1 -jw,' ' 'I' .Mi: a". ;1 j 7 , rw-: .i m ,. i ,, , - 9 if I V I. 1 i - ii - -y- ' -" 4 i-' M-'V"-' ' -iMFL cmntnK CTY. --r--. ' twith ptrt of ;be proceeds of the fiii loint.' I ' . a-w.aa,w . , I . -Thl f."1TXu,;nV; u.- t. nx"ij(fn bv.th- i r! rie latt dv t D-rcember io ta : and .ttierjuiier at I. .. ' - . ' - - tiv iuk Mdlll UlTb h - - . . . " r ' -1 a.-- - i lirr .rrirniv. imi. . . . , . r . - . - r . .. - frfWL:i.;'T V.m iv.:ixr?ttrrea tbe n MV. tk f. .Mi;t.4 An a for th re-Zlihs laid x . .hv.:".! redremea.; alio a imiocr. iura ... - - . . t - 1 . - . 1 - . . . . " . r i - '- 1 ', f:"Sftrfterv of the H b -rremenr of loan utho utA bv .ihe,'l-fl. icfrWn ot one-multon .tie nnd..ed and. fi-,y-fire t.j3jfuj4 . . ... ,- y--- v f0' t-c.ngirli,.," pa It o -Uic tt It tlay ol-tutary, i795.ll''ou''u tUi'n l"rcllv-,''u.t Tr'e.ifttrr. tt the i'ZSrtf: VVrmftriaifx -f-r- f ei.hVhnnrf. ...f.rWafi. ' I four ctauVoblatrtfo V . purli-mcf ot. an a ol Con- I'KPORT V .FMHrclttltin WUFCeritral 5:.s't.;"'. 6 cent. Keeft,ld .oc- llctPftpotmtrlti and tC rtcac o; v-rff j tHauifand di,!ar;cach;on the la (lid ay of. De- '"iifo:tkf tib'Uneft thereof. r . cetnrcr; in tbeyeiijs ncH ini tfii'; :5fiMA, ofMovrCn tH fi71v' ' rc' I-! . vi m.i!'o ihc ''Ho-jfe' of Rcpit'zuve-' tyji; ! vhet appiopi iatiooior "the military and -naval eAahw 'fnimitttc '1 .fr t1ie.fitppoit.of governmeiu'jj- ' Mury ; ; in wbich the.nt if.er x :f"6)i!jdl:V!g ihe c fed cii tlwd of-Maich, 1 795,'itbelfum. of Jivfe wild Viirii' c( the dcpart-eiit, was i .A iih fj!it - dred LhoUUnd tlolUrs. ; th6"-iaului Bl ttie:y.Mrow-VcriVeV3V'airi'4 their 3d. And under ilie.T me al, the further fum er.. ; Hiiiiual f rrcki v n fch othef, cxplenifd and ttie . five hundred' ttioufand dollaii. -' i.l.,. r.ijifi ,r.d pru'crrclrnf 1 -pblervid ,iu ti.tf coiktlioi , .i eff.iiipi'nd iiibuii"cmffit t the .public mo ni, tht ban of the United State, at 6 percent, tnteitil'; , h id in acr'oun i: g for flic IjJirei' defr.ribe'd' with iiiin- n i.he ft'.tt, from April .'ill, 15795 ; and on the' fcrond, ,f pc.il:on. ' It do-s not appear t'n'it any 6bccli rj , tiom October i It,. 1795, iepayLie in one year ffOHi ' rver l'ifJn"'inade to the . forms f doint U''fjST'il.t dat-ei ofthe refpcclive. advdi.ee. (r.fffdHoHiiM wnort. oi that Hie cumrhiiifr. 'a.icr a.'mr.(! m"o! an A' cljL'biate iiVrHitra'ioif'cf '" re. e'til 'lions ad.o-.ifeJ in the a- ra. tn rM, enter.wuicd , doubts . t the u.iiui iii ana comprteiu natute ci-tne-.; nve nuitarea taotanq aouar. v , . snari merit n ! di.rtirtuiior of, i'.c powei an.l du- The'abo've loan wa obtained -of the bank of the t -s of the ofh. cri. The efori of the p-.clefif j Uoiied States, ai p- r cent, .jntisif 3,'. fiom Jtui ary nin.ittce was, in. the fir it inliance, occiipird .iqj ill, 9 G , icp iy ble on or befoi.kHLHftJbt Ui'UJry r piling the prcffil' 0tn"l rl "pr'otM'diiig at ti e 1 1 7 y 7 . ' ' i--.-Ticf jrv wtiu hele fccriro'oir exhibited ; Vni up in jih Under the c ewtit ed An ail mal.injr pfo , :r- .1 r.;:.'i:.j'ii,.,:u,ir'i.ti,:ei.., i,iu. ! 1 J i.,,r ,1.. Ilmrl "T,b2 p iif1ri!'( tht 4yftem nr- h?r 4?iu.iained I and riianiiVrt., clole adherence to rliiuhfncd u age j h been nl.fer.td ; f d" that the 'depaiwner.i ui'eU U fi orgaiiVtr-1 law. Mid the mode of-. doing the" . I ufincfs h lo lcirrd, as t. afford tli irolt peifeft frruriiv to iliv nation, from the tiitlapipiicalion. of ,"the public nionir. . . -... ' . r , 1 . . . n r. . 1 u Irhcle tncnii ao nor, in iny iim mc", pii- iuictuu rih' luihcU of the Scctttai-vftl ihe 'f rMht v 5 h m re- . Iy suih-Jirifr.j" the .rcccpts'and difbuife;i.ents, by vv.arjrMt in favor-ot ai d upon the l irahj-er ; Thefe warrants arc all !igned' by the Secretary, coutitrr ligned try be Comptioller, an J 'ifRiftcied by ihe " iirjf'Kerv?Tb:'T ceipis and dillvirfcnents of the ptibl c rno'nit Thofe who'.coll ft thTe, r outes can Only difchaige themfelve by warrant in fayor'4 of. the teafurcK The tr aluier can only cb'aiu credit 'or pamcnts frurn thetieafury, by 'wsrnnts 01 h m!flf All nr eiej received b. rjic trefu::r, me depofned by bin in thi ank f the United Mate, and othfr bar!; ; . in3 the O a! arno'mt ol rn'-nifls ii tlvj tulioly r' ' the neifi-rer;. ma'v bs at ny tin.-e ali.r.tincJ,-- irdc-pei-drtitly o! his Te nrni, tv ill hfemn-'s 7wltich art Coi.8.iilly..tii2,e f fecrrtaiV.Tvlh :fr "ho cc'loA a .tl ir "reive pu' ltT nort'Ki h'c ti.ijij eefi -'dy Tin th tvillcir-.rt .oauipt the in''i" .lit ace ii"t t'i'..1 ' . 1 1 iii r-.c! uiurt- Iy, ' v a Hiutil'.- ;n if rr," 1 irl. 'flS. 10 1h .n, ij'.rc 1 1 r ana . T lie u u! it J.i t -H! . !t..-r C : 1 t-'iii-'f Jt twC .'t 'f;Jf . ft: .T'T c"';i I'iT.'n'o.t ''.in fVr C, ! fii.' hi i t i..'k !.f? iwr h.:: v ,i.(' i thJ fjitrt!i'ie i.UiVVj t Ir. -rvu.t nbjtv" f' r v. '.y 't ap;f'.Mlil. .:. 01 IV itirv I . irrii.jj. J. n( Bt'.i 10 credit fifh he.td iih ybo 4 tioai.t o?'j the turns ippio?r'utc n it Tiie j-o.Ti.?t5 1 ,i obfeived in :h rlT. fsot tV... -C ms'-'O :r -ml : . 1 Regifter. "o di!Suif-.m't, a t w.c.tf by tr.- r.i. iy, but rs Eu'' n-' 1 ; ilinag Pir ii pence; and all wsrran e :oi i',: cilf-iff cic;. fll mo n et are lo: it vviih rniereil to the debit ot uuir i-i"-yeftive t.jjds cl auo-oniWtion. 1 iif.e bi'ok ie pen to the daily in ft ft nd icv:ii3n (if iiie oi.i ftrt o: the dejart ' est ; ,.nd by n:an tlui'uf, ihe xoetidittir" rr.iv be p otnptly con pted villi tli. pproo-!'.i'n. ' 1" 1,0 l(lace r!ci it appct 1.. ihe co-r.init c; .41 ft the expiidtuiehve e tefnied the .legilpproprispmi. Vhcy bavciAt ho wcr t pre f.iircd it to be vo'liio the mtaning t"l ilu'ir inlirnc tloui, that they fn-u d rxaib't 1 vletai cd (latrment ol the itccipt and tpcnJituits at the Trrj'uiy : Tor ihefe ibey r-ier to t h.-anr.utl jnd o;!:tr per.ctif. . cd ILirn ew which are ei.oined ' y law. inl whi. h "ve Imn rvf.alji!;' fubm tiro loC'ongirfi; inlrf. I riall, 16 a iFji'itl of ihe rni.i-iiiltec Of the llmite ! Rrpitlri.titt'v-S ofthe 8:'.i ol May al ; in hnh the in in Uiia.1 ol the ircrir- and cx;er.f'itu:ei l tli- piefent ;,'vetimf nr, Vmni ill Ci ninicnccmint to l!ic :.id of ilicv t ;o). irhibited st one view. Ky th conlifjti hi ot the . 1'ie.htry D-ptirtvn, the ' ccrcay l.ifct intend ihe coUction of nvrnne, aitd grants all wli iot lor tnonif nfued frwr- the Titf it v ' in rurhuKt'e el' ppfopiiationi made by I.w ; but he is list fffpoiifile tr the ipp'itaiion ol i;.puiei i!T ed 'mm tle Tre Uy for the ufe of-the oilier df paitmti't. Whtn.'f r efmclr, appinmU a; inns ar? i-iaH" tor the'Ut?; ailmrnts of State, ol W'u, or ol the f-'vy,the Scietfy ol the Tre ury, at ali jtl.e Co rptrniier, are bound to pit. cut ri-J adtiti.rs (io n exreei i jthe appmpria iors The d."uifer.irnt .id a"niirtinn I the rrtdrs lotd. tn d, ta f f,' oljctls of puhlic fervice, re . f.rtt jarily V'-de ' uner tta iniinek'iiie luffrii'en- dauif 01 the o'i.rr it nt.fmftiW, lh; 10 a fe ifiod J final ItttUnifnt by t t Comp toiler of t' e 1 ir. f hv. But aJomiU nituic . the pub-ic bufme ii '.teoirf-i im'i pen .b y n telhry, in nmll r et, t'i. tinner f.i.j:d prerr cte the I vtcr 'or wh.th tt.c 1 ontr are deP.ined, t. iheff leitieta are t. ' treat trra itu e.branche.: out into ava.iet? of del Uili, tnd prfloiuacd by nu 1 ercu grn ,t ft. J fulu iVft V.I11I; voliimnio-as acconuii ie in a tiain tt fct; cr.enf,. lunit 10 a ;r at a-tiount mjit n a 1 timet ap-c r d h tcd .n inl..d'J to be a.cmintfd I )i in ouiff, Utinagh the , are k -, n m hive p ' pl ed" the fm'K. g 10 la, and 1 hoajh in r.iiny inlls.icvi i' y 'a .ve exhibited Ju1c.e .1 vou.h. cri lor tttr id '.;'( e. The toreji'itng tn.;i r'.; rrrbr r rh. nMcIp'. tl tie of the Scietait -l i.f TietL-y j in the .il' fhfaj fl w'.ich till de?tt'iii't is lr,u!!f tl y po fii teiaw and e!lB. t"t l n-i. U ceil n tU a Ittr.iued ttittttion u "ih" 4 o imp iej la the ... -i'4flifnt peiln'ti.e ! ui etf r h' 'n.y. Thi haHt.p!W4-ViV tn il.. idMt, fti in Oftrnrii lot ihe Iniiol mitry U i p ililit. til our unis'n-"i aetftr iti ihe l.nci n debt 1 liirdlv, i.n m-a'-it-t ad rptii in mljtte pu"Miln srt S f pin t i,hi, c f,t.i.J and o.Tuil, in tr C flV aiifli; .t ni tti , ,n o la: I r C I tt 1 . full, ti 1 .rd in 1 jtni i innf j t)n n. i.'t tl I i';iiiy t;if lnn tht Jv wh t ll.t ial . Sitrtltry of t'tr I v wai eotnm t inr.l, Ihf tf;' ptiy loin 10 the Iv'.i 'aJ 'l C Vy the b.nk l the ', j i.u 1 Situ, aid t',,e bank l n.Yoi, x.lttri ot fie li ti.!r'd I'm nd d-tllti in.il ck, pun lulri. on tudit at herein i-r wmt'ionr J. t. alituiitj I t Hi if inrli. mm, t,'tr It uiji.'d l'.i-iul ,nd )j Ian ! the fame I'm hf Witrd S;ii Ii ivrr u.M5n...,u. r.Jrt. 1 ... 1 V . VZ k.l . v t l" a T f t TV.e aUore loan ai ortined kit rre.--bank..of d. .Under the eutjjtSei. ' An aft TO (iyg ir--j The two lad men.' ioned loans .were obtained nl-j tliei pi ovificn for ttie fiioport 01 publi -cred.t4 and i"t the redemption or tne public dest, the mm 01 Mates," paHednei It o! hU vY 1 7 9O1 obtaired on the - l 'lcyii,: al" tneie w t 8' jier tfcttrr iniercft, the Turn of three liuuoied and twemy tuuu lane dollars .; . Cth". VUii.der the il, emitted. " An aft making fci ther p:ovifirn for the'-fuf poit ' of public. credit, .nd 'for 'the. rcde'inptioM of he -'public dcbt' jlifv? obtained rl tke 'bank'of the Uo;tcd States, on tl.; lad day of Uecember, 1 708, at 6 per ten:, introll. cpayaMe on or beio're the ill day of January ;8cj . the fum of two hudied thuufand. dollars. The lit loan?; above mentioned amount to i-.vo OiillicIs eight hundred and twenty thtufa;:d . o:!Vn,. I he Uin loan ot es jiu hunarea ttaouiana -c.'.iar, w negociated Tor ihe piiri ofeof'"effcdtiog ? trsy of "peace .with Algtcrv Oil the 4th of February, 1793 the fulijecl wasjubinitted to the conlider io;i ol Co i;refi, in a m';JIags !r!m the Pref:dent, Tb's mtlfage w itfi? icd''0 a Committee of the Hou'e ol lt?j;jffentiiv:rf-. confiding of Mr, Sedgwick, Mr. Mad'l"'i, Mr. Baldwin. Mr. William Smith, and Mr. .Giles, - The ' ec'curv of the Trcsiury w or liiet) by the committer, .0 alcftin in vkIhI manner the pioublV-d lon ci.u & he oViined ; and it is H ted ,'ny ii'm '''t the (pe:i('c terms on which tic cu-tri.t-w af.ei v, 4 )t tociudsdve:ep.,nw.dJu tJhe co.iiii.Ki e ; v h. tif'e-r bin in'onn d of tht .auf which ttHderrd any orfer mtnle jf rcniuttVig. ! ro,. li .eiattc ii'm e 'Jr'.' at , lliJ-lilllfi' C trtil inn n3i.ab!e W.!ii..ily '.n-x op avf a 11 t-.e v Ul.of tccr.vi ' 1 i"C 1 r 'I 1 -i 'i 1 - uii t I an in u: ac: c-Ri, Li.cx. a ! i ri;if u 11 c Uu.e r to L.'i..Jo.i W He ."I." 00 .'ii t ol .he.' vnlird .tiaic. i ; lullv !irjp'iicd if ' !i: n j n- r in h(.l ihe law , ' i fr.v-Ji t v. " A. ."'!: i-h wcr ,v , j, . ,,. ;;,..r:', i,u iv.'s, vii..i 4.:.' . xec il, ii-e vein Tu:rc noon a ten am wcr at pn:d in r ui.l n the lib and I8,j.. Jk...;j.y wit'hut't ;p "1tuyt. r!;i ;. ).: nt..J.-'l'is. it'.uin.', and Co. o' London, ,irrfi v- iht.f-cgjiio'i oi th Sec'iet.n v oi t .c 1'ica- j.)v, de'li-iattd by the t'-eu Setirtarv . I tijtv. to ut- ;.j-i2tc tale, ol the funk, and lin'.l .irs pro.-reJi fub fl '! ihe diipolal oi t.t; niiniitei ol the. I'.; li'.a at I.ilL iii. fhf S"Cictfoi i':c TiJjh;ry is.cjr!ij-r; 1 in no ihnnnrr irfimn't -ie tor ih fu -rrquent d.lofi. lion ol tli li 'id ; thocli-bv tnit rcui k, the t.o:.i. ni.ttoe do li'.t ini-.id to 1 'it . til -In t! em .;: ment h-d'been impropei ; which lit.yl.ivc ?.o te; fi): lulpeCl. ' Ttie ei cmty f ne.ic atin h: fee.ond arTZttounh Io,.ni of!i vciandi v i liLufid 4 iliiit cAcb-wat. e. vine! by an xa : ination ol.l'.C UjIC uf.lhe Trcafu rv. on the ft ok Apiil 17.;. anJ s'.l o! Jan. 196. I S; third loan of ve hn tiirJ tlioafand dollati, n, gjciatc l on the 1 It ol Oftohcr 176,, ip.eail tu hav; oe en in !.ke mnner jjiiif.jo ; w i',';, t!ic a -tiitional 11cum1la1.ee in fvoi l ine tianfaclion, that an rq ji fnin w applied on iie fame day, 13 tie p:ymcm ol the fix per crnt. (ick, puuhale! by the Stciet'r ol the Tfafiry, and iciifd to Ain.letda.n, under ciir.u l.flincet hrrfiw afiri t'eiaifed. Of the In n of thfn: bundled and twenty tboufa. d !o!lari obtained ol the bank of Nr-Yjik, the dim. of .one hu dred and twmiy thoiiland d dlxr was iimnr-d'atrly applied to faiitly pa t ol a lain obi jh fd ot the bank ol ihe United Sutes, in t ,e ycir i7y; the r rr!':iing tw I u'-d'ed tViufand doll tri o;ei ted merely it a prolong 11 n o! a loan mide by lb. bsnk ot Ne v-Yoik, inthe year 179J. -The fame obf;ivii:.on it ippiii'abie t the bx.li loan ol l hundred tliouf . nd Uollai obtained ot the bank ol ihfU'lilfd ."lijei. The difierent fajiut of.t'-e temp-vary i.n tnde i f the bank n( the b ihtd S ate, were at the dole of tJf year i3 , 1 Juf-.J to three mii'iion I ur li'i'iidrei and Ijuy tno.ili.id dolltit; t which time tic U. X. lemaue I t o f fed of two thouf.od tw bui-d rrn ai d lv.ei.ty (net ot the cipitat ilockil ,, , v .-, -i ,.,i ,. Mf Hutch debt m. j 'nut(tta n.ue the lit day ol January, is lour mil. 1 nni, ,( J((i,, ,t!f(1ey tnj.iund d ilataj Jrd 0 -,w i0.ein rff jul 0-ttt tomr.aed by the J . it. ,t .1,, ,, , in c,ie,ue d th- fa.tu.e of ihe Mtampt to. nfoct r n i lix per ce .t. Rxk. 00 terms ad. an. taeout to ire puuiic, tre letrets y ot n trealaiy w at t'.i rie 1 uy me c nm-ni 'nei ti tne nnxing fufti, wi h tV ennfen ol the F efident, wkchwat d.ily oo'jhed.lo neg'jtiie late of part of the fhafMi of tn ba'.k I the U lied S-atet, be ungu to the U ttie 1 States In purf n'n e at w ich auhunties two tS'-ufand fcifn dundred and eighty fbir s were Id d hi our million thiee l..nJied lud eighty-lot-r thouftiid two 1, 1. it -I ltd ."il finiy d. 4 tii winch fum . tptnd looaidt fi 'i j ii ih demindi of the btnk, and lh pro ceding duly reported to Coa g'fi's aetordin to law. The Icfct.o pre'i-nttrnn cor.tain a dnil of all the f-ji wfi eh wet r-f rriti iitd br h ! iitt uf tre "! iv, unii in t' r tear iy. oi lh t fe 01 mWu f. "rV V t rp'Jn!d "I t in tncrtrfrof tltbr; fxtHtd in ih unx;-f'l d in-l t-'eC"g ftptnrr (He yttr 1701, nf wni Ii Hie mru.id linn in rcrrtly. n 1 m he onf-deit t t the tnrupsl j and In the tftJbiy wl ..,' tilf J fat in ihs y -t t y J, f p v.diiw HiiJ far d'iriyng tht rxpanet ol ell tiling irrtiv e I p:ia wi h Algiri ( for either of which V-fAi torn late rrttHK had been or could be pto. tld'd " , , I'he ftn'y nan naiitej bv lt (it'en fe ftrw of the H'a'ut, which hi e not i-rn bi( n annmr titrd, ate. a fan of fivt mil inn H dtl'iar n1nini in 17 1 1, in putt mice rf ' pa ded t iht 16 h dyo ' .lt i?Ji. rr-i.t enV A iti t.xb e th ut tir W Mattit.. borrow m.tv lor Vetrlwri'rtff t ?t1it''pcr(?t4si Pf innusi.jm- grcf, pircde.i ti e 7th of M jvr rn tie year j8jO, by ! pretcrrei to. thj Precl nt 'bf t-at United St aci hi J the f-le 6fjne 'laijioh, fei.h .ndied and eihty-oiie jcomplaini again! thote who ire difqual fie'J (or of. f thousand Irvn "-hundred' dM anr'of .'iu4tj -'bfi iciflce''''aad'Tfte"Coin1if 'er hii" d-vfcl-i piofcc tit-n f. ' like 'intei it, and Jj:, : Trirrhr lime tenrii ol rcim- ! uifemeo'te';TJAlic4l!'wv'':of Uant -uw-ij kuown to h'e been ccca'limir-d -by' the iiiilitaiy and - naval preparations lately ditclfd. ,.. 1. . The pririciol i3;n Which tifefe ban were neo- ' ciaied have bi-en coiiiid red tvlthe commiueea, and 1 mull b fami'liF-'p the H jufe f -rb?tutionof the country was new ard embirrilinr ; the. p'ofpeft of a war was threatening a ieli-uice; "ptt.b ic.; credit j ;was mSceflry-: ih'fids whicj could, be affjrded by' tne bii V re limitied and could only bexoiilider! ed as rtfoluvces which niiht be rendered auxiliary JJ f.sm thii (ubjrcl the , conmiitfev "iave been folic'.. -TC'Tnore ex.cnfive and perm -peru negotiaiioni. No tous to acq'uii.e fuc'h nifoynuion a might tbe fati. loan, bad been prevt.jufl.)t eociited by the govern- ! lafto'ry to ikch ufe. a:id hnViHg exam ned the parti. ment, ol ind,ivid.uis in 'ie Unit d States. A reli'. ; cuiar cafes ol 'Jc inquncy which appear on the b ok ibce upoii loau in 'foreign cojntric tppeaeed (o be of the rca'ury, and the proceedings adopted by the .;t improvident, aud dangerous, from its. tendency 10 fecrctar ar.d 1 ompiroller. refpeclivelr." are cinvinced' " "Z. fi-minirri the confidence of the country in i s in c-nal lint the ufm'oll .oft-initufc. fr'am-. the .deliuqujncy of ,. rrfjurccs. The market r.e ol int ie t in tjre Jliiited ' .'thqfe concerned in the colletiionof ths revenue fra.it ' "'" States was koown lo be f "lfcs!t eight, per centum duties on inipji: -n4tonni$e,lor; fi x yeaTt; -wiTt per innurn,' and it:-wa cCiuiu ' iboreov r, that ilie not exceed onsliundre.d.hcrnBJ3"dollir'. being demand for tuoncy wich would b.e occ-iliorca dv a lomihat leu tiiin one-leveath'-Sf: oicrper cent, -.on cjiifid aib'c loan, wouTi tend to i icteaic theTthca the whols junyi colle-ieJl.anrfeeaTrd. common rate of .inierelt,- 1 '' TtVeTiltfuft.amed.i the raanagement of.,t!r 'in t-r-- Tho fiiit loan oi five- millions, ys 'obt'sited bv na'. rernuc, wil.l tx. ee-J this "ratio ; fir lealan or Hbitrfbtinwr and"wi hautwtttm BMui'riH-.4ifioic.X!l..jyb1-lii, f-ne ..re incident to the. nature of the duties trrc Hot k iuovt parr U.iacr the ieennd ca.ntrao.t, ut loan-m'av be extended to lh ei millions and 'in hili ol doJliis, i the government Shnutd h-.e oiafion t-j r v'fc liut fum : No . more than one million live bun d'e l .and rTxty-!.vc thoufjud two hundred asd tweri. .iine-'do!iar4 ar.d twdrty-four Cent;, h ive yet been borMweH ; tor-which, the fum of one million fuur hon'died de Vii'h'V ot.e'.htu -anAkven hctndrendpliais ' in ' ft.br kv ha bee; iiTucd ; no fj'eahave u.een riiadeior lutnmous. to be annexed to this re'pirt.-No inference left than i:vc pur e n', advance in money, opn noi.i nil. '.can be drawn from flcin of the balance aVlually' due .-' aTjousit 'ji ch It. 'r.k,'i.-eii theivcan value in the mat- from th;. publ.c agents, as the lums advanced !waa, ! st 3t tl'c it --e th-con fM wis )iub.ilhi In evt ry in appear to tlicir debit, whi'c the' a.comi' o( thcif '.. IrTTncc t HifrT'irwjiT ' cbtieTi'r'fx?cnditurr,--an?Trreir- pj Vricd. -4 "he l-n j .e!l p:ce offcied was e ij-hrper cpH. the whole amount, aie either net re dered.r a'e in ay. adyance'tn ' monev, at. which rate on v a.imail a- train ot fettleir.ent' in the public oifice'r. ' It doc m miu in iioc' waa id'c i;' and the committee ice no not appear to the committee, that there ii ny fou 1 ralon to dcubt, that ibtfe loans' were negotiated u, datin 13 cabjedliure that th .fe perons who lnv on 'he bell teriTi that cotijd be pro ured, and with, been jriiici;:'lly entiulted w th corifidcrable fms of a laudaileview to the piblic iritA-reft.. - ' i"r '-money, wjl! be 'fcuod io".arir.r' . Tliefe' accounts of jecondly.InH-CJard to remittmccs: th: !-c;ftary ol Ibte, fecretary at war, and pur- "'Remitt'antcT.lothe ba-i'heis 'f the-T.VueHUtcj in veor of public 'jupjdie,. have becrtduly txhbbcd, " Anvlerd.i ; lor the purpoleof nr6vijnb for the pay-, 'id are in. their conrfe of fctiWnieiit ii, the 60i-:rs t . : -iuci.t '.d .lie p.'tuctpal and jnterell or the torein. debt, Thef accoiitiirtbave bfen fo far rxa;nined.as to la.is. hve 'brrne.Ttfled 'in ihe three "oliov 'mg n4e"; ..' fy ilie accouniing' officers of .the tretlny,,' that no ,, . t lt..'Bv'urci'r.n"2.'iIr c"ntrTundj:d""rt()'Cx,-ariil -blr e will belrtund duetJm them. On the.whoV,'L. toihofktJjk Ilie hjhlffrt'i felt tlie fuaee in Eutope.jpn -aner .'twh an, exajninatL.n as I hey hive been enabled. -. acv'di ot -"t HiertHVucd Staiet'. '' to rnwkeilte connnittee beg leave mexpres their- :'ii; K; bil's 6 ' v; hartjie bt)--Ai?turJain; Rotttr- opinion Urn the bnf.nefs ct '..the frcafflry d'pfiment" tla-., llttf-.'btirg and London . ' has' been conducted with rfg.laiity, fidelity, iiid a ',, . a. cenfrr:-! with merrhanis in the United States, ' nwl tp economy. That the dtflt-.ii fements of jn lor car-.-ics cvu!-.;.tin princiiiy o! Vc:l-lii(iia' pio- ,fv h .v- bocn alway m,fdf piiru;nt mo la w ; that due'e. H-.e pruce;di ' f wlitc'.i were diie&:d t; bs pl. every at.e.'.tion eos.ftltent with the magnitude and 1 ccd -a the srrrti: cl ir United States, fn Atr.lUrda.n. tureot il.c bufi -el's has been bellowed in removing - In irlatio-. ti the fii'lt object, it is o'oIki vc'dj ilut deiiticm-iKs tr-in otp. c 5 in compcTips thern.to ar I'.rnul eciMtry of the Tie'? fury, in' ji nury, lj, I ffturinp; monies duo liom -then, and in pf.rtli-.Ld ol the ltink ot tne United Mates live hun pci'n:iii, an i r.proper rd i:n-.-.inble acuniuila. disr thotiljud d'lllirs oMix per cent, (lock, at par,. "" ' 'he bmdr ni'p jbli. ageita ; lhat pva'He by inll.il-.'.ent J 'lh.' late "S ctctarv ot the the loaV eiL-ctrd on acc nt 01 jocrn 1. ent,.hiv ''ust. ry , utehal'd in April 179s. an additional fun bee 1 p"" KitH uji t tbe t! ad tan'.ag. Out imns.for ot one rturiGird and fix'. thouland dollar's. of like the pub'.i':-; ih.Tt ihe mnl e!i-io-. nc b-t of remit tHcK," for witi h imni d ate pavmrnt waa made in ta .re 10 h .r q c, have i.rnrv; ( u'; g. ncraliy, lha,t wo-'ftotU Baik olthc United States. " thcfin-tucial -' ccrna o-. ti-e ctnii-rv.iuve bccii hit by In retpot to. the lerin at wlijch the liyrk wijj i"- lJte tci.tiaiy in a Hal- of jood order and ptoU ' p,'i-rha''ed, they wne conformable to the cu'ren: ferny.. ' 1 ' '. . tes 1 1 tloek at the periods whti the puichaici ttcre rnt-ir. . V necriri'vof p"fchjfi"g the fiifl ment:aned fum f iivc hundred ibouiind dotlait mi cretitVv.asrreaie I by" the betvy- nd -unexyttte l -t-cr-. -a!rentv-l Jalcd to r Thefe had greatly exit -ulterj the Tie. . f'.ry and inrxoattlateit .e hank In...' in.niali. 11 . Il.a.l 1 toiheg.v.ritmrnt. . . It appears Irom ihe cnricli 01 Itcc of th" Treiu. . . J( . . , 1. . ir, wi h the basket a in hi laid, winch ire cum 11 t. ire have carr fully examined, ih. i an rxpeVtm 'n wi eniertt'iied, ihat the lock would Ir f.nd at pa'r iii- etud n interell ; ri that the inl!ni-.iu of pn-ie.ual d.ieii.lblltnd.f..fie pa)mc..tof whetr ti.eii.-cl. was luientlrd to niovide, wnuld b; continued 0.1. I..'., by a. new cn.uaa. A ih rh bo-,, ofthr.e rx- 1 eciaiton wne e.iappn.'irl 111 fan'r-irurt ni ;iie unioriiinaie fitoaiiuii ol II illand at tt -.1 lime, ) u it c early appcartio 1 he. torn t. it cr, hat evtiy tv fire wiihiuthp power nf the Se:t:trv was aov.ie to rentier the icmiitar-c tl prcd-.ctive p' ll'ble. The fcrond inide ol irmittance in hills, of ex change it tl-at. 1 Mch has ntt itf.iflly bren rtforel i'i lie uteiu. eiiihai.-e at whtth bi It were jyr. chflel, hiwe il it brlierrd, been .hs molt favouiab e wliufriituni!larrcf would, pe-mit ; st nn time tz eteding lorty tw 1 tent per guilder, Bt! ficq'ientlv lor vrfjr coufiieiah!; fn.nl, t law a thirty f"C tern per guide : No k.'t hts b-"! full tied by lbs pttblic except in one inll.in.e, ol' bill for oi.e !.un. tired tnd lw:ntv tht fand "uil lei t, diawn by Pi- 1. r . .. r. grrJ:to. of Unlidelphi, andoifi d by Trier UligM, grrt c: co. 01 rmiaieipnja, aiKiorii u uy ;rter uiigM, ,. " r r 1 1 " r 1 l.ich waspurc'iKcd bv 1 Ca 1,.r of f e Ur.k o.!,,'! J""'!"' f Ijvim ih i,f- ,,f jnyi.ti- tf l'ic IJ. States, tt the reqy-fl of ih? Scrretry, at ih-' ii CfC a, ha iJ it rt bren f.ir (h.v Jiu.tiari'', rtteof thirty f'.t emu prr 0'iildei, ni remitted in October '99. I h' drtwr and e fiilo.lcr 1 1 li e hi'l, at tne 11 ; c or in; purcnaw. wee in tilt 1 ere ni ; t it moreover llated bv the 1 c.r .ry, .1 U opi.ma.tbat a p .rt 0! t,e dc'bt ar.Uoa: trom theproted, will be e -t . 1 . cventJi'.'v ffuied to the p blic. Ihe ibtrd nmHcI ieDuume by rrr'rmg the piocteJ of ca 1 rnt,n. Veen Lui-l edet'nil, aid bit lit bo 1 ftlt n e o:ctu..fJ t. y In tn the nub'ie ; lly Ihct im.oltl,ecomfest:,r pabli'.hfveVer.. fn.., . ed (or a I tdvtncet.'by alfi.-menti ( the pnli'.iei of . a ' i aa . iniunnce,ak by iiie bonds 01 ;he ihtpp-i. Mtto n. . 1 fe orijt a i t led ff it call-'! th? lirother jnercial riluue h.ve cer been atlnecd hy the foveAo. yi.nv'az .VfAartdria, nl command::, b anent, who hae 'had no tanccri wn'i the tn iKet ' i r . t .ur iti i p.ing pnivlofihertr, amount F.(Mtn,l,ei,,,edVS,C','f 1.a We,, whf; Vl1 '"l 'J Inothrf wirfjt, ihti fhipoventt ht-.e le--.o n.trel, a Otranon tlcmindt my warmdl tcLnpnT. collierl iVcuriiy, lor t .e ipt'ringafr'icijn eoun- Itile inet.'' ; rjra'itotff, it well at jit'N int.. lae aaavancetmaae y ute litfiiry. Thirdly . hi triri tt pnvilhij w!, fvr enflriblJl pil$CluQllhLJllJhtart Si ,' tic agents oni receivm , Itii thaimmeliite duty of te e"mpto'1r, L (a. pe intend ihe d;ullent ot the public rrouni rd d.a ofofeeu-ion, Ur . I .Irhnqn'r. It:',! or tne ttvru and toi dem tiflf lo irt ryiiil AUtes. lh'.ughthe S'errttry in vtnut ol hi a h'fMy'at J 'u?ertntfndntif ibr tollfftu i of ihe iivni., wou'd h hn irfp t''e int ihe teimiJliO'i o! nvi.ri.j ri'trnt abufe l"lt IB tjie of.Cfft fjl ! f'r-'-fn-jf, d trtcivert t' (tl lie money, af'ff lh e fliufcid Cots'io hi kf.ow:d(e. tn ire coilefiinn ol .n i n. j menfe ittrrM, ihioirh an ttteafie rouMiv.l It ' byih- fraud, fifgleote tt ioloUei.t v ol ta idu! lit nnavoilif'r, Wittn th Stvft'.ry h.- t-bttin-d ! j-it'eanu to ,the PreriJint; the be inforniuion In refpeft . cnar.'.qrri rtiommMattt dv nim tot appoinijnen.i i office :; whcif he hy, lju'i,thrd th-fe orttcnl hrmt and ch'cc'ni w:.ichjif b;4!'e5rrltttVi) u?"e '. IVate oi the iccum) of. ihe public isott aud niort? in thrtr h-dTy--wJin, un. jatt groni.rir fiifpicion ot'4mrbef-'pihfmat4the.Seci'etar)''llat lor delinquerjcie j. It eencttved thU thefe otn er ; hive felceiveiv dilchar jsd t!i;ir duty ia' thJ par. . ticuhr. NJnita -res therefoye nwght narurTbe pectei,.ofxiptib!ic . Sefaulien ,to a ?iy confiderable amount,' while fio blame cjuld a'th to thefe cfie'err of tie treafury t, Bat on the contrsrv, if tke number or perfnni of this delcnption, -antf the the amount du from tlcin' are lo'.nd tf.be comparatively incoofider'. aKie, The in'Kre, ce il'ftir and jplain that due ciutiM' hat seen obferved in trie j'pp; in t ie fuserintendince of the V-'poiniment and diligeoet' fubordinate officer. a"" oac 01 c;nrcti.-n ana oiiiers,"Wrrirlh ai anxirly p"!io!, atuibuubk" toa'te novelty 'f uic fylletn.'' This lef by ollkcr commii'Vinfd by ths Pielidont, is ellimstrd at-l'ilteen-thoufjiid dullais ... Th. co-Timittce luc alfoxami.ned with attertiots '' the llatementbf monies advacedto indtvid'ial6i Svcount of curent fei vices. This amount is a' way s" par.nily cqnfidcrable, and the details are too vo Difiifii'C.nfurs 0:l:cc, N'-rfoIk, (Vir.).t'.li w ' 1-Vliruary, ib'oi. j Gentipmrn, ; i: b c t f the. wiiiiof car.t. ninfh!in of'hit M .i ' IK' 'v Ihir, Ainfrifj ihir I (lwnl.l mlrA p.,b!ic .n'e vei bcnevo!cn.t r;'icf airordca itV , r. r '. 1. 1 lint I Hp, IP. .a hlj uiou ; grir.it tinnier, by , r' , . "e , 1 ' . ,, 7 u,i o.miun.Ier J ncl A rew ut Hit; brii Ur..- -ht rs tf fit'XlTilfii, JuiO'.v -Cit rt W1V of" whit It I CJiibfiter prornote ll)is landaliltl iJeftrr, hjp hv. rt.. you m inlrrt iii ih- Herd I ' , r.- i- 1 . j'f accotnji.trty inr copy -F CdfU l.wn litter 10 111 l -on tho fiiliierl. ,. am, y.)u.- Iuni!!; ft rvt, JN'O: -HAMIIaTON. M;fr. Wll.'ca '& O'Onir.nr. . (..i'V.) - lis M.jrlV.'. tin p I Jill.!, in flic Cik.f'pca!;?, l-'cbrmry -1,-itJou . . . - SIR, . Vtni ln'C net ii,v), li-ir l nf die ni'st tt,ine 'which befrj hit Maje fly s 'Kiip ?t.rh 1 ic.i, ur the tyli of D.c. by bet rnntui' on iIit Tor rrit'ii tiiot', i!ie Nmt'iwa-.l i i il.e 1 ed lamaica, in u !m. !i Ti(tiii .ii, I mi vc Y ar il friciMilv, uTina- rr I tcceivcd fioit p.u fa n. t rican ,J''f"t f,Ti"i thit way ; t' -l 11 . f . 1 1 . i t 1 ri n it .,,,',,cr WJ ... U owr, ') volni.Ti .tr I !n Jervicci ir tie hindf nH-(l . ituito.! ; o: wjt 'iaf."iiy ibe mcar. nf pre Jcrv n. In- Ii .-wiffn ar 50c Oilu f ft and S-J.nsn, ; ... .i;f., ,., ,l. ; ., 7 . , ' , , , " i!,V1'- tho"oS ,n ve7 .lc-), iiii dillrrll d liat. ' ( t - til 11 . I . P wifds him anI bit Crew hit itrreil in- uo-ibU yn nn -1!.' a.jar. ml jo . re qii,. ihit yon u ill tale fnrne ikpt m mt! put lit to hit t.i'itmyinefi, the liTgS f?t;fe 1 en'er' of ht mtfilv ami Jifaife wuliliy Cutidult ly i ll jn mir di'lf'f " , , , . . . . . , i, , i 'Sir, in'if vriy h iuiMr ;'i tnt. (Sidled) j. hinutam; Cv ' It M. s Amcin, , JoVn ll'm-'-r i; Iv f -1 . ' : - - H. I1., M; 0.i.l..lr N'...f .k. " iU inks e t all hiudsau ml hi mi .11 i x vf 1 t I, b , - jh v t .7 .7 t ' - - '

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