pip II ' ' ; - ' . I ; i .: v n f. -x - A' . 1 t " i 1. 'I- 3 4 TktB, fiii Mf. Datii I will fay atVfbt 'men that the toomitiee, they ICi ippojn'cd. it,' nd fet down. ;' x" , (ball be exduGvely' guided thole doCO ,Tkeu;aip-o.Mr. Radelph't motion wt wnieh they as:accufers, hddhirheir Fa"1'" :.j;i-n.r.,u own hands? Is ibis the r idea of iu ..Mr. U Mini rrovtu . v - t - .i , . r ' .U. t.on made by Hamper; thetords, r to.teno. Wfpi- wcjc, ne oinerea Faciy y-in reifoM dovuwenti and paper r numvmt ioi a' propoution naa ceen maae cy g" d.ftated bv a deu.c io obtain rpeedy jutUce fur; lb' ,erneD who defired furls! an enquiry as jut". pptcfle'd pple.JhvBfry p,flo..wo1ice , . . befrt c!o2,,d by fere the boufe. H th comonuee were uea up iroiu , : . . . t c i.' 5M lore mc . . . J . th tnm-Uinn f im-nriM-jru rt faculties, and mikiiu a teport atottl menage nao, BeB.iro ... 'V i""8'"-r.- : ' Ky, dc in.'vn tuiiuicu imu uc ihoii pci vci it mvaMn.g. 'Mr. Harper waved ihat the committee, to wJiorn hadheen referred the memorial ot ne the uuercil.r a cc'trrnces or the hWe, oteorefen:ative$ of the MiHiuppi Ter.NJay sunt as reckoned thr liberation of ihe ce- Bice r fcHcny, u..v...6r.-. '7; - : rftirrd to-,ihfr committsearpntfd to en-7 as lonn ai tnc emperor Yam va conv need -jV-...i. Vf, .k M;fi,rinoi terri-orv. be Ihuld ' tortured into the J.r.v.;. f ;,.n;r uertkinF ihi tT.in. Tht commit- .w-. -Wrranffe-thit trpnilpmen of iiich-Ulf n:s , , eeimy'ccrUinly immediately squire into the Aub- foQM after wandering fo lorg round a m;aai hp BinKrupr law. ieft : and ft4B.tl4wmtmtra,J'...:u at,' appwolment of.a c before them.-tbev wcuia Deaotc i . w.,.. v.,v - . .; r .t--rr: ...l:u .,.AUtA'dliaf anv. and it anv. wliat amenomews are . -i 1 1 .1. annr ,10 iru inc lau-iw ius uujmiv: 1 civiuvmi. -ir quire "into, tac omcui concuci v n.'j Safgivnt.-, ' ;r,: . V i TCKiSAT, D?c. 24, j 800. ; Mri HirjjiTbferved that r? acrtef.ee hid nrovpti ili- cillence of fome cTrficjencifs .' wcK ?i . convenience, I" the prdtifiQtis of committee to enquire whs mend "fineei it y'ttf yiM lt'wr f meH iii fti ilti ftBt thofe ; a -comrnittee tftth' coVwTr powe, -words --'i . ' -T -v '-."i le't ihem common ; for . every comi Mr.Harper faid that the .motion carried po;nled 6n fuch a fubjea have fimiU .cry committee tp- Harner laid that the .motion carfiea ' Q: nle j 6n rUCn a fubicA have fimilar powers'. ; an implication that hit Iriei.d from . lenneliee j t wa, prefumptlon to fuppnfj, as the ar : W.ould not be wilting to allow either iha a f guments of gentlemen did Juppofe . that the ; criminal might efcape urjrjunilbJi or an in- - COmtniue? about to be -appointed will defue rrocent man. be nuniflt-d. vSup.pofc ihe com-1 10 evCUlDate Win th too Sarseant. AV'as itcan- ' .mi tee think the cbag'o$ ihfufficjeilt:. for the. jjj to , impjy that theywould be corrupt? fi'rrj m,mberof a Paper, under the title - ofcjefl of removal or rnneachm-nt, and y T4ieLfuppafiiiantof a. denial of jultice went l ti porCupini made hi appearance in are ot opinion inat iriey YirciifHiycu- tu on tn(. idea tnat tney would violate uicuuuiy V. tifyllfbng iifpiciprt.and Wfumption of guilt J if preeniirg .ftpm pimiilitnent a criminal. - ; would it not bt rlefirable. -o Inveft ih'cm wuh i. if ,hc lawfare conili.tutional the com.Tiitlee the right of making further enquiry ?' Sup. J M f4y f0.? .But having done' this, mere re necclfarv to be made inah-&(of eftahlifhi'ng the United States. '.Carried,: ah'd a committee of three ap pointed , . Peter Ptrcup.ine. ------ J 7 : . I - t London,on the 30th of Olober, oy V illiam -Cobber1!, late of Philadelphia. The toUow- inf Philtpfic agamib the Givernment. and Piopte of Country, is copied frcin tus ' I3v:ng, .in America, witnelied Ihe fata O O "i i ' - - - - - .- o ' pofe, on ihe other hand,, that ythe charges ap- ins a duty T. ill more important. They mull near t ' them triee, nao nor tno cxpcricytc i alt 20; into the intentions ot governor oar- ages jufUricd ihe propriety tsf the maxim, aui geajit. How could .they, be afcertained but by ;cfJeas 0f revolution ; -having fee if" piety -give alteram par tern f How "can thUdilcmma- be ltuI om) chcunevefliiehamjld iBg (ursnounted but by-imparting ro ihVc.ommitiee , derived , from examining perfons Pa' : xchanftd fori riiuffliag,an fraud, univerfal X m him b- an arrf.il c'hal ai in of his ber exhibited agJ Court cf reiet Iburjjj hr., gave orders for ht immrdiaie rccal fm the -rernoteft pans t,f Sibeiia, whiilyr Ke hadieen batufliedv Her" f were-provided gratisa "a lsige fnm of money' ordered bim by ,tbe uHCfiivcl-lVIo-: narch, for his ' travelling 'xpencesXX'h' f? comtmews reached Vnc-unliannvxiiexfin tW" 13 U OI juiy, who rewrined trom thf wiTds cf Siberia iq -Fcl.erlPtfrg -tin-; pi nciceti' 'da vi i it diBaritfe 11490 leagues. The Monarch a!fo gave orders 10 lend tor. the poet's wife and children Id relet iburg to receive h:ni ; a' d, to make hurn fortie kind of compenfativm for bis . captivity and "fufterwgviin banifhment.; Paul haj.'appoihted him one vf hi? coi'sfelloM, and grantjd-him for' life the polfeffion of aa eflaie of 3QOO rottples. Kot?ebur, however, ancerta'n of the duration of the fun-(hine of Iraperhrf faveur,ai;'tfdy and obiitiici leayc to quit Rum... - ' . .11 tl, nnw'frs rrnuircd for makinffa full'and fair enquiry'? Unlefs this be doneVoU may) con' itl the governor without teftim'ony, or d if mi fs him, t hiu gh V 0 u l!l in . I1' ,n cWl n a Mr. Smilie. If extortion has beenxpra:--tifed by Vv'inthrop Sergeant, if unconx(liti tional laws haVe been palled, -it is the duty, of Confrf fs ro int'erpofe its -a!ihority, 'liid Ve drefs'thf fe grtar evjls. la fuch cafes delays are dangerous. -Vie was,' 'therefore, for.ibolV mr-r-ihfi pfiyided the tuttft immediate r t - 1 SIR. j Ftom the . Ai ". To- tbi at to . .meT a-n'd effectual remedy. - Mr Claiborne -The.genllerpan fionLSotith r Carolina has done 'jftlilcV'o my feelings in . fuppofinj jharl would recoil at ihe idea of punifintig aa innotetit man I would recoil at fuch an idea. 13u tb? teH'imony upon which I Pand forbids thr indulgence of fuc!b. a fear. B:fore the exhibition of the docu ments I had fufy'rions ; but now'l ve con viclion. -ThV unconlliiutional laws,v officially comrnuiiiv aic,' ar pi oafs, whofe . authority I flare not refill. They've before the houfe. Any ."memb.rr may read them. ;I deny, pur fuig tr:e courftf I wilh in ptirfue, that Win-th;..S.-.rg.-aBt can br punilhed unheard, Th? "com.ni.ue, after iolrriin. enq tiry, will repoti ' TO iis a tiaiemcR:-uf facl 'ron'which an im peachtnent rry be grounded ; and when im . peached, W.nthrop Sar'eaNt- will.be htfird in ntj d- fetice, ai'd our managers ma y be em powered to fend for perfons and. papers. Let grntli-tiirn,-who htCitiVe on this fubjeel,' re collect t.lui a delay of j.illice is o!icn equal to ' a denial of iu ' ' , ' ' Mr. Claiborne's lift words were fcarcely utfered, w'.ien lyerfoo in ilic gallery clapped p ', Serjeant, laid the fp-ake, l.-c to tharraan. N he Serjeant went inu the gallery and took the perfon our, without f eft (lance, ' We unden'tani that he wasJcrpt in ron- finemnfpy the .efjsant for about two hours; in confequence of .which, and'ths lols of his rhorfe,. wnich he had fallenei 10 a, fhed near the Capitol, and whichjwas no.t to be found when ie was rcleiled, he H at vety day ob tained a 'warrant from a Magiflratc again.lihe Scr2car.it at arms for illeti-l conineme nt. ThJugh th'le ct'Ctimllances are dated upon, what is deemed -Sy the Elttor ol the'Na. lional IntJ igenrer,goo.l authority,, yet he declines a refpotifib.liiy for th:ir i' u r a c y .-j Mr; Craik willied full enquiry to be made, and of courfr-ihoujbt the committee ought to be empowered.' 10 fend for 'perfons d pap-rs.- Tim me a lure, in his opinion, fo far frorf evidiccing an indifpefuion. 10 pefs. Why then deny this a i hanty in the , c-0hfidCe, for univerfal. fuficions and dif hrfl iiiltance, wheri,, it wil4 ultimately ie ne- . trUfr - .having feen a country, once the feat of celfary ? The; idea? on which it; was op pofc.d, i pCace- a0j good Wighbqurbood, lorrv to pie fuch as the dilaF,ce and the time it would re- ct$ by fa 6iron ; plunged., by intriguing detna quii'e, we're frivolous, fuch. as he could nei- go;rUe,, into never ; ceafihg hatred and '.ftrife J ihrr admit as realons, or..argue rrora as pre. naVipg fecn a pec?p!l7nce too fond of whaV mifes. . . I they called liberty. -to bear the gentle fway of Mr. Randolph. .The gentleman who hai a ftTilfo King, humbly bend' their hecks CO juft fet 'down, has impeached with unvvar-f ,h. yoke, nay, to the very foot of a fet' .of rantab e acrimony, the purity or our mouves gr0vejling defpdts having in tfion, feen ihe and. oCan dor, rjf? "'cimeof punifh'ed on- the courfe proper to'leTakcn on tfi ITfuti- "fcTJ.'SF'to r me nt rng, t he d egra tt 1 rg curie ot Re ea.LM'.r. Randolph was truly ferry that the publicanifm ; it'is with the utmoaal!ouifliment gtntieman tiaci tuLrerea lucrt in accuinuiaiion and mdgnaion, trjat 1 find many ot thole, who ot rancour to collet r. tits mine, as ne naa h-tve the'prefs at their command, endeavouring juH poured out upon his fide of the houfe. lo 0W D11 my native cpuntr'v the ve-y Lvery. impination harttul to a feeling m;nd fam; fpecics of calamity and difrace. Noi- had bee lavilhed.. . . Iwithandirtr" th examDle of Amerfca." and 7 Since, then, fa d. Mr. 'Randal ph,';the gen .1.. m0T. tread''.. pxamole "of fiance. I find tlcman Las become the ttnjor worum and " c:niflaries ."cf the Republican,' farlion (for inquiutor of ourJiMriJ,Jp?rin the outlines 0! theirs. ' ; atidvinfidelify, P,ii!;bawl:ng for that, change The gentleman, after an unbroken fiUnce , wj,jci they ki've 'he. audacity U) dchoniina e durtr.g the. whole debate,-- rifes" and' tell? '".rcftrm, .flill exernng-all thri.r r.efit.ious inge the houfe,thjt. they fpent their time moll miity in fappinjr the foundation of the" Church fruiileislj an 1 idly, and thai after wandering anCf.,he thrcoc. Thofe who want cxpeiiehc for hours round a meand.:rjiot half an inch 0f fa t'orifqcnces, may, for aught I know, in uhiihiw, niij .-..W..4..; . oe. e-xcuieq tor conniving at tiieie attempts pnint from vvbich they had flerted.; Did that butjor me, who have fecn acls palled by a grntleman rerollea that the half inch mean- . Republican LegiQa-ure, more fraudulent than der of vhich lie-fpoke, defignated the under-, forcer or coining ; for me, Vhohave f'eehe- n.j: . r .ur- ...1 1,. .11.1 ...u ,. Duuncan oincetsot iiaie ouernre tneir country perpetually moving in a circle, after all their for fjle for a iVw thoufand cf dollars for tue, latiors, arrived at-me po.nt :10m waica tney wno ,have Lcn republican ju 'gc-s become firfl' ferour! . 5 fclonsr and feWnsccume repubiicTTTjudgv JnOead of uni'ing with us .in an enquiry es ; ' for "me 10 fold, my hands a id'tamcly into thofe' feiious charges you have heard, in hllen'to the infolcnt "eiilogifts -f republican fiVad of aiding uj with -their talents, inliead of governments-and lulpis, would be a Ilia rueful performing-their duty, gentlemen fansfy abandonment of principle, a dallardly deferii.-n ilieinfelves with holding up before us a mere 0f duiy. With th;fe rentiments, 1 re fume the t$nisf:us. under the idea of defiling a publicarion cfa Daily Parer, July apprized lubllan ial "nvefVigaiton, tlity are converting us fnto a jury.cn life .- and -'dca'Ii.; aid tbey v-:l r.f' fuRer us to take ''a lingle.flcp 10 bring. a 'criminal to juilice, without prrvi-. ouQy poffeffing the mod p- incontrcvenible proofs of his guilt. It is in vain that we an ' fwer that we are an initiating body, and that j our prcfent tneafurei lead to that flageiof the j bufinefs, in which legal teflirneny will be re j uirtd: ftilT deaf to cur reafons, they call n - . I ouirtd; till iln .Vn.Hiiui. K pmn A.U.1. I.rttl l H. I. 1 1 1 Ml i..U(Uikliil I4I VIMT) IL1IH VI r V V. . . 4 .,f m 1 0 1 ., 1 1 c . m .1 in ai.es cr, inemeaiure, and nave tne Downetstoei. lis ,jkfi of which n0 jjr;li0l regociai0r .would ibafwe ate mov.ng in that very Wander which live ind ti,acceje f0t ,h.- Corf.can did noi by part experience, of the holli'itv I fliall ex cite, and hrtnly relolved to repel it by all .the, honourable meaks in my power." ' """"" - The fane Paper contains, a long IVing of Ob- . ' ervaiions on ihe Convctnion lately ni3iV tttwixt the "French Government and the Goveriirrent of the United States, in cider ' to fhew that it will operate agiin! England, He concludes his remarks as follows : Nay, even on thefe degrading ierm, the r The"'ri-.t'n teheiy oc;a(t Koitliuniberla d has hitherto jjriycute.. my npitctr.g . he. toiltluft o Ct 1. Himiltcn. To the Jf, trr 1 lent hlin to Albany, I hive irrriVcd (10 aufwer ; a;id I hae fuflicient icafen to be in e it wavp'.'lM'uS d by' hiiplelf,. r fliall be grofily dtce.'vcd it tliis wi.il not. . . f urnifli an additional iciluii lo his tr end lo millruit hn judgment. r " ,- , Ho Gen. H milton I owe no account of mv fi ttira v- proceedings I but the j ublc may enquire, why th a . confpici.Ou oifendcr .aainlt the Sudi ,oi Lawtliii " Atc!.-,dei,er'tf our hid rnijjt(hatc,',lhouid not hs called itKifcs-Qmati li ih'i Uvouriic aw ol -the anti- . . repub'icaiii oanat'cTotecl ihe cluratter of Mr. A- dam 'C Golicral Hamilton, th- vindictive ptoi'eccw tor of Jrothini'nam, nvy i t a.ainlt. thr: .cedilionv repuo.ucana aioneare luiiicetfci to its penal les t 119 Auonic ; wc-iici jii. it -virectea to pioi;cutc, ana 11.0--keen eyed zeal of Judge ChaT.;' himfeiCu-i-lf,fcd up- -.', on tiie bli'ihce -w'tst aie we to think cf the tnotwca vhicn pr du:ed this led;tal fafe,uard I t"ro'm any polr.( utiojj of mine.G ne: al Hamilton ' is now life. .W.ikKere wu it ehin.e of rl A- dams or Mr - Pincney- being called o tH ;P'fid!n' t) the 'experiment was worth trytngwhcibfr ilie coodtitl of 'federal judgei, and a tdetal jurv , and a Ic .cral FieCAent, iov-ird General Bamil on, would ' lia-e been fimslar to vn -which rejiuriiicans haveex perteaced,' wbofc profeciiiion w-ai dirled. by Mr. Adamv and condifted' tiode'r tjx m:ld auff ut o-f hi-honour -Judge Chaffv . jKut the hopes of arillocracjr atfl to mart I .Ncu titer ihe in4nrgeab!e Mr. Pimkucv, nor the unrua. tab!e Mr. AJamt, is called to the Prtfi kn.cv i and how ci her would have beltavcd on the convic tion of General H-mui, cannot now be Vtfctuaiiied. I hive no motiva to ptocecd. Norwiil 1 cm taini i)( 'be idmiuiiliaticii ol Mr. eirnf n by j rom t iog the opcruion ot a law, hich fce w.uld diliain' to nle tiuit the moU'virulent olhia opponents. en w'.Mt this' nJt ,he cafe,"1 fnould have relin quillcd ' the p:clecutto of t'.eneial Hamilton, al er tiieifjOjrance he hasfbcVn of what was due to hia! own clnracter, and to mine. .1 (aintiit that a man "Who might have rendcied himfcll hig dy ofcf A; and triy ettiruable, liould r.ot ouiy degrade Inmtelf by trot.s violations ot moral jropnety, but become a: cngili fo infenfibleaa he apptais (.the, to tha dic tates of common poliieoeli. 1 he experiment I w tint a to make was wonh .i.akiiifi I hougiitGe. neial llamilton was an ul jeil vionhx of ihe cx,!ii inriit 1 was n.iitaken ; tio'ifai! has the char ter' fuffi cient for the purpofe, wh from ignorance or (i- rttation, iom priae or pcv.fhncU, caa put oil iha clurzctcr uf a gentleman. - 'I am at. i MOMAS COOrFR. TO Bli.LEASKD For ene tr two' years', HAT well known I'ianiEt.uti of il-e late Gcorce LiHini-iwii, Erci.'; abtur 22 nu'.cs (ruin" Wihniiiproii,-'' Tlie laiu'a. are very fur able far Pvite, Cn, or C'M, The Saw .Miil having latelv l ?fn hmt they themfelves occupy. " Ctntlemen on this fulled! are unufua'.ff li 1 . .. 1 ' r i ' - w - mard ot hearinrr.. mey will not. bear, or -it.' 1 ,r1,.!-, it,;. w. l.u ,1, m f . . , l n II "1 li . ! t rr ' I'VUIH. VI,IIU, lvj, (ii.i miij ii.i nil UK tnect ftie futrcl, was the flrongHI evidence :lhey do hear;, they w.lt not. regard the pahVe jec , lmfhn only objeft, is clear from lis h,! o,f the fincct.ty and adherence to juilice of . oflawl putting money into the hands of the . in ...bunt, ,h, rnmimi. Vln was. condefcer.d to treat, 'till be conceived the plan of a Convrntton that might tend 10 tacite puttin? money into the nanas ot me ( ; ..u.nT.., .i... vl w,. ... . - . . f .V . ttu wuviiiwiiir, iiv 'i.tiiiwiia was ihole wfvv lupport 11. ' gvcrnor and judges ; laws vrajraming van , inilrut,enl of ibis kind ever before pron.uVa. Mr. Nor, conUered a, we could ous defcupttons of extortion ; laws vrolaunj ,ed plcvi0llWo V,Fca.ton.? And though he 7.1.. fn.i ik. iwunl. in Hi nnlo II of lltllc F . l. H ...... C .1.. . !. T, r ..... - - ' .... .'. O it-r urn ) .iui iiiuf.. me iMiiiiiMiiiuii 01 inc ici i nui y a-. cis iic anv inijor'atue. iancei are founded in their ears, they are Mr, Gr;liv.M hoped ' the words would not informed of th? ec iTity of immediate redrefi, be flruck out ; for if ih-y were ftruck out the- of the dinger of unredrefTed oppreffion ; and -ff;t would then be ' that .the committee they ' flijf continue to talk of juilice, aad yet (li..iU 'n.t fi-ml fir perfons or papers. He recommend nothing but what will delay, and wis alloni.ted at thi ideas, of lome gcmler ' perhaps defeat it. Tbey may talk then, o'f mm. Could they expert ihil houfe to bcVu- iuflice aoi of ihelr regard" in ihe contlituiion. i l ' ' e V . . ' O ... ... . T1 verned by the opinion of any one ffltmbir at they plcafe ; the people will confider a de rn:t icu hkni iui iu im 'imiiiijii iviuin ,afls.extll ihivcriminate ah'mh jmblic officer ? if the d.cuins.i)ts ire thus decifive, the com mit ee need gi n fa.thsr. If not decifive, (halt ihey fu Mlitute. ,h; opinion of' the gentle man from Ir-nnrdee in the place of their own conviction ?' He biped nott ' If 'gentlemen - are fertous in th; rxpreriort of ibeir wifhet f.r a fair eaq iiryV let ihem-givC.lhe taasnailtee full powers. -Mr t Mv-fk4 gtatUmea ia ivor-of retaining thele w.rdt, .to conGJer the'dif tance t j, which tney .would have to fend, t vhtthwii 170, miles, and 10 calculate the lime occulted iu giing-and retiiTnir.g from the Miififippi teiniory, and then ofay wl;e ihfr t return1 would not be impriOticab during' this fciTurt. He t'lounht it wojld, and frvMn this aii other reafons was for an imm-dia'e enq iiry. ' . Mr laird It it the inteatioa of g?nth . '. .'" x. : lay cf jjflice as a denial cf it ; they will fay that the pre On t Congrefi intend to do nethirg. Amotion was made to adjourn,. and lof! . I '! . . ' -1 I might probably be a (Tared that (he American Piefident would approve of the cunduft J his Envoys, be it s hat it tnigh', how could he be certain that the fovcreign people of tha1 country would be fo teady 10'fraicrnize with h!m ? The poor fovcreign people, wiih iheir thirty fuilliom of dollars, leem net! 10 have made a fmgle unit in his ralcuUiion-, We can .affu're ,bim, however, that this foveseign people is not fuch a icnfelef doll as he may imagine, arid that it will require - fomeihipg more foild'ihan the frippery an l froth of Ci- : tifn Fayette to outweigh the advantages Mr.ClaiSorne's mo1 ion to llnkeontihe words ta,;,u ,,. Arl.r,. In.xwTi,.., Ar;u f,m?b. m a J I - r A 1 .11 . 1 .cnu.orpcrior,,, nocuiucmi ana papcis . f rsenJQp of England. Should we PC de A Inm mi? anrf tan . I . , m ' h .- r wai'ihen put and loft. - Mr. Randolph "Vneved lo quedion till ihe ad day of March ! a . ca mm ine que'jion was then taken on Mr. iiar. he w0fft h , , Tfn nou, , -yf-0L-tdded w-tnrr- fquadroipt-naHft,iMi j ceived, however fliould the people of Ame PnPJne rican be foolift mough Lto liflen 10 ihe fug" ch Lon. .Igefliona, fcf their and our ertenrcs, e know ft t Vmttdment br- tea and ned. there beinff only It nays. ihe relolution, as amended, was then a j the com fe of three months, bring ihe Sixteen ne retoiutioa, as ameaded, was men a- Uni(.d s, Jlt ,c ngf ( 0f ff nd ,v,em lo f ek greed to, and referre. lo MflTti' ,li'f? for new conlli-utions in ihe pigeon boles cf Cti.br,rne,C. GooJrich, Nou, Davu,.bud. ,l,e Abbe Sieyes ! We wifh molt f.ncnely Mr. Randolph moved that the' laws pafT ed in ihs MifTifippi Territory, and the" pel i tion of Caio 't and others, with the do cumsnts, be teferred io ibe fame coiumitiie Agreed to, 10 live in peace and amity w'nh America, bui we know her difnofition too well 10 hope by conctdions to prtferve her friendfliip ; and wthavc tou in'ir.atr a knowledge in hettc- (ources 10 dcpictate br arger. or dreatj her l . n::... .. ilowji, iiny heretniilt ac'the eteiice t' abou; 150 or. joo dollar. ALSO, . :;t"' ; A,number of Ner,,i 4 or e pair rif Oxen, Htid Planrajibit .Tools mis b: 'n fe.l, it rrqvircd. For ternii ait'!y to the iub- Ictibtr en the prcn'ilirs. SARAH LILLINGTON. January i$i ' . FOR NEW-YORK. . J v 4i1.ll r. t'ollr. If-iac Hehftide, mf. ter, will p Timely U on Fumlny trxt;; hav.. ing rtood ntcorrtno. ila'ion Korfreij'i.rof ehotit ico burrh: p. llage, apply to the Milter on hoatd, or io ISAACS & BISHOP, , January if. ' NOT I CE, On ihe 23 int. will be Sctfat PuUte Jue- - , litn, 'in ftilminelo, A LftKeprof eriy umi ftfrtti of JrPfV -t Arncill, deceated, confilliiTg of Wear. jj-A rparf on4-s-Wtchr .And at the fume time, p The Erlt; - Minerva, tt ftSL' Prffent cnnunan.lf A by fi jVaTJ.. Po e, a fli? rnte.from f, tplJll'r rel and Knriiiiofif. Con dit. JanMryij, ditiont fix mcr.1,t! rc- JOUN B.4CLAY EaV. A- V . ... ,f. nuiuiity , V ' . t . . . ' r tr .V V.a V . . - . a