,' i rT 1 W '" '-'iJTZLS- s. HB-fc.. 'i ' r i iiniiii i ..inn. ti . 4!:14V v"' Secretly if StateShunitrj hcu- month .V ;.c,Pafci V fc,l.Pf V?" ft)pjl icrtion JVfem cur own govjciiVmeiit, Uhiy ieafon il lus ba -Uvfi upon tv.t his7' - j Q - - " 1. . . latin 0f , j, 2Vk. tcb.-ivb February, c 7 P ' ?lfeeVbp,C7' CC' S vbo.i, Lml. . very conlidera. ' mi un involves every .neural, u h,s rojis en,' ; J TJ 'V '"K ?C i ? h r f pCf,y,r Mr-!rafcon ,hc '" Rna haVetbia a few day." ad- Lis alio contended, thai the pohs a nation :. f f . . Pubhhtcl h.vdet fftt.e list fe cf Kt n0 iefuijd- lonz enough in th Uied WSi roJtai,M 1 1e, 0 . , ' 7 , .vu 1 " wL..n'm - !V Secretary of . ment : ht'nn 1801 i ' - PlFTM T H EN' T O F'StATE,,, Tool I. I 1." ..T . n--"- wftyto,..i,lHiafe?, : si.. i-ii'ff""r: earwig pa..3..-i t. 1 varcea li jne parucui .ar'-ii '..ration of ilmfe -countries!' peace, are- by t!ie law Kn4iioti5 remain beilcd fur trial. & I have tle hojfor'to'be, Sec, Extract of a letitr from J.j.hn Gii'Vo,j v4-. . .' " . February 27ti), , ' sir, - " ' v ... . ; The order of the ILVift of Reprcfcn'auvrs of the 24th of this- mojiib, rc'o'iciling an ac count jof icepredat.srijniud n-the enmmfi ce of the United - S iin' by vejlels of ire.atfBrtfa:n, oFwl'mh. complaint has breii made to the govcrnvnenhayjng beer, fefer- red to'thij dejiartmenr, l nave ine-rmr.pur-io tranunit heiewiih an abdratl of ftich' cafes' as iiavc been conip'aTned of fince "tlicJcommcnce fiaehr of t lie year -! 8oc " The order of the houfe haying.fi.xecl no pe riod at which the account it red ik-lis is to commence, ! have, from a conliJeration. 0 the fho'rt fnacc from which the fjrt f. i.t leffion I 1 car.'" continue, ' thought, it compaiiblc witl their view. to limit me abliratt to the time 1 i -- ' above mentioned.; . - ' v ' Fjrtm various rrafons it is' to be preHimed tha't many, captures hjve been mad.r, of which fio cotn.)jauu has been' ' forwatdedto i!he go Ternment Under (his imprrliio.n and for the purpofe of giving a 'c oin p re he n (i)eV ie vl of Ihc luojfctj 1 nave inoujjni u noi lrnpio-p-r 10 annex to le ablluct frveral extract of le'.tefs from "our cnnluls, and a'fo. an ex tract of a Icier from tire 'Prefident of the Chamber of Commerce at Philadelphia, to the Secretary of the N.vy. 1 it! r- I 1 i: 1 wi a io takenne liberty .to ouicrve, thai 1 , " . , , V,. , J- I maltar, laden wi.h buiief, chede neither tnt communicauons irom our minuter 1 ( 1 f. . ix at. Lotion, nor .itivconverfa: ions with the '.chaijjc, d'dfiaires of his linunnig Mr.jellv in the U nitt d S1aCes,woiild lead to - a n t.p niUh , that. any additional crdLrs have been laie j given ..b v 'he li 1 i ii li gt v f r n in i in t , a ut ho r i i 1 r. g . the f) Hem Vf dc prtdi.ion alluded to iri the eucr from Mr. r izhni!Uons. Iam.lir, with evciy 'fentimcnt of the mo l ' entire fetped," JloKrcacow r.ngtjna. on Jccou.it . orTrTgrraercTjtTOrr ' . t, ,, , .--XLAU one ten catrr,ffapevircnn-Newaided by, ihn Uiu-V .- V B isrci are above fvrfv pri-ffo: m channel, is r.eid alje-iking tHeen.cHiy? Z j; T7 , piin.der nf i!' Am?ri daris. The nraclice is, w he neve " . r ' I I - fxthi i'touid Such is ihe"Tog;(J"pf N1 j ward's of 1 uo,ooo dollars thfv rf mei-' with to fendjdiem into port ; if, 01 ihste is foni on board any goodsnhc pro-! perty has been jdoomed to ii- -IV 1 and lucrt is of Amprican pro thc hdirmcr ; and TritOtJHbf Slate, .' V '!.'. and anv Ihonit iiiWns which are . contraband : me trial 01 ttic-sea iympti, iNi'Kver, it the property - is 1 me on' the 3d tnllanr, when thip and carjo pcilons who ire 11 thus, without the ii parent interference of jhe Court of St. James's, a nidll lucrarix c brai c of pur.jjwacU-' will be entirely ar.iuh jatcd. But tjhre is :,a mealore vhjf hv!Tf piPp:'y rcjdfted to 'will, (o faf as 'Vc'afe.s, to this ,11-. iul, e!iechia!ly deprive 1 lit m of the be.i. tit of their plunder. ,.. ni jivnfittiirp cti anv' countries at war xSnful if the United States at Cibrultert' with Great .Britain they are, condemned, as dated n'h JJecemtLTf 1800,' to ihe Se- js bar iron, trails,', tin, paints, - l'tnfeed-oii, lai foundxbe longing to , any came on t':e iJ tnitanr, wnew lhip and cirio wi kins who ire not r)uvexrtlecan,, u is wss liberated bv a decree of the Vice Adini- rnW'rr.ndr:miied or held umderan inierlooi- tahy Court ; 'and as I'the damages could not'' toi v decree, till proofs, can. be obmrel of. ' u Their fo'rcedjrade on the Spanifii. tern thcu be afteriiinetl, they arc referved, bin itir' citizenflvip of the owner ; 'arupevery tories is. the fp imam of :heirUom:ii-jte, arvd 1 d,o not asyctlirJ out it the captors mea-n to' inflance the deten'tion and expexces arcfo their .chie'f fupporr. It allords tlictri a 'i.e.adjr appeal." ' - '. ' f . ,: . : wrcat js to'iedace the prupenffor which no r market at' all times tor their imincnife '' Euio- Ll'SB(5N-,v 27th-Tunc,'- l8c6.':-- 'retecc-for 'condfini.alian be made, f d i pe.an importations b-.it at. Ihe profent 1110- StR,, '- I I 1 miicrr; as hardly lcait wuftn rrurhu ; -menV panicalai ly ;l r t,e.ycri .poo4 wljicri articJes o trade, "The- perform w'i.o- ;;'uifue I am i-xiremely fofry. to;inforrh you of the ! th;ie 'pra'ttice'i;.. are4he more inortihyirg" as capture" of the . 'hVe' fo',vtng .yeHe'ls.rby.tlie .j'ihey either thcmfelves fnip; the goods of 'which Brnifh, arrived in this port.,!,: they 1 1 piuriaej Tliebrir Peacock, Dlvid Crafis, Valler, 'iO wh':ehhey do not pcrntu'us to tarry.thetn, oaded wnli oo butts -Sherry - Wine,' bound1 of ff the people of thofe countries to come from Cadiz to London, with.clearnte to Al-' toem i nd purciufc them. :ona-ihe velfel and carer 6. the lolrnrur'crivK" The- proceedings ; at Jamaica are even. of Eben . PrfoTi$,,6f ,BoUin,-.'antined bv Ke hmore .ruinous ill 3 it Pfoviuence ; when ih..-y Role Privaucr ol Gucfi mailer. t " The hri? K Americans, to the conmries . this iralhc arc Spaniards and Aiiuiica is; who llon, .'.rapiin(-(l. bvKe .more .ruinous ilian Pfoviueiice nf.y, Paul B.ceriu,; cannot-procure a. condemnation 1 ttiere ng Sotoman, Jilncs Ilewit, t.J" iron they. j invariably appeal., from th-; fente.nce, and as the Americans can no otherways Hoptauv ie curity than by putting the improperly in po:HcT hoops, bounj trom Amlldani to Cadiz. The j fi.m of th . people mere, "the whole is Iwai bi.ig ihe "propeny of Bsjaniin Ilill, of New. tloVcd ttpby cominillions and charges. x ' pori. Rhode- l(!an d.he careo. llatuburo ac-l " 1 tielc enorinitus are become fo great cOui.r-caT-'turedf the lugjr Tl) mg Tfii, of j ihaijhejnerdiams are' preparing .lifts ol ?tiie Jerfey, JohuLe loue,, mailer. " lhet)rig S-ifannan, J,, lllcry'ladcn wifli Sugar, 'bound fronv Char captures , andTh.? crc mnll-a'ttt-es - auenuii g 1 ho ;fir,,r S .-.rmnh I T r.nrrr ' ihrm to b2 aid L-etorc tac covernrnent : inn r -.'...-.I. il 1 ,.! r,',, ..i f..r go tlie l ue property or Ciackiock and j-roj nc;y u j;ia..iu 5 m.u. .... ....... w; Ilerladcn with Sucrar. 'bound fn-nv Char- as any rcdiels ihrougir mat cnanneK-miitt - bt Icllonj Soii.hCaroiina to Cadiz ; the lrig & ailiant, tcuy take the liberty. -ot luggSlmg the cargo the f.de propeity of B'ack'ock and j pro - i r 9 . , & ' . . V' - il v ?.t - v I . -f I . Your tbtdjeht ft-rvant, , 1 J. MARSHALL. ' Jbe PnfJent of the VmUd Sts 1 ' - I . D i V A RTMENT O VyT AT E , j Vcbwiaty 7:, iSoi. " , SIR, ' ' In my-rrp-trt of tluVdiy to the Prefidei t . ontil!L fbj-rUf--he Bri'ilh capiurcs, at.i v.-hith he will irive tranfmitled trcoi gn fs, t was accidi-nraiiyomt'.tcd to infrrt the cafe 1 1 the briginlin:' Ruby, capt. Wriry, be-pg 3uVe'rrand.Williv:TO'-Mrt.ig'an-of Charleiloti captured by -the Role prjVijeer tf (nirn, .')-, Paul Bicriveou, .in.ift.-r, and La Bo.uh pn vjifer cf (i.bralier, owned by J-vvS in Li!hW. f . . ' ' . ;. ; " Th biig Hind, Daniel Ropes, j iin. Vnaller, laden v.nh Sugar, cocoa' and full, lour.d from .Sal? m to Cadiz ; -the bhg and ca.-.go "he fole property of J,-feph W'in'c and vVilliam Orttr, if Salern; capnncd by his iintaiiMic maj.-fty's, ftigate " Atifor, P. C. lJurhatP, coinulanucr. jl 1 y I . !! 1 it 11 . 1 ' V i. ; . . ..: r ing irr Mr. AmDr fe Vail-, ol Pii.ladelphi... 'j' brig Nymph, Times- M'Kiver, -fhii vtlI proceeding lor Port.au Prince, ,.(!-,. laJC!, wl!h r.,r,. 1imH,m C'..i.. s . fa ..i '. . 1 1 . -1 - . r -w.v.. nut. i:r.! ui .011 1. 1 rfii piouuit with and f .nr (irt.mn ids, was lauly captured Dyewood,-c:r. h jund fotn Philadelphia 10 !it. S'. baltian $ : the briiT jnfl cariT.i th . r.- by th- Biitdli lhip of war Tifij.hone and car- per,y 0f Lewis A. 'Paraxon, of Philadelphia ; captured by the armed fhip' Barwel, J.jlni looie, mailer. rird t i lauuica. where, the -owner inform ii:, bo h vtllll and cargo we:e tondeinnei as et tn-y 's property. ' i 1 ihrrtfote req iefl that the lloufe will con fider ihis letirr as an appMid;g5 to my repoii above alluded m. I have the lienor to be, Wun great rcfptcl, iir. Ycur moll obt'ent fetvinr, ' 1. MARSHALL. 1.1 . tri! f 1 cloak,.ilie property . iw to-'iuar nv a licence granu'd.. ;ov (his goei nnnt, - vAlnch prOtult thcix from Britilh cruizcr. , Thelatier to deceive the Spanilh govcrntneut by 'prodiM ci.-ig a falfe, dearunce as Co iing m-in the U ti.i:ed Mates.- 1 am lurprifed ihat'Jt ha, never'' occurred to the American truizers thit thole; vcli'rls arc joiily lcizable. Fi.i ftliiafiiu,ch. as bring iunulhed wyh two fcts ol papers, luhjects them to be trciteri as Mrates' : and, lei .ii;d;y,v!heir being equally our of thc pzo icftion o. S'jain and 15 1 nam,' are claimable ror ' -nether parly. To dcllroy 1 he tneat)Aof dif n j li ngot. pluorkr, . ris at; -on cc to,.d.?pttve tlie piuitdt rer of his object. Atr allcnuVn of hat tride. , ihe pall age to and troni. ila ... - r . - it. -. .1.... ;;t:,v .i -I.;-.1 n.'igllfttfeciuV.ly guard i:, -except- the Britilh rfl -'ll j:i. 1 it... nri;Minn if oil- tl.tr lilOUiU bllirt.ia 111V. iuiiuiuii vi wj., , which we do not luppole will hinpen ; in any event ur nicrclunts may be proteficd i'rvt i pr.vatefr', and it is from Iholc paiticu. lariy vc ft.li.r. - ' ' , -Ii i. wished ihat a convov fliould fai rn'the hrll Mondsy in every motnh from Hampton, Road, ;o which' place all the veirdj fit.in poris to the' eallward of that place might rct dciviijis. ' V'cllcls bel nging to native ci izcr.s or loaded with native tommoditiy reed not this protection, but the aba'cmcnt in the premium in al! oihen, will oblige them to take advantage of it. ' 44 it the litll was provided to fail early in Match, iherewou.d be lcvetal vtll-ls lie re, I.. 1,-1 -2i 1 lirinlr ves ot it 1 tud nrob A t T I I f t ' . I I sviiat, L. ciccm an aD.omtc nui.tn ; :i;s initance will iH.-t.tua'ly do it. x Privateeri w.il iio lon ger continue to intercept velf.ls when tin' pro riisof.the cruize, ar u'if.q-ial the exnttVje of the tXptdition "'l'his a 4i-g ulop-ajL vAr- woTild ct'R-cli without j'.iiliy, giv ing uuduage ty the Spajilh go'ycrnmct.t, .vr 1 mmming we -. j i'Jli .1111. 11 will behdes sllord to Anr- run ma- ns ih& ineladclioiy lanstaction, tl-a: fio p'ropn ly of which they are unjuiily.d-piiveJ, will benrli', but in a ima'.l uigfee ih..:e rapacious pmiidcr ers, and'it nay tiually caufs ine ''abandon nienl of a principle which aunt at ihe very root of our commerce Ltfore . its dUiUcliv cutifequeucck ate too generally felt." - " The 4fi,ft capture, are made under theirfat!y 10 a"a'v' ''T j l V i ,de. of Cad.z.being a- blockaded, port, andibt? :hffS a' :)cw ' and '1'rtw,c- A. ., the above mentioned puvateers have ufi. I - nieal'-rt of ihn Ua may mvolvc .confe i.ve inlltuMion, f.om.hcir owners o capture 1" na, o:.a. im, o.iance 1 o., not ail velfel, going .0, or comin5 fro,i Cadi7, m1 t '.be.ty o urge it -.,r.her than t- d aie o:T .1... porf, I expect thiiTor'.-will I ,l,at.'oa w"! be.U.'o,-y .1 beUe the f yn t filled with neutral, and amonir th.m ' -1 an M w,!,1f cf Sdf -Jit'.imbcrs of our inert h.tntineh. 1 have rrit- The hop. the Speaker V of ihe lloufe of Re- pielcntativis. ,J without lome protect on of X kind,, ihc tel. col. Humphrey, to watn our cap'ains aj merchants , i,c u. .. mu.; enuu-iy iur Udiz, and caiition them againft coining out vA l,;!e 10 'le countrir,, or be run,. .filial port for the prcfenr. 6- ed 1.1 a.trapi.ng .0 conum.c it, ahhoogh it ' Th; laft was captured on fnfnicion 0f ' baleen among nc inon va.uautc wranc-c, or tench proncrtv. as ihe owner's is a 7 . iwr coiinncice. Extr.tl rjf a Utter frm Iri ID am Sjivjjjm being tigrnl ttl'e bmttd St iles; ot Anlat . jl-'renih name, and the fupercargo on loud, (a'ara)hlt4 j.tu: 5;, 1 8o,' ti J Mr John Angiftme. Viclor Piairotiill, a!fo a the ecrctrrV of o.r. ---- Ltfvtic.1 nime, but luvirr fully proved to the ... . ....... I ...... .t. ' . . A numo. r ot Ainer:can leiaisti in cm j trft have lately leeti Ijtuled fri.in pt zes ar.d Piiits of war, .who have been telicved bv mc j ... II as a;i Ant'rvLan vv fllels wi.etli.T gotti', to ir. cotoii g fr, rrCurac , II fpii.iola, or Son It- .. ... ' u. 1.. :.. 1 t... - ):. 1: itllivrica, arc urongu; n iirir tor unjujua-p- o ' ' 'on. nivwui i lion, nnd in all ci?s of aciui:al the latiiorsl 1 ) ,! cv v s 1 1 tiy her under our own laws. ' . .... . I .. , .r 1 ' . - 2pj-r.il, which 1 utulrrlUnd prevents any a lion bc-rg ci.m iii-i.ted lor Jamiges. ' "1 aui, &r." f Accompany i"C tbe fre'iipi it an " Ab flrad cf the cales f capture of Aineraaa BY TIlFTrFIDkN r ObTIItTUNl. TLL) S JfATKS. Wherias, by the fi 11 article of th term and xonJiti tti dcil.utfl by the i re li'leirt ot the Unitrii State 011 the 17. Ii tljy ol Otftobrr 1 791 . for rrula in the, iiuterials ami tnauner ot bui).liu at. J iuiv provementi on the Jo j in the City of . Vufhiiiy,toii, it h provided, that the. 41 cuter aurl party walls of all .mules in the f Aid Ci.y, fliall be t u-li 01 V. nk or rtiMte.'' And by the tliinl unicJ of ihe fame terms and con-litions, it it decljt ctl, 44 that the wall of no bin: f lhall be hi.h- er than I'tMty leet to the roof in any ' jv.rt wf ilie Ciy, nor fhViI ai.y be lovrr that, thirty fie feet lit nny of tlie A" ' venue.." ami whereas the al.ove 'rci tel aitiilev were lutnitl to inpriic the let. tleinent in the City, of Mch.iuics nml . ethers, whofe cucu'nltar.ces ili.l rfol af. mit of erei'tiii" lioulet atrltorUv.l Ly the tflMs lw. liriitlh cruitvri. of which com- nut ot ere-.tins Imulet au'liortzv.l by tlie civiir. i;ui tue propeny is rotia tiJe Ane-T . r ' .1 , ( 1 . . i 1 r t nun, troMllc,eg,.,rof,h5 1,fiS ad voir ' P,a ia, l,rCH mf f' 'W')!'' C:,,if-. 'l,e c,, ',u,f wri j wilting nuJcr Ins li ind, hea.jiv .laic ihc nlCt'of U: cUin. h t-U" ,hCr ' ' NORI UI N," larch 14. t eutyilf, day o! f ine ,7oS f-fpenie:! ! Extract of , letter ftom Nalfaa (rCcw-lW the operation of the I s, I article, ut.al nifrcinttlf hti'ife in this borough. ' '' ; - , " - -t . 11. fcxtrcJl r.f a .V'.v trim Jbbi Ci,iKnt esn ful Qf ti'e.UnitJ Stales, at Ciln alter, dilc t M)th A' iv. 1E00 to ihe Secretary tf State. 44 lbs Venus of NcvYotk, F-irchild, f.om Naples Lr Malagi, was immeJunly li- S . I .f 't t" c r ' c ' f n hhai Cadiz JCTght ni be confide . m . r 1 tIC aoti'ii v ro;:! a, tu:h a tJ'g. ol ougtr troin laid pen for iiiut brofg'at inm Lilhus, Khcte l! r had been detained upwaidi of four ntotulu for a brea-li of llo':kide, attem;iin jet ruler Cadiz af.rr watnirg by Lamoiuh t- 1 .r 1 . - inric veil: it ar; lent in irre ui.uer urei.nre of Ltfiirfci t l coovov 10 K.lanJ and Cibral.) ?E.A'll ' 1 , r n i.i 1 11 'j : i" r 1 "1 tiabfjce thu opporttinnf of liaiinij it, hut I uiiJ.fll.tid it is the intention ufone , . , ' ' rr , ,i . 1 t it 1 1 it the iromidi upon v liicU Amctican vclkl, at! J ilie s alitor, to dciam ihc vild here and far. . r r. i.i.. n:t...i .-v. i- l f cdndemr.ed in tan pott. ,'.;, , wl . ,1 1 44 1 1 foti.d be fo.lv to denv, that mc late in. m it i"., iny uext will it.tarm you. I , , , , '',. - ' . ., . 41 1 have written oir cotiul in for evrtv i id.cial information he can nw.th. V!,.il..rif ic . f attne proceca.ngi otour go, Sir john "Nichoif and Si I lie betieliwtil etTects ailinfit.ui tac ii luf penfian .l.-vii been expniet.eed, it it ilcn.uil j.roper to tiive t'ne f.i'tie. Wl:(ie- Icre, I 1 homis JtiJeil"!!, t'tchdeiit ol ihe j Ur.i-.e.! i'cs, tit declare, Dial the op r.'ii;oii f tne fiitl atul third' nrtiilri, a- condur't of ihe Br'i'tllh cruizrri,' arifes from j recite Jr.lh dl he, and the lme is f fin 'exc-ptions taken ty th? Curt a,f Su James, ! heiehy T..lpendcd until the ill d-y of J4. 11 lurn.ui a(.)e proceejing, ol-.ir g.enf. Sonej'Miiry i?oj, n! ili.it all the tir,i,iC s!..cli -v u ptefume that it is in co.,l:rt:..cc of th: i -if- I fl:H te erectM in t;te iait i.iy cl Wa'h. .r u.ii.am bcott, ofhj CojV, n,;))(l al pil;Uj.;r,s;4 : t:.gon, pretious to the laid frit dy of JetCJ SI U.ockaacJ, 1 .:.u,. ...r.. r. . .1... .1 r. . I ftmii'v icftt. rntilormihl? in ntli.r tlM i- , . . j . 1. . . l . j 1 11 i o.ncrt. mat 11 nai dinfii imni itt.njt u.i a 1 j - ... ..ie trad ha;ag been iared on unmoLfted fl(i lha wc h,v. MU peace w.ih Pi to the rcftiikljoii. r.telaid, fh.il he 101 u iwiui 01 iweivc iiKi'iuis, ana nit mi. , , . . , , 1 it. it. . .1 . 11 1 r f r t .rrai.ee-. As n e ihev inctni: vet urge that I Jlv s l!i i, i oa thai Itannn luatdmg and fuf. , , r , f . ' - if 1 7 11 , they are only enfomn a princia'e of the icntig telle U contit u.lly to enter and co.a f It ,r 1 . - ... 1 law of nation,. How icafufis 1 kc ihcle can 1 a., tirivl'fcr," liiair, commander, who rirxt day l.ifk Iwr. She prior 10 li e Lammub't hrtt t'oitiiPg her, tot ist-m iud &y iioth-r tn f'dli pi iv t er, who fiid nthii'g af the block ade 10 Sptnr er j la that he cominurd for the jit 10 tii.pi'.ie f the ih'ps r,f wlr, hav.f onbn. vfjitr veracity cl 151a i't intimation S. c wn tried hne hil!l at, l.tlh-, without evi-n ihe capiam bcirg j.rchr.i; 1 claimed fhip ai'd citgi as conhil, and p-o;cfl:d the r.Hffdi"gt Hie fince arrived ticte a.M con- tj'nitifj, Hop a;.d liirjo, wuh-.ut any C.r hfr . . . . . 1,4 . 1 . 1 1 .1 1 uc lavtntni ii iiii 141: uiic, 1 w;. 11 ai.....:i f Tiiv. in. nnnn. in wun in. ftririi 1 - refpeti, Sr, yoar Tiioll obedient and mill h amble frrvani, THOMAS HULKLF.Y. I'o Tiiiotliy Pickeung, Lf ) . secretary of biate. Lxtr .cl j a tetter Jryn 7t'yn,i' Fitzf n , !, Chdlrnjjt: $f te pf'lfor 'J . Cinwenv, ti tit $,ire',ry tf I ft A'Ji;-, AiteJ ' . , l'liTLAtm.rMi s i;:h FcV. i8m. tt.ll or -c ti: reptcr a hNnt c. 10 that .e la i ii"t mi W ot Aiietnan veit-, Lat niculledio? procecJif'i'ni till apjeal.i boar. J laauJ f.ea ihe Stii:..lh ptt n C,.pi et.ttondarl would have fa materially antoiyd the Ptienty l.nt the contm.hcrmenl r: wai) wiih irgnd to proreny, I'leite you to deiennir.e. It (remi, however, ;!.a lir, W.I. liimSott hit taken iKth ni i les;!are il t hi, 'i pTniou unprovo ked by any pit i.u r tiia', and evidently t.i advance the vicwtti.f tae tntniitiy, that jh pm lU:e tfv a c.'-ntry conlilcied ailasvfti'lj erected, except thai n stooden lionfe fltill Ie c.cJtrd wiil.it 24 fert of any brick or tlo'te In.ulr, Ch-n un fer my binJ thit ntj U March. 1 8 31. . - tg.eJ.- TH. JF.rPt'lSOM. Wanted immeiuatkly- AJ n U a N K V M A N CO M POa 1 10 II , t o H- to the llaaaiaii, to svl.ottt a) la '..try it a 1 1 a I iv.lve IJ.1M1H ;rr wee ni e p.iven, u - 19 at war, alihougi pinuM and impoiieJ into: t ,. a irtv Hiiii ex;iCiKf? pihl iroit -tl l ncu-r.l Slate, and again IhippeJ'l a i..hi y pJi;e, protMtA he will o'-fii c h oiCclt ofi'ie ItiJ power ai wir, !i!ioiili ilie p'o-; twH-titiue in the emplof lor o..c year. petty may M 1 irn n t'i ciang! I, -1 i-i not ! App'v to the Printer l.erf. bffcin; ricattal.Kd, '...it i I aS'.e to Ie. nf n4 1 WH uin 'toi Aj.l f. lOnott aiio'i by il. iVemt,'' It 11 veryeaiy . " ".,' )') v ' - l . I .... . ' i i) -. ..... v .rrf

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