z fUBLlSHKD WttliLY BY A L L M A N D H A L L. , THURS DA Y, N O V K rM P FU 6, "1800. riihe Dollars per Anmim. 200, frcm a London paper TETM,VP.K. I Ihc Pre' rhcr hn-e-ia eiv pir.Vnel ftare- p. riti of i't fi r?:iris r.f fcvfr'4,." "C ' ottbem 'i,nw.-'. The following n;ftuif of'TVitnjV-;n"i ttv oruFnt fe thought intee-Hing :-v. Tne fhVifh 'ovwnrt)t.'hoiii:li crnftittited no tti"-moll unconti'.i' ed defnt' Un;' Ipsedgji' f never 1 yltfViir fflfiy rnttem.ee, with very exreUcnt and ufef'if models. V St (fare fn" rounded by powerf ! neighbotij fome c( wH'm cannot have imv ftudicd attention paid to them, without giving offence to oil cri ; a wide f - . AL rt.. .vf il . linn r. CC or navi . not. auoui unriy imp ' r '.on-i them had on bo rd wuh tnett their priie tickets, hfd, or rcl't bi timidly u '-c.ee A-i in ileeriner dear eif-thai da -sen.-.-,. Mr-their ihere ' t he In fur rnt prur, 'and thetr ' boat Mnlt, aTi the roaln'orif Den-rk, however, has' altr? ar ear f vnt Ih ufand- fo'difJ: a Kite ich bv rreansof its colonies dilTesjeinated throuh- t'fvery pni of iJie globe, and )J-its, vaft com in. ve. mufi inui h.in a variety of point'! with every .r.thci Hate, and which, no'twitlioai'dinf', has fnC cee'ed in avoidi.nf; a war for thefe fix.veari, is mnli uildmiht "v phenome on -we 1 worthy the at-lentii'ii-pf ibe philcfowber and. .hi- polit cLn. '5ix!r n'npmenonis "the more- .ftrikmgly fur. trifm?.mir,,'ijhe pteCent, wide, fpread KinfliejJtion, ftft r. -.v"'; h" fcjrcly anv ft ate has been able to ef-ouc.'-rhsi!Rfor -ood fortune r rot (ulnetent to expfa'nli. uorr fhoiitd we be. fo OTijiift a to take .,. ii '.i'Jont i.'K- Cr.vc '.';- i ' p' .d.ringit, T5 a ni VI rxir'aot.diiiai'y ' g iod lt ck fo' hlch U nit ed itinnaTfiln wuO rrvy Trrmark, that k!npdrvn has had fiiKC the yesr 1 6'SOj fix dcfsoit, wfihoul Having ' hid or r -yran. U-"C lli-iti fnavity ol. r'ifrofn'on,' 'that hahi'tn' which ."r',c -n difputei, re'. infnriefl'to'HS, a.ni all the oufci ot intiilin; a i d fotel? war. The w're i-d en'j .h"c-1 choiee of- Frederick V. pIVH r'f '.h hc;l ot the Dstiih? ovejrhnnettti cenflt Bernftoiff, wboft aHm;niHiaii;-it alwavi ptVdent .1 , ire'ti tiri vi omin, noi o-.tvMeuied the means n -tep-jlinc their infinuations anri'btaviog ptquAvona.' t". " ,- r I Hit iiu uco tiiti! twwse oay oi ! Mrth,' p'4 on b.vjrd the 'Miri, of Philadelpht., c vtinja dei by captain. R. chard George, without receiving any wajct ot oiher compenftio K'T the tiiae wliteh ht wai on board faid Bntiflt (Kip ot war; and thr iherewcre when this cenonent wjs on Jbo-sji the 'York njan of war, tentv-fiv; others, i ipprf&d AitvMc; n "a: -e.n, none of whom should. (Spur aj (eamrti, according to the 'iti.es of their ifavy ; oire "petfon only frJtn MarbSfnead", Kayig enteied on bo"id7 of ti c nrme o,f Joh;?' (diggings, a nditve he be levesol that place. , THOMAS COMES. Swptn and ftibfcrjb.'i before mc, Oct. 18, i Boo. KOiiLRT WHARTON, Mayor ""(From the Aurora.) -J.: Si ESSLV'GS.OF 4 NA't I Ififl .ene their lire.'; :t isnevetther i no aty laix roi oe gecateft powers, conftantly to hold ti e-ftatancc tq al bet e?ti tttiiw(i patties who attern.aeiy ipucrr lh ir ..r.ierferencr.! 1) mbtlefi it wa properJy un dei land nig the int refts of Denmark to obferve th-arpru'leiit'neuira'ity of which ir has ihrottfli tit prefei ved all -t U"Upear an.ee W ') co.ii.1 d i t- ha v e sijied by e liWrking i he war, and w ht did it noi Viik by entering ioto- koft i'.itics ? In -i'ai.f did Etvlaji s, with whom il is coinf6rA by !g nrny re latio iiT"infta'ntry inft on it. adh:fion to the r.reat confederacy . : in vainvdtd Ru;lt t, ki-formi - it neighbour, repeatedly threaten ji. toa(U, which;! all ''poititfa Nvere Opc'i t'o!ifivli n. 1 Happily, for D-nmat k, the very arr'u'snce ofthefe loltc'tationWcttroy'd th'-ir wh Ve-Tithft T!ic par ttfani of the Win rood ca.ufc. gave' D?ninti k rmre multiplied c iules of complaint, than that very na ttrm a ril flft whi n t'.ev were endeav'.uiriittr o aim at. an'donlv contribu'td to -confirm in ite t.tY.ity. QT) ,that rie.terrnt-.tiott u nn now reiton to r.joir.r. N twithflandifg the privarcci ot th; tw6 priiui pal belligerent power', v ln int., 'I all theffi, never was -its trade more fl 'irj.rhinr. Xh- merchandise! of two -world i pour into its pott.. TJi . Dan Ih mer chants and 'mailer, ol m ivateers iti the djnita! an i a. C I'.'ie me James Ufubfoii, one of the BnrgffTes ol the U d Horbngh,- canie and ncrfonaljv ap carcd of liter po--.s ' iM.lt4-v.:7iJ.ct of Ai-aitr. hr.hi.f. Owens, n-.a'ler Of ihe fl top Co.ncgr .-.c, o jif utrti-' : i thatto'ttitt y Wilmington, a d being duSfwor i du the holy E This ;s one of thaprd'iigiei which is little expeft. crirv, bin alfo cq o. ed ingrhfl CI in- V. I p'O.! CO 'f- i"i I nit. i .jvnhevt, wh. inhrri'e4 hit name and hit ta lrr tinl whofe death Dentiiark''HUl Si-ierlv la . , ! I .... . i. r il I held. 'r i,'oj ol f -" hrnt in he lO'l t ii4"!iii A intti y OoirnLotii uy, ed- to proceed froyi wea-knil, ; it d-ici not, indc ti, Th.it ?n Cue day the 3 "HI utt. he lai.ed from invariably, jcconiBr the means' -t "! pru 'eoce ; W'ii .elphta'.,wind being weltw'atdl that at or hut Denni 'k hst? Lhe atl to t o ttoi e them ; for the bout the ) wer end-ot tlu- lope walks; he came up ,eU, pl.iced i;,i the inidll of that c-i'is whiclt left i as with the 'aunch, or long boat, belonging to the fii it v.-ere, infu'aied from thr reft ol Europe, it felt gate United Stites, bein; in her wake, or rather 10 rhenecelfity of lome connexion with a. gr.eat pow-. wipdwardof her ha lh..- o ffi.ee r to did boat hai -r;itytded fothedireAii 1 of the Court 'of Birlin; d bim, and Sid him for a damn'd radal to drop an.1 'hat i dhine an impofir.g attitude to a cau.ious his peak and go toltcwitd oi then, vhich this tin - iff I'crvcd at o.ice as a (hirld, a model, and '' depon-nt cenfidering unnccelTarv, hayled his w nd, fkin lT.ulT ; ke tiuu cut hi . 1 r iv . uu aincHe 11 v u.i,. vneie vtc Were oV!t('-d to'l fvnf her, but with rdolfSi e V ind ye ! itJteth!' the'fi tl o :ze captui;.! bv our com morient oi) this 'lit. Ytt we -hope that Bib was it lent p'urdeted by the gair,tfon of Fort M ffl.n. aa we leffhtr to chei: meicy, 4hoby b ing pcaciable Ipeftatois duiin rhe aftion, were no -doubt pleated wiUihe opportunity ol diawi'g i to llreir knap, licks fome of the ha'd pictures of thof; itcfh wa tr lubbers, the.. Sw tnifli Multitude. 1-lhall add ' r.o moic t.r preient, than we got faf on board thst-,night, but looked I ike' a fleet becalmed ' of a ftsddemfter gale fome w .ter logg'd, I riia lumbitng- and toiling iin;nei ciitilly, fome with their tupfaila Iplit. olier with their landyards rolled a way, or then bintnc ei u' fhippcd,. and almoll eveiy one had hit deadlights (love in, or his Iraa iail. fh3ttri:ed.;'eihis niy foul ot varii the tflett- of a Well-India hurrxane in a federal rendez . i-uJ". I vilUhank you to c J 1 n JCate Mailen Clara a htt leather, and ?H t'hem, I Jhould b ; jjtd if one or botiv of thetn would come and fpend a week or two with mc, and my fhip mate in the cible tier : we ill lharc our rino'.with them freely, at weas our fait junk, Sec. and at the go d people of,-Philadelphia ate about eflablifhing a boufe for the encourage!!. ent. of them andjhvir acqitaiutancci, they hate now nutliing to fear. TRANK MORNING. . On board the frigate United . ' .. Suiet, at Lottg Mooringi, OCt. 8th, i.o. c.:; c?.' an atm'un t uiivci mm 1.1 tn;n King loio Indebted foi having efraped unhurt amidtt all the P.ortut 1 hat I lonr, Z'' d Euro . KcV-. of rate and Iran'rend m' merit, wh-en ihev have held rtnio fi it ftationt, do not wholly def end ii:t'he g'tve? evo t.hV 1 hey arc not com letelj' IXi I 'fl, th it rin iolet fu' v v c " them, and their fpirit fetov ftill to p'efidc over the nprra ions of the rtiv rnmrnj whr.lt toe.- torinerly ' refred, the late c Mi'H Be ItoitT ; n'-r in cited the prin 1 m, ferved at c.ic fxaofcvf ir D-n-iark The !cehe has again lately fhifti-d for its happinefs. -The ronlederact who appearel lo formidable to Denmark, and who i.nagined they wer.-alfo lo for tiid.ible t. France, a e now divided. Paul I. who' (a atcly anxiouflv looking cut for A lies in all cjuarttra for Rutland, is now at bufilv employed in rating. up cn.'iniet 1 gamit tier. He had nod'fhcu ty a id palled mote than a cable'., length to wndward of them, fo. whxh theolhcer -be(tow!l on htm much H Infer a I abufe, threatening 10 make thit de.-on nt " fwet: for it" tlt'lt he continued down the river t head of faid boat tilt they pot near Fort M fil.rt, when the wind- being a head, the laid boat came up with h m in hit wake, both haying their larboard tjcki on board lint the faid boat ken away under the ffiv tn!tifni nr.n inc. S'ich wi the d-flinv of nr iy h' Iop hat io a 111 X 1 ftp the d'pi l' flicw hi e.,'- '.it I me etUw z v. '1 eh i 1 II. I J.'! . Tl I , ' n r iM"- n: n'.i.-t in !( 3 r ir.tntut.tnn, vt.. r ne.lt of f foreign a'Fairt ; and in order to worthy fuccelTvri he peihips wanti t experience, 'nil thai firmnefs of ran only be aquiicd i'y a long is all'ociaied rouoi Srhioimelmann, Foreign News. ''-''.'. I'rtm Hamburgh Papers to the firj of Sep tember receiv:J at the office of tit hdelphia True American. The Datiili government will no longer be tix-d w lh p-.ilillao mi f when it will yield only to fork motives", and when it will mniiller oi.ly to fuch. in fl ence Recerudu thert. was lome cenfure thrown dti tone of iii refoloti ni againft the prcfi which a. pear " . . .u . . . r . 1 . . . . ai vim nt n wt. 0 ntionc an mi. ed oy no inenu 10 agree wun.rae uiu n principle 01 V',th h-iTt i allociaied rouoi St hmmelmann, I mode ation that jratae the Uinilh t.overnment. Let . 1 s 'txcially rhtiged with the Uninci.al 'de- J it withdia w that lina! of innilenrue, from which ii 'Ocoian, whole naoic awakens ; in otiiei reiprtti it ccmi 10 averie. Let it promote eftjftiablc dtialitv, enio an iit-1 the petfccTiom ot lalutarv inltiiutioni, and retnrm pn' -l.-ltt. J "H the idea of .'veiv iT-i-nco-whi.:h cionot be too grjeat. n it is fare to be !-tnited Vy h t own mode'iv Th re ir 1' w iii'ir: diflintilfbrd .ninifters in the ',-1 touni -1, c 'vtnt Chi jltian and couni jCay R -ve llov, Tlie lor o.m tin tM with p e know!jcdge and p re1 f- t't Dm, ? ftimetvhat perhai of lv 1l-on( fciai lowwdf arbi'r y powei end love of fvftrm ; ana te ilfa ti of the int rior, which ire ,im ! r'liji t n -d-ate Itirtei tni-n lan:e, befprak pret t' f arly itiat difpif-iion Kfrv ihing tclpefling ithtni' ngOlltiona i a mlted nj pie, ted for the mm 't I"' it by iwometi. 4iO, frorfl th:ir talen't, il-. r fi''.tit, nd t eir chi'aDer, derive very tot ftd'i -!-ctt'e : the one i 01 e. VI ent, ibe tbcra jhtuther f th' Dmifh COHli o Chancery; o e 11 i rhinh'"Iiiit Mo'tkc, it whom the Prince Royal letHilct -.uh ronSienc; the othet. Mi. de Col. bir nenlMrhie'i.i I'SilnJoih t, vhife re- ' p.ia ( 1 hone er "tt if late hern not a little tainih t .1 bv (cvc.l tt ( an intolriant l. iiii. t urn C f?'ntlow 1 marl nl a cool difp ft t ,t. I .!) ittJapgl and wu, tiho .t av4itlC (i i nl bhiiuKi h. ; hi fu irivelled, aid dttved ,.. '1 vUs.tt.tf.c (torn uhat'be hit ottfrt-ed. lie I -tlfiilel iiitdiitiiiftion, fume fapwtthx': r il. fineta, and he 11 1at Ttnm bcini; unacquainted with p -li.ical econt'int, in which Hun he haachirlly en I ted. t The Prince of Alftrin AugiiDrmVurg, the km s Un i 4aV h a alfoaplivC n the Kiogi council, lot ptinciolct I soke-i up 10 be 4a natrioiic at cm well be capetlcd fenm a pe nce who .iNt laccMu neat thf titronc, H ia te naikahfe lor the i.bciili- ' -iv nl hit ttanit'ii, ami lor is tafle 'ot th I thofe that are viciotn. Lt it .il 1 rn plctcly annul iholc badg-i of pcilon t fervitutc w.i ch at yet pol In ma y ram of its dom leioui. Let it take no o- ther part in the ofFenf've altiance io which it ii n w invitd to accede, ojt what rajy be n cllnv for in luting the liberty of theieei. Thui ita Govemment may preferve iia refutation for wiidum j and n fubjectt, in fpue of (lie conftit .tional defpotifm they live under may coni uue to it: nap. v, 0r to i ..Ifcine iht 'hi v re lo. . : ... 1... ru c rt. .1 - ut. 1 ...1 u. iSr,.r ... A.....I 1 r..j .--j it iti ttringt ovc t o his r-iicnv iii 111 mijtu y 1 lie voung in ice, wmc ti- vm-. . w,,t,u ,n ,1 unuu j K. tig of weden, a rea I v filled with indi nation a- , rafcal to go about, 10 which 1 either thai d ponent gain.ft the i-.ltlence of threat Britain, from which 'noi any onot hit .nos madi; reply, fu kept on '.he ft 7, waA abl" to efcipe ; it ii beieved that Den-j hii Urr.tch, when the olh-er.ordrred the'boat to be : .jik is irow inclined to accede to the caufe of the laid along file ol the fl -, which the cockswain maritime powrri whom the pride of England threa- aop arcd unfiling to do, and lather kept the boat tens with greater dangers t!an French punciples evei I way tli' the pfitctea ('ie be eves) took the helm -did the cattfe ol Rinra. , od latit the boat alnn ti ir, g ving orders to the p'.opleto Itand bv aari j-n nt on boaid, whicli they didto'the mi 11 tin ,,f twelve or fourteen, and witn out ih lcaft piovocation, began to beating thi; de ponent and tin hands, in a molt b iroar. and inhu man manna, whil - fome of them 1 re v the anchor overbraaid, and mhen let go the hilyirds, and cut the bOat'i mooringi ani let her adtift. Thus abufed and thui litiuted, ihey lelt this deponent ad one of ht liihui bheding on deck .hat rapt. Anderfon, ot (he brig Hope, nl Philadcl hia, who W4i v. ...! to (hit lecne ol brutality, lent hi b iat, and too-c up tbil deponent'i boat, and btou.ht her 011 l.oard the laid Hoop to thu deponent. -V RXMUEl. OWg.sS. Sworn md fubferibed before ) mr, October 4, 8 . Jams! DkOBION.' Boroujfh of Iv'ilmingt0ni fl. Relore me Jurei Br bfon. one 01 ih Rurrenct cf faid bomu h. tifti'i c perlonally appear d Johnllon Owem, one ol he handi b longing to th' laid flu p Comegrate. who being duly twoin according to law, laiih, that he wai on board the laid 11 m at the lime, and awuncli eo the veiny ol the laclt .U.ed in the loregoing declaruion. JOHNSTO OWENS. Sworn a d fu'iferibed befoie ) me, tdibcr 4. id i.. Jams! itaoatON. PHlAUtLi-fllA, Oaober i;. BrRlTISII Rascallitv. AFFIDAVIT. City of Philadelphia, ) to wit. Tnov i Coat ai, ir inf, 1 native of the Tnwn fhip ol Kail Celt, ,in the c'.uuiy nl Chcdcr, Com mon wei.th ot PcitnlyKati'a : aketh oath and (nth, That he vat a ins 1 1 ner. on boeH the unt Hope ol Chiilrlio ', S. C. bound t o (i-een k to Nra Piovtdei ce. fence to Chit!-on , t.it nine 10th Copv tf a Lit '-r frtm a SeJman. tn $&d the hiate Untied Statet, Cimniid.re Barry, tj ht Jnrnd in this city HAMRUlr,H, Seprember 1. letter from Copenhagen, the 76th Au tufl. " The Dattib fcliooner, whf.h wis fent to Pe teifbirg with the account of the capture of the fri gate Ficva, ii thii moment returned. Ofifie dif patches wnich it b.ooght, nothing is yet known but g eat:r activity and exertioni in forwaitiing tlio preparati ma are nbfaived Four floating btteriee Sl 24 piecei aic fitted and in our road, andthil day al! .tie mcafurcs of d.feoce f.,r our haiboui wiM, be compleated ; outlide of the Citadel they are now b died in throwing up a battery on the weflerrs part cf the hatbour. Tne Htong battencs on the rOad arc well moiel, ' snd ine-rpn ids re lined I' ve! y day. F r the worki on the H dm, they prtfa the vag'enti; and all enrolled failon are taken out ol 'he inercliantni n, and fajlon from d (f. rent rif trr ii are brought hith r in wigf,o. '1 lie city mi tia il exercill ganddoeld ty on two cjtv goardi, and each citacn it o.ihged at a, I cveuta to hue so csitndget i i readinefi." Anitber letjtr from Copenhagen, of tht fjme djtc, 26th AnQuf. ' Although ihe prcpatanoni lor dtftnee become moie lenous eveiy day, yet nothing ol a h fire n. tn e hath hitner.o hapiiened betw en us and Uie Engl fit. Tne meichanti of tins pl te, ' veil as ' ol 1 inn' ti', having Iked our eoventm-nt as well a tN admiral ol the hiiglfja, wh-M.-e the minl.anc veffeiacould go ..U! In faleT f ih-yg.a a fafiil &oiy anlwei ; and Admual DiKfto oileied t; rive nlT- poiti to mole v.lfea which would wifh to depart Irom E lliiicui, and wnuld fuffer then febee to He nc amined. Meanwliile, the Knelilh M tiler i.r.r. Lord Whil wo th, h a drmmJr 1 a cafgort. al anfwer to hie propof.ls to Vol C utt fo . Chit lime, II d niopolea 10 leave th a uyonFidn wnh I1.4 whole fun, the Chined'Atlaiirt, D uoim.nd, exeep ed." I.OWKR Kt.liE, A.iil a8. ' We hear do n the Dintfh dominions, lh t all-lhe ee;i -enu etc like wile called m ftom the Outchte. Toe trgi nems lCekfwi, itisfni, ate to ma-ch 10 runni gen a 4 the ncighhi unng ,.:' from Erkein Foihe and Rea 'fbtn, the troopi aaarcnto watcs ..ockllidi, to whi h la e t ore artillery hee be-n lent, and" whrte the loitih:ationa art ut into the bell oid-r In feveial placca' on the cusU, bat- I tctita 11 i be rutted. , davol AuiyiU, 170O; he was ju et'-rd I, m o t Uou ha.e biought you (ell 10 anchor in a cook. Solid te bual.ufiid by a pa.iy tto-n on boar J 'ftp, ore g.ge? ynd aim and yard urn, it hi Biuinmc inajilly'i ih p Yoik, ol 64 xuni, com. Kste glei, or fo-nc other fire fliu, hiwever, Ottft m.ndtd by capt.Mi John Farter, efo that he wai . for youilelf. ejiaja.1, the oavy will always be teady detailed on onird 1 ,e feid In (h (b p of lr untfl to back a to ..lath and receive too mto the msin jiheiHtti o! Mai h, iBio, noiwiih4and n he had gangway, when your r o ey'i out boya. 1 1 repe tedly eahi'tneJ hi pmietliona, du fianed bv t Wecuiiti, tie fai.ine belute tir .ml ta drul. L . I .L- ... A t. I . t. ! ! , . t I ir. Kl f .t. ..Lit w . . I . . . m L . ' ami tnr a nr inn nc nat tor p incipa ui cction or 1 tne pro, olicci ei .nw 1 ,. , wn.n prurtt-on ihoiijh nur tnea'e 1 lale iniui'd I . . . I. . I . . . (I .. . , ... J. . . . I . . . . v - , ti'rcr irincs in 111 "nt. f I ne niM Kuril, who prrfidei in the couiKil, m 11 tl ti 1 e.r the good nl 'the tou .try, iifd 1 t r ety mcafure thai 11 pr- po'. ni- bom with militiry difpuft- .' at 'Hi h. mil ,4f t he (Ouieflll ln ir.'.. I hl whil nil Ii 1 1 1 A 1 1. - Ik. V... L .1... ...L. . . i . - - - - ........ l.m, iviki t mw (iift t ,n meiiiiii, out we nao iaic .un, il c belonging in bis 1. 1. un,..c n ijcfty at I on R it, hidnoto-mn me thr day we 'ett the city, w ich 1 Jama.eig- fume time about the mneih I Febtuaiy, think wa. the jotli of lead n.onihV you ill recoIrfU sa., nc Miiin I'fwiiw inc taitrr tito o- me month, SBSJBi II the loibi n et otiui on u on hi, cmaeni ed Ihc United &isie, e of tbjcm, who wai a loltiener 1 nffll w i t ihe 'fupme comroul of every thmg ' by bmh, but Kid lulcd five yeaiaout of he Uit-t- it, rriatti ioj it iHi, bo n lor le or land, mi edotmi; I warn Irom on onnd bis 3ntannic ma-! Iv -corded 1 1, i tt u ber-in-la. Pnrice hirlca, jeHy'a (hip Yotk, wnb in inieol to t turn to the is Ii f Ci fl, CeneralllilmO of the ttdbpa, and United Sietea, andid gal on bo .id the Amceuao f.antU geJ ;t, iu ihe Duchiei ol Slcf .,;k and (tigsic Conftcllatton, commanded by capme fruit on Ma jto w'i : Wnl.snt Maittio". ol leii'a Poim, Biln. h tgeuvai'i VntAi 'Sie?ryi't o: gove-. tim-ne . William Rojinf-n, ( New-ledford ; rr'ni ii i ted and pro tAs'gird ia ike name ol joh.i Co bet, ol U lii, and M eel (fa ( i lite VII. leaiee fin ol this na-ne ii n drpooent doe noi re i I itaee ol the leidmg petfonafet mt colled .) that ihtle he pi(ii Lnt ffic boe'd , i" - it tiri - dewcnd the deQmiei ut De trnnk . th Conaellattoo, and tti on the nett mnmtn j a i ..Jii. . d . M Fa W I ' i (umtpeel, aod fomeiimea cotded by tt being Sunday, alee ha n cUsped. Captain a ' lo- (i ,ihey w itftoletabc it iiemt ) -art- Ttuamn ordefed treft unb.rdife l iitfft dSia rf , . -t u it it lion ih-dange a ihet threaieo-d wit from w ich they lAd euapeJ. aodih tihcy lu 'ifvohe ti i ii mud iancc I be cot inled ha iheti were earned MMnRbcI : thai im o duu ,Mi.Aia-in, elpe-.nl.y ut late, k i not been ee- arnal on fmifd tht TorkVta f wee. ti.ii eD, ..... i . i ...a . . .1 . i r "" 'w '" " "P t' tit nm n, end ihtte Uirh le erally B iffM on toe brr i -FRANKFORT, Augifl 26. new fn...m:j'i which ta mentioned fiona Menu ttovci but too cemm, thai the hi . C bhl, wii tevet may bf the iifoe o the ptriem neg an , look up m ihe in otporition of Belgium -na . lelt Ban' ol ihe R me wi,h ranee at unsltrrabW 1 anal h a been ibetefdrt tiiele beautiful pro m et tout be I n il up in at unvoi a t.y loll 10 I e b'tmin Emt i e.nd the Hoof c dj Aaafl s. A older (ign d by Rn ma. part a a Councilor L.cce, ait vr-i at the U iecior the I uach war 'under the commsni ol lieutenant '. " au iiCoy-.a'a, de. laiei t e intention ot iho lummera. ich.ice lellow for for, and aabtavean ri "Vo"'"! toluild grc 1 H fob ol fntalMitat othwrt tt ever llo.m'd f.e bread 1 00m ( and ol !"e '"bo oh on t,f me ci y ol eaftg a mother thu you win b- illuied-when I tell yoj that wa hid "c" aa in 11 ncii Ivot.a 01 Avignon. 01 board bet about Ave and I went, biave Icllowa, " f,; 4P?"' j '' n iae Initnutfona lor tOn.il-befideir-ir oftt era, who wee all flowed two nd ,,! ' 'onl tmiliaa, and ha dneeltd ihcciti' two, wuh each a hie (hip in the Oemfbeeti, that J jroai of Mem to make Uatenemol ih Na- . t . . l L. . I . . A. ... I . . . I. ..Mat .1..1.. . . . J . . . m iwy ma hiuii(ii mm itnin uiy-O'cka, vthete - m tni vrpii.m n; 01 Uinn lb 'f, Ihey kad undcegnne a h , rough repair (torn t c poop ! whie h ma be appl rd foe that pupofe, and Uai ( nit ...v.. ingi nrr will e fepoil Ob Utetii other 101 1., at In theft on hr. ttd cptei.bar. eiJt fi. ibele ih ee new inklitoiiOM il ca-tu ated lot ao'd ii. ealtdi, l.ihii .be r ,o,.p. lad, i ot) p.,, t avtoMig 1 no ,ie 1 1 1 1 at in 1 r H itnm 1,1 pi ami rno i, ban e ,e m a 1 mcalute 1 , be n - ,. - 1 m me gengraph nl k , and f !!(, (tuni sn-t un.er ul ibe h.it Wtitklb gneein - ih-n ihe reaih ol .h4. f ihe ihi depnoem lan, ih. ad Hattilo iod d'.fa. had Win onboard ibe C -nilenanoo hh n he ' . t ii rmeily frame , iDllirl til...... I k J ' i "tgrd the Inimgaat ficick I ,,ate , a4 ko.li 0 " f ' in IV i' tin . init .1. m.w 1 ... ..line ia ih' bends ; in .hi ma net we pa ivercd the ever, umtl nearly abieal of th fort, wheat cue, officer 1 ordered a wood (he I 1 - lo ben wv, nd un -o lee aad. and pa, the relief .1 1 1 K r ,m- anodote'a flil The tanhec hbitt fuuila bn t lk sMl wssnbRinsic, ot isib r I f.ipoole. enaeant. lot I q-i Hion how ihe(e fellowi can ho tw any mi .g l. ie bever onboard Ike tommodui' mm. (y ut ma il fo b ih. know raft ol framimg ir.m a iai bit heii howluten, tr that .1.1 a , nmtn nried ua 10 board - s n wa done fo t bout b lo(t ol a i.R Cvnlul mil or .c In 1 , w ,t - w l'ai oneiifo,i,Mti Steibia, who'efoo lof.n- H, en inllani, an on ur Din. ihom.ii lh eoeray's captatu wit kmxh'd down b 9 e of the (. poe. iiltcd inMbtuols emigrate 10 .more pea cut .ountt.,,; i:,fy ,tal,ivu ibf (0. Hf fumth oioiisuua,ttlM up.o.h-.v,h leMoHe..s.c. fcl.SlNH' wo are y m an u. av p'i ata, vtttherr fi M iu . . . . I ' I . . .. L fke.ti iod thee, e .00. ihe ho! creo. neJ and . . Z sT T . v" V" . . fl , ... . . I V t. "finiTHnt r .MS twit. I f.. ' u.... A than , . 1 .k. it, it. pa ft m ir mt .hut. ..t.. V baagedt.,., tt.ul ,b. ,' ....t.,,, ,..,a.,i0. . ..a J,. h.eboui ,Ua, Ug'. U I1 l a m j - . . r ' ay " - - It

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