r "Anthony I.' Too in er, i ; - C a p f. EtvocV Tdht v , Yy Jarker Taylor,; I ; -Jhn .TWeri, i ; ixac Tubbs, !-; Kin-lbf Thurbet, j. : tAltrtrtnia'inUr h the 'P'oA f tfirr, iohicMpoonei, j ; Denftr;Sri'phenj, i Jihn v iv fitk'. will then b't return; J ti ihe C -r.fr . I PtgfpL-e. , J--;:,1 V: iVJL Albrnbn iS NUon,'i Capiaiii Tlrn nas Allen, i : :M-iorbamuc!:A!h . j : Captain Ewari Aratrung R Pnnris eiofo'rY. r: -William Bras.' i f RoIkh Brav, a ; .... J am 'fcrovn;ow. i ;, J Xv.h . Bav.o r, J ; mas Board.man, 3 i James Brcivvn, I. ;Tuno!hy-.Bluii..iwurth, 2-; Allen & Af. :- E'Mincils, 1 Vi U urn "ciy D u pii n, i . C VVm. Carfor, I ; George Cutts, J : ' Phillip CoUins, 1 Richard Ciayton, B'unfwick, 1 ; Edmohd.Cook, r; ilr.v . .- Diana Clark, ; l.t.T.lvnmsrCoan, 1 ; 'Stephen Crews, I ; ' James.. Camphfl.l, I ; Thomas Crofr, " I , John, Uaylo bwatn,.!.. T John Tucker, 1 ; John Thmb- ion, 1 1 1 nomas .1 tuner, 1 13 Barker lixa'c W i nomas v iilimioii, 1 Timo thy Wad'.um, 2 ; Elijih , V'hi(e,; 1 Wil.u;a right, Smi:hvi!-!e,i. -v - -:v ' . JOHN LOUD. Wilmington-April.g.-r-w. RAN A W A; Y I ; Sally rawtora, j .miivmu tie. 1 Mary Cowell, Or.llow, I. D Richard Dovtd. cara .of R. Kel ly', 1 ; Simne! Dexter, K ' , . E' E'bcr.czer EUinaWood, 2. . - "F Cant. Daniel Fertfiifon". i : Mr. Fultord, 4 ; Mrs. M'Fariane. 'l ; Cap. William Eullerton, 1 ; 2Thonv.:s .Fla,n ran,' I ; George Fcrfier, 1.; John Footc, I ; Francis. I'oiUer, l, I V'- r G Cant. Taazaniah Grofs, 1 Gardner, 2; SiatahGee, 2 ; Capt. Jo nathariG.lpatrick, 1 ; Mts. Eliza Galv, 1 ; Thomas Groi's, 1; Cap:. Nathan iel Gnnnif'Mi, 1 ; WinficKt Gurganus, I : David Gi'llefpie, 'Duplin, t. v ; 1 1 ' CaLb D. Howard, Mrs. A Brimf. ; Peter FROM the fubferiber on the 25th. of Mdi- laft, a Ne'yro AVenc named A 01 GAIL or AI3BY, vwth a child at ;be brtii!-, ar.d her lo.a Jahn who nurk-d rhe phiid, f.-rmerly the propcrty of Mrs. Ua'zell. 1 1 is exposed that "ihe will be larboured by her hnfband, an old i'ellovv )elongin to Mr.; William Campbelf, named Cooper Jim, ;orTom(Loi'-!ter ac quaintance sTh town. '. A reward of ten dollars will be given on the' coniciion of any negroes har bonrlng them, , and twenty-five dollars if spy white- perfon, - aid liste lollars if taken up and ConSinedi in Wilmiigtcn Biit lfthcwench and boy will return hemfelyes ancf -come . 'tb.'.my plantaiion on Topfkii, in the courfe ot a week, or ten days, they wiUbe'trcely pardoricd, Dc well uled- WILL AM GREEN. April 9. . - PHItADELPaiA, Adi'i! j. TSe ftip Eiif qx. BrcywB, in ! jyt from LiHiauu ..jti iu tnc lecona 01. MITCH.-, - The moll iiBoarunt ncwi b'v this irril, ii the f yre iitdif ofnioB of ihe Icing, Whole life it,&Jwfti tf. A total k"hi igf o"'"iLain!tr'l.,h hat tut ly ..k 11 flier; nd lU? key o, the treafurV tie been tfehiiiiidej or Mr. Pitt -but he b will tot give he i up to any per Ton x pt to th; king. A letter Wat teteiieti here y?Rr r!v morning frora VewY'otk, itaiing: that the ctpuin i t e Eiizi.fa Tumt Br'.tifh Chips (an hii w in ti.e chaiiotl, - with t heir coJeu-s hoiled h.if mtH, ir.d. n iii.h;me.d. of the 'Jrath ot the (ting. Thu lett.r Satea Ltfidet, that i"yfvci',Bt were" e.uertained o.k bit V.aving o-.ea takea o!V by uuJawKil cti'.ans. " Another li'et trim N'ew-T jrk, -writ fen1 by r'eri ileTian whe. had convrrlcu -wiOi ihe captain of ihe Eir.J, fasi,. th t th tapia a had brooght no pofitive In conlequ-nce of tlii hih price of provifum, trt fi'ng infurreiliout h.d taken place in diflerent pint ct tngijii. BRIGADE ORDERS.- HE.; Lipiuerani Coiorsh CommandaiH o-f fhr.ibird Brigade, will iwiraediatelf iffyf the necefTary orders for afTcmblirig tHcir refpeftive Corps. properly armed and accou jredpfof a Central Nhifler. 1 On Tuclday the 38th of Aprir, jit. tbe Court lltutfc in Onfiuw county. ' ' On Frida the rft of May at Witm'ngton, in New'. Hanpver county.. - v Pa 'Tudi(iay thc jih, at ihe : Coun-Houft in "Briinfwick fount).- On Frniay the 8ih," at "the place appoin ted for the B.vialion Southwell, of.'ihe weflern Prfmg and AVhiteMarniVv v "OivTiicTday the'lail at Eliaabeth-Towi), in Bladen coumy. A'd on Friday" the ijih, at the Court Houfe, in Duplin county. ., " Thev will alfo direct the officers, ot the fe Lor.svitle.tnd oilfirs.ll v communicated ta theWi.l... veral Companies who are to meet at the ahofd live b'ody by the Sril c!niu!. : ' plate, tg atierid oh the day preceeding'tneir, Nrficutioni.re giinc oh between .CrraBritain ! General Mtifler, in time to receive ihe full ar,4 the V9nhe,n p?Wcn, but ihcie wa.no profptft . jnftruaiont of the Brigade Infpea6r. That of-' of an accommodation. r t ? ... .... - r, . j C'.t ic. w.v n.uch hijher thao' it .l bern.- "c" n0 Y ,0 'U'pline he. Cap'.ams and Thet)urciirSa of a liofton c.ip waV fold .t Piy-' ; Subaliers, but he is particularly, enjoined to mo v.h about tiiC'firtt of Ware, it Suction, Lr$$t. ; ufe his uimoft endeavours to. etc He iff them a per barrel.- . ' degree of e nuilaiion arfd ' military fpirit th ed AtlTi! ,A T G,e"me.b" f etfccl, of which may be plainly difcemable at ed ba Englilh lMgale Ciueu Otto it recalled by i , . , ' . r - ... , . Buonaparte to co fcc.utf.je? of the .onduft of ihe v,ew-s ,n,nded ln ,' !he y ,')e,c Ealilh govcirriu nt, tbwardi the Freiich t.fheirheh, t arms, 'their cquipmenis, the foldietlv appear-' t.;nc ot th? foil's of the-k.ng U Sua n-it to bt mads ; ance uf their men, and the exact mintier" ia Wtag c ihe ci-devanti dukedo n of Tufcany. Wilmington; APRIL iO, .Sol. to be TEN DOLLARS REWARD. On Monday !afl, the Dv.flr"i Court, holdenin iLi Town, unde'r the new Judiciary Law, was openrd-and adjtt'rr.ed..fo rerrn in jcourie-te Hon. Ju.igC blTGRCAVES ;t ittnded ' , ' Dc ES ERT t Dv on' the 25'h-ir. (I from the II crou,-l-; - M rs. Heitex HoUti, 44 ttA U LT- W A L L I H -a -p. ivste -'t.f-t-aptain Capt. Charles Hafan, I ; F.raacis -ijame B,ffs cor,D:r.v 0f thc 11 Reguneai ell, i ; Monf . Wlltlam Hammon, I. ; 0f Artilh-iilU c i-:s;neers. BARN- CARLTON WALKER, pointed vicik. . " Era. .was a; A lsticr from Sarrinam, dated ti e 1 Ttlirutrv. llojj-,' Abcut ten d.nt I'm e rcr Frenr; Irirates At a aim? r . ......1. . ."f . . .. . U.J 1. . 1. Mr.--. Buck- Honie, 2 J Capt. Lewis! J. s z 'native of .Gtwnany , forty years of ly landed-t8oa iroopt from Europe it .Cayenne, HtHpens, I : Samuel -Hopkins,. -I ; a?e, live kh fix mchcs high, dark hair, bLtl and' bioughi in wtih ihens tbe En'liili Hw? of war CaotT lonathan H tz.trd, 2 ; Col. Wade ever.- IVatthr cotaplcraourao'd by c.cupatian iw?f ,fc nd( .L!.h "d. rvj.tjrfc Ffam'ton, I ;Mrs7TfiryHuc;!.s, LlUiCaJaboiiret ; TTeaRj much 00 ihe t.cimin u:. f M Ktt B.itifh for.et i the A ri'.-'r.dick ; tcildei Rivgr, 2 ; Robert Howe, Brtlfwic'k, I. pert - is wsll made fisurt- atwl aaive lu- large r.wunt ia mt,ey. Vidor Kcyiiet .ccr-td- I fit' Tlm.no l,,nf; 1- Fd- much the apprarance 1 f ioldicr abruu bim n:'.y f nt hereto know if theie were a., rltnch 1 CSpr.. J no'iiaii J unes. , . l-u - tr .- , , . , . .,j r, ,Lr. ,.1,... - ... . r.. I k If ul li 1 A n t ft. I ' H HI VfW u.w IWI IMVl t 11IM.II . The Miry'tnd "-loop f vtr, Capi. ItoRert, j- , ..... 1 , . .... j i.'.. .i,-?: i . ... ' . - . . ... v o :,t.,t Walker t'arr of I & Biihou 1 r "" J uimumui inn Board Mr Uiwton, and a rum cr of other pa. r . ., r.-i lit -ih 1 .-imt.i.v- r.i:r ann." wit I lencerf. la led Lrom Ba tiir.ore en Sunniv t .r Mrs. J' nis, I K Rtchar I .Kelly, 1 Keppel, 1 : lohr. Kcatin,!, I. L Peter Lc Brun, I : John j, ftarles cape and cub-, b'.t winch be naa Mr. Harry j1JVS c j i$ cxpeocd that be will at- Lir kins, 1 ; John Lcvii.Hori, 1 ; Ik'iuy Lctngdon, 1 .o.Kt 10 (hip hiiiifeSi' in fume foreign vcITd, or to j;tt into the back tout'iry. ' NLitcrs'of ve(L!s and othsis are forwarr.ee) aranVt j'tctaling, takii.g, cr at ai tl : 11 hmi tt. 171I1 01:. tor rrsnce. On the i8ih ult. ihe fchooner Bsffry, Ciptiin AaQin, bound '.'J Noif Ik, rn r ftore on ll.ttte.-a oa!t, .ir.dfj.l to piecet irnnn-eiaiel, . Every fuul (excrpt oiie.nitn,' uho driittd tu the t'tore oil pit of t'ae wteck) wt-re lo'lt. which the tiianu'al exetcife and fuch evolution as inajf be reouired (ball be performed. If any one of tho-fc officers be wi.hout a -Swori or Hanger and an Epotnoon, the moll pain ted erders muft be given to provide hjuifelf ugainfl the Review ; for, at that, the irictcll iiorrce Ihali be takcn.of any'tieglecl. . ' -i-Uedy aticnlion to ihe roHiction f Finea ilrongly recommended. The due . apphca ion of i!iem, to which the ofheert are by tha new Mdiiia Law, bound by the folemn obli'. gation of an Qadi, will add much to ihcjcf.. - oevtable appearance of tbe Rrtimenis. ' T QOLmyjl .puiiftualiiyja r quired in ma1 king the proper Rciurni BtNJA. SMITH,. B.G.N.X.M Belvedere," April 16, 1801.. ' F O R S ALE.; LOT,""66 feet by 54o, a ihrouihTnd cf Wilmiv.gton; it is, pleafantly fnuaied, about. 51. W. ef the Well end ol Ogdan line", and Norih of Nnman' land. About five years z'jo ii was offered at public lale at ihe Court lioufe. Nobody loughf u no body fold it nobedy owns nobody holds it. Any perlon wiihmg to lealeorpur- fe the Taaie, will leave with the Printer their proooSali and tunic. April 16'. M Mifs Mary M'Gee, i; Jofcph et a, or prtliafttig his' ur.ifon-.iihf pc Moran,'.I ; Jam;S M'jmfrd, I ; ual y is a I; of 300 dollars or a yca.'s impii james Mallcrten, 1 ; Arthur Murray, foment, wh.ch vsS! be tig.,rw.ly cofoi-ced. . Duplin, 1 James Miirriy, Duplin,' I V, 'lhc rt',,l,wl,;1 bef,vc" ,f b,"h' W.i, Mofrl, l ; Neil M-K4hrfcn,U ; bat! 'o:h!s Pon r,i 'Vi"We.. P' Cap William Murlin, Morrcl, 1. N J mot Noble, 2 ; Samcel Mor ion, I. O Captain John Ogden. , I y j P Captain Gad Peck, 2 ; John&l. Pearfon, 1 ; William Patterfon, 1. . ' .. R Ja nc.4 Rogers, 1 ; MtlTrs. Rofs k Hanrahan, 1 1 George: Revtll I ; Setn- x r . nam uv IMOlti.1 .1 hBticp . J atuur r, C.tait if the ft Re?hnrt ArtillaiHi prouiu Rufs E'-P hirers. Fort-Johnfir.n, April j.' U O T-I C K, A S I intend-leavii'e Wilmington XX A'ril next.' 1 rea 1 r 11 all txifons inirbtcd in 10 tn; to ir.ake pavnu 111,' ar.i ib.fc to wh. I am indebted are telired 10 tender ia the it Th: Prefidrnf has .iTiud his Ex?q.it(ur 10 Citiien Liot, it con n.ij'ary of. ornmtrcial Kel tiont for the French Rej.ubi:;, for 'tie t.:ct: of Pcnnfy!tnia a..d De'iaw .re, lo-rclide at Tu IatV.L a ( and to itiren Oi'.er, at V.it.Comm fta j oi ihe fame, lor Viiginia, to rtGie it Nci'n'k. Judge fTi.an anu Mr. Smth, ne eltfltd M n. be rt .1 t'ooief., in tht rcom 6 Mr Sedgwick and Mi. Reed uo;h of ho tic oppoicd in politic! 0,1 men to the:, predectlloik. Cnt'icid oil. hr n'.-wly otVariiact! comtof lhc d ft lit ot Columbia, c- mmtnc u it fitiif at tht I'.p'i-l V.iliam K ly intwi'd at Ch'.cl tudfc in.viii. jietrtippoinicaioinaiorr.ee Dy 11. nnci- f.in, it the ibo.n pf M . Joi.nf n, riG.d) an in jj"TIC Vailha'! and William OimicIi, ii -.Xuiaiei, '-Dtn el Lanol Brcul 11 i:ipouuua. tiaithai U the Diltr.a. Stephen Stone, I ; John Swinn. 1; account! for the i'amt, Sa .dySha-, I ; A.Ijii S.Jaw, 1 ; Ltikc is w a i . f f I j J 9 ! h u a S :c I y , 1 j J ci. a 1 h an APnl 9- Wm. MKERALL. RATES OF LIGHTERAGE From tlie I' o U T ot W 1 L M l N G T O N. Different fpeciesof Ar ticles ol Produce. DiHrent (!tti- onsotunloajirg arid loading. ILATTS. Hoglheads Tobacco, Piiucheoai, , Barrel, . . . -Tierces, . . dumber per M . .ShinU-a . lihd. Staves B ind (Id. Liircrpoo! fait per bui'l; Coat fe ditto Corn an J peafe t, All other anises not enu.i.crateif, in the fame ratio. Hrttns. Fort Rates., wick. Rates. John. Ratci Hon, - 7 . C 9 L i .5 . 7 9 , i 3 9 23... 3 . -4 id ..14 . 1 .106 7 " 1 9 4- tI2 I lS ... 1 4 1 . . 1 10 . 3 ' 5 , . 7 4 . . ' b . ' 4 6 . 8 ' Thirty Dollars Rcwaitl. Ft ANAWA.Y from tbe fubferiber, a Ctiont the lirlf nf Mh 111,. a wej;r fcilow by tlie name of FRINCK and r n the 20th of the fame iiiomii, another nam- el UEN.. , . - - The- former ii a Frrnth Rfcro, ahont fix fret hij,h, 1'pare male, has hit fac fcariiied hi tiie niauner ot a Guinea rei;ro, very black ums, atid treili very wkle a. part, ami bus eleven )a i:e leittrs on hia brealt, the firll of whicUis T, and tbe lalt is Y-- be l,al on when he went away, a Rieyifh coloured neuro cloth jckat and honielpuil fottoH trouleri, "and rn Zh. burgs fhirt. Thf latter U country bori about five feet ethr or ten incbts hib, jello,w cowplettedlus remarkable-larj;e hainU and feet, with bis iocs much fpi cad, his teeth arc ibiiily fet in lita oni, and lr.'s a lare icVr on his aofe where it joint his torehead hii cluibts were the fame as ihe former. . Whoever will ecure faid nejiroes aiul deliver them to n. Hull receive the above. reward, if taken in this countj.or ten dol ilats tor Prirce and twenty f-r Ben :-atid ofponuiaty-f teiunitg to the U.Statet, liom which if taken out otthe COOlity, feeniy Ctl- i.f tut wcn to tong anient, t tt pit cip.e ol rota-. .or$ ; that is, twenty lor the former, aua i,o;i to the iit Ijiouic carpi, 11 one . n which the . Hi'cv fombe laittr. - tatly depend. II . . The contemplated tppointtr.ent of Mr. Pieckney ; er.aior 01 the u a iMlrom 5. Caro ma; at Mi uif.fi ol Mjcirid, io the place of Mr Humphrey will not be propel ly under itood flayi tbe Natitial Intelligtricct' witl oal the ineniijii of a circumstance ttiat taor. p.ace a: the nominauon of tlie latlert"He watiyroi ied by Cucral afhinrio;'. who hanne ciUbbfr.ei 1 rule tht no luie jo oiimlter fhot'd. ic 'i n abroad lor 1 long. r period than that ol eight vctri, na 1 it dfierroiottiit Hated 10 Mr. Ham. phieyi 'lifotigh the Secretary of Sta e K even yeart hiving jw elapled fince Mr. Hnmphreyi hat tn tn!itd in dia-!tmttic olK-:ei, ii muft appctr i.'.uy p.op.r, by i?callin;' him, to aljid hi.(i an iwelart of this coun ty matt ere Icir.uoibc denied, that Euiopt prefct-tt many .emp ii taciaritrrra in 1 uc 11 ate 01 lociety 1 1 acre cufiing, wht h mty tend, cfpecially by i Ien f o tn ni u I'dute ihem Irons the: puhofdu y. fiefidrt a roiniltrr fhoHld on le llaod, j imi only th" fin, but th' prelem liiuanon and tern I ptr of bit couutry. ThU koa .oric'ily ac .mi red by a iclidtnct lien that diplom.li'. appoin tnemi fhould be u tder. Hood to be m.oe, ti her to caect t, eohc obitctt, or Itt faort t cm. d . . Jh.h no we have feen ot' fitut. EDMUND HATCH. Jones County, April a, itfoi, u R A Boat of four luimlre! barrels is allotvcil for loading and uploading three day hire to he paid for the Negroes two day more alttrwards tlcniDriajje to comtnence at the ra'e of tixty Ihillins per day. .A Boat of three hundred lo three hundred an I fifty lurrejs i allowed ne and an Ui'i day for loading and unloading hire to be paid lor the Ntioes two days more afterwards demurrage lo commence at the rate ot torj.ei&ht 'ihiUirgv .per ilay., . ' " . . ' , . A Boat of two hundred to tvro hundred and fifty barrels is al'owrd one Jav for loading and unload ng hire to be paid fur the Nrroen tvt dns ipoic after arJs dtniurrjge to comtnentt at tin rate ot tony Ihil'hu prr dav. ' ' t .. . . JOHN t'AlvCIY. Wilmiustoii, Fcirtrtrf jatit, 0r. JOHN MACALLAN. AN AWAY from tin tukfertber, is Ooiiie-Town, his waiting man b.i MARCH, on the l5th February. I- i. tit n. .Imi proper ! Htbiiftly prefumed that be has made Tor ... (1....IJ L.f " Uiti :.. ...... L - ....II t v iiiiUHjiM.ii, t .tic ucmg "sii. vn.iM there? ; M irch is about fie feet . 4 or 5 .....1 w. u r . '.1 1 .. '.(I. n.rttnit uatulaiiveiyio re an.,.. ,0 be pe.uJii.l, I "'f Vti f rtv VfVt AltT wdl dilifiieinl mtereUic- T. e reit II portiot ol nt-1 A reward of THIRTY DOLLAHo will LeToid to any perhri Iooriuj; taia icnow in Wilmirgton Goal, ordeliveiing him to the fnbrCriiifi in George-Town, smd ill reafonabl espences paid. JOSIAS Wm. ALLSTON. Mirch 19 4W. . ti ml a airty Ml mien Iron 1I11. lourie. Tic very railletiCt ol pet e hi been hantded b it. Met f .re htvt been takea by foreigi ijfoit, which, in cctuio ctcnii, I r irtm impolfulr, m (bt have tin. potra upon ine talion the neccfA'.y ot if foiling to war. tiow Impoitirt', ihe , it that tur Mini. Il'it. clttihcd tt they ire Mom lot utturt ol their ptTket, with loch powcii,- fh u d be iktimati y and lui.y artMintcd t hi be G.aiiion and withn ol tht prwp!.', and ly ttirum nd livntj aruo.ij thejt, ia-, ticot.tjaiMited wiili iht fvuauoo ol lurtn poei , . Marriadon'the -inH. at Ncwhern, Mr; Jo!:n.5. Piitcur, printer, to Mill Jane Low thorp, filauksof u!l kinds for falc by tllC iVljitCT. NOTICE. I BEG Irate to inform the gentlemen of Wilmington, that I ant much conferred about the unforiu'iate boy af Mr. Cntlar, who look Mr. Dot Pry's potket.bnidt. 1 ru wtU afluied that'fuch an ad will hard ly ever happen aain, and be; the pnbj'n to lonk over the lane, at I will make it my eudeavouis to prevent (uch affairs in tery caile. . ' Ar'1 HECTOR PAYNE, mm ft in . 11 r 1 ft Mh -1 r . p., 1 -.1 I . 1 ' M r.-kb I.