1 not jiScCTUwy could hnJfld hhTbrigrf ill the tnajoriir of members of Av- ..wL Ur Hurr.' liW rich Totci. vThat the 4V.sm nar.,.u ar taction tor D articular I tptrC saiis.cvrry jjicuc ui iiEginz put wnat firht Bateat have piedgea ...vr.. Thev were therefore deemed anhtJm oe. evenr .Block:- and as much pro .thcmfelvea m make w choic f WrfWth. jhII - i ' -a ,1,. i, w,, ni UitYon as thev pleafed. CaotTRi failed fa edicut. lerl'ev. Delaware. Maryland, and Sooth- actea 10 ieci-. i note :OHv- ana- wen iiicmm kwij...' ....... kuui, . t- Carolina. . t. ;i r -rl officer were on this, particular occalion an-ncr, vi .wgt-iwi,., w:uo was frca ca in Bv this means there would arile tietinji;ided (.ar(Jf ,J4 and the Governor was auihoriied to fine lame manne.. for byjhe conai.otioo, and the pweraAeiA weald. . f offl the fcveral counties in the common '"Spke at Sea' Jan. nth j 8ftip,.G.ran. ' ' .-.- - J - . - . I -II ar"V -r . ' . m i vtne, apr. slumping, trom oay Honduras, bound to London, 2i day out. Ship, Duke of Richmond, CaptProckter. do. do. , . ' ' Parted, with fchooner Hope, CaptJ Tvler. Jan. 24 h.' Jan,;. 26,. I poke, the fchooner . J.r4 the conituu io. for ibe Vuo-PfefUent. to We this" important election retire from sbeSiiute, a feWdayt befwe the ctofe of .. This (Iranse innbvation- on the lwi and the feffinBin qrder to afford that body an opportui uf4&., uf Virginia -an innbvaiion Cxecutedin m to chAfe a chairman oro tern, who in the event ... , . v . r t . V n 1. l- : ..u .. '' ml the' .fteMeWflJetthwooW" ucceed to the pow n of y ice j President until a new cleftion Jhoald take; p!ace;'-:U .f':'-:-.'r: :" r"v. : The bill prfijefted to beintrodaceaj wi tteretofe predicitejon three cootingent eveivti j j ' 1. The equality ot toiei. : - :v'. ' , . ' s. The confpiracy-of the members of eight ftates to prevfBt 4 choice uom uie ro nnc Riaaiaiici the . true fpirit of the AQ, ws iubmi te'd 10 for' according to modern philofophy' ii ean are , to be difregarded if Hope, Capt. jhackeiford, in lai. 31', to, the end be defirabfe." J 1 King. 27, 20, from Cape.FrancoIs bound 10 TheVtriumDhanf faclion did not flop here, Charleiton. r Oti to intereft ngJaB tleflion, money would L'fl of American vrjffels lefl at Kfrgfltn, .t be u'eful. The elections according 10 the an 'V1 nohtn tht tUtt "failed. . The -ccuomcd rctiremcntof the rjce.prcfideQr' cient ly Hem were without expence ; but the Ship Harmony,, Coffin, Vf Porifmnnik i mcw ivnent renmrea monev. na now.couiu i , nm n.t nj Mary, , Philadelphia. from the frnate Uooiithe hrtt ot theteeenij inere.can De bo cer , r,-. , r- r. , -a.- j j ui.y be "e the ad Wedn.Jday of Febriary ,d bnl alonev of .he people be bet er expended, that day alfoHheablic will leirn hetbfr the reprer man in lecuring tne eiecuon oi uic ticmocrauc lemativ'ea of eiht ftte"'i I will or will bot put the Chief ? ; -f ' ' . goverr meut io jeopardy, ganger, the pblic credH, ; -Money wh granted. The Governor was " tT4 P " W into the public he indivtduilgovernrfienu of trre leweral Hates to r r , . . rm he miria Wtbe. pub c ;.ecV gaJntt the PM'fe ni, i(Uhout Imitation, to draw from meiiacf s hel4 out a fw iftuthaggi l) jinii6o aod ' thence, as tnucu inane)i -as the uccafion -might Airmjnyi-ey ;th: tefottfoBewfe, vTbe iflaeof tbe tteaion'wis fuct ir had the - har of the fenate at a fcafofi of fo ,uch dinge,;., "PeV?d On . hi, iceount it i. thai thev wi(h jo introduce a Ibcle thmirs pais, and the ielf df normha clsufe in tl.e prnjeded bill,Tn the face of the " confti- i ted ' Rpublicationsr he felf Pil'd friends of .tuiiuru which guei io ptt tilt ibicf-JutticSn -th of -their-rights, PWeS'le.;!ft Afih 'hem ' Jthe peoj leWe are aware that' there !a dgert aod ' a iucceedmg Lfgiihture a wiih is ex perfecuiion tofollow this .Publicaiio-w but:. lefti.f I preffed to know how, and to Avhat amount anurca, or ineteip- ' a cunnuci-vc w cvciy umu - De money or tne people nas oeen expenaea man, the Editor p acet hiraftlf upon God and bi Country :-;y0; j;-' The extract from a fpeech delivered at a iowa iweeting held at the State Houfe" on the evening of londay .U apera to be txprcird from the candor or capacity wiiTcn ga'ide the" Philadelphia Gteette. It it, however, calculated tc convey, an idea very, different, from that of the fpeaker.who "aiieTTdve.itTng-fb theaudacfty a'nii coo ' Jeropt ij the public voice and difiegird of the public iifecurity, w th which the federalist threatened to , carry th 'ir meafurei, expteff?d an a pprthenfion th a on the, 4th . of M .rch ' next we might : not, have either'Jcffeifon or B -irr for Piefiden t ; but that' the bufineU might be (at had been thicattned) lett ed at th - pimt ol the bayonet, 7,- '. ' - : ..; He tikewife faid i' would be improper to fix on a day of rtjaictng, on ac ountofthc fuccefs of icpub ' lican principle, when perhaps oi.th .t very day peo le.iiom diS rent parts of tbe United Suus may be ; mar Whg to the cay of Wsthington ,"te hul from his feat an. Usurper, But he did not then allert tiutfir . umflancf. at an actua' certaintv. but " at a . oa(Tul contingent y, iniuig but of i thctcmpir ma iff tied, and tbe declarations mtde by prrioni hoftile to the ' eh.ice'ot thepeovle - '. j ' That there ia a d ifpofition to ufutp-'tloorwe' have, abundance of evidence of p'fr tin cY arty utprcfent At W. (hingtonci.y the molt ypeii declara lona S'C tnade'of luch a detign,4 even ' by tnembers ol. .Con . rre'a, who decl re it to- be their pu'poTe-ihat the Se- siate Hiall elect a Pjepenf. WhetherJ fuch"d:tlir- ttonlof fuch deugna, are calculated to.prodoce teace.- libeiur, lecanty aa harmony or to eiweuder the Experiment, - WiUburn, New-York. Alexand'rialv MMntolh, IVrtlanl, ju arrived. .... Brig Aflive; S. Laveting,' Alexandria, pnt back in diltrels af cr being at fea 18 days. - Brothers, Towen, Alexandria. - Suckry John Millbefy, Bay'Hondofasw ijioinav nnckney, M'lerel, J4ew-.York Polly, titi'colp, 'jo. . -V ., Richard, M'K-nne, do. juft arrived. r 'H5, finsfg, fortimouih. , , 3ucktyrN:Br6wn7'Terrira'rf . cargo condemned, vcffel &! adventures cleared, but on appeal gtanied to the tors. '; Suckcy, Buncc, Nevr-Yorki FOR s MX; " ; ' . Prom'tfc to 2C0 barrels of good cleaa . Turpentine. to be delivered at Newtop fa,il Inlet, in fliipping order. Apply to the printer. . -Jan. ao TO, BE LEASED , T,$r wear wa years, rHATjwell known Plantation of the I X-late Georye Lilian Rtoriu Etq. a boot si miles from Wilmington. TheManrls arc yerv -futtable for Rice, Corn, or Cotton. --The .Saw Mill having lately; been burnt down, may be rebuilt at the expence of about 150 er'aoo dollars. ALSO, A number of Negroes, a or c pair of Oxen, and Plantation Tools niay be hired it required.' for iewns apply torthe lubJ. fenber on the prerpifes. - SARAH LILLINGTON. January 15.- A feiolution to thil ckeclit moved-buf tri Sch'r, Hannah. Fullenon. PiiiladelDhra. Atlantic. Glaizr. - '.i -, 1 I I n '' ' ... . I - - overoearing ana Mn0iuit??grnaiori.y negatives inn reiouwon, ana covers inc tuioit trani hevery men who contend that the people ought io know every thing - thu even' In 41 i-ivlViVkA a rAii a- m 1 n Mt Af 1 wrA A I Ti II.. H. IF T 1 negociations ought to divulged that m all Sloop Hero, Boa.dmin, Newb'ery-Port, Jo. Indiiflry. Treafertbinff. Ponfmouth. iull arrived. - . Polly, Claik,. Poflon. bucci'ls, Miies, " Glidp, Brock, New-London do. Aurora, Liulened, CharleU. n. ;, George, jNlont Mgue, Hartford.. ( Beaver, Weeks, Wafkingtbu. cafes whateVerTtfcricy is only calculated to conceal Ahaie"ry-ihefj very men gie 10' the Executive, when he happens to be of then own '.tamp, an unnmitca power over ine mdney of the people, and then refufe to le; that people know, how, and to what extent this power-has been ufed. Ayhat motives can nave conduced (0 this unexample procedure ? ' If ihe pub ic mney has been hontjily and neceflarily expended, why conceal tbe.ac. Whaf motives exift for concealing it ? 'r'1 gove nmen rin tbat pen0,r t7U. -ir.L-e . lu-'.i. -- e I mount to 'ight tnilliMi three hundreil v iidv niiiLiiioi iu 111c yrvyic iu truc iiuin laying if before tbe Lrgiflature and the pub lic ? ;What national good can ,tJc" bbfltruttei, or " what national injury produced by fair (latement of the mtnev expended?; a If the public'money has been ignorant ly . The Senate h ive confirmed the nomination bv the rr.hdcnt, of Samuel Dexter, as SfCretaryf the "' By an account of expenditures of the U' ltecS States,' from the ifl' of .oaober 1709, to' the 30th ot-.September, 1800, It ppears that the whole' expenditure of the mnent gm tnillit)Mi three hundred tnd ' feventy thoufand feven hundred and luty.riK dllrsi-4.J'!o.24S 8 of .'which' for the military, and 1,940,479 69 for the nil vai department. Rice, Wheaton 6 Byrton . 9t the Store laitly occupied, by Mr.' An : derTon. a few dobr'i foutb of 'the .Court v Houfe , have jul opened, and now offer .for fait on the hived terms for Calb, or . tri e x change fur Country Produce, BRUA D. ,C loihs, " Caffitneres, , Plains, Forelt Cloths, Kerfeys, Swanfdown, Cat,ings,FcarnOughts,-Negro Cjttonv Baizes, Blankets, VVorfte Hofe, Cali mancoes, RuiTels, Durints, Linens, C a m b r i c k s I nd i a C o t o h s , M u fl i ri s Lmiiiics, marieiues vv autcoating, Ginghams, Calicoes, ChintzW Camel's. rfai.- and; Muflin Shawls, (&cpks, In- , clia Silk Handkerchiefs, LadiesKfd viorocco bhoes, Ladies and Gentlemen' fa(hi(nable Hats. Gloves. elaftir.Suf penders, Tape, Thread, Buttons &c &c. Sec' ' Crockery Ware by jhe crate and a retail, . Glafs and Stone Ware olain anrl japanned, Tin ditto, Bed Cords, Read ing Lines; Soal Leatherhoes & Boots, Boot Legs, Calf.lkir.'s. Saddles Rri. w - j ' mrw My dies, Gunpowdr.& Shott, &c. ' .. . ALSO. . ' . ' Wcfl-India & New England Rum, b ho.rorj of clvi: war, the people will determine.. An the oeonle are now timely called to a .ofideration f tht defij;n and how hr they are willmj to pet j..j.t or fueri to be 'ma ured.". ' "" '(Awibaa.)- Frem the W a s h i n g'ton Federalist. 03" Stmrthinroitenin the Stale of Pen ' - mark " ' " M'xtratl ii a.lelter from a gentleman in the Virginia. Leg' flat u re, to. the Editor, of this paper, dated Jan. i,i8yi. " Dear sir, ' " I enclofe you a ropy of.a refolution of fercd this tlay to the Houfe of Delegates 4 which being thrown out- and it being fuch ' a precedent, I beg you will have it inferted , "as quickly a pollible in the Federalifl. I ' will for wait! you the Journal fo foon at 44 it is printed,' in r er that thofe wlip.advo 41 cate fnch a fyftem, miy be inade known to the public. " ;,',,, ".-. !., ' The Rfolvtion iHujed to in the' above watted,' -why fliould the Lttiflature conceal this fact from the people f A letter from WalhingtonrflafeV, thaTon the oth " lt the Senate of the' United Tf.k t,,.,- J...fi n-J-. -r Stl' reietled the 2d and id ariicles of' the i .vt iatv ti vaui iiiuiu utjiuy UUUI I y L' . Tl n ' ... fr.f iliif It-lilt'- rlnii nrriAi!fm .u. I rtcnen treaty, ine queltion on a?reeinr to i i- n - - . - f.. I 'he (erond article fin uK.rK h r.,V;.i ..f imDeciliiy mould be concealed r How I . .. v . " T . "J" " .": bis much more is the State to fu tier before the veil maybe taken olf, and the tiuih ackiow ledgrd? I If any' thing elfe exills in this bulinefs wkich will not bear the fight : : ; : : ; but we will not mfiniaate , what . even undcf , demnity for fpoliations ia wayed) was decided yeas nays 10. Un the ti article (which (lipulaies the mutual furrender of veifel of Hate, taken by either 'party) the yeas were 13. nays .15. . -'-.-v. Lucius Horatio StocKTOM. E10. of New-Jerfey, u nominated Secretary at the hhd. bbu or lefs' nnantirv U i land & New-Lnglami Gin, Xoaf Suits ,r per hundred or lefs, Brown Sugar 0, hhd. 6r barrel, MoUires by ifie h'hf ) Hy fe & Souchong Tea, Alirpice, Po, C pr(Cbdfift Window Glafs by thVbo , Cordage, der byV the bbl.' Potatoei , and alewboxes of Spaniflt Segars. Wilmington; January 22. . N O T I C E. A lL perfons indebted to the effate t X John ,L,eving(ton, deccafed, ni dehred to make fpcedy payment; ar ! thofe whohavc demands aeainff tb. f,; A eftatc, . are alfo defired to exhibit ther properly attelied,. within the time! pr riA I... 1..... 1 " .vituwu vj law, IO . . - w . N. HILL. ExV. Wilmington, January 22. J I futk appearances we cannot believer lhus much hoevei js certain. If there be an one fubjetl with whiclvthe people ought to-rfi --4t-4---3jf- AN awav from th r..Kr.:u- . be fully acquainted, it it, avtf A the difhutfemtnt of tneir money. Men mult believe ihe people blind indeed, who do not fear to employ ihe public money and, to retuie to let th em know how a has been employed I , Sale at Auftion. ON-TUESDAY next, at'izo'clack,, t. WILL BE SOLD On thf premifes, ' For ihe term of Three Years,' The Ncw;Huililing.jn..WI- ' ALIXANDRIA, January at. F I R E. -Early in the evening ol the ath, fire was diflo- u4ei to tn the. above ! veredtn the outh-a irt ol .he Treafurv Oilte. k:r. Att... r.l. : t j r .' 4xl rac i$ comprized in thifoUomng utords : City f Wafbirigio., A of.dw.bl. number ol l "7V" ? 1 L .e n TT u 9 C " '.'RefolveS that the. nditot be dircfled IO;M.fnf collcUed in a fbort ,ime Irom the City and m?, Z! h'5 ' hi" t 1 k r .k 4fr "ti - n r Otorae-Tjwo. Notwithla die their er iom. nclow llairt, a cellar under the whole, a part 1- U,l bcf?rc. 'hc gctif raUcmbly n.iement of, J; tBC ,aie ,r. ,f , ,ne of which is convenient for . kitchen . Parucu. ' ".w a 'r "-. irctlry...D.crry ,h Wllhm the hufe, the flu w,, oot I Ur wi.lbemade known in the day of lale. mm effect " An all to vtti an -afl en.. eatiiiiHbed for feara koon. It ien.i 4,U 1 i- V ,u " UV wf ,4,c' tuiea an act tot appointing electors to " ."'"' m. wmnxnica, 19 4 thocfe d Pufiient and 'VicoPreHdenl o, u"l!10:r",d.,!"h iMmla ! tt te liilied Stattt.7 Rllfed alLfeibon of , atlernbly j and, that in.faid flaUotnt, he exprefsthe diSerent items. .. l . . Tins vote whether we confider it a mark. Ing:the real 'principles' of 'thofe metiiwhofe lawlefi flrugles for power threateaii coru. vulle our country 10 in centre--or tjeir o. pinion of the infatuated degraded II ate of the people-too tlotcly bound : in their" cVins to be llimulated even to make one atuiipt to break them, alcferves our ferioitt attennlm.-. The permanent law of Virginia, hiai 'divid ed the fife into as nuny diftrids as there were etecldri. The people were attached to this rvflem, Ixcaufe itnabled them to detfute farthe mrel veiTo Oioald reprefeni ihem. The taeiflatore' took the Dri iiedferoatof frtrpolfeHiorTrwdibr Membert can It inning the r'ajoriiy, nominated ..tn them jweniy one per font, whom tbey have ob&iiaU ufjycbofeg, , -lit ; H-it 10 abylifli clecliont by diftfifli V not dicien-. ' ' .. t : 7 By law there is in'evtry county tn. offuer whofe duty it js to boij ihe election- to take the poll and to take it fail ly. But thtfie Ificer rf nut the mrt Uih snd crtitwts a f , t - ; ' .... ... w , bvtrfer ooately did not reach the roe-f. i- -Th prafideot of the United States was dbfervtd m in i.iiat iwr conveying water. .. . . , k : - ISAACKS & BISHOP. 'February 5, , t : '. XV Ntgro Woman named PRfiGv and three fwall Buy Children. Jack, a! ' . aimon, about threi yCdr3 01a, ana tne youngert about two months old. As 1 hear they have Been feen near Wilmington, arid that my un- -dutiful wife is at ihe Brick Houfe, The may attempt to fcnd them away, I there fore forwarn all commanders of vefTels and others from buying them from her the.faid Mary Seffiphi, or taking tbeni; away on her requeft, under pain of hav ing the rigor of the law executed againffc ihflr;I alfoTrirwarn.all perfoni from . harbouring my faid wife or aflHUftg her ' 'J. Kfcp from her real homej where to me tte-u and alwaytwas wrlcome, on any ' pretence or means whatfoever. If ati entity, is not paid to my civil caution I will foon try to gcrredrcf by the lawi of my country, . , ABSALOM SESSIONS, January s . : ephr AjiTrpTBo DTlV " . BOOT- and 5H0E.MAKER, n ESPECTt ULLY inlorms his pld cnf. l.Vomers, and the public in general, that he has jiilt arrivedjfroni New.Eng-. laud, with complete aflortment of LEA THER and BOOT LEGS, and has re commenced hii bofintfs of Boot and Shoe MaUrtR tis Wilmiiton7 North of the Courulfonfip, md seat door fomh of Mr. ' A.1T. 6rwn'a whtr ist wll-be-happy to ah on ill thole who pleale to employ him; and tht (mailed lavoors will be gratffully acknowledged. N. fl. He has lull optned for fale n lir.fm ainrrnin. -f Kironrtctfrtrc - 1 bearded by .p,Uv boa. built (rhoJneVpolkcre umsanddV T un. " . OHM WKIlll . 1., ' fro--"-- W I L M I N G'T O N, Ta a. j. ' rF O;R S A LE, Or wll bt exchanged for' field hands, "1 A MULA I TO FELLOW .m On rndav fall itnved-here from Naau.Lr " IUHN. he is fo well kn'nwn In w.l- New Providence, ihe bchooacc Libery, Capr. jmington as a Chair od Cabinet maker, thai a William MkrrII ukn r . iK.....L .L.I A i frri rl inn ff hit a . .(Ti... . . ir .......... ... ov.'vk, . 1. an! v hiiuuii iuc ijivMt M.aiiiic, if unncccmry, Norihweft pa (fa ge in company wiih the khoo. Apply to (he Pritjier, ' ., ner Intrepid, lohn Allifoai, miflcr, bound 10 February 5, , " . WaOiington, North-Carolina, Cap! M'Ker- -- reu law a urge copper bouo.aed hup on A BSCOVDED from, the fubferiber , on fhore, on, ihe Norihweft end of if.e Bahamas, 1 the 39th of December laft, two NEGRO between Wood and Seal Keys 1 after mjnv SAILERS one named tIM 1 1a "nT hc ?PPro"hcd fo near as 10 dilcover old, about j feet to inches high, fl,m Ldt. oald a R.cker along fide of her, in confrrj.ience bad 00 when he went iway, i blue Ji-ket Xli Mji ny f"fhr """P1 lU gilSE!: P"1" 8 r oa!ing.iroufcri; a checll 111. .lUll.likh, ca Ujirt, and a tarpoling hat ihe othef named WILL, 'a flout well made fellow, alout e - Or, Monday laft armed ihe Brtg Hope, feet g ifichei high, about 3 yeirs old, of i Upt. B. RogcrS j.,nr. fmrr, K.ngfloo, Ji- yellowilb eomple xlon, bid on when le went maici. haded OMhe 30 K D c.'all j f ho,,ri away a blue jVket and'.rouferi, and a Alack out and 6, miles. diUam from the laud wat hat 'Whoever will iaU e.M ..tJ.u men, who robbed Cent. H, his m,ie and people ofcafl), cUthlng and every fmall ar. Wthaiogtoo, Jimury sy, n ier M'U'Hitv. iNgt. o. aca tf, i ! 1 . a .i- .1 7 in 4 - v i! 1 ixtsefMmm'jittm t" . .. . 1' x ------ - . w t iw' . .... rawi imi mm. 4 -0

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