Y il rV!' HJ-''T..-" .'TL.J Pipse Gazette, of VI-vlT. cont'd aVdUysl I , i.sttcle revive tothevi,w. of the IP.-P ONOCN- December 7, i.-'.'t This moiinti:! arrived the Hambnrgh -mail flue on -Wednilday f ft ; the intelligence we ba.t reaciccd imounimg tninnci ia Mmrjcn nynain - Account vaiiou. private lettm ffCrn Ctkh- i .1 r. , i. t - - . L.J . J - , town ol RatebinUeYanj 'that they "eir fooa to be linVM ny live moivavraiHHif. i,i w Cffi Jui rioew,' ;t tt YjH, ,caoe no 'iftterraptws in the '- '. . . failing of the packet. -W :v :'- ; , ' ' : Vetr.rsfrtam FlKnetiT ebf trm the ': account ' of the embargo laid by the Empe 01 ot Rudis on tUEnfiifW - - fl- 'pi in hii 1 or So i.e vefleU that were in riarva f - ... . an 1 Riga i-'ava farrcna'c'y got away, and reached V i t 'fififur.oiTjf of tlvce accounti Hate,' tha- not only f ' the flipj..'W-fe flopped,. but the rhatlert trkiro out " . of them, and but luto confinemeiti,! witliojt anjr, Caere ocmg ill. en hit im ii ncm cut til i divooa of tfr eleventh it gimertt of f tri-eh' eV valry eittotd fait St. Leo, in the EcclefuAical Staicv Th ub(ran.e of it W , That hu Miie yth- Em j aiauo.i, wh.t are to Und at N,k,' mail not proceed verier jtenc coipa nave martneo agnnu v w u- .... i ti 'oifti'of lufrTU, thate Rjiflliai fliJl. (tot pepe- MSnei. 1 ii'e Into Gir.ficTi' aod that the-4009 iroopa of thit tram, P'tpfr. receive? at ..vw itr tj ire t 'ibttau.e ot it;w r That hu m'jc tnr "-!?-! . r .L - ' ptre,.fytr. ftouJd he n n fuccdttC'-,oi,l":'f,?t days from talmmns . - .IneaceHfor i,,', own- Mir..ffi.n. :bat-'beco.i4uai hive a'eafiv !rniitier)ctd oo AUe pa'trof feci,al 1 Printei ef-ibmpire, h hid htn iuvfidurd bf tngla -d for the purfe .,pf effeft trtg ft Pcitc ari rangetrient Oarer the jmmedie m-; Otioo of ihe ki! cf "Jiuffit; that the objoV oLihcir ntgo;i tiona it tot. c e . ivcr G rrhan y from the prefTare of con ribotiiwr ?nd requifitiona that thofc foveig .a Wh h've pfcff-ffioria on theiell "b ulk of jti'ie'Rhi e M.iltobtain a' oeuiflt y rt llvftr ttltev on th- right bank, uri il a dtfi lite pevi fhail dcf te polf fli.ini are to be f r RevlrJj of the prrf at JStute ef France, t PitMiifbfd by 9rlr of the Chief Csnul 'on the lid of Nv'ile'".). J'ri i iirtitflttnr pfuer'Ti forth in forcible laa- gui'telne weaxtcts ot tfe tjoycrninent, prevsoua lo j both th.fc towoi, ( A Jomal pnbliihed Jere. Uva Ccr.imi4rie ie expedled to orgaoiie anew the dc" " partmemof Msnte FtKrao. - -: The ! AuQriadi ipgain occupy therKne of Tap Fof- -' fambranta id C igti, and, their comnaaader at Foflarn. brali hu flapped all commonioitijo between the IEChOR. Oft ja. The property which j he t? i n :j a- t . U . o j,, t . ik.:w.,. h..j iMS.iui tirnca awiv uyin LcjnwiuBciyit tti- t r . r t thefr pod wh";H r rellored to Ge. rainy, or remi-in. unitr.d to rrancer' t faon- as ti.iTn a g-,,! taxed beyond mrM (hail bjp.co'-pleted the tioo a or the Empire w'tllceafe to t wi h the Auftriana,' . , . i'jvemcr aj ....... r. v- . . l L....I 1 D.I. me.a, U fJvs, Wre lefjUud bvriltinef broU, " " TVl'. " " ,. i . 'r " . . - All L.f ' ,u. f. ...L. j: ....L wnicn n: uy, iraac mun us ijcc j mui: wuu ui uiw ihere waa io -enrrey in he Ma e .witboit powrr, the r.iban .a were w.tkouY ia.vitv, " T 1 1 t , 7 I ..i..r. . .... L u ..r j.. . .u. tb public tftpautltt). Otall be pur to death. taxed bevond m.afure, and fti:l th- .ncme of T rMR tV-A Roffiafl:ct if rtl. the o. ian did riot . wer the d m da made up ri V9m' " ""-i" it tb-armie of Auftria fr,m tl.e,A pa hd tH:V- P'e,L IVorT NECKF Ih Mni.a thr. ,! l.irjm and f:.' rh. -Voiral 1 BNK' QP THE NEQ.KER, Novembef 14., yAi. eeAlyloa plan othe Aulic rooncl f War, g ? w.s ba.Mfhd fromhe few, rhroui. thV te.mr The rrebck.rrron.in We He Ibnm, rece tv, ,far,a.onrd t.Vhi Imperial & Roal M,jet'ys the foic ! ot ,he thea ex,.n? Uwv A nerica, wao owned her der lhe ,-ht "tweeo tha itk nd i3.h to break r.r .i.-.. ;..:. -11 : . . . . . . " . . 1 ' uo and march .toward Fna.Qnia Gen Collaud. ' - -. - , . r 1 -r. a t of AJchdrike Chrt,, 'ariho. to b divided in o ' lt w,, ud--r hefe circa nit.o e that the eighth' wno arw long ao eM. Mr; TShwidan mcnuon-d tbi ct.ciimRance- lait ; live jrrn.c ; the ary in Ge many to D. commanded j year orumenred. Pene waa the firtt o'.iett, the iiioft : flV5" rVV ".Jh.. . ,r.i conlUd, lloding che.tfhed wifli ol the .-.a ion twrt leitrta. wr.ttea ,u"u. , "Ivr, . T . f"'..L Vt'.i " " night in-the houfe of commom ;'nd as i; w not rbt the .ArHduke J'wt, Y . - . : - ti ia riot'vo be"fillip by ; The Tfniy.ot the proTtBioti f Tyrol, comma(tdr en me . 6f that? uW,gOr ed k'f;"chert.Miil'er.-' -nciudtig ibcf cotpi of C tri ia' nAt .to ,be ' Durrt'edJ into j arte ihe'fWe Swifitt?girrent id Br lifh pay, i frmn ! (without . . ol the I'fi . '.a J'V-.J.'. . 1 .1.. . . .... - " ... U . . . khu in.l I! rnAn ! i .1 .1 r f ! . . I 1? 'l . ' " f . . ' V ttBlUY.V --icnnf iff nor v 1 aouuico.. w c vMictic:(fu iub t x witiiii!'. il ii,-uua.i i.iy.n.u wik . ; rv rn. .irir L.nniui in liic tfnmrr 01 i.rrminv. ' ' 7 " . . ' ' .; a- . " ., 1 -. 17 t"a : . . r . iihaoKhty AwTtHXAT haa l! at once rehped Ifiioie.f ; ', . Atj 4Ttny is organized t Uoneiia,- uiwer tne an- i and to -the -Kin of t.'g'and, explained to lh Influence ot hi pamons t out -Tie wtn.r.ocM inn er . oi rnnce iairtf! ; : it win - tumm .'i that the vetrpesnce ol'thi crmntrv it Vo't afleep; ai d 15 t,o an.oTiierKcludin new tnei th.yt the.hohot of.ti-.eiiatioi tSlViklI( lMJ tVfl any icuufi worth v otuieit, t-the cpr,nout uodj- wtii as 50 c- rnpaniet'or national gucroa, win con. duc'-of vrn the7reJ-cri TtdGfd:MtieT M? 8cidelbuTg,"hvc tfo marched for Fran tecbaia,;btrM wy of Hitlbron. The French garrifon Rome of thethips which vaerc-aVNitva and Rifa, cade their efcape-nd have reached Elfirteur. The Dumber dettineM is elumatrd at 30. T heir cargoes va'ut. l hre, ort ol the- ieqncU iorop'rtv thou?h-.ut RufTu, ia i: is lb tepdr cd. that an . otder by Pan', that 'pfTports Oio J ba ety RuflTi r fhip that, fail, cont io 1 hat il the'lhip inoi.i.rt g- attempt. are of Crfiricia trfriron of Bri aifo.current f baa' been jign relive red to itg a '.nojj a . ad M ! 1 ' ' .. . . 1 . - t ed tn HtHTmed bv th- Ercli '', the farf.e fiiall be ':p4j'ntei ai a.Dctlariticn of Waf v ThWfliMla!faLr.fir!ni the reoort of the cap ure of C xhaveii bv the ki.iR of i'rJ(rtaT"iOin Wviir&t? ; i 800 ProiTian troopi enl'rcd that towr, and ;ts r rival of five tana ion more ' was hoor "txpettrd. AI our fhippivg i . that port "immediately fated. tor .... the Roads to avoid bclrr letzed. His TtofS n Ma- jftvJtejrptirio juftify his art, as a mvafiiie" of ne ' Kittty and p ecvfiiort, lirtorfvqueuc1,cf -ji'Tipfitan . rfr . . . 1 ! JlL.b ...... .1 ' ... I. ITVi. vciier oeing cariiea imo ii.ji ntumi H"" "T " i. LJV1h;r of war. . It ia eafv to Tee Vai Uuffia af p.ijtSa we q determi'iei'ip act in concert, and th t Sihe'y ate'dcternrined to try the q iellion of our fight to -Vifit t ita.'": ffii p, e-ecial.'y 'il they can enlifi -anv other powet unner '.hcitbinner,e the' by thie 1 or'pefMir. ah.V-we fit Jl 'it he furpriied to find, ' tVa- ihe ii'fljenia mx extend frniewht fanher, we i fnall theri be nl.le to r!iftin)'fifh:cu; fpei fr m our friend'. Mr- Shcridaa,' in the Ci-ui(e of h S fpe - h .-lift nipht, touched on thisnellion in 'thefe worn: Without pivinf ir.v obiuiol'topcJnVthia dlfputc, Vithout fainj wheihfi any guarantee cou d be giv d'with refpect to flvpt tinder convoy oi neutraV powers, 1 have n he:i:atioi in Hating, tnt lV,ni - crivieee we rontrnd for be that under hichou . niva' erra nefs has ifrowt, which ia at once the oll. the cl.iy,;, i n . feci.rity ''f England j which hi been iccognitrd 1 1 all ircati I, and ' v hii.k it part of ihe r tin'e la ol Furrpe; Ir, 1 epeat, it te . that privilege, I have o helitatiatiJirLiijLingiJh . it t the charier of ou CX'ftcnce, the banner under vhich we ftotld lt ruly 5 l' fl rteh imimin 'he ti m 't'ol om gsljan feamen, we . fhmiM nail 1 1 the w-fl of the oaiion, and go tiowi. - w th -,e, vvF ruber thanJrr ke it " .i It has be-.n long pifdiri'd,' that the em'eror o: R-ilia would xtend hU views to Tutkty .Atthit .mem he is de iiidinp ;n irdernnity from the Pme i r i'if expe cti of hi fl'et in the maruimt campaign; . relud , no doubt, t t'.tupAirc with - ttM tri- laH 'i rt. Fi (.autions for the war 'con, lin-ie wi li nicieafed 'est ikoiij. , ' 'I he a-miM trt ihe en- tinent:are every wherein nO'io fotriSt by 'he txat.mail i may ttyrti 0 krar of'fhe r.-ctrminenietinnt'of hoHiItties ; indeed the repoC ol this motning ii, liai goveiameut haa termed iutfllig' nee to that efTecr. Govetnm i' it is fid, has tflued orders for de taintng all Ruffwn vtJTi la whirh m be tei at tea ; indeed i bad been haird tha' an embargo h-a beea la-.l in all our pons hu' this requites cot. Bin. a. tion. .'.nth a realm w. uld have &u fittie effcA s theie ate few or n.i RUCiin (hips it oufhm bouts. Anoih'- eipeditioo- to the coall bf Holland is laid to be in , ir at foiwaidnrftt b'u , we clieve, it will le piiriwipally ci pfite to the Dutch naval trd mi- litjiy tone mw in tnta unfooni, imn, nora me revo uiionary Stitii.now declared in iaour of the Sta-lihol er, it deemed fut!uieat for the cntnpVue. The Dutch tnipi bf U hoc. and frigates at the N are ani jheDwns, e all comp ete.yqutped, and ;Ajilled for thi tntf nded es-diion. Tbete was a tne:tirg on Fiioay laft of a nbraher of t. e-iit cipal .nccf :1 of Lmdoa conr fined in th4U!titrsde ar t Jcorf der what fieps, lobe laVen :l"he at rov . f Jutyj'whrch is tole tnoer thedcFi of tbcV.rhdu; e. Ferdinand, -i,n,ow oa.oop. A corps of N'espoli-'-ansj 'under. General Damas, u to cd-operaie with he anny td Italy. Thev tali!i-.p rt iijooo tvnutft "troops 5 out trjts i nieiely. coj:cture. ' " ' " '. .' The frit anny, ,oi the reifrve, whole writer u tKe-Archriuke-Patatin", I' cobpofed o natiot al levies from Huriiarv and Autlna, al.d , of trotn 7 10 op yte ian troona ; 1 O'hti'n teitaiu, . Jiowever, can ne fa d telalive' to the iti tie- llreogth of this anny a K'e'f" 'Ki rrjrral'-GarMheaume ... .amvCR.Ac,!.9i,4iS,t, the P-ria pap isi n I t 4 h soft . at Bred. He is,- at it h- thert fl;ed, to tke the contVi.and of feveu !a;l 'A the lirie and forhe' frigate'. Th.- deU111at.cn cl this fouadron is at ptefent unknown. One ol the lt d ouiuis, the .iette de rrance ri lhe iilt.Haysfhti-Hie expeoiu. u prepared t.Bre h-id rut to lea, and it had a ntitnbcr or troops on board.- It is'nherc afT- rfed, that 11 e fiiuadiDii n dufimcd.lorthf iCand ot "t, uoiningo. ?RICE 'OF STOCK, Dec' ,Bnk Moc 164 i- 3 'ftt Cent." Xed." 6T "'aj : a perCenuC t 7 8 i-t -8 -'-C- ,- 4 per Cent Cops. 81 1-8 , , S 4 per Cent Atib. y PRICE Of FI OUR Fine itoi te ito . Secourl iSt to .05s od. Thud jas. to ev od. 'Mid vptrau. IOCS '0 1? Fin Pol a 4s to 5 s. Com' do 16s. t'j its. ' Hnr e Po'.fard j 6d. ' - . ' Bun . . . '" ii, od. . Avernge Price 'f rmn thmughiJ Fnptird . ,tafV weaknefa. but wi hout duplicity the. defire1 . . . i Ji..,...: F ench peopl. ao jthe w fh of humanity. -,n. V.:. d... j.vi;: .u. . u tice;ofthe lermi ation of th aimiilKe, wajjry hrni the i . - - . . r . 1 'l 1 - that diti -11.;. .V(u by Ijht M-tti .tlrr-f of Ipl ria and Ctt-at-Britai tabi'. tt ol Vienna birndeo tome bdprs with its re. fufil 5 the.Cabinet t Lo-idon-fi. ft mingled ill-nature at the hea l. Ltute ntcr .1 s with l's correiponden , and loon " . . v , e .le.L ,1. artcr .is public .li!cUtiHria,7Tn CnlccuenceVof the .-" . 77" r' .--.-.. .- ndl re redijeftedt . to comrnuliicate -the fane quarter pf the, Aullr ian t icld-Mar (riat' 1 S'mbf heoi General R.iCner immediately ri 3 :oucia s aiiade tcance, became illiberal at a bufive . " . . ' ' ' ' ; . The Briffh aiii ifter.fthis paper flatesV rained no. thing by thca ri.'.ony of ip language-; the Frsnch ople law that their Ftrlt' Ma;fltrate W' fmcere in Barou d'Albtni imnnrdiateJy made prepan ions to evacuate. AfchaiTeubarj. Ail . the Mcita troops, fuhfidy, andjcoiitingent corps -will now foim a junction.yilt is fuppofed that the hle cSrVa uuder Gtnetal SPmbfcben will be -placed unJcr the.com- is p.6 effionaja oht,lo peace, and thai. fc.di.tio . 0,1,16 ,AU? M tae waa touted agiirlft the e emy that rfufed to cede'MU,'w-"na 'l 1 -'w. ' .Li:.- to his onelt prupofals; atf-flne they felt that th$ -'ni'?"ir' T' 1,5 -"i5'"-had Wth,.t,- exa." bdt from their eff.rt. 4"f' Sydney Smith, u loon to re,urn to Eng. adthr courage;. heme oUr fplerklid iccefa lPtf.ejLpcer ...ving Peen PPoi. o uc-hftnce.-tke''iKi,,,rVt . wiclorW; hence, -,b 0.-lhe'lj,,:h the lie ris of Enel.fhaen.,a fentimeoi of niftice Tr?? t'6f"U . w ' ' -.. - .. . Wr-rSopTe-whr.freF-.f harvfll of glory, breathed o 1y fof Peace, a d in' the heaits ot other na ions a return of ,-Ofd w lines for the riepei.dfncits'of rra, cet and for her liberty. The ape ', kpto' us then proceeds jo ,fta'e the iuaiun of the Depart ' en s,the capture of M .'Ka, t-e meatrjies Which'.' gove'iioiriit is adopting for the el-ah ihBientf 'h fpijala, alms houfes, - for' the perl c3orivof manuf iciurta,' the eticouragemCut of i.ne .rn.-aua sciences, at corrctudc as: to I, y . - K colnvenitwn, foui-dcd flport'cdtTimon' inter efts and th mull pe f'.f re-i roc ly, ill renew the Uca any received when the EngHfh na.il u difjijvchcd. .Wheat. - isos iod.. Rve, . -77i. id. Barley" 65is. 7d. u;s, Bfii, Peafer 38 j7i. 10- 6' . Koierrler'aS ' ... " We are forry to fiate that the tntelligenee we com. rraiiicated yrfle'day of ' 70 Bii ilh vefTds h.vi, . he-'n de. incd b- the'empewf Puil at-RJga. i cn tirrnefl by man littets tereivrd by the -fail It is; 'ef-tri ilwfl)6c fhip' hae hienflorp d at' St. P-' ir (burjrh, and as lh embaf go- would ceiiain y . ex tepd to Arcltantel. it is beli ved that not fewer ihn tco in all have bem detained. ' - lete from the Conlir.ent mentinn, that Buona J parte refnfru jhe requtP mdt by Count Cobentrel in the empcro'- name, td admit the Neapolitan an haCa'f,- mairjui, it Gallor U v4he CongnU of Lqirevtile. .' ' November -19. ' Covernrrrcnt hat e taken op the agirefTiops of ttw rr.ae nanirrnus ally with becoming piTtt. A Ca binct Council was yeflernay h Id on this impoit at f-unifs, a nhic'n weie ptefrnt l is date the Duit' of PnrtUni4, the E.mIs of Chatham and Kprnce, tht'L id Chamellor l oid ( rntillr, i-io Atiorney Gfi.eial, ard Sir'Sterben Celtctet, C'e k of ihr Ciu lil. Tke deliberaii'ns contim.el. 'or thier hours, and the tefulrwas a deteimii.ation to make epiifals, bv 'sirg an embargo cn'alllhe RufLan fhi.s in Briitfli pons .i .; 't Ordes weie fem "tf laft right to h JlCrreft ou a)oits, tocat-rylhe itfolution of Counfel into el left. , . ' What Way be tbe iflae of a conttft, which' may thus be faid to be ab o uteiy commenced, no human foirfight c opoflibly deter 'ir.e.. It ferns likely however, that the roott of PruJia even is f imehow A a, ik ! com fired in this new turn- o afTain. The ie tet- billa f-em RufTta. accepted, or which, mijht bejfiom Hmtunh conned wuh the coi.lenii of ihr tieleotedfoi acceptance, m payment rf goods ttopt Fiench tfpers,' f:ve t ihiow fwma light on tkj y Ihehuflirt en laigoo th tmprr. It was e- i materA !ett Irons ftitanrn informs us. that foUcd (hat he bills aOi-IU accepted ftwuld be tooo PrHao troors, with iwrnt-Se pitcca H aid aa . they 'tame cV; but thar no new bills cannon, wm aftally on their n,ai h o take pel ftoitld bearcepteJ ootil the faie of the. embargo j feiTion ol Cexha.en and.Ruabuue. 1 they to fhuuld ic afccitaiotd , ! pfa .hrougli Btewea on the 191b j and it was ru- Buoryparte, fis a priv-ta let'er from Pails, p.e-'rnoied that a. army of 60,000 anen wfrt .flually irul to the a.fival ol tie PitlLaa enov Lai- under r.Hen for Iminediaie lervice. The letteis chcfini, at that capita', received an imlmaiion ' Irom Hambotgh onfirm th-a in'el'ijenCt, ant) add horn the Cabinet oi Bei in," that P ufTia h-S ng that the Senate are not avereta eKtogof T Xt', wuneflad the rirottauataai4t.or.i which had (ue. ' determination to ocroft Cuahaven and us neighbor tetV.vely tonfed the French RepcllK, and the ' "mg pott, at it willlree th m Irom the diuittute to till itio'i rumemus chs gfs ioihe gnvetomcot of i whom they are InccTantly iutj-fl by be.ng p.ated hu rnman. !. J ii nrfriTi.1. Klnt th ennetn. ! bet ween a number of neat and iea no 1 powetl and f?on of say continental par to he' Inch a f .vcrn. ' inent cR slrhr ii 'Fiance, aa mihi aflord fo.h fecuri ) 1 tut 1 at as the aarmsnenceof it dtffooed . . tn'ittly up n his life it ttas tlttght mrlTii, bfo any negotiation weil emmd tpotvhat le Ouuld nom nate, s hi (ufttlTor, uch a :"H!VW 11 rwih nation cotsd look tip to wiih w coifjratf, and kh jatoblM irgard-vi hdiedl 1 hit inlim lion, it frems, w a ffat ttooi incar. r.ng t sfj Viion of h FhA CodUl, ibl LuC chermi wat (efffted iite-.i uo d'ys t TatU be --, : lo-c J t could obt aid his aubitnce 'Whaf'pa.Te at ' . that audience at of crarfe not, fully known; but It waa -ulluwed by !h d JmilTioj of Cat not Jio.n tl-.a aiinihry, ba.aote, f.ys .the letter to wh th ,. allude, be ha been looked op t ty a nutn.r ' out f.tty as ihe onl rata who was fit hy h ab It I rs to luce eed to the c nfylsie ; and huonipmt is 1 iltrntj to haxdtUrminrd lhaf. if f.e1i.tiif ow nri n.i-.lu tail II 00 fjch a mfad t', Mean-fhoj'id 'be tom asud ss hit furcetlir 1 hit emions, ief ligcheeii rodi'tfl'y corfobotieJ bv an a".l ata the lafl 'pfQto dt. Htve, in wHuhil U iutuuMSJ that kfoicia isto fstcivd Bwoosf inc. made lonDaatlv the victim of their contention 3y the paprra fom France it it alf el arly manllell thai lhe to count of 't. Pftnfbu tV and Berf n are aerred. The lienor PlsMe is, faid to Le 1 for a fe pariiaa oderiheir tecoamen- oa;i"p, - In f t Hojf of Commons, 19th tnO. Mr. Nieho I-a fi ftelleri t ptop eif of oetaioitg RuCmfur' i(ia. mA leii-in? Kullttn otOoellV i ei afernrityfor Biiiifh property da'tt ed and ,feied in RulTia. He faill.a did not wifh to nakt aav foec he rnotioitiipoaik fubiea, but me.el te t,rH he pro'incly of the snttfare.to bii' Vtj.Oy'i khnillera t ' ' Vtllt N... aa , A iotea of '.at infantry be or iirt the CoaM!ar Cuatd, with ail ttstsvalrv aid am lery, it onlc cd t.i hold Jif.lf a icidiaefs tntrth to.-noamw Yfrt t a!av' mof ' (,i the km frt. lad I Mil ! tlK ..... .. - . Full r.tntii '1 -uintt left Pint. Nov. 1 1 The Ii C n ul ill p'obsbly leave P ti the tnllf 1 wr "c ations mty be biokra rff. Il it fttd, that t5e F.i.ti avttxtut 111 if. 'MRIS, Oftober 2;. ' ExlraS of thc Reg'jlers of ihe-CwuU o r." the Republic, Jilting cf 03v'ir 20. ; 'The coofula of the Republic, u?od the'tepoiJ of the rniniftcr of police, decree as fol'owa : ' . 'v j - Rule 1 -of -the dfjcripfim t which ought lijtoJe Jiruck out 0' tled:(if .emigrants. . U ' A rt . rt TVi' nrfrini lif r?sffl'rl'.efi-ibcd lllll bel- " :X ""c? h V,fl ,, "V"" Cre b0und tof"Bck out o ' the li it of xmi gi-anta - - -: . ; . ZI 'r.ance. 1 hcTe net fhail lall f01 ever, beciufe there ' I i,ftr Thof. wW'have be.V VS.liveTy erfd -by " t. no unequ-' conttiiioo f after rhefotce and pu-' the Cxe-ut ve-council, the ooro'tee of 'ie'ifliiHo ... Ti.c- F rnci. t t ion do. s otr?,firw'any -K.v-0f ty. Blljonii c nveriiiort, 'th iegiB..ivebody, aoi fiir-i iv.lese, nor partial favoar. 'hemerefy de.'execmive'dtrea9rv, '- ' iv ;d hou ,'ihe nati.ins in frienrlih p with ff.er the . s.ii.n. .'.;-5jl.T1i---f.'5firtnallw raf A bar 7 t of qu-iity , that ni naiivu he m jre-Uvoud'. ioc! t Iminltrlt , frm (he mo. ii, of April.' 1 701' -n ., bri felt and that Ihe eifcl- "he net fv urei -ia ii.-- il nl xtrh: Ht r.i'.m'thn d of October. ' 179, '0 thf."30th tlf May,'; tl79ti and1 f on ih ad of S'-ptrer,". J78, to thei4tn ol Uetf mter, f)9. Thirdly, lr font of 'tnc tol awing - cfciiptious; . l bou crt,' workmen, artikant, ' 'and all other ou cifing mechanic pio'cflious, 'lirvanu, t' e Wivca.-.d ch'ldren ortlnhe pirfons abbvea' enttoned. Fur.h y, he'iudividuals lo'licliv ly inlciMed .. ptttlCU ar, u;i:lirt -t mv Inrli ji'lual deuoniiUi i.nl t fuch ;n am . nl reniem'ot.r w at .ii due to her dignity ar.d the 1 co.npfed under the eener head of he it or cl.il- dren of . yenon mentioned;- n'.verthelelt Dm de cree do-j not go to rraiV tkofe iodividualt who may have been iufc. i ed didihttiy fiom the Collective 10 (ct'pti n. ' .-: tif hly," All 'wives ercept thofc whbfc hufbi' are it th fituaiion defcribed m article. I.f. pira. graphs t,'t, n'l 3 ; and fvcondlv. thofc who have emigrated auil ahaiitioncd their l.ufhandt, Ainhlu 1 h imlLvit -il uh.i weie under the ioe ai.ceaod ita liability Oo the n-hteft ope ol ii-'Bf " 0,, ,s.e iJec. 1770 - ma ne.r to 10 driirao an i-ooch it luloended thole e......i.... i ... L...1.1. t,, .Iws. w.- tutniw wnicn cmut-a trie poimoaoi our arrtt aiiC ,hj, ,f) oa hen it ca Ho ated. . e ardoa. 01 our wamott. ,v, 1, hi , .... j. . . , . e. . ' -, tht tiort eotil lutil Vhi tj'iel the, th'e' fiats ii to! and Jou abfd IheE cuR rrnll -thy I .,f I vali ne . in.n any other nution.- uib are the preien- na and ime-rll of all ftatet w li-.h may contract tjcnieull w th her . . A I n.m a who artt- f rtfih.'e rtf thi-tr rihtt" will ' iiy .ro ;ni t e!e piirc;pl't Tre North will tike ri fj';'ty'any which Dpprrffes its' commerce a d ; " (ea It will 1 e that our intei'vfl.. ate the in- 'rlls of U.r human r ce. RufTta, in t cient tcUitona by wh ch th w -.a un ted with lance. She kn ws that France is a necefTaiy "cTfuo . itipoiletnth-mat ititne balance of th;- world. . 1 he go cu menC h ,i urteied bea C in the ope jng f Ihe campaig n . It n aae' thai oftr on the' fiebl of tattle', and in the bof.m o vitftoty. It ofleicd a eace w.-tttiy o; the gtand-ur bt al or wuuh wf the . deration of ihe Fr ncl peopfe, and on cnnditioaa' hichr(heu d have guaranteed 10 us, both its accept Th inliviaiiali who lAt Fiai.ce before lo net ye-f joy it, weTiar' toaecofe only ,1.. ,1, ,,flo . ihstpower, which, unaffected ly the difa.ieis of in" K,mUi. j he wa nes of the InJividuatr put la) , continent, u anxtou' only to ceme. t with the bW j,, bv the jmlgments O itvolutisnary tnbu .ala. of nations, its empir over the fcas, and ha 11101:0., .Tfi-.U The ecclehaftics who weie fenienceJ in poly in every pan of the world - VCOriition. and who kit France i o ed.eu.t 10' To couclude, an Altrian miAiiler -htia'Mved at ,1,, t.w Ltiiicvil'e. II ht pufi (Tes the cerf'ct cojfide ct of ai..'.wiu tv.. :.j;.'1(...1. ,r.d h tie renoi": thefover-.ign who hss femh-m, he will ttifplay that L0f 4b com mttee of the a'h of Fcbmary, and nut uannneiawriunine rrrntng vernmen ns a rignt to ul 0 llic igttet oa ,h ol "that If expifl fiorn.itl.owQ frankoefs, and which ia pioaau ; . L,:. r led by bit ptrloo I chsrsfler. An. 11.' The en uiar which flia'l b mde by Aullna wiU tealeio Lciiflce the lepole nd inte efl , ,.r i,, j -n dedaied m:l mj of the continent to thi ambition of Ir.e dtfpot. of tha voij t ,h.v arife liom any lalfr tpplicaiion of the feat. -Yet, 10 the prefent oticertain'y, pmdei.cf pie- . U(te j;t , -rn cf .oncrnimnl are to pr !eru e f r bri to France at to peitavt hef If to be emu fed a.j.-iin, onihii head brine the civil itihuial by an empty fhew of oegociation. B'.ie will f-ppHt; tM(j (Be irtjivid.ia, if it Jhii be to deicr ii.tt net pifpoii icvnt w.lh all .h. force ol her atrps. ; be ,tpKt on ,,e ,n, proviJ-d that tht attt -!. .... . il.. . . . . L...IV... . .-..1. ' tlilfcuiiu-. iii iik iiuniiimciii nm mew roai II ias not carried to lo great a height the pretentions if the Kepublic; nor ue-thcel tot.e madne t of 1 aa bit ion ihe .intereli of -humanity. Th.-crimi of lb,- v r will all fall upon thdfe who ate ihe real an. thort of thins; Mpoitflofe govern jienii which aicfo weak and fo blinded as to becme fuufv v'tm to the mercantile drfgiii of a fingle n;ion, and o leli to in gold and iia imriguea, th biood and the indulry o the nations wh obey th'tn and the f ced m of the fest, whi.h n tha property .f tha whole h itneo race. VIENNA, Not. ia. On the o h, on cttraordU nar courier airived here from Count CoVe Url, at rant, wnn difpatchei dal'd tha jtlttJciob-rT T o other c6urietihave ikewife airived from StrafkVg, one with d fprches tar our court, tod the other with advices fcr tha Si tnifh imbafTador. The conduct of the Fiench tt well in Italy n with ref edtoihr lorirflTctof the Empiie reded to them 11 a guataoter of the a r malice, bat g eatly iininilh done by htm in lhe i iiermeutaietmic, whether wuu t e iCpnllic,,or with individuals, LU.I iw e i (tftcd by futli judgment. ' To be aSoIci, Cn7ffufJay the I7tb Jay t Ftbruary tn .. ' " , fuing. ' ' ' THE refuJue ail tli ptrfonil ftlne of I'hilip t'pauliin drccaicd, f ontiflJri i.r fandtf nrgrocs " '"k f a 'ot M'"' ket flrcel, unpiovf4 witha flrc arxl.rjweliin; houfenow oecupicl by Robfrt.IJall, as we. I it tleafc of a lot iJjoimnj. th fane tin Qjintc'i llley, i'a?ftvcd wi h t wr-houf-V'le vhole to bf luid on 1 crerl.t of 6 monih lhe purchatff rt giving ' bondt with approvrd frfuriivl The tcrmi. condn;.r and cove- ed our hopes of pea r j in conf cjuenca of whic h, ; f cafel wi;jbe nid.c known on lhe every aaeafuifla taken 10 be piepircd tor war, The'."' d'lpatrhet that 1 ave. beeo lem to Count Cobcnlal at j Vl "' Patit, contain 1 mortg other hmc, flrong lemonilran caaagainlhhe ins)jn ol Tuf'anv, sa the difant. 1-n ol Ihe foriretTcs ol Phtlipfbjrf, Urn, a d In (.otdftadt 10 which, fh u d the FencS govern 'eat irfuff to iivf attention, it is j t protub e that C ant Cob-niiel wiH co ttnue long i-i Fiance. In the mean time out vernmt t vail funnel advires (mm h m, afpeci I y with tef peel lo the piopfr.ton made t. F ncc id eniar nto conjoint oegocutront wrth tag-Isad. The Aaflri.n arm ia Italy, in con'fenence of or, a'taa a a o . a . aeriitraa received, htsaovmcid 01 icverai penota, aovdy, bwtn Mtmus, Vice f 1, and tenant an piv..insl diieQioni hive b -to (ent to Cen hontma ttvi. ela'ivetoiiTib)in('hriior.cM'td htr iut BOb OVA, Oct t$-n,e ca tfiiion ol t I frsatha.id (bf CiWpti.! tdvtocis iic'.il), OstLf I mit jnti - the P'' i ver oth not ' d pali. ana' that, mill fswj hti to t th-l n.ia . Sl.lfl falfi -anjn , T that conl . that hep1 bout the j theij 'iv no ana hs be ( I , tnu twe . fM liifj iruil tinli ' this' the) (he I be botrj nil be P i 3 M. SPAUI.D1S0, E. Jinuary 19," 1 cot I ULAKK PRICES CURRENT pripfe I 011 iinti Itltcr paper, tr f ikPniiicr, who hat lattrly itctivi J from New.York, n adJiiiot.a! airurimtn'l I3okitncl Stationary, rmnn ;wl lie a fw fuwlfomc Family iiiMcs Uou .n'f Dotndlic Medicine, ItcU Q..ir, Irilh Wafcri, C. &rtiVc. en and. n jier as CO le an ecu ,hej ha fill u tt. em ia en not bo at. . 'a In ia air wH I tl wi Ih a rt r,j for real 9

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