tnm?4t:V conserne!pft'flZ. pfum?, 1 U net fald : 1tJrrfedays moll, (heif'thtf xrom ? conviction mar jne convention wui-dc riiifipJ. by the Piifident and Senate of the U eited" Stye's.! ;.' ' - - ' T i,JlinUiiW vr trie intr iwinn. wmvw Jw 9 J : r f C 1 R C U L A R.I : :- r :wBa? ..- wth jxnwe- uecemocr truth or the falfboorf of the rum oar. ? -v'4 Norfolk" February 7. ..; , The fchoo'ner Succefs,'"capt. ' Brown! cap tured py the .U S. frigate. Chefapeakei for carrying rori an illicit- commerce arrived 4t ; hA Wear f tbr'HtettCb , KepHlC I oerc- ?n,a nuriaaj. ncui uaricuon, anaemic -5'.-.)rr , - .. - . i r ." ".W? 1 rharr nf T.tiif-" Smtlh. Thri iris 4l flivt oaf i7a; wle. The.' Aeehti of the Conhilr' of the Fiench Re- fin, thVAdmi oiflra tor ;"o.f t he M sn he" a nd TtT. A J mini ftxtrr . rtf ih TVnjrtmfni . JuumeiDai Aeenis, ivu ana vcranrenni charge ot .Lieut, omitn. mere are- 37 uaves at prefent oif board. The remainder, together with the captain, are detained on board the frigate, ". ,:'- ' ' ' t ine OQvernmenr near me vaminniic 1 RATES OF LIGHTERAGE From the P O R T ot V IL M 1 N G.T.O N. ptfFercntJpccles of Ar ' 'ticleiof Produce. ' i)irTerenf flati ohs of u nloa ding and loading. FLATTS. ; and Jufji'cial bodiei, MiHtary..Coiiaoderif,. l"c 04,101 nf PhrN. Canlaini of Ai lTiedJ l : --CONVENTION, ;Citizeni, has been loiemniv piunmiEJicu, ,4in.ii h-vhumuh.i w tweep the Rcpub'ic and the United S ate of ; Amf ttca, ineacfuitomca relations oi inenuuiip and tommcrVe. , ': - ..J." ; Itca.dy;vtw6 articles of-this ? Gonvintion (the 4:0 and .!'7ih) ate obligatory on; the two Coptraiipg h'aiions. ' , ' '. ;Te intennon' a!nd the orders of fhe govern ,mentfthe Repiblic, notified to the Agency of the' Cop fu Is by the Minifler of the Marine and the Uoionter, are, citizens, mtitne oit Doiition of Tliotc arnclcTTa'copy ot "whictrnr 4fubjoincdj be executed with the' greateft' punc-- tuality. r ' ." :- ", ' v Here follow abflrafls of the 4rh and itV '',..'00(6 of you,' citizens, irt that 'which oncerns'you, are'to require, overfee, pr6cure mawiiain, witti the utmod exactitude, the ALEXANDRIA. Feb. ii. pY f. ggilg"'3n ,'wfao left the City t of wfjiii ML- wa aii at MBmff,- " cbailota fir Prefident.- in ihe Hoe off lauve? , lalt eyentnC. remained 8 Stares for Mr. Tefferfor), 6 for Mr."Burr, and .2 divided. '' "i. ": -. Hogfheadf Tobacco,. Puncheons . . , Barrels i V Tjerces,- ' liwfribenper M - . , Hhd Staves mVreidb.- I WILMINGTON,' ExtraS of a Iftttr from an ofHcer on board the U; S. frig .te, dated " -' St.'Kitti, Jn. .-i8ov. The U. S. fch. Enterprize: Lieutenant Stewart, ar rjved here, yeflerdjy. She has hid an aftion of one hour tc an half with a French lugf-r, but' owing to ihr'darlcr.qri of the night, the lugger efctjKil.-Lieut, i. had only two wounded; Mr AneUd, Midlhim. whowaa fhoithroHheHfliaqd a wnttitt' iverpool falf oef bus'l. Loarle ditto Corrf and peafc or. in" flritt execution of all thefe pot,rtts. Tbj junction engages all yo'ur refporfibiliiy, '. Airthe Ameican whom the" faigjOf War may have "bTought intonRuadalffuef wdffT pendeiice, are to De inliantiy rcieaied. .. . ' -.In 'cafe.;. of- the absence of the perfons in teredrtl. in re-claiming the American property capiured fince .the finiVff of the' treaty J and no.mdcni'lly cohdenined, &c. Theub Jic'miniliry aVq' to tali.e chafe" of thV blffinels ' . the petfona aofent and to put them in the way of obtaining' veiih'ery'crri' .the part of the ' Captors, or the. government, ihe" fattsfaftion to - 'uCD,iney.uMy f. eiiiwcu. i , -In cafe of the arrival at Giladaloupe: or its dependencies, &c. of any prizes capiured from the Americans, the Comuuflioners, of the go vernment Delegates, or Prize Commiffioncrs, ,are immdiately to intervene, 'and' o adopt every ineafure tor preicrvmg the intcteit'ot il nrvrr ma w iiaii. m. i'ii..a ii : AILcaotairis of privateers nnd letterr of maraue are bound, on pain of 'lofmg their , comroi(Cpni, Je fides incurring., the '.other penalties, damages," &c. to cocfor'rn' ih'e'mt Cn..m ia jk. fnirit nf (hp f.nnunlion of 'tKr &h'Vadnaire, and particularly to the '4th The United States Ihip .Maryland, Cdbt. Roger?j now lying af; Baltimorr,' has, Ave underflantL beenl ordered. 10 be held in rea dine(s for the purpofe of cartying the ratified treaty to r ranee, and will fail in about eight Report fays, Mr. Dexter, the SecretlrV of the Tfeafury, is appointed to be the bearer ot the'convention.' as ratihed, to France A Boat of four hundred barrels is allotted for loading arjd unloading, three" das-i-hire to be paid for the Negroes two days more afterwards demurrages commence at the rate of fixty Jhillings, per day. 1 A; Boat ot three hundred to three hundred arid fifty barrels is allowed one and an hajf day for loading and tinloadinghirc to be paid for tie. Negroes two'day -moreeafter wards demurrage to at the. rate iL forty -eight Ihillihgi , . per ay. ;- ... . , . .i DOix m two nundred to two nunarea"ana mtv fiarre is is & lowed ane da r wards: demurrage to commence. at the rate ot forty fliillings per day. '' 7 , Wilmington, February l2th) i8oup 'JOHN MACAUSLaK. . ... ' V ' 1 ' .'J ' '' ' '"",J." ' erfui.flaWCheftendmen.of4he Senate to the bill for erefting a Maufoleum, is, we hear, that 50,000 dollars be appropriated for crettinr an eoueflrian ftat'ie. and that thd bufinefs be placed under the dircftion of Johi MarfhVU Bulhrod Wdflvinoii, J, E. llow ard, and Tobias Lear, Efqrs. John Nicoolas, Lfq. one of the prefpnt Members of Gonprels, from the' State of Virginia, decline Jlandjng a boll in the eleclion ot members to the next tongrtls. The legislature of the State of Nevr-York h'ave unanimoufly eleled John Armftrong, a Senator to reprelent that State in the Conijrefs pf.ihs United btatCJ, 10 take his feat on th 4ih of Mtrch next. ,- i 1 tie Hon. btephen Van JRanfleiaer, tfq. has contented to .tiand a candidate for. the governmental office of the ftate of New.-York it the eniuing eieuiorj. , . , 'nrL' r 11 T 1" L 1 -1 inc joiiwwing genucmrn nav Deen aamtr- ted as counfellors in (he Supreme Court of the United States , lames -Bayard, Efq, of the StaJC of D:taware ; Arthar Shaaf, Efq ; KJopres'dfihe faidarticlesyand of the prefent Philip B, Key, Efq. John T. Mafon, Et'q. Circular KiKr, win c: mil uy uiiacu 10 wic " eoinmiluoiwof tH veffeU of 'vvar and letters of "-in?i que. ; ; All prrvatee'rs and letters of marque now i fea which tnay touch at. Guadaloupe or jta'eDendeneie, Ac. fliall be proVidi'd tvith ha fa!M documents by the chiefs of th war office bv tkadcleaates prcommilTaries who will ke a receipt far the fame on the back of .t.:. ui.. ..'"" men vdwwiiiiwvii of the State of Maryland Robert V Peacock Efq. A. Woodward, Efq. of the Cuy of WafhinetOai-Edward-Livinfflon, Efej.-of the State of New-York. . Since the eflabtofhrncni "of ocr naVy, the ca tnres mde by it amount to 74 in number, and the rc-capiutcs exceed eighty The hip Delight, of New-Bedford, arrived at NewiYork, on fned inf from Hamburg Vaiimiw fonceive. eititens. W rnttch Capt. Wefden, of this fhip-,,rnform jhat.'be ace the non obfervance of thofe difponiionn, lef Crbxhaven: 6n the 5h of .Decemberj'and S . . . , - . v' : .-'" 1 : . '-. . . ' F Bruris. Fort r Rates. ' wick. J Rates. : I John-1 Rati! J ' x Aon, : I . . ; . I - v i i I .ill I a.'.-' -- ' . d?; . . , I it..,;. ) V I y I X .v ' ' -.IS;- t 4 ' . 1 1 io' v All -other article nbt enumerated, irt the fame ratio Notice Is hereby given, peribns indebted thereto, to tiiaVe irme diate pnytiient-ThoK! wh have demands AN awav from the fubferiher. JLV INegro ;woman named TLUCiX. laud three l mall Boy Children. Jack, a- TnAT John Greer,Iate ot the conntj fr:K.-a h a i ii t iTahfleTdjfs-iBdni nif trfltor on the ellate of laid deceafed,: reritiefl all years old, -and -the you nge ft -about -two out-fi x-years-okf, SAmonyabottt-three Wilmihgtbn, .Feb. months old. As I . hear they haVc been leen near Wilmirtgton, and that my un- Mainlt the Tuid cftate will plenfe brinj. dutiful wife is at the Brick Houfe, lhiH fttm torwarn propeny aueueu, wumn may attempt to fetid them awnys 1 there the time limited by law. ; ,. - fore .forwafn all commanders of veiTeli ' Feb " ' -he ald Mary Sc ni ons, 'or taking them aw4y tin her requeft, under pain of hav-r ing the Hgcir of the law executed againft therri. i alfo forwarh all berfons ftom harbouring my faid wife ttr.aflifting her NOTICE, HPHE Comthittee appointed by the lie- frame laws and reflations lor the go--f? kfc? from hc eal hmcj "here to me -vernmeni tbeteof, rcquelt a irieetinu- ,.f ,he s and always was welcome,' on any sti hiembers on rnday next, at tieawarr Hotel.- -. . '. , '.,! By order of the Chairman,1 : ' like, tVheaton & Barton Ai the S tote httjy occupied by Mr. An lerfon, a few doort fouth of the Court- jHoufe, have ju'Iryprned, andnrjj 1 or fait in the hv)cil term' for Calb in exchange fotoUntryrrtaac pretence or means whatloeveri It at tention is hotjpaid to my civil caution I will loon try. to get redrcfi by the law ot my country. ; , r - . J H S A f .O M SEt S I ONS . January a. to be Rented, may caute to the public treafury, as well as to tlye owners, captain, and fecumies of the pri vateer and letters of marque. Yurfelvrsr citizen,, have the greated tnterclt in prevent ir2 this non-obfer-'ance. . Tha functionary' who by prevaricatibn ot neclicreoce dial! fuller the leall mfrahon of that about ten days before, the King of PruIRa mirched 1 trpops into Croxhaven-, Where they remained,' and ierious appreheAfioni were entertained ihat they jurddld proceed ia a few days againft Hamburg. In order hour ever to prevent thi; the city of Hamburg had made an offer of a million of marks. When laul;s which have been juft made known, will Capi, W left Hamburg, nolofwerhad beea . . . V11 r 1 I .l:. cri. T"L - 1 1 .ki v.. moll certainly te iciponiiDic in nis penon ana lmaac 10 uu wuci., m; n.uiourg vVy UJ tnif arrival, arc nniy 10 i-vcmorr iu The Schr-Fatlor, arived. at .NewVorV from the Cape property. 'You will have to render an account, citizens, tich in your feveral flatinns, for the executing t me iaia ciauies, at every opponunny j ana we repeat t you that your lefponfibility in this jefpett it very ferjouC ' ? " ' ' , . Healili and Fraternity. r JEANNET MOLSSEAU. By the ajents'of the Conftils,. ' . EaM. M kudu it, Sec. Gen. ; " rniLADELPHlA, Jan. 19. . .our NJrr. A. report has been in circulation for fnme d.iyi, which we did not notice, be canfe it .coild be traced only to federal au thority, and fuctv, authority is always fuf . picioui from the frequency of their in. triues, ami the inconfillent and contra d'Ctory mture of the meant they purfiie to arroMiplifli their eidi. We do not there fore, credit the report though wc give h : it .s In fubttsnef. t -rht- (bA-lrigtitc-UnSted'StatKeonv v firr I id"fe ind Lo?Jn Toorher'i tifbt or ' X 'ally formerly occupTea as a Ta- ycr" or ivir.-ionn iicnoisratterWarda bROAaovCaflic,, Plains . Utorelt Cloths. Kcrfeys, Swanfdown,1,),. nrtu :nn;. ; f?.-n- Coat.ngs tearnough s, NcQ Cotton,, andLutformcr b uaizes UiaTtKctSs vyomcuuu. .wa.u Wilkinfon,' the bricklayer; Alfo, the mancoesvRu relsv Durams, Linens, n?rn Plantation, and Ricefields, ad oin- . CanibrtCks, India potions, un;ngthe bridge over Smiih.creck, formerly Dimities, Marfeilles Watftc0atiiigl.i.;t4v-j 1. ks. m in r f GingKams, Calicoes, Chintzes, Camel's Hair and Muliin Shawls. Checks In dta Silk Handkerchiefst Ladies' Kid and Morocco SIocs Ladies and Gentlemen s falbiohable Hats, Gloves, elaflic Suf- nendcrs. Tape, Thread. Buttons &c. a c. tec. 17 T r TA r sr- enquire ui ur. uc KOiiet, or . M. M. TOOMER. manded by Captain Barry, has been cap rure.l by a firitiih lhp of 74 Rons. I '.f circuniltancca arc II air d very par ii,ui.iiir( himi wiin grcBt pinuuouiiy 1 hat the innate Itfinc net at Tea by tha D iiifh fliij ot the Tine, the latter attempt' t to pi el fjine of the American feamen f I i conlVq'ieiice of whtth mid in obedience n hit often, the American captain flruf; Id 1 1); what became of them after THE 'rubfcriber being unJer thi ticeftiy of leivirg'this place (in all next month 1 ' raull again folicu thofe indebted to hire. Sk ill Pr.iArrv V'r hv t1i rfate arid at not fail 10 make payment of their acccmnti' retail, Glafs and Stone Ware plain and nediaie.y. Bufmcfs req-tmrg hi attentirn ! japanned, Tin ditto, Bed Cords Lead-" mm to mtKt m i . iti r r r A. T. BROWNE. WANTETJ IMMEDIA1 ELY, taaor, arjved.atN'ew-York : LjncSf Soal Leather, Shoes & Boot?, , brings intelligence ot loulUint j n hiuiflA mirr hri! irjintl In Sninilli rvnf I ftf O . ... .......b. - -h . - wi" : it 11 rSiintMiwder & Miotr. Vr." i : ' e 1 ... ' ,'ti. Hifpamola, with ia o05 iroeps, w hrre the ' T ( " 'our5 man 01 6ooa "Du:on, capacie difatftOed blacks lately"Ri.v . K n-t ... , tTL50V i .ft ' , V ''ud.r.ff 10 the bur.nefi cf an aDotied Mi.d, had taken refuge ; and who had feveral wi-maw iw tngiana wim, oy name. Aypiy as above. limes committed deoredationi.oa Ihe property 'nc unu. um. i icia uauiuy, 1101-; . ifgwn, rcoiuaiy 19, of the well difpofed' inhabitants.,, , -land & Ncw.England Gin, Loaf Sugar V aCM-rcrl nnril . TaufTainf ha riiC'A ilirt nor hnndri! flr rnwn Siitif nr - x " Dl-a X-.illi7 Roume. ihe reprefentative of the French go hhd. or barrel. MolalTcs by the hhd. order to tjeprtve him of ihe power Hyfon cV Souchong Tea, Allfpice, Pep of tonfpiracy the public tranquility, 1 r Codrilh, Window Glafs by the box, 10 be removtd 10 the villageof Dondon, where! Cordage. Cider bv the hhL Prtta.-. Km mm In rmllrt llfltll th rriMirh ffAUrrnmj-. I P 9 . J m r.r.l him.toanfwerforhUbadconAJ"". ,:wuu,l".u, JFu,m 6J- Extriclof a tetter from an officer onboard TO DE LEASED nl'I.J.I.l! . T J. I n o tne rntuaeipnja jrigaie, aaiea uaje- ttrrt, St, Kittt, JOec. 9. About thi 17th Not. we recoptured two fmll vefleta ; one a fchooner .from NewLondon 1 the other a 'Bermudian floop, f rom Alexandria pound ,10. Maril-nu,UdaUWi1our,.wUUW-U for 30 dollars per bbl. had been taken by the French privateer La Refolute. A few days after we' capiured the French priva teer Hare,, of 6 guns and . $4 men, 3 days out, and iad taken nothing. VVe tmve Jult lent the prilonera .on (bare, and will proceed On a ctuie as foon atprovifioni and wter are Rot on board, , We expect to be at PniU'delphia la 3 nonthi.V: ' THAT well known PUntatiori of the X late Georye Lillmgton, Efq. about 12 inilea Ifom - Wilminetort.-Tle lnirk 'ar very futtable for Riee, Corn, pnCofidrj. Ihe baw Mill having lately been burnt down, may berebaile at th expence oil about 150 or aoo dotlari. ALSO, A number of Necroei, 4 or f jpair oil Oxen, nod Plantation Toola maybe hired, it required. For termi apply to the fob feriber on the preniifct. SARAH LI LL1N0T0N. Ja juary. ij. ' ' for tvio three tt hur y art andpof rjjion given on inc pru c murtn next, THE Houfe and Lot with the Gar den adjoining, laidy occupied by Mf Thomas Fitzgerald. ror term apply to . . SAMUEL k. jOCELVN. V iirrtirgion, Feb 19. aw "FO Ii S A L Ei Or villi bt txthhgtd fcr fitli fakdr, A MULATTO FELLOW ' eimed i l JUllN, be is Io well known in Wil rain I, ton as a Chair andjCabiact maker, that or deicriptioaof bis qvilities is aaoeccuary. Apply 10 ibe fiuter. February e. Recehtd ly CaplatnRclllrom Nev.Yorf, A CONSIGNMENT of Nails, Ship Chandlery 6c Duck. which is cftered very low for CauS er Praduce lApply to THURSTON & PKLHAM Wutogton 'Fb. I cjf , aw ' f r

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