fome detoe, Judgment of death was pro nounced. . -v. The other perfoncnied iz. Diana, the woman, Forney, Deflecq, and Lavi 7u, were acquitted." The lfrench 3 per cents, were at . 52 t5 r n the ;d. ; . The EneMb property confifcnted in Ruflia, h fjd to amount to 1 ,680,000!. Jterlin and onr, fjilors, according tothe fame rvportj have beeimarche4-to Siberia and Mofcow. T . , - ThP Imuerial "family- were .fully pre. pared to let out, tor OfFen, eicorted by a paintillg the imperial trealiWy, and, the cifv-tfeafury, containing twe vemill ons iti'Tpecie; ;were-' Ukewilirhok tobe re. moved frouvthe capital, when Archduke ri.ors arrived af Vienna very unex peel ' edlv. at teo on the morning, of the 27th, bringing, the cohfolatory intelligence ol his having conclude an armuuce 01 jmriy days with general Mofeau. , - ranuu' y iv, . It appear that government has received. in formation, that tlie armeu conieoeKacy hei ween the different powers of the.North, ' Rn'flia; Denmaik and Sweden has dually been figned, '-'..:. V, Government has contracted for the im inefJiaie eoui',ment of thirty 64 oon fhinsr . k Viort-VnlruljtpA tar the Mnrrh r'iii.ii aiv UV4 , aw Sea. . ' ' ' : " ' . ' .t ir t 1 : fp..n Lorn fNeuon leic town on ucmay morning for Plymouth, and wijl proceed immei;ireiyto the Mediterranean, from m. " r ' J ' T . . . n un ! 1 tie want or a more curujiu n-vcia'iii -between the naval and military-coiuman-'der3 in thole Teas has been much to be de- n)rfrl and the chaiine in one of ' the TnTmnrmntl !o1a7 o'ebTnThluiT 10 the public fervicei; " MVnitters conceivine; it proper to be prepared aiainil aiy attempt of invafion. which ;he enemy, With' fo many troops as are tendered I'd ilpofeahle: by the pi-ace oii the continent, may make, have, it is laid pUen ordeiS 10 contract, as Toon a pofb -i Mtniitr nt mm huntR f or" t he nmiee tio;i of our coalls, Particularly our pons auV the itiouths -of ua v iahl e r i ve rs . ' - . January 17.. At the court af St. James's, an, ooi. , The Kins' s-moft, Excellent Mojrfly tn Council. Whereas his raaiedy Ins received advice that a Urge number of vellels belongipg ti his mujelty's fubjevls, have btn and are deputed in the ports ot liolli 1, and that the Sritifh failors navigating the fiu'ne have been, ana now. are fltioii'MjfM prj On iu entry ipto the'Senate thtmbeT. tn dtJlars. twi jhirts twitatr iieVmzs, where were affe.mbled the. Senate, and the memberfi of the Houfe of Reprcfettatives, the members rofe; and Mrv RurrMeft the clair oi the SenateV which Mr. Jeffeffon iookr-,:- ' ; ' ' ... After a few mqments of filence, Mr. JefferTon rofe,.nd delivered his addrefs before jthe largelt concourle of citizens e ver flTerrib1eir bete- .Having, feaied liir feff forj a .fliort period heagain rofe, "arid approached the clerk's table, when the oatli nt office was adminitlered hv the thief juttice ; after which h returned to accomtiaijied by the yicej lodmnc 0 . Judge, . and-the heads of de his Prefule partmerts ; . wjnere he wa waited upon by -a number of diiHnguifhed ciiizen - As foon as he withdrew, a difcharge of ariillrxy .wasnvadei The remainder or tlie day was dfvqted to pur pafes o :f elfivity: and at night there was a pretty general ilJuniinaiibn, , ' " v Nsiirier Mr. AcJarns nor Theodore Sedg, w'ck, Speaker ot the Houle of ReprcJeii" tanves, .were prelent ac the Inaugural Ceremony ;-'both tliofc gentlemen having eft 1 he err y at .day hpht on that morhihg. one pair pant-thens and-a hat, from the mafr fifteen dtlkri i ; and feme jfhipcq pie's cheals vjfr'e broben open ; but the-a', mount if what was taken is nofjet hnrjon. -' And tkeieupQH 1 the J aid notary , da Dated at St. Pier re's, Die, 20 i Sod. PORT OF WILMINGTON.... " ENTERED S?NCE.OUR LAST. Sch'r. SyJvanu, Campbell, New-York. - CLEARED '.' '. ' ' a r'- Sch'r. Cer, Weft,: --rf . Charleftnn. - Charlotte, Luaj, !' ; do, Brig Huron, Keck, Kingdon, Jamaica.' Jeriend," Bufhrell," 'CorkIri'land. Schr. lietfev & Pollv, Godfrevi CiiarleOon. friehafhipi Vjumng, Nevis. Charlpfton T ; . TQ BE LEASED ' Fr one; or 7;y year'. MA wen Known riantatio.n.or tne late Georpe Lillingtonl 'Elo7'abut miles from Wilmington. -The-lands" are vry fuitable for Rice, Corn, or Cotton. - The, S4W Mill having lately been burnt dowi iuay be rebuilt t the expence of auout150 or aoo dollars. , ';.';also,,-;- v; : A number of Negrots, ,4 or j pair of Oxen, and Plantation Tools may be liired, it required. FoTterms apply to the fub Icribcr on Ihe prefffltesI.---'-. v January if, SARAH LILLINGTON. . Notice is' hereby given, 2 TpHATv John Greer, , latenot the county I . of Bruiifwick, is dead, and the fub ftribsr? haying b tfal,fied as adminiltraloii La. Lamun, Ja. i on the elf ate ot (aid deceafed, requell all - .'-D'anna, Simplon Juri, Bet fey j M'llhenny, j. Two Brothers, Bel!, New. York, j againlt the faid eltate will pleale brinji Sloop, lolly, Bowen, fluncnal Madeira, ! them forward properly attelled, withirt perfns indebted thceto, to make imme diate payment Thole who have demands WILMINGTON, MARCH 26. We are infi5'rn"icd tbat Tud?e Sitsreaves now diftrici Judge, does not accept the ap- jj.uuiiujcwi 01 circuit Jung?, Bntiili Amity Exemplified; MiRTlNIoUE. ; BE it krieiL'uufito all psrYons, to whom theje prefentx full come THAT on the day of the date hereof, iefor'e ?w W il- Sch'r, Olive, Paul, - Kiiiellon, Jamaica. Caw line, Clark, . Naffau, N . Ship Sallys "PotiV, . Liverpool. Brig. Diamond, Gardner, Hull. Ship Ulylks,, Jeryufon, . ' ". . Corki X J foHowing is the r!.)le'i;i .bich caufe? at the Superior Court, to be heM lor tb ddtriclt of Wilmington on the i jvh day of iVy nrxt, win oeiried. Caules.where ihr dcften.'ajits reliUe I the the time limited by law. DAVID GREER." ' DWARD SULLIVAN. WilnnEtpn, r'tb. i(. Undoubted Bills jr. rulFVoo O v E a B , notary public , 'duly admitted and Jioorn, rrjuiinp in. the town of Saint Pie re,, and ifluvd at ore faid. per -tnulh appeared- J o h n T u r n e k . '!?jifer othejdrjonerjiinif-i L'tndtit John Sj a r'k, fupenarrt, end A . - , .' ,-.- , nLi'HEUs chwev, P$zrtgerjn board the aid coiner, tdlcitizins of tin Uniftd States of America -who bctw J.ufo rnwirnl in theholy evai Cod. did filemnly declare as folfoivs .'yttit is Is fay. era jcT-WL .it,. r 'nftant, ut Junrt, Oyhtot ielonpng j his Britannic Mijifty's bi Giuctjuptn, com manded by .-Butcher, tjqiiire, came a hngvl' the appeurers' veffel the- F,nny, with an'tnlenti'in- as t eft appear er s fupp if. ed it imp'fjji'1 her nun ; that the officers andcrewofttja'd boat, up an coming on boar1, demanded 1e proplr't prji clkns, which wrre dtltvrred In hen. ukJ am-.nd nave oeen ana now are oetan'cu, a prj j. . , 1f ; ,.r rt - loners, i.i different pans of Ru(l ,nd alio, l,ers 'Jkei ', pheu-s L.utic, a p.J. 'thnt'during thecominuaitccol uirfe pi o yZfr ani ngltetr ut the aid .hio'tr runny, tor ms vroicaion, tu?r9 ae aocord tngly produced, hiding one part cf it whiifi in rew-riai!Over or -firrml WTckr- 3d-,"- 4th and 5th days. Bladen, Diipii Onfl.isv, 01 oat the. Dill . Criininaf and ar g u rpent - ca u tes iuty. tpliryl whl nt't. . j the 6th, 7th and 8:h days. a. t.bc9't b. d aj, . j On NFAV-YORK, r At fliort fight; ;; For iooq to 1500 Dollars. Apply to . - JOHN LONDON, ""7rtritm1ngten, March 12, - Jrus I w ark, UST Landed from on board, ihp Sc'hoone VVilion, Uapt. WilUams,. fr6m New- 5 Ba J es wr appi ng Paper, 7the icth, nth, j . t Bale P-un Bahans, ail 13U1 las .By order -of the Judges, witnes at .office the i(t day ot March j8oi. zz. J am .ssImoo w c, f.ik 1 V4ie JUioens, . A lew pieces Ruffia Sheeting, 2 P'pes Country Gin,. ii Barrels Cid.-r'Brandy j - 1 if T'HE ftibfctibtr 1 to 4 Datrels Uottec, 2 ChelL Hyfon Tea NO liCli. . 1 imenuine to remove . v.... ,.r,... I com this place very, fliortly, requell j , , .. . , -, the favor of iiinf. indfhr ! ..,.? And landing from hoard tie make immediate" payment. Tbe Woolen .'Schoi'ner Capt. Cerdnsr, jnm Goorls retnainit.gon hand which are w ell ' 'Cbarlefidh, laid in) will oe 'difpo'ed of at Colt and 5 Hogflieads Mufcovado Sugar, Cliurge, lor Ciifli, and the other articles at 25 C'-ffee, a very low advisee. : 5 Boxes hoap, P. VERSCHEUR, &CO. March iq.3w. v NOTICE. Pieces Cjtton Baging, For alo by . 1SAACKS & BISHOP, If' ho huvt on hand r' ceediugs a confederacy, of boilile nature, a-iinll tlie juft right. and mierells of Ui ihjelty,and nis dominion, has ben en. tered into with the roint of S.. P"e'flj irg by the cours ot Dfiimark and' S.vedeu, relpei'Viitly, hit nnj-Ity, with the ad tice, ot his privy cotncil, is thereby pleaf ed to order, mid it is leieby ordered, that tin fbij uir vtllVIs belonging to any. of his iHiijelly'i lubjeAs be per-nnted 10 enter and clt ar oiit for aoy of the ftorts of Ruf fia, Denmark, or Sweiieu, .until further orders ; and hs mnicltv i further pleal'cd 10 order, that a general embirgo or flop fo be ids' bctivetn him and th: fchoner. ihe f,c;r held the ilhtr, being unwilling ti let iteo tf his pefejhn. t'e uia efu erb- frrvingthat it was g,od or netomg, und that A merican proteclnns xvete to bedad for a trifle 1 that he then returned the peo ple's prottclions to them, and was leaving Ifcnej, when the Mafier, John 7wn rt catie aim? tile and erJercdtce faid Aiphg. us Ch-ney onboard of his vejj't, he pep ping at the awe time into the man ofwtr's boat, ALL perfonsMndeb.ed to .be eflate of the 4000 Bufllds Turk's lflaild late James White, are recjaclied )o make ' ('f immediate pnmem ; and ihofe to whom the . n i t j- .. ' ' n t ci' j 1 c 1 j 1 - , ? Bales India Cottons, , t-iiare c,f the laid drceakd is indebled are u t- r ' . r r r j j i k- . . , . With l?me Conlinments of Dry Goods, deliren to exhibit their ctninK, properly at i ll j 1 1 'c 7 r li , n . ' 1 ,, r ' , 7 which the wu ddpole of on reafonablc icQed, wnhiv the t.m-: by law, to ; r A rl oLj- TEMPEKANCL WHITE, Exx. JOHN M'lLUENNY, Ex r. Wilmington, 19'h March 1 So 1 3W. Ie niH'leol all Rullian, D inifli and Swedilh (lupsand vellels whitloevvr, iMiw within or which hercalter llial) come.intn any of the povts, harbors or road, within the u. niterl kingdoihs'of GieatBritairi and Ire lind, together with i'l peifons and effects on board the faid flujs and vellels, but thru the utmolt c.ire be taken for the pre fervation ol all and every pan ofthecar foes on boird of any ol the Ibips and vef. f c Is, lo that ro d or embezzlement whatever be fiiflained : , . And tit-right boo. .the lords commif. lioner of his majedy' 'treasury and he .!.... - . '11' t . I- I , . 1 lorui. cmumtunners 01 'lie ajmirany, auu thtflordf wtrden of the ritnpjs ports, are to e've iiie nee'Ujrv on ramus herein as to tlierfi may refpertively apprrt'in. W.r'AULKN'Ell. WASHING TON, March 6. At in early hnnr on We Ine' liy the and takin hold of the.pafl'inper and trder ing him on biard ; that. he info-med the of ficer that the f lid, Cheney was an American, and the boat warthen indeavotirin- tarpufb off but was prrccntedjiom do'wp fo ly th people holding on the veffel ; that a f utile en rued t tn which the mailer s czat wis torn from htt bach, but he ucceedrdt in getting to hit own Vfffel ; that Jomeptrfm 3;t hoard aid chooner cried', beat them off with handfpikes," but no fuch' thing was at tempted on the part cf ihte appearers ; that the aid boat then pufhed off tram alii" file and called to another boat, and the other tn th: larboard fide, the bo ird with drawn wcrif ly began t cbufe the mnjl crew, teat the former and the boat, and' afterwards beat th n iifd fwtrJi, having received of the lew ; gives. terms for Ca!h, or Country Prjjdot. Bills on Charlefton ana New-York. KAN AvVAY trom the lubfcnber, in Wilming'on, March iu , 'ieoi je.Towu, his waitinc manl - . MAUCH4 on ;he 15th Eebiuary. Itigp FOll SALE, fltoiigly prefumed that brims made lor s HPIIAT convenient houfe & lot on Kront Wilmingion, he being well acquainted j llreet, Mr. John Lord's, otul there 5 Mirch is&Uut five feet 4 nr 5 now in the occupancy ol.Mr. Abraham, inches," of a vellowifli comp'exion. Jhe houfe is well built and new, and on A reward of THIRTY DOLLARS willlibe back nart is a hriek HaVe.honw- nnrl be paid to any pcrlon lodgh.g laid fellow I Kitchen. The fame w'illte fold a bargain. In Vilmli;gon Goal, bi delivering him to ("For terms applyto"" "' '"""Z the Itibfcrii.ei 111 deorge-Town, nnd all NUTT & M. LEVY. . 1 taronable expenecs paid.' . Wilmington, Mrrh ia. j8oi. 1 JOSIAS Wm. ALL5TON. . :y tr7i ' 1 iiaywuuu juiucc FOR SALE,' lor file kv ibe li inter. . WHOLESALE and RETAIL, Mmhi:. . s lain.onaoie iiioriment ot 1) AN away Irom the ftibfcriber, a Dry Goods and Groceries. 1 Negro Woman named PEGGY, tiKiwiiE, and three fmall Bay Children. Jack, a- Genilemeo and Ladies Hats and Shoes, bout fit Vearl nhl. fsinvm shrtiit ibr two they lave been uru flic. boat, and the otter . nuemeo ana i.iqici tuts and noes, Dout hx ycarl old, bimon, about tl teiple jumping wi&VldJe,J.?e, if qlity, which yearsold, and the younged about i,and,mmf dieted lo?"rM nonhs old. As 1 Wthcy have 1 Ur, mate, an ; l'?" Wtming,o and that my forced him into flcins, or Cattle Hide,, old Braf, Copper & dut,tul ,S at lhc Bnck Uo it the mate with ; pcwltf for whuh a generoui price will be m at,ctnr ' lend them away, I tli City of Wafliington p cfeme I 1 fpedacle j pm-seat'to, cut him acrols the elbo-ji about cralionrd by . an tnch, and airot the head, through the ltt, and drive him 1 da the boat ; they lH.ivifc cat cue if the people 9on the head, ai l tint and dnve the pafjenger anl the rejl 'f the people inti tfitgjt ; tOen trJcr ed t1i!nitf.:ijJt ( is a, cfippl'J on k .atdjga'.n, aid then went a nay wit n the etptiin, ptff ngtr, ani rmtfinder tf the crew, cirri'd teem on biard the hrif, and kept them on hard i decV ur.dr guard 1111 next miming wien trey returnti ine m.Cef pifftng'r, and two f the people and three men, 'uh hat rfhr P' tlUlutt, and 'fl are alualh Amtrican citizens ; t iinronimnn aiim ttm ,. ocrauoneil th a Union of Its nt'utl rxpnhtion of a .ir(e body of citizens from the adj icent lihVflf. A difchirge from the co'ipany c( WiOi incton nnillery inhere I m the day, an I -au 10 oVIok the AH4iiirt fom:'y of rifle -neii, wifli the conoany ot artillery, pndcd infio-'t of the IVcliieni's loL ingi. . At tt o'clock Thomas Jimiisom, attended by a nnmher of. hi leho cm cen, Ainotg whom wre miny members t Cireii, tepvrelito the Cipi ol, V.U drefi was, as uloa', 'hit ol a n' tin ci' li'en. without an V 1 1I1 1 ni v t 1 I nf fTie. ' lhtt tvWe tie tan of war's but was on He eitere hhtCap.:oUftJera difchirge hird fheuld fchtner, fomnf bet m'n frd.11 tne anilier. , - . plwiJ.rcd aid'nbjcJ the faid pifinger cf I there- fore forwarn.all commanders of velTcU T. LEWIS CRAWFORD: and others from buvine them from her Wilmington, 19th March t3ot 3W. I the faid Mary ScfTions, or taking them, Tn ut? nrKfTtrn ' I away on her requcft, un 'cr pain of hav- TO UL RENT ED, inir fhe f j,or A. !iW Meclcj 4pain(v THE Houfe and Lol in Toorner! them. I alfo forwarn all pcrfoni liom alley, formerly occupied as aTa- harbouring my faiirwlfc or affiflinp her ?T?-H- Mr -JohnHkhola.aftchvarsio keep frgm her real homfc, where tu mi by Mr. Thomas Howard, and lafelv b I ihe i and Alr.UnlUt. . rollclfionwillbecivenonlnretence ftr means' hiifntr If at- the acth inltiQi. .Alio, the Uwcllinr I tentinn is nninaid in mo r ?5V,,,lJarm",y: P'Jby Mr. Wm. will foon try to get rcdicfa by thc-lawi Wi.klnfon, the. bricklayers Alfo, the 0f mv cctmirv. 4 n 111 .' . r ' r- . uarn 1 laniation ina KlCChChll. aUioin inKihclniJgcovcrSmiih-creck.forir.cily curivatc! Dy trie 4atc Mr. II. I oomcr. "Eoquirc cf Dr. De Roffct, or , M. M'. TOOMER. ,Fcb..j. ' , , ABSALOM SESSIONS. January 22. Dlnnksof all kinds for (ale ac ; the Printini: Office. - V f ,.