived vefler-'ay at half part ( o'clock .fioin Vr enna. Not finding lun'rapartfe at the Confuhr Pi lace hii. mtly (ihHniffed his hirfes and carriage, are. fet Cut ld.r Malm . ii tn Noi!;ing : known of ihe fuccefsWf hi mifffn, but his eou- iier hctivg interrogat d hy fom emit ui; . pei f ms, re plied as he "went along, Goo 1 news ! Good new !" jfpir. OF B.4TAFIA. - Head--,) arters, at Koch ft, Auguti tj. . , Thegtpetal in chief, An ere u, having ebnfMjered the r-pielantu -)n of the lenaic ot ihe city of. Funk- fort, 11 wh'rh i .U-ites to him the to morrow, to fend theVefu't of the council to Ei'ip'and. - j : '. lo gu 'fd e inft incidents, the other P fail On.lThurtda.v neat, with duplira es alK 'krt it to Vm, 4it1 wny H fhis contufion ? I am roirw to tell voii Biionflarte:ha fent propofi ion of pea- e to th'.a government, which ae faid to.be a oem.md of tel mi lines of criifades (abou. ei fs. each) that the norMb 'uld be open to the French, a d thai th ' JhrMild be here upon equ' piiilegei' .with the m t favourer' nations. He Kivrs fixty daa-'or a d--fiM i twe anfwer; after which nor -wiat Be Scr.r ft(! and threateni in c'r of tetufal, to march 6a to men into PoitugaL, H-cnncludea by rainjr, Y 'U know me w-ll enough )o hi fu,reth:t I nevri 'y any thing tfjat I do not perform.'' If Eng'and i g'es to thefe requifiiions, we may go 00 rrei'V well, but on her deter.ninatior1. depend eve'v 'hinKitW The tro-irs under the command of fir Ralph Aberc omb.e left Minorca fome tirae,laft mo th. A 'Cult 2C great incon .cniepces whch re'i.lt to thr inhabitants frm the Orders given to the guards pla ed at the" gates of the c 7. and lram the prcverv ing oj the free p. 'age of v urn anrn wnn meiLn n.ir.c : aiin r, Mtm nOur, that fuch an an.angc.ncnt, hy relliaining, ct,a,Ke 01 WUmy he Having Me y dtg:Ket a tht comuier, iaf.Qo .neftio'is between F'ance and'!0'. fv0,u", which he 'tr.infm.tUed to M. Ur (? m .ii ,. i ; on iudieia I ii the wcil unlierltonrt In. wilh n appointment to meet hi m alone, and A A vonnr Frehchm rr, at Madrid, private. fe retary tothe erenrh AmbfTidor, ha been fe'itenced lo trr ye a' bjnifhment to the Phili nii-e Iflandi nn ,1 m n 1 .it, o! the Repuo k , decees: art 1. The military poll, of the French army are ioibidrtf n lo oc -.-tifp. in anv m nnrr .So !,. patlage of 'provifiona or merchandize of wlilever. kind, entering into, or coining out ol thr c'.ty of Fiankfort, either in carriag or vcffels. tr. z Whaie.ei ma be don-: contrary io t' e p eccdieg a t':l' fhall be legarded a null and void, (signed. ANGtREAU. Army ot' reserve. Sammary of a letter 1 do n the a.ljtitant Gfnrr.tl Daii)Pgn fecoud in com-, niaiul oi S; aft. lle.-ul-'qiiarters, Cohternoon, A'U'il'.l 10 Th'p cor!r!f hi- rf ftate, B'unc, to nttunder in C ff ol th- iiri of rtf ive, leceivcd on the i.yh 1 '. "rdr- in (i out ionne;liately to take the com-la-. i if 1)11; i,tivc army ol Italy. Th; general, be fori hi i )jr:ure, gave up the comrnani' ol the v cf Rirve t , an. Csnciaajt, infoeftor trneral r he delegai iona of the government u onthe point 1 "f cavalry ; an otfitci in every refpect worthy olef FRANKFORT, Aiigufl 13. All the Fie ch tr ops that wre here, boih i.-tan-irv and cava ry, muched "lit ycllnd y and proceed ta hat IW Upper Mfn, Tevwere immediately ie placrd by t'einnpi from Holland 'I hey are well equipped an.! in tie heft pfhlc conditio. The commander in hief. Angneau, i ep ft-d tiii r!av. 1 el there it rterv aoinrante that he will hX ni tirad-duailert H F.anklnit. 1 h re ia little r -iwi to hop that we fhll be fr ed from the Fienrh fnh.icrv ruiiri ihe atiair. They re mo-t rob blv to remain till a pa' ificattom con cluded : but hei that it to happen cannot filv b eoiiienmed. tt ii 'ven preiumed, not wtihyur (round, and though the pie'tminanc fhould tm n.rd, iclv be ficned betvrern Fiance and Aulina, ,K Firmh wculd r t at andon the line wlUh 0t n w OKiitiV. and ih the leneral letrogace daovt rent will o ly lake place at the ccnrlufton nf a 4v n . pe.ic wuh it c hntcipr and thr Empuc MILAN. Anrnfl . On tte jeih -1 July, a te .uifition of hda and o of falling loll 3 and 40 ner cent. , tee-n, ami who h .ive , uno . tvetv oc afion, un liy a mcceinve prog emon fince the toth Ofloher, , equivocil proof ol hit devotion to the pi blrc good thr inteiefl ol all ihcfe fecur tie ha hren lewen-d. i Theeeteial in thief B-une, b-for . h I'll ihe ar- Bank paper ha Ullen 1 t-i per ce. t. ina moie I mwl Receive, tavo ordcu n ihe aih piovil.onal oe It it pi ced at the Bank 0. France at 1 ici ce: t. for -brigade ol the Ta ft, and to the rrlt i-atta'ion ol two ufance. t e vo'.uut trrol rele-ve, to fet out f .r the ar,..y ol The I'ank of C-mmerce reckons all the ffefitof ' ')". -The fe (tupi will be irpiarrd by an equal known merch'nt at 7-8 ha prt mouth. j number of trocpt roin he army o! I'aly, who ic- 1 he cpu hit uftei and place lunds it 0 per cent. ' qu're to recruit them. elves In riance. for a year - I Th. f.nall cnluir.n a mat lung in the d rrQion d. ...lui.i.ii upon i'ic rracio; out in cad Ot l"C anfwer expected he waa 1 here feized bv the otiv-na of the Police Order were given on the h to get ready for fra the following 6 (hi of t li .e, the Neptune Waldiifnar, Od n, Dii mai fchen, Eyhufen, and Louifh Xugnfla. Count B. rnftorff, the Danim ce retarv ef iae, had a long confue ce with the Bii ifh and Ruffian Charge d'Affair on the morning of ihe 9th,; and immediately a ter a report prevailed, that nor 'agent, Mr. Murray wa about to re'ui a to Britain. . er tain i- is .hat an order wa ijied to fufpend all in. tenroarlc with Cr at-Biitain, and the feveial outwaid bound veffela were directed tu wait further induc tion. w . .v The Hamburgh mail which ariived on Saiu daw brought lette a ano paper Irrm India, which con tain the intelligence that a ennfpiracy ha been dif covered at Malacca, which h.d tor iit objecT the delivery of that leitlemem to the Republican. Tho plan hat been arranged by the Government of Ba. tavia, whence a com umcation had been for foma lime carried on wnh the Duirh refideata at Melacca. Mr. Terinaformc rlv full in Council, tut been ftnt to Madraa iy the Gangava. a haa Mt. Rucdy, th Fiftal by the Eliza, by thofe pewont appearing to nave ucco puiuipaiiy activ 111 the plot. Ihe rtftcl of the government, at we'l aa the ob-j Mil n, un'r the rum iand ot Atncul Clcmrn 1 gtliooaol the leccivert, having been (fitly arq4i(cd up to i' n day, ate rece lbl 1 1 k ordiuar, com mt.cial efl tia, and lufe le:a thin (he bilil ol ihe hrm ot tal nne In f. art, thetentaare twelve percent, that is to ay, the proptny 01 the renier ia tnei.oraicd mot; ihtn a-s hi. A eai, left than a year, has produced thiscfange j and during that year ittre have been treated ih-ee tirD.rt, uunout reckoning that which was otgaoued at Amtena, pan ol (he arrears I '.he preceding ye r Hve been t.aid r.ff, anew ad i.inul.-atioo haa heeii npanireil. W htve vanquifntd wherever we have f. utht, and pa ed the way tor peace. What wil be ihe te'uli, if that res e ofred Vy sher ihieg. aa frm o tn.ry hu'rs lor the nfe of ihe letub'ic before en ermg ihe Held, otteied after ihe Fe.h Cilslpine r ffir era, qusneiei in l rablic 1, .1 r -On ihenrit dav lev.ral hand cd Fiench fn dieit wie 'em 10 rn'rrre trt'iiary eartutH'n a niat ihrte tneir t.rtis who lefnfrd tn tnniiibute tt ri, ta 1 ul the fotrrd loan ,'hofeio whom they wn trm wee ob' ff d 10 piv . ' Ui run. 30 fold! pff i r ftR hour, to lor the frcond, ito lot the 3d, and hu in ant1 tr-rt al urotir.qna lor rarh 1 t "1 itii h ar. i I te fum required u paid On.be 7'hnl fu'ti. the miller pienipniemiitf from the king ot pin to the ( if.lp ne trpublic, ihe Ch l-i tVafif Hr OieCao, -hrt continued m affume ib t title alter he late abolition ol htt repullit, gite m hi ir Moi , hvmg been appoirirH n tir hmt nsunvn thr T n. ied Stiiel ol Ametits The mt ailter nn this net h n d teffrd a diUouifc to the Pici dect oithr Cfitpanfhon of goi'inmcnt. nd Ar1 j ant '"ieneial Dauverg e. Th- ligiial letvues which l.cn Btune ha renf r tsJ the t iff rent armie, and particj.atiy htt ol It v, ate c ruin ple"dge of tte new triumph whi.h he ii preparing loi tn couotrjf, IStgiiect; UAL'VEKV.Nt. LONDON, A.ig..n L The Hambu gh ail !ue on Wedneld, irri .e) thi mom ng By it wi learn, th.- arrival o! I.oid . a a I t . it -a Wtiilwonn at ue p.re 01 ms atis-n tion. m intelligence 1: contained in the following Icuct TLY MOUTH, Augufl ,-Thii rr. .mm a number f French DriTnaen im itit a doom ot about Soa wete taken tromtb prilon at thu place to be iciuoved to the prifon at B llol im ing wnom, a neutena .t, late of his rrwieuVe fhip Uame, of ta p.unt, rerognited an old acayain- taoce th.t be'onged to the fhip at the ti" e fhcwai can ed into Brett, by the tnuiinous part ol the ciew. f a i aV i A. . . . a in wnirn irtmaci on it wat Hated thai Au mm Aat'ti, jfliyi ringleader, and (he peifon whVhehi a pillolto t e rte.fl ot Lord Froby. the Commm drt, he wa imtrdiately take into cullody, a d . ana a -;n not aeny the charge (Hedged aeamn mm ; nc ia a native ot Uutrn'ey, mi t. brifgco vi'ant wi h the French Ungu.gr, ctpci eat .y licicciiOB. viflory, (h'H si lad t an, mite comnar r.c, induttry, and nc am f I ifle- ihefe fhon obfervatio r. rent, tn the nope ol lepabhtaot, and the rf, EttOOl of then en-"Mrs. lout l du Uebata I The new from the M-tb nl Ger 1 any, a c th I e'l .n'f f rr -il ' . t I I hi 1 1 . In r !h- RiifT-ani c mmc and rro e spproich ng towtrde 1 1 tW Aunmn Irr.mirr Ihe titnv wh.rh ia no It Ct'recli. and on the banks n (he Vithilt, ron- iiOt ol tout grand civifiont, each pf to. 000 men, of wbirb a tln.d ne Ctvt , The tun commanded by ten. Lifoy. the foad by Mat, R-bindca, iheth rd hv ten. loUlkOW. aftd the fnunb hv atiw'akcf Ptincr Fat . ' n ,1 hy tppomifd eotnmt in chiet ot ill t title (orm. Bcfidrs this arm ExtraO if a fr.vate hit:' from Elfineur, I VP Hit I 2 Onthe toih in tht evt ing, hi titnV Oti p Andr r eda, J. Hitdhv, elq. . co-nmandci, wuh Loid Wl.nwn.'S and Mr D umtnon , ihe Mmt thirge d'Afttnt tt Copnhtgen, on bnaid, iriive-t. a litlle be ow the cmh. No doubt is eniru.ined here, t'val every m ' -ndnlian.i mt , on u count ot h' rip-iite ol the II mm vcflea, will loon bead lulled in an amicable manner The trtil bnnti us advices from Vienni of tht 6th, ihe I me del as tht of the dilptul.es wnich ov it me. : leceiyed i-v ir.e tin mail C uni -1 tn and r mm Ujn-c ha.t amved tere; 1 ut 2 IJULL, Aiifufi i, T efl e now .ed at this for the Baltic. m4 wh th has ha reen deisined foi fomt ume by oidcr nl tie Lords oi ihe Admiralty, hat reeeiv d . rt. mffim'to procied onthe oyage :' rd - 'I foil i.n-, he ff on Wetiefdtv. under ro-ivnv o( thr F.ince -il- ap, irmed fhip, c pt a Kichbcl;. BFRI.IN, A..aT.ifl 7. TV t9pftt fot Coffir imr p n circttUlicifl thit '-' A IA (rtl t- in ttl I tihat.M.a A a iL aV.aa " wswai"g ' ratiinvifHifll ffllO W I rw IHWllf , ol ihe Baltic, At the fine time tt now rent n ! idaf ihe btt iafirtligenee itev tit bttwten he two lmtitiislCog.il, tad ht Pvlht ukrt ih mn l'tl . rrrh in ihe f nt u'loont lite wat. and in 1 fuiat fu!"t St C riuwa ' m 'wwn 10 an arw itfrRlfly M htt rmpirt. ad tsidistirsj, lor IM furpo't of tt.tn.t.iil.ng j ft, ,,. Opening ol .he campaign 'ht tttcAi-t .najo'ty, tl dtl to e ol rudsi.r-n f ttrn..pt fotff s Aufhit irrooMfd lo jyKo men. They - ... " made hy our tro.i m tmj Amu with MrMN mmm ja)0.,oo l lp ol 1 renin they have i,,. ni p .fb.f.h. -o. - I rn'ivfo , eicftiprf t ptcvsitM I mere .nam it.co totonr vdr ft.te ih.i w.ll ttnore "JJ" " W, the hslsrre el tmpt ; can tnvrv ot tt.trt I he elioinnlno- . I Ipttki ol it, d ei not ipfeir io l,sv .4 miM "lift On ihe u1 i-M ol nCgOC tilt T n 'I. rnilhed w.ih .r.. nr '. h- wl atrvri . .. a ' if at aaT- , . . a. . . tr. . . k. . La, , raxe Ih.l Will ttnort. as .- r - iin.mi nmim,.. n....f. , i,r. -, ..-.. .a ... dHatk I am. m VT a at O. t A .trtniQit.it ir.y 01 nones naa a rraey pn BERNE, AnuR o. ThtntwCtremtn. haa trr.inallt', md h.a p..N .(be 1 prncltmanno int l. , t Nrr. a a, r ar - . he mrmbt.s Ol vbt rn. e. wM tetti' a) St l . IB . ,tt-t sttw mtslortl, mo wet. IWrnW -t i- otH. "T P'" ,T:j"",a- l .....4.. rt aomrrfU ht llWOW 7Z wit ihf t iitmr- (it Cnvetnrem, , h.d alanoi tetU-ee ihf nrmhm of ... i at ( tocrealft erttaie "h fptra from ih-a '. I it awt. tpitt ol law mow rr. r. . . 1 hit tveni, fron the manner in Inch ihe luppened nnt we lie tever. The .cportol ihe deith ol Klelwr, b ihe hindt of at Arab, tt ed. 11 report horn 1 onfian tiro le. hut with captciTtont ! deubi lo in iralh. ' Ititonapittt, we leifiJ from Some, 11 P'tHmf with 1 ' Pope lot 1 rci -ni'mo of the Catholic re ItaieMi m Inn e ll it dithcall to lav what e wld He ihe nerrfliiv lor negnrianon on ihil fw JeA.ilhe ay ihe fftl 4epr ed. Tht ( mtOM adda lost it is the m-mmo-i B-i" sp.ne m m h a Inrre thtottgh the Fcilfh. fli't fl.ie, g nil he kmidotjs ot r tp jjL, t -, , wom'.O be the errot by which ht Di (T .ro 1 SCOTLAND KDlNBUfeO, Aoffrif, ?9. On TVniif.tay lafl arrived in l.tuh roaoa 1'eT.trh mdJug.er, Irosrt the Sound Tne u.tichint fhipi that have artived, and which filled nnder eonvt.v of the Lrk and Mfiin Poop, It t ElfinttJt fo lot. at Thi.ldiy left, ai which tnnt admiral D cV'. -, iik tht fhipi n( war rde hit common', wn- t it r.eai ihr Call e. They had tru.fed fr mtrtayf it. Ihenmng, and had tr at up s fhip in Irtrn 1' Nate Ol thing f when ihe ftnpt ol war weir nvi 4 p, d oniert given fe thtir bring fipplied wnh p nvifio an I wtier. A patf'rgff who sme no nne-ot tht n etthsni fhpa repont, mat ihe opini-n belote ha 'til fttfincor was. thn mautrs ooold he im fhly fen led Admiral Dictrlun a dfr.rrtl nf Ml Oth tis hiving h'tn invited oa fhon 10 dine on in Wsr it not camrd on wnh imaunitv a tht u ww v, . ........ w.n ifffpfjittt, . r, im ro ehwv 41.0 0, ln-h 40 0,0 the naaabtr. m m.n ff Lk( 0 0d. b4 m A tentlfman t arrived al Edifh rah. who left Co tnhaaf yettftday ft'ennigtn He htmg imtl. ligtnttihtt Admiral D cklon'ttVei had em ed tl . " r".k 3 "SI SI SfZU : 1. onfn.1 v iropntel. Theewait n' Hmbnrgh hti-p1ond iSrmeil s. lion ol the tvog ol Ft ilia 00 1 He fuhjeelof the antO of iht swihoti ol the Ctnf as ihty nid lOihettfe of Neppct TiOdy. IM Kng talatrrd 'hit lh point die) not ro'itm the traned nltality, and ht wotjl4 oo itMtiltre Ct aVtihit' Itli Pi'tt lot M dnd 1 h i mn n mg Vlfi m flioo il ftiaveo'ke 0( g .mpoi't.-r ll 1 oin cm ni'a ) The g e'ttltlfliaitr aoemploved in dernMa'ng iht tsNle bl Mi tn tn ihe l .tnhr nno ol Tnn, Ctv'. C-ari. and Tmooa . f rieur, near which Dt-.tVfVt nnf, iingr.l n,.po ol ail. was ly". T e In ft 1 tl lt t t f ed eah other w-th g.rr pnlueit. Aim -al D'kfon'i I ei, hy o dero Lo4 Wh-rwonh h.O I p ifea up al" Ctl t, and wit liineomhe n- . . ., . .' lajaj ol ihe bsmlh sVoi . .tMed Ptie fburgh, Joe iy, O. I fata, ti u ..f tatrrv w sw w of Mot' V,l..js. I ib' , da 4 )rl igvH, biou hi I Ftlnou'i toe King Cet Fuktt, upt. Ytttehe. Iht ..irtfgf.ee wh.ch thu mil hungt It eonfiitrie e . aponaocot Extt.'! a prtvutt frit r jrm L'Jbt, ttttivtdhy iht mail Nt mitmttg. 1 ffh r. A-lull t. Umr 1 r o,isn ni yoo to anow, ihti fhip tnro' t hnhet, having oo hw M a pronfTed matte , while' ihe leal m (let appeal's as p. tftr, 'gp . go, af fttmo f lot, I t n''d 10 lh tlfk l tHPt trot tti) without pemg petptt ei in unload tout the POt. f ide n' Otnoi wi 1 be tii td MjB week aa eapttfs atn.td in freat ffVed ll eit n t .,1 ir,l Blank i fir., Vmt Uc ot ttoio Uti c. rS Op IrOO) Matnd, and a 1 I t m J ard taijaaa-

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