7- ' . ; r i' u bus h-k d w t. h k T yj y a l and hall - , ' -.,' ' . hnnllAM.- . TH UR SDA Y, IV E C K M ft K K 4, 18-0. ; THU H S'D A Y, Tliivr Hollars ner Apw" 1 t r Vol. 4 v.-No. 2oW; N 1 c GO 1 VN U ATI ON OP Py th e .America, W, icm ' Sepiembcr 13. ' : .;'. PARI 1 .. u ....ufrl. nil "iti r. a.O lnltZ 'I a. -3 raotul. "- V - . wrrkh arecornprrbended within the li e.nf demarra- repp') ic ..':; (vr.i Kvihf ccoventlon 6 J' ihc ' eth lu'v Jfl (the the ece Ik h Mfifi t . JH1 be elvfn uo to the di'fp' fuioo of its . i i Iiniie ia! i ; ' 'ft to 'XI ; Ihtjajs'i efs-trv A id. ' i ' a Arch- '. V":'l t... V .vvmatrUl fir til. :i rl-r r.iirk ltn'1 1 'J'. .,is ' -.. , a-' ; . , i t i .... v. c i ' ' ii "n i't.t'.t Kl. t U XHxTr S the .bfSifr tt j "rt iif"s p'tdjtoi' his i"ntfauonr. iV fvctdngtitg to tliemj juJ" jniit the. t ny i-fY Germany. . vi;.tVoii oh' lie 1ve 'e,' bmh wh t troops jnd miliitry ftorr ol U i -A, ht!i tfle lpce otter aavt t m-. ra thk Coilwi llitbjch fu niftied wilh the ofRceric "n. rrned. r pWe,::' bu Mielly ilie Emoeroribtriiiopea above : it tne nete-qiu-ieti ri v1i:iint nh orderi to j t put' to-Lanrvtite. p , . 3 hi-.-oifficu' irtWorllv arifinMrom the edfc ,4-: of i mil iti i e 'tmce, murt eeceffsr tyr 'ceufe H rielsyj but , fv the -two jovfrBneiits flr ird( ii to til " t UiC XiCUV'f' JIljlTi yiii..r - . 5 tltit t;eiir ir mntpon' li e ar't'ileteVrVy k n:l,. :b; IttaU ;;e c.eir veil ,st tne ex pent e o on jr-3s ewViiiTHVu lMMuf"Wit I!-. ..-a to rt, s.o-' m. jtrer to tne conat iot ot tint trwee, in that c('ti nee 'it! hi-ilmperial Mijeftv W:iil jtevTepa rat jv lor jjfjjcr, on ti.e bafii e-f t I preiirrtinariei. Sn it the Ri ilii ptt'; (whu h thr e is no reafpn.to fu;-rf) ibouid aain he ab e to .iisfttiefl e, Ni-i-fcti ov Vieiif neitl'S the f iow, nor the rig.)i ie iealont ffn! th;ii teUrd he -pro6tf pi jhe ic. ; tut IheT wi pjOlrcui'; iti to evvW ot o prenyl .net th!Tt hf hi k :t W.igntv eaWi (i.pknia,tc 4i"'P" on', wt .n " . r: i or ic:t -nvc i - hbtf! '"V? .. .Ifu...l,l,nli. .o winch aic to "tie co.npr l r t W,epiorfu WM.niit-rw tvyt- vr?-. Ti-..p-ni ine rrpu n-i.n the wici-i. tKrti (V.il! be rf ' vertl . i r i ' nfi ; the u mvt ex.r tnitv, H,i' the h p.'-'vtiairoi ijic Fietifth iqiyvn the ebtHie 4 ft-wjhe wtt.tei, w.ttV4;'giinjf"v' thi epeiny-" ti.ffie one cft.hr p.'U.i of the g.-anfl coinBiuntraciorii. Sj'r9r;rtfw armies,-.. " .Tiir ch)if ntK'Be :;CterttB' by oeutft wrw l.!ttis- ..ate (he- prr-aples ot the ftoyerm-rnt ; kiu ivih Uli ytniolk citpiic;!, ...rstij! e mori,t-;Miii-Li-ULi C't.mmx; unl- Meter .;,,) tt.-.t.c i-3H 7 Fr ,-h, i,v I to -lcertiti'tle'ffa - -t i . roid ;efoii-i..vfp-di1y-to pcMe jhe continent. . ! ,...'! 'cH.4Jb'-,T8 niueo- k.:.ih'v, - . .Ti,- mii trvfto..ej,-proiftnni, nd the mili- ' '.iih, molt .i.-BJ icT.fu4.e are.iHken' to fecond t -fi ! fi M 8,i tvt i-wn? -w-rn . ., ; v- ;.;. woe-eorii fc:L1 I e fOUJ I , evacuated as fti4 1 '-'VrtwVte ibf th bf .be em: r.i i i n v i' '. - . . i.j. pire. . 1 tie Utter man wt; .avymwucu hum vsiwucu uy v ?:-( tVi:ic 4; ' ei' fejs. . Vi nui-anxH TitT ib.'-t-the'ei) ve;"f. r'1 ! ,iia ICS ' pr..s. .. " ' ' , l.'ii.i ,f.-... Vin'iTiE fli-weve. ,-eo f, ;!,nrfo.vo...- at-rsotMri.triY.f YWfec Ge-ef. !bat the u.ref 'on.bf the Fh (Miil .ix .ont.;fciousiy a.'iiti.cu fw- ' i'""' v ' . . x, .M j,',,)!, ihe . .. ... . r.u nun ilea ii. ... t " . riM . n ... 1 1 1 1 i . 1 1 ? " " . . . i u.. . i .'. i i . rv u-.l ' n.'J!l'l I It ' ' .!..' . nimrd o.thit ettett. of l-efe pjjte (btH be determined with the. ffyji ieft tlciayby a.'iSaiiituUr convent idn, as well as th vacuit in of trie Tt:k who catinut be fent ot with the a(i ifon. - : " '"' . . v- ;.-ri (). In order -o tarty into eff ft the above mrntion d riKulatioii, tlvtie fh.ail beapif l ngitio;i ci the ar imOLe'ai''' ful culioti of h .flijitn-a-- between the a m of Ifii Irrrrrial iri j - ty aotK'og. an hia t'lict, and t.hearmy of the Fie.-ch iel:uhlic on the Rhine, em e tr' m to.J'unoiv, en ed filteen dav.,.to tht of ",k 'i.Ue:e m nt lie " ate. s.i encii peopJe in thtf ctfcntiaKoiticft, the tec ret p Htici-oi their gbvilii- relumption of ho iltiica, u i i . 'ii n , i iM.n. t it M'i 1 i.i i , ..lvec tiTRen . , : ' fcrve as notice or tne -wsO-lOrtlie m.fv;? "Pr'lii mould they take p.ace. v c nvflnand., ' the ,.oi vote ofirQ.i....R. y, - Th,. tl6,n,n,nJer , chiefltJe army of the Rhine' .. I . ..... 1 - i- i . I II Ill'W LJ - U iviu.e in' i - f r . t cure an immenuie ceuation 01 u$ i iti L. VIih:" n ihiif I engages to pi . .. :...,;t.. ... : 7 I- ...... 1 r i- t it I Ili-.V uit-iv-ta innfw , HW: . ' . i . M ties. with i-Vlptft to the ii inrtnt v to vvit., v .vj-,--t . : . t. . . I. . k .!.,.., '... i.. .t r, in ino iow. at .H. an. o; t.iy . . It n crta-y y.c . r . t ,.,v.Ul iv'i I h, .i.inlf win rccfi-e the atTut nee oi i- " . n tiue eppyj n Tlie federal pi fl'"y il t-hitt "I Haft. MOrlEAU." r.i nESSOI.ZI.." PROCLAM TION. . fcSt T H R I M A I- OF. K IN CIIJ I f lHt F'eoiii t.. v. rnirrnt h'd, Bwni;iidirt ho ili- I mv of tt'e French r poll- lit in Italy, mould tiieieticy.il ot th m have tan j i.ice itv fo'ft v () tuob (tted o nv iia lu'v, oc'u.f lot i-ia r v .i nt r e-nirs i ... . . Au t St '( In v. Ir.r.e! Pun 8. The line of I'ernarc.Hion fixed by tne conven tion Jo! ih- !, h ot Lit I ilv, fafith cflitt(.i) is pie- 1.-. . . i ." . ...3 i tt ... . .l ft ved mt) its rtftatia under tne moQ.ncaiina in inc ill. ad. 4t and jl,h atticlcs, as befoie and heirai.er recited . Th-Pre ch army of the Rhino flia'l fallback nd take a pofiiion bet wee ' the wo b?nKotthe Her, and thi .-Imperial army ol Germany fball t kr poit on be .. banks of the ln, e.cii at t'e duUce of j K.o trifes, whelhci lioni ttitii nvera ci the pUcca ii.u ted in then c-aife. A i.hainol advanced poii "nl oi ly be pl-tfcfd on the Ijrjri of deina-t t , on, ... uy Ut to nvitnacn ot the "i juta oi la..v J j.y, WW i0. T c difpofitioni of the faid convention fhill et ccn id in evety anangemeut hat is not con- ' ii.i v to the prelctit, 'I lie. 8th ait cle ol tlie c n- I .1. ...L I.. I.. . ... . . 1 .. I . t , VCDHOlVol inc ijin oi juiv, ii i.'i ""'j pjim. ...iv ivf e inhabitantl of the "p.ac .hove menito ed iti j I . pi.mt,. bui he com iiidei incl-iet is at tht tone tunc tnviteil li lKi' i. to ni c !iiiori.uiuii, im. u ui -Office of F jr-e'ig m A f i rb. -P' sllmwy uH'icUs at P, ace. His nvajef. , thr eirippor, kin? of Itnnarv and ohs.-.'ii, Str. he, an tp ftrfi confui 1 1 the Fremh re u'u:tr, Joe name of thc K cch pro, !e, eqmlly ntfftjted wirt ths.dr'iie of putting in end lo'the e il pf-v.-a'r, jfy a fpe- dv, jbft and lolid peace, have A J...: : I - t . t . .- : . - : L... i wpMKt on me-Oiiiwing preliminary amcin : i j Ajl. "t)" be peace, amity and good ' tiiuteifUndii1f;( et ween his i.ajelty th. enreror and km;,, and ih French Republic. H. Uiaif co-.' lufion of a defiirtive pesff., the ariti.a'v.ilt um in us well in te m ,ny as Italy, in the,,-', fiiion i tiptftiv ly jri which trTey now ate, with-out,,-xtendiog aiy more towards the fou'h of Italy. On i i: pari, his Imperial mtijelly engages himfelf to t:-tirf!Kr',!f a 1 the. fo'ces w: teh he rhay have' in the Pp.'l il.ite'., in te forttefi of Anemia, to put a 1 1 - p f o t;.oe traot'Iiiiarv levy wl'ic is tnsi.in in Tufcany, to prctrcnt all difcmharKationt ol the enemies o. the Fier.ch ifpubltc at Leghorn, of at any rather : fpm of .iu C lis. I UI. ;7 he treat ' ol Carpo-Formio (bill be taken at ihei,-n ! ihe d.-ttniuve pa motion, xc pimg fu. h chai'c- aih.ive l-ei-'iiie tete4Iary. IV. H' Im.Aiial mai Ify maket nod pofu Circukr letter 1 9 the mb'affaftri ani fa, reign mim fieri-faf2tc cuw t of SpffitF'-"""' SIR, ' '' ' ' 'fv. IJiayc the hnriof to cbmmjpnicate to you a co py ot the meitipril wfdcfi the king my n barter has ordered me to fend to bis in niHer, auJ ' dcl bplrn, inordei to be tr nltn ticd to the-ni nihry pf hi 4weU d-fli- .roejefljy.;' ' '- . 'a - The,pr.v.eipc which are ela' 'ifhfcd itf it, and wbtcn bas, ff'ven rf to -.. '- i.tJM.nre fd-hrc"ieft.J. all je cMimerctal 'natidni f Europe, pWtt&ady be neuiraJ pw r-. h- .,.-,- v His n aje'lv is perfuaed 'bar your government will fee th artiir in t'e fame point ol view, ,ra no ftatt rs hi ; felf that he will concur in effacing, a nweb aa-"il fiom :he an a a of war, an a 14 ckr 7 fo 1 ehi'.ctive of the cm nrience and hofpitali.y, pf which ntuual.and fucnaly Hags enjoy. . I re eat th.e affuiot'ei ot my .coxfidcrstion end eticcnti and . , ' -' 't .. atn, fir, . " fSigned) ' J '-t,- CHEVALltR D'URQUIJO. St.I!dvuhoulo,Seut,i7, 1 00. 4 ' '' - . 1 . ' ' '. Letter ti thtwnifhf-tf lyfigh amir's of 1 SIR, . ,L- ' ." .wDv : ; ;: 1- The king mv" nt Rer, ha l en"wtih the greateft indif natioir, by the report bi:b h co'n'ul of nia Swfi . fb 'inuji-liyV Barcelona, has tr fnilt. d to the captain fetter I or ( aialonia, containing the detl .ia-tion-..f cipt, Runbatt, l ti e wertifb palliot th H tliiuaig, that on she 4 h . f S pt laft, in the after- , noon, two Ei 1 iib (btps of the line foired he f id ca tain, aft; r having e-amii'ed and fou d his panen ac'coidmg ti. iuie, t take on ho td tiiglifh Acer and a . oeili eiable nun.ber ot fail is, and to (utter himlclf to he 10v. ro at night, by I vnal Ehj ItfK flv.il .pi. t - he hail'Cur ol Baicel na, ud under the jcannoii of iu b iteites. Ihaithe Eni'lb having icdured th' faid ctpt'tn and Ins crew to file ce, by holding a pill 1 at hia biTft,'gfrt pc(T ffi m of the hrlm m rn de by 6 P. M. by u'e iomi. gHi; a" m Hops f nound- it, an a t-ck u on two rrtgaits undei foe ' poufh ; 1 ii z it, an a 1-c.K. u on iwii 11 gait s uncei 'tic p 'I ti . . ... I r. r n; .. . ....... .11 . . . I l.l., IH TI V I V uv ......, ...... luiu.v. .Ill; lilt. te ihe Ficncn renuiiite reietvfwE the I. us m the s . ,. r . . , . f." . n, , , , , 1 " , . ,. ttiiafrieedlviHd neutral Hip 1 oorcilcd f i.rnli s uit a , i-, fuch ir.t h.d been Hnci at Ralladt yu. r -,ia c()(ll" ,,c Dlitu lllf of orh, loll lb Nt bk of tne Rhine .;s,t, ti e ten.toiy ol the t,cUke (l b , i(e ,d , I, pr- fv tilth" frickthsf, and tm toveie'K ' v pi hat all belong! to khe initiL,er o! f'g" S ,nc r' u : ul.cu, Tt a pr-ul ol ti mot-e ianu, ai.a ijciliol n.ke pe.ee. ' W he emtfrnr ha toinirltiy lewfrd m t.y 1 . atan rui decUrtli n 11 if iu m . e-itc I, !i(re, aiopo.ejt- ri. fit binei , fgocia b'Hife of Au'.lria hrtween Ztirfth'and R.fl; V. 'Ih" fiench ttpul li; docs not mean to kciep Caff. I ; Kchl, Fhr.-.V reilt-in, and Duirrldotl. Th'ofe p a is ate dcrrj'iliflt , on lOnduion ihat t'ne e will rc en ittd nn the ight bank pf 'thc Rhine, for thr (liManC oi t tee 1 aguet, any fcitilicatioii, either in matunry or uieatrfr -. niii-t ivliich his majpllv the em- I farr W , lei re onitnil VI Th in .. . . . ..1. 1.. ...I,-!..-. ..... .. . rv r. i.ni 1 (i nv .... . . - iHinifi w .km. .. ........... v - peroran kLiirwaa to have 111 Uerm nv, By vume 1 u rai. ,s ol war. ... , ... . oltli lrc'.evl an cles of hr i he puliiit convention man oe onuitcnca oy 11 .1 . 1 r .u. ..( .1 - 1 I tmrifri to a!i the coin indets of the coips ol H.e . . . t .. : ' . . . . . . ... k ifl.i.nve army, on 111 1 a'v mo unin.'y, win. , d upon rui deciaraii n u tr -iwn . .1. wni-, 1 in, i . 1 m u. j, ... 7 Toon.ej ti ri. c 1 1 01 her r.rgocialirm. I Use k'tn ll expedition, tint hudiiiius may not only Oat ft'ivrf tnent tccr ft 't ; I ' i t ' laade,1, ' I! c t.r 1 . nnini'.i i'ulptndtu, but tint the aiucles ot 11 t il iMtnui e m es have met y mlb d u ( it i.n.t rn be .p- uiru im ediaieiy within hc term aid mnm ihcil i . t ,;" "' fll',,,,llllllh iutuvnctc iat, wuh icl ctl 10 the diifc tn ,ditnr hai irei n- pWge ol .b.ir g'.nsd 11. UepUllH lhall be appointed by tW'so ,, tl' ,i. I r t 1 ! itf ron' den - n votn at- drra 11 cmrl 1 t th a mtes, in oturr otmy 1.10' f.r .iiro lirr . art;.:ulr. r.t' t tea b the E gl ft o , the Jwd (h fl ip. dccla an., n ol the captain ticreun o annex- 10 the ed. The K ng my ma fter, could not corfi let tint-event but . tiitaiedtng the tight , womdu.g the i ter Its ot all, he powers of fcu ope, w.il.out rxrep ing FnRland : and above allajhe he-vi;tt p fu.t Ij th fl,; ol h s ed ft. m jcllv U dU, it is 1 v drni t at the beinge'ent powrra by - ... 1 rn ti ... 1. 1 1 l Thr :l'l I ; nli I I II ol Oli-oen n yom at- ; nrr 11 oho u u i" mici, ui mun 1.... i iL ir-tui 'ic. ?nd i . yuui v Im, on tk( ifl'.i the aitt let of he ptefrnt conve ti n. , .i 1 ..1 . . t.ifiU . e ce. fnce ii is you whom 1 to cbued, dupit.atei being line cH.ny.fd I". . r . j... .... ia.i. I .......I... Iil,.i , ,., . i. t.. h t.rs wi.li t' r eoui'ii. II 01 It. . 1 lieii.'nocni, re mi l hi . pnuiu. m. ...,,. fiC'H't"" ! . , .,. 1 I . . f L. a t 1 Co 1,1 1; r. p CI d o.tt- rs tins fiiornni;tnii aitalll v u ym nr yrai t Ho . A .. u . t. hi Ik I Jul . tin h ifnei 01 mis nay 10 inc ,, ac nil tort oi the AulliUn 'r iy.tobr . ft .Ll .. . i . . 1. mi- 11 tin Kt4le,,l 0 0 11 1 mr i my,iiu pnuica ill UW r f rux " 1 f tu He d qui 1 ns x y ptr- tl f KOnd f m ..1 ' rnt. ) "f the Fienc ieru i., one am mm hulc. (.'v IlUt 1 p) ) (hgn-J) v 6 MOREU. The Rferal f di. I ,CKiwl..a (Signed) DESSOI ES.' To bi. t'ltinfn v.f.r m e d i'-e pe ni'! art . n 1 Mil -t Pant th th ct )a9y, b;;ofntn ; ! tVfaara !.) U e t-unt dot. Juiitn Vlki In pi tn nlni ent uy 6iy rt (191.1 oeitibn. i0o,; (nt .)'.'. t '"'l'1"1 taipoweiao m i dr Ln.tHn a4 tn Laut' to mat tiiih the gcii'ial vf bnji.t: La. One IttMM '. i noifl tompMmariaiy ' ( .ii'-iico 1 COUNT DE LEHRBACH, Lavrir, f-r. of biilmpenal maj lly. (rv Hue 1 1 VICTOR F. L.MIOI'IE. 1 be commatiJei imkuf. Mortt..ti. Note crmmnntsat d ty the trlniftero' the lWlcr, lo tfre rinien f tn Ird inbe temale H M.ia, lor tht ; u:p. tt pi celebrating the IcUival cf be re SMati IC. lie tirjf Ctnfi ilo thepuhlic funfiiii.ri'ett Jttit rnH th UP " tmrnt. 5 Piriu.iinartci rf I'rj.r nr fignrd at Paris nn the fc of ulM betwef n citiai n I'aVftyiMi! ai iUlef .. i.i.i n r Rrl.noin. ml ihe COMi -lien I hcW we c 1a ihcJ witbia twe. tyfput uuul oy i e to, inn. Cn tea Duioc watthaigrii with onv-yi g then to Vienna. Iti m'i .t-. nl tie I set ion h Inlt to ....... .. ' A- ft. li. race, iiii nu ii appiaira 13 e joy 10 rnuca. erruu , aft anas MM thr e, tevenif. the kmpnm Irnnv ratifying them, the motive oi 'hit icIUMi was listed to be tna 01 a note tinm iht Kmt ot Fncland. dtmst.dmjt' have his . . 1 rd tn 1 h Cm gielt e.l I 'i r. con I villi the plant, otrnnai its . I the tmptroi. I mm ihii ai.tmrni ihe ( ovrnme t was bb- Ctni fn'itn ftr pri0 1 th J'Jptn. I ;lrd tobicak the JtfiniBi.t, that ih rc lindrr of ' . . i . i .ft.. . . . aft M....L. ..a L. 1..U fl A m aatkaaal m.mr r J f "' , , " ' Vioicau wit oide ed to acquaint ihe Ce t th Hi tne tifi Ih urtny hit ,,,!,,,, fMm,t h thr pre',i inancs, the feme f id! WtitjeA , il (VfTW ftf thai ippt taj id h' Oibtul JJS 'nal ; ant lo inform Ybf'tcuistde Ln lifts h mniHei pl"' UM'srtnf hm, -hat it ihty were sml iiiifitd wiitiin tweMy akl ii , llllh IHVH V. it anv.m'f imn enn-i, wh ill i.it.wi mm vm ' iihi,m h m. inn. fi'in Hilt 1 .inn 1. a. the I ' tee tan erst nl I 1 adr 1 ih and 1 bill sbu'f, ft iresiy ! v. ampo nnm , ivi bjeiaft-ni i Italy; and though it u leferve o Igeti at th -time oi ctr fl it ve pacification, of the Bain ton add ;n quota of h d indemnities, it is- ow Cttr e'Jati Hied eie ar a Lifts, thai lis m.oit . the envrmr ant king lh.ll pr-llcls, b'fidestlie . uniues L . a. . . .i a c . ii'.n." 10 nt , in itaiy 1 y i-ne oi wt nipo-ro.- jnv, an .qu;valei,l 10 the pollellinn ot ihe airh bitiosinko SaUzt-tig, the n eiv inn and ji'.i, ai tihe ly ol, inx udtng the iily of WsfTiibirr on the ilt bank ol it.r I n, with a fpace of thire ih ftf. and l,i bonis round, aim ot the Fiukbal whicu he irdiv to the Frem h republic VII I he unman n nlthe pieient pitlunina. nr articles, (ball i e iutt ithang'd at Viema, bt ort the a ih Thei midor VIII. lirimeoia.eU afier ihe exchange the taii- hi a t nt f.t the definitive tare Ihill be cnni'imrd Tftt put or ng'ciafion fbili he t.xed upon bv hnh p me.. 1 l.r Uiimi ariri fball b"frnt th thri iwrn'vdsvs, at v t latrit. .I. t la d exchautt. IX. H'smaicttt the tmptroi ao king, nd ihe ltd rlu. eiUrc Wench republic, :ec piotal'y en. gagennh tr word n' l oom tea step the pieient ar licirs (ecici, unifl :he thai , e nl ihe iMitctttOM X Ihc p wetiol M nt It, Jttto ee ng ton Umed in a lei cr liom the tn pftoi to th fil c u (l, the leil power in vetted v. it h the uiuai I imali I iki Ibal. be i' ftai rd wuh the lanfic lions ol the I jneteni jitelinnn nes, which willix iHtid ihtjiel ! pactivi govtinrn'i is till iftct I ha r-i m itiofl I We l.e uudeifibneu have agiecdioan . fia.ned th pi 1 (rnt pit imiMittl nl pesie, 11 Pant, he atb i Itieianirlnr Cm ytr ol tut French icpublit (s8u Jyl,, tSuo.) IJntnetii tr c$mpte 4e Sainhjulie, grn, Ch. M. Tttilerand, Tht refiifal of fis mij-fly the rtasperor C ri I v the above pre It inaii, having ' fitted ihc iup. lure of th srnnli re. the fan.r has brm figmhed the 4h Fraaiior n ft ft Sept.) b t ' rneitls m itHtl M-xiHi, Irarnt, Angcieau and ftlacdonald, 10 the enemy's gtneitlt. . v ..... 1 n ..... .1. .. u. . . . . . I .1 ". f S(ll l UIII'llll"1 III UKU 14 U 1 1 1 I I . , wifted to fojit nilv- Uou'ge ol war, and to p ilcive tl.'.t- commercial relations between th people tt d.ffeent irtin , who h ih i m.i'u-l wt is require. Every t ii'g thrref'ire 1 tat ten s 10 nn et the na vig 1' IOW 'Hi -i ciea ann nipcrrnah 1 juiea in an cq-Jii dei t. l ie rlf.nti ano t- tcie'ti 01 all nations. Bai m 1 c p r mi cale the M htt and honor ol th Sweoi 'i fl C have teen vto aied in to out r gtoua a mat! nit 1 lew rxamples ot u h a violation can be lou.id in the N val HiHory ol Furore. 11 1 at i !; it it w ie to tern. m crru-.imtd, wnuli . anmhilait their he tl g which fli- Id ... . ... r ll ted'!' 1 moreiu two irieniu n'n i-onmirri ;al IC .11 a. and cauf fufr.-r 1 to be oi hde 1 n as ihe lecitt auxiliary ol the n e yowe,a d wtmlu ihus lorce Scain te take fut 1 me afurc's s t e interelt ol hi v ITe 1 anal the frrun ol h i pn flvou ri eo n md Y t 'the Kio. mv r "ei. wilhrs Hill t believe thsi the .Swr ilh ca tarn h.v n.. been g iliyd be leal! cnnaivanre with ih' t g .ft and th 1 be yielded onlv o then force and their .iest number. Under this luppofi 10 , the Kif hssordne' to 10 lay bToic hia Swrdift S .jcttt, this (rievous i- (U committed a a nit hit flag ; aod not doubling th ttfrniAifOl he will leel 11 a p otedurt et;ui!y iow ard d ll aval on the put ol fomc ol the Bin -ft navy t he rxittli th 1 vbe couit Motkto m will kt the 1 1 211ft miniUry theovoU te i us repree-taiin. in n rtfr ihat I'. (.fficeia wl o have ifnOrtH ihem frUri ...ipslvle upon hisoceafi n, be pum ed f are Ij , 1 .h 1 ihr two pat ift uga. tuipt t(f anaf . a.riro ro the hatbnrl Batct'ooa by flr gerr, ir,uai y tontraty t ihrnghia ol nations and the - n l wai. I e i. mediately re Mied wuh heir car- . - H having b'rn iHtga'ly lur liltd by r caawoiaV ntu isl ftip, wh eh Itrved as a lUatTUaicet to lb alTiiltnit. I MV athnlic Maje'v thinks himf if 10 iivc; lb mo.eeniulee) lc-ntider ihe iu'rrfa ol th s rtls. mat ion ss ctnain, tt the Intift vnnatveni c nnm difbmblt that it etieiaxes. by lo owmf . . :.l. . L - . fl.l. .11. M..L. i. I. 1 ar easO'pie, n ig'n uwwnw m mwm neu.tal attic's 10 tnlifl ilt h iftourt, and do 1 iu a 11 nl Stale SKi tar net I j" y. r tv,1rl' ti i ll ett nr ol aims !.. po- t iVf 10 C'td An. It it-tum n Mil I jl i isl dv I ard apt. vf I' a'h.i,'! . 1 llUdls ! I MADRID, fleet, tl Th affaifs of the caplure 'the two frigatttat itf. cchan. has take vp vr Irtn v.(1y by e go- . a mt .J. .... .........:. ...:. ...!... .1 ih MMl. gan.ltflt ii v m, logo anOt wnnaacni so. nt u mijnm iw m, uld be given up to tlr rrrch an-i we know -ot .ow tn charstienie 'he (purlwbuh wilt holhlilirs ftonld t e rr fftrr me reed. llBifntrdi f Fuf'i't nn tS.s nrradoa Oar Rait o wailare nm primuneg 'he king s ani riii.it -n tddrels cnitipUinia d(rld 10 h cOttf . I I nijnn, iftay hrvr rn fined iner Ifl ei to df t a ffthe'ttbt ft dfOaiftf 'eiier ibt ambsftadra ..I all fit Id H ' pnwera, t'ftdt ai Madrid, atal inform ilvftnoi ii, n df parnralsiH; the mm fiCit ! Iiilrdilh maj'fly, wtan thai CtOt eolSCWWi mote than any u.M . tho1iri I im lo rrqviit Ir . - w w " 1 1 0 n- n en I his alfo inlmmed the K ng ol I rt and, ha rt (era no inronttmesstc in a mining hia Ft-vyst the Ct'Mfsol 1 vel!r, i' he ftou4 i co r .i id a aan m i are, nt ii piclenia to Freeze Confr- iht fame s taniagrt wh rfl ibt Etpti i frjoa by f rn i e oaiu nii.i ol I I S " 1 he vnttifnl ports all poftble damage Bat ' conltary to ftll eSprclaiio the flepa of hia 9 wfdift tnajrAv at ihe touri ot London, lo obtai ftpaistto lor ihe injury done to his flat:, as wall aa tht i i tun of ihe iwo Spanifli h gaith ftoutd BOrhavl the rtrfired futrfU -'I .' th rnrt .li s ytat, hit mtjellv w II bt Jged, 'ath wilh anaclt stttei i ad u luwarfs he wedift fls., sneafurra i ...timiiiii whirl ftall tn leiiitr Ibtltrr hS hat- M r ' i MS IU" I tt riteiv ; t Ihc Tt' 'apfte, .i.b plattt rfft : ui m, i.igii-ti , w (KU'piC fty d a r r . I nt . Pt..lt. ikuta. iht Bn Jh ff te'tiient a Inula 'or v rt ttHOi lor iM lloys wl lb lb WM.gp dawc t his lag, ad tfte p.iftmeat u' Hot ?-.d potts Irom aa stiuit as din,t.rous taw ir ,.g, as ih.t whUfciftlalti- have ) ftft I have the honor to bt, fltc. (ligned) CMtVAl.IklVD'iJBQUIJO. Bt, IhatpftOMn, sept, i a. saw Kow.TKe declaration of tht flwtdifl. tptsi gjttt aa ft tUn alftl ittitai t th uaaiaataa. w aT t 1 A. Is; ' 7 lit t iai' 1

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