T!i re' Dollars pfr Ann a its . T H U R S I) A Y, M A R C 11.16, iBor. fVo!. V -No.; 2). rt a of J pre. ni's Us cine for rerv utif. th ctv men. itiM ani a t' Irjeil littiC Jrtai'i (dtt!. Corin-reB of: tlie United States. . "Moult. or RuprHin tatm vu. , ,- ' ' SEDITION LAI ..rrr Continued." . ' . - January 22. 8oi. l . ' ' Mr.' Macon laid', iio-membsr'ol the houfe was . move willing than bim'clf.nhat ihequcftiuir fhould have ftcen taken without' dtb-.tc, ltu Give go.ttc; .men who diffced with hir,pih anicrdofc'io" AiVcufs i:,;Sn.IhouM hot Triiifik Tsom it cfprcii'.ly, t r" J:'c firmly be-ieved, lit had both ihe fonilhution and. truth on his fide, 1 . . It was a little curious to ob verve tbe manner in jwh th th(s who, approved "the 1 j r! j nged the jr. und on which they detenH.-d it at d fte ent times; '.il oriijinaied in tbe.dys of alafrh, and wa thm fup- poricd a a partif a f Item of tlete cr agmnit France.; at thi. lime this com r.on law of the United States, cf which we now hear fo mi!'li,w.i not talked of ; the fee a nd time'it was Wefote the houfn, if was VroMglit up by many, petitions Trnm the people in .iffcrent dates, praying -.for-i'i'tepeal, ihen too, it v,-ai confitcved as a part n! the-iyllero. of de'ience, ai d as the difpute with fiance ws not-' fettled, it was fait! to bc impiopei to repeal it ; at the iaiHef fion w ken a iiloiion aj made to repeat the 'feooiKl fed ion of the aft, th- la was thru fuppo ted on tliis re? (on,' to prevent ;he operation ol the common liw, and to ?ffoid the gentlemen themfcives the. liberty ol expfrfiiiigth ir temimeuts, it founded in truth, ind -expreffed with rcency and fo it is that the Mentis proTdri j i' d. c,ood-gmtemciiHHw-'WU-th fedciiua law to trot'tt thcmfflve . ,. J I the common la is aftually in force, it it rather exuaoid'fir.ry, that gentlemen' will oca make the law - unil'mm, fo as.ip.rompreher.il a lth-jfes ol ib:;li, - wTJF i'; is" pretend r d wotrd-be-cogmnibi e e-tb.e fedeial c uiisjindcr that law.-U hH was tint in ioicr; a libel upo'ii ttie prefidcnt, ol the United Slates, the f n t a id this houfe, i no: to bc'dftionahlc at com- handed, whenhe neceffitv ceafed for which it raifedand the fyflem of drence brrf eo,' why then fhj.ukl the la w be continued as ,part oi thai Iitem, when " here was no o'eca ion for it. ' . . rr. ; It Vis been fai(l,thaTr pa'rt .of .this houfe are al jfaylTTi tog ;'oura'gainftnrie''unconi&tuttcn'aUrydf'. rveiy aft tliry do not approve.: . Tho-aolwcr to this is eiy eafy.- There isannthsr pm of the ho'ile that r.cycr qf-lHon&r the conllitutioiiality of any thing, and. if, p. tl past qucfliom the conftitutionallty'of eve ry i-hir.y, tbe .other does.notcf.iny thing'; ' if one in. rerfnrmanceof which tie houfe of reprefentStWci . " Sir, it is well- rm?mierM-' jy''jciioi-JUn- k"t wouid benrairoil to : that tubole wh'bfe cord ouf ht i.forconen rhy -any gentleman "onwhit grounds thij la was aavocBiert vynen hilt patt it was tneo tup- to reft uion tie ravt of eVe .man,, and whofe inttieft routd never Ve worefaithfu'ily eifeilu,.ted ih't- inrthe perpetuating o.i Jaw w.ntch.. vmuld- e.Tiftualiy go to protctl -th gov-fflijienf ft the r 5wke - , lie waa fuvpred at his roile?ar.'s cSjlion,.and thafof the- geotleman fio-hi PeonfyrvailK-, "when it was rn'de fu ewd.ently t-.i spretr'-by' the ?en!letn?n trpm Maryland (Mr. l'r'uj; hs was afforded byiheir o.k ;taie c this tru h was oo -flr'Org, ;o . bo'rf(.fV-Vi.. ed it tolrc the tafe iiili.e:'. rvrryjla'te in the "indivi-iu)! '.'.ixet, why ftsou'tl not fo. valuable a rtmcdy be an'orded to go?crwneiU 'f ;he isni on f This watSe charter of our vencrabie fires, and, hat .itnciple mould whhhohi this difpution fiom t.cir en'.iehtc.itd and experienced Ions ? Why fhould Ut:va ttiiutiott and iin lie belieVi AnHiffo We beeves it hat limits, the other believes it has no li'siifj. . '." :..' " i ' Mr. M. obferveJ, what had been faid on the fub icil or juries, he would only fay, that no federal jury ra ever been got in, the Cste ia which' he li ved, in the IJmc mannei that ' ju-.ors were obtained for the -ft as c courts I; perh..ips it was im'p:ffi:le un der pisfc'nt riTcum'hiict-'s, bdeaufc all the jursrs for both fupe-ior and 'inlerior couus,' were ajv'ir!ed bv'tht1 countv'courij, anH thes funrinoued by a fh.er irl cl the coiin'.y.- "Tt'e federal court, ft; Lc'ievtd ;'i that Hate, generally dctei mined fro. n. which counties the jurors jhculu be . fumniontd, and. le.t it to th; difcvetioii of the irirfnal to fummon wlicm h. ;!i-.i-fecl. The marfoal is appointed by the pufidr ;it ; in liates whe.it he; Itimmors whom he. pit'afrs far ju rors, it is pioft ptobably they wi.l all be o-f 'on rsr- r'-tamation was implied in itscoutfe or pivvcnted lY' j ly w.!ioleioine and timely;. pro vilions, t.ie tonh lence Another res foo h id been firged fur cor$liaui:g.tli!a 1 ,-, the pc-vi'.c -a reu oved.a d. even btfvoiid pofli liiiy !aw1n .foi'ce, which i thit, that it was belrd, j of -cll ; ( le.ta'Jal . klow' ivi-'-'e 'giving' jo the confi-i-iere were oev.To.pers in this countiy, uuuer the in- ( de:ic"e of '.he people, -all efforts to ie-ctiablifh that fkeno: ofa foreigii pover ; wii;ther this waai l '; eoriiHe "fe ia' in vain. or ncUne did1 iot fenowTButhe'wt:ll reci'teclcd. th. - But ge .tlcmen (.,, that unhfs i.h'i law is fuffered' not long fnceth re vas' prclY in the. United S'.atea, ( tof iVl U V u refill tl,e voice 'of th- t, .o-pletlow do which wai nr.-ttv much cr-effe . the edif.r of which ! tuc-j eil'imat ffl in wiat ev i' r voire- nt the prcnei unow us, as a neceuary linn, iri a cnain oi meafjtet which a majority of the two houfes of con. ref . thought .ptQpsr,t.a ad?pt..tn.jo:-e:t a pan crifis -to 'guard againil the fu'ppr,fed.''i"t':igue sf a . i foreign nation .o give re'fpeabilitv-L. 1 ruergy .to t our execulive. to prevent it's fa'linjr into dil'ripu'.a with the!people, and to y unifn ' faftiou- individi"".tsi' J Tlit tTiflor v oi ihe laif tuv iyears hat, I a n perl'mdid, vsmvinrcd gntlercri; mi Oaken Aere tbciro-'V pinions tf vhe Unrerxaa "charafier. A7j;h rac,- they muit iiosv be.icye, t.nt vhatever difference ttieie may . our prtimc ,1 principles, 'whenthe U!?ty tree- be. m do. tv or honor of our 1 fo.ci ,n riatiouj; like a band oi roitna our f-ovcrament, :-hd country are th'eatcned by a brothers we will rally uoroi ? it !iv any roe.n thit be denied lO lhe fupreme goverurncat' which i v. hi.-h the confiirution of o-jr country au h'or fei, nd it ti v i. enr.'r.ei fil.e houfcrahd which cvo.y indivi- ! v.' r. i.:3 rh enerjy'.of (he cafe -may require.- Hoy far--duil io ihe I'nioti enioyed ? Wh,- fhn ild g.ntleme ' ihi-J.a.w his giy.--n r.efpeclibrlity pr'ererjjy ts our ad deny tbtt so ibe federal -jovcrnVnent which waj dfrti- J m -riiiUation, f-.wiU rot pacter.d to lay ; the even' ctl to t'.e feparjie gotiatricnts ? . - - ' of to pi.efcnt -'ay is an aipic commtiit o;tha .j Vl-trct- wii 'iiowrer.f Mr-. L-.e fiid, a point of poiti' thiit f'frjtrH" -experience .iich - we hive, view wiiicli this oljjeft affumd to hin, of o very -j hd lines' Tome' of th? oSjoft for' which it (important nature, n-( whitii he had not heard from was forvned hn-e oaft bii. riod other have -not j ny KcnrlcniT). ' Uriicfa thii deluge of falfchood and 1 b'em anfjye.rd.' I did hope tlis't. n'. at:?'Opt wct.id h.ye been made full-red to expire 'iH.e its twin-b.ro- .tncr.Hie alien . i-. In thit bene however, f have hern difappoimed ; g-ni.!cmen have forwarded and fuppofted it with a r.eal, not U'lcommon to them o othei occaron, and unexpected in the pr-fent, wberi-we-.v.:n,?re a.' -'g3!1 indifferent, about ir, and new rcafont . yet fnrgo ten and, drauge to tell, lie nevei hea. d ' xut this'law had hteri p'lt iiioperuioi ag.'i:.i''l ' hat rerl" i.r. It is not p.eteni!eH that the hr: Frclidcut, let hirri be whi he may, wii-want thii law" No afitiot fp' - . . . r r - .f..' 1: l -I .u r "l.-- --r r , ; - L ' 1 aJ be hat ntVtr bii l-.rouoM at comm n la'w inihS . - . I - trite! In- net, but !, common law. e?f)'v be ihe led aany:dea nment mOii : w''cie 'hen 11 cl fg tlic p'iniroment Ipr the fame rrime, undtr tv.'i 6as, f dihrirm, "if tlc comn:o;i Uw is ie-l!y in Luce' in i:.c Uo'uedJ-uie ? It h-s nen (aid, by p'ublifnio : calumny and falfc hood, government may be dclHoyed. This Mr. Ma con ci id not belcve, ro1 djH he believe. 'hat ever a g vfinir etn wa dcfltoyed or ? revolution, br6u?ht oi-.,bv fiich means." Fr'lchood csrinot n-.rke a adniiniftiaii' n ad, oi a bad admiuiiluticn i n. . I I I I I ..I. goof, ; nD tuininiiiraiioo iircu i-vcr ici lane ua licstions, ii cn ahvaysdeflr,cy their cffcGs whcn'ixi if nlefes bv -pub iff'ing he trwth, arnjru'tji al tie can deftioy govern nents, n:'iieid any aoMinillr lion Itar a y ihi'v out tne nu 'n. vi cur rcvoiu tion bic.-glit about bv the publication of faifchood. t N fir, !t wis nut, it was by tutilifhing and pm clai.i.in- tic truth. As to- the ee.titiou ol ihelw,u wou'd ir cedlcls to ftafe t'n fact, which' have, been !mi!v ii id bv otwcri : he w u'.d on y f y that in his oOipi n, it . v i A i-n,t iciciji ; ine rcamii was ouvir:i:, we i uin at nf itiv i united have no fu -b aw, whatever Ibey ma ! in v' B '..i.i.,... :-.i:.: i a fL. : u i..'.r tstb'e pecriluvoi eiP)a lor, TiV-V "'!'.ui-'uCr-:lnt!iwT7ui.1Ji:iCw.- e uicikis, ii was unpopular, mu ueiievea it to ne U'lconllitut on'al ' It would tr.creafe rathe' :hsn l-fv I u psrty fpirit, audit uoght o be the oi.ject ' ad to '.barmoina.e as much n poiri jIc. H: tiicretore nulled t'.a-. the hw would 'bj mffsrect to exo'.ro, nsvera;;ain ta be r-ne'Atd.' GencralLzc ru oio expirfs his great pleafure at tii very f ir and csnd d imtiiner ia whfcri h'-a tol- leai;ueMr. Nich.-iai) andlti.c gc.lc:nan tiom P.i(yl- iW.t l e renrefe'itr.d. but, he ctul- not (vholly apj rove of the fciuiiacnts txprifled by With rrf.ieft to "the conflitut'onality of this liw, after what hail been fo al ly "advanced by Hi fytnd in its b' half, lit woniu ,,ky U eve bt iMeu4ilb tit fufpnifioii o; thoft feniime.KS, or wiihout a .y o:her fupport, ilie decil'mn ol th; f-o-c uit oujSt vt icmoxt every ccnt!e.aii. and rlfcttjallv wis wi.h him, fiiMicicm to remove tver, polfibie douM. rioui the moment of that r.tifion tvciv dcubt o elu to have Cclcd, "add trie oo'(tin reier teain to h ve was a f )re:gner, who glorieip bci.t q ''ubjeCt of j Fco?! has beed he'-.rd on that' fuoje&: it is in favor .Qiei!LjAelecontenU ot Hr.oa e.r aV--not j pUte lav, fat -trm lam of the pir:ic.'? pprobf.ioo ias ures cx;e'iencel in toe re-frction'-ol men whole" j vinoijiles a-e hi p ileti accoidauce wtih tl;o'e who fin'.' eaetcii it. Added it t.bit has not Virginia, alter fsptelSpii jier ;p'.intrti d.ifappr baiioii of t'hjs mrafyie, iub'nitie4,i't-' arju-nrnts and her definitive , vote to aii he.i. lilter dates'.; ?iid of them how- many weie tncit !-'nd to approve r f rer maluis : very lew in d edhebt iBVed out i the tiiilea not mora than tw or three t ' ' ' ' ' . Mr. Lee .cu d not bnt'nJmire the Toothing manner in wh-cli liii ollcr.u'c conlolcd the houfc oil He dian'cot pol.ticuhot wxs ibov.tto tjke p.ace. for the lirl time lira e he h-.d tlw honor of a fca' la the h"U e, latl he hra-d ' lyh .hwimoiiijus an.l big''y gtateful 'ac'cLiits d'oj) fimn .he I.los of t'-at ,;e ilcman.'. Ai this mcfJur? vculd. moll - u.id.iubicdiv, ic ,d to in, cieate and c tabliib ihe hnuiv'n At and it cunt v ctthe. govefn ncju, r.d a i it wtN. -jifp , cd cititer i, he hoped hd gtnt'.eman'i ha moniojn difpoliti ui would If. utblo I f life, .md to' retain to the govesn niJot il.er wj.ited poie6t!ori, notw.thftandrig the change ol" men a.id nf politic. Wbofuevri oltthc twi.gr cat. V;:aract;.'t thn!d direct the h!m of 'jurfb-e ".--wheiher he b?'taken Tiom the fouh, bavc alli2!ied lor jit cont'.nuance formerly it wai ihpuhl i ecrlTaiy to pioteft the a Iminifir itian agaiift the oco. le and now, fir, it is wanted to ground in diyiduJa agsirill an adminiRration which may bo weak or wicked Experience -h.'.i -I am perfuaded Tffiir1'rTcea'nt1eTriTn urit purpote, and U'?ct!y w'11 ".nd lt nnnccc-JIa. ryjrir the latter in o whatever Innds the adminT- Ihaito'iof our country .may fall, its acts ought to be examined with that ;rcejom which becomes irremeii, and with tlul decency whicV becomes gentlemen f fo long as they are gHidrd by ju 'ice and wif.lom, they will be f'JTported with drcilior una -firTnucf, by -the friends to the ad iiiiiillraUon-Whe-.evtr. they lb ill defend from thrfe.gieat princioles, the voico ol ihe ff .nle w:ll again fwecp the aftora Iroaa the poi'lical 'hi-atie '. . .' This law-; fir ha? been advocated; becaufe it is fa d to ainlioiati; tlic'eom ou l.iW of Kndand inrl on ' liib a g'liv.cijt itiu. h dependence hai btrri p'ar.edj'' hovVva , ad n.ltiog it to be -true, on a moment's ic. (lection it will .not !e lound to merit any confideriii op lor fir, let it he rcmrmheri d that the opponcutf to tlii law are alio the opponent to the adootion ol that Uw at the law ol the U.iited States, and do hot thuiit it auihoril -il by the conHituu'on this is ths doctiine which thev have uniformly ontended for, and which pardon me if I (ty has been.eflabliibad at luily as o:ic point pollihly cac be it not tVere. wcrfc than the !w itfcll, whith he hsd 1 oyi believd to be uncot ft i.itio.tal, and ti e"- w?s n,; touot bu: the extcunon w..roupo riular us ihe ' w. It his been laid, owirr to the prevalence of crime, which; thii 'aw is intciir.cd o puntlh, that men in ihe kirv'C "I tiieir cnunii v, had teen or wl'.e.iKr irom.tha-l'i m e fields n't th UudliM, U tor probable, nay t think ii itMpodible that they ever wouift re v iliioi; t,, rive nun all the opportunity ol inoui i appeal to it to Ihieid shmu. w, fir, lurporlr.l o iwcctly nronalcd oy honmable CO'!c ai'.i'e. li'it l.cw fb rt lived were :hrl plfng accounts ! Hiiw loju did we hear fiom iie aliociates oi thai by the juliice and poli.y of thrii i they will ncrrj the aid of ueiihei the'.1 tiult agitated the Conr,c,ui ihe t'.iiied States. Tliofe who t Rrn:ir ,; .( tc mH p,,ij;r,nt sn ti.tnut ao.ain'l ihe inuiccu lauyi,: to oliey the . oultnu'.ion, mu:'. a prove ol it. dccifions, and not tit g couid bomkifi evident thn that the reteicnre t the i idiciaiv id had been li'rnrd eft f office, except it wai dor atci'd'ng !" ihe C'lrfPiftlnn, rr Uv n-Ve in cmv Icrr. ity i" it. What lit, t th a liw ir.de, and is it no v !f.t d o be ci niin nd in fence, to pievent the tee : r nl ritcWil 1! th I is not the p'a fclult ol ihe idea, 1 riu at a loft ,t' know what it doet mean. Aie not cur eUrti-nit. be fiee t JJave we rnt a titht to ii V4rti te tKe charr.ct.il ol Ihofe, who air cjndida'rs lor -ir fcffitg't f Ac rol th fe oui c onfliiLM' nI iig'ui,s Ire. men ? V.'bv iheu do ftnlnrrn. wiln ;o continue this 1 w in force to dep'ivc iht peo;'eof thrir dcticll n'iis ? Suir',- i' o tn aie not approver1, i-uer ihev have brtn iiird. ihrv oux" i to be t :rni d o.it of oflice. Ti e cna ol t uclioua is chricc; bi t we have been told to induce us'lu ci'iiiK.ne .his law, that the ii.t U.iout WarVii'pinn haH 'si-tn railed a fpecu tier and t mm dtier Mi. M. never besid oi the Bill chaise be f. ic lb i Oay, a i of the lecond l.!l wi.Un a lew day pill, ai d .01 l- o, vis in .this benfe : 1 A no cliHibl bat the sent t men hidbeard hat they sffer- ted, i oi bad he any doubt but ihe pet fen who In ft fumed u.'f office.' Mr. M knew of no m n, that "r Jc"r. ihe. prectlcly accurate moue lil-e I " c vriLiiy ui i irjjiu' lie ii.ii.uit. ine geuti.'u.vii trom fennlvlvama had told the houfe .hat thit law was ihe i fl-pring, titd had he qui e . art ota de!cul:vc iyllcni, ad. t cd ihon the rr grcinon ol a li-rcu tier .tied into :ftion eve. y .ea- iuie ot rcpui'i'tii wiihm ihe pwrr of the touniiy, and ihtiu wis (o cmliriirrd t 4 "lucceediug lclli n of the home Not havintr the honor of a fcai in .he hrule at that time, Mr. Lee faid In did pot know but whether that was the rtsfon of its adoption, cr whether not, he could net .giee iih thai , niicwjiii thatthe ocialion lor this I. w a at u end. tie wnulJ rot hefuaie I r a moinrnt Ij fay' that this law oht to be perpetual fi was from it W impr-ifiuft'hit he fbnuld vote lot the retort, and wiili pieafuie would go farther tnd make it a p ttctua: law. Io oi ;cr 1 1 cxaaiine ihe ,iopn ly of this opinion it would be nccctfaiy to examine Ihe law. Whit we e its p.ov.li.ut, ai.d what it object f l ie jeet isliUpport your government -'io: hy fuj p c.,.ng inlorruatioh proper tote an v. o to yout rvople not by v:oliit g the. nb'S of evea the humb.e ot pion.cted theirrcrt kot il was not true, and iuw citiaens ; but by giving theltuib and ikciruih cik Minion rr.uU have been veiv coi.fihed indeed, md on y its don.. mon.' T..e geiuie: tn mnft pndonhim io it wi.l be with ilfoch itpon. niioiiiiioium; tnem nen nicy laiu tim it iprn ru Mi. M. UU be faw no i.ecrlTny for this law ; '!' nj"y l irrnt He mull deny the goJ doeaeoiwi.it iti lufpoft, and a bad sfltmon that ti e hon ft wel-'intcniioprd cit ice thicir don not defeive help. He believed ihe tould flib. receive 1h leal incne iie, tl from cuaeould not i-rre io renew this law for them- hil law. He owed it to him'eif and 10 hit f ict.dl (cIvm no suiuieprtfidfnt.hatapefted, would' wifh U'h horn U uiuslly voted, to dtc are ihaiiiwia it lot h mfellj wh t, then, do we war.t U lot out- j h:ir moll lirceie tlifue to g,e.(iy nuih and eveiy felvrs ? No iot cman will f ihalbt w,fied le. .... . i...:icuiy cl our country f i.idi at coul tluarcely or Ui.'Ulit jioifiule to efcape then lipirigltTO men who hav? no opponuniiy of .Miulr. aim,; t''!rnfe!Vf I vV.hrreare va-ilfk d thofc plnl.lig lou. odi;i;;slj po ll ical h'ppineit ? It it the wr to make ihe pro.li; Vifuy, lo depitt the fnpren.c judicarv ot oiircnuh. liy into who hjid their cliice not lor a day not d.im'g executive plealuie but tor hie to uepi'i tbufc men n color of unwonhv t'"ir high chaiac- lets ! ftuirtrtaiii'he wt th l the ge llcmcu we're in. c nect in ihtit ofuo.t; vas he not ell air. red that they were in an r mot, Si did he b-l:.evs with them tha: ihr jdiciir,-, v. ne partial and coirupt, his d llV would cicitthim tvT j.i'in "thi'oi not penups in H tack'nf. mtnwr wete-not able to aufei in he ho..tc, hot i lading mufuiet whrietiy a full and fair exa ma'. on fS.vuA Ue bid. Thit he knew to be the ntcc .which tiur ta ilor would point out Ir ic it was t'.a; a grc t chsn.e had bien mile in tV- J ieitio ol our altsiit : he did h pe (ihoug'i he did out brl.evc) this change would be productive ot much (oo-i l0 t;,r people. Kel r.ing tl.at'tiiii law v r-ulrt l'C i ,. luteal ion to ihe aSmui.rtist on in the .w aytott uth li e. niur nvifhiiii; lo do umo otheit at he tetiieU tl e (hould do uu.o' him, how couid gentlrnen on the oihcr fide fuppole tst tlirv would v olat li cit pilnciulei of h"n-T and integrity io much as to drput .ioiii a.fylirtn the) had tailed lor ihe n Irlvtsf Wkat bttter atiact mem could bedifiliveJ than to ai .d the future admimllration the lame aid whicn wai afloidedto one moc prrubil( proved ol ty a niionty the pte'e. h-ufe J Mr.tire concluded by captelluga m fl (Were hopeihatth' fucet'i unde-the o.eia;ionl this law and a iV I UtirtJCtiofl of ill being llnClly conlliiwti- dition law io nop the people'i mouth about him, ' cr a-iy ihirj he fboutd do in this houfe. The gen . tlen.cn who fiippotr thu aft. have always told ii llni li-tit aCicrs eie lounded on fuch pniuiplei, tWat 'they Ihould never be tfhimed of them eiy wine. Let et be free -o tft lot the good ol ih feoplr, and let ihe people be erjuilly lite loex mint tu' rordeel io at y omnei th.y ir.ir ibink ' pmprr, Ceniicrr en do net tr.tin to do any aft hit h , fli'uiid intlie ihiilaw i etelTny, whv lbn contit ue it in foice f Wr hte beentwU by e genileman, that be heietol ic voitd lor this law, and that ihtittote Le Onuld vote lHt ega-n. Suiely there csnn. t be e woile r lion lor yoie ibn llui it tori on Ihe - pure pit r-f reset c! si.iiri, and i! law be oiut rtiT'd, it n tu rem in liw foftvei. . The ftme gen Ikmen mmr voird tor an atmv, vet we Ici'tid nim trady.ooa ft Cftafsow, to me Idi tte d Ifhme ol lha tim,nO il n aim too i eorfi3rrro'as pail ol ihe flirri el irlrrce ; il the fmy could ti l,a ted f'om the gf ett ()he- 'oiretly adcpie', lbee c Hirlv roo d le no rff(Tiiv for ih'itsw. it this lime, no rf indeed ii it row wtrted lor feme otter tuip ie than tutu tity, The, lime teafon tughl to kite continues it.i liny, twin tha aim wis dih act to ike community. ll wt-uld contend that this I onl, the opinion o the judges, on which oui govna (aw went to artnpi, n lar at a law ciia ao, met- mcnt Rtmpc us awihont), mieht seme lo con i lutci Ijrihe cxoitft tm.iruioo ol liuth. Alter I nue lo the r c'ment eeiy necellarr pto'-ftion, povifion tgiintt uiilawb.l ud toicbl comlptiioa, ' and einte to the orld itijt the pol tical feting of Ihe . law provided a pio ifti n to ihe ivcinmeut, by ; the led'tal fidr o' ihe houfe viiiai blight a in riling, gaatdinj it Irom the conlt quencei oi ta Ic and rosli cious dtlmsiinn, . He wou d sCs gentlemen to coofider candidly whe ther, il l! e elUbiifhmriit of in oligtn hy ,ol a nmntr- chy oi oi an atittociicy, wa drbred in iL.t cranny, ho the bjttl could b. ruore cttiiy iittid.d than py and then lilt aftt devotni to the public good. BATVaosv, leu, tl IS9I. , . -0i the rngt id inrnt of ihe ScDiriOM Law. Mr. Daws im fi'd, -WI.e t ihe law w. jch this bill it inifwdud t ?ont nue wa Ftfl piQ'.d, i c lo il my dillrni j I did it mcjfjies, I Mien Sedition or I com noii iaW. ' .Sir, it-will be necelLiy for line to touch on the nOi oiiti'tii iimaliiy ot this hw ; it hn been proven c.cr flud nv-r ag in io thit houfe, and in every put of :he co.ni:;m, and ii what his been i'tid and W'it-" . t.-is hai nm convinced gentleine.-, no eff:ft would be , pioduce.l by a'iy thing wh ch I cou d fay- 3ut, fir, as fome of ihe oijeits for wh ch the law was at firrfc euai'led, bavd pill b tod others have rot bceo'an- , iweitaiai r cmcnas io tne ipproacntug aammi llrition do nut wilb it for their prte;t on, and iht. opp'ments will not need it for i heirs, I do hope thit thci- ceni.emen wh doubt about the conltitution ill- ty w-.lt vote with us. a:;d thjt ilie bill will not beper- m iteu looecngioiied. . The qiitltion was then liken, and the eflerolimeut te'ufcd 3 to 5-1. , ... WcKNfioAV, February 1 S, iSjt. An engrollrd' bill tor ext ndii g the privilege of (tanking to Jtfim Adams, trow Prefidentof the U. Stairs was icad the th rd time, aid Bided. A pciiiion ot fundiy iherchami of Providence, R. I. waa pitfented. praying r. million of duties upon quantity 01 lei whu x were deyodied iu ih cul-. torn houle ftoies of the faid port, and c:nfnmed by Fiie l alio a petition ot Jonathan' Very, piaying to be all .w.d the bounty upon 4 velTel employed in the cod fifh-iiel, noi wuhlltuding the 'crew, oing t (litis ot whether, were obliged to abandon her, waa prefcnti.d a.tj boi'n relrricd to the Committee of i.omm-ice aud mauiilicluiei. A-tit on of Canard 8nf:oe wil retd, and refer ted 10 t ,c rommat' e ol claims. A p'ieimn ot lundty iohabitanti of Dela vare tvi MaivUnd, praying that moie efTuient ireafjrti may . be idi-pted b Corgrefi, for ihe recovery of (l vei efciping from their millert , nd taking tefuge in any nfihe i.eig'iou irg ft lt, wis lead and re rrr rd to the (pnuuaee app.1i.1ied on t.he ttd ult. to ia.iir into the expediency of inia'.af furthee prirvifion w pievet the concealing or harUourirg ol Btvra, elcip ing dm (one II an 10 ano.hrr, irtl tj tod liom.the ierr!toriri of Cie U. Allies. ' Mr. S. Syini, fiim ilia eommiitff of commerce ai d rrinuUctii ei, n.a.e icpo't n the peti ion of John D'A'oI.'e, whirh wi rrletrei 10 I commitu of ttie w'.ole houleta mon.ww '' Mr. S, !.tith, Irom ii e faJ ronmi::ee, orooofed Sill fbr crrfttng light houfci on. New Knt Ctn. beginning wuhandeimindin the jovefBmioi& 1 ow i Jiom a conviction 00 0')UJUddktUllldciUl iojIo He gt-virameat be vncefmii.ed bt by itmo. j thai conflict m which 1 hire I worn to (..pp. n, iir! . k' eC L.id en Lonlltnt-ound Connecticot, ing, bv eveiy jolhble manoeuvre, the pub.ic conh- dence Irons II at over. werl f Wokld net p urieoi.e dittaie lo luch chiiacltii to bring ibe govimmtnt trio conn-aft I 1 1 ta wi loo plun to be anlwcrtd pr-aireiy: it tr.u'l be anlwercO alh.aiairttly, II thrlelllotis then m-gnt produce f ji h a icf !i, ff if lym 1 pctfuiTiort tUit the (hen rtt e o ihiogs did iiot itcuut t, 1 I'm while it brgo. an ujjU lulpic on V vh witicsd twu-c, and irfrr.td toa coffiromee ol the h'e ' ou'e ia inarw. otlhe American Cbiiactcr, it wat bam on oui cod Mr. Motrtit fmn tin cammitiee ipp-.inied o ' oflegiQ.tiio . lep-.r.iin 01 d f Taylor mad unfit tti-th'o Il iht fe ware my im ie !tons at that time.. Time ' ttkort : whtrtupoit icfolved thst the pnytr wf ihe rrfb'Aieu Tint, aideli by ih production! ol men. ve'i'ion cn'not be jtan.ed. luch tiiratutes cot'Hl's 1 to t, weald 11 i.m be hih whofe twtiict d liienit will be lo-e iem'm't i. ' Mr. rana, diooi ihe cwimi'i't aoaoinie J rn ly uiijerrminthofe wh-e euty it w to vc ni ' and a uno.lrdge ol the lentimtniioi 14 fliie trom thu part ot the PrefiJtoi'i lee-.h wUic'i t fjr At tepeleey arnue and aiuii pt thii ioiUi frilibif wiithh I come, and ol the penile whom I irrrkut, Ict.'n.at.Ie anl (,llinuc trsngcmfntf, pi 'portion, tend in lu.h art - eeni io lurvoit the lu'h -nsits 1 1 vc .oiifiimed thole imptedioni, have n (cUtd it.e 1 U 10 mr nation I ie' i-iici, lor a nt fdaptr, to lleccuntty by ulii g eveiy eftort to tae ddatto to vote aainft tUt billintrry fhape and in tuif - dc.'ci li.e purp.f. piel.,i"d 1 bill ptovidin for of fucH roetlutn t moil -ur dcuticdly fo. He con. ; flige, nil hop list it will Pot vt faficicJ 10 to naval peace e'jibliihairritind other iirpof, which U'Oid tbit tl tt ajoft impoitioi du y, wi.huut ia4io(Id. . 4 ed iwicca,d uferrtd to aomimtue ol ut t , , I , , ' " . I wby! l-imwif, 1 i ft f 1 v X: I J wr '

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