&" ' ' h 7 I . . . i " - . . ; 1 ' p ft f , ' ' I- '1 " W ?T ii - - "s.,t. f ' .v.--:. - . . ' " - - -A, ' 1 V:M. 4' .Air- . . v. am viviU-AJ V( I'THFI'L HOPI1, 111 M T n " - " - J N life's tf morn, what vhdd hurt. o Adorn the aaiataiinf, views,' j Bv fuieuni tai.cy Ciay.n f No torrai with glmy afpeft rift, To cloud ttt attire ol the - , No miBioblcurc ihc dawn. With looka invariably gy Young Expectiftbn point till way To every ..bhiaful Untie, Where odfHfrf ent the taeaih c( mors, Where rofei lilogm viihoun a th rn, And mufic Ella the $dU. 0 rf4 EBraptur-HKlh dirtant view. Youth thinki ita i .ow bcaui ca f rue, ' And fphHga the pne to gain; Hia grafp the Jay illuTi nlfliei : , Experience thua the cheat defcriea, . And pr vt hii hope wcj auu::. The path of lifc tho' Sowera adr, ' Yctxtwn wi 1 the rugged thorn, Amulft the Aoweravarife ; Capct not then on earth to fharc. Eoiuyment unallay d by care, But leek it in the fkict. Borrow inc. Where is (he perfon who has not borrowed, in one inlianfce or another ? Even 'fuppofe we fay it was only a flat iron qf hn neighbours vvife, -her Mnner-btx, or wafh'n gTuib, wirh the uliial observation I will repay or reium it aga n tornorrow. This verifies an old verb 'Tis better Id .bor row than to ileal." hut id. general the great eft offender is the firft to turn evidence. 1 here give ou afTiflance :A black man in Jamaica, ' MJieTTrfu: ago was taken up' by his riialter ,x biivinr goods Knowuitg intm ttf 'have ; -n llolen; ij6 'vt.$itffaeit Jiflijiip .gly;i jctitence pafled Bpon hlm Tiie Judge .pronounced " T.'k'f and, -flog the black ralfc cal.' The prifoner begged ;o be heard, whith was granted. Says h-, u If white nitn STATE OF MARYLAND. Natmip."T John Da'r, William Floyd, Rtchird Walker, Andrew Craig, Archibald Huntj John Stafford, William Moore, James Smith, William Ford, Hen' y Clay, John Shield ' ' -John Somen, John Srmmoridt, Thomas But'ers, James Cooper, Plica tf nativity Baltimore, (F. Pi) do. - bsiif do. do. "t' Caefer couniy, Baltimore. (O.T.) EafJlerii Shore, Baltimore, Unknown, Baltimore, -Suffex couniy, . Dorfet county Unkrtown, Baltimore, do. , l.-jizJ. WtHlam Hulfon i do. Edward Career. " do. Benjamin Harris, Barney Gaiey, Henry Long, William Swreveen, John Jierner, George Rarafey, James M'Luman, . James M'Laring, Horatio Gates, William Sand ford, John M4Donald, ilenry AAff r . ' vf Prani the A IIR O R A . do. do. do. Queen Ann's county, Unknown, j d. X do. do. ' do. Caroline county, Ujaknori, ,' Harlordcpuiny a teneraliatemHit, Thai Pickdriog re-called Mr. Piniard.our Coaful, at Madeira, ypo htr oun auibrity.n : v . Upnn a further infliga'ion it Ippears that the facli ai$ much vorfe than we ihen Hated. Mr. Pintard bid in ferii !nJme Wfiela, eren then ah com;nn frow or bnonp to tl e poris of tlieeneiny, wt'th the exeep. lion f thole carrvinn fuppl ei to Hvea' t.locktrltrl, invtfteil, or beiteue. Wiiau reg-ird m the fhp o'' neu ral ttaiea, U'leik s ati conti alHt.t con tin dries lor me ene- tual.'f retiftrd Hi inbrtftnfntM r i; - n) , ilwy rva be ftopprd, n-l 'V fi toninMt.li'ies ft si! I.e 4ei2etrand confi'caei iut tfie velsels ai d Ti e lelidne of their men by iinufh Affels at Mudeita, and by a'o undaum edtlc4wjofAliuv to his country. highly cBeadfd the Brilijhr Naval GftWs on Fefmmkf b I.i4 thai' flat ion. l is pteny accurately aterta in j c,n riba' " commodities cu. Ititu etl three ' ed, thai intimations were made to the fcfrc- 1 he kPWlrl o, in Uty by a certain noted diplomatic char.der, W h? hip mil ear fhnll be wnolly thai the removal of Mr. Pin tar d would kJtA His wajdly howtver, t, deferable event to his Court, and rxore efpedal-) 4ma " Vfi? of rf rjl lh Prvi lv to Ltrd St. I Vincent, who fems, was e& WC Rented, if H e enemy do not highly offended' that a Yaniee fhouli dartr i.r"t a .eaprocal ntdidr-ence ioMhe coeple io obitrua iKtfMVWdl Aii order,. '""t;s ;he , ecf. Oar fwVSri on Att oWh aiitWy, an Thff h ,hc 9'!' Njs(e (year 6,) A ifeifcl culpable condefcention gave Mr. ; Ulf.f i&T H ,es,t"v!, ia ..TnL.rts that Mr Pintard fnould be i 1 h ;' 'hc 1afeot ''"P " f MttT i hemo Retiiral or h:fftle. (Iuuid -h rU recalled! ihu Uiametui irnjampn gemng to , r-r.-y , j ; , toe kn'oweiuji- of Mr. rintard-w perceiving i . . , , . ,,VJ i i i f u rrUrt h, fl,; every re(sel tumid ai lea, laden in tho that he was likefy to be acrxficea hat the jhrine ( CV . ' . 'v' ' "u,e n - -? , l i v ' f , ; or in pa t w;, li ronmio ti:ie& coiMniz fr mi of Brvttfh fafiMfiftm ne ,p'' no. iifie -n re. : , ' - . 1 'SPIS. noiltf, - ana connoniiiig ills v(uiui; . i ' j - t r i ir. I'icKerioff nue cone wvi " .. , ' t i .. ' ,i t j ArAwiEi i'r r,f. ;ovviif ; ol their aiticlrsniul con, modules." ! i unauthorized promiles to Atr. Umn. . n . i .r ; he everuv 01 ib.j t'-l:ii..-t;-;r,r idii. ' with to recede ! a r.epicfentaiimi of .,. . , - V, 4 . j "cm. (aa.,on was iherefore made to the Fie ,,,, nr. :k. . ' ' It it repprted ijd-bplieA'ed," that the rbjetl of Mr Thoma Cooper's late jn'Ui'ney io te 'York, war to" profecute Aleiandfr Hamilton for his h."h!y ftduious ati'd:,. inefn hary libel Pr firlf-nr fjt ffit United Slates. It TTr I'thAi coayt at .U.. w uj.mii. ilrar r Cooner will have I very . a& lliai ii i I'MFv - fuccee-ded in iiilliuviing, or at leaft in organi zing a profccutionagaifltt iite libeller. The lediuon la 'vsHiiVtben, lake fha!aiis's Bull, be. i oirii the inflriimeni of ihc piirHihrneni of ita WASHING ION c 1 1 Y Nov. 19, The caufe of th" lire in the War office has net been yet full) akeriainrd ; t but ihcre is the bell re.ifpn lobelreve that jt aiofe- f uth the inatrennon of feme perlon in the adjacent building, the owner of which had died that day. Hts corpse ftili retqained in ihc houle, in which a fire was kpt up. "From ilns houie it is fuppolca to have been conducted into ).ii irii,inlrM a A W r fli.iil fee the figure buy loleti good,s, will you order while .rafcaf . ,, fa. Ham.h'on .w -ill iiwke in the feoSure Uog? (Yes, to he lure laid. Ihf J'"-.) Lta culnril a.ihebar of his itijuced ua.miy. Dcre r, my Maffi. , he buy 1 olen goods, He of 0,hers ,as ,he le-ft reafoo .0 com know 1 was lolen when he bough, me ; hold.) of thiS (OCrcA,n he- who-with u.,h..u..d- ... i .jv. -t --- - ----- , 0 ham, foi having. wuren a lib.-l again II hurifelf, who not laiisHed witil the rcrditl f ;he jury, which to a irian ofhumaniiy wo'iuf have been a fnflitiei t triumph, had the inhumanity to iuffer ih. poor belpleft man te be tom from hi wife aud children, and confined for fcVeral mnntlis jn a loathfome goal, when a fingleword from ihc mouth )f this relentlefs profecoior would have telcafed him. What means Mr. Coopei may hove tken to iimiiuie the prosecution, We do not ttoow turning tors. Mr. I'l'kering far in his did- tiot the Irani Odf hi, who it is faid, wa furpriled at Mr. Pickering's conduct nd who confirmed Mr. Pmtard in his appoint men tfftfzrr mor tification of 'tli qUriridum Secre aiy and his friend Mr. L (Ion. Thcie fafts dogie.it honoFio Mr. Adams, and we are always rea:y to do jnllice where it is due." No doubt the appointment of a Scctchytan Madeira, would have been a I i .. . . TV i ' T .11... . .. J ' PCeaOIC triiotr m ivir. jiuii'ii, dim 111 which Dt'thans an c Itirctary would have been very happy io Oblige HlUl oe'f li I I 4?rm 4 late London Paper. the private office of the Sccieiary at Wai bv feme pieces of jo, n thai communicated from : jn ,hc cjfe uf Frotiii nghaen, Hamrltoh had no ui,c building to me otner. rjiin io do-but to writ,! manda'ory letter io Among ihc citizens, who firft reached the a,,o,r,.r.1rl of V.Ymk. as-iiiouoh building,. was Mr. Wolcotv who heli med ! t . u;.-.r.ii,,j k .1.. i.m- ..,.K,.rn .,f ih w " lit I lllltl. II IIIU Uts.n suw u,i 1111, vuiimm r wa nv t 1 , t v for a moment whrer he fhotild burft open the door of ihe apparfmi nt, which was in flames, or attempt in the hill iiiflance, ihe removal of ihe papers in ie adjacent room. He, however, ihovghi it beft fo lo'ce his way into the .apparimen', in hoprs of extricating dime of ihc pifpris, and accoidii)g'y did fo. The act was not followed by ihc hoped for elfet?, as the flamet had already somumca rvrty unng in tne room. 1 ney exu mlcd ihcinlclves v. i h rapdi(y 10 the other parts of ihe building, which were foon in a geneial hla.e. Fomlna cly ill ihe papers of ihe account. ant wajre lav-d, to dial ludc, if any derange 4 11 tiki Haie, the auorney-ge'iier -l obeyed, and Mr. H.imihoti had not even-the trouble ofitend ing before ihc court as a wiinefs, or to interfere in any other manner than by iffumg the fu prcme command. Mr. Cooper may, wirti equal propne y, have iffued a fnniUr mandate 10 ihe diftricr attorney of New York, iiul we fear not with the fame fucceb. No doubt ihe gicat iniereft which th. fulprir has with certain perfons, will under tba profe cuiioa of Mr. Hamilton, rather be 411 uphill woik, be 11 undertaken by whoia it may. Some of ihe piintpc'i devils might prhap he 011 trn as a p opitiatorj facrajict.ihrj are ihe if noble vullus, and then they mialn try m - . .LEW . 1 . I -a U M n meni win lane piac in ttic accoiinu ot lhc(tnal ...n, de., out eanally 10 all. Bttl War deparuiient. . (ha( nQl ,hc ol)jrH IUin,,un muft be pf(). A very vjluible library of books thit !fCCIMfdf convulcd and pun.lhrd, .,r elie ihe treated chiefly ol tatl.ct were ennrny con . lWIJ(ld ,lH bc convored .hat rf.e fedmon law, fumed. Ibis lots u ihe greater, at many of merrIy ...mj.d (u proteft the Pre Ihe bed works cannot be repl teJ. ' kdtnt j a pani and thai ill has 1,0 lo.ee I. it alfo Ita ed, .hat the papers, in relation ipflett jrM. Prtlxdent , the Unite! ftatet. ... . . 1,. (,.... ..1 1....:. ... .L.i, 1 . J u iwi uujniniivu w. ihihi aic among inoic burned. The tnoft aftive enertiont were made 10 fobdue ihe (Lanes. Hui iliey prove 1 una ratting from ihe want of water. Among ihofc h. diftinguinKdPiembUe moll, wc mention with plcalure Mr. WoKOtli It IS known Hut lr rial linns under die (id.iion vrdered hy Uf rslcuiiire I the pioleoa aw have been auihriiy ; the NEUTRAL VES3KI.S. Thjs dectfion npots trver Anieiican fnij Pigoii, which was ordfifd tc be refloreri vs. it h eoli, ffiews that a preater depree .t i")fl?m has been ef'ablifhed- by tn? Nev COtiiKilot Frizc at I'arist; with relj fs't to neiuml vtlleb, than the loofe ai cl fre qtwrntly unjnlt p:ii;C.ie upon tyhi h ihe IJifyKiory acfted. The tolluwingis the de ctfion f ihe Couiicil in anothei- cafe the alir of the Statu a. The Siatira, capt. Seaward, an Amerie ui ffiip, had beao captured by an EngHfli vel :el,.a;ui rt-.rapintiJ 1 ) the French priva .eer the H;7.ird. h fi ft point which the commiHar cOnfiderl is, the effee't wtiich the Stniira liasing been in the polleflion of the king ifli ougWt 10 have. He obfervcf, that if the veflcl captured and recovtffij had been 1 'rt-neh, and esptured by a national velasl, tl'e-e would have been nothing dtie to tin: Mrapior, hecftulethis i only the cxeriife of thai p.n- eit ti which the Siaie ov.e to all its fab jrcis in all circumflaticci. If It had beert recoveicd by a Fiench priya.ecr, the Frei th regulation r;ie.!!e property of ihe srtl'sel 10 the rrraptot , on uccopnt ot the rifle id danger oV privaetrnrjr) It nnht be an ai't of geneiouiy to iclloic itt vet fet to tne original owner, but it is no( of ritjhi that it fkould. Sc In the neat place, he confiden .he rale 4. - . - t b-datMk A t itIN . 1 ( . ! bill 1 Ifreallv netttt d. he I.iy9. 'lie vrtel onllFT herele f-d ThtJ grouttd oftnil hifhfi degrr-e ot favour for a 1 riitrd he flat s to be. that the French velel 1 till have btt Infl 10 the country. But UMBO certt in that .he neutral captured by an enemy may not bareleafed by the a.l.:iir?liy rourit of the eneti The mere rnpturc tliea not veil the piopeiry immeiti ie'y in the tap., tor, lb at to make it iiHiisfeiable 10 ibf .S r. 1 IIC COmmusary nmn-n n inc I 1 prelidrnt a1 'ihrrtfore orjer Al ander ! piuperty no s riled in the captor till len Hamiiion 10 be pntirrnird, I hr diflri'l auor. ' tnile 01 conaernnaiiou. in 11 bound p.ofci ne hiati it vjie. If I We belietre thil ii mnch milder, and ihey Jo not do 1: cir iuiy rcfp-ctucly, ike moe favurahf for neuiial .Imii ot world will dnw . heir own infereiKft. 1 practiev. They brinr rfrt.nn lime Ii At fte Idttii' tunr ihe repubhcani in ill not the enemy's cufjxly, ar iitr4 ,'. a, wit. foe the lardy inietFerence f iuihority. trairer the pimerty to the cap or, to Any inJepeiidcnf maatay comravnee a pro- 10 make it srtt in tlie ecap:or. ms waa I-. man. and i.nv II an mi- lirHr.lnh- .ra. held HI ti'tlaie Wfll known raff ff ihr pi men, who alUdgtl p!e of jtjlici ,sf ougHi 10 be open 10 eve- Spamfli PTMt, rapioird bf the F.rn hand DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Waftni.gton, 30th Od. 1800. MK, INfLOIB a I hey arf American c uuent, orn 10 the (U e ry orie, i (lofc whoP 4 0 enforce recaptured by the Knglifh It is be ob- 01 roaiyuum, aii'i- uu art aciainra on uoaia ,,e will r I l. 1. . f I n .1 tli. mtm m 1 c . I It m proniy m j-iocii, mi n t" ni'luluence 10 th neu ral winci lie oui'i a at 1 . ii i . t.t dArnatfiiAe ihr ff.ixie fervid, however. iln a nrinfiple nl reri 01 ftpim imp. ot war, lor want of proof d of ,Ke mm.llry. We bore that Mr. Cooper IMII being inch. I re-piefl you iherefore 10 hi ,aken IDe nrcclfaiy meafuret 10 bring a take fuch mealure. as you may deem rood boui ihn neceffary work ; if the abfence of Jrlr. pr.cl.cable and rHr i .al .0 ii(C0Vtl ihnr Hlrni,0n from N'ewYotk, or ih- fbori Hay reUiioni or (rieodi ; and, i r,M.cnun.caung wn,h he mi'f lntff h4,t ptevemed him f Ml to ihemrcfpeaielv,ihe ta.de of.hedeifn.m.i do(r(. u m,y dljn by o,i,ert. The of .he men, in rq..a.ni them, thai ih.t D- p4fly ate fcy lrm ,!. in.ly hck of their par.fhent wMl rpei'C he pr. ofi of ihfii being fed,,,, law ; b.n lr m ft Iwiilow ibe cup eii.ieni, ai.d pnrfuf lhaj mrani it... er 10 Amm h,.- .rfiiM.inffJ io others'. The, p.oduic their boeraiion. 1W of c...;en-! fuaU)9t la ,A, ,,fy drrtfi. tl will cure - --t- 1 - j-1 - .- . . v,i jj.iii cl " 'liC i in nine, iiir Cftfl or as eiitnlc'i ;o hascrhe tap ore ijie.i In Tle examiner 'xt how t! e 'n -ti!;::;( n applies, romif.na. .his op n ;-i r i. st !c(n tenTjt'rii are improperly ihlerf-j;'ws, riidj (hat ti ey are fsential y variably, pt0. iemporibuf et Cil'ifis, 'h:it they ftioiJd ways I e ttAtptfiiqrJ by wifebm riti-l 1 qn., v. He adveriMi) lba ihj wprd'itrtohole or in pant. Hs .ve wi ole,"Iie' lays, oualti ro hi unrjeTfiooJ 1 .treat part, t her ufe accoftiino to ihc j.ii.iilit.il maxim pin urn po nikilo habctur. I pan this pi ij 1... 1 :.m s ol ojnn on tlftj a fhvp 'Otit -.o' 0 he '.,(, Jjtc't to coufKcAiion even u-.-ler the lav of the 49th Niv'dr, unjefs iuch a pari ql ihc rar&o conies under ihe (ielct iw. :on oi ,vKt is lliet made cantFaband as on lit i(, rxij s:tie a prelimiption ot f-aud naaii ft mj tle relf. What that part fhoubl be is not rai I pahle of defi.dHOti, hut fliauld he. left to 3 the enlightened equity and found liiicie tion of the Jii'iue. The Scaiira had on board ro barrels of tit' pet. tiri-, and 40 barrels of pitch. Tho captor contended that jthefe were cf'ntra,. hand ; r he capiured laid, that: by the treaty ot 1 770 witii t ne ninencai s, tiicy weie i.ot enutneraTed as Sonirabaritl, Hut the com nnilary (hews, that the Americans, Uy thai feary, were hound 10 admii tha French id all ihe a lyai taes o the molt favored nations that basing, tn ' a (ubfequeni treaty wnh England aie pitch coiuinbnnd, svith rtfpttk to the latter,!1 ii?ceHanly 11 became contraband Wi,U' regard 10 Kranfe Tne Icarnetl cummi'ri'y, hnwever, iht y that even upon the principle nf ihe 4 of ibe 291b NiMife. the quantity of it.?a wat ton (mall 10 jollity tontifcaiiod, In the next place, the c.pto'r ulleilii it A thai 4911 piece ot cmiiii t ucliy wood, m v ot toe cargo ' 111 " ' was tne pro due of I i .-I fh pblti flions Tins pom , however, l.ad not been re- tfularly nlcei tii'-ed, as ibe repo.t on ihel lUDjeci was nm'b without the capiure hemn raiieo a a pan y The comtrifary Haet, hnwevr. ftr.m. aiaeumPa'irfS ot loipfeiuri on this head l'ie tan u ed had not p-ealrd a. in:n the r,,t hka ion of th c.it iio. The mnJ rune under .he CQ'di Irranon of ihe c'r-' on iheappral of the ca rr, Mrbo w.n.te to pet both (bill a-id car ... The ronimiil iry herei ore fnw no real for roii'lemi i i the (hip. ss b Ii w..ic!r It " -oru ral . hut hn ;k 1 H ihf i Ipiefa aoaiat ihe charaer of ibe C'Ho, i' ou I' " indemiiific'ilioti svhatcvtr doe 10 the capinrtnla Jurfjimn 1 m M trriiiniinrd arrnrdii I hr Piratical Drertotjl'ila ioh Niof (year A.) Mntlotictl nbuve who in m iceniy by rori.ih', ins 1 ecu ret e ded. 1 1 i ha'e leen placed atptaii 'he lo ot ibe rCiMil-iiion ol a 7 7ft ; ihnt is, Krenrh are to treat nciiiraU in Ifgtr 1 1 nn.ibin t, in the lane s y in whin, il are tr rated by na . the- will not jMo tne Ameru ant to carry mo r.ngluni a c. mo-lny wh.ch the Englifh w..ui.l fei a cuiittaban.l going into the poll! of Wiy c fell 1 Ihou.d be in efry ,(r, arcnttipa-,, we hope, f o eei, ..f hi- inhof miii.g n -d nh it firipinin of a mai.'i oeifon ' m 4 m 1 iuv m uv n m 1 wv i"s 1 wvt sw Slat- pci cr whom : relaiei. I atn, br, Veiy teipfflfulls , Your tnui obedient letvaal. (Sgoed) To the Collefior of ihe CuDum ' Baltimorr. JOHN MARS!!.LL. 10 ihe American palate. I.et ih law be what n will, 11 mull be npial, r we arc 001 free. Thanks art due 10 ihe refoeclthle and much iniMted I hom Cooper, lor the noble and fpiritrd bimncft wl.ub I: d (played oa ibit ocrafi-ri, (In ut paper of the 2 1 Q OtloWr, we gave have uiven ua in a fii ilar ab. Havinc proved that the St .tira was nrl iaMe to confilcailoo, on the around of hrr beinft in the h '!" f an enemy, the co.. null 11 v r. nh lrrs s he. her her Cargo was a around of confiscation. . . . at a . i Upon this point lie rnniiuera xwi, qnn rions. tft, Wheiher in p -dm of law, the rharafter of the rfael, nruiral at no , Ihouh! be detern.i- ed by the aature all I cargo f jd, Whether the cara confided ot rune a hand f He then reviews all the Uwa. upon this head He (bows iht t all ihesW'ff I7h Nivofe, (er 6.) the refuUuou m ue j6 h Inly, I7?i wav the fotde. That renla mn Hue. " Hll Maift!y pfohihiU A We unalerftaad ihlt mai. fan. Knox appointed 10 be the governor. ential of J.j maica ; and imi he it immediaicly io fci vi 10 the WfH-lndiet. A new fuhhdiary treaty le een the Bet- a a a . r a as. t over aneot ana no niannii tae rw rm, m th'd at iwolcoadah on ihe sothof )er. Si NOTICE. all priateen to Hop and hrmg kno the , porta of Ut kingdom, the (h ps ol neuirtl' nPHE Co armertliip between R.chi ' 1. LaiE'ln William (iilet, umN I'te film of Langdon cV Ciilea, was ill day d.ilolvrd bv muUial cnobn. KK llHl) LANdOON, WILLIAM 1LES. Wilmintton. M- i. iloo. B'-nk rut nc I, For talt at ii.it Uff.te.