t 1 r ' j" - I ; f : t V - 1 r j bcfcufc : eVpect'..rj!,' buherwif(.(due-. JlIwiP8 t.e &sij betnfmHtu'frAe Kplo- nve n( nvi-hiiiaiiit Ji To-race d ti4ter.Narul """s- T 'eimg tt coui.i, oy mc mi ;Wr pre .rive OtnJtungnt the-cdirifor hnein a,Ti. ,, count Rotio dlfh iner, have been undertakes! .W ItLOlrt r pifHiim,' .ndl? Vice Ctianceir -fcouat T'suio a know red 'e of the actual condition anq His mijrlty-the En Tor of aUthc Rulfiai, hav- mft - r J . , rr rrjr i ! re-cer of Malta ; by which tt 11 lully ccnSrsned 'bat QUI any .prolp-ft el herot. itflg Utlvatlj fcng'ifh general, ntkwitMWiugttepea.e .epie- svje Of ficetinrv-'glory.-" r f " I fe'ntatiojoa cf bt..Imperitl;''maj-()v'ni:.iiifle; ui .--of AuAria Ts mw- perhaps-. fihtinq her J king oftWs, h.ke:', pm. of iiifl camuahnV' as the net t an I Honfe, w'l'Ht -Prullix polfibfy atyireMO ., alone hinjiajeAr feet .witb juK dijLS thenorof :gifi::ga - CWef the Gr- ch..fn "f1.1' w . & . J - - J .. . ib laid on. d 4e Eni!ithrvc5Tch in i P I haibourv mall not, tre takeoorf till the condii' (s Of Kuifia (pnjyliMiu "hrJhlcrS of Great t'hey'oivventioni L the er.7,8, mi'il be puwEL'tfly itainoncc' '(" vaiinup:Ly relfrfd toft'ut'.leii;,; ' . - ; v.; ... . - i s a.eua. a o inei inueimi b;,i r.-.n.U';;. ,.i .u. c. i.ru aiie itcli a the Rnflian "nun Empire, V Kuifi Rrifniri ........ " m . - 'J n v - . . X . n r. n - . . , . - .. . . -. , ' V ' r-enrrtt I rt rhtff. 1nr.n, tt i hp mini tninatioii has atj .thi's.jno.mcn'irainbal fi lor in the capital of tint very rt'Mibic --fwhili ihcfc miuiters ,lo tight to. eiter- 7 y . Itr at 'Mir, ' , Tleaclq-Jayet a, Az':np,i2 Fiimlri. Dcc.,,3 " I have.the ptea'u e, mv de'ii eeiif raK to r.vft' you i - . . . . ". , , 'niiiatVr .- u .1 an accfu:ii 01 an. e cnt very gh.i.)nut -tor trie army c.l conlidcration ; bat we have pot e.ay.-! uy v 4ifPtch .of yefier.-lav.-.n givinyoa an t.i more .than' limply to illultr'ate vhC tri!i!' cci f i.hc.b)t!c of t!.;,ioiK, (Dec. i.jrin-oHn. ..' .ojf--ilieropofl 1011, that V 'foisopi ;i;a's' frJ to ,,J J.'ci-Sa ib,r wtAhc ii.rny, andy tiptilly'QhaneJ her political :o.nus uttftn-.-;. : v- dy rvtoi:.f. ncoios cf g'nfval Gfmer AiUuhiiiliyftejJay s gf. the fir;! C'la-'t- iiviV;Jd between u htn!Mde',od . .it fi"n.- 1 lit ' ."' r " V ' of hlrfi .aincral Crcurh' had 'taken fie conirnjnd, i It waul.! b: a onlcqnencc of .univcr-u mt d ,w trftv-atthe hu tt nhcniem-rbe' 1 faiity of aitcnt t.O this propoil'lOll (which : d.iv.iion' of Ric'-ep'fe .nd D-can, at" .1 bcnlb-Ts(, Callo-Rat avian Aaar. R?ort'of XtMte.iant-Genti'ai DulUl.ae'U Angerem, r " BsadQuiteis, at Sioc!iac. Nov. s9 J have the M Ge..e al, n nifbim .yoV thu tSa ei'.emy, i.-ttninij aivanuge of ihc teat iygtf: f Ait 1 bv t:iC fp o nV fiiv-Tr, w evacuate Althatten- at-the fd 6!;Ue im:ttite., 'i Uhn9ot.;in.: ' hat CI V. -aj'JL3 JJ ? J',. ..i.... .,r 'i.ivjiiCt-J uiaitn, wcr? ..;.- of -ry parl:.imeD'' f 4 my .j-eop!e, tr a.Tr a A- " ,7, 1. -ril I (uport propori ofiid ta the t i,p.-r:ia;c.wt he iui- ureni which, we ijavcxa maimi;r. . , r. Then le lard xhaacd'or Ly hta tn' jc.l v'j com. maud, : at i ;n '..he 1i vfu..i(icnlv' a'.u It " .,G .1.' CauUid, at ihe'iicai x conliJerirMraeaWcl !ut in alldircuf-1 bf at'kef bX thf cne,f " ,H.",enf L .'. 0 .' .. . - : Ii-Mriftir. ami I uric ivrn i'r!fr.4 to npiitral KlClienamte ' . .1- I. . . j 1 - . c .. I i "Men lOMS, OH luc ri, !)is anuuui.cb 01 tne go- rlnd D Uo sy bv s . Catheiine uoon ilvd Periling :uk1 oycrne i,.we lhoulil inliant- j post, and to f I! with v'gijr n?o .thsr -r-ar of hi lv renounce, our old fuilunncd prefu'dicteS-lt8"-, T!,.'; mr,v"mcm wai ex.xufei wi.h amocb ;ced in 'he enquiry, how may! ,Tle fllCi,v an.i procet -attack. u n Keh" i- ' natlori'Sjbe. benefited ' by ail alteration of jlvnd n, -alx.t ha!f .palf.fevcn i t!:e morninji i' '"-thrir "TvftPtns 0- irae"ical .jwivetiimeht i Wti co.tcmed to kcet. .them 10 rt.ee k until ti e in- r l " ' 1 i u " Mtant wl.cn a irotecj of ht-fitat.O'. I:d m' r- conc'tide i. is nip ii j tic-oi -,( uiv- tnjv luin cijjiiu f--of po! it ica'l cc rill iltjt iu-a nit-A h-aWs-or 1 1 i e y-'.ars liprieheeJ by ihc European coiji 'inonvvealfh.. : f dtt-iw aitui t' v i ft "i i"',vvi ii iLfiLtiiiiit 1 mi mru T orJcrcd -neraf G-rffrt-rr -t-ri-ro men-t-h- JjJji able 10 turn our, ch . ,1 . L- - I If 11 of aco mW1a WftVs, hr.i.trpuitea . iTar..ua-c7 by f.rve.il viroux!rRe-.' midc up r, tb'I body, nd witb foch forcrf M io t.kethi o;.o..cf a.-B'it-b'e (aa'rdiiecondedby 30- cnaflcurj, wi,o lTtft;l'.'troin. thtir'cantomn-iit .icauacK tbe,n"w..n vi ;o and : iinmoia efy made the;,, ole the gr-0..hi--tf.cy h.d gai,vdt,and ifa.n -h,c. they thrcartd tt e i.i8h:w.y. After!, ima.l Rrcol m ie-try-'b'e bVl"te1Ttm. (a leav4be,,Mayne n fuch a mannrr, .i ihri every apijearauce they will e -v ua-ethe place t: morrowi aod 'tnat we fhall ot be aK.e to fnd ti.pm. Citizen Cmard,.. otw ib- lV,.die 4'eve' "wou ds receive t dunnf the . U ,,,-: di.i not qii . U vfie'd of battle enemy .:cdraven froi. u ' He is entitled to the; greatcit orV'fe, wfll aa.thr . B t .vin cW'.Beuri and .hulfar-, s3,o- on thiaVaitou ga'ie hew.-pioof of- thei. bra- ... . ni'HK'tVlK very.. .1.; . , - r,"" - h a ryjrll v'i c.' in v.irtd, thar.fbe-p v'a matioa derljrl iiia m jr!lv,' niolf .facioui mii i.-, ti 'p that thf m?c.Lcr b! piiliamer.t ccimdo! '..7-, OJiliami-nt Ibi'uld -tc h- niCiobes of trie ii-iy-Z nt ot the.uitt'rd kin'domt of ' C'Cat ITiiia, a id Vtiivi ot 20 men, ho.n the'y I tat, th- f.id par'tamenrlhoitld - be all. .v. 1 ,cd Qi 1 . . . . . ' . 1 . .ll. . 1-1.. .. 1 . ' .11 0 1 finm rei.eril Seriir.'er. cf .he ia'y.: rel it sihe cxirabrdiw try xcrtioni .h.d. coule- "A ii al. r.n his h?e;i exc DOl II. tt Rey 'iM'i h d .wiih vi ur ii-to the defile, and . u e G 1 gciural:P.jchi-paiile I;f ..'a7 on tHc road (& .via rn rcet. All wbo "ie l'?nrnr d inxhe wood, which I uaia Uazuo and a ha;f i-i r?:trnt. hve he n ktferti riVr-iley aildJerfV,' in COnfsquence of taken or di peifd live alt.-ck if penrrat Nty Wat b ru .mlitarv " m?Vve.me.t!8- which '"had j ''t. lle ; ! ?.b, Kid ati.t;nried to dut 'ft-nk ! s neht. Ilisatsa'.k. armvi ott l- -ju-m hjr.iihipa Vnic:i tt .army'lua exver.'e.'Ceuy .n vitakiiu .ta way'throtaaK: tbe nina,v.?-'i' oi -' w hat i.mnedad the hiarch thi-ongii tne-patw V1. r gen; tV,; ibery f tjte ' Fie,njubtfo'p;- accorui tb'thit rffi via account co.d.fjc ur.ly cqua'Ic i by the in ilclatigjSle indulirv-of gn,e.t "viacdonald vwho l;e win every diicclion animilir.g his men. by Wa hit forth to tk m t.ie m it prai.e-woti'n and .1.1 ctirr I ke eiajn-;le$. lt,arpc-ii.t th'a this army Im. ': oened a co.nmunicatidflibetv.ecii the Knadi-e aid the V.v'.te me by M unt-Bernini, and the V..15ey ': i V :((Wvrx ; thir operation, howevrr,, wis. iK.t pe.r-- frrtVrdKW'f"-uF"f6.ive-tola ! aiitou' tcUC.in.w.akoi ihe 1 R h d-ciM -'ihade', and aiioinei of the fer.on i ol r.lm'iuhicd huft-rs, were turned and mnis pi.oiier on the cvxal'on Wfen ;hc ltl cc i.nts fiom fia'v reache.l Paris, h:cn obfervcv! Jtm.t'r.c oifpol.te -coad pf F r a n c e . T ! iTTi s ce nuTTtt y"tiiTTJ m1 y f c u t a n . of -t h cl y c a r j n wh i.:' ,a 1 . i 11 v j 1 o , or ai atttrck m.ty he appreliesvde.l., from the ieT?1iiT'aT'tr may-he ipore e'Vy slu-kM. 'I he ill xnis ar,e. i:i excellent lr,c d' d-C fence, an I the eff.ive foTce in kv, eotiipcfed of re-i , ubr trojji an t , militia, ones n' a mount to ief thm 2,000 iin -n. 'I'he rr.ol vu'Tcra'.le poi;i;s? 'partif ul.irly tliofj of tli.-illand 'f J-i-v, Kte of !a:e br.-c ronii lor.i.Sl y llri m'u'v.' I hy additiotua .. f )rn.ivit)in:5. Ii is ufe alarms that ,ih; dU'patvhes' w- -y eit'-T-Li V U'cd" to havt arrived fro n t'.io ilhn.ls are fnppoled to refer. . . .. v . . Btrt'ire S'r 11 .l.h AbcrrronihicY'tiii'cd fjibralur, hi m.ti'e V.if;vfit ibiis for le'i ling a c ;).( leVa ilc nmcber tit. tri ors to the WiiMiilies. IIj tc;ok with ii n u: the Mod t :f rat eajj j n it :5,o. men. Thole vvhofe iVrvices ere coiifiand to Eur'ipe, mult return t; 17 fliqii. Remit fa . s. a court i.iriial -will be or fin ''Uisliona and . a uxinie,, l ! wi!hrut lock'niji behind him, h. the'. tad -oa-- . of 1'nuirv. iirx . be delive.-ej- in full . pa-..'lament arid uuw read, which cwle t."; prefiBt - feniju;" . .-.-; 2.....:,. ..r , : J aril u 1 1 Y J . ' 1 ' ; Dirpa.tchei from Lo iiii Vi liam Benti nek mention the'e'-am itencem.est.'o f h.irt.l tici ti. It;lv,, ra.hc, ad--vant-C,Oiis to the Aullrialia'; though'' no imoiiaht aflion hd,H'. en p ace. on ihc .ill cf Deceinl'ct. I.oi Mm to, it.ij fid, hai'trceive.i ir.tormaio.i of Sir Raliih. Abercrombie bvytr.g proceeded li m.Ma'.ia for E ypt. . :' ' A dilatch rfcrivfd at.lhe.I,pdia ftr!e; v,i B-ifc were diwefcfi by rrfnwa GraiioKan anii-Uovfr-.'-r.-i ' 'J he m Tmrnt of G( nf rai Hi he ai'fe cx eii.cn ed the g eatt U H-bllac U t Oidi to m. rth oy 'oar row i.oads, and riitiielv lurrcunded. by te enemy, P:'u hepi-n f f of d-1 ,it!ell -fef atated -tosu t h'e...0JJ'C'-" t rviY't wf.li in1 ( li Tail's f '. mau!..d i.it rihe n iiiitol the en em'. ' army, wolmui ierl iig any t ? . . ; t'i at the fma lncl olliiti.nr jud joinrd if e h,r of the diift;n'ol .G rietaf f.ty wvh'dt wlwi -iib $ft t intrtpiJiry, by the a cl i . . t . i K,;!Ri. G'.-ner1 Vaiu w'aa.b'Jdl. woi'iidrd "n hi 1 ck. Gitne'ii !); an uccided in miking the I'o.i; ; c etrt e lo liie 'tiop'.H'ol Ge". - Richcuinfe I " V li c f'ircHtwri thus' determinii'R in our ni,r in t'.c 1 ie, t iU'J of triDpt; n.abing !rMi W'i T. . lb .mi h t'i Li'Ci iifb-i fi'icen Gc'cul tec in lo-clii'gc hi. f.iint loihe fig'r.t in ofiei t Hgp the.;; He :e .u led aud threw .he'm tijtij the gistcil dil ii du. ' ' . ' " ' The a!f if pprared c otiplitr'y rlerii);d at tl;r. t o'iI.i. k, v.iu'ii aioth r coifv ma'C'i "x I owrr hw, allriii tr to dtfile b rtnkaire 'o Hr lien!end,eii.' Aianr"jit was cxp ft.d n the'leli, 1 e en y h.i'ing nn he ptce--iii(( ivininn had 1 101 pi ii) tlie Va lev -t'f the 1 fen , firMtm i.l G-n. Girn t ! hd h in 'ci 1. lion there the di i'101 1 of I.efaiulr, Btllc.u', and .h.: irfriv - of t. valry, i lio at the mo mrntvvicn thef wne AboM 10 rifun e the oiT'tlivc were tficmfelvt nucke . S"r,c Hoops i t Gintia N'ry, in I min t divifuii a which w;ic al Land writ Tiui c1 ed Io litril fuyport. "n'Cfa:i Lrgr.nrir-axdSaftmr'i t-r-hr ii g ti-rs'l'.-d lliclj alurk , rd linr lnviiu ynrmvUc, attacked tlie eneny with frct Si -lh iiined t'ir-n at Icri h, wi.b the lod of patt el thru ill lery. vteneial liiltout wn wotin'd tathii al lac, and was (uicrrr'ed by Genr.il Bonuet. , ' Tl.ii alUir viai fo giuiai that 'h re wn t"' eor.,.'in alir He . h ami, whih wi n t miii h nit rah, date.t.the middle-ofAugtt-lHi' thr.iVi :oiv.e f light on the (Hart of .peinion tnendvd-to bo r-ur lard againif the Frrncb." in E;vnl. B, l!i:s convey ." an'ce we have mcived a confirmation .oi ' IV intelli-' gence. which-we lately announced, 0,1 .a dwa-'huiv 4 nf -the Bombay srmy having been Oideicd'iirpre for embarkation, for ihepu.pofc .of pr 1 i vi . . 10 te Strain" r-f Babv Imandef, to irake an a u- njybia" t h - tf.? paiii ki;i a tj? itff hi'ter ..yr; imm'r.'f, jwith thr army unfer, hit cominii', 1V.11 ri a vu' roiij air.i'irt upon I've (i 'c ot AlexanC. is Zu ne ' impoi'tai.t adv .es may therefore be lhoaiv i.).Ued- -4 Irom lh.'t quaite-. . .- .' - . ;. '..:.. W ai e.eft to jnjcr, .from his ma1flv' 'fprrch't parliament yclierday, .t; at "BicfnrM h.ve b'rn-'t?.krri to piocu e an explanation ot 'the emprror I'.m1, ci- ; . pflii't his I te extraHiiiviry cond)A t ii tliis be:. i.nf fislaftniy, wr w iii be ihe inev ta bica't; rna'.ivc. We und rll.'iul ih it very trrat e.ver"iiim jrc nuk' ing at Bu ll, t fit out a fl ot of Ihi'p. aa.nfl ihe filing.- Very taigs. bcumiea aie given to fjiciis liamen to enillV. ' . ' '' i '..'- J'"""0' 3 " '; JJ.o-id vie e ei r.ir I o i n -. 't t anr-e-et- G t rron ys'j vad-'r,-arrived when this pjnn w 1" pin', n orefs 'Ihcn.xt Patis Jounu s e 'Xp'f.ted to btinij iioe'liti re of cor. Ill rable iu ri.nre , 1 hr Archdi:ke Chun haviii;; i'iited't!.c 'Aul 'an ar.n'n . e'fa. hore. ate en thn ar-my haH arlj" cJ into the Upper Fnannie a j t lt.. ,,K j l0in fotl ,t irV, unicU the 'further lar as lvour, an.l tcm.iified in quiet potfcllion ol ti.e j t-.ire $ of the war llniiid ha up n to te ai retted by communication I is r 11 tj's tl.e Va.'.ey of Pdkhiera. (nf tpcrdy cone mi o oi a Contineiriil pcic. , ' - - The r'.uia joMinal aifri cona n more letters latrlyj - The fmlfian army, cl, di.iu 10 the all eilimate, r cival from A- Menou-;.,.Hf vontiniiei to,; lUie,. confi'ls of no ..if Is than. rvVc.sie mtf. : ' th.t'ihe ccunfrv isi" thr moif fnurtlhiiig concfitjon, Ihe Ba- rjan'.trooa . .icttn -.'ing -to tf;erifrch''" a"i l it "b.'di defii' re tv the comroned - Ho '-ol - Journals, ;were' bled -n-'- the :rolt. of dancciV.'at the.?-. al. tr enemies of I raiire i tre e w a on;jMser- J aicmorail' battle if.H'hencnd n. ' Tney w rc'.o'r dcrcd to. juau li i n to the d r ft' r, w h;ll The- i 1 i a 0 cni'.d ? or en pla'n creit numbers ofi: c tor- .. nrtVIl of Cf.ijife, and tne Kfi on the p.ut f 'he ' luiueii:! liOTpi was coin.vatauvely ' :trfling ' The' -c lector w.-s dilpleafcd l' let li s tioopl th'is' fact ifi. .ccJ," whtl'.l thole of in.liia weie atcd : and tt.ua loiung' ui' ihf . ' nr'.t ifd'ci -Sanding hetwrcn tlie curls ot Vim a anJ Xii.itti.li, wbich has 1 y 'his, ti .e melt ptobahic'tsrn.inaic.l in ;.n.al!iancr b w-en ih latter, and j he new Tangled cal.inti oi tVe ThuiUcries.' ' .. l'lrvi itik t:i iiie dewaituie of th. .rciiduke C'.iarlri fro n Puzuc to rehiioe the c'jicf irimtnini' f the wn'ryii'ef''tbJ".M atntluk who rruidciid ftCOt rL K ieh', ' ' ' ' , '. ' The l;tc . fthe n"f co.iful h? bern, it feems, a,Min lV"yifie-i'ia!iy laved. ' fie was goiu 10 inc. Opera, on lt- 24'!t. at eight nV.lrr!i :ri the tvrnini; rlc..ie.l,'ai uf 11I,. by Vs pi; kct of. cavalry, y- .'.1 itf i 't ioi ihe P.u'.Srs Ki':sif;, a f n.iil r. it . wuh a-fo'ry bit!- ii irfe.. In. 't, flopjacd the wv--.he csa'chmai, . thfjh. drivin - vny faft was lucky e oinvU n"t'to io..c!i-tt ; a "w o 1 -1 it sn 'er, bowv-r, a m"ll '!r-aiM expVlj?ri br. Vi; vll li e w ind S f iht; 1 o'ltular ciY-ia!;, wonnJd one tf tba lo'dier'i 'mr-t-s. broke -all tl-.r windows in f e n.-ilihonih'rfid, vit rei il?iee women, a man. -ar.daJd 1 the rum- 1 r of w. minted, when tn; pi e ':ion o he firieni':. aid lA-te.n .l iiuch dain-gfl by the ex;lo!n:i Pan. W'S vere veiy " UOU'E OK.IOR.D"; W.dned-V, ,l) e. 31. ' A l."si - Sa!f psll-'lve .c'c!":k' I'ii m'.jxSv caTC fo-A n to the ho'.'L' in itis ufnal '.late, aivl in his rovjl rob'-j, hesnj .ti( d 0.1 I i ih one, a !it: ev.K.iit'.oo, at -l: cx'rtf tie lire ot thofe oHiccr, wlu feel they havi ber Vvjry ir. iultly calu nniatcd It is .tiDi'v I tl.H if 'he full powf r.t Tti.tJi! Aurriju, tor treating fepjrately ' . i .1 !,;.... .1... L . .1 I'.OCit ti lilic 1 l iltvCa and ! mperbTlltlCS the par. i-l tH-. tlltin rn v. Toe h.ow led in gie 3 r CX- C : ) - .Yukfv 1 Min the whole a(t;!-. ". r ' '" ,r , r t . 1. . 1 1. " LaveiaVen above 8 ) p eers of artil!-'y and ': ' r'-tcc Oiferyet!ihat i ' 9 ag(t ,f , , 003 F,ll?,e,F$. a K,ea MJ , , i'l''' fril.il UpoeJraiVeS, It v i cKtre if .y r.f.iins.amoo horn lit ihiferneia . ' The putfi J uobV.i'e Vi i -a-nbada,.). extraordinary ;J"". Ul-' eu.ma. uur Kd .t oncii uatand ' e r i 1 1 .' . riien in killed," wounded . an I ptil.vi.ei j that ot the tron .fi-S.vtd.ili .no mch to our court, e,fmyi, jlcVcuU,ie. 'A hU d ne ,Utifl,m, "won! 1 h-: ihe lieircr to h i MiIT ll.nllt of nr curl How any pai'icaltr fuio'iun n ai, o: t!w y, i i ifjiT'rf "intelligence as the ,hem- Aoiiltiy. infn;rV, av-rs ill def."ve tb . , . . ' " i, .... J.iihefl pr;(.---1 he .mrrr ol tht'ifntral tlarf pu rl lit or hirr.v.:ti. I is now . 1 1 -- . : 1 1 a ... ' ' kmo vii tnn out nvminers nave 111 y re- iecorpi ei C.t i.'-d 1; fa ii'.. of Svytrd.'ti in regard M0,T-ai sa-ff Hofchei,, loThrfriiiuVfrUM-fir.-;ni. 1" A coniuf ;ihu, it iii.pi", been t I'lce.l o .. it,. rfj ,t) fnf.al fla1? will n't vu 1 lie. c'viiciient tit .'niri'.t.TS.' .Th -y iuve dco irJ c.;.ui t'"oi ihe Uu'.'.e oi H hfi,;e 1 i, a ' proil-d-14 if.v v.ir oT.pU:.nt ihnt.'d it..v! knwnU thjt-i.anwh l . A. . ( ',, . uii n pd.Ml'on ol the three InnifiTaa. Inere. prove X'i b- Wfllt.ltin el. lll-tird yHu.,e (.ugiro k.o -te loips and the oirtceis i. 1e corpi t. e 1 L cube, whieh has t ker s.iie .' h, 0"Z 1.) were if. I tun, ni ro del nd jljt y"' - . er i l of ihe t'"f in MKMlt wlU'Ht'l? tl.i'ure .V'JS , lV.v:i h-t.c ih. s so ru'-ir y dilliii.ui.r.fd uiemle!ti. lit I a.i in. oil v 'i icI-r.ti'H n.e tiet'cfunei.ts our lett, 10 t) ne, luviocr ,l,c f.de.n.t Mate ntprof '''' f,', V !.'..'; ' , 3 1 . wuh the eicmy hve iraJe bthinl ll - d(HH.ll Silt U t ( .b;i )re US WC p r- .,.. h we hitfi.ni Pao m.ci tumson. Ceivtdtdat the laws'ot n.i'i ,n h id been "l't nmy is pr. u J 1 1 uceia.p-. -.rticsiltrly in o.im'e l by our eraifcfs ; Anl uc dc ilU " w,,' , ,,,bu1e1M . I Hea ih and l:iendfn"t. a a .1 a. ninl.-l, in tu; ui'iij or 1 1 country, thittui i lert will iidir.;ly enquire imo th3, wh ili trmfi'lio 1. a 1 1 b'in -h. of. li .ffio a court-tmrtia!, to hole ii.tv.u . .pen ;C3 w; Jnve i .iPr'.rjte it, thai a proai injuttire wai ec. it.uiite.l, jnl.t jc iu.xiUjliiujojOJijl l.iit., i i.iihebiy ot iJirad nj.. .Vaarj.J PF.TtR'B'JRiJ, t. 18-11-, , F-i i iht C. rt CarUf. ntn.i'iiii K ;4 '.b i1iii i-l u hir'smr et Nun, mi 'h miv ol a mr.itary far e 11 p i ,e n un .er 'f i, 'r C ihcis fic nl 1 if frnbiig-s lud on Ih'tt. ,iii"Mi'H Kiilinc. fuel pi SVa't, anJ lor rflakTt tau if irt" t t waief anJ aliffw r.li y ie i an 't e f la'led tat, !! I npf na ma j -'sa has -f 1 nVtffl t orjr ! fhe re iisirtin ffT-'iM'hn rtir't'u fbi lu bir wl. Il's I os- r at naie y hs r, .ee ved fio-n h i CVrf fiia i Ita M'fk , i tft 1 1 ti,-i accoinr ih s.ia ofJJa.ii, hat te i flciid la dutU thai iKe (S.d) and the America, Th; (li'n Hatip'on, opt Lee, a ciot. W ', Xve ari vrd alSiiUirnjie It m ton d.'i in ,6 lays, wi h imwli ttjrnpian !nt'tli g",fe to me 3d ol t-nuaty ot which the loljow aiiR pnacipil mL I" "" '" ' l iif-.it 'o it bill alily pslTcl, an.l Ihen fit a priim! io ile f. Hi n, f'tci dt 1. vrrine t'ne lo.lo.vicj n.olr' aeons ( ch fri-m the tin One ; " Mv I'tn'i efiu liri?t'r"t'!l. ' " L 11 1 s-onot lull r thisJcXTioi?-io j:iofcwiihcut . re- umii. you my piuruar scUro A'.tdtmml. for lie dsfciiiiirhe ! ii d'l'Oy and -a I wi; h which on h:ve lp;l.cd vn-l f'.!v-a to i' ii.trr-'lini eljett. l uh ihe en.mreiir.emet nl tkc fclUon, I nmfl t'reci.i!ly leci.rmi f i'1fd t'i yii: t leoi . ' . I' hat bse-l my-arfell w.lb '!S l oiv fi'-ti'.d Hepimued, wlrc'u coiild imd ioteli-vr -h- prrir.i'f rr '1 inrd bv 'he pieirn'. i'i-'h ni prnvi.'t.i 1., and o 'iitiir a l ltv irrit limply,' ii I th- y Btljc C liie ext !rve't ca ibcbio ;hr i.t uf,-, 1 he diligence willi w'-i'li our f nrj-i'-ties bv heen rodi.c-d, his aiV sr.-'ed you 1 he b-; meps r' fiertJri'i th; true Cirtui'iliaiKs f our 1 re'et' Tuua ion ; and t' e ix enii.e rneaf'tr. a w h h vf 11 ha e mm My atl'ietrd in cor retjur nee, !r diiininfiiiiii; ihe confijuip.tViii cf ' ijrain, lit t pmriuinsr n increa:eJ f .pptv, '!', I d"'ih' (!, be Sound prodnctoe ut the mod f lutary ctf-rt. - Miiih, h'iwcr, nil Hro-nJ on t'tf dl'pnft.i'ni vyl-.rrh w.l , I am confident, he " I c'l d b' al. hole whi have t'cc ma"s of cryi c in o ex:cu!o.tt ny f-ileiin recom 1 end lion md jur.it or., ilf.u-J I your JKiie, for ihe lnio., ni o j . tact 1 i ie ra-o otny in the n'of ihe'e ar 1 -a. whi'h no .it ir.Tary ta ibe Tt.aTi.Uace d u-e pooier c'.at.rs oi my lubjeftl. I hf 'tme rue-l lor lf cvn'eenc'rr.-nt rltne unin of Gi lt Ho.am ni Irrlani, wi t n. film s tt'n.inate your v'ctrd .aoiiiii a uio.o'am f t j M,' n.t 1 rt!iii'dd t Is 1 ihe co..'li;l -rau-iii nl 1. w ,1 h itfunic l wi-h UV lame a- al an t lemnrt. n t' f ft rteei'" of lli parba .itiil d 'tne mmcd d wo The f ar'y ner nd which I hue ipmi 'lfi f"' hitm t.ii'K, will rt'.'d a f,tf.tv .opptnwvv ! competing whoever you "1 h.v? tire lia-i y hit imhi..rhcd. and olfnoH-roi w a- meal its rsy i. d .uuher 10 alleia ih- piH iewi my p o'i, Ot 10 ptfvint iff cancer of 11 a fernrrin,; , t thank, y in fir ihe ifiuirtsia w.ibwhul tnu . . . . . . . 1 .1 rive j.t anted li.e l"P"f nccenirs, i n.icr n.c pre um tit Aferifstirtfe-r( U)rTtnttndffrG.- Mna-firt aa omter io he Atchiaka Juhn to oC r peata; and it declare that he H au:hoi .fciflTv iui go teni'Lcnt to tit until he Thru l 'auivat T.iiiir, hut ooi ,fif iht frtn'H ltv tVmd ha e ad- ti beyoai Itoanu ad tottti.cl in '. 1 ( W!'.s it tha tiaiul of Upper Aaliilt, difir 1 orly 10 rniln Iro-a Vtcnnij at th slate ol "if VI icco-m. ' ' '" The fei ci'.yot ptvifini ihrneSnii F.nJ'l,, !ti!l , coi-tinu'J ind .uciiaicJ. No tenet (tioi'pc't ol pr-e than brf re. s. ' an-e'e ,( ih i5'h Drcinber, f,, ihe ' ut irins Mvaiii cirues eny ihmg brlnre ,hn, itfl isw,! .Mi S i.leaue ol Vimes, without I if tci t a cof, er a a-u4lid luafccod. - , l inai t r y,- he Hiued t he loiluwing proc!au.aiiui)-t daud the t alls u!t vis. ' ? (lis reyal In pr al rifj'fiy has been pleifed t cor.fer ujjt 11 rr ci"!;e ch jf cutnmaud ol ilie army. Ai I c. nftder it -,y di ty impl'citly . to chry tl.i poi.itmv.nt, 1 lake the earf.cH r por'.u.iit tu cnm mui.iiaie ihe evrnt to the d ie! ' I'.argrvie, and go. vcr.'ma it .d this k'n m, that I 1 in If leiaintlie cirri cu.-it.-and ol.sJie p. tri'itic Isjiio.'', s vic'.l as f :b- o;h?r iroopa wlrclt aift dcitii.ed for the de:cncc 0-' H'.hepi'a. M v , ne w aiifO:i'm'M w-i!l n jlrllca my jntjie :iri ion no m'eicll in evfry th'.iViwat en ei t';, e d -Irnce 0: I'liV-m ii. Kvtr;- me?l ic. t tj'it . ir-o'e will be j? irt.eJ tvt'i ihe fame. vijilance. n I "aiTidtlity as brforc. Tor-tic cn'sf avamneit 1 hi, (;nt n-?ro w dtjitr my uilrf.f'rf exeraci s fliTfTbe"? mp!o- e.lrJl)o Ttie niiii-T Hind,- f "hipj arrt exiwcl, I, Kin ttc c! ii't Buigtiv. al JVi-f fit ihr ktn,; ium, lint, i'!:e K.iin. r.1 lii!.jcc'( 'i'-y il lei ( their cru-e c-fjier lionfir theio 1 ri. im n of ino'i pierat.-oiia of d I me 'hi. have tin 1, o'un, an.l -a !i t h ihe ui gent danger ol th j coi'ui 1 v "Io impei 1 . in. it v iftjnirei. Ihe nolieiji a.'i'c C ir.Si.lenii I hv ex e r.enc l in '.' e rllilibfu ei.l o.' tlu .'i -'oii ih 11.1.I1 my m lt tince'c appr.if.su. 1 1, ai.d a pi..f -iht rm'hi'g t tt w minr 1, i;,o rt.'ni'ia uf i'hc fi Jiei rl 'Ms h-e te-: nr i.l.1 1, t " I i": fie " V. 11 is l.vo, men 1 , ' levy ) rritr ' ni. on o' 3 o;o.CoJ liaiiksois the WiTV sritlt. o! .a!- vt. ' An a 5 fd nrutr-'.'ly luien. Jeinjlrr!v 3ilobteil hyihe tti.ii Qoi'.h'.m nuen, il e c rdit the !..- lo w.iij iii'oi .i.jiivi, coutaincd in 1 4i-t:tr frtn lt.r-f liu t I i.v tobf 1, tS. . !nt!ii.M'i hayc for foirif wf.-'i pil V.-ei fnt , bn con.. t Lt 'i. i.r 1. liu'lcr plei ip-.f im y n I ieif. h ue, irl'rri.ij the w atv m a-irei n:o i1'.', svli-o , it' he conrfu le.l t'nr.i hi .s H-iUi', . P'.uiiia, $c'lA l.ii I'ttMiaik. t.'e Oner r. r uioe )iwt. ri'it'ij' l.cmvoy .il the f . n.ii ... ine i ha 1. men, and Pii'ba it to take cait 'tl.it 'me ieiy '-e .luiv m mi in d by 'ana. I i .1 n! 1. i-.n jic 1 1 miny 1 nt'ts ihe ei'Lvetitiun r-.tirLdcd be ..sen . P.uiha .td K11 T niheverr i;Si.' . ' A ll 11 n ciiunn 1 air fd ihe trrw olihi aiiis t i.r i'ial.iy o ,St.if.,n.jlm mi O e 10O1 ' i.c i.jo -II. s Sw n,ii ll v fcs.ced 'fe lame 1 , tl.t ,-.V't t eo'i'ri.tif cf lia.e, lie d n'xt ri.uirs eh 1 ert'ie enuMft'. ati'vsl, 'I'b'.'ir'i m LUcl'S -v. f kf st vi f c ri, j .1 t'tis m'Uh iikn.wo, iht i rhi t ! j-tt d l'.'r"t he Sn,;! Ih (ion, b 11 ; any lo. ,ri t..c t iiri'fu e i nts'.ifit ot 1 ie 'e. 1 lie m ti "ii. ra'i t u aie r.ialti 1 'i.l the ttuTtin, HwcuiTi n ls - .... UtiLk-vi'ds vr n ting on a o in l l.' ... tt il t.,eit, 10 ci.l; tu ihe Biit.c in; et !u..ib (pn (. ., 4"The-dftnMi 4ia-f i7-i -(-aiivJulil i'sl'tpo.fl of RulTn, c tnfarv ! i''f" mM fii.nui titalitl, and ih? Tif 1101 'tn' .1 Br-,i'lb faito..n that .ojeiry, hiteiextttr I i t e .fnumrnii, in hii.h 0l and at mbbfii, will, I am (ie, pui eipi't 1 "V I ibfiJy liken Cnrh "f pi n thii ne (hn infill eniul itfjurcd, it wij aff.odime g"t f liitiT', il t'uy p o.e tdtc'. .it ; hut ii 11 il oetJme necelTirt m miiiitain, a.infl sim eowW.a. from die Uft Pan Pi. vMns,lari, lo, ir; puii'C T.tyUf. I vrmj jf Grneml Mtr'U '.".!' I -ifc 1 lafautuufJtUJt.'''' " i h ;" .im ol Salabu 1 , and I -.1 0 . iv. "i'i ' " rte -laiioni ol Mf g ni al in ! yt 4ht e.M'.j ' "J1"! ?'"f "' PCin.f i. led li! I " "r, wil'l mioH boideeli 'J tk'.J , a iikH.1 11 en"? WIS il, iudS I p'.' U'iH l.tl t.,l. J k Ufa' it imp lah'e 10 aoKls h ml iot 'Ire '-a . - 1 . moif, lipid "hart 'he VfN lrl,'-.l'0 i) , an c'a i.(. (...tie ,01 n- hi.t. lit, 11 .!. 1 a'li 11 ' , 1 1 n 1 . t lini, lte hnn-sr ind indepcnd'iwe rl the Ri .n tej mfti r.i .t u. ...atn o Jl- " cmfif, md ino't miiiiime ii;h'i and ieiritils r.n j u mion 1 1 tlT: .i.e., ju .l.v i.a ' w.i'iH Lo h out pi ifpari' y an I i.tlt f Cu-u i.a.t a j 1 on ansnf, Oi a I c'Jr.i, f. ' i. I . was ifTciillal y drrend, ( ru'epai n 1 ifn'a, rit'-e 1 wn.cn hid ntb d t t ' il w 1 ;. 1 of il.t Tunt nl iho'r ffi'ins whi b, in f,ti, a erem, ui injW-,itnfi'y in k 1 , U. ," . I i waa btooMa la esf ., hi 1 1 ,c i!s'"tv..i.. r.i ( y i.-iuu, f: d illi; a I.jh ... ' 1 11 . -L 1 . i t .Mif .1 '-.ft'. '' la fl r t - - 1 r

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