I) -t-- 4 T If r : - J,- ' t .'' I 1: . .-til i X r J, i ... ' : - t ft. It iv ! ' to 1 t - f 1 . t 'TV?, KORFpLKTrApriHrr 'eftetday iof-were fato'wid with London Uppers h the EOUkTH cf MJKCii, 'deceived by tht (l:ti Wapnngfau 'captt ' ' Scott, arriVtd'ih.'Hmptinr'R.oudsJr.Qm I ' Liver p film twenty mrt days " . g- Oil r London papets announce as certain a -ehsige-'Jn hetuillliifi.ftj.r!-' ever, - we perceive it is only a change of '. Afrrrt not afMtafiirei, Pitt regains at the heal ofaffaits'fctuil vile 'recovery ofihe King, who waiiaken ill o' the t!of Feb. 7Vc firtd'aifo, (hai prov tfir, tM iouie; very: hVjh Tnt'Engand,. "'and that. ai-aidioonal - ;bour.tyn . flour -was" to be granted, and " to continue until November; That Pe ate TheJlindore.-t0.lc. Tb?. ,nfo! tn-r -LIVERPOOL; reerBiTT . in a nrjuics DdmcuiarrY levers .un -m-a. LIVER POOL: FebrniTV 8. , rfpect have (iceff to Fiance tor Ofleaioe Lffocutioa but wl.ico it if aoded, hiVc Ititi .;. difcouraged Sy (he Ckief Conulr It is, however genera ly :t)oughtJtnt po oveituiei have be n made, or sre .-. . i . . . . . . ' i . . - t - n O K. . . Jl country; I here is no other news ot Hn poiianc in che papers'. taiimawoa'Jtt his jwperiiKniajeify Vouid ; to fee fomet:?;!ig ol the fifedis of ti e Niithci Hal periftit a$y peilon to rcllde f.nn ami-j League,, belore bti,tcac tg iny pc overtui. niens who heid any . civil. coraaiIUon .frO'nYhoB, tllil ,J,,'1'. ' . T" ',. ; ,l' v' . c r-m u 1 - i'k.'il'MpC- ri.' Tbe Fre?ctfe-fi'ii.vey tnurt-toiuuaU our the Kifffof C,rea;-Bri,an taiidhe -Jtcretvre i , r. .n brings nothing au i ic tout quarter. . ' ':r . V" '- rcbrjaty si. to oeacc iiutu mi We underftind Ur.i- Loul FJdar. feai made! - e .- . . , l -n:- I nrJ imporli ot all torts oi El am cojuwiic a pomt of Ic-parat.ng -he h;gh office ot. Lord . floie tlie t- 6 or 8 d Chancellor, ffofn the Speaker of uk. floule of,; : , r i - Iliiy hve cnteieer L fhornj aud infill i on Ecgl'fh (Wp bartJ fli-.t vut ol the ports of 'hit .. Ne ily 4 otO bine's of American floor beftdes a coiifideubic ( 'A bet lio i. Polndt and imxcnfe iniporit of all forts ol giaii cojtlwifc, baVc al.vcd l'.c,Ti.-Y. .lleaecebts"! he fea's exurefsly in between- Franc- and Qernyny has been , , '-dience to hU uuj; fly's de-firc : tm'ibc po-. f.ffned.- That . Pruflia bad jo.ned the Com . , .f , d bc.tf'nsfcrred r I ..f .U. Vf.v-.l., l.,. orf Tt ,t . 1 - . . . . ioeiacy i sui T-- " V'"1 io aooiher. L.rd. Aakland is ren a fleet of .krty-i rur lad .ot thel.ne-and .A fpraker. . : " - a numfcef ot trigafes-uridsrait it. t arKer, were immediatei y to fail for the N'V'h Seas.. That the Briiifi) fVceT under Abercrom- bi t had made a ta n d 1 1 .gin Eg.y p t Th art Spain" hadexlared w-r agAiult Ponu gal, &c. '&c. . . LONDON, February LcttVi fi'oNi Hanib urch. ' of ' t Ik ' ' 'J ' . I nil. O e, that a dellaia icui had been, made to' the hfv'a'c.'of ihit city", in ivlTrcbrthe; note 10 Lord Crirysfort is Jallnded' to, ar.din whitiv I':tif Pi uUiatf maj-fly, accor irg 10 that, com ifni'.K a'ifi, h.tfri di.ma-id.-d t Grcit-Britain, 'ihV; the l!ii;-s' of hisal!ies, detained i."oui pets, ihould be iin'nediaieiv re'ealcd, an ' lh.it unltfi try were, t ompliei wi.i.h, j .fli;uld frt i liitnfflf bound j in pvifiua:lcp. of trearec, in e:i ludt'Briiiih traders Irom the Elbe aod ' lue Wcl'cr. : J . ". . . February 16. w Ministry.' - r- . Lord ' St. Vtiit't'ii' is ahiiully appointed TTr" ifv Lord" o f ;tie'AdTninliyi andr-adopt- fa? the ctercde'tis in--the.' Cafe '. if Lpr J" An- fon, r -i a i ih'e command of the channel fleet ; which we hear, is to be p'aced under the - iniiiifdiate order of admiiai Piingle ; hi lorj. Iliip -a (Tumi's t!ie duties ot his new oHice on VV.hipidv ncii. Mr. Tucker tontinuts to he hii -nriwate feCretair. Loid Arden & -Temple, admiral Mann and admiral. Young, re. ire fion' the board. .Mr. Marfosn the under fecretary, likewifc ufign; Mr. C. 'Wripli:. airreeabic o the elLb'.ilhed lou.iuc of itifi office Ikould .lucceed, or, as in the cafe of Sir H. Parker, b; allowed to retire. The Tresfury Boatd, wiih the exception ' of Mr. Pin, and lord Levifon Cower,' re- ma ns unddlurbrd.' Lord Eldtn is to be ' lord char.tel'or ; h? Ea'l of O'bam,. Pfi ' dnt or '' 'I i Dike of - Portland, fe.- Cfe:ary f liaif, for the home d-par mem ; fecreary ot Hate ior the y tit VOUy V i i. Low! llavkkiu.ny, ferritin d-nai.tn u of fl i'e fr the war department ; Earl of W'ellmoiruuJ, privy Lu! ; EaM of Livei pool, prelidentof the Hard of Trade : -ike riglit boti.T, P Ihim, f-relr.I-ni of ihe Uoa'd of (.'u.-.iroul ; Locd Charle Sprnrer',' joint I'cit Ma!l?r G -neral, in the room ut lord Goac ; lord ArJjn, liiaftcr i f thr Mint ; lord, (Jlenhei vie, an.l tin righ' hit. T. S.'ecle, P.y nall r!i .;, Nii;ho!as Vanfian ai d Charley , Bras'g", l' icj . Sirc!ar:cs of ihe T.rcafjry ; Mr. b-'ije-iur,'' a L"iJ of - the Trcw'tiry, ""'u the room ol L-:d Levifi.n Goer j the Vice Koyal y of Ireland, and the Mlly lhij ' of the Board rf idrrm"ce flail irniait) open ; l.nrd I.oi'g'lhontigh i to retire-I'uHTt .nubile aif.ns wuli a prnli'-n. 1'here lem.un, Unw. ever, ma y gentlemen, of whoTe fervite the ' new Miioidry propiTe to .ivail theinleive., Ui-jio .dv.l fot atnone the nun.ber are Sir C Stuarl, Mr. Duudat Mr. M o Hers ar (aid to have received . '.! . . . r i - . i i uiiDli-aiaiM a CQiiuis irom tuc mmiu oiaieumi, nil the difappo ixmetit of tbeir lionet of taih-; oil tmaiiii.jation. , . Ltuers fr'u'm vhe H '''e of tbe 7.th fay, that'. on H teiviiijT iiueli gt icc ot a cnanre in ine Btitifh mihrUiy, X, ie public funds w ilolland had ruen oii;derab!vi " The,-court of S' .- PeterflJurg,; it is faid, .has li'tnificd to the colir-et f, N.ipUs" ai d lJunu gji, that, unlets "ihey irntnediaieiy fcpaiaied iheirihterrfls from ihat of Grcai iJrirain, his imperial niajelly would no"' intercede , in their favour with the French republic. . . ' Febrnai y 23. .. KING'S INDI 1J niOT His itidjtrty.was ;3tiak,!rd with a levere fi i i fick'nefs the day before ' yfllerday. '. Yfi' terdav mornifig theM following bujl:un was pub.iflied i BULLETIN. "' x . '-.-" ; - Qieen's Hotife, FfV. a?. Hj's majeny ImJ fume rcil Ufl tught, but his fe v cf ft iihxoTmtnies. fbicriedV "! " T." G tsBOli vb . , J. R, Rkynold?, I Our Falmouth letter tit this morinng is'im pcrtant ; It brings ao ai count of four Spa nifti (hipi of the. line liavli g ; faitrd out of Fcr rul in jo 1 ii he" F r en c h - lq ' tad on u tide r G a u. ihraimie '; we, however, have the fa; if faction to learn that admiral Calders fq.udron is in fuli p'irflit of the enemv, who, it is inn doubt rd is guise up ih: Mediterranean. Some let terstlatc, thai- ihe'r.i'glilb fqnaJrcn was left ! in fr;.ht of ..lie Frtni I '' .... . y. , J..-.I A IcMer fiom Mmdcn ot the btd a reb. fla es, that thekiivg ofPruilia is de-rrmined to defend the neuna'tiy of the north ol G.'imany agdinll ihe ciiterprizo of the maritime powers by which It is graced. I' is laid, ih.n after he review in W'ti) plnba, the corps -commanded by geiwral Schlaedcn occupy' a por tion b.elweon Hanover and Hamburg, 10 be the bener able 10 protect 'h- line o dtfi lite woh which !us iiiujcll y isihaigrd. . An einha'gv 1. - faid, has tacn laid on alt trie 11' 1 i'.li v;lf:i.in 'hi juis of S.veden. ' - Th? kir-sj of Sw keri, on he tJ iiwrdirVd ail intercom ft to. aids Er'gund ; he hul dif- pauhed adtn rl Cro flair ar.a count v adi meifter toha'.lcn the aimainents forming uihjs fcveral pons. The accounts firm Sweden are to the 5'h, and'fn.-m Copenhagen to the 8 h inlt. and contains ome partuuiars ret.iifliitg the rcia 1 ous brtw.Tn thefecounirifs rd Ei gland. Sunn; batieiits are co llnitti g at Hcligo- land, ai d at Al'oni nnmberof luiall armed vefleU are fining ou', iiruded 10 truilc a s nil ibs bnglilh at the mou h ot die i Ibe, -P'itre Aolpbusis appointed cimmaridani of Hanover. . ' PARIS. February t. Letters from Copenhagen of ttietitli-Januairy ' Hile, that Mr. OtTcn, the Dimlh ambalUdoi, hid " let our? for Bourdcux, ihrre to rmbrk. tor jjonh I Amrrirl 'Tl f.hirir t i.it tnilTlon is flid to hr ' -J ..?'r-C w commercial i.r.ngement between . the ' twa very ; cdurutues. ' v . FeDruary 83. i Letters from Bavonne, of ihe 1 6th Feb. announce Have extorted fron'tne necefTiHes of Hollani, ieif;ealurte.t 'd. i.h'eaTiOTsTirea'bi'cftyi longer 'to purthafe even a precarious pro;ec. -hon.forihs reinnart-cf theirrade 'ftomj tlie power of the nortIiiliyad;yansferhj:ir '. Curtoni to a.ilag, ,'ut)deiviich their property will.bavo,ariiefcapijig. the vigiiance of' our cruizers. " If Atncfica-roakes TioberTlfe ' cf the advantage-thafcTen'j itfclfij if ins ad heres faihfuU'y.to he r t rea t y ' with, us, nh i c b fontaTnl a formal proteft agiirilfAhe prefint " prerenlions of the riouhern .'powers,he war, winch now app.'-ars inevitable between us and . thole powers will be former a golden harveft. Every lack of coffee, ever banei of fug.ir, . in (hort, he whole ofrthc produce of thofe Weft-India iflands, which areliiot in our band mull rot upop the ground,- or mu.1 be carried ; in, American ' bottoms. N.iy,-4hcir.id? iri Europe, between our'Tcyeral maritime .ene mies, Riuft be carried 60 byt'he, aid of Aln- rican (hips. Nqodier flag svilt, in ai y cale", flielter it from oiir-rliolt.l'ity: ;Thc iile ftit of mariiime powefSi -fVunT Rullia to pain. the .ertai'ri in-ellige-ice ot the 'decUrai.oo oil war" l i m'fl beroma tributary to tliis folityHtbol SHiglllftP0ltU. ,' - '..- 'V I L,f iVi-n.-lfh.n with R.lliii.l anrl U -r.VnnnV -Ir wis not Mohhrur Syi: a, the Pope's rnvoy, but. .- " r- - . . k n I ruh iMlhOp (ol Vatcrt.id.Uiched tu the Ifg- ', "i lion ol pain, who w. t ficluuieX the day bctoie yeftcrdaV t ) the Firft Conful. i . I M. de Ksleclchew, ihe'Ruf&an tmbalTador arrived this day at Paris. .-'" " ' l etiei from Vienna ftste, that Count Cobcnzenbcl ii p ouiied M.mb(Tiuor, on the part ot the Exnperor, to the Freo h Republic'. .' There ii no" doubt tut that the new FnglinS Mi niher wii m.ke overtures of peace, but it ist.ilfcihat hr has dvue fo already, as reported at London and Puis. "...'... - 'A ptivate letter from Berlin, of the nth Feb. f..y, ihai t' e Englifh govetr.witnthas lent an 'agent to RalTta ottenu jiy to fion lh iuccoip. to in piiion eis, but really, wiih intent to propffe.ter i.s ot ac coi m ;d.lio., - but that he was Obliged to reiurn to England. . " " . It is f id that alt differences between the Fmperor o lluluiand the K ng if ucnmaik, Jiave beta' Ict tled. ... i ' . , - . - , . A S S . U, April 14. From secrtunts, iercn ly received I.OM " vai ifta t quirtrir',' ii wuld -teem, that 01. r .Gove nmejit has actually decljiid war agatnft the Dne' . nd. vwetts, si it hisordi-icd the reduttion of their Well-India Colonies; ' ' ' '' " By thf arrivst of H M. S. B nn, we tie inf rmed c( liie capture of tkc Ill.ud of ;t Brtholoiiew Irom ihe SweUL-. in .1 St Miitins fr nn'thc trench- and Duch. A fo of ilie b ockitle of ihe-Dnilh lfland O' 1 liumas's. by lour ot H M. Ships, with, it is fuppoferi, a luf!i: ent number of men lor its c-p'urr; but we uridc'itmd, Irom the nem e,t ol French iu h.hiuitts and iteg'o , tliat .efiRance will be made a ljOJ have vr,!un te ed '.heir fi i v ires to thai G vri n ni ni, ihuuvh the Commaiuiant ii i f id, has rdu ed Uuiki.HJ t!iem with ttnt. A' ni u U'iCHWO.th was hour y :x?e !cl Irum Windwaidi al.cr Hiecsptuie ol tie abt-ve I!Wdi, to efefi th: corr.p ete fclocrude ol S.. lb in rnl '.'. r: ivbbt,t,-&c r Fcbtuary iR. We rccmcd th's morr in bv exprefs, Paris papers 10 the 3jih inll. Iliey to;iiain - vcrv in irtatr inteiWenre inJeed a length we arc enabled 10 Ly before .'our readers lb; liea y of juare between France, Auftria, tr.d the Gmiunic emjnie, for which the emperor anVrs. The jKincip.il aiticle are : Tnc cellioii of hu' triiierLitdt'lo France, nd ti e country ot , l'ilkenUcin and in: ir.ck.ha1. r lflria, )a!mii, the Venetian illsndi io the AJiia.ir. and Venic. are continntil to the Emperor. The Brifgau is given up 10 the Dako if Ntodeni, . Hi G a-d U.k; ol Tuf:a-y t.t give vp l'uf.a-y 11 ihe iiifi"! I) i'e of Par nil, and is ia receive art iiidcrmn.y in Gfiniany 'I lie emu. ior conf r-i f.' the German cin p re, thai fr-ntf Jjnli pifj-p ad the cun-tj Jiieijin .hi -lu link" of ;be RJni.C. w'lirh!. operate as an awcviawon 01 me eviu,.t.n'v eni, dure, when ihey teflect ihar the riches which their malice is thus pouring info the Up of , America, willj in great p:.rt, find thtu' way, to the treafures of that very" nation whom ijicV -.i . 1 1 r; wilh to impovertlh ana oellroy. . ' . . .' - . '',-.- A poftfeript of a letter from an in-'. tc'ligentgentleniah itiNalJau, (N. P.) .-. to a rclpedable mercantile hc.ulo m this city, da'ed tl)e iith tilt: ''mentions : '. fi The ' Jmlg'C t'clareil ycfterday in court, that condemnations of American velTels 'to .Spanifl) 'pons wvre illegal That he had received orders from Eng land,. direditig rell'mition to be mailc ly ovvnersofprijuteers. Thidouks welU'V; "We -are informed tlut-dirpau4ie'-!iav-been rrceiyetl troni Mr, King, our'niinil ter refldius at London, flaiin that tlie tiiolV pofniv- art'uraiice had been tivert him by the' Briiifh Rnve.iinicjiLiJiat vi f goruusniealui eV ""'w'ouid'li'iimeiatt'ly'te'W- fed to put-a flop to the depiediiironi coiu itiitied on enr commerce by iheirjcn.izers ) that tbey difapproveil of the tpndutlL of heir admiralty courts in the Well. Imiies, and of theit t-xienlive conltruc'tiAn ofcofi traiiiul .articles; and that new judges, ' men ot uttJom and intenruy with liberal falarief, would fliovtly be fent out, with power 10 rcltram the liceiitious fpirit.of privateering. The' Archduke Chirlcs wa bufily employ. Bas, rtwoKE, ' iVlar.h 3J Ordcr5 were uf'ted at the War OfTioc at Waih ngion, mi Wednefday lalt, tor the Herald lloop'of war, now at B0M011, to fail invm-dia'cly to call in the cruifers of the UniicdSta.es on t)ie Welt India llatlon. All letters of marque againlt the vef-" (1 r t-. ... , II tela ot ttic rreneu Kepublic, are ntiu and void. 7 t'wzex Cayr. Parfons, arrived at Cape Ani?i MaflachufetiJ on the 1 Si h nh. informs, jlat .the ti irate Gergif Wamiiij.'tun, . would be tcidy to leave Qtmllaiuiiiople, by the ill of Jin. 101, but without the Algetine.ambalfador, as the jraud feiiior laU imprilonvd him and taken tare ot the pieleiits, bavins declared war againlk tbem tnul the Tiinifuii9, in cnnfrqiience of their tnakiitp; peace with Krai-ce. Pliey ha?e alfo taken a Tunifian admiral tbac w,a therewith rreleits, an'it coi.fi i'ca:ed all the property of burh nations. What was lound it Smyra l.rlore eapt.P. failed, amdtn.ted to two lailhous' 'of pialteifc and tipwarJs. Extruft 0 a letter J ram .St. Kittt to a gentleman in PIALdlphht dated March i, 1S01. ,. " Within this fortnight pill we h3ve WILMINGTON, r Ai'KIL ?3. i8ot. On S'ltidiy lalt Mil's Polly Cook was led to the Alter ct Hymen by Mr. Jona than Aver) 1 mtithjrt cd this town. -I Among the ne, vis jifok. we find mc.tlon made ol lev tal vrlTcl ham at ucd in ths thinnel by tV F.e-.-h ,,r v-tren, inning which ws a laig Und I WO (ttiell III thiS pott, lietWteii mnl- Mr. "I I Ampiifin lh in r.nl. Se.lt Ifiluim ' lh.1 lie in..... Th. Rrlt urn Cmt..Ut I... , ,. , 1 -If 1 s I " ----- - - inuMiin. "i . - I'l'itm vj CU.atiait was c:.uv.n h. it nS uiruuc.; tncl. b .renm Mer.ced t.ie tspture Ot . American Mr.Cranenf rl,e Uiufrl S...... ili-ndi: ir between vor lo.rtJiore.a g.'oJ utj Auilna ar.d Rulha. Ftbn.a.y SJ. His majeflv's. prctetn ilu.-l's orlginS'd in a cold catgut eti the fall dyf h frii p t the Chapel Royal 1 On the Snridiv Ldl-wiiV, there as fMie R ght degtre of f.-vci and h 1 mane paini, wh.t h uu i:i...'d ra hfr o imi .ale but not in a msni.er to orodtn e aUnu unni Sunday tall ; nor was it f.i;i.K".Ud that the. lon.roHsthnSu miy b-.fie, with rive or fit paTT n. ktti ',sit.d.!po!i ;n teo.; d have tctom feriont f" - wno.w.m tt.ecte 1. 11 ad no; hi, mai-ftv la. i.n'.e.v la c for fcve.al ,a"otfU bt e ,,a, d- ' 1 . ... . IT . : -i - 1: . t UwCa,tB.enaL..ivi at.Korfolkror, St. ' JVi'.a'. !" which Mr. Crane received the ( ro x. -e lcai 1I..1 a reat cuatmit on pnva lei" A I his antagOnitt unl fell tb woo.m a nni the 1 It ''iuu i ihere, fr?m as a preb'tiri in it not mortal. . The fetor.! was by Mcilis. ih.t t e fl..i" wou.d- Le blockaded b. lie Da ifh. vViotnTnfon and Livin-lton, t;irce davs a C.pt. B en.n .fo.nfoims, thai he.Di-ia 2n,l.lb M Liviosfini received the fall of rur,C bt Bf ! d, btdUen funk by a fua nb ?. ' -i . . 1 1 1 J4 ,1 r.tin.notani.'sur. 7 his antionill in hit lorehead aul rxpuccl On in' fi ll i.irtaut, K S. E. of ihe Cspei, th few minutei alter. fwH- -or Fntn-JoVp. I Naftolk. cax Micnamara, jhe amc Jc,jr menlioin sthat the wiiucii Q i.um npwiiiii, tins eu 11 leu n.'.. Gauges would not, proceed to India ' I A very curious and intetedinr ferns pillc'i, on t he jl ol J.inmry lalt, at the ....1. 11 anr.U-i. J l.:mfplf n liiililie ln.linltt ... ..... - . op -ri';-' r- 1 ' ; In r-aretipinc 4 London paper ot the iiih hiimf or the London lvoyal bicieivj thef;Tr, w!ix,i oa Mmday w.t if , - , i( ijl4 ul we find Cms very ingem- fume Tah.able books, imgnilirently batiml, ihathi p if waia. t4o, nad fubfidd a ile j J Qn ,hc Confederacy cf .he were u-ft.ited ta the (oc.cty from ihe on Tiiefd.y ; .i,dlad...g,i .c had ihe la,.s. Ni,fihM)( poweM, A( (Iffcilt itf hive , National Indj.ute of France. A letter of fail.o.i of.,ca.g iha. h.s nnj iily was fo,,. ,m, r,in ,or lhem,hfCont;u lhlU r , ; cmnpUment accompanied the piefenr. w;.as Deticr inaa nc ou wrtu m iih !'. thefe icmirks, for which we are greatly finned Buonaparte, Prefi le r.t of the Na ...Md jari of .he G.;man em -ire. bren fem, is k.lled ; irHim touliy 'rvuteJ g.v.-s up D '( Id ..Ii. Lh.enSretm, Puli.pf. H , ' ilery ukpn kuri. G IL., K b , rd Old lit,f4C. -lhe lhr r gf tul t hapni. wis TippooS f-rutiCi' b" hav if en ditCvllcHd nf-irti a'v le. u brount o En.a d on bsid ihe Iniva, lonevoo the u I h,tnl,,aif .11 t li.u. m ti.Kd 01T th? t'g'i-. Houiii I, S!' x.rUjd, La lia,'ant te I ll opine, are included in -h? Irriiy, Th rra y is to be raidi.d in thirty dajs frotn ih ninth of 1 bruary, . All ih" in'anl rcpuVlits are to be deflated independent, and to be Under ihe pi.ttlim tf ihe,prrn (li e. 1 , The fina iiie of the lira V trolucd, 11 m'j'ube cs-acJt V A W a; Pru. a I 1 1 r i l I ,ng, wnen me bulletin 01 n.-a.m was u.iwn up. . b k whicll h nol ytt mcl lhs lionallnlthuteand Full Confol ol Fiance j the ';b;i'uS5SV"V,nicVc add a word ov two and on the letter a finely executed ,,. g mtrlgeHce from, 'd'a. Jlie eW . ,eftl ' , ,c eff4 d,lnu2e ad . prvSt , tienettf, reprefeutinR Liberty fiog o, whtch'-liUniied States of Amrrica m ill de-j the open ocean in a icollup ibell, with . rive from a war between us and the' nHt.trn . Ib following inottti t Libit dt .VUr, powers . Uifi tes fupplying us' widi a great ) Sir jofeph Baoki read the leiur, ami ptic pro.ionion of thofc articles of traie, wniih ws the q ietlion,' that m Utter ot thanks be Kond!b. air.n whoni Cl. Welt Uy hai . .. - 1 . 1 . 1 wi.li i. i.iher French ooV.ert. A'tnyms liaveJ ern lecn'f rd of 4 Spintfh Mai ol the Ime h vtr ilTJted a 1 fl nn i.h the Fit ill 'j.Hfun wH h fail'd (mm B'ttt a I w weeks flint, 1 h'y j lined r.fT Cape Fin-Aenei snd fiom ihe emi f no purthale from ilufe who can fcarcely ba f a'ded our' eilomrrt t bcfidcs (ellini ut great quantities f pitch, tar, turpentine,. p-t and pari aint, ail iron ; D.Jtaef tatsTtvawnip in I ri'V 1 mea r.u gape I.i'Httiei sno no ir.e cmii? 1 1 - . ... , I .l.i h ;hty writ Iren i-stteer.it iif.p'ed ititihi comctd", AinJrtca will bicome a mill dan aaiiiinoufly car lied. wiiuh was u ton i.i.iffl.t.ncfgn is (nnilA , " Manrrrsnea.. g:rom rival to ins norttier'i powers in navi 1 O hrrp.T.elime, ihtTnoctof Waleipsiketfaf, gumn. . lln cat fytng" triJe pf jhe Baltic, W,U Pjf' enl',y io'" Thfei It fh.tsutthel nr, whirh ! "in th! dlrraioa ol I itif . . r . ' , po'tid !) i i" q w:" tlita Ujna nj or Cap Fiioitirs aai Uanet,- but particularly t!i: iwo latter, Os the applicttion of the Ameriean merchants to the iltiiifh Ciortiimem, they are r.ow allowed to export to he V, Stutes fuch articUc as I sve Urn tifnally perniine.l l lie expir ed, withdtit the toti.li.i rt .f rrry iiriuc Aran ica fliips , hainc luch articles 01 buArdtof-11 wiihcor.yj). a i 4 t 4 x 1 : 7 ' rK"