i" Tli rce Dpi la ptrA n num. T JMJ K S D A Y, A FAR I ;L t6, 1 80 i. Vol. V. No. 2 -O1 a,. 1 1 fl r c . i a 4 f t! 5 10 her it la to , 10a oc the the ho !c to eeti the f lbs r our T n .1JVtv?iii '"Mattf'e " " Recei cehed-H iheWfDierfy, cpt. IVrtdlmriJ ?q -days 'rem Liverpool, at rived, 'at , KlV 'MH'S iu4 mns .mu e...Hg.u wun mm in e;oieir nits, tor which.: iVTc"u; 1'trk. Jert ins vvhich are lndifprnfably reqoi. jptirpofe- they jue , to' b'rkg. :hhlheai - -"' V '" ::.. . : ' ; .'! j'fitc foraheyhonor, and ftyfurity . of thejt'neir. mod enlightened m'i at iters and Ikij- f nwnriM tr;.i,ro,,. o - this afternon the Kine went in the ufual itaie to the'Houfe of Peers. . where thc.Uni-ed Kingdom. with a molt era. i cious -Spceeh, ot-which the iohowUi is U cd'"K. in,'iom- of G reat-Brit lrMand. 'n ffi)' mrinMaPM ri;ninainwvi by the accomplilhmenfof a-meafiwej i, . ..i; .t....;v.f- - f...'i i-alcu'a'ted to augment'. arid '"confolidate the nrengt'h and rtlqurces ot the e'n-.pire, and ho cement more.cloA.-ljr the ihterefts ulfvctionii . of my fiii)jects, will, I tru!l, be equ tlly marked with that vigor, coergy-and firiimcfs, .which the cirium ihmoes of our preliit.fituation peculiar ly mi. lire. 'J1 " ' ii 'l'lv.-. i n t 'r fl m ff rAllrl. rC Atr.i.f t ci .he coiiviiiev.t, and the confequences vhuh mull be cxpde l to reftilt from it, canti'o; fail to be mutter of anxiety ' j-ijriiy (ir.u vewKmcn i . . . . : . . . ...... ,- '"jt - . ti.t r .. "J . . fn....j.- 1 1 Oil W! . I ilouht not. rr n;fii.ini' 1 A Inh -'mir-nt arti. I f-w tint tK l Atacrins fo important to'the fn- ')ir!Hs .h,cn.. vvcre Co:.dihntly pr Umpcror, iti a Hate :of . intoxication, or-! rx terete ot my people, -J.. dewMeai-ta.-r-7 'r-' Mfj n:m muh. m uic aoovc arucie i vcu nu mating ort Detdrc ihe wind V. '. -tiifaction trom- bem' cnaoxU. tor .the:""., ; v-' V' ,lV ':'rf v w.u.aiii-a Jiwaw.j wur traces oing ihot away, fomc .. "x firlttie, toav..il myfJf of the advice d,S- ir !.!nr Pi!l"'c 0',th- P-il vr ' , Fbrnary 4. - m.inutts clapferf before' we' could purfuc '1 r'iK.. ,.f .i u,.!;.,mA. -f .hii'hpnce ot provuions : anu ol orevent-l Mr; Pitt has ivt n noMm nf tin- him and iiuuuri, - r. aiUiaiUHJiU-U nic laiuaijjcm vi my , ." 4 . . ' . . , . ; . . . . o . ...,(.v- i , " iviu .viy .cxcTIIOll Wat concern to ul! who have a mil feel- I j'0 " - ' l)Mwtl' ''fer C. . r- :... -...1 :.. 1...... 1 fitheitilpohtion of our enemies (hall ei;a- ;f( c . ' 1 ... - V Your allontflimcnt as well as your muff becxci'.cd bv ihe condurt I ,thofe powers whole attention, at fnch . . . ' ',nn S to weaken the nnvafr, f . rin. : a:ir.!l". O llliim cni-i.tp- in I icB.itilhemiie, wliLhha, hitherto! r ..i 1.. ... .i.n .j . .1 ! ;i uuu 10 'oivuiui an uunacie.ii) mc',. u , .. 1 .icuuniry. uiuunate anuiuon c:r r raacc. than u? to::ccTtt:ui -tnc ir.car.soi nnmia ihtenv-c ... i.'iinll ih'cir Cotumon and incrcafit.g flatter. The reptcfentat ions which I li- hftvA to be made to ihe Court of Pc- (albi:rgh, in "roirfcquciK'e of the outra- cs committed agatiM. tnc Hups,. pro- .ftv. 'and pcrlohs at mv lubicCts. have L.n treated with the utmo.'t d.fre'pcct ; In ! ihe proceedings ot which I com. . an. tl have 'Jccn aggravated by iiiblc I tie n f a 1 it s of inju It 1 cc a nd violence. v Under thelc circumllanccs a Con- lct.11. in has been concluded by that .V.tVwiih thole ot Copenhagen and 0 kholm, tile ohjctl of whiih, as a- vcJ by oi.e ot ihe cotuiadtir.g psr- 11, is -to renew xuyr jormcr engage liti.ts. for cftab;ill)iri bv force a new '.leof'nrati'imc law, inconfide:it with e tights, and hollile to the intcrclts of i ecu wry. 1 11 this lituation I could not bchtate Mo the conduct whLli it became me to tut ; tir, I havl ta?"cn the car'ir.t mca .... ! .1.- -......t..-' t ..:. l. 1" IV IMII'MLI ML VI CIlKHIb III I 11:3 I'.lil- I r . conftJeracy, aniito fuppott thoic ftinciplcs whi.h arc eiLntial to the t!a i iknsncc of our naval llicrirth. and h:Jiarc grounded on the fvfUm of a. . puu.tc law lo long cllaulilltcd and iccog liitd in Kurojic. I have, at tl.j fame time,, given :fuvh .olurancrs, as manifclt n,y 'dTf.to: tiohto renew my W,u nlatuV thoU- pcmeis-wheiKVcr itcau-he done o.dllent il the honor oftnf vrown coi.iiieni wiin inc nouoroi my crown, . n i ...t.i. : :..,i ..,,..t .1... hi.. ..... ...... j.....;b.. . , . - iny ful,ecU.--ou 0v, , I .m perfna. cinl,,,,,!, nothing on yortr part that can a- i ,i i r i atr;!rd mc ire mo I vigorous and e,rcdtu. a luppo.t in mv I'ctcrm nation to mam- . u .a- , ' i I"", av fV El g.r VVd.a'Vtk' Ihe i.a 1 rights and the intcrcAi ot my miT Vi r ' Gtr.thmtntf lb' IltifrtCwtv.nt, 11 I have directed the ettima'es for the frvrfj! Winehc (it ill" lilltdlt! frtviir In (l;c0.ltiucJ ...cH,,. ,flJJi.E,u,lie burden S ofmv n'p.onle. t am n'r r T i ,1 witiv ine ihe impodanee ot country .'Xd'nd Get&m: anV VJo'ADg to the ut nolt, ..; tho J vv . uViui(i,ipi iu vi:ai.oiun.. ocen .aituiml ; - UiV u IJ as H C4!1 Be i:'v;c 7 n:1V.,! "8 01 U5b ; .very C(ir,y tlnyear. J made by capu Bar top,' we could riot a luiciiK.u, me recurrence ot umuar i!uh..'lt. is to be brousht forward ibn cbv nam bri; him fn - A;,,;.. -a. .- .... Lc1;i' 1 " t Ijcle . c.n-.icav.aii s C'lhics. In thcie. c.n-.lcavairs, anilj, inj py mcafure tiiat can contiiliure UMhel iy. .,niurc t:ui can contiiure to,!, s t mv -people, the'creat-ctid of l ail iy wilhcs. vou nuvhf i Hn-i nt'tfc nnnn'-i lnr.-) t.-.4...l,. Ti,'nr,l ...i;.... :,i . '. my cowlial- concurrence,. - .rj'tj.rce peents which opched.a .56 1-2, , . Yon may Hy .oTi('my availing .myrJ icil o 55-1.2,- but rccov.rel a little to. . . . .. - . . . . , :, vi rul i ? b,c me thus to restore to the lubjeds of i w '"Trr? " d hc.7 tonhrai and augment hyfc n,Pfit, 1 ' , ,romuri,n!tri: nalJitua ion. and w 11.' 1 rupn nn, .t 1 ..... . ' . '(IlLa Pro HJHi IS r mmal' r'.t he "H at 5 5 TX j a i : lis yopei; prefeiif conTeTTT'oh grotTrTJs cMfrniFFrTreTat 552-3, aiuf aTjoT ilumcur il4tJ with our fecurity and honorr and with huw.tru'7 ,c r'ot "'retend to fay, that the maintenance of tlrife ellential rights 'he; lot! owing are among the r.ew taxes on which our naval (Irenglh tntilt aln'ayi to h: prop(,fcd :- an a Idiiional tax on thfc principally depend. , '' ; horfes ' kcj.t tor jdcafure ; on fervar:t's, . " It wiljarTord me. the truert anr' beyond a cettai-i number : on carria 'c; n" ot war, - have carried tojatcount uT S " eXICnl S".l'e. nn. i'iArcs. commerce and revenua ot the January 26. .cllcrday wc receivcil Parisjounuls ja id Aull'ria lermiiu'c. The delay tf its ofjliei lth, 161U, 17th,. 1 II h, ig:h andlpuulicaiion is a niece of civility on the 1 1 -i ... I . t. ! . , ! .. . . 1. . r 1.1' . 1 1.1 1 . . 1 , -im niis iM.inii.t; mujo oi.uie I2in, Il'h, 14th; ic h and ?').!i. Pv thr t I'll I pakerwhiCh brougnt the 1 All, upwards uimirs) paucngers -came over, aMioi'ntw light thiown. . Th- atfe'n iin of wnom was the widow ot. the I-ren. h. Admiral )e Bruys, killed at the baule of Aboukir.- It appears that the French arc meih- tating..anaiUcL- alfo -upon- -Naples; Tl... i- t.r 1 . ,1 i in. Miinv vi ooicrviiion, under uene ral Murat, has arrived in l.onibardv. and is immediately to proceed to the bjUtlt. Mlir.lt Vvi'll f). ,uli,.' .ruin was to be at Ancona on ihc ioth. t It is Hated in the Clef du Cabinet of the 1 8th, that three expeditions ' are rea dy to fail fromBrclt, one of nine ihipi under the command wf admiral (Jau- tcanme ; one ot fnc under admiral La touclu '& or.e'of hftcva Ftcrtch t Span-ilh Ilnps, tinder admiial Bruix. It U faid that troops arc marching' ' Brelt, audit is iihlintuied tlut Ireland is their ddiinZ tlim. lite fr:nth 1 icrs Lonlo.ides are w wirhin a trifle as high as the Eng. now hill three pit cents. On the mil. th. were 54 L2. There is 1.0 iuttll'eiuc of importance fiom Luncvillc. 1 he emperor of Rulha, we under n.. 1 1...' t . . , . rrfn ..,;' t 't . whoever rclpcctm ihe caiife lnc!i in. ,!llCtf j hn ,0 take the Hep. TJ.is coni !ud fo conl tl , hc rulcj hil,,crta acknowledged by Civilized ruics luuitiio acknowledged l fia h u . ' ountcd tor by '' io oini! curious artic e copied ftom ihc rlburRh Court (,.,.. . rte,lhht Da. 50. J TheCddrtCazcuecomain, tie In!. lowing euii. ui article s It 1. laid that Ii'm majc'.fy the cmpcior, Vicing thai llif huurruif Kunmi ciniuii ........ ... , ,n3fkc ,1 l-fff (hips .boV,vo ? ,U ,'C l! 4:'ICB!,01n f ' rtiips.milcMoui.i.U.iil; being on o,r,i,c " . l'yrrlarioni,ja, ? rcuptoui.-O. e' 1. .hlchd lo, c!cu jcvnhb. ,1 alytt fel 'mwin to nrnnnff? rdiri wVi.-a K tends to invhe allother potentates to 1i I 2t,ncr,i!s, viz-. Tht!L'ur. Pi tt Rem. ;(yirr,- in the capaciry'-o Eiquircs," juj, j'es ot combat, and herald. He himfclf intends Count Vo:wi.ir Pa hi en ami Ku uro,f. to be l !.i- . lu!c... It is not known whether this report may be ere iitcdj'hn: it ileins not to be entirely .wid ot toutidauontince H' bears the irtnigh'v" j.The amount of thi; loan wanted wanted is Ui,l to be twenty-one mil. homs. - -1 his -i nteliiore nr- nrtl,u-i c,,n , . ....... j T t-UuJ UlI V . li i, - , , ' , - , ' ". - uv- umt ui me luaruct, ana lelt -:nd additional d.it.es on wine and tea. A reduction 1 1 the 1 rawha. h .,llw...t 'he exportativn ot hv.u alfo fuo- ' T " ' i February c. ! Vr." PaPC,i l,) ,hc t.lr. inclnfive 'rrivt'. vr-il, -r, .... 'I'i,... ... x uvy, lunuiu mi account ot inc.- l;gntng ot the Att'ulufi of l'd lii-tween Auitr a and France, ! -(vt:,1 '7'y J.owcver is not to be Pub- litliid, (ill ilur end of the prcfeui month, V lit. 11 lilt I' iU 1 i . fl lli'l 1 Il .1 l,'ii ,i pari 01 me emperor to this country, n U;on tli!- NnrthrrM r,.,,C. .... t ' voilll IIU frcln iutormation is aifophd, and -no r... . . .1 I .ic atfen Kin ot 1 titerjpnch government ns i !i,nn. siriilailf directed to the j.jojvd in a -i-tation againlt Portugal. I he hrciith papers iif notice f.nne pa rt icuiar orders given fori he foi hut Ion r an army ot observation in tlie nti-h bourhoml i,( Pn.ir'. .mv '.i.:.. ,r Mainly deltintd .at.thc invafioti dt Portu- il' .1, .. . I -. . . - . p -. - -' - ..v. I .1 . II 1 1 1 t all the hard conditions, which the French government may think fit iu impofe iij on it. Hit French funds continne in rlT,. . theyaiej?); nearly the fame price as that at whilh the Euglilli 3 per cents were pj cntd ycllcrday. Fcbiuary 7. ' Orders have been ftnt horn The Aitl mirahy, and received at Plymouth tor :.l! 1 h l!i!..c .. j . 1 V1 1 al! ihe Ihim tit wrr l..t . . 1. 'immediately got ready to put t.i fea Private .Utte turn ft ot'.ur un'tutrJU ioni.it a; c;mtr,at.J.d t) r,7. Ryi,itt L'arim, dated Vt'3w.'. lib. a. -Uiiil.c a;ii ot Juu. Lape I imf. rre. bearing L. i.2 N. Il4nu 25 IL'UCS. Wff illl. flli'r.l at (i at t 5 .l.i 1... '. .. . . ".'I'aoi.. its verin a ihoit tim icfumcd her couifc. ai o oiiitd l ei licet ; the other continu ing in chafe of us, we Hood on, until wc. fu pofedjhc tlcet didant abbui 6 milci, fomcwhat on our li.t.ipiajUf.vihcn ha ving brouflu to, He made the private lign', which not being anfwtred, con vinced us flic was aw enemy. When hc va withiii hail, and during fomc prtli minary converlation btiwem the cap- ..., nau an opj orinnity ,f obferv. iiiffhcr, Irom tier coinparative Hzr, to u'r. BMu.nVu i... "..nL r ' , ami an order. la'tirikc o a;''Frcnchir'i- gate, .one then ranged n tide, recclvint; and rerurni lhe: paired,. tilVilifthot (b pon .our lee-; rurning -our ,h re' as ot. (o tjr a lipiwl at to bring us o'nhar quarter; in v!o!c!r poiinon wc kept her warmly and cY.fc'y engaged. for about half an hour, ' when the e-riemy!$fire'elirclv"cfafed.': he. re cciving our broadfidts,- whiih brought his boat and other wreck from his Hern- and quarters into the water, without re," turnir.g ahof. Tfom this we :co'ncIu-v i!cd that his -people bad defeitcd tlieir quarttrs, and thai he h d l.iirrr'rir!TPf i but we foon-found his intention wac V,1 gaged in making his cfca'pe ; we percei- morning we loll l4x ot jnm -tvd ncr - ccived him again at daylight : but his lkft fnn-,n,r; . ; , 'IV . . I ii rtllU 11 CCf ; for England. - Tho' the prtdene- of a VejxJupciior force lias deprived the of t,-M IU t 1 I IP rill r 1 I I I n A (I.. . o. era a no crew ot .La ' Lon.-nr ,f D-.i .rflUaJuJVigataitt-1 hBrtti th-nav yp yeuheconlcioufntfs of havii g bca en a ' lhip ofmuch.grta'er tore.-, nnJ.r ihc ex::ttngcircumllances, rhuft ever be a pleahng reltectionlo every pcifon bc ionguig to her." - . February' 9." - ?Thc . rumours which have beep for ondays in circulation, and which have io much agitated the public mind appear to be well founded. We have' before Hated that difagrtements had ta ken place in the .Cahini t i,nrr- ik.-c.i. ! ject ot cmancpatron. Thde- fJifimVec T lllll. mehfs have piodied a change ot aT'mi nidraucm, and Mr Pitt', -Mr. Dundas" Lord GrenyMlc, Earl Sf encer, and. Mr! V inonam juv; actually rtiit id. It vvas IilIc dilfentions .hat otcaiiot.ed tl c dtday ot ihe King's Speech. Some of t.;e CabiiKt miniltn, thought that the fubj.;tt Caih'dic Emancipation fiiouid oe alludtvl to : o lwrii u. r.. .i-t ""- tnt ojdnion. It was tin -IK- r.i.!. ,1 .!.. . - Mt JIll ' , V " H1UI 'J" tclcrrcnce ihould he mi.de tn th,. iunjea. ' But Mr, Pitt and his frle.uU, Uc;tiher with "Lord Caltlenagh, were rci i.m.iilly-ofo.iiiioi, that all reltraints ,wii ' JiLiiLXiious oj i'nious liquid he dune ay, and it Kas known that many ol the pcrJoi.s Ko fupnorttd the . union, lupportcd i i n niVr .1... n, mat , :ch a measure would be amm,. iiw. ;rii boom granted by the Imperial Pariia tutlit. . 7 ' , I he Portland party, and Lord Clare, uinaed totally inopimon nith Mr.PituV his trienJ,.' Tl.cy thought that ihe mca uje propofed would endanger ihe vltab lilncit churth, ami it ua's ii.linuaJcd that it would be a violation of hisriia. Jtltv's torciution oath, which is as toliows. : 44 1 promifc to ti e utrrroll of my pour to maintain the laws M God, the uc piottflant reformed religion, tltab- thed by law ; and I will pufervc tin. t U.c bilhops and clergy of tun icalm,'' ...r ... .1 1 . . ... I he Portland 1 . "'viits vwiiiiniiie-ii 10 intir ,u ,u "ucnurches cou.tniitcd to their Ulurge, all fiith tights ,nd piivikges ai M 1-vy do or (halt appertain unto hem, . i.r . .1 if ' ' Pf any ot.tl.em." . How theWafureof Catholic tnun. cijiatiun can be fuppolcd to.be axilla-. Jlftn ofThe coronaticn oa Ii, we arc at a lofs 0 j.,u.fs. Jc ,,is as it may, ihc VPfofcrs ot this me-futc fucceedtd, and Mr. Pin and his friimh rel'o'ved to re tire When they feiit fn their rtfi-na-tions, they accompanied t lit in with an aflurancc that tl.ey would continue to diteliatge the duties of their lefptctive .'lations until Lis majet'.y could .'call tt hiscouneili men in w Lorn he fcad trrifi dtr.tc, and.nLu had i.ot the QniC tee! ii'g on this paitieulaf qucltion ofC.'h- iceinani ipa.jon. The nioiuV that Itt'c! M$ I! ;t - 1 t.

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